About MSM
About the History and Background of MSM & DMSO:
DMSO is a Bye-Product of the Paper Industry, and was first scientifically described by russian Chemist Dr. Alexander Michailowitsch Saizew in 1866. MSM however, is the OXIDATED Form of DMSO. The 2 US-Chemists Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs and Dr. Robert M. Herschler, who were asked by the Paper Company "Crown-Zellerbach" in Portland, Oregon, to find a Use for DMSO, irresponsibily claimed without Evidence, that DMSO would help with a faster Healing of Wounds, Ulcers and even Asthma. But because of the bad Body Smell caused by DMSO, Dr. Jacobs & Dr. Herschler soon focussed on the oxidated Form of DMSO, which is MSM. For MSM, they irresponsibly even claimed many, many MORE medical Benefits, ignored ALL possible Side-Effects, and Dr. Jacobs got 1 Patent on a MSM-Product (and published lots of Propaganda-Books), and his Colleague, Dr. Herschler even got 11 Patents on MSM-Products!
Until this Day, NO serious Long-Term-Studies for the Use of MSM have been made yet, whatsoever. But that doesn´t keep the worldwide Propaganda for MSM from insisting on the Opposite! Also until this Day, NO Consumer-Protection-Organization or -Authority has reckognized or admitted the SERIOUS possible Side-Effects of MSM, like Heart-Palpitations, Depression, high Blood-Pressure, Panic Attacks, ... Let alone WARNED about those! They have failed entirely!
MSM is an organic Sulfur-Compound from the active Substance Group of the Cholinesterase-Inhibitors, like Insecticides like E 605, and many Chemical Weapons like VX, Soman, Tabun, Sarin and Novichok. It therefore is a Neurotoxin. MSM is capable of passing the Blood-Brain-Barrier and can penetrate Cell Membranes of the Body. As Reports from People taking MSM orally, from all over the World show, MSM is not a "natural Remedy" but a Nerve-Toxin and far from being "harmless".
...you want to take it slow BECAUSE they're going to open the gates and release the toxins your body has had to lock up, over the years, because it couldn't handle them all in the first place and you have NO way of knowing what those toxins might be.
If you're going to take MSM or DMSO or, actually, if you're going to do any new sort of cleanse, take activated charcoal as well, to attract, trap and eliminate those toxins via the digestive tract but, even so, take it slow. There's no reason to flush everything out all at once.
Unless you've had a lethal poison, once you start eliminating the toxins, the damage they're causing the body to do to itself in trying to corral and lock them up is going to either stop, altogether, or slow way down as they're released, drawn out and trapped.
Activated charcoal pulls toxins out of the blood and into the digestive tract for elimination when you take it internally the same way it pulls toxins out of infection and inflammation, through the fat, fascia and skin when you use it externally.
DMSO and MSM release toxins for elimination but then the body has to deal with them. And multiples of them and combinations of them, given the corruption of the food, water and manufactured goods supplies so, help a body out. Sweep them up as they're released instead of just letting them run around free and wreaking havoc.
It doesn't take as much activated charcoal as you think. One teaspoon of activated charcoal has a surface area of more than an acre. A tablespoon? FOUR football fields.
(sunny san diego)
Interesting. What is your source for this information about MSM being a neurotoxin? At what dose is it neurotoxic and is MSM neurotoxicor is it causing the release of toxins?


I began after using the MSM gel for my arthritic knees and thumb. I experienced almost immediately within 2 days better movement and no pain in my knee, hip and thumb. On the 4th day I even walked a mile with my grandchildren which I was unable to do since April of 2014. My allergies were gone, and so was brain fog, I felt fantastic and could move around and be normal but? I began experiencing heart palpitations on day 5 and felt quite uneasy. They continued until I became frightened. I wrestled with feeling fabulous or heart problems as I do not like feeling disabled at 56, but have discontinued the product. This morning my walking is worsened, the pain is coming and my allergies are terrible. So extremely sad. I was taking 1/8 teaspoon once a day and had increased to 1/4 2 times a day. Any ideas?
According to the 'inventor' of MSM, Dr. Stanley Jacobs, MSM is a "cholinesterase inhibitor. Cholinsterase is an enzyme that stops excessive passage of nerve impulses from one nerve cell to another."
So if this cholinesterase enzyme is INHIBITED by MSM, then one may develop worsening anxiety, muscle twitching, cramping, and yes, heart palpitations, etc., -- all the symptoms of excess choline or acetylcholine.
I found this out the hard way, experiencing worsening leg cramps, muscle twitching and anxiety.
It may help some who have very low levels of choline, but should be avoided by others.
(Columbus, Indiana)

I believe this is my problem! I've had other issues with high acetylcholine with fish oil supplements. I never put two and two together that MSM could affect choline levels. My joints and muscles have gotten terrible since starting MSM. Did your symptoms go away quickly after stopping MSM?
(Faithville, Usa)
I use a lot of msm and vitamin c and it can deplete molybdenum and that makes some problems.
Molybdenum reduces symptoms of candida die off and also helps create enamel on teeth, from what I have read.
(New York)
This is to Kelly. I see this is an old post but in case you see it, I wanted to suggest something. You were having such great effects from MSM, its a shame to have to go back to being disabled in so many ways. The suggestion I want to make is to try taking Magnesium. There is a supplement called "CALM". My husband gets racing heart palpitations occasionally. Especially after or during exertion (he is a Chef so working conditions can be fast paced and hot). When he drinks a dose of "CALM" during those incidents, it stops rather immediately. My best to you.
Yes, magnesium is important. I think I may have leaky gut or my system doesn't absorb what it requires. I have to take 2-3 400mg magnesium, a banana for potassium and use Himalayan salt every day or my calf cramps at night and heart palpitations can be brutal. Calm is good but after taking it for 2 years, my teeth became sensitive to the citric acid. Someone here on EC suggested Black walnut for tooth sensitivity and it works very well.
(Gaborone, Botswana)
Have you tried applying magnesium oil? This absorbs very easily into the body through the skin. It might sting when you first use it, but I find very calming and helps me keep my magnesium intake optimal.

I wonder if this supplement works on the lower chakras as I have had experience with herbs and even homeopathics causing effects that, lets say, were not "wholesome" and in effect were psychedelic experiences. I believe these supplements work differently on the individual, as in old and established medicine systems it is imperative to know ones Doshas, otherwise healing can be mere guess work.
I don't like unwelcome mental experiences so I stay away from a product if this happens. Om
I have been using it for years. I mix it in my morning & evening drinks for taking my supplements. I have experienced no side effects. I would not take it by itself though.


According to my own (bad) Experiences, I do explicitly NOT recommend taking MSM together with Zoloft (Sertraline). MSM can strongly affect the Effects of SSRI-Antidepressants.
Also, remember it takes days at least even once stopped taking any RX drug for it to be really well cleared out by the liver and kidneys. So even if one goes off the drug in order to take MSM, it is best to wait several days at least before starting MSM. (one can lessen this down to non-existent by simply slowly increasing the daily MSM dosage, a week at a time, starting at the lowest dose for body weight and then after a month or two getting up to the highest). BTW, the antidepressant RX drugs have what must be the highest placebo effect of any drug class, at least for 'depression'(placebo effect for this drug class on other prescribed conditions like OCD, anxiety, etc. not given):www.newsweek.com/2010/01/28/the-depressing-news-about-antidepressants.html
It seems I am not alone in having moral qualms about blowing the whistle on antidepressants. That first analysis, in 1998, examined 38 manufacturer-sponsored studies involving just over 3,000 depressed patients. The authors, psychology researchers Irving Kirsch and Guy Sapirstein of the University of Connecticut, saw as everyone else had that patients did improve, often substantially, on SSRIs, tricyclics, and even MAO inhibitors, a class of antidepressants that dates from the 1950s. This improvement, demonstrated in scores of clinical trials, is the basis for the ubiquitous claim that antidepressants work. But when Kirsch compared the improvement in patients taking the drugs with the improvement in those taking dummy pills clinical trials typically compare an experimental drug with a placebo he saw that the difference was minuscule. Patients on a placebo improved about 75 percent as much as those on drugs. Put another way, three quarters of the benefit from antidepressants seems to be a placebo effect. Remember this is NEWSWEEK talking, THE Establishment mass news outlet, so for them to put it out there means it's already long obvious to most.
Did you read over the ANXIETY section?:
If anything, there's too many things there you can try! So pick one that's cheap, easily available, and has some YAYS behind it.


I am so grateful to God for this forum. I can totally relate to DL from CA, that posting is almost a total duplicate of what I just recently experienced. I had been having constant pain in my legs and feet for over a year and had, had my fill. I did some research and came across the MSM. I was also diagnosed with osteopenia about the same time, so I decided to try it.
Two night ago I had my son take me to the ER, I was having a lot of what's been described here concerning the heart beating weird, anxiety(I guess) because I don't know how else to explain how I was feeling, shallow breathing, heaviness of chest etc. All this had been going on for some time and I normally could meditate on scriptures and it would go away, this night was different. My jaunt to the ER, showed irregular heartbeat, palpitations to be exact. However, all of my blood work came back normal, showing no previous heart attacks or heart disease. I have been referred for a stress test. I am going to discontinue my use of MSM and see what happens. I will keep you posted as to what happens after I am no longer taking this product. Oh yeah, one of the other effects is headaches. I also started getting headaches that wouldn't go away. I sorta fluffed that off figuring it was a sinus thing, however, these aren't sinus area specific. So, I'm thinking this is all related. Time will tell.
I am very happy for those folks that this works for. Of course, everybody's metabolism is different, so what works for others may not work for someone else. Anyone else that may have related info. that would be helpful to my situation please feel free to e-mail me. God Bless

I went to the ER too. MSM was helping me with hair loss and arthritis. Then I had chest pains and started taking a beta blocker. I overdosed and went to the ER. I had pains seemingly in my vein in my neck. I thought maybe I was experiencing a blood clot. I went to the ER 2 more times before I made the connection.
Anxiety, Caution for Pets

I think people do need to be very careful when they take MSM orally. I have taken it in the past and it caused anxiety and this sensation of pressure on the heart that was intense! I think that is a common side effect for people starting out on MSM.
Turns out you also have to be equally careful with dogs too! I gave a very small amount to my dogs in their dinner recently to help with arthritis and the next day, one of them wouldn't stop whining all day. He was clearly feeling punk from the supplement. No more of that! After 24 hours it left his system and he was back to his happy old boy self.
I will have to try it topically (on myself, not the dogs) and see if has the same side effects.
Hi Deirdre,
Recently, my husband was having pain in his golf hands, and he read that MSM could be helpful. I told him I had some powder and he is using it with good results. However, when I got it out, I have written in black magic marker, “Not for RW! Allergic! Do Not Take.” I am allergic to sulfa medicines, and I think this is the reason I can't take MSM. It is the only supplement I have marked with a warning. I honestly can't remember what happened, but it may have been breathing or anxiety problems, but must have been bad for me to label it that way. It seems to work well to relieve pain for many people.
Hi Rsw,
You can be allergic to sulfa drugs and you can be allergic to an organic sulfur like MSM, but they are two different allergies and having one does not mean that you also have the other.
Hi Art,
There must be something in both that makes me feel terrible, sometimes with breathing problems. I also noticed a long time ago, as did my family, that if I had a glass of red wine, I could count on getting very congested afterwards, we thought possibly from the sulfites. I try to stay away from anything that contains any of those words.
My husband's hands were about the same, but he hadn't used the hand cream very long before he read about the kidney info. He almost died when he was a child from nephritis, and he has some kidney numbers that aren't optimal now, so he is hesitant to try something if he reads anything adverse.
Thank you for the info on several topics. I will post on the LP later. I am trying your homeopathic back treatment at the moment. I have had back pain with gardening or cleaning since I hurt my back years ago while shoveling and spreading a truck load of mulch. Not sure it is stenosis, but thought it couldn't hurt. I will take it until January or February, at least.
So good to read your posts with such good documentation. You give so many people hope with your research!
Anxiety, Dry Skin, Cold, Panic

I have been taking MSM for 2-3 months. From the beginning, I had strong side effects, but I figured it was just the initial worsening of the symptoms. I was very excited, suffered from insomnia, my skin became increasingly dry, I developed severe dryness lines, my body was downright cold, my hands and feet tended to have a bluish/black discolouration.., Feeling dry in the throat.., fears, panic.. Now 6 months after stopping MSM, I am still having side effects and my skin has not fully healed.
I appreciate any feedback or help
(New York)
Hi Ana of Germany,
I do pray you are feeling much better today.
I am only a seasonal MSM user. As the weather gets cold and my knees remind me that they have feelings too, I mix 19 or less tablespoons in a gallon of water. I also take at least 1000mg of Vitamin C. I drink at least 8 ounces a day. By the time that I have finished the second gallon I am ready to take a break, I may or may not use it again that winter unless my bones act up. The only side effect I noticed when take MSM is the headache, which felt more like a dull massaging. I gladly put up with the headache a few weeks so I could walk straight. I did not know about taking molybdenum until now, and I plan to buy it.
I am sure you have checked Earth Clinic's MSM Side Effects Post,
Some of the suggested supportive supplements for better results with MSM that are reported on EC posts are:
Vitamin C, Omega 3, Magnesium, Activated Charcoal, and Molybdenum and a few others, read them again, you often see mentioned on Earth Clinic, "start low or slow" and skip a few days each week.
About Molybdenum Read Here:
Ana, also for a leg infection that has spreading bumps or shingles bumps the answer for me was "salt." I prayed and as I awoke that morning I heard "salt." So I took about a teaspoon of Arm and Hammer's Baking Soda and a pinch of salt and put just a few drops of water in it to make it paste enough to spread and not run. I put it on at night and washed it off in the morning. I did that a few nights.
The bumps dried up, and the sores healed, the color of my leg is the same as the other. "My legs are beautiful!" Once again, your skin may be very sensitive so use caution.
What works for one person may not work for another so pray.
And please think positive, "I shall recover good health."
That is a massive dose of MSM. According to a study I read, the large dose for arthritis is 3 grams. A low dose is 500ml. 19 tablespoons is 57 teaspoons. One teaspoon is 5.5 grams. So, 19 tablespoons is 313 grams of MSM. I'm not sure how long it takes you to drink that gallon, but that's high-dose MSM for over 3 months.
(Gaborone, Botswana)
Hey Ana, I started taking MSM 4 weeks ago. I had severe system parasitic infection for over 20 years. Anyway, one of the last cleansing processes I needed to do was clear the toxins left in my body by the dying parasites. Enter MSM. I started adding it to my juices and after a week I had slight pain in my head (my brain to be exact). Took two weeks and I had insomnia. Then I had itching all over my body.
3 days ago, I learned that when you take MSM you have to take hot water baths since the toxins released can be sent to the skin. I did, and all the itching stopped. I simply add sea salt to my bath - about 2-3 tablespoons at night. I find it very relaxing. For those worried about low molybdenum levels try eating brazil nuts if you are not allegic to them. One or two per day has lots of molybdenum.
Try taking the MSM with a blended juice of beetroot, carrot, cabbage (celery, if you want), apple and a bit of spinach or other green leafy veges (not a lot). The chlorophyll in the greens provides magnesium too.
I feel good. I have energy and can exercise well - started calisthenics at age 49! I sleep well too. The pain in the brain has gone. I had itchy eyes for a day or two and that stopped too.
Other things I take include broths of bone, vegetable, fish and chicken - I mix them altogether in a cup. Maybe the entire combo potentiates each other, I don't know.
Auch im März 2022 mit MSM vergiftet worden? ...MICH hatte es Mitte März erwischt, kurz NACH Ausbruch des Ukraine-Krieges und 1 Monat vor meine Oma verstorben ist. Seither habe ICH meinen ganz "persönlichen, privaten Ukraine-Krieg" im Kopf durchgemacht... 2 harte Jahre lang. Tiefen-Erschöpftheit bis hin zur Lebens-MÜDIGKEIT und eine erbarmungslose emotionale Blockade im Gehirn wie ein Schraubstock! Und erst so nach und nach komme ich diesem heimtückischen Nervengift MSM, seiner Geschichte, Herkunft und den Hintergründen auf die Schliche. Es ist ein Oxidans eines Abfallproduktes der Papierindustrie, welches von den 2 unverantwortlichen US-Chemikern Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs und Dr. Robert M. Herschler (aus Portland, Oregon) als "omnipotentes Wunderallheilmittel" propagiert wurde. Leider findet man ÜBERALL im gesamten Internet NICHTS als 900%-ige Propaganda und Lügen über MSM! Und selbst diese ansonsten so überstrengen und übereifrigen DEUTSCHEN Kontroll- & Verbraucherschutz-Verbände & -Behörden haben im Fall des MSM bisher auf ganzer Linie versagt!!!
Lassen Sie uns zur Opfer-Selbsthilfe greifen! Denn: Helfen wir uns nicht SELBST, dann hilft uns niemand!
Google Translate:
Also poisoned with MSM in March 2022? ...it hit ME in mid-March, shortly AFTER the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and 1 month before my grandma died. Since then I have been going through my own "personal, private Ukraine war" in my head... for 2 hard years. Deep exhaustion to the point of FATIGUE of life and a merciless emotional blockage in the brain like a vice! And it's only little by little that I'm getting to the bottom of this insidious neurotoxin MSM, its history, origins and background. It is an oxidant from a waste product of the paper industry, which was created by the 2 irresponsible US chemists Dr. Stanley W. Jacobs and Dr. Robert M. Herschler (from Portland, Oregon) was propagated as an "omnipotent panacea". Unfortunately, you will find NOTHING EVERYWHERE on the entire internet but 900% propaganda and lies about MSM! And even these otherwise extremely strict and overzealous GERMAN control and consumer protection associations and authorities have so far failed completely in the case of the MSM!!!
Let us resort to victim self-help! Because: If we don't help ourselves, then no one will help us!
Hi GiftOpfer der MSM-Lügen,
Earth Clinic has been on top of the situation with MSM, not only telling us the good reports of the community members, but also the potential negative side effects as discussed here :
While many people report very good results with MSM including myself and friends, obviously MSM gives many people new problems as discussed in the above link which EC was smart enough to warn potential users about the potential downsides of MSM! One consideration is that some MSM products may not be what they claim to be.
I have to wonder how many of those reporting negative reactions to MSM may have been taking 'low quality MSM', because my DH bought an 'off brand' for me from once, & when I tried to test it (dissolve some in water), that white powder/crystals 'sat' very high atop the water & would not dissolve at all ... whereas Pure MSM does not float, & readily dissolves in water!
(New york)
Hi Bee Tee,
Well Bee Tee, I am not a master on dosages, I love to read.
I had read the book, "It's The Liver Stupid" about 8 years ago.
The author used a lot of MSM. I do not recall him mentioning molybdenum, I learned about molybdenum at Earth Clinic.
The gallon of water MSM recipe was made from an online article. I do believe the author's purpose was to heal cancer, he also mentioned taking vitamin C with it. My purpose for trying out MSM was winter knee pain. I read it, I tried it. My body like it. But it loved it with the molybdenum.
Start low and see what works for you.
(New York)
Greetings Again EC AND Bee Tee,
Regarding the MSM Water
The original recipe:
- Sixteen (16) tablespoons of Organic Sulphur MSM.
- One Gallon of Non-chlorinated water in a jug
The advice was to use 16 tablespoons of Organic Sulfur MSM in A Gallon of Non Chlorinated water.
The above water was drank by the spoonful.
Also advised was to check with your doctor and to drink plenty of purified water during the day
If a person wanted to try this recipe, they would start with one TEA-spoon of the MSM WATER from the gallon jug, to see if they were is allergic. That is, see if they get a rash. If a person did not get a rash, in two hours they can take two more TABLE-spoons of the MSM WATER. Up to 8 the first day. Day 2 and after it could be taken Slowly several tablespoons, 3 times a day.
"Vitamin C" is taken 1 to 2 grams an half hour later after the MSM water dosage was taken.
Just to be clear, the recipe is no longer online. Anyway, I could not find it. So this is written in short order of remembrance. I take mine a little differently.
I hunted down the MSM cancer article, but it is no longer just an article. The author must be connected with a cancer clinic; they give many healing avenues on that subject. The MSM water recipe is no longer in the article. Who knows maybe there are a lot of people like me who find MSM water easier to take than pills and we forget its medicine.
Their MSM page information is shorter than when I read it, but still excellent .
(British Columbia)
Hi HisJewel -
Thank you for the cancertutor.com link.
I also remember reading a longer article there about MSM water around 6 or 7 years ago.
I have another link that I found on my computer from Cancer Compass - an Alternative Route:
It's been many years since I've made MSM water. I think I'll make some this weekend to ward off any colds/flu that might come my way.
Thanks again - I always enjoy reading your posts.
Cheers, Tessa
(New York)
Thanks for the help Tessa.
Using this MSM water Recipe is better than the guessing game.
My knuckles and knees love it.
Bladder Irritation

(South Carolina)
Blood Pressure

Body Aches

Burning Tongue and Lips
We respond to vaccines, medicine and supplements differently for we have different genetic makeups.
What works for you might not work for others.
Even in one family. My grandma and mom take LDN for their health problems and it works wonderfully, I, on the other hand, can't take it for more than 3 days for it affects my brain causing brain fog etc. Mom and grandma are Rh positive and I am Rh negative, different blood type. Maybe that is the reason why I have different response to pretty much everything. There are many reasons why your BF is responding differently to MSM.
(San Diego)