Health Benefits

Top Health Benefits of MSM for Pain Relief, Skin and Lungs

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Dosage and Tips
Posted by Robert (Martinez, CA) on 03/22/2008

I have been taking msm 1 gm/day for years as well as family & friends in a combo supplement which includes vit. c & mineral ascorbates.No negative effects reported from anyone.

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Lisa (Lafayette, La) on 09/27/2010

Troy, I am sure everyone understands what detox is. But when your 48 yr old husband whom you love more than life itself wakes up in the middle of the night with a heart jumping out of control after taking msm for 2 days, detox is the last thing on your mind!!! My hubby had already made 2 trips to the ER with rapid heartbeat a couple years ago. These symptoms decreased to almost zero with the addition of magnesium, co-q-10 and L-carnitine to his daily diet, but is now truly down to zero after adding d-3, k-2, quercetin and milk thistle. Yay!! Then last night, he had another episode thing with the heart pounding. I also had severe head pain and EXCESSIVE thirst, even though I drink tons of water. We are stopping this msm after only 2 days. He doesn't need it bad enough to experience heart problems, and try to work through a "detox". I need HIM around more than he needs msm! To encourage someone to stay on something that is causing serious side effects is simply dangerous advise in my opinion! Arthritic and joint pain can be treated with Hyaluronic Acid, which is what we are doing. Husband just wanted to add the msm to see if the results would be even greater, so that's why we added it to our mix. Not anymore, though! I'm throwing out that big bag of white powder today!

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Maria (Canberra, Australia) on 08/28/2020

Some years ago, a scientist announced that worldwide people are Vitamin D deficient, even those who are working in the sun. What he said was so controversial that he has been shut down. Cannot find his work anywhere and sadly didn't write down his name but am sure he was Scandinavian. I think he said that there is a change in our Sun.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Angela (Georgia ) on 09/15/2021

I take it for asthma - to breathe- so I have to take it morn and night.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 11/21/2021

Aahhh, makes perfect sense now!
I appreciate the explanation.
I'll report back if I have any noticeable results.
Thanks :)

Where to Buy
Posted by Carolyn (Utah) on 02/13/2021

I loved the post on MSM but question the Bulk Supplement brand that was recommended. It comes from China. It is my understanding China has little or no manufacturing standards.

Cardiovascular Health
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 02/14/2021

Hi Mary (MA) -

I apologize in advance for the long post!

I always start on a low dose and then increase it very gradually to avoid any stomach issues. This may be why I didn't have any side effects.

For the MSM, I started at 1/8 teaspoon of the crystals (sometimes called powder depending on the brand) which, according to the container, is 625 mg. I took this twice a day (with or without food) – once in the morning, then again in the early afternoon.

I put the crystals on my tongue and immediately drink water to flush it down. You can barely taste it this way. Also, it's very important to stay hydrated when taking MSM.

Over weeks, I gradually increased the dose (1/4 teaspoon, then 3/4 teaspoon, etc.) until I was taking 1 teaspoon (5 grams) twice a day.

For some reason I stopped at the beginning of Covid-19 when I started taking quite a few other supplements. But I'm back taking it – returning to a low dose, gradually increasing it until I'm taking 1 teaspoon twice daily.

Vitamin C enhances MSM.

I take ascorbic acid in crystal form (sometimes called powder) throughout the day (about 1/8 teaspoon which is 600 mg depending on your brand). I put it directly on my tongue and wash it down. If you do this every hour or so, you get a regular low-dose intake of Vitamin C. I had no reactions doing this (and it prompts me to drink water every hour!).

I always use the crystal or powder form of Vitamin C and MSM so I don't have the unwanted additives they use in capsules/tablets.

I like Andrew Saul's information on Vitamin C and other vitamins (like Niacin). He's a down-to-earth type of guy.

Best wishes!


Posted by Sdm (Northern New Jersey ) on 12/27/2017


It's very interesting that you speak of headaches as this is supposed to be a brief side effect when starting this supplement. Another side effect I found was hair loss in the beginning but it levels out & soon there's new hair growing in. I'm not sure how much in need of this supplement my body was, I took it to relieve inflammation in the body & for that, after one month, I felt the difference & had no more discomfort or pain, plus your skin begins to feel softer. I wish there was a blood test which could reveal every single nutrient or vitamin a human may be seriously lacking in their life!

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/16/2015 529 posts

Had some pain in the kidney area so refrained from drinking MSM water. Had some organic lemon aid and a couple swigs of olive oil.

It didn't really register in my mind until the pain, but initially I hadn't been urinating as much and the urine was darker than usual then, yesterday, I was going a lot and it was lighter. Anyway, with the discomfort, I'm assuming kidney stones.

I had gallstones a few years ago and after that cleared up I got in the habit of drinking organic raspberry lemonade but they quit carrying it a while back and I forgot all about it. Anyway, it makes sense with all of the flushing that there might be stones and this time it appears to be kidney stones, so, there's that.

They still carry the organic lemonade so I'll use that. It's not as yummy as the raspberry lemonade, but it's still pretty darn good!

Back to MSM water tomorrow and I guess I'll be drinking some lemonade, too, and flush out whatever stones there might be with a swig of olive oil every now and then.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 12/08/2016 529 posts

If you have kidney stones, then you're dehydrated and one effect of dehydration is oil in the urine. So, in a way, it's the illness itself that allows the cure.

Olive oil has special properties that make it different from other oils to begin with, and it is only now being studied more closely to identify those differences.

Where to Buy
Posted by James222 (New Hampshire, US) on 11/24/2014

A great way to test if MSM is pure is to pour a glass of water, pure MSM will quickly sink to the bottom and any fillers will float on the top.

Hope this helps

Posted by Jillery (North America) on 01/16/2014 86 posts

I just started taking MSM orally and received my MSM cream today. I am taking it for rosacea and so far so good. I take 2K am and pm. It does not seem to energize me. I am hoping it will help lessen the pain in my left foot also.

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Sheila (Norwalk, Oh) on 03/30/2012


You should be drinking a lot of water anyway. The pure MSM in crystal form is recommended. Start with a quarter teaspoon a day then work up to a full teaspoon. If you need more for your symptoms, it is ok to take much more. Your body will take what it needs and eliminate the rest.

I love the stuff. Don't take it after 2pm if it makes you jittery.

For the cat, I always put the crystals in a liter of water. You shake it up for awhile until it dissolves and it is like nothing at all is in there. Give the kitty a liter of water with that in it and she will drink it, no problem.

Where to Buy
Posted by Adele (Portland, OR) on 08/21/2014

The very best MSM is either from Kalahealth or Dr Jacob's own lab in Portland, OR, JacobLab, which is run by his son.

Posted by Barb (Cleveland Ohio) on 05/27/2021

Has anyone ever nebulized MSM?? For asthma or COPD. Thank you

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Ds (Us, Usa) on 09/04/2011

It's interesting that you mentioned D3, because as I was reading over all these warnings, I was thinking how they're saying now that the majority of us are deficient in Vitamin D. And it makes sense, given the fear that's been instilled in us about the sun, how we wear all this sunscreen crap, always under the cover of a house, workplace or vehicle. And all these years drinking pasteurized milk that was supposed to be covering a chunk of our Vitamin D needs, and it's not even the right type of D. And then telling us that 400 I. U. Was all we needed.

NOW they're finally admitting that we need a lot more than that. And that the lack of this vitamin is likely the cause of many of our major ills. Vitamin D, our bodies need it for so many things--calcium. Imagine all the calcium running around in our bodies with no place to go 'cause the body can't use it without proper amounts of Vitamin D3.

So I'm now wondering how many of our freaky reactions and allergies and ill-health conditions will be alleviated once we toss the sunscreen and start taking large doses of Vitamin D3. I was watching a naturopath's youtube and she was saying she routinely starts her patients out on 5000 I. U. Daily without even testing because she's seen that most people are deficient. If someone is dealing with health issues (who isn't?) supplementing with less than that is likely going to have an insignificant effect. She says with those who have very low levels (probably a big percentage of us), she starts them out on 10,000 I.U. For a few months, then lowers that amount. Sunshine, hmm, we actually need it. Go figure ;)

Joint Pain
Posted by J. Episcopo (Fredericksburg, Virginia (USA)) on 05/06/2007

I have successfully used MSM (the recommended Lignisul type) for many years to allleviate allergy symptoms and pain in my wrists, elbows and knees. It is important for anyone considering a new remedy to read about it beforehand. Some people think that more is better and learn the hard way that each of us has limitations. I like this forum and found it very helpful.

Knee Pain
Posted by DL (BH, CA) on 05/04/2006


I recently bought powdered MSM for a sports knee injury. The pain in my knee literally went away overnight after the first dose on MSM. I got excited and doubled the dose for the next 5 days. At that same time, I started to have anxiety attacks when I lay down to sleep. It felt as though my lungs weren't getting enough oxygen and I started to get paranoid that I was going to stop breathing during the night! My chest felt as though it had an enormous amount of pressure on it. After a few days of this, I realized it had to be the MSM and stopped taking it. My breathing issues went away 48 hours after stopping the MSM. In the future I will take much less of this!

Side Effects and Warnings
Posted by Steve (NM) on 04/21/2006


I started to take MSM recently and started to have anxiety late at night before sleeping. Funny -- you don't hear anything about the side effects of MSM, yet clearly I was having a reaction.

Posted by Roz (Los Angeles, USA) on 04/12/2024

I recommend this informative short video about MSM's benefits and appropriate dosage by Amandha Vollmer.

How to Avoid MSM Side Effects
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 11/18/2021

Hello Dave (Nampa, ID) from your neighbor in Kuna!

Fascinating post. I also experimented with taking a tablespoon of MSM once or twice daily for a couple months. I didn't notice anything too drastic but I did feel great! I plan on taking it again now trying it this time with molybdenum. was wondering if you could explain what you meant by your last 2 sentences: “The shift of moly toward the evening failed. I began to tolerate the 5pm MSM after months of saturating with moly.” thanks so much!

Where to Buy
Posted by cheryl (MN) on 02/21/2021

In your MSM posting you mention MSM from Kala health which is USA sourced and Bulk supplements which is China sourced. I'm wondering if anyone has used the PurforMSM for animals rather than the OptiMSM for humans by Kala?

It is quite a bit cheaper and it seems to be the same ingredients and gone through the same testing. Any results or issues from doing so? Thanks

Posted by Jay Sc (USA) on 07/19/2021

"I wish there was a blood test which could reveal every single nutrient or vitamin a human may be seriously lacking in their life!"

Fabulous test to tell you just that.

Borax Side Effects
Posted by Mvm (Sinop) on 12/25/2017

MSM might be good against borax die-off reactions

Taking a serious risk, I took 1/4 teaspoon of borax with a glass of water. The next day, I got strong Herx reactions primarily including stomach and gut pain, nausea, and slight pains or pressures in various regions of my head.

I noticed that a teaspoon of MSM powder (which I've been using for a week now) with a glass of water and orange juice alleviated the reactions.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/06/2015 529 posts

Another way to take MSM is to mix a strong batch in a jar and add some of the strong solution to whatever water you drink throughout the day. I've been doing that a couple of days after doing a 5g dose and not sleeping well for a couple of days. I didn't take any for a few days and then started with the smaller amounts in my water. Enough to make the water taste really good but not enough to leave that "smoky" taste in my mouth. I can't really say what the amount is - it's just a "taste good" amount.

I'm going to do that for a while and then alternate between MSM water and ascorbic acid water. Just to see what happens.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/08/2015 529 posts

Tried some water with no MSM in it for the first time in a couple of days and it tasted really...blah. As a huge fan of drinking plain water, I'm wondering if water with this small amount of MSM qualifies as "plain water". Of course, even filtered water isn't actually "plain"...

It sure tastes good so I guess I'll see what happens.

Other than just feeling good and not grabbing a snack every time I walk through the kitchen, I've experienced no symptoms of toxin release or die off. Everything's in working order.

Actually, the not snacking may be a symptom of toxin release, as I used a sort of diet pill when I was both working and going to school full time - WAY back when. So we'll see if the "not snacking" continues. On the other hand, I'm not actually skipping meals, so...I don't know. It's interesting. I wouldn't even notice the good feeling or the not snacking if I wasn't specifically noting changes. It's not like I've stopped eating or I'm feeling euphoric or anything dramatic. I always feel good but I just feel sort of extra good and I'm not craving sugar or salt (snacks) which, actually, might be why I feel extra good but I COULD eat a scoop of ice cream or some chips and salsa, no problem - I just don't crave them.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/14/2015 529 posts

Increased water intake and had some sea salt to compensate for the sweating feet and weight is back up so was definitely acutely dehydrated.

Skipped MSM for a day and felt a bit depressed, which is weird. Or maybe not depressed...I'm not sure. I don't get depressed so I'm not 100% sure what it's like but my mind was definitely attracted to the "less than fun" aspects of life and every little "problem" seemed bleak and blown all out of proportion.

Still have the rash and it has spread a bit. The bumps are flattened out but it's more itchy.

Hair seems super soft and more..."flexible" or something.

Still only taking the MSM as "good tasting water".

Might try some aloe with MSM for the itching.

Back to my happy self - very interesting.

Where to Buy
Posted by Hunter (Cairns, North Queensland) on 11/23/2014

Hello out there. I am trying to track down pure MSM in crystal form and a good source of sodium ascorbate. I am on a budget in Cairns North Queensland. Have found that the msm sourced from China is available at a low price but I have some reservations. Can you good people make any suggestions?

Where to Buy
Posted by Dimitra65 (Sydney Australia) on 06/29/2023

Hi Hunter. Just saw your post. The company that has pure organic MSM is in Queensland. Their website is I have been using their products for some time now and I can definitely say that I can vouch for their purity. I have a friend who is a holistic healer and swears by their products. check their website and see if their store is close to you. Regardless, their online customer service is excellent.

Pills Vs Powder
Posted by Koekoe (South Africa, North West) on 05/19/2013

Just want to say that I get the same results with the MSM pills as with the powder. The pills definitely work as well.

Posted by Linda P. (USA) on 11/03/2024

There are no SULFATES in MSM. Please research the scientists/doctors who discovered it and used it personally for over 30 years.

Cardiovascular Health
Posted by Mary (MA) on 02/13/2021

Hi Tessa!

What amount of MSM are you starting out with? And what type of vitamin c are you using? Just curious with all the side effects one can get at first with MSM. Thanks.

Prevented Hip Replacement
Posted by Annie (GA) on 02/13/2021


How much MSM do you take daily? Thanks.

Prevented Hip Replacement
Posted by Cheryl (US) on 02/14/2021

I was checking into One is for humans and the other for animals. The animal one is cheaper and appears to be the same/similar. Do you know if it's ok to use the animal version? Thank you

Prevented Hip Replacement
Posted by Janet (Greeneville, TN) on 05/18/2021

I bought a 2 lb of MSM at tractor supply for horses. A lady friend told me I could personally use it and I'd appreciate any information you could give me. I appreciate your response and have a good day.

Posted by Art (California) on 08/29/2020 2366 posts


I forgot to ask if your husband used the borax hand lotion long enough to see any benefit?

Thank you!


Broad Benefits
Posted by Debbie (OK) on 02/12/2021 1 posts

Hi, what brand and which MSM are you using please. Thank you

Posted by Brandi (California ) on 07/16/2022

Product kleenz ridded ours years ago.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 07/10/2015 529 posts

Again, it may be because of the flushing of old toxins, but noticed a change in the fit of my clothes and I've lost about 10 lbs...but...where did it GO, is the question.

Also have a rash on my chest that I thought was a regular heat rash, which I usually wash with coconut oil and powder and disappears but this one isn't disappearing. MSM lotion stopped the itch but the skin's still bumpy so - some kind of cleansing rash, I'm assuming.

It occurs to me that my feet are extra sweaty and I forgot I'm using MSM lotion on them - after showering and a couple of times between showers I cleaned them with coconut oil and applied more lotion, due to the sweat. I forgot that the lotion I'm using is MSM lotion. All of my skin is much softer. I would not have classified it as "dry", but, compared to how it feels now, it obviously was.

I've only been using the MSM lotion on my hands and feet. My hands are not sweaty but they are definitely not dry which, again, I wouldn't have classified them as "dry" before now but, comparatively, they must have been.

Could explain where the weight went. Just double the amount of sweat from the foot would be like an extra pound and my feet are sweating more than that. On average, one sweats about 2 lbs per day (1 quart) which can go up to that much per HOUR when one is actively sweating.

This would actually explain why MSM feels so good, initially, AND why symptoms return so quickly when one stops taking MSM - a flush of hydration, initially, and dehydration when stopped.

I will up my water intake to compensate. See what happens.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Jacqui (UK) on 12/08/2016

How would any oil help your kidney's? Any oils are dealt with by your liver and bile, then absorbed by the small intestine - they are long gone as oil before the blood gets near the kidney. I eat a quite high fat diet, but have NEVER noticed any oil slick in my urine, and would be very concerned if I had.

How to Take MSM
Posted by Tom (Calgary) on 03/30/2021

I was using black salve on a fumigating tumour on my head. For about 2 days, I had yellow oil leaving my pisser. Now I see how oil goes through you in dramatic times. Very glad to start to understand what was going on. Thanks for the post!

Where to Buy
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 08/03/2010

Joyce from Joelton, Tn,

Can you let us know where (phone #) do you buy your MSM powder from? Most of the MSM in the market is from China. Thanks!

Where to Buy
Posted by Melody (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/19/2009

Hi to Ted! I wanted to know where I can buy msm supplements here in Bangkok? I have problems with melasma. I heard msm is good and effective for melasma problem. thanks.

Where to Buy
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 02/23/2009 392 posts

MSM helps melasma if sufficient quantity is taken. However, MSM is not sold in Thailand. Although a common acne medication such as azelaic acid and retinoic acid may reduce some of those issues. It is said that excessive production of estrogen and progesterone brings about melasma, although I believe that vitamin E 400 i.u. also tends to normalize some of these hormone imbalances as this is one of remedies used to alleviate menopause, which is a hormonal imbalance.

Where to Buy
Posted by Digger (Tagbileran, Phillipines) on 05/30/2009

Hi to Ted...hi mate im Australian and i use MSM and DMSO...I buy these products in australia when i visit there.. But i also visit thailand a lot..Is there anywhere that i can BUY DMSO in Thailand..or if not, can you tell me where you buy your DMSO from. Thanks. Digger

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