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4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 08/11/2020

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here and I have a yarn to spin. Fruit trees loaded with limbs breaking, but we too old to harvest as we have in years past. Made a deal with a neighbor where he picks the fruit and we share..... one for him and two for us. He called to thank me and know his wife is sickly. He told me that a neighbor down the road is going to turn these apples into sauce, jelly, etc., on halves. Do what? He said he would introduce her to me next week. ORH ain't dumb, regardless of what most think. What I am going to propose is that he pick and she process and we all share 1/3 each. No one in this county has a farm like ours. I planned it 30 years ago and it is now the envy of all. Problem is ....we too old to reap the harvest. Never thought I would get old. It is our farm and now 3 families are going enjoy the fruit. My survival sermons have gone unheeded except for one young fella down in Alabama. His dad was one of my buds that worked for me in Selma. He and his family will survive what is coming. He is smart enough to listen to my counsel. So what have we learned with this tale?

.......... LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. Give things away and they will come back by the multitudes.

Out of spit.


Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, with another neighbor story. Last week, we offered our Middle Tn lake neighbors all the tomatoes and peppers they could use for making Salsa. They picked 10 gallons of tomatoes and a toe sack of peppers. Today she came back to the lake and dropped off a small ice chest full of venison sausage cheese and pepper links. AUSM? My ole worn out heart is jumping for joy. I do love venison sausage. My Tractor Driver had told her to use Mrs Wages spices and add our peppers. Neighbor said, she'd made Salsa all her life, but this was the best. This Bible thing works. Right now, we all need a dose. ====ORH====

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, don't need money, but need love, so we are going to give our tomatoes away this week. Locals can pick 1/4 bushel. We have apples and pear limbs on the ground and will soon make that decision. Know all are following the news and know we are a sick and corrupt nation. I thought I was smart, but all this got by me. Would tell you some more neighbor stories, but you get the drift. Give stuff away and they can't stand it and have to give you more. Amazing how that works. I challange all you ole patoots to try this. Folks can't stand to be loved, they have to love you back 2X.


Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile , T)


I U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, and I want to tell you of a custom that I learned while living in South Louisiana with the Cajun people. When ever they come to visit they have a gift for you. At first it put me on a guilt trip, but I's SJS and soon learned they they were telling me that they are my friends. So we have adopted this custom and most folks don't understand that they do not have to pay us back. However, it is a custom that leads to deep friendships and suggest that all try it out and see if it works.

Here in Tn, when we give stuff away to friends and neighbors, they are flabbergasted and think they owe us something. They owe us nothing. Just be a friend to us. Hey....... why not take a treat out to the rioters and see if you can make them your friend. That should tell you something. Would that be amazing?


Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here. Have you ever met a carpenter that thinks he is an artist and he is. He only works cedar furniture and he lives in Redneck Country and was going hungry. Folks bring him a picture of a $ 6,000 cedar bed and he charges them $1200. He only wants to make $20/hr. I have cut a deal with him to help us at the farm two days a week and we pay him what he wants and he gets to tote off all the garden stuff his vehicle will hold. We gave them food when the Covid 19 thing hit and they were without. He is now appreciative of that gesture. We have always worked HS kids and paid them minimum wage. But you had to hold their hand full time. I am going down fast but know that our veggies are the reason we are still alive. If we stop, then the game is over. My mind is still pretty good . Took an internet IQ test the other day and I's smartern ever. My poor old body is just worn out. The test was slanted to old stuff and old folks should do well, huh? So what is my message? When times get tough, the tough get going. The Boy Scouts and Ga Tech taught me how to think. But, Father Time is the best teacher of all. I now truly believe I will be smart at age 85.


Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, TN)

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, with another garden story. We try to only raise heirloom veggies, but they can cross pollinate with neighbors and you have to keep them separate. We grow 4 variates of tomatoes.....Arkansas Travelers, Amish PASTE, RUTGERS AND CHERRY TOMATOES. Today, my tractor driver came over and picked a half bushel of each and went home to turn them into juice for winter time. When I came in, she had all the pulp and seeds in separate bowls. Seeds go to the bottom so I diluted and poured off the super net, and then put each into a bender and kept pouring off the super net until there was nothing but seeds. Poured that through a strainer and put that on a paper towel on a paper plate, and set them all out in the sun. I promise you that next year you will pay $10 for each. The reason you need to grow only heirloom is that the seeds save true. What you had last year you will have next year. All understand what this country is going through. You will not survive unless you know how your Paw Paw survived. All that eat GMO latent Glysophate store bought veggies will die a terrible death. The simple people that raise their own food have a shot of getting through this. As usual, I try to tell you that the Lord has provided, but you just need to listen. The COVID 19 thing is a perfect example. ===ORH===

Posted by Soazburrolady (Southern Az ) on 07/22/2020

Hi Ol' Robert. Love your stories and really appreciate the gardening advice. I'm the "tractor driver" (also a Kubota) at our house! But, I have no where near your energy when it comes to the myriad duties around our plot of desert. Wonder if you have any advice about the weeds - they always take over around now, especially the wiry grasses like Bermuda. Can't and won't use poison (too many animals including my burros). Have tried steaming with vinegar which works but is cumbersome, slow and labor intensive. Any ideas?

Be of good cheer! My wonderful dad used to tell my mother "don't worry today - I'll do all the worrying for you". And she would be a little irked, and answer "Yes, but you won't do it!"

All the best.

Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Borrolady, ORH here, some of this you are not going to like. In our raised beds, we use a cobra head hoe to loosen grass and remove by hand. In our main garden we lay down black mesh ground cover between rows. Where we plant field peas, we mow between the rows with a small regular lawn mower. Under our fence rows I do use roundup, but not around any veggies. We also have a flame device that we sometime use. Ground corn gluten initially helps to delay weed seeds and also has some fertilizer effect. The professional onion growers use this. You are right ...... gardening is not for lazy people. Lot of folk's garden fail because most maturing plants need side dressing. Secession planting allows using smaller gardens. As you know, we have a spring that we pump from to keep everything irrigated. No water, no garden. Out of spit. ==ORH==

Replied by Soazburrolady
(Southern Az)

Hi Ol' Robert. Thanks so much for your very detailed response regarding weeds - my nemesis. You're absolutely right - I indeed was looking for the easy silver bullet! We have tried the propane torch in the past with mixed results. I will probably have to get down on my bum and start pulling the suckers again. Had not heard of the corn gluten, so I'm guessing that my feed store might carry. Gives me another stall tactic. lol.

In our orchard, the burros are the most efficient weed eaters you ever saw, however, like most things that are too good to be true, they soon migrate to eating the leaves and then branches of the smallest most tender trees. Eventually, left to their own devices, they move on to gnawing the bark off the trunk of the trees. So, they require constant supervision - still easier on the back than doing it myself!

Be of good cheer!

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, Tn) on 07/09/2020

HI U OLD PATOOTS, ORH here, and this is a saga of how the skies have changed over our lake cabin in the last 30 years. In 1989, the sky was always smokey. Worked almost 40 years in the paper industry so I have a feel for smog. This was smog, not the vapor from the forest. TVA installed a taller smoke stack at their Kingston Coal Plant. Guess who got the smog then....... yep New England, and they sued. Then came the Chem Trails and you could watch them form from early morning and by dawn, the sky was covered with a vale cover such that you could see no blue. My farm green house was coated such that it was no longer clear. For the last few months all the clouds look like my youth and the sky is a wonderful blue that you only see at the beach. Good people we had a far healthier life when folks were simple and let the Lord control the climate. I have mixed emotions, I think this pandemic can teach us things. Myself, I think all countries need a Benevolent Autocrat. We don't need Capitalism, Socialism, Islam, nor Communism. There is a book written that tells you how to get this man, and it has to be a man because he has to have a sack full of Testosterone to call the shots. Old men have lost their Testosterone because it has aromatized to Esterdiol. They are not old men, they are old wemmins. This past Tuesday my Anti-aging doctor pumped my fanny full of Testosterone pellets. I have the same male hormones as 30 year old. That is the reason, I am the way I am. My Tractor Drive still has the hormones of a young woman. That is the reason she still drives my tractor. I got ails, but still raise most of our food. You don't need an anti aging doctor...... just read. All doctors hate Suzzane Summers. Now, that is one tough hide. She knows her stuff. Startling to ramble, so best I close. Have you learned anything from my rant? Good.


Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS, ORH here, and just pulled our first ears of corn and eating them tonight. It's a struggle to have to live off the land. No meat tonight.... just Ambrosia boiled corn on the cob, fresh vine ripe tomatoes, green onions, bell peppers, radish and raw beets with carrots all from our garden. Thank the Lord that our electric fence is keeping the critters at bay. Gave a church member some green beans last week and we got a loaf of banana nut bread in return. Lake neighbor from Middle Tenn left a gallon of blueberries on our stoop and they can't out do us, so we gave them our morning garden pickings. We'll show them. I just glad we around nice people. For instatance, we have a friend that had a blow that blew over some 20 or 30 large hardwood trees. He is going to try to salvage the main trunks but is going to let us have the large branches for firewood. I let him use my farm equipment that he needs. I like living along side good neighbors. That is the reason I hang with you EC folks. Nothing but good neighbors here. ====ORH====

Replied by Tina
(Princeton, N J)

ORH, reading your frequent descriptions of home-grown produce reminds me of the saying: Growing your own vegetables and fruit is like printing your own money. Enjoy!

Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ORH here, and won't drag this yarn out. Corn is larpin and if you don't know what larpin means, just think of succulent. Coat the ear with natural butter and sprinkle with mineral salt. Against the law. Mouth is sobering just thinking about it. Hard to get by these days. Melons coming in. My jaw is locking up with the thought. All it takes is work. Normally eat eggs for breakfast, but now it's cantaloup and watermelon. The Lord provides. ====ORH====

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/27/2020

HI YA'LL,,,,,,,, normally light hearted, but have a heavy heart now. Just got off the phone with my pastor and things are not good. His biopsy showed that he has pancreatic cancer. He is toast, if he follows the normal allopathic route. Our medical folks have zero clue and all die. That is not necessary if you research, the doctors who solved this cancer died mysteriously. I am going to get involved and he will live. Now that ought to get a 5 star on EC. We will see. Will keep all posted. I don't know squat, I just read a lot. Also, I wear things out. If it works, then I will die. Our medical folks do not want a cure for cancer. Cancer adds more to the economy than anything except for energy.


Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Opportunity has arisen. Let faith arise with it and conquer satans lies. My pastor neighbors son had that and then the pastor got liver cancer. They were apostolic Lutherans and I would go over to pray with them and they would remind me of the guildlines I was allowed to use. I broke all their rules and he got a liver transplant and the son overcame the cancer. Mark Hemans overcame stage 4 cancer. We are body mind and spirit so I fight on all three fronts.

He's blessed to have a friend like you . : )

Replied by Art
2370 posts

Dr. Burt Berkson is the guy with the experience on how to naturally treat pancreatic cancer. He is well known and has a very good track record with his simple protocol and has put in all the time and effort to fine tune his protocol for best effect.


Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ART, ORH here, thanks for the info.

My wife has convinced me not to get involved because I have told him Joe Tippen's story twice. It's a mule to water thing. I have addressed low level cancer 3 X in my old life, and I guess I have kept it at bay. My first was when the two researchers at Purdue did a test they devised to detect stage one or two level cancer. I went on their protocol of a unique green tea that you drank every 4 hours 24/7. That was interesting. Years later I became concerned and we sent both our blood samples to Holland for the Nagalase test. Tractor Driver was good, but I was not. Then I started Transfer Point Beta 1,3D Glucan and a rigid detox, coffee enema's, etc. Got over that and about a year ago my PSA went into the danger area and I will never get a biopsy. My prostate was such that I had difficulty urinating. Read the dog dewormer story and went down that trail for about 6 months. PSA now down and can pee fine. If my pastor was interested.......... he would do the things that I just mentioned that worked for me. I would only use an oncologist to keep score. He would have to get off sugar, processed and junk food. He would never do that. He told me to pray for him and I will, but the Main Man also has told us the he has provided. I believe that with all my heart. We can solve most of our health problems with life style changes. Cannot believe that I am about the only advocate of eating good veggies on this site. Why wait until you in deep dodo? I sometimes get a guilt complex because I am talking preventive and not solving a health problem. Oh yes I am, you just don't get to experience the problem if you eat good food.


Replied by Ray Vargas


What was your protocol for the high PSA?

Replied by Ray V.


What was your protocol for the high PSA?

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

RAY, ORH here, worked in '67 on the start up of the paper mill in Shelton, Tx. Love Texans. What I did was get off my hormone modulation as far as Testosterone is concerned. Did the Joe Teppins protocol, took a prostate supplement( PROSTATE SUPREME), did my PEMF cancer program and drank lots of water. To find the Joe Teppins protocol, google " MY CANCER STORY ROCKS". It is simple as it gets. I am not good at convincing folks to avoid chemo, and radiation. Oh, forgot, I did Transfer Point's Beta 1,3D Glucan according to my weight. That tops out your immune system. Lots of success stories there. I am back on my Testosterone Pellets.


Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Not sure if you are aware of Dr. John Lee what your doc didn't tell you books but in one he talks about the dose of progesterone for men for PSA numbers.

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

Charity, ORH here,,,,,, let me tell you a story as to how dumb I ams. Some 15 years ago, I started reading about anti-aging, but did not know squat. I learned of a firm in NC that tested your blood and told you which way was up. I e mailed them and ask them how does I get this blood test done and what will they tell me? The guy called back and told me they only work with doctors like Dr Troxell, who just moved to Knoxville. That is when I called her and we now blood kin after all this time. She loves my Tractor Driver because she does exactly what she says. Me....... I got to read up and may modify her directions. She still loves me a little. So........ yes progesterone is part of our hormone modulation that she monitors every 6 months. I listen to my doctors counsel, but do not necessarily take it. My IQ is probably higher than theirs. If a specialist doctor has a ego problem, then we clash. If they are a smart Redneck, like me, then we work it all out. They usually cave when I offer them good stuff from our farm. I cheats a little. Ya'll know how I ams.


Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I don't feel too smart and it's been a miracle just to get this far in life. I put in some seeds this year and just went to look up what they might look like so I can pull any weeds that try to sneak up on me. I am just catching my breath from being broken in person and trying to pull it together . I have kids that are on the ball. They hold back to keep people from getting discouraged by it. Made me feel a bit like the Yarn Princess trying to raise them. They are good people. Spouse was QA boeing, keeping planes safely flying . He likes things to be done properly. We are opposites in many ways so I am always a surprise to him. I always tell him, how can I explain myself to you if I can't figure myself out? How do you apply borax to plants? I know it kills bugs and adds boron. Do you have comfrey in your garden?

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, ORH here, and I want you to dream of the perfect supper. Went to the farm this morning and everything is coming in. Came home and my Tractor Driver out did herself as usual. Supper included new potatoes with green beans, fried okra, onions with cucumbers in olive oil, egg plant paddies made with ritz crackers, garlic powder, cheese and eggs. Finished that off with a zucchini muffin for desert. I'm telling you people, it's hell to be pore and have go live off the land. We jus barley getting by.


Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/25/2020

ORH here, and my short cuts causing me grief. Finished the electric fence around our corn and melons, but cost cutting did not work. I have 6.5kv at the charger but only 1.5kv at each line and you need 3.7kv to cause pain. Called the factory folks and they said I had a connection problem and they are right. Got parts to correct that, because we have melons head size and do not want to share with critters. Corn is tasseling and silking, but you need 6 rows for the natural pollination to work. When you have only 3 rows, then you have to shake each stalk and the male will meet the female and you will have filled out ears of corn. Folks that think there is not an intelligent fellow somewheres controlling things, have never raised a garden. Our 3 pear tree limbs are breaking due to too much fruit. Tractor Driver says we have 6 cases left from last year. Think we will survive, least things get more violent. City slickers buying up land in our area. Problem is they brought their politics with them. None go to church and work on Sunday. Main man is upset. Not our way. ====ORH====

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

I am contemplating corn. I started a dozen in a box that are sprouting and it's my first time in years trying any new things outside. Put in comfrey (lifesaver)and had a few peonies, pinks, and bulbs but weeds and grass took over while I was feeling poorly. Neighbor (keeper of the seed bank) gave us plants, a tomato, 3- tomatios, and some marigold sprouts . Put in a couple rows in the dirt of pea seeds and then the rabbits came a snacking . Spouse put up a fence 8 x 16, only a brave deer will jump into that, with a gate and I continued to dig outside the fenced area, had to move two compost bins surrounded by tall grass and that took a week, so I could plant potatoes and later put in corn. Still thinking, and the potatoes are sprouting and corn starts in the box need put in the ground . I also need to put more corn seeds in with them. Saw what you wrote and found this little article . I know it's late to be seeding, my seeds are four years old, so not much to lose. Didn't think they would sprout . Heirloom seeds from neighbor, years ago. Summer started this week. Now for Gods smile and it should all work out : 0 and some faith. Outfront we are tackling blackberry mountain while we still have a burn window . Blessings, charity

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

Why not plant chia or hemp seed? They are a complete protein and also contain omega 3.

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ANON,,,,,,,,,,, ORH here, and I have researched Hemp and it confused me, because you get different results with different strains. I just buy what I think is the best. Folks in Tn are growing it everywhere. Signs up and down the roads. Will not go that route. I buy Barlean's because of their quality reputation. Know this is a health site and eating good veggies is about as healthy as you can get. Like one lassie said, she can grow sprouts in quart jar in her kitchen. Do a worm bed and use their casting to grow organic stuff in a flower pot on your back porch. You don't need a farm. You don't need money. All just need to get off the sofa and create a sweat. ==ORH==

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

Hemp seems like a perfect subsistance crop, though. Comparatively corn seems like a waste of space. They say molasses, wheat germ, yogurt, and brewer's yeast were the superfoods years ago. You've got your minerals, your vitamin e, probiotics, fats, protein, and calcium, and then more protein and B vitamins. How are you determining what to plant? Just what grows best? Or what you like? Your tractor driver is adorable :)

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ANON,,,,,,,,, ORH here, what you need to know is that I likes pretty wemmins and she was Ms Crossett, Ms Ashley County and Ms SouthEast Arkansas. She's still a pretty woman in my eyes. She is also a tough hide. She can shoot with the best and out works me every day. I married her because I knew her mother. She too was a tough, but gentile hide. Most all love their spouse ....... they just don't like them. It is important that you like your spouse.====ORH=====

Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/23/2020

ORH here, and me and my Tractor Drive were sitting on the back stoop cyphering how to survive the next two years. What did my sharecropper PawPaw buy when he went to town every Saturday in a mule wagon? He had his corn ground, so we need corn meal. He bought flour, salt and maybe pepper. He made his own molasses and we loaded with honey. We good there. I know I may sound wild and strange, but we in strange times. Our life style is going backwards and you better figure that out pronto. We are fixing to live like our great grandparents did. My current chore is to install a solar system at our farm that will water our garden. Water is #1. Does this upset you? What about our current events ......does that upset you. It does not me because I knew what was coming. Just glad it is coming now when the old folks can still shoot. This is going to be something to behold. Young folks meet old folks. Guess the outcome? Yep, they lose.


Posted by Anon Not Canada (Not Canada) on 06/22/2020

❤ORH❤!! Does your tractor driver have a recipe for rhubarb?

Replied by ORH
(Ten Mile, Tn)

ANON,,,,,,,,,,, ORH here, I failed at trying to raise rhubarb. You know I's SJS and do everything about half ass. Have some 25 cherry tomato plants that are Organic and heirloom and cut a deal with the market down the road. What folks need to understand is that the LORD is an amazing fellow. We are setting aside beds that the Main Man raises..... unbelievable. Tractor Driver does the flowers for the church but we have set aside a bed they come up on it's on. All she does is to pick the flowers. We have a dill, and cherry tomato bed that the come up every year on their own. This year I let our collards go to seed and put them in a raised bed. We will have greens this winter and it all just happened. We have potatoes the we did not plant. We just left them in the ground. There is a man the looks over us and If you think not, then your I Q is 75. If your IQ is 150 then you think you are he. My IQ is 129 and that is high enough to know that I's smart but low enough to know that there are folks lots smartern me. I love being where I am because I know I have to work for what I get. Wearing all out with my tales, so will close. ====ORH====

Removing Posts on EC

Posted by Anon Not Canada (Not Canada) on 12/17/2020

Please delete all posts associated with my IP address. Thank you.

EC: Hi Anon Not Canada,

We do NOT store/keep/save any ip addresses on our server once a post has been approved by an admin on Earth Clinic. If you would like us to delete your posts, we can do so only by either email address or screen name and location.

Roots of Earth Clinic

Posted by Echosyn (Dallas, Texas) on 07/02/2020

Your site has been a blessing and literally a life saver for me so I thank you. A matter that has often weighed heavily on my soul is that we as a global culture have forgotten our Terran ecosystem roots. This is best explained and taught by the experts such as the Kogi indigenous people of Colombia.

Searching for Specific Posts

Posted by Mac (Oregon) on 11/16/2022

What is the best way to find forum posts about borax and candida?

EC: Hi, check the borax section first, then the candida section:

Searching on Earth Clinic

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by J. (Florida) on 01/10/2021

Editor's Choice

Hello, everyone.

When one doesn't see a particular topic category in the menu, such as when one is searching for specific keywords on the website, one can try some of the methods below.

Using an example of searching for webpages with information about citric acid, one can visit one of the webpages below and type keyword combinations, examples of which are below the listed webpages.

In the search box at either of the above webpages, one can type the below keyword combination. +"citric acid"

Another keyword combination worth trying for this example is below. +citric +acid

One could also search for one of the words, as listed below. +citric

To search the section of the website dedicated to Ted from Bangkok's observations, one can try the below keyword combination, for example. +"citric acid"

Below are links to the search results of sample searches from the two aforementioned websites."citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid""citric+acid"


Numbers 21:9
John 3:14–16

Replied by Cindy
(Illinois, USA)
529 posts

Awesome! Thanks, J! Just did a search for aspirin as it doesn't have its own page and it worked!! Yeah!

Replied by J.

You're welcome, Cindy.

Also, for everyone interested in visiting the links, I apologize that I accidentally duplicated the first link, thereby making five links instead of four. The duplicated link is the third one. In addition, because of how I typed the Web addresses when I posted my message, the actual addresses that were generated from what I typed are different from how the links look on the webpage (moving a mouse pointer over each link will show that each address being linked to is truncated—this might have to do with quotation marks in addresses). In order to visit the webpages at those links, one could highlight each link, copy the highlighted content, and then paste the content in the address bar of one's Web browser (the address bar can also be referred to as a location bar and possibly by other names). Alternatively, one could also type the Web addresses by hand into the address bar, although I usually copy and paste because when I type, there is a possibility that I will mistype something.

Below are steps for copying and pasting the links when using a computer.

• To highlight with a mouse or other such pointing device, start by positioning the cursor or pointer on the screen to the right of the link. (Note that these steps must go from right to left even though English is typed from left to right because starting on the left side can cause content above the link to be selected.)
• Then click with the mouse or pointing device.
• After that, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard of the computer, press the left-arrow key on the keyboard repeatedly until the entire link has been highlighted, and then let go of the Shift key. To speed up the highlighting process, one can hold down the left-arrow key instead of repeatedly pressing it. Also, on a Macintosh computer, holding down both the Shift key and the Option key while repeatedly pressing the left-arrow key can cause more content to be selected with each press of the left-arrow key. On a Windows computer, holding down both the Shift key and the Alt key while repeatedly pressing the left-arrow key might do the same.
• Then, at the top of the screen on a Macintosh computer or at the top of the Web-browser window on a Windows computer, look for a menu bar. On a Windows computer, if there is no menu bar displayed, try pressing the Alt key on the keyboard; doing so might cause a menu bar to display. Also regarding Windows, the top of the Web-browser window might or might not be at the top of the screen of the computer; therefore, the menu bar might not be at the top of the screen.
• If a menu bar is found, click the menu-bar item Edit.
• From the menu that should display, click Copy.
• Alternatively, instead of using a menu bar, one could use the keyboard shortcut Command-C on a Macintosh computer or Ctrl-C on a Windows computer.
• After copying the selected link, in the address bar (it can also be referred to as a location bar and possibly by other names) of the Web browser (the address bar usually is a wide rectangle near the top of the browser), highlight the content there and delete that content.
• For some Web browsers, one could use a keyboard to highlight the content of the address bar with the keyboard shortcut Command-L on a Macintosh computer or Ctrl-L on a Windows computer.
• After deleting the content that was in the address bar of the browser, paste the copied link by clicking the menu-bar item Edit and then clicking the menu choice Paste.
• Alternatively, one could use the keyboard shortcut Command-V on a Macintosh computer or Ctrl-V on a Windows computer.
• After pasting the link, press the Return key on a Macintosh computer or the Enter key on a Windows computer.

For copying and pasting the links when using a touchscreen device, such as a phone or tablet, the steps might vary.

• Try pressing and holding on a link to see if a menu choice appears that gives one an option to select content.
• If no option to select content appears, try pressing and holding on a word that is not part of the link, such as a word that is near the link, either above it or below it.
• If an option to select content appears, tap that option.
• It is possible that, after one has tapped an option to select content, there will appear on the screen some sort of user-interface elements that allow the changing of the size of the selected area. For example, a circle might appear near the beginning of the selected area, and another circle might appear near the end of the selected area.
• If there are such circles, try pressing and dragging one circle to move the beginning of the selected area to the beginning of the link. Then try pressing and dragging the other circle to move the end of the selected area to the end of the link.
• Once the changing of the selected area has been accomplished, a menu should be displayed on the screen.
• If a menu is displayed on the screen, look for a copy option on the menu, or, if there is no such copy option, look for an arrow or triangle symbol. If there is an arrow or triangle symbol instead of a copy option, tap the arrow or triangle symbol to see if a copy option is then displayed. One might need to tap the arrow or triangle symbol multiple times before a copy option displays.
• If a copy option is found, tap that option.
• If a copy option is not found, try tapping the address bar (it can also be referred to as a location bar and possibly by other names) near the top of the Web browser. If that highlights the address that is already there, then type the link by hand. After typing the address, one might need to tap the Return key, the Enter key, the Go key, or some other similar key on the keyboard.
• If the copy option is found, tap the address bar near the top of the Web browser. If a menu displays, look for an option to paste or to paste and go. If no such options are displayed, one might need to type the link by hand. After typing the address, one might need to tap the Return key, the Enter key, the Go key, or some other similar key on the keyboard.
• If an option to paste or to paste and go appears, tap one of those options. If the paste option is the one tapped, one might need to then tap the Return key, the Enter key, the Go key, or some other similar key on the keyboard.

I hope that the foregoing helps with regard to some of the technical matters of accessing information. Perhaps it's somewhat similar to archaeology: the information exists, but some specific technical steps are necessary to get to it. Because some people's areas of knowledge specialty are in areas other than information and communication technology, I wanted to make sure that I could help equip others with the necessary tools to the extent that I could do so.


Numbers 21:9
John 3:14–16

Site Suggestions

Posted by Incomprensible (Nz) on 06/21/2020


I am amazed that you are using "google" when you search at your website.

This is for me incomprensible as Google censors all alternative health info.................... Or are you part of them as controlled opposition???

EC: Hello,

We've used Google search since 2004. They indexed the many posts and pages on our platform the best in the past, but please make a suggestion and we'll research other search engines.

Site Updates

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Earth Clinic on 01/04/2021

Happy New Year, everyone! Hope it's off to a great start!

Thanks mmsg from europe for your post to "diedre" this morning asking us to remove the duplicate recent answers page. We decided to put all new posts on just this recent posts page again, including pet posts, as having everything separated didn't make much sense even though the pages loaded faster.

P.S. It's Deirdre, by the way, not Diedre.

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

Ooops, sorry, that other "r" got lost in my typing! Thank you for changing it back!

EC: No problem! And it's Dei and not Die rdre.

(somewhere, europe)

Goodness!!! How embarrassing to make such mistakes in the name of the very person who is responsible for helping so many of us!! Please forgive Deirdre!! (Hope I got it right....;))

Site Updates
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/30/2020

Diedre, when I open Earth Clinic I get a blurb about "There are problems with the security certificate for this site". Of course I hit "continue" but I was wondering if your programmers should know about this.

EC: Hi Mmsg,

Thank you so much for letting me know! We do have a security certificate but maybe we need another one. Will have the programmer check it out asap.

Replied by Deirdre
(Earth Clinic)

Hi Mmsg,

Can you please let us know which page you are on when you see the site certificate message? We can't duplicate your issue. All our browser pages are showing https://


Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

I guess you did something good because I've tested twice now and that blurb is gone! Thank you!

EC: Ok, great!

If someone uploaded an image in their post in the past, we discovered that it might show that message, but on the majority of pages, it won't.

Site Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 06/11/2020 2370 posts

I definitely like the old new look again! Definitely better than the new old look! I missed this! Thank you EC!


Replied by Anon Canada

Yes, Art - I fully agree. It's like welcoming back an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. It's so much easier to find things and to read posts. Thanks, Deirdre, for making old new again :)

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