Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Lumbrokinase for Circulation and Cardiovascular Hea

| Modified on Oct 15, 2024
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Lumbrokinase is a fibrinolytic enzyme extracted from earthworms, known for its remarkable ability to improve blood circulation and support cardiovascular health. It offers natural protection against blood clot formation and can aid in preventing stroke and other circulatory issues.

What is Lumbrokinase?

Lumbrokinase is a group of enzymes that break down fibrin, a protein involved in blood clotting. Its natural fibrinolytic properties make it a valuable supplement for individuals looking to support healthy blood flow and reduce the risk of clot-related health conditions.

Top Health Benefits of Lumbrokinase

1. Improves Blood Circulation

Lumbrokinase helps prevent the formation of blood clots by breaking down fibrin, improving blood flow and oxygen delivery throughout the body. Enhanced circulation can benefit overall cardiovascular health and energy levels.

2. Supports Cardiovascular Health

This enzyme helps protect against clot-related conditions such as heart attacks and strokes. By reducing blood viscosity, lumbrokinase can aid individuals at risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Provides Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Chronic inflammation is linked to numerous health issues, including heart disease. Lumbrokinase has shown potential in reducing systemic inflammation, contributing to better long-term health outcomes.

4. Aids in Stroke Recovery

Lumbrokinase is often used as a natural supplement during stroke recovery to support better circulation and prevent the recurrence of blood clots.

5. Helps Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Individuals prone to DVT may benefit from lumbrokinase’s ability to break down fibrin and reduce the likelihood of dangerous blood clots forming in the veins.

Recommended Lumbrokinase Dosage

The typical dosage for lumbrokinase ranges between 20-40 mg per day, divided into smaller doses. It is usually taken on an empty stomach to enhance absorption. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized dosing recommendations.

Potential Side Effects of Lumbrokinase

While lumbrokinase is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects such as mild nausea, dizziness, or increased bleeding risk. Those on anticoagulant medications should consult with a healthcare provider before use.


Lumbrokinase offers a natural way to enhance circulation, reduce clot formation, and support cardiovascular health. Whether you are aiming to prevent blood clots or enhance recovery after a stroke, lumbrokinase can be a valuable addition to your health regimen.

Have you tried lumbrokinase supplements? Share your experience and let us know how it worked for you! Continue reading below to learn how Lumbrokinase helped Earth Clinic readers.

Blood Clots

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Prioris (ME) on 10/15/2024


In 2004, I used high dose (10 capsules / 20,000 FU) nattokinase with some serrapeptase 3 times a day to cure my peripheral artery disease on all four limbs. I struggled to walk. It took around a month to resolve.

I did figure out back then through experimenting that some serrapeptase is needed for it to work.


In 2017, I cured my kidney failure symptoms with lumbrokinase. After months of trying to figure out what was wrong I concluded it must be clots. Other organs were also swelling.

Nattokinase in a small dose was useless. I used the Doctor's Best brand of lumbrokinase. It took 3-4 days of taking lumbrokinase in full doses 3 times a day before the swelling started to subside.


The problem with lumbrokinase based on Lumbrokinase Units LKU is that one doesn't have any idea what the actual Fibrolytics Units strength is. There is no way to convert the Lumbrokinase Units LKU to FU.


There is a lot of deceptive labeling for lumbrokinase. When your talking about life and death conditions, one has to be more certain. Doctor's Best brand has been the most honest and value brand for me. There is no way to compare labels due to LKU to FU conversion problem.

I am very suspicious of those low cost Lumbrokinase brands. The labeling on various brands are also horrible. You also got the higher priced lumbrokinase which seems too high.

If a brand doesn't have LKU on label then I'd avoid it. A mg measurement is meaningless also. Until some standard like maybe Buoluke uses like tPA activity, the brands can't be easily compared. They really need to find a way to get it to FU's or something.

I can only recommend buying doctors best brand for value and reliability.


I recently decided to buy the liposomal 12000 nattokinase with 12000 FU in it and that already has the serrapeptase in it instead of lumbrokinase. I haven't tried this yet.

The FU measurement shows me what I'm getting, and also I don't have to worry about the absorption aspect, it being liposomal.


One that I neglected was Nattozimes which has 6600+ FU per capsules. Nattozimes is like Nattokinase but produced in a lower cost way. This may be the lowest cost way to go. I have not tested it but I have more trust with Swanson brand name.