I had been taking inositol for a few months and then ran out. I went without it for over a month and began noticing things going downhill. My joint pains returned with a vengeance, my mood started sinking, and was hungrier than normal. I will be getting my inositol today in the mail and will return to adding it to my bottled water, its the powder form. I can only say high praises for it! Must be something I needed. By the way, I was losing weight, while also doing intermittent fasting, much quicker on the inositol than I am during this month without it.
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I could not find any to the point studies; however, I found a video lecture by Dr. Westin Childs that was quite clear, and addresses the subject, and gives a suggested dosage.
He said. Myo-inositol works by balancing hormones.
Following is his YouTube video.
I hope this video answers Inositol weight loss questions.
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I have no idea why Inositol works for weight loss, but it did for me. Some people on Amazon reviews said they had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and they lost weight while supplementing with it. So I tried it.
Different companies had different dosages on the bottle. However, whatever the dosage, I stick with two capsules a day. I aim at 1000mgs daily or a little over depending on how much is in each capsule. Some brands say take four a day, I still only use two. My favorite company was Vytalife they are no longer available.
I was taking the Chromium and a few other supplements to help keep my blood sugar regulated. I had heard that Chromium may also help lose weight. I have never had any maintainable weight loss while taking chromium, but felt it was worth mentioning just in case some how they work better with the Inositol.
Interestingly, I lost no more extra weight after the 20 pounds disappeared. I am grateful that the twenty pounds stayed off whatever it was. I do more walking these days, however, I have no extra weight loss to report.
It is really easy to take inositol. You can open the capsule and put in your coffee or tea. Inositol also comes in power form, check on Amazon.
Yes, I still take inositol; I have not tested to see if the weight will come back if I stop. However, that would be an interesting experiment.
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
Inositol two 500mg capsules
One 200 mcg Chromium Picolinate (what is this for?)
Are there other supplements recommended to take along with Inositol? Thank you in advance for any answers you may share. All the best to you.
Cheers, Be
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I do Not know if inositol causes diuresis because I drink coffee and tea, they send me looking for the restroom when I am out shopping. However, to make sure it does not add to the situation, I take mine after dinner.
I take two Inositol capsules of whichever brand I buy. I started with “Now” which works very well, however because I often go with the sales, I have also used Vytalife which says use three, however I still only take two capsules. They have more Inositol and have also contributed to my weight loss.
When I first started taking inositol it kept me regular, guaranteed extra BM's, not anymore. The weight loss averaged out at about 5 pounds a month; in four months I lost 20 pounds. I eat two meals a day, breakfast and an early dinner around 2pm, I take the two Inositol capsules when I am at home after dinner.
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I do pray it works good for you too.
2022 was the first time I tried Inositol.
The other things I took for weight loss : Vanadyl sulfate, Chromium Picolinate and Super Digestive Enzymes, I have tried before with little or no weight loss. So I concluded that the inositol was the hero for my weight loss. I was twenty pounds down in 4 months after starting it.
The best thing is the weight stays off. This is amazing.
I am Past Menopause. So see how it works for you. My daughter has only gone down about 3 pounds; however, she does not take the Chromium. She was just happy that she found out that inositol made a difference with how her monthly flowed.
This is what I still take.
Inositol two 500mg capsules
One 200 mcg Chromium Picolinate
You Go Girl,
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I am going to give it a try, I need to lose weight and another posted about it helping him sleep, which would be wonderful! I will update after maybe a month or two of using it.
The powder is relatively inexpensive, and easy to take. The label says there is nothing in the powder but inositol. It is very sweet and I found I like it just fine dumped as a powder into my mouth from the measuring spoon. It would be fine to mix into anything that you drink as it has no taste except for being very sweet. I will try to remember to update if I have any changes in dose. I've never had anything for depression that didn't have really bad side effects so saying I'm very pleased would be an understatement.
I used a DIM supplement, which is made from cruciferous vegetables and helps convert estradiol to estriol, very successfully for a year and this kept the flashes and being too hot at night at bay. Then the flashes came back. Mine are not as severe as many people's are, but they were only happening at night and really interfering with my sleep.
I started using a popular brand of an over the counter progesterone cream, along with Vitex (chasteberry) which helps the body favor the production of progesterone over estrogen to help boost my levels. This also helps some, but as far as the cream, I really don't like using hormones at all, even in a low dose. And the flashes weren't gone, they were still happening far too much in frequency and intensity at night.
I began giving my mother some inositol because it is relaxing to many people and helps them sleep. I took some myself one night (1000 mg.) to see if it would perhaps help me sleep through the hot flashes. Well, it had the reverse effect on me and kept me alert and awake for half the night, but I had zero hot flashes! I decided to mete out my dose throughout the day, and yesterday I took 1500 mg. altogether spread out over three 500 mg. doses. I took the last 500 mg. before bed, this smaller amount doesn't keep me awake, esp. if I take it with magnesium. I deliberately did not use the progesterone cream last night and did not have a single flash!
Ladies, I think inositol is definitely worth trying, you can find it at your local vitamin store and it is very inexpensive! I've seen very little research on it for hot flashes, but it works well for me.
Lastly, I eat a pretty low carb diet, favoring seafood. I take antioxidants, high doses of DHA, I drink a gallon of water per day, limit my coffee to two cups per day, and avoid sugars and grains. My diet is mostly Paleo, I guess, although I do eat a small amount of organic/raw dairy. The B vitamin complex I take, however, did not include any inositol, as many of them don't. Inositol is formed by the body from glucose, and I don't eat too many foods that favor glucose production, so I possibly had a deficiency. I also recommend taking the supplement cholin along with the inositol as these two work well together. I hope this works for some of you. Bear in mind that no one supplement works the same for everyone, but at the low price - inositol is definitely worth trying!
Weight Loss, Excessive Bleeding
I have mentioned something about Inositol in a post or two.
In four months, it took 20 pounds off me, it is still off. It helped my daughter's excess heavy bleeding from a fibroid to regulate.
Here is some basic information on this supplement. You will learn the different types of Inositol and take your pick for your health and situation.
Inositol has changed my life for the better, or should I say the Best.
Helps Withdrawal from Meds
I will keep posting here on my progress. If I am understanding Inositol, you can take it just when you feel depression, anxiety or panic attack. But someone mentioned taking it every day. I know I have to see how much works for me, so I started with 1000 mg (1 g) as I was a bit nervous. Feedback very welcome;) Denise
Broad Benefits
Israeli research found it as effective as prozac or luvox for some problems, such as OCD.
Dr. Mendel Fux (Israeli researcher) uses up to 18 grams - 6 teaspoons of the powder daily. (can be bought at a reasonable price on Amazon. ) Some people are helped with as little as 2 grams (less than a teaspoon a day.)
It can take, for many people, up to six weeks or more to see benefits.
Inositol helps with depression, anxiety, ocd, trichotillomania, fatty liver, pcos, metabolic syndrome.
It is being studied also for bipolar, neuropathy, attention deficit disorder, adhd, alzheimers, resperatory problems in babies, and more.
Experimentally, inositol dosages of up to 18 g daily have been tried for various conditions.
see - http://www.med.nyu.edu/content?ChunkIID=21766
One can try using it with some Vitamin C powder.
It might be better to start slowly and build up gradually.