High Dose Melatonin Reviews
See this post by Ted
Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
383 posts
Most of the unexplained pain in the chest comes from a yet unidentified bacteria. That's why the medical professions are baffled. But basically I will get the immune system up first with lysine, zinc and selenium. Lysine 1000 mg x 3, hourly and zinc gluconate (25 to 50 mg for a month only) and selenium yeast (200 mcg x 3). To help the circulation and the fatty liver (most common I have seen), is lemon and baking soda remedy three times a day, and fatty liver, granulated lecithin one tablespoon twice a day. The fat emulsifiers will get rid of the fatty liver but not your waist size, but most of that is hidden in the liver. Most conditions of the lungs are due to (most frequently) the fungus. To help detoxification, a capsule of N acetyl cysteine 500 mg every time you have a cough, is my remedy for a cough, of course there is peppermint oil, but is not generally good in preventing in the long term but are used for convenience. Circulatory issues remains the main issue and so you must drink more water, especially during meals and try to eat less fats and carbohydrates as the major cause. It really helps the intestines if wheat products are avoided, as it prevents detoxification issues due to gluten (glue in latin) that is why is so much of a problem, lime and baking soda, and at least some vinegar and baking soda, will help the liver function better. Lime and baking soda helps the circulation and vinegar helps acetylation of the liver.
High Dose Melatonin Reviews
He has not pulled any muscles. He has been taking 70-90 mg of melatonin spaced out during the day. Also vit C a few times a day. Then these once a day, sometimes twice D, zinc, B complex, & omega.
Do you see any reason that any of this would be causing such pain? It even hurts him to breathe. I don't believe it's covid breathing issues because those resolved days ago & never gave him pain. Thank you so much.