Yeast Infections
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt for Dog Yeast Infections

| Modified on Nov 26, 2023
Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jackie Tidd (Northampton Uk) on 02/08/2016

I also was so pleased to find this site, my Jack Russell bitch had been involved in a fight with another JRT which resulted in a flesh wound under her eye which needed surgery, after surgery she needed two courses of antibiotics, which I hated giving her but the eye is too delicate to take chances with. When the infection had cleared after about a month she developed a bladder infection again we were given antibiotics by the vet, when the symptoms had subsided she suddenly had intense scratching fits, where she was digging at her skin & making it red & even in some places drawing blood. I then began to link the antibiotics with a yeast infection as we had had experience with this problem in the family, so I looked on-line & I couldn't believe how common it was. I immediately rang the vet to see if they could advise on diet etc. but they said they would have to see her, I had already paid out £300 for the op & meds - so I decided to treat her naturally.

I read the first step was to eliminate all starches & sugar & put her on a raw diet without kibbles, this seemed to calm things down, but by day 5 she had awful diarrhoea & I had read that it is not a good idea to give a senior dog raw meat at this stage in her life. I then found this page & the ACV & yoghurt diet, I was confused because I had ready dairy was not good as it feeds the yeast, but decided the good outweighed the bad.

I rinsed her daily in ACV & put a teaspoon in her food, I also alternated with a spoonful of coconut oil & a tablespoon of live yoghurt, after 4 or 5 days the improvement was amazing!!

We are now on week 4 where she just has her cooked meat & grain free kibble (Lilys Pantry)

It's so lovely to have our healthy dog back again,

I would recommend it to anyone.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Shannon (Matthews, Nc) on 01/23/2016

Asking Wynnie in Pineville…how often were you spraying and now cleaning their feet with the cotton pads? Once a day or more?

I couldn't find an answer in any of these strings as to how often folks are applying ACV to the affected areas.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jasmine (El Paso, Texas ) on 11/14/2015

How did you put the Apple Cider Vinegar in the ears. My lab is having this issue. Just got the yogurt still trying to figure out the Apple Cider Vinegar part. Please and thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jasmine (El Paso Tx) on 11/14/2015

How much Apple Cider Vinegar did you give your dog?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Delana (Oklahoma ) on 11/11/2015

I would think giving hot dogs, bread, and pretzels to a dog that is itchy would not be a good idea because most itchy dogs need a grain free gluten free diet. I have schnauzers with terrible skin allergies and cannot feed them anything like that. I boil chicken breast for them and feed them nature's variety Raw Boost dry dog food. If they eat anything with grain they start itching again. They have been on vet meds for the past 4 years for allergies and finally the change in food helped. Even though ACV is great for them I would think giving it in bread hot dogs or pretzels is not a good idea

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Andrea (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/26/2015

Hi Theresa,

My dog refuses to drink the water with bicarb in it. Any tips?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 05/19/2015

Hey Beth!

You can try making up your own anti-fungal shampoo. You can start with Dr. Bronner's Pure Castille soaps, tear free baby shampoo, or even Murphy's Original Formula Wood soap.

I would use a separate bottle and mix 1 cup of your soap/shampoo to 1 cup of water. Then add an anti-fungal like Tea Tree Oil. The purity and concentration will vary by brand - you may need 25 drops or you may only need 5; add a few drops at a time and mix and then test on your wrist and see how if feels - does it tingle? You want a tiny tingle to let you know you have the right amount of Tea Tree oil. Lavender essential oil is also another good one to add for troubled skin to help calm it. Again, depending on the brand you buy you may need 5 drops or you might need 15 drops. Rest the mixed solution in warm water and shake well before using on your dog. Allow the solution to sit on your dog and 'work' for 10 minutes and then carefully rinse off. A super weak, diluted vinegar rinse may be helpful to neutralize any soap residue - think 1 oz white vinegar to 1 gallon of water. Once she is dried I might dab the sores and scabs with OTC Neosporin, or herbal calendula cream or coconut oil mixed with a few drops of lavender to help keep the skin calm and soft and to aid in healing. Evening primrose oil - 1 pill am and pm may also help with flaky skin.

If your dog isn't much of a drinker you might have to encourage her to drink by using a syringe drip water into her mouth while her head is tilted back; I would add borax to the drinking water to help combat the yeast inside as well as out.

For such a tiny girl you might consider a home made diet - there are brands such as So-Jo's where you buy meat and add to it and make up small batches as needed -or you can simply make your own; plenty of recipes for home raw diets if you google. A home diet will ensure your girl is getting only the best groceries, and you can mix in powdered acidophillus - a more concentrated form of probiotic than the yogurt. Some people report good results by mixing diatomaceous earth into the food as well as activated charcoal; use small amounts so as not to make the food unpalatable.

Lastly, make sure all her bedding is cleaned and changed out daily to rule out parasites like mange mites and fleas.

Healing does take time - so please report back!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Beth (Pine Bush, New York) on 05/19/2015

Help!!! Our little chihuahua has yeast infection all over (her head is the worst). Medicated shampoo made her have small seizures. She does not drink very much water. I have been able to get her to eat a little (1tsp) yogurt a day. The ACV 50/50 solution made the raised yellow spots bleed. The peroxide, MOM, ebsom salt, borax solution doesn't seam to do anything. Any ideas what I can do??

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Diane W. (Virginia) on 04/26/2015

Ketolchlor Shampoo twice a week for four weeks, then once a week as needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/05/2015

Hey Jazmyn!

If this were my dog with a severe ear infection and ear canal swollen shut I would take it to the vet for a proper diagnosis and meds. ACV is great for not-severe infections and open ear canals, but in a severe case I would see the vet for an antibiotic/antifungal/anti-yeast, an anti-inflamatory and a pain killer.

Sure, in a desperate situation with no money I would do the ACV route in a heartbeat, but keep in mind this is a very painful condition for your dog and worse case scenario could lose hearing in that ear.

Once you get on top of the infection and the swelling goes down enough to allow the ACV solution to penetrate the canal enough to flush it, then I would use it twice a day that or Ted's Anti-fungal/anti-staph remedy in conjunction with Ted's borax protocol for dogs. But for a severe infection with swollen ear canal my first choice would be the vet.

Keep in mind with an ear infection you may also be seeing just the tip of the iceberg, ie you may be dealing with a systemic yeast so Ted's borax protocol may well apply for your Valley Bulldog.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jazmyn (Brampton Ontario) on 03/05/2015

Hello, my fiance and I adopted a valley bulldog and she has a severe ear infection and we want to try the ACV method. Was your dog's ears canal swollen shut? Ours is and I'm wondering if it will still help it.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/19/2015

Wed, 18 Feb 15 16:20:05 -0500

Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/18/2015

Hey Jen!

You can use the ACV as a rinse to flush the ears, and you can add it to your dog's food or water as well.

For the ears I find the high quality ACV is not needed and I use white vinegar. I dilute 1 part each water, vinegar and rubbing alcohol; this helps break down waxy secretions and flush them out of the ears. Flush as often as needed - twice a day or every other day as you find needed.

If the ears are red from scratching then you might consider 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water OR 1/2 cup borax powder dissolved in 1 quart water - and if they are really sore and raw then I would start with garlic infused olive oil for the first few days until the ears heal up.

If you are dealing with systemic yeast you might consider Ted's borax protocol for pets [borax in water taken internally].

You can dilute the ACV to spray on hot spots 1:10 as above. And if you are using the ACV after bathing, first rinse the entire dog in the ACV solution and then 'touch up' the hot spots afterwards.

You might also consider alkalizing with baking soda in the water - this often helps my pack when the allergy season arrives and they get itchy with hives.

As for the yogurt, you might cut to the chase and dose probiotic capsules from the health food store; this provides a more concentrated form of the probiotics without the potential of stomach upset from the dairy. I dose probiotic supplements am and pm, frequently rotating brands and strains and when all is well I hold off for a bit.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jen (SC, US) on 02/19/2015

My German shepherd has a yeast infection in both ears and hot spots. I know she is allergic to food with any chicken byproduct so I've managed that and before taking her to the vet, would like to try a safe home remedy for her ears. I saw on your discussion that ACV and yogurt seems to work the best. I know this sounds stupid, but I've never had a dog with these issues... With the ACV, do I use is as a rinse and wipe her ears out with it? If so, how often? And how much and how frequently do I give her the yogurt? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, can I use the ACV mixed with water to spray her spots after bathing her? Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 02/18/2015

Hey Jen!

You can use the ACV as a rinse to flush the ears, and you can add it to your dog's food or water as well.

For the ears I find the high quality ACV is not needed and I use white vinegar. I dilute 1 part each water, vinegar and rubbing alcohol; this helps break down waxy secretions and flush them out of the ears. Flush as often as needed - twice a day or every other day as you find needed.

If the ears are red from scratching then you might consider 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water OR 1/2 cup borax powder dissolved in 1 quart water - and if they are really sore and raw then I would start with garlic infused olive oil for the first few days until the ears heal up.

If you are dealing with systemic yeast you might consider Ted's borax protocol for pets [borax in water taken internally].

You can dilute the ACV to spray on hot spots 1:10 as above. And if you are using the ACV after bathing, first rinse the entire dog in the ACV solution and then 'touch up' the hot spots afterwards.

You might also consider alkalizing with baking soda in the water - this often helps my pack when the allergy season arrives and they get itchy with hives.

As for the yogurt, you might cut to the chase and dose probiotic capsules from the health food store; this provides a more concentrated form of the probiotics without the potential of stomach upset from the dairy. I dose probiotic supplements am and pm, frequently rotating brands and strains and when all is well I hold off for a bit.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jen (Sc, US) on 02/18/2015

My German shepherd has a yeast infection in both ears and hot spots. I know she is allergic to food with any chicken byproduct so I've managed that and before taking her to the vet, would like to try a safe home remedy for her ears. I saw on your discussion that ACV and yogurt seems to work the best. I know this sounds stupid, but I've never had a dog with these issues... With the ACV, do I use is as a rinse and wipe her ears out with it? If so, how often? And how much and how frequently do I give her the yogurt? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, can I use the ACV mixed with water to spray her spots after bathing her? Thank you

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 01/04/2015

Hey Eadie!

You surely have been on quite the journey with Dodge! Kudos for staying the course!

I think you are doing just about all you can, however you might consider trying borax in the water to combat the yeast from the inside out.

Read up on using borax for yeast on EC:

Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Eadie (Zebulon, Nc) on 01/04/2015

My Springer Dodge has battled yeasty skin for two years. After trying everything, we decided it was time to get him allergy tested. He was scratching himself raw, even while on antihistamines. Thing is, to allergy test one must remove every possible allergen from the environment and feed a prescription diet. We tried grain free and low sugar diets. Vet explained we needed to feed Dodge something he has never eaten before, EVER!

I wanted Royal Canine Kangaroo and potatoes, but had to go with rabbit and potatoes/grain free. Cannot feed anything manufactured on the same equipment as other foods. We also have to put the bag of RC in the freezer for 24 hours to kill any possible mites picked up along the way and we had to buy an air tight container to dump the food into to prevent any other bugs from getting in that may have been in the other bags of food. Then we had to have a heartworm, flea prevention tablet specially made at a pharmacy.

Turned out a year supply is only $10 more than a 6 month supply of a product we are all familiar with and you still have to buy flea prevention. Vet explained for some reason it is very rare for a dog to be allergic to peanut butter, so the heart shaped tabs are made with peanut butter. Next, I have to keep him clipped close. Moisture is trapped on the skin because of the Springer's undercoat. I bought my own clippers and have become a pro at clipping our boys! Using an antifungal shampoo (over the counter is cheaper and uses same ingredients as vet purchased) and rinsing with ACV and water (50/50) is important.

We've had an unexpected medical emergency and our income has been reduced by 2/3 of what our budget was built around, so we cannot afford the $300 allergy testing to determine exactly what it is he is allergic too. If it is fescue grasses I'm afraid all we can do is keep Dodge in a bubble! My vet approves a prescription diet request every 6 wks from and we have a 25 pound bag delivered right to the house.

We also order our Sam a low calorie diet and our foster, Tyger, gets grain free Taste of the Wild, Pacific Stream. We also get a 20 pound bag of catfood delivered less frequently. The cost of each of the three dog foods are significantly less at Chewy and they are delivered for free. While Dodge still has spells. We suspect it's because our cats keep shoving dry food onto the floor (we feed them on a bar counter top) and we don't catch it on time.

The strict diet, keeping his coat clipped short, once a week baths with antifungal shampoo, ACV rinses, and removing his collar to avoid moisture behind it from doggie slobber while playing, has made a huge improvement! Granted, he still smells like a frito and he still has bad flares, but overall I'd say we've done all we can for Dodge. Until our finances improve and we can have him allergy tested to "maybe" pinpoint what the allergy is, we have done everything within our means to clear him up. He's a very happy boy, so it can't be all bad! Unfortunately our vet broke the news that even allergy testing may not help, but at least we know we've done all we can. I hope this information helps you decide if you should keep your furkid clipped close as long as he's battling yeasty skin. Sorry this is so lengthy, but I felt like our two year experience with yeasty skin was worth sharing. Hope it helps someone along the way!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Tillie (Atlanta, GA) on 01/03/2015

My long hair daschund has had yeast spots- black smelly, itchy- unil...we switched her to iams fish based food, publix (read the labels- kroger seafood is chicken by products) seafood variety cat food, salmon jerkey, tblspn vinegar in water... She is low gluton and very low chicken. We can tell when she has had chicken or bread of any kind...the spots come back. Also monistat daily on the spots helped at the she is spot free and only gets dandruff when someone gives her a pizza bone or a bite of chicken.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Tammy (New Gloucester, Maine) on 01/02/2015

Our 95 lb black lab has been dealing with a yeast infection for a while now - unbeknownst to us, as the vet originally diagnosed it as a "non-specific dermatitis" and treated her with steroids and antibiotics. These, of course, temporarily stopped the rash, but as soon as the medication was done, it came right back and was even worse. It all makes sense to me now when I think the whole thing through logically (i.e. the antibiotics kill ALL the bacteria in the gut, good and bad, giving the yeast the perfect opportunity to flourish).

I've tried several different (expensive! ) holistic products, but what seems to be working best is ACV (50/50 rinse after bathing and 2 tbls/gal of drinking water), coconut oil (by mouth and topically to affected areas - if you give by mouth, start with a small quantity and give a little more daily, as too much at once can cause flu-like symptoms) and plain yogurt with acidophilus (orally).

I also have been using "the best dog shampoo" that was mentioned above - it really is very good - leaves her coat nicely conditioned and isn't harsh on her skin like so many others. If your dog is having diarrhea from the yogurt, you might need to reduce the amount you're giving him. Try not to stop it completely, if possible; the acidophilus is really key in restoring the good bacteria in the gut that counters the yeast. If he can't tolerate the yogurt, there are good pre-biotic and pro-biotic supplements that can be found online and in some pet stores - just make sure they don't have fillers. As for the itchy bum, our dog also suffered from this briefly. I sprayed her bum area 1-2 x a day with 50% ACV/50% water and within 2 days the itching stopped. Hope this helps! Trying to restore your fur-baby's inner balance takes some time, so don't give up ... Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Robin (Kingston, On, Canada) on 11/14/2014

If your fur baby can not tolerate the plain yogurt, try probiotics. You can probably purchase them at a health food store... I am not sure how much you, should give your dog, so you will have to research as to how much to give him. Best of luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 11/02/2014

Hey Oscar!

Yes and no.

Garlic is toxic to dogs in large amounts. If you sat your dog down and fed it 56 raw cloves of garlic, it would likely kill your dog.

If you fed your dog 1 clove your dog would likely be OK - and gain from the medicinal benefits of garlic.

There is no one blanket answer here- some are strongly opposed to feeding garlic to their dogs and some cannot count the number of benefits they find in feeding garlic to their dogs.

So go with your gut: if you find the idea unfathomable, don't feed garlic to your dog.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Oscar (Texas) on 11/02/2014

Isn't garlic bad for dogs??

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Debbiefudge (East Sussex, Uk) on 03/22/2014

Hi, The most important thing with yeast issues, is to look at diet and the ingredients of what you are feeding. The best diet, is raw meat/raw bones.

  • Bath in an antifungal shampoo and as a final rinse, use half water/half white vinegar. Leave on to dry. You can also use the same mixture in a spray bottle, for any 'hot spots' And to clean out 'mucky ears'
  • Don't give tap water to drink, only bottled water.
  • Give turmeric with a little bit of black pepper and virgin coconut oil.
  • Give probiotic yogurt. Stay away from ACV because of the apples. (natural sugars).
  • Give garlic everyday.
  • Stay away from any chemicals. Such as 'flea drops'.
  • No treats or dog biscuits. Most, yeast issues are to do with diet. Commercial dog food is full of crap.
  • NO, booster vaccinations.
  • Stay away from cleaning products. I use, white vinegar for everything!!

Do lots of research.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Christina (Manchester) on 03/17/2014

I have a 6 year ild male neutured pitbull that I recently started him on the yogurt and ACV I was just wondering fi I spray him eith the 50/50 everyday it?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Theresa (Mpls., Mn) on 03/04/2014

Hey Hope!

Please let us know the results of your feeding trial!


Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Hope For Dogs (Covington Ky) on 02/28/2014

I heard that a animal shelter for unwanted dogs was feeding the dogs canned Cat food and it worked to get rid of yeast infection in the dogs. The dogs fur is shinny and no bad odor.. there was a difference in two weeks. Also I do believe that putting flea meds on the dogs skin changed the dogs chemistry and this is what caused all these dogs yeast infection. I am going to try this on my two dogs as well.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Andrea C (Wales) on 10/02/2013

My Dog had these symptoms and smelled awful, it was his scent glands in need of emptying, and chewing of the paw's is typical and may indicate an uderlayng infection. The Vet said it was Constipation, I checked him myself in the end as I knew he wouldn't be in that state from Constipation. The Vet deducted this by his back passage having a blockage, and gave him stool softener and laxatives. I put on rubber gloves, put lubracating gel on his anus and on the index finger of the glove, and with my finger nail facing down toward's the floor, gently manovered my finger in to his back passage. About half an inch in, I could feel a blockage, as I pushed it in slightly futher, this awful discoloured rotten smelling fluid squirted out, his glands were blocked, and infected. Dogs should have their scent glands checked especially if they have the same symptom's as you describe, and dragging their butt along the floor is another one as well, but people assume its worm's. My Dog was chewing his paw's some thing terrible!! Butt dragging, stinky, I had to get something off another vet to clear the infection A.S.A.P as my Dog's infection was bad, thanks to the dopey vet that wouldn't listen to me. I then emptied them myself every time that familliar smell started. In the wild, Dogs rub their butt against trees to do it themselves, but because Man has interfered with cross breeding Mother/Son, Father/Daughter, Brother/Sister, to create 'A Pedigree' dogs cannot do what God intended for themselves any more in a lot of cases. I never had Pedigree Dog as its Man's vanity making Animal's suffer like this, and while people are willing to buy them, the suffering will continue. And never dock a Dog's tail, it's cruel and needless, its their first form of defence against being attacked by another Dog, and a warning to Humans whether a Dog is friendly or going to attack a Human, or any other Animal for that matter. Its also the first thing that show's their emotional state, or first sign of illness. Love Andrea C xxxxxxxxx

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Wendy (Columbus, Oh) on 10/02/2013

Just a suggestion to all posters:

Please write out the complete word for teaspoon and Tablespoon. Many people reading this site don't know the difference between "t" and "T", and might use a tablepoon of something instead of just a teaspoon.

Good health to all!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 10/01/2013

Dear Debbie, Hopefully clearing up his yeast will get rid of the odor. One thing you can try for all of the problems you metion is activated charcoal. You can get the powder at a health food store. I use it for my children and pets and farm animals and it is very safe and effective and inexpensive. You can mix 1 t. In his food (careful, it stains) This will help with odor, even now. I would do this once or twice a day. If he seems constipated, give less. You can take 1 t. Of the charcoal powder and mix it in 1/2 cup of water. Shake it up and then strain the powder out through a coffee filter. The filtered charcoal water can be used as eye drops and ear drops. A drop or two in the eyes and/or ears twice a day. I wouldn't have believed it, but it has cleared up all kinds of problems for my family and animals. I hope you dog is better soon!

~Mama to Many~

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Debbie (Nc) on 09/30/2013

I have a 8 yr old American bull dog he first got a runny eye vet said it was eye infection $250 an then he started crying when he would get up we thought it was his leg r something but we went back to vet ear infection $220 more then a recheck still has it$50 has to go back in two weeks his eye is runny again chewing on paws so I went got yogurt today I'm starting him on the Acv and water. He has awful smell stinks up whole house he never smelled like that before. Does anyone kniw how to get rid of his odor after his yeast is gone maybe smell better? Thanks for all ur tips I sure hope this works

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Howard (Chatsworth, Ca) on 07/06/2013

By the way Kelso D. Vinegar is a double fermentation process where the sugar is first distilled into alcohol and then the alcohol is distilled into vinegar. There is no sugar in vinegar and white vinegar goes through the same process beginning with sugar. Your friendly neighborhood nerdy friend.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Newcfmly (West Monroe, La) on 06/06/2013

I already give my 9 year old Maltese Acidolphlis and he eats yogurt. I am interested in the Apple Cider Vinegar. How much to put on food?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Wendyb (Cushing, Wisconsin) on 05/31/2013

I have a 3 year old shihtzu with yeast paws - will try the yogurt & ACV but.... does anyone else wonder why this problem is so common & in such varied breeds? I wonder what is causing this problem in the first place?!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jill (Womelsdor, Pa) on 03/27/2013

Follow up on Charlie, my 7 yr old Parson Russell Terrier: It has been almost a week since I started the yogurt, twice a day and the ACV treatments. I am totally amazed, it is at least 90% cleared up. He's not scratching and the "ugly" stuff on his skin is almost gone. Changing his diet and watching what we feed him, I'm sure is helping. He is so happy, you can just see it in his face and the way he wants to play again. This is amazing. If anyone has any doubts about doing this, at least try it. It worked for Charlie.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Kelso (D, Ca) on 03/25/2013

I believe that apple cider vinegar should not be used for yeast infections.. It should be white vinegar... Yeast needs three things to survive, sugar, heat and moisture... Apples have way too much sugar, check out the mercola website, great vet.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jill (Womelsdorf, Pa) on 03/23/2013

YEA!!!! I am so glad I found your site. This has been the best info I have found about yeast infections in dogs. I have a 7 year old Parson Russell Terrier who has been showing all the signs of a yeast infection and getting worse ever day. I first thought he had gotten some kind of infection from the new groomer I took him to in November, because that was when I started seeing the redness and the "pimple like" bumps on his hind quarters. I started the plain yogurt yesterday and also started spraying the 50/50 mixture of ACV and water. Although he is still scratching and that might take some time, it is greatly reduced. On the real red inflamed areas I have used a small amount of Gold Bond medicated powder, this seems to help. I also changed his diet to Precise Holistic Complete. Thank you, for this solution, he's seems happier. The question I do have is he is a rough coat dog and I have been afraid to have him groomed and he is getting quite hairy. Should I wait till this has cleared up more or can I have him cut, we normally have him shaved down with his beard area just cut? Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Craynon (Thomaston, Ga) on 02/19/2013

You are so right about dry dog food. I cook chicken to add to my dry dog food. The yogurt and apple cider vinegar are helping my poor baby with this awful yeast infection. It is a constant battle to keep him healthy. Since I switched to Blue Freedom dog food, He is finally showing signs of healing. Yogurt, 1 tbs., morning and night with apple cider on cotton balls to heal red areas on his little body. We are seeing a good outcome with this regimine. Good luck to anybody with this problem, as it is a tuffy!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Joy (Sweetwater, Tn) on 12/29/2012

My 14 year old chocolate Lab had severe yeast infection and the smell was horrible. I was blessed to have known a lady that diagnosed the problem as Java had lots of bald spots all over her body. I started cooking her food..... Turkey breast/thighs, brown rice, and green beans. She gets a probiotic, coconut oil, yogurt, and a raw egg with the morning feeding. She has all her hair, seldoms has any order, and this year we have not had one flea! I do not use chemical flea products either! I googled a yeast free diet online and came up with this menu. You do need to add vitamins to the diet after about 6 weeks or so on the diet. Hope this helps!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Kathy (New York, Ny) on 11/26/2012

I watched a video from a vet and she said stay away from oatmeal, grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and anything starchy -

I just dunked my dog's paws in peroxide and he is much better for the moment. Then I read peroxide was recommended but I will definitely try the apple cider vinegar and water spray on his paws daily as well as giving him yogurt and apple cider vinegar and see if he eats it. He feels much better right now, so calm and relaxing, hoping it will be for the rest of the night!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Marie (New York, Us-ny) on 10/01/2012

The Foundation to your Pet's Health begins with Diet & Nutrition , If you want to Practice Preventive Health Never feed Dried (Kibbled) Pet Foods. Dog's like Cat;s are Carnivorers and their body's where designed to eat Protein.. Dried Pet Foods where created out of Convience for People but not a qulity source of Nutrition for Dog's.. Dog's need 70% moisture in their diet's to prevent Kidney damage and dried food contain 10% of moisture, so your dog's body remains in a state of contant dydration... Dried foods are contain fillers, artificial addivtives, dyes and made with Plant Materials so be pro-active and feed your Pets what their body's need to be healthy and happy PROTEIN!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lynne216 (Ventura, Ca/usa) on 09/25/2012

My 16 lb. , 6 year old Shih Tzu has always had yeast infections under her eyes. I put 1/4 teas. Angels Eyes in her food daily which keeps the tear stains away but not the smell. In the last six months she has been scratching, biting, licking her hind legs, lower stomach and sides of her anus. Per vet I give her 1/2 Bynedril and that helps temporarily. It was only when I noticed that the areas that were itching smelled like the yeast infection under her eyes that I began researching it on the internet. I changed her food to Purina Pro Plan for sensitive skin when I read that foods containing beets caused red yeast in some dogs (and the Kirkland dry food I was giving her did). That alone really cleared up her eyes. But, when I found this site and began giving her yogurt she quit scratching within 3 days. I am so thankful. I give her 1/2 cup of yogurt each morning and 1/2 cup dry dog food at night. I haven't needed to try the vinegar as yet. What did we do before the Internet?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Cat (Bowie, Md) on 06/29/2012

Just like others, I would like to know the amount of yogurt and ACV being put in food? I have an 8 lb yorkshire terrier, Flora. She suffers from ongoing ear issues with the scratching, head shaking, whining, etc. Some days are worse than others, and the ear wash and solution I have been using are not helping. The one time I had the vet prescribe antibiotics and wash, it cost me a mint, and the condition improved, but returned. Can't afford to pay her the monthly cost required! Please advise about amounts to add to food. THANKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Auddie (Virginia Beach, Virginia) on 05/09/2012

Hi, My baby had yeast infections in between his paws and his ears. We tried everything the Vet prescribed, but no joy. My husband did some research and found this awesome product called Zymox for our baby ears. Lets just say it has been 2 years of no more going to the Vet and spending $150 for products that didnt help. Also, we put him on grain-free food. That has help out as well it has been trial and error but we found that food and treats that have no wheat or corn and no table scrapes is a must for our special boy. We dont have kids, so our 2 dogs our taken well care of and spoiled!! I hope I helped with anybody else babies with this problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jazz452 (Blackpool, Uk) on 04/15/2012

No don't use ACV the sugar will feed the yeast, stick with the white.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Suzan (Nashville, Tn) on 04/05/2012

I have two goldens, about 80 lbs. Each, and they have had many skin issues through the years and yeast in the ears. One thing that has helped tremendously is giving them Stinging Nettles, 4 capsules each per day. It's a natural antihistamine with no side effects. Still have a problem with yeast in ears and am starting to use ACV (organic) and feeding Greek yogurt once a day. Will also start adding ACV to drinking water. Skin allergies are much, much better due to Stinging Nettles, tho.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Melissa (Pensacola, Florida) on 02/04/2012

My Roti-Lab mix has had skin issues for a while now. I use the Mal-A-Ket or Virbac shampoo. It has Ketoconazole and Chlorhexadine. I get mine off of ebay. No vet visit reqired. I have used epsom salt in her bath water for the sores on her front legs where she has rubbed her eyes. Terramycin antibiotic for eyes can be purchased on ebay for about $3-$5 per tube (instead of $15-$25 at vet). We use Rachel Ray Just 6 dog food. Also, Vetermycin wound spray from Tractor Supply helps neutralize yeast smell.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Hayley (Sydney, Nsw, Australia) on 02/01/2012

Thanks everyone, great advice! I was about to take my english staffy to the vet for about the 5th time in 3 years for similar symptons, just constantly licking, scratching and red all over. The gave me macrolene on both occasions which I refuse to give to her, it completely changes her personality, temper and last time she even got out and went off on her own and I nearly lost her, she would NEVER normally do that! I am about to start these treatments tonight and will definitely let you know how I go. Thanks to you all for your input!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Dave (Rocky Mount, North Carolina) on 01/30/2012

Stephanie, I also have a Westie with terrible skin; please try the nzymes; it has helped. My Cooper has healed everywhere except his back legs; which he chews constantly. Research says I should feed him no grains or potatoes; which I have found. I have 2 other dogs, so I can't do the raw meat and eggs diet. I'm still trying to find the miracle cure! GOOD LUCK!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Good Luck Dragon (Gosport, Hampshire, United Kingdom) on 01/30/2012

Hi there, I am over the moon with this site and the testimonies. I have a 6 year old westie who has recently developed an allergy to yeast resulting in spots and pustules in his back chest and stomach, and incessant paw licking , his summers were torture for him him being unable to swim as it cancelled out the effects of the shampoo; he was advised to be washed with Malaseb shampoo which does briefly, calm the symptoms down but not allieviate them it also make it hard to innoculate for fleas with a topical treatment because of all the washing. He was still left with the irritation, rubbing of his behind along the floor almost permanently licking of the paws and belly, a bald patch on his back from rubbing and scratching.

Then I saw this site- absolutely amazing. Did as the previous lady mentioned- shallow filled a bath to about an inch poured neat Apple Cider Vinegar over him then sponged him and left the dilute on him he didn't scratch for the rest of the day. Am now giving him a tablespoon of yogurt twice daily which he happily licks of the spoon, am making my own now for extra goodness and money saving, and I put a small amount of Apple Cider Vinegar in his water gradually building up to additional strength, and spray him with the 50/50 solution daily.

I am only on day three and he is virtually a different dog much happier 98 per cent less itchy it is early days. I am sooo thankful to all the people on this site for their insight, so pleased I stumbled across this site by accident when I typed in cheap alternatives to malaseb, v clever. I have done some research on Apple Cider Vinegar- amazing, his coat is so glossy, apparantly it helps prevent fleas and ticks which I think someone mentioned on this site so amazing, overjoyed.

Peace out.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Caren (Woodland Hills, Ca) on 01/22/2012

I need to know how much yogurt and apple cider vinegar you used to help your dog. Our dog is 9 years old and it is spreading all over his stomach. Please get back to me asap.

Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Athena (Andrews, Nc) on 12/27/2011

HONEY is one of the worst things you can give to a dog or a human suffering with a yeast infection... CANDIDA! I hope you have learned this by now, and have stopped treating your dog with this 'remedy'.

Try sprinkling some Pau D' Arco powder, an herb available at a health food or herb store, available in a capsule form. Regulate the amount from an adult dose for your pet.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Athena (Andrews, Nc) on 12/27/2011

I logged onto this site a week ago, after a few non-productive and expensive trips to a couple of vets looking for a lasting yeast- infection-cure for my two sweet dogs. I have now been feeding them yogurt and giving them the acidophilus caps, and noticed a great improvement in just a week's time. I have found that feeding carrots to my 2 dogs with this chronic yeast infection, which started from them having taken antibiotics, aggravates their condition.

I found that carrots have too much 'sugar' in them, and so do green peas. I use green beans as a 'filler' for more fiber, the 'no salt' type. I will try the organic 1 T organic ACV in their drinking water, the ACV-bath water rinse and the coconut oil in their food. I bought some all natural 'treats' for them, and neglected to notice that one of the ingredients was molasses... After a couple of treats, noticed that the scratching on the ears and paw-licking started. I now give them a couple of pieces of raw apple for their treats which they like very much. I appreciate all the tried-and-working solutions...THANKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Annie (Mount Horeb, Wi) on 12/14/2011

Use _____s Apple Cider Vinegar. It's raw, and unfiltered. Depending on your dogs wt., most people add 1 tsp-1 tablespoon to your pets food or water a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Dawnybabe (Calgary, Canada) on 11/17/2011

I have same problem with my Boxer... He got yeast infection and Vet put him on some liquid stuff to put in his ears for 7 days. I have _____s ACV and would like to use it over the prescribed stuff from the vet.

Also my Boxers hair around his ears is thinning bad and under his belly... If I am to mix 50/50 ACV with water do I just let it soak in or do I rinse it off after spraying it on him?? I want his hair to grow back on his ears it looks bad.... We dont want to spend anymore money at the vet.. it adds up $$ fast

Please Help with any suggestions...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Abby'sfamily (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 10/20/2011

I had read that plain yogurt with a high live bacterial culture and apple cider vinegar are a great way to treat candida. We are not positive this is what our dog has. She is a mix of german shorthaired pointer and beagle. She's the sweetest thing but over the past 4 years, she's gotten progressively worse. We tried cooking for her for awhile and that seemed to help but it was sooooo time consuming that we ended up putting her back on dry food. We currently use orijen fish but we are considering switching to taste of the wile grain free. The food we now use is basically grain and starch free but we want her to get better.

Anyway, I saw a post that said 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 2 tbsp of plain white yogurt and a little bit of organic honey to make it more palatable does the trick. It works for Abby. We mix it with her food and she eats it. Abby's symptoms are: very itchy all the time, red and irritated looking skin, itchy and smelly ears at times, and she has an odour that is not pleasant. I would call it sort of sweet but definitely not a pleasant sweet if that makes sense. She is losing hair around her eyes, top of her snout, and it is spreading to her paws now and a little on her sides. She licks her paws all the time, when she's not itching or biting. She looks sort of raw but not usually are the areas open wounds. I was told that these symptoms match candida yeast. Personally I don't have hundreds MORE dollars (than I've already spent) for more remedies that MIGHT work so I thought I'd give the natural ACV and plain yogurt a try. I'll let you all know how and if this works, along with changing her food if need be.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Yvonne (Cairns Qld, Australia) on 10/11/2011

I add tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to each fresh bowl of drinking water for the dog and do not use yogurt.

I also use olive oil approx one full tablespoon and add three drops of tea tree oil to the olive oil and then squirt it into the ear canal of German Shepherd dog

It clears up tropical ear infections where the antibiotic mix administered by a vet did not work.

Maintain healthy canine ears with weekly olive oil and tea tree oil cause tea tree oil is both antibacterial and antifungal.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Aly (New York, Ny, Usa) on 07/30/2011

I give my 4lb. Yorkie the plain yogurt called YoBaby. It comes in plain and Lily loves it. We get it at the health food store.

We have been battling skin issues for years and through the internet finally realized it was a yeast infection. She was a rescue dog and I think she was over-immunized. This left her immune system weak and when she has needed anti-biotics (after dental surgery) she winds up a scratching mess, poor baby. ACV and plain yogurt have been very helpful. I am going to add coconut oil to the mix. One way I could tell the ACV was working was that she did not smell like vinegar after the rinse. She smells like corn chips before the bath and then has no odor after. I put a quarter cup of vinegar into a quart of water and pour it on her at the very end of her bath. No rinse after that.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Corinne (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 07/28/2011

love the info, but how about helping with how much Apple Cider Vinegar and/or yogurt, and how given?? thanks so much!! Pepper, 11 y/o yeasty pittie

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Fiona0129 (Jacksonville, Fl, Us) on 07/22/2011

Hi Pepper - did you ever get a response to this? I am asking the same questions - and I kind of got lost trying to read through this thread.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Fiona0129 (Jacksonville, Fl) on 07/22/2011

I have a mix lapso apso and terrier - got her from the humane society - she has red bumps all over - the vet said a skin infection - it is only about 2 weeks in progression - I am reading this thread - because I know yogurt works for humans - does it work if ingested by pets as wel? I will keep reading but any input and advice is GREATLY appreciated - she has been eating Purina ONE for puppies

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Pam (Wakefield, Ri) on 07/18/2011

My dog Prissy is 10 yrs old weighs 16lbs. Every infection she has had over the years was a yeast infection. Usually twice a year on prednisone. She has an infection that started as a small sore on her snout by the end of the week it was raw and she was shaking her head profusly. Back to the vet. She said it looks like a bacterial infection. Gave her a shot of antibiotics since I did not know if I could open her mouth without hurting her. Vet said if she is not better in 10 days it is probably cancer. I found your site while searching the web for any thread of help. Please tell me how to use the vinegar and if anything can be put on her snout since she licks it. Also how much yogurt. My family uses the briggs organic ACV for many benefits.

Thank you please respond ASAP to help save Prissy.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Pepper (San Francisco, Ca) on 07/16/2011

Really appreciative re all of your posts about yeast infections. I am interested in non-invasive remedies, such as an oral remedy like apple cider vinegar and yogurt. Need to know dosage per dog's weight.

thanks so much!

pepper's person

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Dave (Rocky Mount, North Carolina) on 07/09/2011

Hey Lisa, you sound just like me, I was willing to try anything to help my poor dog! We have to keep Cooper on a Low Carb diet; the food you are trying is great. But if you need more help please check out They have a list of foods they recommend. It has taken about 4 months for Cooper to get better; and they said he would get worse before he got better; boy were they right! Take Care, and GOOD LUCK! Dave

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lisa (Norwalk, Ct) on 07/07/2011

Just to let all of you know I was recently told by my pet store that taste of the wild has been bought out by whom I do not remember but they are starting to cheapen the products that they use... Which means fillers... ? I was told to start using evangers as they have been around for a long time and vow not to do the same! Just wanted to share if anyone started to see problems occuring!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Angelica427 (Charlotte, Nc) on 07/05/2011

I adopted a agressive/defensive dog 6 months ago, and his odor at first simply took my breath away (And I'm not that sensitive to odors).
He'a a (predominantly) Bearded Collie and he was overweight, his breathing was labored and rapid (based on other dogs I was privileged to live with prior to adopting Domino) Trip to vet said yeast infection in ears and skin (ears were very inflamed, swollen)and gave him steriods and Otomax. This was apparently an ongoing problem for him (I knew the previous owner). I tried a home made diet with lots of veggies (he loved it, did well) but finally gave it up --so time consuming (I'm a caregiver so I already cook 6 separate meals a day.. Lol.. Ouch).
Then I tried Canidae Grain-free (seemed logical, yeast, grains, potato, etc all encourage yeast growth). He did a better, but still had outbreaks, odor, and a little itching, and ear infection again.
Tried vet-recommended Sebolux medicated shampoo, and odor persisted, he even seemed reactive to the medication in the shampoo, it appeared.
FINALLY I remembered N-O-Dor pet shampoo I used years ago on a beloved elderly husky who was quite "whiffy" sometimes. This shampoo is made in South Carolina, actually for hunters to eliminate all odors so as not to spook their prey (Yeah, I know... Ouch again) but the pet shampoo is adjusted for proper ph for dogs, they said.
THAT seems to work much better than any other shampoo, medicated or otherwise. It is said to remove dirt, debris, scales, excess oil, dandruff and leave coat chemical, residue and odor free. I had had experience with odor with a previous pet, a husky --it did a great job getting rid of that doggie smell. It's distributed by Atako online, I discovered, after much googling. It's also supposed to kill and may even repel fleas. It's June in NC and I haven't used the flea med I bought for the dog yet. Haven't seen one. But I'm keeping it just in case ;)
Anyway, Domino smells MUCH better for longer, his coat and skin are not scaley and the bumps just disappear after a bath.
AFTER I SWITCHED to this shampoo and to Taste of the Wild Grain Free -- Canidae was too much protein for an 8-year-old and a bigger strain on my budget, I found--the scabby skin problems were 99% gone. I recently --thoughtlessly--gave him some cherry pie and ice cream... MISTAKE! Within a couple of days his ears were red and he was shaking his head regularly. SOO, I'm going to try and be a better friend to him and nix the chps, the sugar and the dairy. (My bad). I'll return to Otomax until I get the Zymox I ordered from Pet Meds, available without prescription, that the sales rep says WILL eliminate the ear infection and to maintain good balance in the ear to use their (own brand) ear cleaner every other week after the infection is gotten under control. It seems the yeast causes excessive ear wax and somehow it all results in infection and inflammation.

Good luck to everyone, hope this helps some. It's sad to see your pet suffering and not be able to "Fix" it, I know.
I'm going to try hard to resist the temptation to "share" potato chips, Doritos, ice cream or dairy products, crackers, ANYTHING with sugar, grain or dairy in it (besides yogurt)because all those snacks encourage yeast growth and may defeat my purpose in establishing a "yeast UN-friendly" diet for him. :)After a little research in what is really in commercial dog foods (many of them) I hope I can afford never to go back to them again. With the xpensive dog foods you only have to feed them about a third as much. No fillers. SO they actually wind up costing only a little bit more.
BUt Domino looked at me in the beginning like, "That's ALL I get??" lol. But he adjusted and I started adding French green beans (steamed) for low-calorie volume and he's lost a bit of weight, I think! He's a lot less aggressive since I changed his diet and his ear problem flares up a lot less frequently. I'm going to do the "1800petmeds" ear cleaner regimen and see how that works. It sounds easy enough (thank God).

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lisa (Billerica, Ma) on 07/05/2011

I have to write and respond to this webpage/line of threads. I have a 5 yr old bulldog that we recently acquired. He came to us with a yeast infection in the fold above his nose and in the fold over his tail. I wash his face and butt every day but couldn't believe how dirty his folds would get every washing especially since he eats dry food. I ended up taking him to the vet for another little sore on his paw and asked the vet why he would get so dirty in his folds every day. I was then told it was a yeast infection. Who knew??? He was put on antibiotics which did clear up the infection only to have him break out with hot spots two days after the antibiotics were gone.

Another trip to the vet for more meds. The hot spots are almost gone but his skin is very red still. While I was washing his face again last Thursday I see the brown greasy yeast infection is back. UGH pissed. So I searched the web and found this sight, after alot of reading and searching other sites I decided to try the ACV and yoguart. 2 DAYS!!! Its gone... I can't believe it. I know I caught it early this time but still I an thrilled with the results of the yogurt and vinegar treatment. I also changed his food to a no grain "taste of the wild" I would rather spend the money on his food than at the vet.


Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Bluize2k (Salem, Nh, Usa) on 07/01/2011

I am so frustrated and saddened for my 17 yr. Old Shih-Tzu, Munchkin, who was a healthy and happy girl until approx two years ago when she developed what our vet has diagnosed as a yeast infection caused by an allergen. Munchkin's belly, between her hind legs, ears, etc., turns grayish, the skin becomes moist and swells from her licking and biting and has an unpleasant odor.

I believe the yeast has also contributed to her ongoing eye problems. I've tried the steroids, antibiotics, eye/ear drops etc. , and these so-called "remedies" only treat the symptoms but sadly do not cure the infection. After reading similar Shih-Tzu and Lhasa Apso stories, I've decided to try the ACV/yogurt treatment on Munchkin. It makes complete sense that the good bacteria contained in yogurt counteracts w/ the bad bacteria causing yeast, and the ACV helps to dry up the skin and treat the itching. Suggestions from other Shih-Tzu or Lhasa Apso "parents" is welcomed and appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Gail (Selden, New York, United States) on 06/26/2011

I have tried everything... Holistic remedies, steriods, antibiotics enzymes, presciption shampoos, I even tried Dawn dish soap that helped a little.. I have even tried the ACV diluted, didnt seem to do much.. Was your dogs skin black and the paws swollen...

I take the dog back to the vet very 4-5 weeks, , and I always get that the allergies are bad... he sent me to a holistic guy that helped for awhile but then stopped working and boy that was expensive...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Deanya (Manchester, Uk) on 06/20/2011

my dog was the same with his skin and paws bath him in hibi scrub it will sort it out its great do it once a week and u will have a happy dogs again x

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Steph Hull (Hull, Uk) on 06/19/2011

I recently tried the ACV and yogurt.... 2 weeks later my dog died from bloat :'( must have been the change in diet, if I had known I would have kept her skin and ears as they were... I loved her so much, the pain is unreal :( so my advice is dont try this it may happen to your dog.... Love them as they are like I did :(

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Wynnie (Pineville, North Carolina) on 06/11/2011

Ok, so some feedback... I am having some success with AppleCider Vinegar (ACV) in alleviating some symptoms of systemic yeast infection in my two dogs. Two Staffordshire Terriers, about 79pounds in weight each. A Father/Son duo. The father has had what I now know to be yeast infection symptoms for YEARS... Lethargy(we thought he was "laid back"), swollen&red penis sheath with a mucous-ish dishcharge (we thought it was food allergy and tried many many foods), some ear scratching (thought it was mites), and Seizures! (We thought his brain was a little "short-circuited" or defective or epilectic). We also thought the seizures were the result of a sensitivity to chemicals, ie: yard pesticides, flea shampoos etc.

It was the incessant (recent now that hot humid Southern USA Summer is here) foot licking and then the brown waxy substance at the base of several of his nails that started my search for an answer - he had licked one pad absolutely raw - almost oozing blood. A friend and knowledgable dog person suggested it might be a yeast infection. I had no idea a dog could get a yeast infection. I found this EarthClinic site and was spellbound reading the posts.

It's been two weeks of ACV treatment and here's what I've done... One Tablespoon of ACV per dog, per day. They don't care much for it and I have to keep switching how I "trick" them into ingesting it. I've used the pill-pocket type of thing commercially available, but it doesn't hold much and the vinegar makes them go "gummy" very very quickly. I tried it in their food, but they'd turn their noses up at it and I had to stand my ground and not feed them anything else until they gave up and were hungry enough to eat it anyway (maybe a 12 hour standoff). My current, successful, "trick" is to measure out the tablespoon of ACV and slowly pour it along one half of a hotdog roll. I break each half of roll into quarters, make them Sit and their other limited tricks and give the piece as a "treat". The older dog loves bread of any kind and just gobbles it down; the younger dog is catching on that it's vinegar and turns his nose up at it until he sees his father/buddy eating the same thing - he can't stand to be left out of anything and then deigns to eat each piece. I've successfully used a soaked pretzel rod to the same end. I have begun giving them this soaked piece just after they have eaten half the normal amount of their regular food so that the full strength vinegar isn't upsetting to their stomach. They seem happier with this timing. And, by soaking each piece of bread I know that each dog got their dose of ACV for the day.

The greek yogurt... My dogs don't particularly like it. I am sticking with it because it has multiple kinds of the "good bacteria" a digestive system needs. I am, again, "tricking" them into ingesting it... I put about 2 tablespoons on top of their dry food, keeping it in a little heap - don't spread it out - , then pour over that some wet food w gravy that I know they love to eat. They eat the yogurt in the process of eating the wet food that they love. I no longer Stir the yogurt into the food (thinking that mixing it would make it more palatable) as my two dogs will turn their nose up at it and refuse to eat it at all, even when I wait 12-18 hours for them to "give in" and eat it anyway. I feed a very high quality dog food and can't afford to waste it like that. Initially I was giving each dog one-third of a cup per day for the first week. I have since backed off to the heaping tablespoon per dog per day.

Diluted vinegar in the ears: Well, I tried the 1/3 ACV to 2/3 water once in the younger dog's itchiest ear. He was so blatantly miserable and in pain that I apologized profusely as I grabbed a handlfull of cottonballs soaked them in water and flushed the vinegar out. He forgave me, but wanted to hide when he saw a cottonball and smelled the vinegar. So, I diluted the mix down to maybe 1/8 ACV and 7/8 water.(1/8 cup vinegar to 7/8 cup water). I put the mix in it's own spray bottle so it was ready to use anytime. I then thought it's be easy just to spray the mix onto their paws and/or ears. Ha - silly me. My dogs are afraid of the spraying sound and, after almost dislocating my shoulder holding them to me as I sprayed their feet, I caught on and changed tactics. I now soak a palmful of cottonballs with the spray bottle solution and then walk calmly into the room they are lounging in and very gently swab between their toes, around the base of each nail and then another clean cottonball to gently wipe the inside/underside of their ear flaps. They no longer have the discharge at the nail bases and they don't run when they see me with a cottonball!

OverTheCounter Yeast Infection ointment: I bought the version with a tube of ointment with 7 applicator tubes. You screw the applicator onto the tube and squeeze in a small amount of ointment (maybe the size of three green peas, or the size of a mini marshmallow). The applicator is smooth and sterile and slips easily into the penis sheath with no "wrestling" of the dog to comply. Press the plunger and the ointment is deposited. I used one small dose each day for 5 days.

Results so far: The older dog stopped chewing at his feet in just a few days and hasn't licked any raw spots at all, seldom licks at all now (two weeks in). His penis sheath is less than half as swollen as it was and the mucous-ish discharge has stopped. It is not longer an angry-hot red at the opening. He is not dragging his rectum on the carpet as if it itched. He had one seizure on the third day of treatment, but it was smaller and less intense than any other ever and he recovered very quickly as well. He is not itching at his ears with vigor, just the occasional, more typical, doggy itchy-scratchy of an ear. His eyes are not as red at the rims/base of eyelashes as they were and he seems to be "feeling better" and has more energy and actually plays with toys now instead of just having his head down and looking up at you with very sad eyes as if to say I Don't Feel Good.

The younger dog doesn't lick his feet anymore and the nailbed discharge/brown waxy substance is almost all gone.

And all this from a half gallon of apple cider vinegar and two large containers of greek yogurt. I think we are on to something here and it is a very pleasant surprise. I feel terrible that the older dog was in such apparent misery (Ladies - if you've had a yeast infection you KNOW what I mean! ) for so long. But, he's acting half his 9 yr age and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Moral of the story: Give it a try, the ACV and the greek yogurt(plain, no flavor), be realistic and stick to it. I didn't see any concrete proof of it working until mid way into the second week. When his discharge symptoms abate further I will lower the vinegar to half a tablespoon and the yogurt to every other day and keep it up as Preventative Maintenance.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Abbigale (Annapolis, Maryland,usa) on 06/01/2011

Would someone please tell me the "recipe" for using either white or apple cider vinegar with yogurt to combat a yeast infection in my boxer dogs' ears?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Stephanie1990 (Hull, Uk) on 06/01/2011

hi, I recently found this site so I am trying out things which everyone has mentioned. I have a westie Girl who has a severe skin problem (fur on her head and a strip on her back, she has smelly ears and some days her eyes can be bad but other days they're fine. She did have sore paws but that problem seems to have been cured! ). I have had countless visits to the vet and nothing has worked! I'm currently feeding her vegetables with sardines in sunflower oil with added ACV. I bath her every day (or every other day) with Exma rid. Today for the first time I used ACV in her ears and sprayed her skin (50/50) she wasn't best pleased and it really made her itch but I guess it takes some getting used to? I'm also going to give the yoghurt a try tonight. I'm also giving her one a day allergy tablets (the tablets worked for someone I know) any other tips??? is there anything I'm doing wrong? if so, could someone please help me :( **PLEASE NOTE TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY I'M TRYING THIS** please help! :(

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Ang (Port Elgin, On Canada) on 05/26/2011

Just want to add to my last post, that antibiotics feed yeast. So it goes like this... You go to the vet he gives you antibiotics for the skin infection it clears up for a little while the it comes back worse . You just keep repeating like I did. Please read these sites I recommended. First.. The Great dane lady re yeast infections and Dr Dodds yeast and thyroid. Remember yeast is a fungus, so it won't show up in a blood test for infections. Also if they scrape your dog skin for yeast, 90 percent of the time it gives a false negative.

The thyroid is the primary problem, it leads to the amuine system to break down, the yeast gets out of control and cases the skin to break down because the skin is the biggest filter in the body .

My dogs thyroid read as low normal and through Dr Dodds recomendation I insisted they put her on thyroid med. and within 2 weeks her skin was better.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Hailey (Northridge, California) on 05/16/2011

forgot to add dilute the spray solution about 50 % Apple Cider Vinegar to 50 water and about 10 plus drops in about a cup of water. do not know if grapefruit seed extract is ok for ears so google it but it needs major diluting else it will burn. I add 3 drops to the food. oh yah be sure to add the best yeast killer and will help them from starving is coconut oil and or even raw egg yolks.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Hailey (Northridge, California) on 05/16/2011

number 1, take them off their diet and get them on grounded up raw meat and bones or you can just throw them the raw meat intact or have the butcher hack it up. add about a half cup of cultured veggies from wholefoods with no onion of course and or seaweed salad. add a couple drops of grapefruit seed extract. add probiotics and or raw kefir. spray or soak their body in raw apple cider vinager with 30 plus drops of grapefruit seed extract. do not get in eyes. yeast be gone forever. happy you and dog and don't be stupid and give them any treats or food with carbs else your back on the yeast train.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Tweets22 (Seminole, Fl) on 04/23/2011

can I give my cairn a acidophilus pill instead of yogurt? And what food do u all recommend I use Blue of seniors thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Joe (North Olmsted, Oh) on 04/18/2011

My Black Lab mix is constantly getting a yeast infection in both ears. Go to the vet, get medication, clears up, comes back again. I heard about using ACV in the dog's ears and feeding him yogurt but don't want to cause more damage to his ears. What is the recommended way to treat his ears with the ACV? Is there any particular brand of ACV to use? How much plain yogurt should I give him(about 50 lbs)? Is there any particular ingredient I should look for? I just cannot afford the vet bills and need to come up with a better solution.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mike (Laurel, Ny) on 04/17/2011

To treat my Golden'n yeast ear infection, I'm using a 50% ACV solution. I also want to give him yogurt. He is 110 lbs and on a diet. How much yogurt should I be giving him a day?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Vegasgirl11 (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 03/28/2011

My dog keeps itching her ear and it smells like something nasty, what should I do? Do I use a special cream?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Julie (Apache Junction, Az) on 02/13/2011

Sounds like my story exactly! Struggled with all sorts of things before finding this site. I did everything that you have done except that I give her assidopholis on her food in the morning. I also have switched her shampoo to a medicated shampoo named Sebolux twice a week. She is a new dog! Thanks to all of you!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Kathie659 (Plains, P, Usa) on 01/28/2011

I started applying diluted ACV topically and the smell is gone! Itching reduced but still present. One ear seems to be a bit better after 3 applications. I attempted to give dog 2 TBS of ACV by mixing it in her water. However she refuses to drink it. I will have to try it in her dry food and hope that 2TBS is the recommended dosage.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Tara (Los Angeles, Ca) on 01/26/2011

I stumbled upon this website a few weeks ago... And thank god! My one year old English Bulldog was suffering from a terrible yeast infection on his back and sides. He had lost the majority of his hair and looked horrible. After reading some of the comments I decided to just give it a try before taking him to the vet.

It has been a week and a half and the improvement is enormous. His skin is 95% better. The hair has started growing back and the itching is all but gone. I'm assuming that he'll be perfect again (mommy eyes) in another week. I am so grateful that I found this thread. I give him a tablespoon of plain yogurt once in the morning and once at night. Spray him with the 50/50 solution of ACV/water in the morning and sometimes brush him with it at night. Please attempt this if you're dog is suffering from a yeast infection. It has saved me untold $$$ at the vet and I couldn't be happier with the results. Thank you all!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Kathie659 (Plains, P, Usa) on 01/21/2011

Specifics please How much ACV, acidophilis, yogurt would I give a 50lb dog. I believe the ACV is diluted 50/50 with filtered water to spray on her skin and ears (provided skin is unbroken)

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Joyceepoo (Mobile, Alabama, Usa) on 01/19/2011

I too am very happy to have found this site. My dogs both have suffered with ear infections to the point of having to have surgery. While I was concerned about the money, I was also very concerned with the degree of suffereing that they went through. I am happy to say that they have been getting ACV in their water daily and they are both as happy as can be. I have not seen either one of them scratching, and their ears are as clean as can be. They even smell so much better. Thanks to your site. I will continue with what we are doing, and after a few more weeks I am going to attemp to wean them off of the prescription diet that they have been on for several months. I will kepp you all posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Rosavan (Yuba City, Ca) on 01/12/2011

What kind of yogurt are you giving your dogs? I've heard that you need sugar free plain yogurt and I can only find plain with sugar. Thank you for your reply.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Tuesday Angel (Whittier, Ca) on 12/20/2010

I want to help other dogs that have this awful skin problem. My lhasa apso was constantly scratching, her neck, tummy, and chest were bright red, the hair was gone, she had large areas of gray skin fungus and she smelled so bad. I bathed her , but she would smell the next day. This went on for 8 months. I did tons of research and after just two weeks of treatment she is well!

Here is what I did. I bathed her with Zymox enzyme shampoo (3 times a week) and used Zymox ear drops, found both on amazon. I made her food weekly in a crockpot, put in chicken thighs with skin, brown rice, barley, carrots, water and let cook until the meat falls off the bones and skin disappears. Take out bones and mix well. I feed her this food 3 times a day, 1/2 cup each time, I mixed in 1 TB alfalfa powder, 1TB kelp powder, 1TB flax meal, 1 TB olive oil and some water. Once a day I mixed in 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder and 1 broken echinecea capsule as an natural antibiotic. I also gave her 1 acidophillis capsule daily. Finally, I massaged a few drops of tea tree oil on the irrated skin. I am still amazed at the results. I hope this helps other owners and dogs.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Sylia (New York, New York) on 12/04/2010

To all those people who mentioned Acidophilus and yogurt a big thank you. My Shih Tsu has had yeast infections for the past couple of years. She's been to the vet several times, been on antibiotics and prednisone and I bathe her in Malasab shampoo twice a week. The steroids worked for a while but the infection came back again. The shampoo does help for a short while but it is heartbreaking to see her constantly chewing on her paws and scratching. She had a pariculaly bad flareup recently and after bathing here in the Malaseb shampoo I Googled "remedies for yeast infections in dogs" and came across this site. While I didn't have acidopolous in the house I did have yogurt so I gave her a couple of teaspoons of it.

This is the fourth day that I have given her yogurt and I cannot belive the difference. She is no longer chewing and scratching and the terrible redness has gone down a good bit. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this is not just a temporary solution but that it will last. I have ordered Acidopolus for her but if the yogurt keeps working I will just keep her on that. If your dog suffers from yeast infections do try the yogurt. It may not work for your dog but it's definitely worth a try, it was for my little girl. The Malaseb shampoo is no longer available but the alternative is KetoChlor shampoo by Virbac. You can buy it online.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Carla (Lake Mary, Florida) on 11/30/2010

I have a pug with skin allergies. I have him on a grain free diet using Taste of the Wild dog food. He is on the wild salmon variety. The store I get it from suggested this type to keep start on the 'cool' type of foods: fish or chicken as opposed to the 'warmer' types which would be red meats. This has helped, although I still have to bath him with a medicated shampoo - the vet finally thought about a yeast infection after I mentioned a dip a friend uses on her dog. He still is miserable & has a bad odor after a few days, but his hair has grown back! I am going to try the ACV & yogurt.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Sherry (Woodville, Texas Usa) on 10/09/2010

Thank goodness for my vet!!! I have a 3 1/2 yr. old Westie that developed really bad skin issues. Smelly, itchy, red skin and she was miserable. He immediately diagnosed a yeast infection. She's taking pills, but tonight I'm going to start with a 50/50 ACV & water rinse after her bath. Like so many others, I'm grateful I found this website, and that I have a great vet on the north side of town.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Jean (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) on 09/19/2010

Using Nias' remedies of 45% white vinegar, 5% alcohol and the clove oil (for pain) 50% filtered water has been a miracle cure for my 5 year old german shepard. In one day she showed improvement! I would love to take all the tubes of creams and bottles of antibiotics and ear rinses my vet has charged me for over the last 4 years add up the cost and donate it to this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Gina (Iuka, Ms) on 09/08/2010

For Taimi: I thought about how your baby licks his feet. I had a yorkie who was allergic to grass. Every time we took her out and back in we had to wipe off her feet with a damp rag. Its worse when there is dew on the grass. Never tried it but can you put baby or doll socks on his feet? Maybe if you put coconut oil on then socks he wouldnt lick so much or only socks when he goes out. I give my yorkies one teaspoon of organic coconut oil in their food everyday. No more yeast or any skin problems. As a bonus they stopped spitting up that yellow foam once or twice a month. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Gina (Iuka, Ms) on 09/06/2010

Try one teaspoon of organic coconut oil in food once a day. I tried everything and this works to get rid of yeast. You can also rub it on the skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Chris (Newton, Ma) on 09/05/2010


Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Taimi (Brantford, Ontario, Canada) on 09/01/2010

When I got my little guy, he had been on allergy meds forever. His name is Houdini and he's a shih tzu. Very inbred, lots of problems, sweetest and cutest dog ever. I got him when he was 5. He's now 11. I've taken him off of the allergy meds and given him Orijen foods for several years and am currently trying a raw/dehydrated food. Over time I've learned of his allergies (chicken, wheat, cinnamon, red dyes, venison, etc. ) and eliminated all of them - finding food he can eat has proven difficult at times. Chicken is in EVERYTHING!! Also, funny thing, the allergy meds were pink... And it's common for some dogs, specifically shih tzus, to have problems with red dyes!! Tell me how that was going to help anything?? plus, red dyes are sooo toxic!! He is extremely yeasty and over time, has developed an OCD of licking. This licking is the worst thing ever!! If I could get him to stop, everything would be perfect. Basically what happens is that he licks and keeps his chin (or his leg) moist. Yeast grows. He injests the yeast (thinks it smells yummy) AND spreads it with his saliva. And the vicious cycle keeps going. I've managed to mostly keep him from his legs and ears by using a cone. Poor guy lives in his "hat" most of the time. Right now it's his chin that I'm having problems with. I'm working on that, but I just wanted to leave a few comments for people having problems with ears... What I've figured out is exactly what I described above. Obviously you can get water into a dog's ear when bathing him, but I've also found another reason. A dog normally itches his ear and then cleans off his toes afterwards by licking them. Sometimes he'll scratch his ear again... Putting saliva into his ear. If conditions are right, yeast can grow. More itching ear. More licking toes. If there's yeast in the ear, he's now injesting it when he licks off his toes. I've found that using a cone has kept my little one's ears clean for over a year since he cannot scratch them. Since he's an obsessive licker and will soak his feet, it's guaranteed that they'll reinfect if he has the chance. (one ear or the other was pretty much infected since I had him... I was always treating them with drops). I'm not saying to leave your pup in the cone forever, but maybe until the ears clear up and the scratching stops. Also, as horrible as it may sound, I've found the best treatment for my little guy for hot spots has been head and shoulders shampoo. I've tried every other medicated shampoo out there and spent a lot of money. Nothing every worked. Some helped a little, but he'd still flare up. Now, if he's managed to lick an area to yeast, all I have to do is give him a shampoo every two days for a week and he's good to go. I only use it when it's necessary, but, since it's currently the ONLY thing helping him, head and shoulders is what I use. (i find it works best if you use both shampoo and conditioner. ) Now if I could only get him to stop licking until his chin is soaked. THEN I could really get his system yeast free!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Gina (Iuka, Ms) on 08/18/2010

Our yorkie had a problem with yeast and pyroderma. We have tried many things but for three weeks we have been giving him a teaspoon of organic coconut in his food and using derMagic products on his skin (lotion, shampoo and conditioner) it has tea tree and peppermint in it. I still use vinegar/water in his ears. I am amazed the yeast and smell is totally gone. He still has a problem with allergies some days (red eyes, ears, and the top of his head) when this happens I give him a dose of benadryl. As an added bonus he used to spit up his food at least once a week and I had to give him a pepcid as he doesn't do that anymore. I dont know if it was the yeast in his system anyhow, it's gone. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lizzie (Clarksville, Tn) on 08/16/2010

My 5 yr old shih tzu, Roscoe, has had skin issues all of his life. When he was about 1, I noticed black rashed under his arms, it then moved on to his belly and neck. The hair then began to fall out. Of course allergies the vet said. After finally finding a vet that we felt actually cared, he took one look at him and said that's a yeast infection. We then came to the conclusion he is allergic to the yeast as well. He suggested putting athlete's foot cream on the areas. His neck is now cleared up but still has no hair. I started him on the acv, yogurt, and the a pill today. I am hoping this will help cure him. He has his days where some are worse, and he keeps us up half the night, but he seems to be doing better from the athlete's foot cream, but I hope this new remedies works! He has also suffered from chronic ear infections, I use drops the vet gives us, but they come and go about every month. He smells horrible so I bath him with the medicated shampoo as well. I hope he gets better soon. :(

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Shena (Houston, Texas) on 06/30/2010

Hi, I have had problems in the past with one of my pugs who had a yeast infection of the skin. I use the vet in an emergency but I prefer hollistic treatment due to the fact that most vaccines, antibiotics and other meds from the vet cause more problems than they cure, if they even cure at all.

I have always had my dogs on a raw meat diet with tripe as a supplement. It has kept my dogs healthy and happy. As for the yeast infection, I use a 50% ACV(organic, milky texture) and 50% water mixture and spray my dog 1X aday and I bathed her 2X a week with the best shampoo for irritated skin problems. I guess I cannot state the name but many places online sell it and it was originally created by NASA. I hope someone finds this helpful. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Rhonda (Harriman, Tn.) on 04/13/2010

We tried taking our Dog to the veterinarians for the last five years. She had a severe yeast infection in both ears. She has been to so many different Veterinarians over the last few years no one helped her. Nothing they "suggested" worked. We have spent a small fortune to try to help her. We read here about ACV and Plain Yogurt. We have now been giving it to her for 5 months. We have used the ACV in both ears and after all these years the infection is gone. We have been putting the ACV in her bathwater and spraying it in her drinking water and on her food. No medicine worked the ACV did the job. We also give her yogurt every other night. You can see the change in her whole behavior. She wags her tail now. She had stopped doing that a year ago.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Christine (Vista, Ca) on 03/08/2010

I thank God that I found this site. My 8 year old male Shih Tzu, Sammy has been scratching and biting at his skin and paws incessantly for quite some time. I took him to the vet for an ear infection two weeks ago and it was yeast. They gave him antibiotic drops for the ears. I also told the vet about the scratching and biting. The answer once again was he has allergies. Give him a benedryl. My poor pup was miserable. I found this site last night and I am so thankful for all of the postings and suggestions. I decided to try straight ACV on his skin. I sprayed it on his body and paws. It seemed to relieve him instantly. He smelled like a salad but he didn't seem to mind.

I did not feed him this morning to make sure his food had left his stomach. He is on a national dry brand with salmon and yogurt but I think it is causing irritation. It is a lower brand of food. I have tried the higher brands but they irritate his skin more. Tonight I found a wet food that was mostly meat products no glueten or grains in it. I added a 1/4 of plain yogurt and a tablespoon of ACV. Mixed it up and he ate it all. Right now Sammy is sleeping peacefully in his bed for the first time in many, many months. He usually wakes up scratching and biting. I am going to continue with this diet and start to dilute the ACV with distilled water as we go on. I don't understand why Vets can't seem to figure out that yeast is the cause of most scratching and self biting in dogs. I makes sense that the yeast is spread to other parts of the dogs body by scratching. Treating Sammy's paws has made a world of difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Leslie (Helena, Montana) on 03/03/2010


I am thrilled I found your site. My poor dog is very ill with this skin afliction and I have spent hundreds of dollars with the vet to try to cure him and nothing has worked. His skin is so bad he has trouble laying down. He smells so bad it is hard to be around him. When I found your site and ACV/yougart treatment I called my husband at work and told him you need to pick these things up and bring them home tonight so we can start treating his yeast infection. I have put your site in my favorites to ck on other cures. Thank you very, very much.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lily (Singapore) on 03/01/2010

Hi there, Kelly. I'm encouraged reading your post and all the others here. I have a 5 year-old poodle who has always carried a musky smell with her since young. When I brush her, little yellow dander-like and some larger flakes like scabs fall out. They form a small heap when I sweep them together. Visits to vets have been futile with medicated shampoos (which I think are too harsh on the skin) and elimination diets. I have a gut feel we're dealing with a long-drawn yeast infection. She doesn't have black skin but do any of the afore-mentioned signs and symptoms ring a bell with anyone? After reading the posts here, I've just commenced today the acidophilus and ACV water spray. I'm hoping to see positive results soon. Meanwhile, can I check with you - I've never bought ACV before so I just went to Cold Storage and picked up a small bottle which label reads ACV. It looks like a drink (like sparkling juice) to me and although it tastes very sour, it's also just a little sweet. Did I get the right thing? Will spraying my dog with this attract ants? Thanks for your advice!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Becki (Blaine, Mn) on 02/14/2010

My past sheltie died three years ago due to chronic yeast infection in her ears. She was treated for years with steroids and antiobiotics. Between the two drugs her immune system was ruined and her body was overtaken causing damage to all of her internal organs. After a week in an oxygen kennel at the University of Minnesota and numerous tests she died. I give my present shelties a raw diet after one of them started to have skin/allergy problems. Within a week his skin was clear and no more scratching. I also give them probiotics. When he does have a flair up (if he is given a treat with grain in it) I spray 50/50 acv/water on him and if he has a spot that appears to be more itchy I put greek yogurt on it...because he seems to have a problem when he eats yogurt. Between the acv, yogurt and daily probiotics he is a happy boy. I give my shelties the same probiotics that I take.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Sondra (Fort Atkinson, Wi) on 02/12/2010

I have read all the questions and answers re yeast infections in dogs (skin) but I cannot find the Remedy. It is not listed. How much yogurt (Greek, Plain) and how much vinegar (Cider vs. White)per lb. etc.? How much vinegar in drinking water per day in a gallon??--large bowl. I have 2 dogs--can both drink it? I currently have an 85 pound Samoyed with yeast infections and have tried everything with no help. Thanks.

EC: Hi Sondra, looks like you were in the Q&A section and not the remedy section. Many readers have posted their recipes for treating yeast infections below.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Debra (Palos Hills, Illinois) on 01/26/2010

responding to ur post about the yogurt the only kind that me and my pooch eat is a non fat plain yogurt that has no modified additaves only natural sugars from the milk all of this info i got when i called Dannon so its good for me and my pooch but she only get a tbs everyday if we dont have any yogurt then we have non fat plain kefir which has 10 live active cultures My baby loves it as her yeast is well under control just about non existant along with her weekly bath and a final rinse of raw acv many blessings to you and your doggie

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Bananas3571 (Palos Hills, Illinois) on 01/26/2010

Hello as i was reading your post i noticed that ur dog is eating the same food that my vet prescribed for my dog Nutro for sensitive stomache light purple bag i thought this food was the best she has ever has but at the same time she kept coming down with those nasty yeasty ear infections not to mention her newest diagnosis a yeasty skin infection that she kept transferring to her ears every time she scracthed to my dismay i discovered that the nutro has an ingredient that was causing all the problems check the ingredients its the rice gluten Now glutens cause yeast production i immediately took her off that food and put her on a grain free food that dosent contain corn wheat glutens soy preservatives beef now she is doing just fine please change the food thats ur problem many blessings.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Angel (Vancouver, Canada) on 01/26/2010

my yorkie was the same. take your dog off wheat completely. feed it only meat, or wheat free food. i feed my yorkie meat only. no sugar, no bread, no wheat! spray your dog morning and evening with 50/50 solution acv and water. give your dog 1/2 capsule of acidophilus a day, see if her stools are runny. if theyre not, give her a full capsule per day. persist, you will see results quickly. it's like a miracle!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Amy (Mineral Wells, Tx.) on 01/24/2010

I read on here and another web site that potatoe is bad for this problem..We just started our shih tzu's on this yogurt and ACV today.Good luck with your dog! I hope this helps em.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Rebecca (Pocatello, Idaho) on 01/16/2010

How much apple cider vinegar and yogurt do I give a 6 pound dog?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mr. Smithster (Lomita, Ca) on 01/15/2010

ok, week 5. slight relapse. with willow off the Atopica for this long she did start to lose her fur again. no yeast on her skin even though fur was falling out. i started the Atopica and within 1 week she is doing much better again. i guess i will have to use the Atopica along with the ACV/yogurt. the ACV/yogurt at least keeps her skin yeast infections at bay. she also smells good. no "dog" smell at all. im going to start giving her probiotics this week also. im just trying to find a brand that has good viable bacteria for dogs, so many have maybe a 100 million count, im looking for one that has billions, and made for dogs. i'll keep you posted...

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mekala (Paris, Kentucky) on 01/05/2010

I have a 5 year old border collie mix who is constantly itching and licking is back, we went to the vet and they gave him steroids it helped for a little while but it just came back stronger i just got acv and yogurt and about to try is, but i still dont really know what to do with the acv? does it go on is skin or in his water? Please get back to me soon!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by 3p (Norfolk, Va) on 01/02/2010

Alcohol does not turn in to water. .50 vinegar .50 water is correct to use in the ears. When we flush ears we use warm water straight from the faucet, it is sucked out as it is pumped in. I haven't found a difference between ACV and white vinegar. I did find it interesting that one person noted that there was more sugar in ACV. Yeast loves sugar.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mr. Smithster (Los Angeles, Ca, Usa) on 01/02/2010

Happy New Year to all. Follow up on Willow. Week 3,I am noticing a good but strange development on Willows belly, crotch and arm pits where she had yeast growth on her skin. All the areas where yeast grew are now kind of scabbing over. Before treatment, i could see the yeast growth but i couldn't feel it on her skin. Now all the "spots" are either hard little scabs or have already scabbed over and fell off, its all nice pink skin underneath. Has anyone else had this experience? Its like the yeast is dying out and a scab develops in place of the black yeast "spots", then when the scab falls off, the skin looks like it should again! The scabs don't seem to bother Willow at all. She isn't itching or biting at all and her fur continues to fill in, she is almost back to what i would say is "normal". Thanks for this great info, i would have never thought something so simple and basic could have such a positive effect on my dog's health.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Pat B (Downingtown, Pa) on 12/30/2009

We have 1 1/2 yr old German Shepherd(Schultz), He's 95lb and has a constant problem w/ itching and started w/ an eye infection about a month after we got him(5mos old). The vet said he believed his itching and scratching was because of a food allergy. So immediatly we changed his food to Nutro Choice(Sensitive Stomach) Venison & brown rice. He seemed to do fine over the summer. In late Oct he started again. I went on the web and found this site. After reading the Questions & comments, I'm starting Schultz on the ACV-Yogurt today. I will let you know if it helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Mr. Smithster (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/29/2009

ACV and Yogurt. IT WORKS!

Our experience. My dog Willow is a 20lb terrier mix, current age 2 1/2, fixed female. We rescued her at age 5 mo. She is the best dog I have ever had the pleasure of living with. From day one she has been a no issue pup, except... Allergies. At approx. 9 mo. old she had an eye infection. The Vet gave antibiotic eye meds and cleared right up. 3 mo. later, same thing. Same meds again, cleared up again. At 1 1/2 years old she started licking her paws to the point of no hair on the paw. Vet gave some antibiotic spray, Seemed to clear up. Approx 3 mos later she started loosing all her fur on her back legs and around her rear. Vet said, Allergies. Gave steroid shot and she was fine, fur grew back. 1 mo later same thing except now all four legs and all paws. Vet suggested steroid pills, we tried them for about 2 weeks and she was not getting much better, but the steroid pills made her a zombie dog. I stopped the meds and went in search of a vet that might be able to help. After 4 vets, all suggesting the same thing, I found a great vet that was willing to work with us. After much trail and error and little success, we discovered a med called Atopica. This once a day pill isnt a steroid, so no side effects. Willow responded very well, 80-90% of fur grew back and no noticeable itching/scratching. Then i stumbled onto this site. Even with the Atopica, Willow would get small patches of what the vet said was a skin yeast infection. 2 wks ago i started the ACV/Yogurt treatment. Within 3 days i saw noticeable improvement. Now she has fur gowing fur where i didnt know she grew it! No yeast spots on skin. Absolutely no itching/scratching. Wow! I also had an allergy test done on her 6 wks ago. She was slightly allergic of turkey/chicken. Of course I was feeding her Orijen kibble mixed with Wellness Core kibble, both turkey/chicken. So for the last month she has been on Wellness Core Fish kibble, with a 1/4 can of canned salmon in the morn. I also stopped the Atopica when I started the ACV/Yogurt. In the morn i have been putting 2 teaspoons of ACV on her canned fish along with 2 squirts of high omega fish oil. At lunch she gets a 1/4 cup of plain Yogurt. 1 cup of Grain free Wellness Core kibble, which she eats over the day. Thats it. I guess it could be the new food, but i didnt notice much difference till we started the ACV/Yogurt. I am going to keep this up. I did use white vinegar, 50/50 w/water on her yeast spots and they cleared up in a few days. They havent returned and fur has grown over the spots. We have our little furry pup back! She is so comfortable now. Its so nice seeing her with no discomfort. Thanks so much for this info. I will keep posting to let everyone know if this treatment is lasting. It sure seems to have worked for us. After 4 vets and hundreds dollors, if not more, this is a blessing. Thanks Again!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Lillia (Rescue, Ca) on 12/04/2009

Avery, you might want to change the van patten potato foods, I have a great prynesse, and he has has yeast for years, and he has alway eaten this food, which we has since stopped, we found that the potato was not good for him

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Dianne (Rush City, Minnesota) on 11/29/2009

Thank Thank You, for this website. I can't believe how much money I have spent on Vets (five different) trying to cure my 12 year old, 6 lb. Shih Tzu..

she had constant yeast infections in her ears & conjunctivitis in her eyes. I've had her on every eye drop & gel, Prednisone, Perscription shampoo, antibiotics, ear wash, you name it..Hundreds of $$$..Not one vet told me to try ACV, yogurt or acidophillus capsules...She has long hair and goes to the groomer once a month to get trimmed around her eyes, nails clipped etc. When I went to pick her up my groomer said she was starting to get yeast infection all over her body and showed me all her black spots on her belly. I thought they were age spots. Instead of going to the Vet, I got some Women's vaginal cream for yeast infection. I rubbed this all over her tummy & ripped a white sheet & tied it around her tummy so she couldn't lick it. I put this cream on her belly every day for a week and all the crusty yeast spots are totally gone..I'm starting the ACV & yogurt tomorrow to alleviate her itchy skin..She is still constantly licking her feet & gnawing at them but I will put the ACV on her legs & feet & I will let you know how that works..This is the first time she has been content without the Prednizone..Dianne

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Dawn (Punta Gorda, Florida) on 11/14/2009

My German Shepherd is 7yrs old and has been itching, scratching, knawing at himself, took him to the vet about 2months ago said he had a yeast infection between his toes, and under armpits, but the meds never worked, and it seems now he is black all over his belly...did your stuff work???

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Suzanne From Oregon (Wilsonville, Oregon) on 11/10/2009

After spending way too much money in Vet visits which didn't make any progress against Max's (6 year old standard poodle) skin and ear yeast I got on the internet and found your site. We've just started the vinegar and live yoghurt treatment. So far Max has gotten two showers with an oatmeal based shampoo in the space of two days. Yesterday we used the 50% water/vinegar spray and put the drops of vinegar in his drinking water. Amazingly, he didn't end up smelling like an Easter egg, but this morning his skin still has obvious white specks and the yeast smell was back. After the second shower there are no visible white specks and he smells like a clean dog. I'll use the water/vinegar spray before he goes to bed to night and let you know what results we have in a couple of weeks. Thanks for sharing.

Suzanne from Oregon

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Yoon (Coram, Ny, Usa) on 10/01/2009

Shari, thank you for that tidbit about nonfat yogurt. I've been giving two of my dogs nonfat yogurt and they both get yeast infection. Do you neutralize ACV with baking soda?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Shari (Wagoner, Ok) on 09/30/2009

Joy, non-fat yogurt has lots of modified food starch in it, which is like sugar, pretty much. I use ____ Plain Yogurt. Anytime it says low fat or non-fat, it is loaded with starch to replace the fat which is not so good for yeast infections. I also have a 6 month old Shih Tzu that has a yeast infection and have just started him on a heaping tablespoon of yogurt with half an acidophillus capsule mixed with a little holistic dog food and feed it to him morning and evening. The first time I fed him this mixture, he stopped scratching and chewing within a couple of hours and he continues to improve. I've also ordered an anti-fungal anti-bacterial shampoo online, but haven't received it yet. I hope this will help him. Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Nias (Hoboken, Nj) on 09/19/2009

Natural remedies take longer to work because they are systemic not synthetic but the results are lasting. I have a pitbull lab mix who is a rescue. When I got her she had a lot of problems- yeast infections in her ears and all over her body. Her coat looked moth eaten and she smelled like Fritos. I immediately put her on a raw diet. I use a brand called Nature's variety and alternate between the chicken, lamb and venison patties. I also give her raw vegetables- greens mostly like parsley, kale, green squash, romaine lettuce... In addition to that, I give her probiotics and acidophilus (both in liquid form and also Kefir - yogurt drink with acidophilus) fish oil, vitamin c (ester c- much more gentle on the stomach), Aloe vera gel (aids in digestion and in absorbing supplements) and a supplement that is a mixture of flax, burdock and nettle. This has helped her enormously. She still has some problems with her ears and itchy feet around this time of year and I have found the vinegar solution really helps. I use white vinegar externally because it has a much lower sugar content. I make a spray that is about 45% white vinegar, 5 % alcohol, a few drops of clove oil (natural pain killer and antiseptic and the remaining 50 % filtered water. I have found this mixture to be very effective in killing the yeast and promoting healing. You may need to stick with this treatment for several days before you see improvement but if you do this and incorporate some or all of the above into your dogs diet, you will see a vast improvement in time. Just be patient and vigilant. You know your dog so you will begin to see in time what works best. Hope this helps.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Valarie (North Canton, Ohio) on 09/01/2009

Make sure you use Apple cider vinagar and try to get the organic one. Not white vinagar thats for windows, lol Good luck and yes you can dilute it and spray on you dog will smell like a salad but thats better then the yeast smell. right?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by David (Las Vegas, Nv) on 08/24/2009

For those giving dogs yogurt, I've found the all natural 0 sugar added kinds dogs prefer the vanilla flavored. I would also never put any form of water mixture in the dogs ears! Not unless you're going to do the dangerous thing and shove a qtip in all the way to soak up the water. Also when the alcohol evaporates it turns to water so I wouldn't use it either. Just a thought as moisture is the problem in the ears in the frst place.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Donna Hyde (Lincoln, Nebraska) on 08/01/2009

do not use white vinigar, it is only for cooking. white vinegar is stripped of all the goodness.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Yogurt
Posted by Cat (Dallas, TX) on 07/29/2009

I am so glad that I found this website!!!! I have two Lhasa Apsos and a Lhasa Poodle mix. The first was a "street urchin" and the other two were adopted through a rescue. My second, Chugger has been plagued with ear infections and nasty, greasy skin for two years. They are on a raw diet and supplemented with the best dry food with no grains. I also spent three months making homemade dog loaf.... nothing worked. Since I read about kefir and ACV three weeks ago, the results are amazing. I'm also giving "Mommy Baths" at home with pine tar shampoo and I'm just baffled that the vets don't know that this works!

Thank God for Google and this website.

Cat, Chachacha, Chugger and Chiclet

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