Health Benefits

Manganese Cures and Side Effects

| Modified on Nov 07, 2015
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A mineral found in several common foods, manganese is often used as a medicinal treatment. Useful for preventing and eliminating a variety of conditions, manganese is a particularly effective treatment option. Considered an essential nutrient, manganese is involved in many of the chemical processes in the body that help regulate overall health and wellness.

What is Manganese?

A mineral found in large quantities in both plant and animal sources, manganese is a vital nutrient. While the nutrient is stored in the bones, liver, kidney, and pancreas, it is only found in trace amounts in these human tissues.

In any case, it is an important nutrient that is involved in forming connective tissue and bones, clotting the blood, producing sex hormones, metabolizing carbohydrates, absorbing calcium and regulating blood sugar. It also plays a role in brain and nerve function.

Natural food sources are the most effective option for boosting manganese intake. The most effective sources of manganese include raspberries, pineapple, garlic, grapes, and beetroot. Green beans, rice, peppermint, oats and nuts as well as other fruits and leafy green vegetables are also good sources of the nutrient. The nutrient can also be obtained through dietary supplements and is often found in conjunction with chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride.

Health Benefits of Manganese

In any of its forms, manganese possesses a number of healthful benefits. The nutrient is effective for supporting healthy bone structure and development, eliminating free radicals in the body, regulating blood sugar levels, and preventing epileptic seizures.

The nutrient is also effective for supporting the body’s metabolism, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, preventing osteoporosis, alleviating premenstrual syndrome, and promoting thyroid health. Additionally, manganese supports the brain and nervous system, glucose metabolism, and digestive health.

As such, manganese can be used to treat a variety of health conditions. Bursitis, ganglion cysts, arthritis, and a variety of other conditions typically respond well to treatment using manganese.

Caution must be used when taking manganese, as it is considered a toxic trace mineral. As such, an individual cannot take too much or too little of the supplement, lest an imbalance occur. When taken in appropriate doses, however, the benefits of manganese are numerous.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Denis (Luo Dong Township, Taiwan) on 05/12/2007

Some years ago I had a hair mineral analysis done. In general, the profile of minerals was on the low end of the normal range. However, copper was only about 85% of the minimum considered normal and manganese was only about 50%. I have severe food allergies and apparently the inflammation is interfering with normal mineral absorption. I have always been athletic and have more or less kept up a regular schedule of aerobic exercise for the last 38 years or so. One type of exercise I have had trouble doing is dips. Beginning in my late teens, whenever I started doing dips, I would get severe bursitis and have to quit. It was not until I was in my late forties that I had this hair mineral analysis done. I went to a local chemical shop and bought the purest form (high quality lab chemicals manufactured in Japan) of Manganese Chloride I could find. I began taking small quantities, only a few tiny crystals a day. Before long, for the first time in my life, I was able to do dips without getting bursitis. Now, caution is warranted. I knew I was low in manganese. However, it is a trace mineral, and too much can cause nervous system damage. After several years, I more or less forgot about it and my shoulder joints starting getting weak again. Two falls on two separate occasions resulted in dislocating both of my shoulders within the last year. Now, I am taking a little more, about 90 mg a day in order to strengthen my shoulder joints. I also have a very weak liver, and I suspect that manganese deficiency is a big part of this as well. If you want to try manganese chloride, first make sure you have a deficiency and then, take no more than 50 mg a day of the pure manganese, i.e. you must figure the weight of the choride and water molecules attached.

Ganglion Cyst

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Posted by Paisley (Salmon Arm, BC, Canada) on 07/13/2009

I have a ganglion on my knuckle. After whacking it with a book, which didn't get rid of it, but gave me very sore fingers for a week (!), I asked my doctor what I should do. Since the ganglion was actually interfering with normal hand function and flexibility, the doc said we had two options: surgery or manganese. I am taking 15 mg of manganese daily for six weeks and in three weeks, the ganglion has shrunk markedly. It is also no longer painful. So far, no negative side effects. If there are any, I'll post again. Don't know where the doc heard about this, but I think it's a great alternative to surgery (and book-whacking).

EC: Wikipedia: "A ganglion cyst (also known as a bible bump) is a swelling that often appears on or around joints and tendons in the hand or foot."

Manganese Differences

Posted by Zack (Victoria, Victoria Australia) on 11/26/2011

Hey In Australia I cannot find manganese sulfate, I'm just wondering what the difference between manganese sulfate, manganese chelate and manganese picolinate?
Can I supplement one of the other 2 insted of sulfate? Thanks

Replied by Dud
(From The Woods Of, Wv, Usa)


A guy named Mark Purdy [from my memory, could be wrong name] from England, investigated mad cow disease, and other human nerve diseases, parkinsons, etc.. Be very carefull about taking a supplement with manganes in it. Read what Mark Purdy researched before taking manganese supplements.

He came to the conclusion that excess manganese from metal smelting operations, etc, absorbed from the air and water was a nervous system toxin, and a cause of many devastating human nervous system diseases, in man and beast.

He himself died from one of these degerative nerve diseases, in his prime of life.

He discovered that the British mad cow disease epidemic was being caused by giving the cows systemic de-worming drugs.

Later this disease was found in wild deer in the USA, & named "chronic wasting disease". Mark Purdy came to the USA and investigated that also.

In the USA, the home of the great whore-scientists, the gov't biologists tell you it is safe to go ahead and eat the diseased deer carcass, ... Just don't eat their brains!!!!

Just don't eat their brains!!!!

In humans the same disease is labeled "cruchfelds-jacob disease" [spelling?]

His life was threatened after he went public with his research. Perhaps he is now dead because "they" made good upon that threat. ?

His website is probably still up on the internet, containing this info.


for example, a google search gives these links:

1. Mark Purdey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In his later papers on BSE, Purdey suggested that a combination of high manganese and low copper in the soil, together with high environmental oxidizing ...

2. David R. Brown (neuroscientist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brown agreed with Purdey only in as far as the potential for manganese to be a risk factor, increasing the likelihood that BSE or another prion disease would ...

3. Organophosphates Implicated In Mad Cow Disease
Purdey says the manganese-tipped prions set off lethal chain reactions that neurologically burn through the animal. Phosmet organophosphate has been used...

4. Misinformation on 'Mad Cow' Disease Threatens America's Family...
When the "Mad Cow" epidemic hit England, not one cow in Purdy's herd ... Calf that's been fed on this milk powder is overloaded with manganese to a toxic level....

5. Mark Purdy/Insecticide triggered CJD - World Food & Health Watch...
Mar5, 2005 Purdey says manganese-tipped prions set off lethal chain reactions that neurologically burn through the animal....

6. Mark Purdey
Jan 1, 2011 3: Purdey M. Related Articles, Links The pathogenesis of Machado Joseph Disease: a high manganese/low magnesium initiated CAG...

7. The New Agriculture: Manganese: An Essential Nutrient and a Toxic...
May 3, 2011 My first exposure to the idea of Manganese as a potential toxin came when I read an interview with Mark Purdey in the December 2001 issue of ...

8. Mark Purdey & the pesticide connection
Villages will therefore be breathing in these various manganese substances and taking it straight into their brains via the nasal/olfactory route. "--Mark Purdey...

9. Chemtrails - An Updated Look at Aerosol Toxins
Feb 3, 2011 Purdy documented that a high dose of Manganese and the resultant low dose of Copper [see ArizonaSkywatch figures above] may be the ...

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Dud, Thanks for the info. My first reaction to your post was well we have some high manganese areas and some smelting but we don't have any mad cow disease! Plus not having the disease scrapie is the real explaination. We in Australia have been lead to believe that mad cow disease is caused by cows eating concentrated protein feed that contains sheep that had the disease scrapie. The carcasses were treated at a low heat not at the proper autoclave temperature which is required to kill it. Thus it was in effect transferred to cows and manifesting as BSE. As Australia does not have the disease scrapie this explained why we have no mad cow disease. All these years this sounded plausible, plus we never had to really think about it as it does not affect us. Mind you cows were never designed to eat animals! In 2001 we banned the feeding of annimal protein to ruminants with the exception of gelatine, tallow and milk.

Well on a bit more thinking we also don't have the warble fly thus we don't use the chemical (Phosmet) Mark talked about on our cattle. BUT we now have one registered product that contains it and is used for spraying cereal crops and lucerne for the control of blue oat mite, red-legged earth mite and lucerne flea. In Australia Phosmet is classified as a Schedule 6 compound (Poison) in the Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons so has been assessed as having a moderate potential to cause harm. We also use about 80 chemicals that are prohibited in the European Union.

I have been wondering why we have so many people sensitive to grains now. I know a few people who can only have organic grains especially with oats. Non organic oats run straight through them. Maybe it is one of the chemicals contributing to this along with the chemicals used to store the grains? Anyway thanks again Dud it has been most informative.


Whilst Ted recommends manganese sulphate, in one post (08/04/2011) - he says the following: Manganese is helpful for hair loss, but in supplement forms calcium, magnesium stearate and other additives prevent their absorption. I would not take manganese aspartate form, but the other forms are ok but I doubt it is effective as they keep adding these fillers.

So as you can't get the one you want try one that has no fillers if possible. If all else fails there is list of food and their manganese contents.

Manganese Dosage

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Posted by Annu (Delhi, India) on 12/27/2011

Hi, I have somehow arranged manganese sulfate from chemistry lab. Can I take it internally a weight of 25 mg of manganese sulfate?

Replied by Hilda
(Nc, US)

I was researching manganese since it is a pigment used in purple tattoo ink. My skin will not take purple, it appears to be absorbed. That seemed to explain it, since your body will grab what it needs. I am just unsure of doseage. I am a nurse so , I know the risk of over supplementing. Glad I found your site.

Manganese Dosage
Posted by Jan (USA) on 08/14/2007

I need to ask Ted what dosage of manganese to take per day ?? and any dangers of overdose ?? since manganese is not well known I'm kind of nervous of overdose.

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

Dear Jan:

Q: What is the dosage of manganese per day ?

A: It is often NOT taken per day.

Manganese overdose is relatively difficult if common sense principles are applied which is basically taken when it is needed only and most remedies are taken relatively infrequent, and yet, if it does work, it is taken on an "as needed" basis.

The common dose is 25 mg and taken only once for hair loss, but also the tablets, assuming it is taken in that form are quite commonly poorly absorbed if for some reason, it is taken on an empty stomach.

In event the next day hair loss reduction is noted, then it's working, the next step is to determine the exact dose, which usually means it is taken gradually and not everyday.

Some people who do take manganese noticed improvement in mood and reduction in depression, so they know how to monitor that one whenever those people are deficient. Optimum dose is not commonly pursued to avoid overdose, with the possible exception of suboptimal health.

The other issue is manganese should generally be taken in powdered, or the tablets are grounded or chewed so that the tablets which take that form with the addition of waxy substances such as manganese stearate(a wax) and calcium carboante, which prevents their absorption, also takes its toll on mineral bioavailability so the exact dose on as per label are always less if we consider how much of those gets absorbed when other waxes and fillers block them.

This has happened so often, that I lost count, this is perhaps my biggest concern with the supplements. And usually excesses or lack of it can be measured somewhat indirectly with the use of hair mineral analysis, which while it is not an exact science, is better than no information at all, especially in event of a heavy metal toxicity.

While dietary manganese level is 2 mg, most long term lack of it can result in negative levels of the body's stores for manganese, which is why in practice a single dose of 25 mg is taken just once a week, or in event of that manganese is confirmed to work, than it is taken on an "as needed basis" which can be like once a week until all conditions are gone, or in the event of a bad hair loss, it is taken for 4 days out of a week then it is stopped. It is stop because apparently the hair loss has been cured with that remedy.

The other problem about dietary manganese of 2 mg is that we are beating around the bush, how much DOES our body needs, and how much it is taken are two different things. The great divide is how well our body absorbed them which in practice, I suspect it is more closer to 10% of what is taken are absorbed, based on my optimistic projection. The older we get, the less we absorbed them so the body can end up being deficient across the board with the "essential minerals" while at the same time, being excessively loaded with free heavy metals that the body does not need.

For people with caution, natural sources of manganese are possible, but it must be understood that the level of manganese from natural sources varies, the biavailability can be limited, since manganese works best if taken alone on an empty stomach and it works synergistically with vitamin C and other problems such as destruction of mineral or mineral depletion due to processing of natural foods.

Rich manganese sources that is commonly used are soy milk, but nuts & seeds also have it. My own experience from eating nuts and seeds is the absorption to raise the manganese level is relatively very slow - like several months from those sources, while the other forms are relatively much more quicker, such as chelated amino acids of manganese, or chelated manganese. Sea salt rich in mineral is possibly another source, while the amount is quite small, its effect for a specific symptoms or sickness, won't resolve them quickly. It is therefore used when several mineral imbalances are noted that a sea salt will pull through or it is used as a supplements and the dose is fairly small which is 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt in one liter of water and can be taken often as people feel it is necessary.

Replied by Mary
(Marietta, Ga)

I would like to know-how would you know if you have deficiency of Manganese. What are the symptoms? I have hair loss, but I don't want to create others issues. Thanks

Replied by Carol
(Tucson, Az)

I read that I should take manganese with my hypothalamus tablets, I have 50 mg of manganese citrate, is this a toxic level? I have adrenal fatigue and some people take 30 mg of manganese with hypothalamus, and have for years, is this dangerous???

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

C: I am not familiar with Manganese for Hypothalamus, but I do know that Manganese is an important trace mineral for bones in particular. 10mg is the daily recommended amount but upwards of 40mg daily is the therapeutic level for treating diseases. I currently take 40mg once daily for two days then skip 2 days. If you get a chronic headache or metallic taste in the mouth then you know you need to cut back on the dosage.

Dr. Tennenbaum has some good insights into adrenal fatigue and posting on I-HealthTube lately. Reducing sugar & stress are his top notes.

Back to fatigue & hormones. Pituitary & Hypothalamus are the top two glands and then Thyroid & Adrenal. So, it is worth the effort to try a broad-spectrum Women's Multiglandular supplement for a more balanced effect. Coconut Oil & Iodine support Thyroid & Adrenal. Dong Quai is an excellent female herb worth taking. GABA fuels the Pituitary and increases HGH & IGF-1.

Detoxing & cleansing may be necessary, as well as antioxidant nutrition.

Manganese Warning

2 User Reviews
1 star (2) 

Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, PA) on 05/14/2007


If you are taking any other supplments, check those and their manganese content before starting on blackstrap molasses. It may save you quite a bit in the way of anxiety and medical bills.

Manganese Warning
Posted by Scott (Pen Argyl, PA) on 01/04/2007


Be careful about Manganese -- it can cause symptoms of Parkinsons' Disease or Bells Palsy. 'I was taking a number of supplements that included manganese. The muscles on the right side of my face started to go slack and I was unable to use my mouth effectively. I thought I was having a stroke. Luckily I had a friend over who took me to the emergency room. I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy. It was supposed to go away within 1-2 months. It persisted for "7" months. I ran across something on the interment stating that overdosing on manganese can cause Parkinson's type symptoms. After checking the supplements I was taking I found that I was taking roughly 600 to 800 times the daily recommended allowance of this mineral. After I threw out these supplements my Bells started to clear up. If you have any similar type symptoms check what you're taking and eliminate those with manganese.

Replied by Jenny
(New Westminster, Bc, Canada)

Hello, I just wanted to bring this to your attention. . . On the supplements page it says:
Manganese: causes Bells Palsy and Parkinson's Disease symptoms. I think you mean to say "helps with" or "prevents" as I think it is hard to believe that Manganese causes Bells Palsy and Parkinson's disease symptoms. I understand that you are explaining what these supplements do, however it is not consistent with how all the other supplements read. Just a suggestion.

EC: Actually, it is meant to read as such. You can see under "Manganese Warning" a post by "Scott from Pen Argyl, PA" in regard to this.

Replied by Ronna
(Philadelphia, Pa)

This is an interesting article from Discover magazine, regarding a possible treatment (manganese) for the deadly food poisoning toxin called Shiga Toxin. 80beats (80beats)

Replied by Diana33pr
(New York, Usa)

The health benefits of manganese as a trace mineral for promoting bone health, and to treat medical conditions like osteoporosis, arthritis, PMS, diabetes, epilepsy and other medical conditions are vital. The important role it has to play as an enzyme activator, and as a component of anti-oxidant enzymes means that everyone must ensure they consume foods rich in this trace mineral or take supplements.

Replied by Vince
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Make sure you are deficient before taking any mineral. Minerals can compete with each other for absorbtion. So taking one can displace another one. A hair mineral analysis may help. So would knowing the symptoms of deficiency. It is more complicated than it seems.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

In my location, the public water supply is drawn from a reservoir. In late autumn and early winter, the lake becomes black with decayed hardwood tree leaves. These leaves contain high levels of Manganese, thus creating, although temporarily, high Manganese levels in the public water. For folks who are deficient, this is a good thing, otherwise filter your water.