Blood Clots
In 2004, I used high dose (10 capsules / 20,000 FU) nattokinase with some serrapeptase 3 times a day to cure my peripheral artery disease on all four limbs. I struggled to walk. It took around a month to resolve.
I did figure out back then through experimenting that some serrapeptase is needed for it to work.
In 2017, I cured my kidney failure symptoms with lumbrokinase. After months of trying to figure out what was wrong I concluded it must be clots. Other organs were also swelling.
Nattokinase in a small dose was useless. I used the Doctor's Best brand of lumbrokinase. It took 3-4 days of taking lumbrokinase in full doses 3 times a day before the swelling started to subside.
The problem with lumbrokinase based on Lumbrokinase Units LKU is that one doesn't have any idea what the actual Fibrolytics Units strength is. There is no way to convert the Lumbrokinase Units LKU to FU.
There is a lot of deceptive labeling for lumbrokinase. When your talking about life and death conditions, one has to be more certain. Doctor's Best brand has been the most honest and value brand for me. There is no way to compare labels due to LKU to FU conversion problem.
I am very suspicious of those low cost Lumbrokinase brands. The labeling on various brands are also horrible. You also got the higher priced lumbrokinase which seems too high.
If a brand doesn't have LKU on label then I'd avoid it. A mg measurement is meaningless also. Until some standard like maybe Buoluke uses like tPA activity, the brands can't be easily compared. They really need to find a way to get it to FU's or something.
I can only recommend buying doctors best brand for value and reliability.
I recently decided to buy the liposomal 12000 nattokinase with 12000 FU in it and that already has the serrapeptase in it instead of lumbrokinase. I haven't tried this yet.
The FU measurement shows me what I'm getting, and also I don't have to worry about the absorption aspect, it being liposomal.
One that I neglected was Nattozimes which has 6600+ FU per capsules. Nattozimes is like Nattokinase but produced in a lower cost way. This may be the lowest cost way to go. I have not tested it but I have more trust with Swanson brand name.