DMSO Application Tips
Response- to take anything above the chest 5-10% solution. Anything below the chest you can go higher. Internal use I have mixed it with wormwood in a 5% soultion and have used tsp amounts without any issue--remember this is a solvent so as a solvent this will penetrate lipids and the brain is a lipid so anything north of the chest line- reduce this will apply as well with some of the essential oils. Some are potent solvents and penetrents. Hope this helped.
DMSO Application Tips
The reason that the FDA is against DMSO for home use is because it basically dissolves almost anything and takes it along for the ride. Since it is readily absorbed into the skin, anything dissolved in it is also absorbed. This can be dangerous if you inadvertantly come in contact with a hazardous chemical while using DMSO. Many things that are safe when placed on the skin aren't necessarily so when they are absorbed into the body.
DMSO should be stored in glass containers (not plastic) and whatever area on the body it touches should be extremely clean. Be very conscious of not contaminating your bottle by dipping anything into it and make sure any container you use is also clean. As long as you're careful, you shouldn't have any problems.
DMSO Application Tips