Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Posted by John (Montevideo, Uruguay) on 06/23/2012

Look guys and gals, I had hemorrhoids or piles since my childhood, doctorrs usually prescribe abstaining from spicy foods and lots of fibre, etc., but from my father I got the perfect remedy: the French (and also in South America and countries like Egypt) have something called 'bidet' that sort of provides a kind of shower to your private parts (sitz bath is called in some places), mainly for female use.

In countries like UK and North America this is unknown, but a feature of every bathroom in the countries I mentioned. It can be easily improvised with a large plastic bucket and a shower item connected with a long plastic pipe to your water tap so you can regulate force of water. After defecation, when the bottom itches like mad, sit and irrigate your bottom with COLD water for about ten minutes, with quite powerful upsurge of cold water. That not only provides for cleanliness in that area but also ELIMINATES the itch, even if you eat all the spicy foods you want. When I travel to the uncivilized parts of the world where bidets are unknown, I carry my own portable bidet in my luggage and the piles never bother me.

The perfect hemorrhoid solution, believe me... No surgery, no creams, etc. all natural and simple.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jane (Barrie, Ontario, Canada) on 05/23/2012

I have never experienced a case of hemorroids till the day I turn 40 ( happy Birthday to me! ). I was at work and all of the sudden I started feeling this excruciating pain you know where and could barely stand, walk or even sit. I could not wait to go to the store to buy some Preparation H ( the most common remedy I knew of as I had seen my mom and my grand parents use it). Obviously hemorroids should not be a surprise to me as I have read they are hereditary. So when they showed up I thought, I was doomed and I will probably have to deal with them for the rest of my life. I was not considering going to see a doc or get surgery, I was determined to find a remedy and especially a natural one. Today thanks to all those who shared their remedies against hemorroids on this site, I am more confident that hems can be kept under control with a better diet and common ingredients that most of the time we have laying around the house, like garlic, ACV and coconut oil.

I am not sure what triggered them, probably a light case of constipation due to poor diet and a bit of stress. However, even if in the past I had a bit of itching or pain here and there after using the bathroom, I had never had such a bad case of inflammed external hems. Luckily enough though my hems were never bleeding, not once over this past week, just very swollen and painful. The first two days were the worst as I was at work and standing all day was not helping at all. I had not slept in two days and I was in so much pain that people starting asking what was wrong with me. Talking about your hems is not an option, especially at work, as it is such a embarassing subject but so common apprently and so painful that it is a serious ailment. I didn't know how to cope with them. Prep H was not working, and I had not had time to search much on the internet to find a different remedy. Finally I stumbled on this site and it was like a miracle for me. I was going to be off for the following two days so I was hopeful that by using some of these remedies by the time I had to go back to work, I would be ok. Not exactly the case but at least I knew what to do and I knew I had to be patient.

I read all the posts and the remedies I chose for me were: garlic/coconut oil suppositories, ACV, hot baths, ice packs, witch hazel, vitamin E and horse chestnut tablets. Among those I think the ones that really made a difference were the horsechesnut tablets and the garlic. The rest was just to alleviate the pain and discomfort for the first 4-5 days especially after using the toilet. I found that grating the garlic and mix it with the coconut oil and freeze them in the shape of suppositories works the best, stings less than just inserting the garlic and less uncomfortable. Plus the suppositories are kept frozen so they give an instant relief once inserted.

I also bought Rutin and I will start taking it daily in order to prevent hems to come back. I hope that works. I have added more fiber to my diet as I think that was the part I was really missing, so oats, granola, quinoa for breakfast, have been really helpful.

Posted by Don (Charleston, Wv) on 05/14/2012

Hemorrhoids will sometimes disappear literally ovenight, when SSKI Iodine (20 drops) mixed with Castor Oil or flaxseed oil (one ounce) is rubbed in them at bedtime. It was also found that SSKI alone will do the same job, although it really stings when applied to a hemorrhoid by itself it's better to dilute it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackjax (Jacksonville, Fl) on 05/02/2012

Suanne, the fissure is almost gone. However, I got back to 1 cayenne a day and in capsule, I just can't take it. Instead I added cayenne to my diet. One thing I learned, fiber is very important. I just got the Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom Root. I am taking these twice a day in addition to B complex, garlic and aloe vera capsule. Will keep you posted.

Essential Oils
Posted by Karl (Galway, Gaway) on 04/29/2012

Hi there, I was suffering from an external pile last week. The pain was so bad I couldn't walk properly and I had to pretend that my back was sore. What I did was I mixed 4mls if frankincense oil and 4mls of Myrrh Essential oil into 300grs of raw unfiltered extra virgin coconut oil. I would soak some soft tissue in the mixture and sit it between my bum cheeks. Within 15 minutes of my first application the pain was almost non existent. I couldn't believe it. I did this twice a day for a week and now I'm cured. I'm sure if one had bleeding and internal piles, using a enema and throwing a bit of cayenne pepper on your food would do wonders. Hope this helps all.

Essential Oils
Posted by Jennandluca (Los Angeles, Ca, United States) on 04/24/2012

Hi There, I wanted to add to the Hemorrhoids section. I have been applying Tea Tree Oil to my hemorrhoid, and it instantly cools and relieves the pain. I'm not sure if it actually helps to shrink the rhoid, but for pain control, I highly recommend.

I had learned about using Tea Tree Oil to help control and heal pain on a boil I had, so I thought it couldn't hurt to try it on my hemorrhoid.

Hope this helps someone else. thanks, jenn

Dead Sea Mineral Mud
Posted by Sjtx (Utopia, Tx) on 04/23/2012

I developed roids after my second child. Mine are not brought on by constipation but from standing all day without rest or working out in a. M. Then doing cardio class in p. M. several days in a row.

Ice used to work if I caught it on day one. This time it didin't faze it & another appeared. I came to this site & tried the ACV which I love for occasional reflux. Nothing, another popped up. I tried the coconut oil as suppository(frozen & molded) as well externally.... Another popped up overnight. I did the peppercorns for 2 days..... Nothing but no adverse reaction. Bought witch hazel & witch hazel wipes.... No relief. Soaked in epsom salt, soaked in ACV... Now have 5 roids. Losing my mind with frustration at this point. Last night husband suggested putting some hydrocortisone 1% cream. Don't like to use pharma products but was desperate. Got 50% relief from the burning but did nothing for the swelling.

Remembered I had a 5 gallon bucket of Dead Sea Mineral Mud. Tightens my face & body & shrinks my pores so thought "why not, nothing else has helped". Well for me, this is working!!!!!! They have begun to shrink within the first hour & my mood has elevated dramatically!!!!! I have on a sanitary pad so my panties aren't muddied, but this is truly amazing.

Hope this helps someone else when you have tried all else.

Got my Dead Sea Mineral Mud 2 years ago on ebay.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suanne (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.) on 04/22/2012

Jackjax, thanks for your update on the CP. I'm so pleased it is working for you but I had to stop taking it as the burning around my anus after almost 2 weeks was getting intolerable. If you are increasing your amount from 1 to 3 drinks a day do be aware that maybe it could be too much for your hems. Look forward to hearing how you do. Suanne.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jackjax (Jacksonville, Fl) on 04/20/2012

@Suanne, My external hem skin is getting firmer after 2 weeks of cayenne drink. I am adding Standardized Horse Chestnut and Butcher's Broom Root Capsules to my diet, which also includes garlic. I am increasing my cayenne dring from only 1 to 3 times a day. Will post here may after a month. Jack

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lsmall (Clifton, Nj, Usa) on 04/13/2012

I am very thankful to this site for all useful information and to all people contributed their experiences and advices. Here is my experience. I had a problem on Saturday, 4/7/12 morning, first time in my life. The pain was severe, I saw blood and I was in panic. I was lucky not working the following week and could stay home. I started to use Melozide Max in combination with Melozide C M given to me by my brother-in-law and Aloe Vera Gelly. I also immediately bought the stool softener Colace as per my wife's advice (she and her brother are long time sufferers). For 4 days I did not notice any changes, just a severe pain and blood all time.

Thanks to your site I started to use apple cider vinegar on Wednesday: a cotton ball soaked in ACV and kept "in place" for 15-20 minutes few times a day. The rest of the day I still utilized Melozide and Aloe Vera Gelly. I noticed the difference on Thursday: pain was not strong as before but I still had blood in my stool. Today is Friday, I had my BM almost without pain ( I would say it was rather itching) and without blood. I cannot claim my hemorrhoids are shrinking (since I have not paid attention) like some people mentioned but it is definitely a huge progress.

My everyday's routine: have my BM in a postion recommended by many people: lean forward almost like I am squatting; wash myself immediately after each BM and apply Melozide and Aloe Vera Gelly or ACV; eat food generally rich in fiber: breakfast-cereal with cottage cheese and kefir (yogurt), lunch and dinner-raw and cooked vegetables, piece of fish/seafood, fruits; avoid spicy food (for now), eat often but with small portions, do not overeat meaning stay slightly hungry after your meal; drink a lot of water; do not drink alcohol (I will resume it today to celebrate my successful and almost complete treatment and Friday); drink Aloe Vera Gel one or two times a day; take Colace few times a day, usually after every meal.

Hope it was useful and will motivate sufferers to use ACV.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suanne (Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.) on 04/11/2012

Hi there, Joshua from Wallace. Thank you so much for your posting on painful hemmoroids and your own 'cure'.

I have been using Cayenne Pepper tea now for 11 days and although internal hems are I feel a little improved, my external are as bad as ever. Can I ask you how long you have taken the Cayenne for before seeing real results? I don't want to give up on it yet..

I have been using ACV and Witch Hazel separately to try and ease the pain, but its the ACV that has the most affect - albeit temporary. I also drink small amounts of ACV throughout the day.

Just before sitting (well sort of on one side) down to write to you, I made up the mix you recommend with the crushed garlic and have it in place as I write - stinging like ?????.. Not sure |I can keep it in place for much longer - but will try.

Thank you again, Suanne.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Spiridione (Valletta, Malta) on 04/05/2012

I've had piles that come and go and usually are more present after drinking beer. They give me no pain. I found that after using a probiotic capsule as a suppository, the swelling is reduced and even gone. I also, keep myself hydrated during the day and drink green tea.

Posted by Scaiken (Aiken, Sc) on 04/02/2012

I have had very painful hemorrhoids for four months and have tried a lot of the home remedies mentioned on this site. ACV, Molasses, garlic, witch hazel, Rutin, Vitamin B6, suppositories, etc. To no avail.

Nothing worked until I tried 200 mg. Horse Chestnut Leaf, 800 mg. of Witch Hazel Leaf, and 100mg. Ginger Root. After three weeks of this mixture I am 90% cured and hope to be 100% soon. You can either get this mixtured from Hem-Relief or buy your own individually a lot cheaper.

Corn Starch
Posted by Life's Surprises (Toronto, On, Ca) on 03/23/2012

As an update to my previous post: cornstarch DOES seem to be my 'cure' to the dreaded H-word. Any time I've felt it coming on, patting some cornstarch on seems to shrink it within a few hours, and keeping it up gets rid of it entirely in, at most, a few days. It recurred easily for a week or so, then went away and hasn't come back since. I've been patting some cornstarch on preventatively once every day or other day [to keep friction, heat, and moisture down, which seem to be aggravators], and it seems to be working like a charm. Huh.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Deb (Mt. Pleasant, S.c.) on 03/08/2012

My husband began using blackstrap molasses about 3 weeks ago after reading that it would shrink Hemorrhoids. He was skeptical but faithfully took his full tablespoon, one in the morning and one at night (plain, right off the spoon! ) I asked him how it was going after the second week and he told me, "great! " He said that the hemorrhoids were really going away and that he was going to continue taking it because it was better than having the "rubber band surgery" (which we have both had! )

I decided to join him and also began taking one tablespoon in the morning and one in the evening as well. After only 4 days I can report that my hemorrhoids have shrunken so much that I feel that I have had surgery again - unbelievable! We are both true believers of this product and will continue to take the usual dose until the Hemorrhoids are gone, then we may go to only one tablespoon each morning. Another benefit, it has helped keep us "regular" - a nice benefit for people in their 60's who lead very busy lives! We have even recommended it to our daughters who have recently had babies and are suffering from Hemorrhoids - they have both begun taking the blackstrap molasses, too. We used the unsulphured, no reason other than that is what we found at the grocery store.

If there are other benefits, I'll report on that as we realize them. I have my annual physical coming up and I am curious at what some of my test results will show.

Thank you for this wonderful site!

Corn Starch
Posted by Life's Surprises (Toronto, On, Ca) on 03/02/2012

Sigh - growing older had its perks for a little while [driving, moving out, and so on] until a couple years later, when all those things nobody tells you about suddenly decide to throw you a surprise party all at once. One of the attendees: hems. Now, I'm only 23, fairly active, fairly fit, quite healthy in terms of my diet, but one random day the magic H word sprouted up like an unwanted guest that never knew when to leave.

I have absolutely no idea what I did the first time - after struggling for two weeks trying to figure out what it was, expensive prescription suppositories that took a few days but did, kind of sort of a little bit, seem to make it better. Then it went away.

This time, again a random occurrence, [conveniently coinciding with another monthly visitor .. Yippee?] nothing seemed to work. Not the suppositories. Not ACV, in or externally [though it provided temporary pain relief when applied topically, the first time only]. Hmmm, wait, hadn't I dusted my bottom with a talc-free powder last time? That seemed to help a lot. Okay, tried that again... Not so much. And this time was SO much more painful than the first. I was hobbling around the house! But before giving up, I decided to spoon some cornstarch into some TP, pack it on and leave it there. Ta da... Magic remedy. Okay, granted it doesn't fix the problem. But after a day, it was MUCH smaller. After three days, almost gone. And then back and forth, back and forth, didn't really want to disappear entirely.... but regardless, cornstarch HAS been at least an immediate relief in terms of comfort and being able to go about my day without wincing at every step and muscle contraction, and by wicking away the extra moisture, seems to do a LOT to keep the inflammation down.

Definitely, definitely try this first, and add alllll the other wonderful remedies into your regime too. Needless to say, I am sufficiently EVEN MORE terrified of pregnancy/childbirth [since this x393840 is now inevitable], and uncomfortable with the effect on my love life. I mean... Come on, seriously Mother Nature?

PS, here in Canada, I couldn't find Rutin, so I didn't get a chance to try that out :( any advice on where to find it?

Dietary Changes
Posted by Libyan (Tripoli, Libya) on 01/01/2012


hello everyone, alot of very intresting comments and remedies, however, the way I understans it is, we have to live a perfectly good life style, good balanced diet full of fiber and plenty of liquids, and that is a remedy not only to hemorhoids but to a long ilness free life...... We have an old saying "stomach is the house of disease" not sure how else to put that.... By having a clean healthy stomach you have a clean healthy body... adding on, things I found great to have daily or at least several times a week that will help you have clean stomach, vegies like garlic, onions and high fibre content foods such as dried figs, dates... etc, and last Camel Milk "best of all", it is a great laxative, but it also have ingredients that help prevent cancer and tastes good aswell.....

wish everyone good luck and good health

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Grizzelda (Cleveland, Ohio) on 12/12/2011

I have had hemmorhoids for 30 years and was resigned to living with them until I saw that many people had good luck with unsulphered organic blackstrap molasses. I started with 1 Tablespoon twice a day and within a week they were GONE! I now take this dose 3 times a week and that seems to keep them at bay. I don't always enjoy the flavor of the molasses but if I hold my nose and swallow a lot of water immediately after taking it, it is not too bad. I'm willing to do whatever I have to in order to not have them recur. Hope this helps someone out there!

Oil Pulling
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 12/11/2011

Oil Pulling for me has been a god send for my hemorrhoids. I use only virgin, unrefined, coconut oil and not only have I lost a few kilos in weight in just over one week, My hemorrhoids are virtually gone! I don't even know if they're there now, just can't feel them like I used to.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Joshua (Wallace, Nc) on 09/24/2011

I have been suffering from rather large external hemorrhoids for years now.. I even went to the doctor after about a year of suffering only to be given rather expensive suppositories which only aggrivated the problem!! The doctors are useless when you have no health insurance. After coming across this site I decided to give some suggestions a try. First of all diet is very important but it alone is simply not enough to get rid of this problem. I know first hand how much this can control your life and I want to share what I have found so that maybe I can help someone stop suffering as I have finally managed to do on my own. I have taken the most effective treatments and created my own personal program which if you follow my intructions I promise you this will solve this problem and dramatically increase your healing time and potentially rid you of this problem once and for all!!

First I needed things that were common around the house or were inexpensive so here goes... this is what works!

*** In the morning everyday until the problem is gone you need to take a glass of warm water and dissolve 1tsp of cayenne pepper and drink it down.

*Cayenne pepper works from the inside out by relieving swelling and inflammation in veins and is proven to restore vein elasticity to that of a youthful state with continued daily use.

*** For external hemorrhoids I have found that taking equal parts (about 1oz) of witch hazel & apple cider vinegar & crushing one whole clove of garlic into a paste & combining all three together & soaking it into either a cotton ball or gauze pad & leaving this inbetween your butt cheeks all day forces them to shrink & relieves the pain & irritation throughout the day. I tried it without garlic and it wasnt effective. It helped a little bit once garlic was added it made all the difference!! It will burn to begin with but it will be well worth the burn once you wake up on the 3rd day & notice your hemorrhoids almost gone!

*** Also, I take one garlic clove and partially slice it into three sections and lubricate it with aloe vera gel and use it as a suppository nightly. This is patricularly helpful if you have internal hemorrhoids or your hemorrhoids are advanced as mine are and cause a sticky odorless discharge to come out of the anus. This discharge will irritate the hemorrhoids and prolong the healing time. Since garlic kills bacteria it will ensure that most of the discharge that continues to come out is as free of bacteria as possible.

Most of the effective pills you can buy for hemorrhoids contain both cayenne pepper & garlic. Its truly amazing what both of them together can do for your body! They can be quite expensive as well.

*Garlic works because if its antibacterial properties attributed to a chemical it contains called allicin which gives it hemorrhoid fighting antibacterial properties & that distinctive aroma it has. Garlic is even dubbed as the most potent "miracle cures" known to man. It serves as a powerful antibiotic, reduces blood pressure and blood sugar, fortifies the body's immune system and reduces the cancer causing effects in nitrates.

***Another thing that helps is to use baby wipes & squeeze all of the liquid out of them and soak them in witch hazel for use after going to the bathroom. DO NOT USE TOILET PAPER! IT WILL IRRITATE THE INFLAMED TISSUE & LEAVE YOU UNCLEAN! You need this area to be rid of bacteria to promote healing. Since most witch hazel you find comes with 14% alcohol this is great at relieving the pain, swelling & killing the bacteria after bowel movements.

*Witch hazel also promotes healing by shrinking, stopping bleeding hemorrhoids & reducing inflammation in blood vessels. It is the common ingredient in most over the counter pads (such as Tucks) because of its soothing properties associated with this shrub.

So just remember these 4 ingredients and you will be rid of this problem in no time...

Cayenne pepper (orally daily in 8fl oz warm water)

Garlic (externally, internally & orally daily)

Witch Hazel (as a topical & after bowel movements)

Apple cider vinegar (orally, internally & externally)

None of us want this problem to last any longer than it has to so taking a multiple cure approach has been in my experience the most effective treatment in curing my own problem. I hope you will take my advice and together we can all spread the word on what really works!!! Good luck!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Moe (Puerta Vallarta, Mexico) on 09/24/2011

Avoid garlic, eggplant. Never use toilet paper again to wipe yourself, only wash your self with warm water, toilet paper will irritate your anus and can provoke inflamation of the tissue. watermelon must be consumed as much as possible.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Apileofproblem (Singapore) on 08/25/2011

I take anything from 2 to 4 cloves of fresh garlic 2 to 3 times daily. For easy consumption, chop them into tiny bits and then gulp them down with water. Try not to sip the garlic slowly because as you know it very pungent. Remember also to take some food before that so that your stomach can take the pungency.

I did not take a break from daily garlic consumption for over 2 months. I have not experienced any problem with it. Some people may have allergy to garlic like getting diarrhea. However as I pointed in my first post, this could be a temporary reaction, so if one go slow taking a little bit and build up the dosage over time, the reaction might go off. Just a suggestion for those allergic to garlic.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Sp (Gc, Ci) on 08/23/2011

Hi, How much raw garlic did you consume daily? Did you take a break, say without garlic for 1 or 2 days of the week? Thanks.

Anti-Candida Diet
Posted by Apileofproblem (Singapore) on 08/23/2011

Further to my post dated 06/15/2011 above, here's more information which hopefully will be helpful for other sufferers.

I think hemorrhoid is a symptom of a more systemic problem - bad intestinal bacteria that putrefies, unload its wastes or toxins, thus causing inflammation and its attendant problems. These disorders are known to us as IBS and IBD.

So, I am going to write this post with a wider scope in mind namely how I treated my IBS & IBD.

There is a news report months back saying that there is now a suspicion in conventional medicine that serious diseases may be caused by bad bacteria in the intestines. I think this is on the right track. The only problem is that even if they finally confirm that bad bacteria are the root culprits, conventional medicine will continue to resort to man-made antibiotics instead of natural ones to kill bad bacteria.

Anyway my own experience in using raw garlic 3 times daily over the last 3 months is that the colon discomfort/pain I used to suffer for more than 30 years is completely gone. Serious.

Months previous to that, I had tried a strict wheat and sugar free diet recommended by SCD (Specific Carbohydrate Diet). That did help but I felt that it was a case of depriving the bad bacteria of food they feed on, thus weakening them. However the diet did not finish them off effectively. The moment I took some bread for example, the symptoms came back the next day.

After 3 months on raw garlic, now I found that I no longer have a problem eating bread, sugar and those foods - even at night - that I was once so sensitive to. This is quite a marvel to say the least.

In the past, I also tried high doses of expensive probiotics but gave up after several months because they were too weak to deal with the bad bacteria. Yet garlic a cheap kitchen spice completely turned my life around. You just have to take it religiously several times daily for a few months. It is known that garlic not only kills off the bad bacteria - Candida, E Coli, even MRSA - but also promotes the good bacteria. There are numerous reports on that over the Internet.

Another wonder herb that I have found to help intestinal inflammation (hemorrhoid included) is WHITE OAK BARK.

Take white oak bark capsules with garlic daily for a few months and you may see your IBS & IBD (hemorrhoids included) go into remission, even for long-standing cases.

It may come as a surprise that the great efficacy of these 2 herbs - raw garlic & white oak bark - for intestinal complaints were strongly recommended in the book "Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists" by Richard Lucas written more than 30 years ago!

However it took me a long time to understand I need to use the correct regimen, that is consuming them on a daily basis in regular dosages for a few months to see dramatic results for chronic cases like mine.

So if you are running out of options, why not give yourself a try with these 2 herbs for 2 to 3 months. If you are successful please come back and let others know.
