Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Dietary Changes
Posted by Martin (Guaynabo, Puerto Rico) on 02/03/2013

Years back I realized one side of my anus was very swollen and bland to the touch. However, it was not painful at all. What I did was to change my diet immediately to eating mixed vegetables and tuna fish three times a day, and plenty of water. Nothing else. In a few days the condition totally disappeared. The only problem is that my anus remained with some small deformation. Consequently this makes it hard to wipe it clean after evacuation. So far I have controlled this to some extend including a fiber powder supplement on every meal. If anyone knows how to cure this remaining problem please email me omniversed at hotmail. Thanks

Dietary Changes
Posted by Cured (Baltimore, Maryland) on 01/21/2013

Miracle Cure for Hemorroids: Brown Rice Bowl w/ Fajita Chicken, Tomatoes, Red Chili, Guacalmole and Lettuce.This fiber and protein conconction packs only 625 Calories. Delicious also. Cured me year long ailment in 3 days. I eat it four times a week and so far so good.

Baking Soda
Posted by M_mtz (El Centro, Ca, Usa) on 12/19/2012

Hi All-

Decided to take baking soda to treat a bad bout of heartburn. Thought to take about 1/3 teaspoon morning and evening. Didn't think it would have any effect on a very large semi-external hemorroid which felt like a small pink finger (yikes! ) and was quite surprised when that darn thing vanished almost overnight! So then thought there must be a connection between the two; heartburn & hemmoroids. Anyway, continued the treatment maybe about a week and that was that pretty much it! Had to share!

Hope it can help others! In good health, Martha

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Red (Houston, Tx) on 11/28/2012

I had bleeding hemorrhoids and I would like to share what helped me. First I feel I must explain that I believe mine came from taking Chromium Picolinate. I took it for about a week and started bleeding. Not just from hemorrhoids but from my nose and I was very tired all the time. Then I discovered that CP can cause anemia in some people. I immediately stopped taking it. It took about a week for the bleeding to stop. What I used during this time is Witch Hazel, Aloe Vera Gel and a 6 inch block. Every time I had a bowel movement I put my feet on a 6 inch block (which really helps move things along! ). Afterwards, I would use baby wipes first, then clean the area well with Witch Hazel. Then I would apply the aloe vera gel. I do have hemorrhoids, I had them before this, but this time I bled every single time I had a BM. These things definitely helped shrink my hemorrhoids and lessened the irritation greatly.

Posted by Helper (Somewhere Soft, Ca) on 11/11/2012

I was trying so many things to cure myself topically, until I finally got wise and tried this. All of the internet hemorrhoid cures being sold out there have ginger and cayenne. I decided to try making my own.

Mix equal parts ginger and cayenne, and then throw in a dash of turmeric. Fill large gel caps you can get a a health store or online.

I take two pills in the morning, and two at night. You can take one with lunch too.

Make sure to drink a glass or two of water when you take them. This prevents burning your stomach and also drinking lots of water helps soften your stool, not to mention it makes everything in your body work better.

I try to cook with ginger and turmeric whenever possible. I'm not so good with spicy, but if I was, I would cook with cayenne too.

The swelling of the hemorrhoids should start to go away as soon as a day, as long as a week. I think it took two days for me to feel results. I've been taking them a month and I'm completely pain free for weeks now. I can use dry toilet paper (though I never recomend it) and I couldn't even touch myself down there last month without intense pain. I also take magnesium to help keep stool soft since fiber and water weren't cutting it.

This mix also helps with other vascular issues like varicose veins, and joint inflamation.

Good luck!

Aloe Vera
Posted by Crew Chief (Silsbee, Texas) on 09/25/2012

Thought I had stomach ulcer. Knawing terrible pain. First I stopped drinking coffee and any caffeine for about a week which was difficult but helped a lot. At the same time I took aloe vera gel caps, garlic caps, fish oil caps, gse, and occasionally very small pieces of fresh garlic clove swallowed whole with meals morning and evening. I ate Campbells chicken noodle, and vegetable soups, rasin bran with very little milk, eggs, and plenty of power aide and water. Followed this for about two weeks and now feel normal. Started feeling some relief within a few days. Now I can drink a cup of coffee(not too strong and with milk added) with my wife in the morning. I was dealing with hemroids at the same time and they have cleared up also. One thing I found to really help hemroids is 100% aloe vera clear jel from Wal Mart and applied to toilet paper for a final clense after b movements. Have a good day!

Vitamin B-6
Posted by Slim2483 (West Sacramento, Ca, Usa) on 09/20/2012

I had hemorrhoids once, took b-6 for two days, gone. 2 pills 100mg each. Total 4 pills.

Posted by Sunshine44 (Sarasota, Fl, United States) on 09/17/2012

I have been having trouble with bleeding hemorrhoids for the past two years, with increasing frequency and pain. I have tried everything from steroid cream from the doctor, to drugstore cream, coconut oil, probiotics, etc. Then I realized that orange juice and other fruit juices, vinegar, fish oil pills and other vitamins were all making it worse. I have stopped most of them for months, and it helped a bit but not enough. On a hunch, I started drinking one cup of herbal Peppermint tea (tea bags bought at the supermarket) each night for the past 2 weeks and I haven't had any bleeding since and I have no more pain. I am now starting to slowly add some of the things that I have eliminated from my diet and have not had any problems.

I did find on the internet that Peppermint tea is good for hemorrhoids, but they said you need to be careful if you have acid reflux or blood pressure problems. Some sites said it could lower your blood pressure, others said it could raise it. I haven't found any difference but I don't have blood pressure problems. I am hopeful that the tea has healed my hemorrhoids for good and that the tea continues to help. I also hope this helps others with their problem, because I know how painful this can be. Make sure you get Peppermint tea bags and NOT Peppermint oil which will cause more irritation. It is certainly worth a try.

Posted by Mary (Austin, Tx) on 09/15/2012

I feel so grateful for this site!!! I had a strange bad hemmorhoid issue that came on during a very stressful time at age 44. Never before had I ever had such a problem, and it was scary when I found that conventional medicine is all about nasty surgery.

Reading here, I learned about ACV applications, and started doing them and received immediate comfort and a small reduction in swelling. But after 2 weeks of not much change, I chatted with a friend and she raved about a Chinese herbal pill formula with a western name of "Fargolin". I went to a chinese pharmacy in my town and they had several brands - all for only $4-$5 a bottle.

Well, amazingly, after just a couple of doses, the hemorrhoid responded beautifully. My friend said, "yeah, that's normal - just a few days is all it takes. " I asked if I should finish the bottle anyway and she said no, just save it in case you ever need it again. 2 years on, and still hemorrhoid-free!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Josey (Tulsa, Ok) on 09/08/2012

I finally got relief by taking 2 T. Of whole bran fiber a day in water. Not bran flakes, just the fiber. I am amazed.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Victorious (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/12/2012

Apply an ointment to the external hemorriod within the first couple of minutes it comes out when it is still small, then use your finger to gently push it back inside. It usually retracts. Definitely watch your diet; white rice will constipate you, avoid alcohol if you can, and eat or take fiber supplements with a lot of water. Taking a fish oil or flax seed oil supplement also helps the stool to glide out easily.

Posted by Kitty (Seattle, Wash) on 08/08/2012

I had just finished a course of antibiotics which I really hate taking, and I had taken probiotics 2-3 a day but I was told you should triple it. Anyhow I had the worse case of hemorrhoid afterwards, first time for me. I put some cayenne mixed with virgin coconut oil and put it on it are of the hemorrhoids it really burned for awhile then felt fine.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Someone (Houston, Tx) on 07/25/2012

Have you tried going COMPLETELY OFF sugar and wheats for hemorrhoids? It helped me. And rather quickly too.

Posted by Vanya (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 07/14/2012

Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris for Hemorrhoids

This unique herb helped my husband to get rid of his inflamed and bleeding (on and off) hemorrhoids after 26 years of suffering. I bought him 3 bottles of it because they told us he needs to take it for 3 months with a week break in between. Well, he never even got to the second bottle, his hemorrhoids diminished after taking the herb for about two weeks, but he took the capsules for one month. It has been about two months after he stopped taking it, he still cannot believe they are gone, they are not coming back even after he has constipation or ate a spicy meal. Make yourself a favor, do not buy the most expensive product out there, they are not any better, just buy the cheapest one with the yellow label, I am not affiliated with any websites or anything like that, I am just a happy woman for my husband and want to share our success with other sufferers. The one I bought costs about $7 a bottle, and it worked wonders. I will not stop recommending this herb and spreading the word.

And one more benefit - improved libido! Just don't overdo it, because there is a warning for people with enlarged prostates and pregnant women! Do your research first and try it for yourself, you will be glad you did! God Bless this website!

Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 07/07/2012

The old time remedy was a wet tobacco leaf, pressed against the offending item. The nicotine shrinks the blood vessels. You can get the plant at nurseries.
