08/11/2011: Gary from Sacramento, California, Usa replies: "Try Tea Tree Oil applied directly via a Qtip. The polyp will fall off in about 3-4 days."
He started using a few drops of it in distilled water (to his comfortable level), and put some drops with a nasal spray into his nostril. After 1-2 weeks, he feels like the swelling is mostly gone.
The other day he went to the ent, the dr put the endoscope in his nostril and they said they couldn't see the polyp. He showed them the picture of the polyp that the dr took before, but to his amazement, the dr said it's gone. Thanks to God for showing us this treatment. Just wanted to put it out there in case it may help anybody else.
I have suffered for more than twenty years from chronic sinuses and nasal polyps with mno sense of smell and having a lot of mucus. Despite blowing out regularly, blockage never cleared: I had an operation in March 2019 but never enjoyed the results as by October 2019, I was back to blockage from polyps. The only treatment that gave two weeks clearance is Madrol/prednisolone which: there was zero response to nasal sprays including nassonex.
I started using tea tree oil 5 drops+ castor oil teaspoon+5 drops iodine(😀)+5 drops extra virgin oil(😀) then thoroughly mixed them in a bottle. I then put two drops of this concoction into each stuffy nose on 08/03/2022 and today 10/03/2022 is my day 3 AND just on day two I could breath a bit on one nose and slept breathing better with it. Today on day 3, 💪💪💪👍👍for the first time without prednisolone/medrol, I can blow out my nostrils with clear thin mucus unlike the "usual" former brownish thick one. I can sense smell though it is not such perfect and the asthma that I was taking seretide twice daily has improved such that I am so far on day 2 without taking it.
I just want to thank everyone who has shared their experiences here for now my life has improved and I hope for perfection.
Please share the alcohol treatment that I came across here on one of the posts as a deterrent for recurrence of polyps: I cannot afford to go back there: my life is better than after operation.
I had the polyp for four years.
Tea Tree Oil
TTO oil is good for polyps as of now.
Tea Tree Oil
This is Prasanth from India. First of all I would like to thanks a ton for this website who actually founded it. This is Miracle website which cures ailments.
Coming to me, I was a great suffer for sinusitis due to nasal polyps which is visble. I am afraid of surgergies so when searching for natural remedies I found this website by god's grace. wow. It was horrible yesterday, miraculously seeing some improvement after following below steps:
Day 1:
Mixed 5 drops of tea tree oil into one spoon of Caster Oil (hexanne free) one and had put it into both nostrils two drops each. (instead of qtip ) Initially scared to put tea tree oil, but how ever my suffering with nasal polops gave me force to use it. I have used it.
It is not much strong so to cause sting..I have added more caster oil for safeside.
Next thing I have done is, nasal rinse(water+ saline powder + two drops of tea tree oil into it) and then used this as Rinse solution. It clease most of bad stuff inside. I see little blood it it..
Day 2:
I have now added a 1/4th of spoon of ACV (Apple cider venigar) into my nasal rinse solution(water+sinusair saline powder+1/4th spoon of acv) and then did the nasal irrigation...
wow this combination seems to be very well than tea tree oil combination.. It did not sting much..
To my amazement, I noticed my nasal polyp shrunk noticeably than yesterday....
WOW god bless this website and who found this solution...It seems to be working, I am going to update this post I am going to try this solution contineously..
I really thank this website, I hate of surgeries and fear of it, some how Tea Tree oil and ACV comes to rescue...
What I do everyday are:
1. Using Sinus rinse 4 times daily mixed with 2 drops of Tea Tree essential oil every wash.
2. Using Qtip (each nostril once) to apply tea tree oil which I mixed with Castor oil as carrier oil (10 tea tree oil + 1 table spoon of castor oil, put it in small container so I can use it for many times), 2 times daily.
3. 1 teaspoon of castor oil everyday
4. Apply Aloe (4 drops each nostril) after rinse my nose, 2 times daily.
5. Wear mask when go out or in kitchen to keep away the allergen (as my case is Mold Allergy/alternaria)
6. Sleep early everyday between 10pm - 11pm to let my body fix and heal itself.
7. Exercise half to 1 hour daily and make sure to sweat everyday, drink a lot of water to replenish my body fluid.
I am so happy today, after years of struggle and fighting for sinus problem and cant smell anything for years, finally I am able to smell the aroma of coffee and my surrounding! It felt so wonderful after years of suffered and it finally heal and getting better day after day! Im so grateful, even though I still cant breath normally using my nose as the polyps still there, but they are getting smaller, and I believed one day it will cure by itself and I can breath like a normal person. I also read the book Secret by Rhonda Byrne and apply the technique to believe my nasal polyps can be healed one day and let the universe do the work. Thanks again earthclinic.com and people here to share their experience. I hope who suffered nasal polyps benefited from my experience. All the best!
Tea Tree Oil
I tried Tea Tree Oil with carrier Coconut Oil for my nasal problem. I had lost sense and could not smell for long time. I tried TTO 5 drops with COO 10 drops and I regained smell and fragrances recognition within 24 hours onwards. My nasal polyps are very large and have tried TTO & COO for last 3 days.
I have to wait to tell my experience regarding shedding and reduction of my nasal polyps.
For 6 days now I have been administering tea tree oil mixed with olive oil to my husbands nostrils with ear buds. Twice a day. Two wipes per nostril as high as it is comfortable for him. They have shrunk and have receded much further up his nose. I can barely see them now. More importantly his passages are both clear and he can breathe.
He has also been taking some generic allergy tablets...two in am and two in pm. He has also been drinking apple cider vinegar every evening...a small shot glass.