Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

General Feedback
Posted by Queen Bee (Arkansas) on 12/01/2023 7 posts

I have had Morgellons for twelve years. Have controlled with remedies found on web. Would be very interested in the views from the Earth Clinic.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Tanya (Delaware ) on 02/28/2023

Hi . What's in the scrub that you make? I've been using it on the carpets before I vacuum and furniture . I considered adding it to the bath which is what I do with borax usually . Struggling lately

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Boo boo (London) on 03/31/2024

Yes Morgellons sprayed

Wriggling Fibers
Posted by Sabita (Orange City, Florida ) on 09/18/2021

I took the cotton off the end of a Q-tip and saturated it with 3 percent Hydrogen Peroxide to apply to a spot on my face. I pulled the cotton apart and was looking in a strong magnifying mirror and noticed the fibers were moving? What is this? I've seen videos of people reporting this on other products so I was really alarmed!

Posted by Darla (Ontario, Canada) on 07/14/2021

I am taking 3 mg of Boron because it says 3 mg max dose on the bottle so is it safe to take 6 mgs and does it get rid of the Morgellons? I got them from a PCR test!

Posted by Darla (Ontario) on 07/19/2021

Thanks Katzie! Where is this Insider info that you read that said only 3mg and will 3 mg cure the Morgellons and does it say how long it takes and anything else I must do? I had the PCR test back in November before all the videos were out! Lucky me, that will be the last time I trust government or healthcare! I am so upset! Do you have any idea where I can find this information? I appreciate your help! Thanks Darla

Posted by C (Town, Illinois) on 07/18/2021

I'd like to know your full protocol. Thanks in advance!

Posted by brighton pirate (brighton england ) on 07/11/2022

do you mean 1000 MSM???

EC: No, MMS is correct. It's the name of a supplement protocol.

Posted by Mandana (Corona, CA) on 05/02/2023

Hi, thanks for sharing the info. I purchased MMs. Though I cannot do more than once per day and it was affecting my kidney so badly that I thought I am losing them. I am just spraying them on my skin once daily. Also, since zapper has been helping some beautiful souls and it does the job by alkalizing the body. I bought a zapper too. Now, Should I stop taking apple cider vinegar pills and using vinegar on my face in the morning, since ti is acidic?

Posted by Rachel (Colorado Springs, CO) on 10/19/2023

Where do you purchase “real” mms?

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/20/2021

Wow Darlene. What an amazing testimony. Thanks so much for sharing detailed instructions on what will help to cure other with a similar affliction.

Question: what did you mean when you said you *took in a deathly ill call from a wildlife preserve*? This understanding alone could help others from a prevention perspective.

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/05/2021

Ted's Remedies, Morgellons Remedies (

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Jill (Space Coast, Florida) on 02/20/2023

Rumble, look up Maria ZEEE on Stew peters network on rumble site. look for her video with Dr. Ana. Protocol in video. Hope it helps. Best wishes!

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Jennifer Macamaux (Woonsocket, RI) on 10/01/2022

Hi. is now a website for stuffed animals. Do u recommend any other sites to get ivermectin?

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Bobby Phillips (California ) on 10/19/2022

So sorry you and your family are having to go through all of that! I have been trying to help with my wife's condition she had a dermatologist tell her it's just psychological and needs to see a dr for that then my wife had to insist on a skin sample from him!

All said and done with that ,he tells her to look up a vet or go to the county ag dept and see if they can id all the samples we have collected! As I am watching my wife suffer! Did anyone diagnosis you for morgellons? lyme's? idk what to do about these drs she has seen 3 dermatologists in the past year and my wife's condition has increased .she is taking ivermectin and pyrethrin lotion as for now but seems bacterial!

idk but your situation/ systems sound so like what my wife is going through! I'm to the point of advocating for her due to the treatment lack there if she has received! Thanks for your testimony, I will share this with my wife this morning! 🙏.

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Tara (Nova scotia ) on 12/30/2022

Are u still cured? I have been using Megan's miracle, but if you are still cured I'll incorporate this.

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by tanya (Delaware) on 02/28/2023

I use a high frequency wand with the comb attachment for my head, t gel shampoo, essential oils mixed with coconut oil treatments in hair (clove peppermint cedar tea tree cinnamon lemon etc…) then peroxide in my ears regularly, and I use the high frequency wand on my face as well . I also do masks with clay needs powder spirulina and sulfur powder before my baths. I'm using masks on my body with the same and all of that I do for my whole body those high frequency Wands you can find on Amazon for like 30$ they do help the lesions heal up faster

Eliminate Parasites
Posted by Sandy (Florida) on 04/04/2023

Try adding NEEM OIL, a few drops mixed in with shampoo then, add few drops NEEM oil to leave in hair conditioner, alternatively using other essential oil later..lemongrass oil, clove oil, lavender EtcEtcEtc.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Alexis (Coral Springs, Fl) on 10/25/2018

I just wanted you to hear this so you have hope that it CAN go away. What I did I am not sure will work for everyone ( although I suspect it would to some degree it just depends on how many treatments you do the more the better in the smallest amount of time.) So here it is: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I started with the usual symptoms the black a specks, the flesh-eating lesions covering my face my arms my legs my stomach my chest, progressed to getting the fibers or at least noticing the fibers I pulled 16 inch long twisted up 'somethings' of the backs of my legs especially when I sweat sometimes I would spontaneously get a clear fiber I never saw any colors that's just me but I only had a 40x microscope. So hyperbaric oxygen. It's not cheap and if you find it for cheap then you are probably getting screwed somehow. There is no getting around paying for this. But, it's so worth it if you don't have the money right this second start saving it it's not in an enormous overwhelming amount of money to save... I did 31 treatments it cost me about $3,500. At one point my legs were so so swollen I believe I was close to going into renal failure. Two sessions in the Hyperbaric and they were normal. I was producing the black specks they were in my urine in other places everywhere I am not anymore and I do not see any fibers or pull any fibers from anything anymore. Whatever this bug is comma it may have been artificially engineered butt it has commonalities in parasitical forms and fungal forms and oxygen Chambers kill all anaerobic bacteria. I learned a lot from the lady who ran the place I couldn't do only Hyperbaric and get better I had to stop smoking I had to change my diet like everybody says on this site I had to give up sugar, I had to start doing coffee enemas, I started using Hulda Clarks parasite removal then I intend to do the liver and colon cleanses it gives you the order to do them in. Other than that, I would recommend chitosan. 1500 mg a day to start go up 500 mg a day till you get to 15,000. I am just starting that so I can't tell you if it works 100 percent or not yet also I no longer have the blacks packs I'm using it as preventative because I reinfected myself cleaning the washing machine and got a big lesion on my forehead and it's definitely trying to spread but I'm not letting it silver I also agree is good. If you want to know more just let me know also I do recommend Ted's protocol his cor protocol of alkalinity it's taught by all the great doctors who study chronic illlness I started using Ted's protocol initially I wouldn't say that it didn't work I would say that I didn't follow through with it in the proper way whatever protocol you choose you have to do it and you have to do it everyday and you have to do it at the same time and you have to make it part of your life. Good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chrissy (Pennsylvania ) on 05/19/2021 1 posts

Hi, I'm somewhat new to being contaminated with this awful parasitic bug/fibers/worm. My 2 dogs are affected too and I'm broken in many ways…I'm looking for help regarding where to begin: my environment (house, outside, driveway, etc) or myself and my fur babies? I've been reading until my eyes bleed and have found a lot on treatment for people, but minimal info on how to treat our homes. If you can offer any guidance, I would be so grateful.

SSKI and Enzymes
Posted by Alex ( Coral Springs Fl) on 10/25/2018

Can you explain that a little bit further. I know what sski is but I don't know what radiant heat is and do you have an example of a product with these enzymes? I know about products with enzymes like Kleen free and kleen green I don't know if they use papaya, and how do you use it how many times a day in what manner, if you don't mind?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by June Higgins (NJ) on 06/05/2021

Have u recieved any help?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Art (VA) on 06/08/2021 4 posts

I also need help I'm fighting to GRT these bugs out my hair and eyes?Do you know of any remedies??

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Morgellons is real (Australia ) on 06/25/2022

The reason only some of us get it is due to our immune systems and health. You may have been healthy but you must have caught a pathogen that's impeding your immune system. I only got this crap in my skin etc when I got sick from ebv and it ruined my immune abs now I'm stuck with this dreadful stuff inside my body and it's a nightmare to keep it out of my skin on a daily basis. I take lots of stuff to boost my immune and that's helped a lot. Ppl with Morgellons usually have a weak immune. I do, I am always getting sick. Probiotics, vitamin d and colostrum help. So many herbs etc do too. Like ashwaganda. Get your glands checked abs tested. You may need thyroid and parathyroid meds and maybe other hormones. Usually ppl with Morgellons have damage to their glands. Also take anything to boost your immune as it will help keep you alive and not sick from infection. Morgellons itself isn't deadly imo but infections are. Calcitrial is active vitamin d and it's helped me alot so get that checked. Not all of us are the same but it doesn't hurt to get it looked at.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (Delaware ) on 05/21/2023

Hello thank you so much for sharing. Can you tell me the brand of turpentine spirits you bought and where I can buy it? Many blessings. Thank you.


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Steiny (Williamsport, Pa) on 03/24/2018

Dear Ted, I've spent all day reading your posts and have a list about a mile long of stuff to order from Amazon because your cures all seem specific to the individual so thought I'd write and ask personally because I'm already taking soooo many supplements and doing so many things, I'm sure I'm killing my liver if the morgellons isn't already. Anyway, about 5 years ago I got morgellons (a bite or mulching?) and somehow managed to get rid of it after about 5 months, but it was pretty mild, in my skin only and clove oil and acetone (yes acetone) seemed to work, along with soaking in a hot tub (which I no longer have access to). Somehow I got it again about 3 months ago (I'm thinking a hotel room) but this time it seem so much more aggressive and immune to stuff and its everywhere, my skin which I seem to be able to control somewhat, my scalp (a real big problem), my eyes slightly, and internally which is scaring me to death - literally. I know its in my intestines and I'm really scared for my liver. My doctor just took out my gallbladder from stones and pain, but now the pain is 3 times as bad so fear it wasn't my gall after all and worry about my internal organs. Plus they have me scheduled for a hysterectomy due to large growths in my uterus. Doctors here do not believe in nor will treat you for morgellons so I've been taking all sorts of remedies from the internet and think I'm going way overboard, especially with herbals (chorella, gluthasmine, oregano, garlic, vinager, tumeric, probiotics, and about 10 others...), perscription pills thru India? (nizrol, ivermectin, docycline...), drink solutions (msm, mms...), drops (soverign silver, grapefruit seed extract, food grade hyd perox, iodine...), - not all at once mind you, but trying many different things, but even with reading your remedies I've came up with a lot of different things to order and I think I need to eliminate stuff and simplify stuff. Can you please tell me what would be best specifically for me to kill this. I've been usiing kleen green for my enviroment and laundry too, washing sheets daily, vaccuuming daily, bath soaks every night (bleach, hyd perox, bake soda, borax, epson salts... I mix it up a bit). I work and this is exhausting - all I do is work and sleep. I basically have the black specks, and painful sparkly specks coming out of my skin, and black specks in my bowel movements (lots of crawly feeling around my anus too). Looking at them under a microscope they look like black worms or threads. I have the creepy crawlies, itching, biting sensations, some lesions, and terrible scalp itch and crawly feeling that I can't seem to control, and of course the internal pain that is scaring me to death, and being soooo tired. And probably having surgeries that I don't really need. Please advise me (in layman terms as I seem to be getting confused easily) of what should be my specific protocol internally and externally. I'm getting confused reading all your various ones. I know my immune is very low, I'm a 58 yr old female, I'm also thalasemic. I've already lost 25 lbs in 3 months and it doesn't seem to be stopping. Thank you so much.


Wanted to add a couple more things to the email I just sent you since its still being reviewed. Also used DE external and internal, and bentonite external and internal, and bought a cheap FIR/FAR Infrared blanket system because I read that helps them come out. I just don't want to be driving them in deeper. I'm right now trying your borax, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide drink. Hope I don't get sick since I'm having horrible post-op gallbladder surgery pain from 3 weeks ago. They're actually sending me for a cat scan Tuesday cause they think something else is going on in there, besides also the growths in my uterus I'm scheduled for surgery too for. Desperate for advice. Wish you lived closer!

EC: So sorry, Ted had a stroke in 2015 and is unable to correspond with our readers.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/14/2017

Morgellons sufferers might be interested in doing a search on the US Patent Full-Text and image Database. Just the word Morgellons will give you interesting results, if not surprising.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Roberta (Malaga, New Jersey) on 08/08/2017

I am suffering, horribly, from Morgellans Disease. My head is full of open sores, and biting things come out. It has been for 460 days now. I am losing my hair, my joints and head hurt. my life has come to a stop because of this. I was taking, MSM, Diamateous earth, wormwood, Citrate acid, Ionic Boron. I have done heavy metal Chelation, because I have a 4.7 cadmium level in my blood. The cadmium level stayed a 4.7 before I did Chelation, and it was a 4.7, after I did 6 Chelations. It took none of my heavy metal out of my blood. I tried Atristatin, that made the Morgellans, worse, and made me sick. Now I drink berry smoothies, with Chlorella and Tumeric. I have received the tetrasodium EDTA and the Hydrochloric Acid, I have Borax, do I drink it in water? Is Ionic Boron, the same thing? And what do I do with th BoPeep Ammonia? Roberta

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Doug (MINNESOTA) on 08/02/2021

Hello everyone. I bought a house in April of this year. Now on this website reading about Morgellons. I just read somebody stating that heat kills them. Is this similar to bed bugs where they heat the entire house up to 140 degrees F and hold it for 4 hours? Can anybody elaborate on that, please? Thank you in advance.


Multiple Remedies
Posted by Vicky (Deerfield, Il) on 01/27/2018

Interested in vibrational healing for Lyme etc

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 08/02/2021

Tony Pantalleresco The Dangers Of Nano Particles To Your Health! - YouTube

I would ask Tony, I have emailed him in the past and he replied, don't know his address as we lost our internet and all history a year or so ago

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (NY) on 06/29/2022

How do you use the HCacid?

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/06/2017

Morgellons & cyanobacteria/blue-green algae

Has anyone with Morgellons read of blue-green algae being the cause of the disease and the protocol used to treat?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Roberta (New Jersey) on 07/31/2017

Hello, I wrote You yesterday, about My problem with Morgellans Disease. I ordered what Ted recommends on his site. I am now taking Wormwood, clove, and black walnut hull. Only drink smoothies, and eat salads, for over two months. I do drink two cups of decafinated coffee, a day. It has been such a BIG PROBLRM IN MY LIFE!!! Can hardly go anywhere, without getting bit, and feeling them crawling, all inside me!!! I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!! Also cannot find anyone who sells BoPeep Ammonia, so what do I do? Also, once I start Ted's recipe, how long will it take for these MONSTERS, to GO AWAY!!!??? Please Respond, I AM IN DIRE STRAITS!!! Thank You for listening to me, Roberta

Seaweed & Sea Salt
Posted by Nmx (Usa) on 01/14/2017

Hello... William Mount has a video on youtube where he states that the elite have a cure for Morgellons which makes them unable to live in body.... Seaweed and Sea Salt -- so it sounds like Iodine/natural source may be the issue... I've heard that people with Morgellons usually have hypothyroidism... interesting... I wish my doctor would have had me try iodine before he put my on Synthroid... First time I tried seaweed I did feel better in general... I'm going to continue taking it and will let you know...

Seaweed & Sea Salt
Posted by Emmy (Somewhere In Ny) on 10/23/2018

I have seen his web page... he seems very knowledgeable about the subject. R u still doing the seaweed & sea salt? R u feeling any better?

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Natelie (East Texas) on 12/21/2016

I seem to break out in little red bumps that itch and have a tiny white head and its usually association with me getting over heated. I. Recently got bv which brought this on again . but this time it turned to major sores. I cleansed. And I had a magnifying glass with a light. I wanted to inspect my scabs after. I noticed a few seconds with this light or heat little white wax would come out .as soon as it did id look under the magnifyinge glass at it and it appeared not to be moving so I thought it was clogged pores. They come out thru hair follicles . I was tripping out so I checked other parts of my body and everywhere I put the light my skin would sparkle like sweat and these little white things came out. But it does feel like so.ething is crawling all thru my skin and some do look different in color I just thought it was dirty pores ftom the yeast infection . So I suggest taking a magnifying glass to your doctor like im going to do. But they come out of the skin within seconds of the light or heat from light. So may be heat related thats what causes my normal rashes.

Diatomaceous Earth
Posted by Deb (Battle Creek, Mi) on 04/09/2018 12 posts

How are you now? I have done DE but not long enough

Posted by Kathy (New York) on 09/02/2016

I am just beginning my external routine. If I miss an ingredient for baths my lesions reopen. Recently I discovered Epson salt and Dr. Clay and ginger bath soak and it made a big improvement. Unfortunately it now takes 40 mins to shower. And end shower and baths on cold water to close the pores.

I'm so tired of this. My family thinks I'm losing it, my Dr n ER dr were no help. Hadn't heard of morgellons at the time, but couldn't understand their refusal to examine the sores and telling me it's in head and stress triggeed it. Over 1 and half years with sores all over my face. In hindsight started yeas ago but less extreme. ER Dr wouldn't come and peaked over at it from a distance. I went in with nerve damage with numbness and he labeled me without coming neat me.

Coconut oil is great to, both for cooking and cleaning.

Do you have any more suggestions? I used lemo on my scalp and my eye swelled up. Finally going down but it hurt! About to start an internal detox

Posted by Hope4all (Salsbury Md) on 03/07/2017

Did you take any medications or sipplements. Im going on a year and a half with this, cant sleep, barely eat and it is starting to show a lot. I was able to buy Ivermectin and Albandozole but I am concerned that it will cause more harm than it is worth.

Posted by Carol Galbrecht (California) on 04/01/2017 1 posts

Ate you still doing well with the mms treatment?

Posted by Lynne (Florida) on 06/15/2017

Hi...You provided great information. Can you please tell me what kind of magnet to get? Especially on a budget? I am so confused about magnets and the kind to get to help morg.

Posted by Rachel (Neptune, NJ) on 07/21/2021

Where to get this MMS, please?

Posted by June (NJ) on 08/30/2021

What brand of MMS and where did u purchase it

Posted by Diana (Toronto ) on 02/17/2017

Ivermectin did not work for me. Only borax and tetrasodium edta worked.

Posted by Robin (Oh) on 03/19/2017

I believe you are right on the money with your assessment. What was your Ivermectin protochol you followed? Please post with your doses. Sincerely, R

Posted by Milly (New York) on 07/24/2022

How did you use the borax and edta? Please let us know.

Shungite Water
Posted by Cynthia S. (Anacortes ) on 02/12/2021

Thank you! I have been dealing with these for 4 years, not knowing exactly what it is?? I have Shungite, I request a Protocol? Fast, Oregano Oil, currently I was with Hemp Soap and apply Hemp oil, what else can I do? Thank you so much!!

Shungite Water
Posted by Melissa (Alberta) on 05/03/2021

I am confused are you saying Shungite water is the cause of the morgellons or that Shangite water helps get rid of the morgellons.

Gallium Nitrate
Posted by Rebel (Somewhere Usa) on 01/31/2016

This link is not working for me, tried it at work and at home. Says page unavailable.

EC: Hi Rebel,

Looks like his site isn't optimized for mobile devices, but the gallium nitrate page below does open on desktop computers.


Gallium Nitrate
Posted by Art (California ) on 02/01/2016 2165 posts

Gallium nitrate is fairly expensive and hard to find a reliable source.


Gallium Nitrate
Posted by Cassandra (New York) on 05/04/2016

Hi, I am very interested in the Gallium Nitrate. May I ask, where did you purchase. Plus, can I use on my cat? Lastly, how long till the product took effect.

Hope all is well with you, today. Very consuming health issue. Any other feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Note, I want to make sure that I am spending on products that produce results. Thanks in advance.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Nan (Usa) on 07/25/2016

There is a fly trap that works - made by PIC - the "Trap" is the one to get -- buy lots if you are pestered by the little flies -- it really works -- its trapped all of them - haven't seen any for a week or more...

Olive Leaf helps, Alpha Lipoic Acid crosses blood/brain barrier so gets them there... N Acetyl Cysteine, Artemisinin (Wormwood also works - Artemisinin is a derivative used on Malaria)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Emily (Southeast Michigan) on 05/19/2024


I rarely hear/see anyone mentioning this horrible aspect of this “condition”. The environment / flying white … whatever they are .. and some other things you mentioned related to that. Although I hate that you have had to deal with this also, I am relieved to see I am not alone and that this in fact related to what I'm dealing with (“Morgellons”).

I know this comment is from YEARS ago… so I am not going to be surprised if you do not see it or respond… but I would like to know how things are for you now? Did you end up moving? Were you able to clean/rid the air/environment of these things?

it is soooo overwhelming to even think about. It's like a vicious cycle or circle. You can start feeling better and improving internally /externally BUT then the enviorbment is completely saturated and deeply infested. It happens so quickly and they are literally EVERYWHERE!

thanks for sharing this and I hope to touch base with you to hear what happened with your story/situation. I hope you are well.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Steven (Parry Sound Ontario ) on 11/17/2021

I'm fighting these little micro bugs and everyone thinks I'm crazy but they won't come near me.

Posted by Eve (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) on 09/29/2015

I've been using MMS. It saved my life several times. I also have Lyme disease. I used a chelating product made from raw honey, bee pollen and royal jelly and experienced the most remarkable results within a few days. It was like night and day. I am homeless and poor and unable to purchase it so I get raw honey as I can and MMS is awesome and cheap.

Posted by Stephanie (Pennsylvania) on 04/27/2018

Hi Eve! I was wondering if you've had improvement? I live really close to Lancaster near Coatesville, Pa. I have been in the situation such as homeless, broke, with Lyme disease and MD and still at a loss as to what to do. I finally after 2 years fighting on and off because I thought I was well ( and hoped I just dreampt all the chaos up) requested Lyme testing from the physician. I know I had a positive for Lyme 20 years ago but only hope it shows what's going on inside so I can start getting to the bottom of this. How did you come across the MMS? I tried the Tetrasodium EDTA and Ammonium Chloride solution which did burn a little but I didn't notice any changes like others said they had. I believe the Biofilm has caused me great problems inside and out. And strangely, it was as if my body chemistry changed and the solution burnt my skin like a chemical burn. It was a weeping wound, extremely sticky like it was biofilm. I still am unsure about that. I don't speak of this much and hope to hear back soon.

Many Blessings!

Posted by Susan (Ms) on 05/04/2018

Hi Stephanie,

I am sorry for your nightmare, as I share the same. I am a RN who developed this nightmare in 2015.

I have and still do try alot of different strategies to get better. None have been a cure but some very helpful.

Not going to share all. But look under Charles Holman Foundation for tips. Bathes a must. I believe we need strong antifungals (orally) and antibiotics but no luck even here getting them. After 8 dermatologist 12 biopsies only MRSA showed up. Been out of work since 2016 with this mess.

General Feedback
Posted by Toniwah (Warrenton, Va) on 04/02/2015

I started noticing without a doubt these horrible super pathogens' on me in mid 2014 and had suffered greatly every night with them biting me and I tried everything. Then I came across this article lately on Fresh Air and Sunshine being a natural antibiotics cure ( when you click on the link then you have to open in a pdf file and its on page 13) Im not 100% sure but I believe it worked the only thing I did different then usual last night was take organ HGH booster and stayed out in the sun for about 30 minutes exposing my legs and my feet and eyes and last night I sweated like never before I haven't felt anything moving on me since. Oh yeah and just recently when I read that these super bugs are using some kind of plastic to hide in I realized the only plastic that goes in my body is from my herbs and many of them.... So I concluded that these bugs are using the plastic from are herbs and supplements to make there shield I decided to open herbs up and put them in my food, and the ones that are for empty stomach I put in water. I believe that also helped eliminate these plastics they are shielding them selves in. Next I will try to figure out how to break down the plastic that is already in my body from taking all these herbs that are in capsules and gels that are harmful to us. The link to this new finding on research to the sun actually being a nature antibiotic in killing these pathagens is below.

General Feedback
Posted by Lou (Tyler, TX) on 12/15/2021

That's interesting. I use the orange colored antibacterial dish soap diluted in water to kill fire ants.

General Feedback
Posted by Frances (Queensland) on 04/05/2015

Would you pls advise on quantity of the MSM and orange oil to take internally.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah) on 06/03/2016

Thanks. The miracle II product you mentioned is now available in Australia. Shall try it.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 08/05/2016

Ted's ammonium chloride remedy for Morgellons. My question: Is the Ammonium chloride powder he recommends the same ingredient as the Cloudy Ammonia liquid we can buy at the supermarket (in Australia)?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Afro (USA) on 11/17/2023

Do not ingest ammonium chloride or ammonia

ammonium is genotoxic, cytotoxic mutagenic

ammonium is used as a herbicide pesticide and is converted in the body as ammoniac -> nitratre -> nitrosamine.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 02/22/2015

Any info about the origin of this disease? Wishing you well. Namaste, Om

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sammie (Nevada) on 03/28/2015

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sammie (Nevada) on 03/28/2015

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

EC: People can donate to Ted via PayPal or Western Union. Read more here.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sammie (Nevada) on 03/28/2015

Hi. Firstly, so sorry if I have not responded or responded late to any replys over the years. I find it very difficult to find my posts, and just today thought to look at the help section, finally I found my recent posts. I have posted here on morgellons since 2010, and my old posts prior to 2014 should be deleted, as I was so ill, and have modified and changed the protocols drastically. Hate to think of people reading my expired protocols and wasting their time.

I recently ran across an article that talked about POLYMORPHING Microbes, created by the US ARMY. Actually, my first thought back in 1999, was this was something the military "created" and somehow let loose in the world. At that time the military was bragging that in a few years they would be able to patch soldiers up in the field with some fantastical new biological "thing" they made that would seal up wounds nearly instantly. My guess is that they combined plant and animal genes, obviously %$#@$# up, and the poly morph microbe began. The poly morph description is a microbe able to live in a variety of environments, AND, takes on very different shapes while doing so. Well, Morgellons does this. And no, I dont really know exactly what it is, other than a community of hardy microbes that can live on about any surface they land, including people.

I have been having continued success with my 2014 protocols, but feel it is really important to inform others of failures and successes that occur during this journey.

Putting EDTA/AC dissolved mixture into vasaline has been a huge help for me. I put it on daily, and reapply often. I keep my feet and head covered with it, and in socks all the time. There is not enough hours in a day for me to deal with all the areas that are infested on me, so this initially was a "better than nothing" situation. It has proven to be excellent for me, my feet, toes, toe nails continue to improve, biofilm areas on my head where hair no longer grew keep getting better. I WEAR SOCKS ONLY ONCE, THEN TRASH THEM. I keep my head covered with the same vasaline mix and disposable shower cap. There may be an exception or two, but there is really no getting this crap out of material/clothing once they have biofilmed themselves in. I soak every load of wash in edta/ac, after letting them run a full cycle using soap, baking soda, borax. I then put a teaspoon of edta and a teaspoon of amonium chloride in the water, run then through the cleaning cycle, but do not let the machine drain. Depending on the item, I try to let the wash soak at least a couple of hours . Then I turn it back on the finish the wash/rinse/spin.

I no longer wear underwear, threw out all old sheets/towels, curtains, rugs etc. I keep TP, papertowels in bags, as well as dirty clothes are kept bagged seperatly. Clean clothes are kept in bags, and I keep the cottens and synthetics, sheets and towels seperate and bagged. I change my sheets every 2 to 3 days. I spray down my shoes inside and out after each wearing. I keep everything off the floor if possible. I have more success keeping clothing that is made very well, preferably no rouching, and tightly woven or synthetic material. I dont think morgellons has a preference here, except for anything they can grab and stick onto.

I have edta/ac'd E many of my walls and ceilings, but made a mistake. I tried spraying down my bathroom, but cramped my hand pretty badly. I had the not so bright idea to take a paint roller and a pan and roll the walls etc. Unfortunately, I think I spread them around more, and killed less than with spraying. Everything got stirred up, but calmed down after a day or so. I will not stop fighting until , one of us is dead.

Regardless of these precautions, my apartment is saturated with this monster, I am fortunate that I was only in my 40's when this started, and did not have any chronic long term illness. My body became immune deficient due to bad dental work. I believe these are the 2 core reasons I am still alive.

BIG WARNING HERE: I mentioned before how after deconstructing the nest on my chest, these nasty buggars attacked both my cats, and that I had to cut it off them. I got a lot of it cut off them, but in doing so, they came back on me! I did not feel or see it at the time, but it became very apparent soon thereafter. GROSS! The good thing is that I have TEDS remedies. The bad thing is that they take a day or so to die. The good thing is that they are large enough to feel and see, and cannot just sit on your skin unnoticed for months or years. They did not seem very hardy, but, they are way way agressive, and when cut off or pulled off, they immediately seek to nest. They have "flown" in my eyes, nose, ears, landed and tried to establish themselves anywhere on me. Another good reason to keep the vasaline EDTA/AC mixture on all the time.

These things have gone back and forth, between me and the cats, but the population has significantly decreased overall. For this reason I stand by my decision to manually deconstruct the nests that I can. I dont know why some people say to leave them alone, they biofilm over themselves, people think the spot just healed up, but it is just hiding and reproducing.

I have had many a "sci fi" moment with this crap, but about 3 weeks ago I had an experience that really blew me away. After reading this I am sure you will agree that you make sure, as best as you can, to make sure it is DEAD before deconstructing.

I started feeling a pulling on my chest. (I have cleared 100's to 1000's daily from my chest every day for around a YEAR now). I look down and see dozens of the longer hair shaped ones trying to come off me. They seemed to be stuck/wrapped to one another on one end, and stuck in/on me on the other. They were in a circle, with dozens of spots where they were stuck on me, then they just were pulling straight out from my body, creating a dome like shape. If you have ever seen what they do when the EDTA/AC hits them, (they stand straight up, trying to get away I guess), then you can kind of understand this configuration, it was pulling away from me so hard that it caused my skin to be stretched out with it. I just grabbed my tweezers, thinking I am happy to help these monsters get off me. Fortunately, I had a lot of it grasped in the tweezers, because it pulled the rest of itself off me. They were moving wildly, I was not prepared, the best I could do was run with this crazy thing to the trash can. I made about 2 steps when the entire circle bundle UNWOUND itself, with frantic movements. About 1/2 of them seemed to fall but they more seemed to be aiming for my feet, and sure enough wrapped around my lower legs, ankles, into the socks etc. Needless to say, after all these years, being in that moment was something completely unique and frighteningly unforgetable. The other half, which seemed to be the largestjust slipped out of the tweezers and CAME AT ME. Through the air, fast, very very fast, but with no doubt the intent to reestablish on the nearest desirable location, me, How they do it, I have NO IDEA. To defend myself in that moment, I dropped the tweezers and grabbed at the larger group which was coming at my midsection. I had some in my grasp for a moment, but it just slipped through my hand, up my arm and into my sleeve. This all took place in seconds, I ripped off my shirt and got the edta/ac, hydrogen peroxide and mms (all in different spray bottles) and started attacking back. Some attached to my back which I am still killing, but most of the rest (on my feet, arms, chest, neck head etc) I think I killed. Needless to say, it freaked me out. It was a rare sci fi moment, this is the first time I have written about it, I have only told a couple of people. It was just too wierd, and scary. So, if possible, make sure they are dead or still when removing them if you can.

If I had known, or had the resource, I would have gotten my cats rehoused. My older cat seems to be most effected, she ended up being barely able to walk, 2 times! The morgellon monsters wrapped around her like a spider with a fly. I have cut much of it off her, but they wrap around her tail, legs, body and around into her anus. I began giving both cats 1 drop of mms 2 x a day, started giving them 3 or 4 small meals a day, put borax in their water, extra diligent about keeping fresh clean water at all times, and diamatecous earth and a mild MMS solution topically. They are both improving, but both were severely affected. Only time and doctoring will tell the end of this story for them.

I now know how to find my posts, and will get the e mail notifications, so if I did not respond to anyone before, please try again, I really want to help anyone, anywhere I can. Before morgellons, (BM ;)), I held my LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker), and have post masters education. My life's mission has always been to help others when possible.

As long as I have had this, and been so very sick, and now recovering with progress being made daily, I find it strange that I am a bit worried about sharing these crazy events, however, it is more important that other suffers are at least given a heads up and maybe can avoid some awful consequences. When people finally started reporting their experiences, I did not believe most of it, and thought people were nuts. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way, that most of what I thought at the time was excessive preventions/treatments were valid and necessary. Most posts I have seen are from people who have had this for under 10 years, so hopefully, you have not harbored and grown these monsters as big as I have! I would love to hear from anyone who has had this for over a decade, if you are out there and able send me a shout. I have some memory problems yet, but still fighting and praying that I will eventually have a complete recovery and some kind of "normal" life here on earth..... I hope that this is encouraging to anyone who has this. I went from having NO HOPE for YEARS, to now having tools to fight and hope, has completely altered the landscape of my life

. My e mail address is [email protected], if anyone would like to ask or discuss or just get the frustration out, I would love to hear from you. It is important to process your experiences in order to facilitate healing, and better to do this with someone who is going through the same thing. Empathy trumps ignorant sympathy every time. It is important to me to give back to this community, especially at earth clinic and TED.

Is there any way we can help TED? If we all sent $5, ? As many people he has literally SAVED, it is a SHAME to not try to help him out now that he needs help. Where ever you are TED, I am praying for you, you are a mystical spirit, noble, wise and extremely generous and I hope there is some way the thousands of people you selflessly helped could at least try to reciprocate! EARTHCLINIC... can you help us help TED? Set up a prepaid card account maybe?

EC: People can donate to Ted via PayPal or Western Union. Read more here.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deby (Tulsa) on 09/25/2017

Sammie, Thank you so much for your post! I am going to try the ointment recipe you posted. I have had people tell me not to use saran wrap because it supposedly drives them deeper. Well they are already deep in the body. It makes sense to treat the skin as well as do what we can to treat the gut and bioterrain. Gid bless you!


Garlic, MSM
Posted by Deb (Michigan, US) on 01/23/2015 12 posts

How are you now?

Salt Water
Posted by Emily (Taylor, MI) on 02/12/2024

It's incredible that you stated this! I've received multiple confirmations that this same word was brought to me by the Holy Spirit as well!

Even with all the negative press regarding the harmful effects of eating too much salt, salt continues to be utilized in modern medicine to treat physical ailments and heal our bodies. In fact, without it, we wouldn't be able to survive. Take the IV saline solution drip, which is intended to treat or prevent dehydration.

The spiritual salt from God heals souls, families, communities, and nations. The miraculous work of Christ within believers transforms us into the spiritual "salt of the earth" as well as the thirst-quenching "fountain of water" where others can find eternal life!

I obviously need to take this more seriously and be consistent using salt in this healing process.

God bless you and your family, sis!!

Diagnosing Morgellons
Posted by Rebel (Usa) on 08/13/2014

Bill, Dave and the rest of you please read this about Morgellons and Lyme and the natural treatment here.

Seems it is not enough for us to just get rid of the disease on the skin. This is very scary stuff. I can't decide if I have chronic Candida or Morgellons.

Sounds like they have some of the same symptoms. Could they be linked together? How would one really know what they were treating, when symptoms are so similar?

PLEASE, PLEASE read this link, because I really respect all of ya'lls opinions and I know Bill and Ted know a lot about the bio-films.

I know the way this person talks about the Herx reaction on this sounds a lot like, what I experienced when I was doing the mini-beet protocol. That was to much for me to bare. I know it was working and pulling major things from my body, because the herx was, well if any of you have ever been drunk to the point of having dry heaves. I could literally fell my insides being pulled, like it was stretching my liver.

Thank you


Ted's Remedies
Posted by Angelina (California, USA) on 07/07/2014

My friend had morgellons. I'm in California and she's in Portland. She does not have a computer and I am ordering products for her. How do I order EDTA Tetra Sodium and Ammonium Chloride per Ted's advice? I registered her with the Oklahoma University. She had it before for over a year and half and got well, but got an eye infection and is now suffering full force since April. Thank you for assisting us. I have ordered DE for her too.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Name (USA) on 07/30/2023

Never ingest ammonium chloride it is genotoxic, mutagenic, very toxic for dna

Turpentine, Castor Oil, Concord Grape Juice
Posted by Cary (Ks) on 09/08/2015

How often do you do this? Every day?

Posted by Rhonda (Clearwater, Fl) on 10/03/2015

Where does one get Besiance. It's a script right. But which doctor will write a script for it. Just the mention of Morgellons shuts down most doctors. Even though most have no knowledge of it!

Posted by Vicky (Mumbai) on 01/09/2016

Do we have to take besivance internally in stomach or use it as a eye drop to cure morgellons . Pls reply so it will take me out from this hell like situation

Posted by Vicky (Mu) on 03/26/2017

Is besivance is working against morgellons? How can we own it or make it natural?

Neem Oil
Posted by Doug (MINNESOTA) on 08/02/2021

Help me understand this, your drinking soapy water? I would like to hear more or at least discuss. Thank you.

EC: Please read our extensive borax section here:

Petroleum Jelly
Posted by Amber (SC) on 05/17/2024

Did petroleum jelly work first time or how many times and what about your hair? How do you remove it after leaving it on?

Mites or Morgellons
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan) on 05/25/2014

Mites vs Morgellons: Hi does anyone know the difference in the symptoms of these 2 ailments. I know one is from mites and other is from nano particles and chem trails but how would one know which they had?

Red Chicken Mite Vs Morgellons
Posted by Deb (Battle Creek) on 05/25/2016 12 posts

Have you gotten rid of them? I have been using MMS and logos nutritionals and am getting better.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Eve (Nv, Usa) on 04/25/2014 22 posts

I have followed Ted's advice for months and have had success, not total cure, but good success with Morgellons and just discovered a remedy that help someone else.

I usually don't eat a lot of sweets, candies, etc but went on a binge and have I paid for it! The crawlers came out 1000% and the last few nights have gone by w/o sleep until last night. I happened to think about "moth balls" so I had a new box and put some of the balls inside my pillow case and under the pillow and around my sheets and blankets. The crawlers had been getting in my nose, eyes, mouth and of course, all over my body. But these moth balls seemed to shoo them away. I have a small dog and she is usually flapping her ears all night but last night I only heard her one time as I had placed some of the moth balls around and under her bed

The other thing that seems to help, may be my imagination, but I have found if I leave a small light on in my bedroom at night that seems to keep them (mites) at bay also. Usually, the first thing I have to do in the mornings is use my Sinus Rinse bottle with sea salt and a little baking soda to clear them out of my nose and before I drink anything I use Listerine mouth wash to gargle and get them out of my throat.

Praise Dear Lord that you keep Ted safe and sound for us and all the good he is doing.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Eve (Nv, Usa) on 04/28/2014 22 posts

I want to purchase both of these chemicals and when I went online, they seem to be showing different "grades" for each one. I found Ted's advice using these for Morgellons but sure wanted to be sure I'm getting the correct grade. In each, they referred to "industrial", "farm", etc.

3rd night for using Moth Balls around my bed and getting much needed rest. It does seem that the older the balls get, they lose their strength somewhat but if the moth balls will help along with Ted's other advice, what's a $1. box of moth balls!!

Ted's Remedies

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Geeann (Usa) on 03/04/2014

I want to try Ted's disinfect formula and need more guidance. The tetra EDTA and ammonium chloride are both powders, right? There are more than one type of ammonium chloride listed on the internet. Should I purchase the one that says 99%? To make one liter should the measurements for ETDA and ammonium chloride be approximate 1.65 oz each added to 28 oz water?

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Spelth (Ny, US) on 04/07/2014

Hello Anonymous, Just wanted to find out if you got the dosage for the edta and the ammonium chloride. They look like salt crystals in the bottles I have here but I am reluctant to put on my head without guidance.

Magnets, Far Infrared, Zapper
Posted by Dana (Australia) on 01/09/2014

Thank you Sweetsue for your information.
