Grapefruit Seed Extract: Amazing Health Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sarahd (Spain) on 01/22/2016

Editor's Choice

I started taking GSE for a UTI after nothing else had worked. For 2 weeks I took 6 tsp a day of D-mannose, about 700 billion cultures of probiotic a day (very high, not recommended if you are toxic) and 6 tsp a day of alkalising salts (very high, I built up to this level over months during an alkalising programme).

Miraculously, the GSE started to heal this very stubborn UTI infection that had been causing me a fair amount of pain and discomfort. When I started the GSE, I was desperate to heal the UTI so I took 40 drops every 2 hours and began to see a difference within hours. I upped the dose to 80 drops every 2 hours and within 24 hours I was completely pain-free. Then I gradually reduced and started intuitively dosing using muscle testing and came down to 50, then 40, etc and, after a week, am currently on between 2-5 drops every 2 hours.

The (very happy! ) side effect of all this GSE is a lump on my arm that I'd had for 8 years (it was an ingrown hair bump that had swelled up and never gone away) is now completely flat after just 8 days of taking the stuff.

The skin on my face looks amazing - clean, clear, fresh.

My head feels amazing - I no longer feel groggy in the mornings (this must be that the candida have been reduced). To put into context, I eat a mainly vegan, grain-free, sugar-free, high raw diet, so didn't think I had that much candida to start with but I must have done, since the difference after a week or so of GSE has been amazing and I feel wonderful now.

The whites of my eyes are whiter.

I feel calmer, more balanced, clearer thinking, cleaner inside somehow.

All in all I am a complete convert - it's brilliant stuff! I have just started my 15 year old daughter on GSE to help heal her acne and will report back on progress in a few weeks. She will be taking 15 drops 2 times a day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pam (Groveland, Fl) on 09/14/2011

I've taken Grapefruit extract pills for tooth pain and swelling and it takes care of the pain right away and by the third day all seems well. I take it most of the time at night time for several ailments, however I miss some as well and can notice the difference. Last night I had menstral cramps and normally have to take three advils for severe pain, however I did not have any so I popped two grapefruit ones instead and took care of the pain. I slept through the night! Now the only pain I had left was my hubby; cracking his knuckles! ;] if only the extract could silence him!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cheryl (Sturgeon Bay, Wi) on 08/29/2011

For over a month I had a white coating on tongue diagnosed as thrush. Was given 2 doses of nystatin. Didn't work. Was told to get Grapefruit seed extract as acts as antifungal. Took internally for one week. The next week I emptied the capsules and put it directly on my tongue. After 3 days the white coating was definately better. Been 6 days now & almost completely gone. Will continue for another week to take internally & put on tongue to make sure gone.. Notice I feel better now also. Not as tired & my bowel constipation has cleared up. I think this is a wonderful cure & it works!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Trish (Antwerp, Belgium) on 06/27/2011

I have used grapefruit seed extract for the past 2 and half years and it is wonderful for getting rid of a cold or flu ( I take a teaspoon 3 times a day for the flu) and also treats acne when used topically. I actually use it for more than just that but of course doing your research is all part of using non-allopathic remedies. I have a link if anyone is interested. I do not purchase grapefruit seed extract though, I make it at home. It's not hard to do. You do the prep and such, then it has to sit for 4 to 6 weeks. Then strain the solids out and there you have it. You can find on ehow or youtube how to make it I believe.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jody (Boston, Ma) on 01/01/2011

I use the liquid form (diluted in water, as per the directions) of grapefruit seed extract (or GSE). It helps me with a wide variety of issues: keeps my digestion on track, seems to stop colds in their tracks, and (once you get past the taste, which is admittedly bitter), it makes for a VERY refreshing gargle/mouthwash/mouth rinse. (More specifically, you feel refreshed when you are finished rinsing. ) It also seems to make my tongue pinker and healthier looking and my teeth whiter, though I may be imagining that part. I also like to use it externally as a face wash (I make a sort of homemade paste or mask using a few drops of the GSE, some baking soda and a bit of water. )

It can also be used (diluted in water) to wash veggies. I don't have pets myself, but I have read online in multiple places that it is also useful for treating various animal ailments. Overall, it has turned out to be quite a miracle treatment for me with an astonishing array of uses. I am so happy there are communities like this one where we can share our stories of natural healing. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Janet (Alexandria, La, United States) on 10/21/2010

Grapefruit Seed Extract is excellent treatment for the following:
1. Diverticulitis: Mix 2-3 oz orange juice with 6-15 drops of GSE at the first sign of pain or dull ache, and continue 2-3 times a day until the danger goes away.

2. Any sign of illness: same as above.

3. Sore Throat: Same as above, but gargle it in your throat before swallowing.

4. Bleeding Gums: Place 6 drops of GSE in the reservoir of a water pik, along with an ounce of Hydrogen Peroxide. Fill the reservoir with warm tap water and use the water pik as directed on package.

5. Acne and any minor wounds: place one drop of GSE in the palm of your hand, and one drop of tap water. Mix it up with your finger, and rub onto the wound. This reverses the progress of infection and inflamation. Overnight success!