Where to Buy
Thank you for asking about our CG. Our shop has reopened so you can buy CG. You can find our products on Amazon when the Earth Clinic online shop is closed.
Here are the Amazon links:
8 oz CG: https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Clinic-Colloidal-Liquid-Support/dp/B09WYBMKQX?ref_=ast_sto_dp
16 oz CG: https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Clinic-Colloidal-Gold-Red/dp/B09RZCWV3M?ref_=ast_sto_dp
4 oz Double Colloidal Gold: https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Clinic-Colloidal-Gold-ppm/dp/B09Y6459KN?ref_=ast_sto_dp