I then began to search the internet for a cure and I came across a website from a pharmacist from Bakersfield, Ca. He was retired, but back in the 40's, 50's, 60's, he had a lot of people asking him for a cure of which he had none. He finally took the time to look into it, and knowing that it was a fungus, he figured that since they use sulfur on plants to kill fungus, why wouldn't it work on humans.
Well, the fungus they use on plants is poisonous to humans, but there is a type of sulfur that humans CAN digest. He figured out a dosage for it and began to give it to his customers. He had great success!
I decided to see if I could obtain some, and I found that all the pharmacies had removed it from their shelves. I finally went to the web and found some. That was about 2004. It is called "Flowers of sulfur". I bought a bottle, it was about 32oz of dry powder. Then I bought some large gel capsules. (I don't remember the size but they were approximately 3/4" long and 1/4" in diameter.)
This whole buying spree cost me about $15.00. The Flowers of Sulfur is probably a bit more expensive if it's still available. (I believe that "big pharma" may have played a part in getting it removed from stores because it's cheap and it works! I only used 1/4 of that bottle and still have the remainder. The pharmacist died a while back, and his son took over the web-site. The last time I looked for it, His son had a warning on it that he had been strongly advised to stop giving out this remedy and the dosage, so it was unavailable anymore. Gotta love those Pharms! )
I don't remember the exact dosage, but I believe that I took 3 capsules of flower of sulfur twice a day until I had consumed 60 capsules. That was the last time I had any symptoms! There were no side effects, except some people have a little trouble with gas. Also, this is not to be used by anyone that is allergic to sulfur!
One other thing that I know...This fungus is in the dirt of arid areas of the Southwest. The fungus gets in your lungs and then, in some people, it will begin to grow in the lungs. I contracted it while I was stuccoing a new house in Scottsdale, Az, because the workers had been driving their trucks over the dirt for weeks, and the contractor wasn't wetting the ground down periodically. It was like 4" deep moon-dust flying through the air! Within a few days, I was sick...but no more!
It was like a miracle, that cured me or made it go into remission. I had the healthiest 22 years after. It was great. Twenty two years later, I took a trip west. My immune system must have been weak because valley fever came back. My lungs look a mess and Drs keep wanting to operate and all sorts of things because I am in the south and they are not familiar with what VF leaves your lungs looking like, although they should be by now. I'm opting out of that.
Sooo I decided I would go the sulphur route again. All sulphur has been removed everywhere. Except for animals and agriculture. Which can't be ingested. I tried for flowers of sulpher like the man whose letter I read on this site. You can no longer buy that. So after all that can anyone tell me where I can buy some sulfur that is not mixed with other things and can be ingested. Because I'm at my wit's end. I would really appreciate the help.
Flowers of Sulfur
For myself, I would trust the agricultural grade sold at farm supply stores, but USP grade is readily available.
Flowers of Sulfur
It appears that the only yellow sulfur that is available is commercial grade that is 99% pure. Not sure if that would be suitable for human consumption. The other form of organic sulfur is methylsulfonylmethane, commonly known as MSM, but this is roughly only 34% elemental sulfur. Here is a link to typical products :
Just scroll the list to look at available products.
Flowers of Sulfur
If you want pre-made sulfur capsules, try this company, PennHerbs. They carry Flowers of Sulphur Capsules, USP - 1175 mg, 60 Veg Capsules. I never ordered from them so I'd call them on there phone first. Https://www.pennherb.com/flowers-of-sulphur-capsules-usp-405X
Flowers of Sulfur
I take sulfur once a week, for good health. I asked my Drugstore and they ordered it for me. I live in Ontario.
Good luck.
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
I think this is also / now called MSM or Organic Sulfur it is available as a supplement, I take it almost every day with no side effects.
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Flowers of Sulfur
Thank you for your help.