Oregano Oil
Health Benefits

Oregano Oil Health Benefits

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Skin Infection

6 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Caroline (Honolulu, HI) on 10/04/2006

This will work--no exceptions! Run hot shower over body for a couple minutes to open pores; turn off shower; add 5 drops pure oregano oil to some liquid soap like Dr. Bronner's Eucalyptus Soap. Mix in hands and apply to one major limb--left arm, e.g. Do the same again for the right arm. Again for the torso, and again for both legs respectively. It will burn. Tolerate it for as long as you can--between 3 to 5 minutes at the most. Rinse.

For me it cures these no-see-ums that I presume to be some kind of mite. I frequently get infested after handling papers or books that have previously been infected. Why I just don't throw out all these things so that I'll never be exposed again, I don't know. Actually, it's because I'm an information junkie and hope that freezing or cooking in the oven will rid these papers/books of these parasites. Not necessarily! I just got a new infestation which brings me here to this website. I did "the treatment" just now and it works. It burns the little critters to death. Just accept that your skin will burn also for the 3-5 minutes before you rinse it, and somewhat after. But you will definitely feel an immediate sense of relief because your nerve endings won't be agitated any longer

Skin Infection
Posted by Lina (Felton, CA) on 09/29/2006

I haven't been completely cured yet, but Oregano Oil and Mineral Oil have greatly helped a case of scabies and I feel I am on my way to recovering. I actually had this case of scabies for several years, but it never got very bad as I had tried various over the counter remedies because I thought at first it was just dry skin or a skin irritation. When I finally realized what I had, I was upset because I did not want to take a neurotoxin. An herbalist recommended the oregano oil and almost instantly I began to see results. I've been taking it orally and also applying it topically. I have also been using mineral oil on my hands as well.

Strep Throat

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Taissa (Montana) on 11/01/2013

I have been using ooo for many years and have found that the fastest and most efficient way to get wild ooo 80% carvacrol into the system is delivery right under the tongue. I do not use it in any gel cap form because I think some of the stomach acids inhibits it's fullest antibiotic and antiviral potential. I once tried it with gel caps and it didn't respond as well. Under the tongue is more potent and powerful, and I find that I respond much faster to it. It burns a bit, but that's a good thing and I do like the taste of it. If it's too strong for some, mixing it up in a bit of sunflower oil or water may help. Perhaps some juice as long as it goes under the tongue. I hold it under the tongue for as long as I can stand it, then swish it through the mouth and swallow it back, followed with a nice tall glass of water or juice.

I would never take this on a daily basis, and would use it only as a preventative in cases where I'm going to possibly be exposed to illness. I have read many studies that suggest ooo stands side by side in potency with last resort antibiotics such as vancomycin. A dear friend of mine who is a biologist grew some bacteria in a petri dish, added in ooo and the germ killing response was incredible. So I would never use ooo on a daily basis, but as needed. Something so powerful should be reserved for such things, in my opinion.

I killed a severe tooth infection once by taking 2 cloves of garlic and three drops (not dropperfuls, but drops) of ooo under the tongue every two hours (during my waking hours) and followed that regimen until pain completely reduced, then cut the regimen in half for a couple more days. Garlic and OOO packs a powerful natural antibiotic punch. Chop the cloves, mash them up, let them sit 5-10 min to release allicin. Swallow with water like you would a pill, then take the ooo right after and bam you have natures antibiotic.The toothache reduced greatly by end of day two, and gone by day 3. Some people experience a faster response.

I have killed strep throat with ooo every single time my daughter or I have caught it. The strep was confirmed with the doctor. We took the antibiotic script he gave us and put it on hold, and went home and did our ooo and within hours the sore throat was gone. I painted it on the back of the throat with a q-tip, and gargled it. For my daughter, I put 2 drops in water and let her swallow it back every few hours. Strep is nothing to play with, so if we had no response, I would definitely get the doctor's antibiotic, but we have never had to do this because ooo is just as potent.

I have had some very good experiences with ooo and I would never be without it.

Replied by Sara
(The Beach, Canada)

I have taken it under the tongue and burned the area from taking it undiluted so this may not be the best option for some. Just fyi

Strep Throat
Posted by Jason H. (Paradise Valley, AZ) on 03/17/2008

I had strep throat last week and it was getting pretty bad with the pain. I tried gargling with ACV, drinking it with water, honey, cayenne pepper, etc. I even tried Amoxicillin from the doctor. Nothing helped me...until I tried Oil of Oregano. On Wednesday night, I took a couple doses and by Thursday morning, the pain was gone. Now, a week later, the strep is totally cleared. For me, this was the cure for my Strep. Oil of Oregano is great!

Strep Throat
Posted by Harold (Virginia Beach, VA) on 01/22/2007

I don't know if you consider this a natural remedy or not, but oil of oregano has stopped strep-like sore throats very quickly for me and my wife. If it appears to be full-blown strep, I soak a cotton swab in oil of oregano and dab it directly on the inflamed area. If it's milder I can often place about 6 drops under my tongue and hold them until the mouth fills with saliva. I then gargle a bit to coat the back of the throat and swallow. The oil has a powerful burning taste but it has come through for us many times.

Swine Flu

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Janis (Sacramento, Ca.) on 11/03/2009

I had been dealing with sinus issues for years and regularly used a neti pot with salt water to manage it. One of my yoga students is a master herbalist and I asked her for recommendations for building up the immune system of my asthmatic daughter. I had been concerned about her catching the swine flu as it was going through the school. She told me about Wild Oregano Oil being anti-viral,bacterial and anti-fungal. I also did some research online and found a ton of information on the benefits. Make sure it's wild and the high potency.

Not only do I believe it kept my daughter from getting full blown swine flu (she started to come down with the symptoms) but she no longer needs her inhaler. So we all started taking it and normally we all get sick by this time of year but we have managed to keep the funkies at bay with this amazing stuff.

I decided to try one drop in my neti pot against many posts that warned not to because of the heat of the oil. However, I came accross one that said they tried it and it burned no worse than getting a little chlorine in the nose. I decided to try it too and instantly felt relief after the initial slight burning ceased. I have not had an issue with my sinuses since.

FREEDOM for the first time in years! Which is a huge relief as a yoga instructor. It is liquid gold in our house! I truely can't say enough about it.We take one drop under the tounge in the the morning and at night. My kids and I just chase it with water but my husband has to mix it with juice even though he's the only one who can eat wasabi and hot peppers!

Toenail Fungus

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Robert (LA) on 08/08/2023

Can't remember where I found the idea of applying Oil of Oregano onto Toe Nail Fungus however, This only works when the infection is minor and doesn't work for on nails which have an abundant amount of fungus underneath it. I will be returning to Apple Cider Vinegar applied instead.


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Sharon (Baxter Springs, Ks) on 10/28/2009

I have been using oil of oregano for years to cure tonsillitis. I am 63 years old and haven't had a sore throat for several years now. Oil of oregano is a natural antibacterial and anti fungal. 2 to 3 drops of pure oil in a small glass of water works perfect. the taste is awful and it stings for a short time ( no burning of skin) If it hits the lips it stings for a couple of minutes, but it subsides. I have found that oil and water doesn't mix very well so I mix it with a small amount of honey mustard (mustard imulsifies oil) It tastes better and easier to swallow. Gargle twice and swallow. I guarantee this will cure a sore throat over night.

Tooth Infection

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Nanci (Berwick, PA. USA) on 03/08/2009

I have been using oil of oregano for over a year. I put a drop on my finger and apply it to a tooth that was starting to abcess. I had to put it on about five times a day but in two days the pain was gone and never got as bad as the one that had to be pulled. I would get it in a healthfood store to make sure it is safe for digesting. I'm not sure if essential oils for inhaling are the same. *oreganol* is the brand I have

I start to put a drop on my finger and apply it to the glands under your ear by your neck. One or two drops per side. Then I put a drop on my finger and put it under my arm pit because there are glands there also. I do this about five or more times a day. I have been able to ward off a cold completely when everyone else has it. I didn't have any because I lent it to someone and I went a few days with out using this. I got very sick and was in bed for five days. when I got it back I used it and two days later was up. I think I should have used it longer and I didn't. Now I got it back. I guess because the cold got a start here, now it is going to be hard to get rid of it. Now I made a cup of hot water, 1/2 a large garlic diced, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of ACV and the juice of a Lime. I am loosening up already. Oh and the acv cured the hot flashes I had.

Tooth Infection
Posted by Tabby (San Francisco, California) on 02/15/2009

I'm returning to Earth Clinic to share what Oil of Oregano has done for my family in the past 6 months! I also want to give thanks to God :)

I had a cracked tooth start hurting, extremely sensitive to cold. I knew it was infected, and it throbbed almost constantly. I began apply oil of oregano diluted in cold pressed olive oil to the gum two - three times daily. This immediately took down the pain each time I applied it. By the end of the week the pain was completely gone, giving me time to get to a dentist.

My husband caught a cold this winter, and after a week of it came down with bronchitis. He refused to try my Oil of Oregano! Stubborn guy that he can be ;) But after two weeks of coughing he relented one night and I started him off on 2 drops under the tongue three times daily. Within 24 hours he reported "feeling better overall with more energy". Within two weeks his cough was completely gone, then we stopped the regimen.

I began feeling a sore throat coming on. My daughter had one as well. I took one little drop of Oil of Oregano and put it in some water and had her drink it before bedtime. I took mine straight, I like the taste. I held 3 drops under the tongue for a bit, then began swishing it in the mouth and swallowed. After one more time of this, sore throat totally gone.

I have a compromised immune system and I'm extremely grateful and impressed by how well the Oil of Oregano has helped me and my family. It's nice to go to my cabinet instead of the doctor.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Julianna (Columbus, OH) on 01/10/2007

I knew about taking cranberry juice for UTIs as I've had one or two in the past which is why I try to take the AZO cranberry pills & yeast pills daily (along with eating yogurt daily). I was surprised when I got this latest UTI a few days ago. Since I no longer have health insurance, I was freaked & I knew that the OTC urinary pain medicine was just a temp fix (which I gladly used b/c my UTIs come with PAIN!) Sure enough the OTC pills and the extra AZO cran pills began to have no effect yesterday even though I was constantly poppin em. I read through the site about oil of oregano (which I never heard of), vitamin C & others & decided to load up. I got the sea salt, oil of oregano, unsweetened cran juice, etc. I put 2 Tblsps of Sea Salt in a cup of H2O and tried to drink it. Well I drank maybe a little less than half the cup.... maybe. Maybe I put in too much salt, but DAMN! I took 1000mgs of Vitamin C. I put a drop of oil of oregano under my tongue (not good) & put another drop in a cup of H2O (this I could somewhat tolerate). I also sipped on a cup of the unsweetened cran juice (ick!). Anyway about an hour later it became less painful to pee & today I have no pain when I PEEEE & NO frequency. I have no idea which remedy did it & how long I need to keep taking these concoctions. I also took some probiotic pill the woman at the whole foods store put in my basket (she claimed the pill has millions of the good bacteria I need & way more than yogurt). Anyway I will be taking this pill in the AM & PM. I think the little bit of sea salt H2O I took had an effect although I won't be doing that again unless absolutely necessary & I believe the oil of oregano did something too. I will continue the oil of oregano, the vitamin C &, the probiotic pill for 6 more days & then maybe just continue the probiotic pill in place of the AZO cran & yeast pills I used to take. I know the feedback on this site really helped me. It seems these UTIs are such a Catch-22. They say that holding your pee in (or resisting the urge) can possibly bring them on but when I know its gonna be painful to go then I'd rather hold it than feel that pain. Maybe its just me.... Well, anyway hope this helps someone.

Posted by Alexa (GA) on 12/08/2006

An Alkaline diet and Oil of oregano will cure Chronic sinusitis and urinary tract infection. I would recommend that you consult your doctor for diagnosis of urinary tract infection in order to rule out more serious conditions and then take oil of oregano with concentrated cranberry juice. The best way to take oil of oregano is under the tongue but if you don't like the taste you can take capsules. You will feel it working. Oil of oregano is an antifungal, antiviral and antibiotic which makes it very effective against sinusitis etc.

Posted by Shelley (Nova Scotia) on 06/04/2006

I tried almost everything, conventional and alternative. Finally found my cure-dandellion tea and Oil of Oregano at first sign of infection and as a preventative I take acidophillus supplements try to keep the bacteria balanced. If I stick to these three products I can keep my bladder under control. Basically cures my bladder infections and the infections are occuring less often as times goes by. I hope this helps someone else because I was very discouraged when I finally found this "cure", I had spent a lot of money and time trying to find relief. When I went into my health store and said I think I have tried everything here, do you have any suggestions, they offered me the oil of oregano and said they had never heard any bad results. Great stuff!!

Vaginal and Intestinal Bacterial Infection

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tracey K. (Waldorf, Maryland ) on 08/19/2020

Editor's Choice


I wanted to let you know about the time that I used Oregano essential oil to cure a vaginal and intestinal bacterial infection.

I went to see my doctor and of course she put me on an antibiotic for 10 days. I didn't have any improvement. She then gave me another even stronger antibiotic for another 10 days. I went back a third time and the course was repeated. I was early in my medicinal plant learning at the time and didn't know a lot but decided to take my health into my own hands after being sick for 2 months. What did I have to loose?

I started taking 5 drops of Oregano oil in a shot glass of water morning and night. By the next day the irritation in my vagina was much better. I continued the treatment for 4 more days. By the third day I had no signs or symptoms at all. It was amazing how quickly it helped and never returned.

I swear by Oregano oil for any bacterial or viral infections.

I hope my story can help someone else with taking control of their own health.


Tracey K. 🌿

Replied by Imari
(East Anglia, UK)

I am interested in taking Oregano oil - so many recommend it but how to you get 4 drops down? I have been taking 1 drop occasionally in a little whisky and it always stops a cold in its tracks - so do you have a good way of taking a 4 drop dose? Also how often would you do that, please?

Replied by Rsw

Oregano oil is also sold in softgel capsules, regular and super strength, that are easy to swallow.

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

Mix it with another oil such as olive oil. Please always eat something with it so it does not burn your stomach.



2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Amanda (Calgary, Canada) on 06/02/2009

Oil of Oregano (cheapest is found online) has stopped all viruses in our family in a year - even our kids take it. I do 3 droppers full at the first sign of it - today in fact, I woke up with a strep like sore throat and haven't been sick in ages...I did 3 droppers full ALWAYS follow with part or all of a glass of water - it feels hot, but KILLS that germ dead and I felt relief, as always, almost instantly. Then, went back to bed; when I woke up I took another dropper full and the sore throat was barely there at all. By mid-morning, it was all gone. As happens everytime, it kills the virus and prevents upper and lower respiratory infections. It is Anti-viral and anti-bacterial and is NATURAL.

I gave the same instructions to my dad. He is 78 and it prevented his getting bronchitis, which he used to get with colds. It has also lowered his blood sugar and he takes it on a regular basis. You don't need studies when something from nature works and causes good, not harm. Our family haven't had any cold or flu viruses take hold since we started taking it over a year ago. We just order a couple of 60ml bottles online and that lasts us months.

Some brands need only some drops used, because they are hotter than others. It is worth getting the larger bottle with the cheaper price, because they aren't as concentrated so you can take droppers full.

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