The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Carrie (Mississauga, Canada) on 01/20/2008
I have been suffering from melasma for about 4 years now. It's on my forehead,and both my cheeks. I have tried everything from bleaches, cosmelan to IPL. Everything is short term. Just as recent as December, 2007, I started taking MSM, vitamin C as well as applying apple cider vinegar on my face. The results are amazing. For the first time in 4 years I can actually say my face has improved and I don't mind going out without makeup. It's only been 6 weeks and I intend on using this remedy to see if it'll get even better. I do hope my experience and information sharing will help someone out there, that has melasma. Good luck!!
Posted by Art (California) on 08/28/2020 2366 posts
I forgot to mention regarding my neighbor and MSM applied topically, she told me that it makes her skin softer and her hair fuller. She said she just spritzes her hair and skin with her spray bottle of MSM. Another friend that uses MSM from a spray bottle recently told me that her skin had started feeling rough and the MSM spray made it feel smooth again!
Dosage and Tips
Posted by J Taylor (Oregon) on 06/10/2018
I use horse msm from Amazon, Its sold by the train load. I buy 5 lbs at a time. You need a source that moves fast like quantities for horses and the other thing you need while taking it is exercise to move the msm through your muscles.
Don't take it in water tastes awful, put it in your mouth in powder form and add water and swish it around for as long as you can, 5 minutes or more, take at least 2 T per day.
Four hours between doses. Read the ebook by jim clark "It's the Liver Stupid"
Posted by Shelley (Quebec) on 09/13/2017
MSM: Headaches and nightmares and excessive thirst as a side effect but wow, almost pain free. Had pain in knees, neck, hips, wrists, elbows, and shoulder, feet, back, fingers on right hand. I can function again without pain. Been only a week and a half since taking it.
Dosage and Tips
Posted by Donna (Tucson) on 09/10/2017
For those who get a rash from MSM:
Any time the skin breaks out in a rash, that is a sign that the liver is detoxing. Over time it will go away. Just keep the dose low until it subsides, then you can increase it.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Clare W. (Banbury, England ) on 02/12/2021
Thanks for sharing what MSM has done for you. I'm 70 and years and years of bad posture has left me me lower back pain and now hip bursitis. Big ouch as my grandson would say. I have been taking a quarter of a teaspoon twice a day for about five days and am going to increase it gradually. Not sure if it's wishful thinking but I do feel I'm moving slightly better. Plus my shoulder, which has been painful, seems to have suddenly got better. So you have given me hope.
Posted by Lynn (Canada) on 01/08/2017
Hi, quality organic msm should only be consumed. Also, some people can have a sensitivity, mild gas and bloating. Msm does detox, which can cause heart palpitations, gas, diarrhea, headache. So start off slowly, increasing the dosage over time.
Posted by Darlene (Downey, Ca) on 07/24/2014
MSM worked great for my daughter's asthma. She's doing awesome and no more inhalers. Amazing stuff. I use MSM for my allergies.
Knee Pain
Posted by Karen (Sydney, Nsw) on 10/03/2010
I have really bad knees which seemed to be getting worse each week... I bought MSM on ebay here in Australia.. 400 gms and the cost was $20 for the MSM and $5 to send... I started on one teaspoon a day and have increased it to 2 teaspoons a day in orange juice, ( one teaspoon in each glass)... I wouldn't be able to walk if I hadn't started on MSM , as the pain was so severe.. I read the powder form is much bettr than the tablets as the tablets have fillers.. All I know is within one day of taking MSM, the pain was gone... I combine MSM with Castor oil.. The Castor oil I rub into the front and back of my knees.... It is fantastic... Look for the MSM that has some lumpy bits in it.... That way you know it has no fillers... It was the best $25 I've ever spent and the tub should last at least 3 months...
Dosage and Tips
Posted by Maxine (Havana, Arkansas, USA) on 08/17/2008
For all you people who have had a bad reaction to msm. You must start out taking very small amounts and work up to a larger dose. You will have herxhimer syndrome (body getting rid of bad stuff) if you dont. I get mine from vet supply, 5 lbs at a time, msm for horses, it has no fillers 99.9 % pure. Start out with 1/8 tsp, put on back of tongue, because of taste. I have been taking it many years, but had some bad symptoms at first.
EC: Thanks, Maxine. Very good to know...
IBS, Arthritis, Gum Problems
Posted by Irene (Brisbane, Australia) on 02/03/2008
My husband and I have had wonderful success for over 6 years taking MSM orally and using MSM topically. We each take a teaspoon daily - about 4 grams. It has stopped irritable bowel syndrome and arthritis and been fantastic help in gum problems (gargle).
The gel has reduced scars, insect bites, sunburn and creams are anti-ageing. We are passionate about MSM and will always take and apply it. Results have been so dramatic we started a skin care company.
Posted by Jepps (Finland) on 11/27/2016
I've been using MSM for 3-5 months now, and only side effects so far have been that my acne healed away and pimples are gone! But it seem I've got more wrinkles around eyes, but that might only be cause I'm aging.
Back Pain
Posted by Richard G (Colorado) on 05/25/2015
Hi! I also take MSM - about 5 grams a day, as well as Vitamen C (3g/day), turmeric, cayenne and much more. And I've had chronic severe back pain and depression and dizziness and other symptoms for a long time. Yet, in the past year, all of my symptoms have improved, and I think it's because of a change in my philosophies and practices. You see, none of the supplements can work if they can't get to the sites that need them, even when we take large doses. And helping agents can only get to these sites if they have adequate blood flow. So I've made it a practice to do lots of simple exercise repetitions to enforce good blood flow, and let my body take care of the rest. For example, when I lie down, sometimes my stomach can burn like crazy. And I also feel a big knot in my back. So, to bring blood flow to the area, I simply stand up and swing my arms from over my head to down behind my back from 100 to 300 times. The idea is to move my back muscles with a fairly gentle exercise to get all of the fluids moving there. Moving fluids = toxins moving out = beneficial elements moving in = body heals itself. I do this with the various parts of my body that suffer pains, and voila, the pain subsides and even heals over time. I hope you try this and it works for you. It takes creativity and inventiveness to determine the best simple movements to increase the blood flow. Yoga is a good resource for finding movements to repeat over and over.
Posted by Michaela (Cambridge, Ma) on 02/17/2015
Hi Cat,
I had the EXACT same response as you when I tried taking MSM - heart palpitations and increasing anxiety and unbearable pressure on my chest when I lay down to sleep. I read that you should stop for a few days and then start again with a very small amount of MSM and work your way up very slowly. I have a giant bottle of MSM powder but have yet to try it again because m first experience was very scary. What if you roll on just the MSM gel and not swallow any? Maybe that's the key. Please let us know how it goes.
Posted by Lucy (Carletonville, South Africa) on 11/15/2012
MSM for arthritis- MSM purchased from the veterinary shop or stables is cheap and it works like a charm. I have been taking the powder (very bitter!!! ) for 6 months and my arthritis is cured, although it is an ongoing remedy but the dosage is less per day.
Dosage and Tips
Posted by Hardlymoving (Union, Nj, Usa) on 10/15/2010
I've been using MSM for several years and it works. First started with DMSO but my wife and friends couldn't take the Sulphur smell. Switched to MSM to 2 tablespoons a day and got ALL the symptoms of detox; headaches, change in heart rhythm, extreme fatigue, etc. Didn't panic and lowered the dosage. All the problems gradually disappeared. I take 2 tablespoons in powder form with powered Vit C first thing in the morning with around 16 oz of water. Then my bladder get's filled every 20 minutes... Constantly urinating clear. By late morning everything's good.
Broad Benefits
Posted by John (Nyc, Ny) on 01/15/2010
I have been in the healing profession (practitioner, researcher, advocate) for 30 years, nothing comes close to my experience with MSM. I am so sorry it took this long to try it.
My chronic asthma gone in 3 days!! On albuterol for almost 40 years. I am in shock.
Some side effects which I consider to be cleansing symptoms. Nausea, sleeplessness and skin breakouts, but I did start on a high dose of 20 grams a day. After three weeks no more 'side effects'.
My energy has greatly increased, I feel quite euphoric every day now. The only time I had that kind of euphoria was by drinking three glasses of organic green juices a day. I think people on heavy medications, mercury fillings, toxic diet are going to have more difficulties with it, so building up from a small dose with extra vitamin C and plenty of pure water will help.
The other supplement that really helps is Vitamin D3, I take 16,000iu liquid daily, no colds for two years now and my chronic bronchitis of 20 years has disappeared.
Some years it was mild others, severe triggering serious asthma attacks. So the combination of Vitamin D3 and MSM has been miraculous for me. This great website encouraged me to try MSM. Thanks so much.
p.s. Brushing my teeth with MSM has whitened them.
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 08/29/2020
Hi Art,
My husband stopped using the borax hand cream when he read that that even topical use might be a problem for people with kidney disease. That may have been the case with your neighbor. He is now using MSM, also, and having some pain relief with it. Thank you for your always helpful, well researched posts that have benefitted so many here.
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 02/06/2017
Hi ORH, it's me again! Your posting reminded me of an interesting observation my favourite Aunt espoused when I was very small. Amongst other accomplishments, she graduated with a Diploma in Horticulture, which greatly impressed me as a small boy fascinated by all things natural and gardening. I asked her why we had white bread as well as brown bread? Same for rice, flour and sugar etc. She was an environmentalist and an advocate for organics before those terms were coined in the main stream. She was a woman ahead of her time who put her knowledge into practice on the land. I admired her a lot. She famously said to me, "The companies take all the good stuff out and feed it to the pigs and we are left with the rest". I never forgot that but I should have promptly taken up shares in a pig farm I suppose!
Rachel Carlson (sp?) wrote "Silent Spring" about the same time I would guess. Oh my, we have not learned a lot since then have we??
Cheers, Michael
COPD, Shoulder Pain
Posted by Lois (Quanah, Texas, Usa) on 11/08/2010
I had a bad shoulder pain in the joint. My elbow throbbed and my last three fingers were numb. I saw the Dr. I got a shot in the joint of the shoulder and after a couple of months I still hurt. I bought some MSM and took 4000 milligrams that morning, by afternoon it had stopped hurting. My fingers are no longer numb. I have copd and it has helped my breathing. I had a pulse ox of 90 sitting down and I noticed my pulse ox is 97 now. I find I can walk further. I have been on msm a month. I am so thankful for msm.
Increases Energy
Posted by Maz (Sydney, Australia) on 01/18/2010
I have started using 3000mg of pure MSM (capsule form) and also found my energy levels are through the roof! I'm taking msm for melasma but this is a fantastic side effect
Sorry for all the posts but I think this website has changed my life!
Maz :)