Sleep, Depression and Meditation
I found 5 HTP and am really impressed at how my life has improved. I take 2 50mg capsules about an hour before I go to bed. I finally go into a deep sleep and I awake in the morning loving life again. I feel refreshed. I feel like 5 HTP has restarted my serotonin and melatonin production. I feel that I don't need to take every night because now I naturally start to get sleepy, but I still do anyway. My depression is much improved.
Several things I noticed taking 5 HTP. Less is better. Start at 50 mg's. Too much will cause vivid dreaming. Sometimes I am aware that my short term memory is impacted. I am observing if 5 HTP makes a learning issue worse or better and how it effects my memory.
I am an energy healer and meditate on a regular basis. Serotonin and melatonin are produced by the pineal gland, the gland of enlightenment. I am finding that my inner experiences and process seem to be highly supported by 5 HTP.
5-HTP for Children
He started on 50mg every night. His psychologist saw the same results with the 5HTP as children on prescribed drugs.
It's been a miracle for him. I have since then also taken it since our family seems to have anxiety problems and ADD runs in the family and it has helped very much with these problems.
I usually take 100mg to 200mg daily depending on my stress levels at the time. We are so grateful our little grandson did not have to take Prozac or a similar drug. I would highly recommend it as a first choice to try at least.