In the am, upon waking, pass some urine for a few seconds, and then collect the remaining urine. This can be used to ingest, or apply on skin for skin problems.
You can continue doing this through the day, but the morning collection is the one most potent. So drink more water before bedtime to get more of this.
She was against storing due to fermentation which according to her was not a good thing. By ingesting or applying fresh, no one can pick up on smell residue, which one does know of in older fermented products. Also, in addition to no animal products in diet, drink plenty of water, as well as coconut water everyday. And do not do this if you are on any form of medication. I hope this is helpful.
What I recommend is, wear a thick chain made of cast iron, or a thick bracelet made of iron. This will definitely control the frequency of epilepsy. And along with this you can try other natural medicines. good health