I heard about fulvic acid speeding the recovery of many ailments, tendonitis included, so I thought I would give it a go, I had nothing to loose, and my left arm was now practically useless. I had trouble getting dressed, couldn't raise my arm even high enough to shave, couldn't even put my hand on my hips, it just dangled there. I am happy to report that it is now nearly recovered, and I am shocked how far it has come in such a short amount of time. I can now do anything with it that I need to without noticing any pain. I still need to rebuild strength in it for lack of use all these months, but that should come in time. The only time I do feel a slight twinge of pain is when I reach back to undo my bra, but I feel even that is only slight, and in a short amount of time I will not feel that anymore either.
Other pluses about taking fulvic acid was that my left eyebrow grew back in. For years I've had a bald spot about 1/4 inch on my left eyebrow, that I just penciled in, I have hair there now, blows my mind. My eyelashes are longer too. I have so much hair on my head, that I can't tell if it is fuller or not (sorry), this would be worth a shot for those who have thinning hair and could afford to test fulvic acid for this condition, might take longer than 3 months to test though. Toe nail fungus is gone. Although I didn't have it very bad, just a little on 2 toes on my right foot, but it is gone now. Three black heads I have on my face, the smallest one is gone, and the 2 larger ones are much smaller now. All these little pluses tell me I am healing from the inside out.
Other supplements I took on a daily bases with weekends off (I always rest my body of any supplements on weekends). These I took before tendonitis.
1.)Greens drink )My multi vitamin/mineral.)
2.)Vitamin E (to keep from having hot flashes)
3.)Cod liver oil (twice a week)
4.)Magnesium oil
5.)Vitamin D3 (twice a week)
6.)Extra virgin coconut oil
When I got the tendonitis, I still took all the above, but took some additional sups as well, all fresh herbs I cap myself. All for inflamation and pain reasons.
1.)Turmeric with fresh grated black pepper
2.)Ginger root powder
3.)Yucca root powder.
Now this is the part you are going to hate, because I can't tell if one is better than the other, but I took 2 different kinds of fulvic acid. In the morning mixed in my greens drink, I took the fulvic acid minerals 300X strength 12 drops from optimally organic. In the evening I took one ounce in 8 ounces of water of the Wu Jin San Fulvic acid from Bioag.
The fulvic acid from Optimally Organic was bitter that's why I hid the taste in my greens drink, but the Wu Jin San has no taste at all, so I could take that in water.
Just a few more things I want to add before I close is the amount of energy I had. It did not seem to matter if I had 2 hours sleep or 9 hours sleep, I always had the energy to make it through the day. I also found myself happier, laughing so much more, I just feel better all way around. I still get my monthly, and it has been steady for these 3 months. Exactly 31 days cycle, like I did when I was young. This past year and a half, my period became irregular, sometimes it would come every 3 weeks, sometimes I would miss a month, never knew when it would hit, but these 3 months have been right on Q. I hope I covered everything, and was clear enough for everyone. Writing is not my best feature, Peace, Rena.
P.S. BTW 49 year old female
Where to Buy: Australia
My question is of what ingredients are they composed and how sanitary is the production? I have never heard of them before and like to know these things. Thank you
Still, as with all things, I like to give my body a rest after a week or two of anything. So, for instance, if I am taking herbs, I'll go for a full week or maybe even two and then stop for a day or two before I return. That is a protocol embraced by many. That way the body does not become completely dependent upon something to stay healthy. Hope this helps you. Lisa
General Feedback
Can someone please advise me on how safe is it to use shilajit everyday? It is one of the ingredients in a green food powder I am considering to take and I do not know much about shilajit. Is it an herb that is suggested to be used for a period of time only? I think I read somewhere that in texts it has been suggested for use for one year at the most.
Broad Benefits
I don't know if you are aware, but the brand you are using isn't just fulvic acid, it's ionic minerals in a fulvic acid base. Not that you may care, just to let you know. I also bought this brand first, then I realized what it was, so then I bought the other from bioag which is just fulvic acid, and am currently using both. The kind you have in the morning and the other in the evening.
May I ask how old you are, and how long have you been using it? Also, what conditions are you using it for? It is wonderful stuff isn't it, Peace, Rena.
Smoking Addiction
I use a concentrated form of fulic, 350 times in liquid form. I add 12 drops to to juice or tea. It seems to react to milk so don't use that. Also, as it is a chelator it's highly reactive so don't buy it in any kind of plastic container, only glass. Plastic is also now found to contain a chemical that might contribute to erectile disfunction so stay away from it as much as possible. I won't even use a plastic cup with fulvic acid because of how reactive it is.
EarthClinic won't let us post specific products but maybe they'll let these key words through so you can find it on your own if you do a search. Fulvic Acid, Optimally, Organic. If they let this through then you'll find a supplier that provides several reports on the site that tells of the many other benefits of fulvic acid and one that offers the best value I've found so far in a quality product in a glass container.
Where to Buy: USA
Where to Buy: USA
I am currently taking fulvic acid. Like you, I had no guidance in which one is the best to take. I am only on week 2, way to soon to report anything. I am planning on reporting after 3 months use.
My health complaint at this time is bursitis in my left shoulder, which runs all the way down past my left elbow. For some reason I have very weak tendons. About 7 years ago, I had tennis elbow in my right arm, and it took about 5 years for it to completely recover. I am trying to speed up the progress using fulvic acid, because like most health issues I know it is due to some kind of deficiency.
I am a long time Earth Clinic reader, a big fan of this site. I will report my results, good or bad, but only in due time, unless of course the ailment recovers before hand. Peace, Rena.
Broad Benefits
Where to Buy: USA
I want to take it as a mineral supplement as my family has no known illnesses. I simply want to get the amount of fulvic acid that one would get if our soil wasn't depleted.
Thank you!
Where to Buy: USA
All the product names or web site addresses have been removed from the posts. I understand EC's policy of not advertising products. But humic acid powder is not easy to find like ACV or Vitamin C. It seems to be sold in agriculture as fertilizer. So I think this is a case where the removal of product/web site names is very unfortunate.
IMO I now think that this policy could be relaxed.
Where to Buy: USA
Some sites include:
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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