I did a lot of research on MMS before I ordered a bottle. I worked my way up to 15 drops and began feeling the brief nausea that the website describes.
Other than the nausea, there was no effect of any kind during the week I took it.
Common sense dictates that the "nausea" one experiences isn't an indication that the product is working, but an indication that chlorine is a poisonous substance and the body will try to expel the stuff to protect itself.
I don't deny the positive experiences others have had, but I would associate these with the power of positive thinking - after all, the basis for the whole process is that "the body heals itself".
But if taking MMS gives you the proper mindset to jumpstart your immune system, by all means, do whatever works.
Just be careful.
MMS Side Effects
Drink it but don't breathe it or touch it. Although it cleared up my sinuses, it has caused me some terrible stomache problems.
MMS Side Effects