Broad Benefits
(Ny City)
Hi Millicent - (pretty name)... I just turned 73,,, with a lot of med problems...depression (like hell), all over pain, etc. etc. I did bio HRT years ago but stopped. Well, I thought I would give DHEA a try (orally this time) which might alleviate the excruciating STRESS and adrenal fatigue among other medical issues which I won't go into. I bought a brand which is supposed to be the best and an old Alternative doc I used to see advised taking this brand. Well, I'm scared...I started taking 5HTP a couple days ago for depression and the reviews are great. So, now I am wondering when should I start the DHEA. I am dealing with such devastating issues in my life,, alone, with literally no-one to turn to. So, I am happy and encouraged by your results with DHEA. How many mgs. do you take? Also, if I may....what is your general age range. I am trying to compare what your results are with my possible results at 73,,, having aged before my time, due to devastating circumstances,,, what can I say,,, life!!!!!
Thanks - be well,,, stick with Mother Nature and we can't go wrong!
(New York)
Regarding DHEA,
I am postmenopausal and I love my DHEA supplements. I do not stick to one brand. I have mentioned DHEA on several occasions on Earth Clinic usually along with other supplements. I have been on DHEA at least seven years now. When it comes to a "mind to accomplish, " DHEA has given me the mind to do great things. Even when I felt like I did not have strength to do great things, I had the desire to do something creative.
In the supplement reviews, some people have said they lost weight while taking DHEA, I didn't notice that. When my body has pains and stiffness, I also use other supplements for energy and healing. The DHEA definitely helps me chase anxiety, and I can see things done, I get moving, though sometimes slow. If I throw D3, Vitamin E and Coq10 in there, try to catch up with me.
I started with DHEA 5mg, and stayed 25mg daily a few years. At 71 years of age now, sometimes take 50mgs. My clinic does not test for DHEA, so I just keep the dose at a senior citizen low.
Here is helpful information about DHEA:
I was interested to read your comments on DHEA, and would agree that it is a wonderful supplement. I find when taking it that my arthritic pain diminishes, I can walk for longer, and am able to accomplish daily household tasks. I'm 86 years of age this year. However, there was one very big drawback, when taking it my anger went through the roof! And sometimes over the smallest thing.
I wish I could report otherwise, because it is great to be able to cope with everything that needs to be done in a day, but I could not live with the overwhelming anger.
I have read a couple of articles by other people who have experienced the same thing, so I'm not alone. You may be one of the lucky ones.
I started off taking 10mgs, which did nothing for me, then moved on to 25mgs. Perhaps the smaller dose may be enough for some people. It's worth a try!
Best wishes.
30.9-295.6 ug/dL is the range for DHEA Sulfate. I test frequently no Doctor involved. I am Male 74 150#. If I take 25mg/day of DHEA my DHEA Sulfate levels will be high and will be over 300ug/dL, so to keep my levels in range I split the tablet and take 12.5mg daily which keeps my levels in mid range. I highly recommend frequent blood testing at least twice per yr. I find Medicare blood test inadequate as the test is basic and does not fit my needs and I rarely use the service.
Hi. Happened across your DHEA post. Wanted to suggest that you check out taking Garcinia Cambogia for mood. It raises seroton in the brain like an SSRI. Another thought is relora and/or ashwagandha. But that garcinia cambogia really seems to be a mood helper, and it might soothe any temper issues. :)
Anyone already on an anti-depressant shouldn't take garcinia cambosia without first talking with a pharmacist or MD about it.
(New York)
Hi Gracie,
I enjoyed your post.
Quite a few people on the Amazon reviews says they get the same situation you do. Do you take vitamin E?
I am just wandering if it's the vitamin E why I don't have that reaction from DHEA. I started taking it during perimenopause.
(New York)
Vitamin E for Menopause Symptoms and Anxiety
Menopause for me finished at fifty-five, But it started like this:
Somewhere in my late thirties, I began waking up every so often with all my nightclothes wet. After one scary event, I called my mother and said, "Mother I must have had a fever, I woke up with all of my clothes wet." That is when she told me that I might be going into menopause.
I used to order Prevention Magazine in those days, because I loved to read, and it was a little paperback book. One day I read that 800 IU of Vitamin E could help when going through menopause symptoms. The vitamin E cut out the night sweats. I also found out that when I took the Vitamin E it took away that uneasy feeling, you know like, you might smack someone at any moment.
I remember, a woman sitting next to me on the choir was fanning herself wildly, and I whispered to her, "Vitamin E 800 IU." That's all I said. When I saw her again she said she went to her doctor and he put her on 800 IU Vitamin E.
Here is a pubmed experiment.
After menopause, I decreased to 400 IU Vitamin E because I learned that it helps prevent heart disease.
Energy, Arthritis
On several occasions I've written about pain from arthritis in my lower back, thighs, knees, wrists, pelvic area, and over the years have taken many supplements to help with this, but hand on heart I cannot say that any have truly worked (Please, no one suggest taking borax because I've taken this for quite a long time, and I live in hope that it is doing some good but the arthritis has never gone away).
In April this year I had the two covid vaccinations, and it was shortly after that I experienced a massive flare-up of symptoms, and wondered whether the flare-up was connected to the vaccinations. However, about this time I was taking MSM, and continued to do so until just recently, but my arthritis symptoms increased plus I was thoroughly depressed, and with the pain and depression some days I didn't want to carry on living. Then one day I left off the MSM and within a day or so I began feel much better. The arthritis pain was still there but to a lesser degree, but the depression had lifted. I honestly believe that I was reacting badly to the MSM but who can say?
Recently, in the hope of living an active life as possible for an octogenarian, I purchased some DHEA, 25mgs, and it worked wonderfully. My walking, balance, energy, definitely improved and I felt as though I had a better quality of life. BUT (why is there always a but?) my anger levels went through the roof over the smallest thing, and I understand that this a side effect of taking DHEA. I've tried taking half a capsule but this doesn't work. Yes, the anger issues lessen, but it does not help very much with the energy levels and arthritis.
Does anyone have a solution to this?