Health Benefits of Lecithin: A Versatile Nutrient for Wellness

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Pay It Forward (PNW) on 02/25/2022 53 posts

The 'value' is in Dandelion's leaves & roots. Dandelion is a blood purifier which aids in the process of filtering and straining wastes from the bloodstream. It is useful in treating obstructions in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and spleen. The leaves aid in the elimination of uric acid. Use the root primarily for problems related to the liver, spleen, stomach and kidneys, and the leaf for liver, kidney, and bladder concerns. The leaves and root can make an excellent food or tea, rich in minerals, including for growing children... The flowers are used to treat a backache, depression, headache, menstrual cramps, and night blindness.

Dandelions and Lecithin
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 04/24/2014

Dandelion is the highest source of lecithin in the world. There is info on the net how to make oil out of everything. Love Andrea C xxx