Health Benefits

Top Health Benefits of MSM for Pain Relief, Skin and Lungs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Jeffrey (Hartly, Delaware) on 06/12/2013

I was suffering arthritis in my right knee, pain so severe I began wishing for amputation. At a friend's suggestion I began taking MSM, 1 heaping tablespoon with each meal, and 1 @ bedtime. It tasted terrible, but the results were great. The pain has completely vanished, and it has been more than a year since I stopped the regimen!

Asthma, Joint Pain
Posted by Dee (So. Cal) on 01/11/2015

Editor's Choice

For years, "it feels as though I've had a lung transplant" with MSM has been my motto! (I thought I was the only one). I "had" allergic asthma and albuterol (sp) did not work. I also "had" joint pain, and my whole family had joint paint and arthritic, it seems, for generations. I started taking MSM about 10 years ago, and never looked back. My health is great, I can breathe fully and freely, and for the past few years, steady kick boxing -- not bad for a grandmother:)

Posted by Laura (Ferndale, MD, USA) on 04/20/2007

I have had Psoriatic Arthritis since I was 10 years old, & one of the worst symptoms I've had for 38 yrs now, is daily shooting nerve pains in my extremities. The good news: when I take 1000 mgs of MSM daily, the shooting pains are completely gone. If I miss a few days, they always start up again. Love this site.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Nampa, ID) on 11/16/2021

Reporting back in. The MSM experiment has been in play since April 15, 2021. It has solved several issues:

rosacea type acne: gone.

stiffened soft tissues, joints, ligaments, tendons--specifically achilles tendons, foot tissues, knee issues (I'm a backpacker): these are all pliable and flexible again--no morning stiffness either. I racked up 300 miles pain free this last season. I'm back.

My water bottles don't need weekly sanitizing. Monthly is fine. They don't ever really stink now.

Breathe is always good, even in the morning. No foot odor either.

No burping/farting immediately after carb consumption. I'm guessing small intestinal bacteria/fungal overgrowth is under control.

My dentist was shocked: very low plaque formation (probly the MSM) and lowered sensitivity (probly the moly).

Sleeping better: my liver isn't waking me up at 3am.

My liver felt a little swollen for years: that's gone.

Overall, I'd say the sulfur in MSM basically is used for all aspects of bacteria management.

So, I've raised and lowered the dose of both MSM and moly, using the acne from rosacea as the cue for the MSM and morning headaches as the cue for moly.

MSM: 1500 mg had a good impact, 2000 mg cleared up acne almost completely, 2500 mg has kept things immaculate for 2 months so far. And I mean immaculate--even the back of the scalp, along the hairline of the nape of the neck acne cysts are totally kicked (I'm 55 and that became an issue around 40 or so).

At 2500 mg of MSM (1000 mg at 8am, 1000 mg at 12pm, 500 mg at 5pm) it takes 1250 mcg of moly to balance (250 mcg, taken 5 times a day, 8am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8 pm). The shift of moly toward the evening failed. I began to tolerate the 5pm MSM after months of saturating with moly.

Posted by Barb (Ky) on 05/06/2017

I agree about msm for allergies.. I truly love this & noticed relief from the first week after talking..

I also love this for my joints (nothing better) & without the side effects for me.. 1,000mgs in my morning coffee!!! Absolutely a great supplement that worked wonders for me.. I will never be without this wonderful supplement msm. No, side effects ever.

Posted by Jacqui (Plainville, Massachusetts) on 06/25/2010

MSM cured my Asthma. I have been using ACV for quite some time now without any measurable improvement in my Asthma, but I will continue to use it for all its other health benefits. I wanted desperately to find something to help my Asthma. I have had Asthma since I was 6 (I'm now 35) and it became much worse 11 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter. I have been using Advair and Ventolin for years, but I don't want to be dependent on them. I ran out of my Advair about a week and a half ago and my Asthma became out of control. I was waking up a couple of times a night needing my rescue inhaler and I struggled throughout the day. I took 2 1,000 mg capsules of MSM yesterday (I broke the powder into applesauce) and I was able to sleep through the night and wake up without ANY issues! I took a second dose this morning and again just now. I haven't had so much as a wheeze all day! I feel like a new woman! I will let you know how I feel after continued use. I LOVE this site!

Back Pain
Posted by Kim (Sussex, England) on 08/24/2008

I have taken MSM for years which has helped me with the pain of arthritis. Last year I recommended MSM to an elderly man who drives a tractor who was hunched over when he stood up and seemed to be in pain (though loathe to admit it). I saw him again recently and noticed that he had changed from being bent over to standing fairly straight. I remarked upon this and he said that he was taking MSM every day and that he felt much better.

Posted by Scott (Kent, OH) on 12/07/2007

Editor's Choice

I have been on a quest to cure my asthma for a few years now as I feel that allopathic medicine just makes my breathing worse over time. I recently tried apple cider vinegar and oil pulling with no siginifcant improvement. I have also tried many herbal remedies that I won't even list as they never helped enough for me to give up my inhalers. Let me clarify that my asthma is chronic and I have been on Advair, Singular, a daily nubulizer, Proventil, Albuterol, Primetine, and Asthmanex.

On most days I was using a combination of these medications and although they helped to a degree, they never gave me complete relief and if I missed doses I would be close to emergency room wheezing (actually, after starting Advair I went to ER two times and prior to this med - I hadn't been to ER in 15 years).

Now it may be that my quest is over as I started MSM last week and I feel as though I had a lung transplant.

I can't really put into words how overjoyed I feel and how thankful I am to this website for exposing me to this supplement. I

have made it through an entire week without using my inhaler at night and have decreased my inhaler to once a day. I was up to about 10-15 times a day depending on weather and allergens in air!!! I have quit taking singular and have thrown out asthmnex. I will continue to keep my albuterol for emergencies but if MSM continues to work so well - I may not have to use it. I have also found that when I have had difficulty breathing like sledding with daughter the other night - if I wait a few minutes it goes away.

Normally, I would reach for inhaler for relief but don't feel that it is as urgent or severe. MSM may not work for others but it seems worth a try because for me it is nothing less than a miracle. Thanks again for this site and happy breathing to all. I will post an update if anything changes.

Posted by Susca (South Africa) on 07/24/2014

Hi. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have about ALL the symptoms connected with the disease. Doctors couldn't help me at all and no amount of painkillers could give permanent relieve. I am taking 2 teaspoons in the morning, otherwise I can't sleep. Only thing I should mention to you, if you find your msm is working for you, check and see how much chlorine do you ingest per day from your drinking water? Msm should not be taken with tap water as the chlorine in the water "cancels out" the effectiveness of the msm. Sounds dumb but its true!!!!

Posted by Paula (Mississauga, Canaa) on 10/19/2013

Never take MSM before bed for the simple reason that it gives you energy! The best book out there on MSM is by Dr. Jacob, The Miracle of MSM. He is the foremost informative author on MSM. I just started taking MSM for my painful arthritic knees after reading the book 1st. I am 48 and have been suffering for years. I have had major surgery on one and scopes on both. I get Monovisc injections and it does help and makes my life easy but I am looking for more help and I hope MSM will be it. I must say right off the bat that applying MSM cream topically to my knees and legs and face has had amazing results.

I have suffered from dry skin ALL my life and in short order my skin is healthy and moisturized like I have never experienced. I walked down some stairs after a week on MSM and couldn't believe the ease I felt in more than a decade. Still experiencing pain doing simple things like walking but I am hopeful and will give it a year. The longer you have lived with your trouble it will take longer to benefit from MSM (as the book states) or any other remedy.

Posted by Gail (Greater Manchester, United Kingdom) on 04/26/2011

I have been taking msm for about 6 weeks now and am amazed at the results. I was taking a high dosage of sulfasalazine for the past 3 years. I weaned myself off them in November. I can honestly say the msm has an even better pain relief than the medication.

I was taking 2 level teaspoons then increased the dosage to 2 level tablespoons until I got my joint pain under control. I am now taking a level teaspoon twice daily. This site is wonderful and I have tried many of the remedies. Thankyou all for your posts best wishes.

Urinary Incontinence
Posted by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 05/04/2010

To Ted: Early this year I had a very bad UTI and ended up in hospital. Afterwards I had trouble with extreme urgency and thought that I would now have to rely on pads for the rest of my life. I had already been taking ACV regularly, so no obvious help there...However, a couple of weeks ago I started regularly taking MSM (500mg x 2 times daily).I was suprised on the second day after starting that I no longer had the "before and after" dripping problem. On the third day I was amazed at being able to hold on for 10 minutes instead of the usual 10 seconds. Since then I have had no real problems and no longer need to wear pads. I have an idea about why this worked for me but of course I have no proof, but perhaps the infection weakened my bladder (or kidneys) sufficiently to allow some opportunistic parasites to invade and the MSM killed them off. I would be interested in your thoughts on this. As ever Earth Clinic is a wonderful source of information and support.

Posted by Greenhealth (Nsw) on 07/23/2017

Scabies for 2 years nothing worked. I used MSM half a teaspoon 3 times a day 3 days later 60 per cent scabies sores healed. Amazing product lifesaver. I was at the end of the rope after trying literally hundreds of different things.

Thank God for MSM.

Broken Neck Recovery
Posted by Pris (Southern Ca.) on 12/31/2015

Regarding Vet MSM.

I met a man that told me he was in a car accident a few years ago and broke his neck. A surgeon wanted to operate on his neck and the man refused. The man was told about Veterinarian MSM for human injuries and decided to try it. He told me he purchased the Veterinarian MSM at a feed store. I didn't ask how much he used but he told me that the Veterinarian MSM fixed his broken neck! I thought I would mention this on Earth Clinic.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Bill (Philly, Pa) on 12/11/2012

Editor's Choice

I've been reading all the comments about MSM on here for a couple of years now. Not to mention all the other info on line as well. I also read a book that surprisingly wasn't all that informative. You can also go to the infamous VIDEO site and find lots of useful health information.

When you first start taking MSM you WILL get a headache. That's a given. I don't know about a migraine, I don't know if I've ever had one. I had anywhere from a mild to a pretty severe.. Kind of dizzy like headache. This will pass if you can keep up with it. They say it will usually go away in about three weeks. Mine took about a month before it stopped. If you stop taking it and then start taking it again, It WILL start all over again. You can go a day or two but I would push my luck. I realize it's anoying but if you can stick it out you'll get past it.

Now the other thing is that you NEED to buy a powder. The tablets are useless. (or capsules)You would need to take the entire bottle in one day to get enough. Taking a thousand Mg once, twice, or three times a day is the same as taking nothing.

I am currently taking 20 thousand Mg a day. That's right 20,000. I take 10 thousand mg roughly 12 hours apart. When you really start investigating and reading enough on it you'll find that's the suggested amount. Most people start out really, really low and gradually work their way up. That may be a way to avoid the headaches. My theory was if I'm going to get them anyway I might as well take a useful amount and get them over with at the same time.

MSM is naturally occuring, just not as much as it use to. Like everything else. Some of these stories are a little out there as far as I'm concerned. These scare tactics just because you didn't like it or had some thing happen that you think was because of something you tried on Earthclinic are ridiculus and shouldn't even be posted as far as I'm concerned.

MSM has the same toxity as water. Meaning NONE. You can't take too much. Anything your body doesn't need will just come out in your urine. Just like water. You may find yourself going to the bathroom alot more when you first start taking it.

One more thing. I also used to buy it at a local Farm supply store down the street. 2 Lb's for about $17.00. That's half the price for twice the amount from a health food store or on line. The more I read about it the more I found out that maybe I shouldn't. The theory is that if it comes from China (this did) it is propably loaded with mercury and lead. China doesn't treat its water properly because it doesn't care about its poeple. They have horribly polluted water. Water is a big part of processing MSM and the polutants all get trapped in the MSM. I can't find a Horse/vet brand that isn't made in China. The container never says. When you call them it's like pulling teeth trying to get a strait answer. Eventually they admit it's from China. So until I find a safe Vet version I'll have to keep paying twice as much for half the amount. Or until I find that a china made brand is not neccasarily polluted.

MSM for Pets
Posted by Kim (Boise, Idaho) on 12/12/2008

Editor's Choice

I just found this site and love it. I read all on MSM. I have been using it for over 10 yrs. I first heard of it when my Bullmastiff ripped a musle in his back leg completely in half. He could not use his back leg at all. After about 7-10 days on 1TBS of MSN a day he started using his leg a little at a time. When he began using his leg regularly I then just added a sprinkle to his water eveyday. In about 6months I noticed his eyes had cleared up. He was almost blind when I adopted him.

During this time I read everything I could about MSM and found that it does detox you among other things. If you read anything on detox you will find that it is important to go slow, after years of use of perscription drugs, and loads of other toxins we breath and eat every day it is not suprising to me that so many people had bad reactions. I also noticed that almost every one was still taking perscription drugs as well as MSM. Some of the side effects if not all of them sounded like basic detox results. You must slow down your detox. Your body was telling you it needed more water. Was it tap water? You should have several BM aday your body is purdging things out. If I were havig these side effects I would do more research on detox side effects and how to slow down and treat natually. For instance look at what happens to drug addicts. It can be life threatening! Remember more is not always better and education is the answer. I hope you all find the answers you are looking for.

Another thing to try- If you have a sick dog put MSM in a bowl about a tablespoon. Right next to his food. I use loose not caps. I have done this with healthy animals as well. But every single time the ill dog has lapped it up. I give it to all my animals birds, turtles, snakes, hedgehog, lizard, cat, dog,and tortis. Animals instinctivly know what they need. They have always taken it when offered. Good luck to all of you.

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