Health Benefits

L-Glutamine Remedies and Cures

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Ulcerative Colitis

2 User Reviews
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Posted by A Roper (Sydney, Australia, NSW Australia) on 04/18/2009

I recently had a flare of UC, got home from hospital feeling about 50%, kept taking the steroids (50mg), salofalk (2 grams), colifoam twice a day and wasn't seeing any improvement... so, after doing some research I added 5mg 3 times a day of L-Glutamine to my routine 30 minutes before meals and saw improvement almost immediately. I'd say I'm 90% to remission and I've only been taking the stuff for a week. I haven't felt this good in 2 years.

I also take a probiotic once a day, 5mg metamucil at dinner and 25mg aloe juice first thing in the morning, but I've been taking those for awhile and although they help, I don't believe they resonsible for this major improvement.

It should be noted that my UC is so bad that traditional medicine has not been effective at keeping me in remission and my doctor said if I have another flare I have to have surgery. L-Glutamine may just save me yet.

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Carol (Toronto, ON) on 02/09/2009

L-Glutamine (high dose): Upon the suggestion of a nutritionist I went to see, she claimed she didn't have a single ulcerative colitis patient to a L-glutamine. The one she gave me has a high dose of L-Glutamine along with other herbs like Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root and not much else (sorry I don't have a bottle here). It's a powder you mix with water every morning 1/2 hour before you eat anything and you need to do this for 3-5 weeks before you see results. And let me tell you I was shocked in 3w when it finally went away after over a year of daily attacks.

The premise of how it works is that when you have impaired digestion, your body doesn't break down proteins efficiently causing you to become deficient in amino acids. L-Glutamine is the amino acid necessary for rebuilding you intestinal wall which sheds itself every 5 days or so? and without that amino acid becomes damaged. By giving yourself pure form, in liquid (requiring no digestion of pills etc) you give your intestines what it needs to make a healthy lining. It was really mad at the time that something so simple recommended by a nutritionist of all people cured my colitis when I had spent huge $$$ seeing naturopathic Dr's, chinese herbalists and acupuncturists, some of which helped temporarily but the L-glutamine was the magic ticket for me.

It took a lot longer for my digestion to return to normal but the L-glutamine totally took care of my diarrhea, spasms and bleeding in 3w of faithfully drinking it every morning.

I just wanted to mention to be wary of psyllium fiber. The first ND I tried gave me a supplement so close to the one that worked but it made me worse and I know now that I can't take psyllium fiber AT ALL, but I can handle the flax fiber in this drink. And I also discovered that multi-vitamins cause me to bleed. I can only take whole food vitamins. Two things you might want to watch out for.

Replied by Emma

Hi Carol

It's so good to hear that the l-glutamine worked for you. What dose did you take? And was this only in the morning?


2 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
4 star (1) 

Posted by Rooster (Fernandina, Florida) on 08/15/2011

This is Rooster from Fla. I have been battling ulcers for 10 months. 5 days ago I started the cayenne pepper and glutamine 500mg of both 3 times a day before meals 5 days and the result is incredible. Still having a few aches and pains after meals and first thing in the morning, but no more blood and vomit and laying in the bed with pain. What a great web site I am so much better thanks to Ya'll gracious, Rooster

Posted by Feeling Fine! (Lewes, Delaware) on 09/22/2008

I had an ulcer and was prescribed Nexium. The side effects were worse then the masked symptoms, so I never finished a full 8-week coarse and battled with the ulcer for 5 months.Finally I went searching for a natural cure, found Earth Clinic and decided to try a combination of things with a twist.

I started drinking Apple Cider Vinegar (2 Tbsp) in about 2 cups of water with a 1/4 tsp. of baking soda. I drank that 3 times a day in the beginning. I also took 500mg of cayenne in a capsule 3 x a day and 500mg of glutamine 3x a day (also in a capsule form). I stopped all prescribed medications and only took an occasional TUM's when I felt I needed some extra relief.

After 1 week I was greatly relieved with only occasional flare ups but nothing that couldn't be helped with the ACV and baking soda. The glutamine is what is the active ingredient in cabbage juice which is also helpful for an ulcer, but it's hard to drink 4 cups of raw cabbage juice a day so I went for the capsules. At three weeks I was 90% there, at 5 weeks 100% better. I also think it is important to cut out all caffeine and alcohol during your healing period.

I hope that those of you suffering find some relief like I did, and thank you to all of the Earth Clinic contributors for sharing your information.

Replied by Cathy
(Lakeside, Ca)

I too suffered from ulcers for years. I got down to 105 pounds because the pain associated with eating was so bad. None of the prescriptions from my doctor helped. Finally out of desperation I decided to go the natural route (now that is my first choice, not last). My research revealed that 90% of ulcers are caused by a bacteria called H pylori. If you don't kill the bacteria, the ulcer lives on. Antibiotics can kill it, but as many testify here, apple cider vinegar ended ulcer symptoms. That is because ACV is antibacterial. Colloidal silver, iodine, peroxide and other natural antibacterials are also effective. You can take antacids like Nexium, Tums, etc for years and it will do NOTHING for your ulcer except maybe offer slight relief temporarily... But backlashes later when your body notices the lack of stomach acid and so produces even more. Doctors know about hpylori, and realize it is the cause of ulcers, as well as acid reflux and a host of other digestive problems. Some will prescribe antibiotics which can kill the bacteria, but most continue to support the pharmaceutical industry by over prescribing useless antacids like Prilosec, Nexium, etc. They also prescribe dangerous proton pump inhibitor drugs. The list of health issues from these antacids grows daily, including hair loss low energy, extreme fatigue, heart issues, and B12 deficiency.

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