Natural Remedies

Morgellons Remedies

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/17/2011

There is no more doubt that I do indeed have this morgellons dis-ease. It is so complex, with the "beast's" different manifestations, with all the different symptoms, the progression of thoughts and emotions - from disbelief, to questioning one's sanity, wondering, researching, frustration, finally to admit, in my case, that I really do have this bizarre thing. The physical and mental symptoms are bad enough, but the isolation this has caused me is perhaps the worst of all. I finally did go to see my son (he is autistic and in transitional housing right now, after a 3-month stay in a hospital specializing in autism and behavior problems) after 3-4 weeks... he was telling his caregivers how he missed me and wanted to see me. I showered, scoured, put the mixture (one of Ted's suggestions) of 30% orange essential oil and alcohol, on all obviously affected areas, after spraying my entire body with ACV... I put all freshly borax-washed clothing on, including gloves, as my lesions are currently abundant on one arm and hand. I tied my disinfected hair back and brought a hat... I was pretty much covered. I explained how I could not give him a hug, although he tried several times, breaking my heart. We danced to the radio music, sang songs, played "follow the leader", kicked back and forth a huge rubber ball... we laughed and played. It was a very good and needed visit. I did kiss him on the forhead, and verbally express my love... we had great eye contact, and he and I shared many big smiles. Today I find myself worrying if any of the "bugs" got left there... If I could possibly have infected him. It was an hour and a half visit, we were in the basement play area... I didn't touch much, and I never sat down. If I don't get myself better soon, he will end up in a group home, rather than returning to me. I will NOT risk him living with me until I and our home are CLEAN. I know I will need to move first. Does anyone know a step-by-step procedure in order to move without "them"? There are manifestations of them all over the apt. , and all over my stuff (much is actually still in boxes... Opened boxes. ) I understand about putting all clothing and other soft items in plastic bags, and I've been working on it. Does anyone know how to treat all my other stuff that can't be sealed in garbage bags... because they are on everything hard or soft. I do not have much money, so I can't just throw all my stuff away(?! ) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, so I can work toward moving, ridding myself of this, and reunite with my son. Somehow this apt. Was infested with the little buggers when I moved in - end of December. I don't believe I can ever be fully rid of them/this dis-ease until I am able to safely move out of here. Please respond if you have any answers or suggestions for me... I am kind of new to this.

I do have some observations and suggestions that I hope might help you all, as I have found some relief with these things:

Clove oil! Last night I was SO exhausted I couldn't find the energy to shower and scour myself, and my two fleece blankets that I sleep with had not been washed, nor my sheet/pillowcase. I put my finger over the top of my clove oil bottle, passing it over my sheet, blankets, etc. , allowing little drops to scatter over it all. I slept well, without them noticably bothering me at all! This morning I brought one of the blankets out and laid it over my computer chair. I examined the blanket then, and was dismayed to find several black specks (bugs! ) on it, and I picked them off to go put them in the toilet, which is my custom. They were dead! If they'd been alive, they would have tried to burrow into my fingers on the way to the bathroom, and they did not move on me or in the toilet. Yea!

Diatomaceous earth:

I put this in my ears with my pinky fingers before bed, and when I'm sitting at the computer, or when ever I feel one crawling in there... it stops 'em from crawling... It's supposed to kill them on contact, but it seems to take a minute or two. I also sprinkle this around my bed and the floor by my computer, and under my dog's blanket. I made a thin paste uning this as the base, then I added olive oil and some essential oils I had around... clove, cedar, peppermint, fennel... It's a bit difficult to get the consistency just right. The first time it came out great, but for some reason the second time it came out lumpy and too thick... I think I'll try to fix it in my small food processor. So, if you get it to come out well, like a very thin paste, cover your whole body with it after evening shower, before bed. It leaves a fine, comfortable and soft coating, and you'll be much less bothered by the bugs. The essential oils feel clean and tingly... nice. You'll have to experiment with it, because I just added a bit of this and that till it felt right. Oh, I just remembered on my first (successful) batch, I added about 10% borax powder and a little salt, mixed the powders all up, then started adding the other stuff until it "felt right".


I have no bathtub here, so I can't do the soaks that some report have the things coming out in droves, so I keep rubbing various concoctions on my skin, to see if some will come out. I pulverized a whole, peeled head of garlic in my small food processor, then added about 4 heaping tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and a splash of olive oil, and whipped it up again. I rubbed this on my right arm, where there have been a lot of lesions lately. After awhile of intermittent rubbing, some of the black specks surfaced, but they were very alive. Each time they would surface, I'd run to the bathroom and grab some off me, putting them into the toilet. I've found that if you pull one off they will start trying to burrow into your fingers, so I rub my fingers together while I'm on my way to dispose of them, which seems to somehow keep them on the surface, then quickly flick it into the toilet.


I rubbed intermittently, a lemon half over my many-legioned arm last night while at the computer, just to see if it would make any surface. It didn't seem to, but I went to the bathroom, looked into the mirror, and watched in amazement as a black speck quickly darted out of my nose... not my nostril... the side of my actual nose! I was able to quickly grab it and put it into the toilet... Flush! I wish I could have gotten that on video... THAT would surely show the disbelievers something interesting. It was like from the X-Files. The living "black specks" look flat and square to me, and they can move and burrow very quickly... they remind me of tiny square, black bits of razor blades.


I just had an idea, while writing this... I do not own a video camera, or I would try to capture some moments like the one described above. Many of us have collections of artifacts... Mine are taped to notebook paper or envelopes, showing the various manifestations of these things; and when we go to the doctor and show them this stuff, IF they even bother to look at them with a microscope, they come back and say that "there are no identifiable insect parts... They are not living things... " - well, that is what has happened to myself, and others, I've read. How about this? Anyone owning any sort of video camera, please try capturing some of this "action" on tape, so we can show it to the CDC, etc. , and all the disbelievers that might be of some help if they saw it. I've read a lot of posts telling of applying something to the skin or bathing in different mixtures, and the black specks and fibers coming out dramatically. If you people who can get them to come out like that would make videos of it... that could really help, I think.

Good luck, and God bless us all!


Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Chan (Oregon) on 09/17/2022

I would love to see the videos! I see stuff like that flash by but too fast to make things out and I thought maybe I was going crazy.

Garlic Paste
Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 11/08/2012

Hi Kristi, How did the garlic paste work? Are you still using it? I hope that you are doing well. Blessings.

Garlic Paste
Posted by Jewels (Washington, Dc) on 12/02/2015

Acidophilus has worked miracles for me from day one. I also made a papaya seed, pineapple, pumpkin seed, coconut oil, milk, water, and meat, garlic, turmeric, and sometimes cinnamon powder juice in my juicer and 2 table spoons of castor oil two hours later then Acidophilus at night and everything felt better. Have to take a break from it and do it again in two weeks because castor oil is a laxative and shouldn't be taken for more than 4 days and honestly I have a weak stomach that is easily affected by everything. Cant wait to do it again and hopefully for a day or two longer this time.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristi (Fairfield, Maine) on 02/12/2011

Alone, isolated, sleep-deprived, horrified, I pull myself out of my discomforting bed and stumble in the dark toward the dining room table. I'd left pieces of clear tape hung over the sides, waiting for when I need them next. I pull off one piece of the tape, and carfully, in the semi darkness, place the small contents between my left little finger and thumb, unto the sticky side, then I affix this to the blank notebook page there. I'll wait to examine it later, after trying to get a little more sleep, as it's only 5:00 am, and I'm so exhausted. I'm in desperate need of sleep, but there are others in my bed with no intention of rest, but only to continue tormenting me. As I lay there and close my eyes, I feel their presence both physically and psychologically, persisting in their apparant mission: to drive me insane or eat me alive, which ever comes first.
I got out of bed at 10:00 am, maybe with about 2 hours of constantly interrupted sleep, feeling foggy and sluggish, but decided it was time to get up for the day. There are many chores needing to be done, all in the interest of trying to better my current agonizing situation. I don't know yet what I'll really be able to accomplish though, given my depleted state. It's time now for my morning tea and trying to wake up. I thought writing about this might help somehow.
I moved into a new apartment about the last week in December, thinking I'd stay here through the winter, and maybe save a bit of money to move into a two-bedroom come Spring. My 11-year-old son, after a three-month stay at Spring Harbor Hospital, is now in transitional housing, and is scheduled to be coming back home with me around that time. My son has autism with "danger behaviors" including aggression and a compulsion to run off, usually into the street. He has miraculously defied death or serious injury many times in the past several years. He needs constant care and supervision. That caregiver is usually me, as I would like it to be. During this transitional period, it is suggested and scheduled that I go to see him at his temporary home and school, to spend needed quality time together, and to learn new techniques, schedules, behavior management tips and etc. , to prepare us both for his return. Today is Thursday, February 10th. Wednesday is our day to get together. I have not been able to see him in over three weeks... the first was because of a blizzard. The reason I had to cancel this and the previous Wednesday, is because I have developed a contageous disease; and I cannot risk passing this on to him.
I went to the E. R. On Tuesday, February 1st. I brought an envelope with many dozens of strange sesame seed-sized (but elongated in shape) "deposits" that I had picked out from bites all over my chest and abdomen area. I showed them to the doctor, and he looked at both them and me with a strange, doubting, almost humorous expression. He said: "I have never seen anything like this in all my life". He took them back and showed them to his colleagues, and they looked at them with magnifying equipment, he told me, when he returned. He said "These are not bugs". He told me they had no identifiable markings like legs, heads, and I intuited that he was questioning whether or not I was simply playing some hoax on him. He told me that "for all I know, they could be scabs from you scratching at yourself". I asked him if he really thought I'd just gauge myself up like that, just to show up at the E. R. To freak him out or something... and his facial expression showed that he really didn't believe that, but just didn't know what to think. I asked him to take a look at the newer wounds/lesions that had reciently appeared on my upper back, which he did. He did note a pattern or trail there, which he thought was consistent with scabies. So, he gave me a prescription for Permethrin cream, and some pills (Hydroxyzine) for itching. I tried the cream from head to toe, as instructed, one night after my shower. I really felt some relief, and had my first decent night of sleep in weeks. Unfortunately, it all started up again the next day... crawling sensations under my skin, being bitten, more lesions, and the next night was sleepless, again. I don't get extremely itchy like many do, for me it is more painful, with the biting, and creepy with them crawling into my eyes, nose, and ears, etc. By now, I don't think there is a speck of flesh on my body they've not visited. Although the lesions are mostly on my abdomen, back, and arms, I have been bitten on my head, face and genital area. They particularly like crawling into my ears, biting me, laying eggs, "partying" in there. I've been dusting my body, inlcuding my ears, around my eyes, and a bit into my nose with food grade diatomaceous earth. This stuff is supposed to kill them on contact, and it does help, but they still seem to have enough time to do some damage to me before they die, and I'm able to pull them out. Even though I place some diatomaceous earth into my ears each night before bed, I still feel them crawl into my ears. I quickly get a bit of the D. E. (always by my bed) and put more into my ears. Sometimes I feel a lot of crusty stuff in there; and often when I rub this, I will pull out eggs (3-4 slightly smaller than a pinhead). Lately at times, instead of eggs, I will pull out a worm or worm-like creature, about 1/2 inch long. This is really horrifying to me! I now see these worm-like things in the house, usually on clothing or something soft. There are also black specs on things, and the little things that look to me like splinters of wood, about 1/8-1/4" long, thin, and pointier on one end than the other... These were the first creatures (?) I saw in the apartment, weeks ago, and they still far out-number the other things described above. I believe these are the mites that first bite me, and then all the crazy lesions and mutations happen after that. I'm confused about this, because with all I've read about mites in general, and especially the scabies mite, they are all described as much smaller than what I'm seeing here... "barely visible to the human eye", they say. They are everywhere... hard surfaces, soft surfaces, in my teacup, everywhere. The black specks are everywhere too, just not as plentiful. I have not experienced the fibers coming out of my body - just those hard deposits, and new freckle-looking marks, which some say are connected. I have, however, just in the past couple of days, seen strange fibers (blue, black and red) on the floor/carpet, mostly. This morning I found a blue ball of fiber with what looked like a white ball inside... It reminded me of a coccoon, and I taped it unto the notebook page with the other strange stuff. The worms really scare me, and I wonder how their population will increase. I wonder how many are living INSIDE my body.
This situation has caused me to become very isolated. I need to see my counselor I usually see on Tuesdays, but for the last 2-3 weeks I've had to cancel because I will not risk infecting her/her office; and she cannot meet me somewhere else because of "billing regulations". I cannot see my son, which is causing me deep sorrow for him, for me, for us. I cannot ask for help going to the store or the laundry mat, as I feel the need to be responsible about not passing this on to anyone else. My downstairs neighbors knocked on my door yesterday afternoon asking if I'd like to go downstairs and play cards and hang out. They really seem like good people I'd love to hang with, but... I went down stairs and knocked on my neighbor's door last evening and explained why I could not sociallize with them at this time (as they had asked me if I might join them the next day (today) instead), and I'd said, "That sounds good", not knowing then what else to say. I was verging on tears, feeling the need to tell her the truth. I feel dirty, even though I am not. I feel like a leper. I am lonely and traumatized. I need help, but have no idea where to go. I need to try some products like "Kleen Green", and I'm running out of money... the child support money has not come in yet, and I've not paid my rent. I don't feel it's right to pay my rent, because I got this thing from moving here; but I am too weak to fight anyone. I don't know if I'm dying or losing my mind, or both. I feel TRAPPED and helpless.
This disease that has caused me (and countless others) so much harm is called Morgellons. It is REAL.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Anna (Los Angeles, Ca) on 09/30/2011

I dont have morgellons. But I would suggest doing a smoothie of rice milk, frozen bananas and strawberries, tblsp of spirilina, tbsp coconut oil, 2 tbsp BEE POLLEN, flax seed. Also, take cayenne pepper internally twice a day. I dunno what to say. This disease sounds so awful.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by ümmügülsün Y%u0131ld%u0131z (Türkiye) on 03/10/2018


yazınız okudum. Morgellons parazitleri gerçek üniversitede palinoloji bölümüne doktora yaptım, bu parasiti önce fark edemedim önce kafa biti sandım internette uzun araÅŸtırmadan sonra mikroskopta biraz tarayarak morgellons hiflerini kullanarak ettim doktora gittim. Morgellons hastalığını duyduÄŸunu söyleyebilirim ve tam bilmediÄŸini parazit demedi. 4 aydır mikroskobumla araÅŸtırıyorum. SöylediÄŸiniz gibi morgellonslar dünyamızda her yerde. Bir gözlemci olarak benim görüÅŸlerim; Morgellonslar önce saçlarımıza yerleÅŸiyor ( kaÅŸlarada) sonra vücudumuzda her yere yerleÅŸiyor geçenlerde deffirizden tavuk çıkardım su içersinde buzunun çözünmesi için beklettim zarında internette gördüÄŸüm bags vardı mikroskopla inceledim konra yılanı gibi hifleri hareket ediyordu yani canlıydı.kesinlikle tavuk ürünleri yemeyin. Bunlardan insan oÄŸlu nasıl kurtulacak bilim adamları uyuyor mu? yoksa birÅŸeyleri insanlardan saklıyorlar mı? Bilimde ileri olan ülkelere ve bilim adamlarına sesleniyorum.EÄŸer bu konuda bilimsel bir açıklama yapamıyorsanız bu iÅŸi bırakın. Morgellonslar canlılar aleminde sınıfı nerede canlı mı? Bitki, Hayvan, Alg, bakteri, Mantar mi? hangisi bana göre hiçbiri uzaydan geldiklerine inanıyorum dünyamızda benzerleri yok bir örnek veriyim 4 yıl önce Morchella spp. üzerinde çalışma yapıordum. Morchella sporlarını bazik fuksinli gliserin jelatin içerisine koyarak preperat yaptım preperatların etrafını parafinledim ve karınlık bir yerde muhafaza ettim. Morgellons hiflerini o zaman görmüÅŸtüm. ama ne olduklarını anlayamadım. Åžimdi 2018 Yılında Morgellonsa sahibim preperatları tekrar incelim. Buna inanamıyacaksın Morgellons bütün preparatlara bulaÅŸmış ve hala canlıydılar sanırım enerjilerini Mikroskop ışığından alıyorlar. Bunlarla baÅŸ etmek imkansız.Konra yılanı gibi olanlar hareket halindeydi dehÅŸete düÅŸtüm. aman tanrım bunlar ölmemiÅŸ hala yaşıyorlar. Sanırım bunu gördükten sonra bunların dünyamıza ait olduÄŸunu düÅŸünmüyorum. EÄŸer bunlar Biyolojik ÅŸavaşın bir parçası deÄŸil ise bunlar uzaylı kısacası caresizim ve internette tedavi yöntemleri arıyorım. ÅŸuan internette borax uygulamasını okudum onu yapacağım, SUN marka Çamaşır deterjanı ile yonca alfalafa tabletleri ve çamaşır suyu çamaşır deterjan banyosunu yapacam inÅŸallah kurtulurum. Tanrıya dua ediyorum. beni ve bütün insanoÄŸlunu bu hastalıktan kurtarsın diye.

Hello there,

I read it literally. I did the Morgellons parasites to the doctor in the department of palynology in the real university, I did not notice this parasiti before, I thought of the head end, after a long search on the internet, I went to the doctor by using a morgellons hifler by scanning a bit in the microscope. I could say he heard Morgellons disease and he did not know what parasite he had. I'm investigating with my microscope for four months. As you said, morgellons are everywhere in our world. My views as an observer; Morgellons first settles my hair (in eyebrows) and then we get in our bodies every day. I have been waiting for the dissolution of the ice in the water. How do scientists who survive human sons fall asleep? or do they keep something from people? I am speaking to countries and scientists who are advanced in science. If you can not make a scientific statement on this subject, quit this job. Where is the Morgellons living class in the living world? Plant, Animal, Algae, Bacteria, Mushrooms? which I believe none of them have come from the world I have no equivalent in our world 4 years ago Morchella spp. I work on it. I made preparations by putting Morchella spores into basic fucsin glycerine gelatin, and I paraffinized the preparations and kept them in a place of a small thickness. Then I saw the Morgellons hybrids. but I do not understand what they are. Now I review Morgellons' own preparations in 2018 again. You can not believe that Morgellons were infected by all the preparations and they were still alive, I think they are taking their energy from Microscope light. It is impossible to cope with these. Those who were like the serpent were on the move were terrified. Oh my god they are still alive and they still live. I do not think these things belong to my world after I see it. If they are not part of the Biological Warfare, I am looking for alien abstraction and treatment methods on the internet. I will read it on the internet borax application, I will make SUN brand laundry detergent and clover alfalfa tablets and laundry water laundry detergent baggy inÅŸallah kurtulurum. I pray to God. to save me and all human beings from this disease.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Kristin M (Ca) on 10/28/2022

My dear, I am sorry to say that it seems that you are almost fully caught up in this horrible disease I also share. You just cannot worry about every possible result. There is no cure yet and likely for some time to come. The tips are to make you feel like you are doing something. It's hard to have really tried to find yourself back at the beginning of reinfection non-stop. I'm sorry for us all.

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Ez (Australia) on 05/15/2021

Hi, I'm curious to find out more about morgellons and nanoparticles etc due to the information I'm hearing regarding some of the adjuvants in the injections for covid.

I actually take the biologic toxicilimub (actemra) which has polysorbate 20( I think- or maybe 80) I've heard about polysorbate 80 being a hydrogel that is made of nanoparticles, so I presume polysorbate 20 is similar.

One day I found a black spot on the back of my right shin that I've never ever had before, and upon squeezing it I found it to be bizarre indeed - it wasn't pus, it didn't seem to be part of my flesh, but rather a strange white substance that neither really squeezed out properly, but eventually went away weeks after I had squeezed it as much as I could.

Now I'm wondering if it is this substance from the biologics - which I do inject into my legs.

Apparently the hydrogel once in the body seems to just grow and fill cavities ie. in the brain. Are you familiar with any of this information?
I've never heard of Willards Water, can you buy in Australia?
What else can be done to try and get polysorbate out of your body?

If you can point me in any direction for answers I'd appreciate it - you may have to email me directly - if you see this post at all that is.

Kind regards

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Terrance (PA) on 06/13/2022

Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences. I also have this man-made hell, going into my 11th year. Also tried many remedies, with some success. I'm gaining on them little by little. I will try Willard water and the rest you described. Thanks again and may God bless you always. Terry Keep on keeping on!

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by K (Reno, Nv) on 03/06/2011

Is Willard Water an ionized water?

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Amanda (Walla Walla, Wa) on 11/18/2011

Where do you get those products, I would like to try a few. Please let me know at amanda_afg at

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Sara (Greensboro, Nc) on 06/09/2012

Hello, I would like ot speak with you about this protocol. Can I contact you? Sara

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Debra ( Tulsa) on 04/23/2015

I was glad to see your post and feel hopeful that it will work for me. I'm planning on finding the Willard water and dry oxygen tabs. I've been using a product to help close the sores from Curel. This product contains tea tree oil and vitamin C. I just started using this and it seems to help close the sites up. My skin looks better but I am not totally convinced it is a cure. My thought was that it would help suffocate whatever I have, kill with tea tree oil, and heal with vitamin C. My concern is this product is similiar to clear nail polish, although it isn't, it does contain a type of silicone and I have heard some negative feedback regarding it. I'm definitely putting my faith in a higher power! God Bless!

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Cat (Co) on 09/10/2016

Dear Lizzy, I ordered the Willard water today based on your thread. I feel, like many, I've tried tons of things under the sun. Yesterday and today we're really low. Even though I spray with Ted's recommendation of the ammonium chloride and EDTA to combat infestation, I just feel there's no safe place in my own home. And that's really hard when you get exhausted from fighting this miserable nastiness. I drink the litter of boron and H202, take the baths as well, use edta for shampoo and soap. It does help to manage, but then there are days that are bad, I feel as though these buggers are adapting. Bought a slew of new stuff today...will let you know if I'm having any success with the water. Also, another person on some other thread is having success with drinking Aloe Vera juice...just started that tonight. My husband just happened to see distilled water in a colleagues car who is some kind of chemist. Says he's only drinks it when he's traveling, that it's not meant to drink everyday and here I am drinking it everyday with the boron and H202, as well as with DE! Don't know what to think of that as I feel much of Ted's protocol takes time deciphering, not straight forward. I wished I could just fly to Thailand and hope to be treated by him, but his illness pretty much squashes that idea.

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Omnesa (NY) on 09/20/2021

Hello Baylieann, It's been over 10 years since you posted this. I am just beginning my awful "journey". Your protocol looks the most promising to me. Would you be able to tell me if this cured you? Did you add anything else? How much maintenance do you do to maintain your health? Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for posting! Omnesa

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Sue (Denver Co) on 03/01/2022

I was wondering if you found out what Willard Water was or how to get it?

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 03/02/2022

You can order it from

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Janu (Fe) on 07/11/2022

I was wondering how to get dry oxygen tablet??

Willard Water, Dry Oxygen Granules
Posted by Dawn (Bellingham, Washington) on 05/17/2024

Please tell me what brand you use. I've had Morgellons since last November and all doctors and rheumatologists I've seen think I'm imagining this stuff and try to put me psychotic meds. Meanwhile, my husband has been sleeping in a separate room because we still don't know if it's contagious or not. My skin burns and I have sores that either won't heal or are taking a long time to heal and leave scars. Mentally, I do fairly well until they come out in droves. I'm finding that using a diffuser with red cedar oil helps a little bit. I'm also taking diatomaceous earth daily in a glass of water on an empty stomach - - so far I don't see how that is making a difference, but I've only been doing it for a month.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Sable (Springfield, Ma) on 10/21/2010

Hi Earth Clinic family

I desperately need your help with a mystery parasite. For the past two months or more I have had symptoms of mite or parasite "invasion"... I use that word because I definitely feel invaded. Like with Morgellons the Md's dismiss the person as "delusional"; that was the word the "Skin Doctor" with all the degrees said to me. I went to my doctor and was ignored and sent to a specialist who barely looked at me and wanted to give me drugs for the symptoms and not really interested in finding the cause. I surfed the web and could find nothing until I found a blog with symptoms like mine... Here is an excerpt :

"People are contracting a tiny white insect, arthropod, or parasite from clothing of retail stores or other people. This pest is neither a mite nor a flea. It's not lice. It looks like fiber or thread. Yet it's not affiliated with Morgellons or Fibre Disease. Please pay close attention as I describe the physical attributes and symptoms of this pest. If someone has this pest, they will see 3 types of White things:

1) tiny round things about the size of a spec of salt; some are a little larger
2) tiny, oblong shaped, things that look like a piece of thread or fiber; varies in length from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long (It grows. ) **It unfolds itself to fly. It crawls also.

3) slightly larger round white things that jump. I see #1 and #2 most often. If someone has this pest, they will have the following physical symptoms:

1) Bites that sting 2) Red skin rashes and/or small red bumps 3) Lighting sensations; Victims will feel the pest or its eggs lighting on their skin. 4) Optional: Itching

**I don't itch, but another victim has an itching problem.**

This article was from 2006 and my problem started this past summer. So I ask friends from around the world if this sounds familiar or anything similar can you post your experience. I think this is new to the US because I have not found much info. I for one have the skin crawling feeling and itchy skin. Any help is welcomed. Thanks, Bev

Articles of Interest
Posted by MLC (NH) on 07/04/2021

Hi... to Patricia from MA...if you want to reply to me I would love to connect and talk with you on this morgellons ordeal anytime..let me know

Articles of Interest
Posted by Eve (Augusta, Ga) on 11/13/2010

What did you use for morgellons, because I'm tried of discussion with doctor that think you are crazy.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Pie10 (Miami, Florida, United States) on 12/25/2010

Hi, I think I have what you described. I worked in a clothing store and I've seen the insect that you described. Do you have any more information about this? Where did you read the article?
Thank you

Articles of Interest
Posted by Jen74 (Waukesha, Wi, Usa) on 01/30/2011

Hello-My 6 yr old son & I Have this "insect"! It's going on about 10months now. It's horrible. I have tried so many things w/ some help but, still have these things in/on our bodies/house. We both are covered in bites and sore at times, crawling/biting sensation esp. in our ears and scalp. We also have little black specks all over our bodies and the house. These things go into the nose and eyes as well. I have been to several dr's. W/ NO HELP of course "IT'S ALL IN MY HEAD" OR THE BLACK SPECKS THAT BITE-THEY SAY IT'S DIRT!!! LOL I can take an hour bath w/a shower etc... Remedies (exfoliating, borax, peroxide, sea salt, etc... ) these black specks are right back as soon as the skin is dry. They come right out of the skin!!! The adult and/or bigger one's that fly do seem to be killed or? w/fleaspray... If sprayed ALOT. If you spray flea spray on hair the are killed and float up to the top of the hair... I don't know what these things are if anyone has any info. or would like to chat please feel free anytime.. my email is jenfrostman/at/gmail/dot/com

Articles of Interest
Posted by Jen74 (Waukesha, Wi, Usa) on 04/14/2011

Hi Everyone! Awhile back, there was an article copied on here"ARTICLES OF INTEREST"... It's about a mysterious new insect that is contracted through new clothing... We have had this for more than an entire year now... HELP!!! If anyone has any info... It would be greatly appreciated! jenfrostman(at)gmail(dot)com or a reply on here! Thanks so much!!! Jen

Articles of Interest
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 01/26/2021

Skin Formula Without the B/S - YouTube

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by Morgellonsitchyrash (Scottsdale, Az, United States) on 07/31/2011

I have lived with Morgellons and I want you to know there is a cure!

Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS) is a dental toxicity disorder causing various neurological and dermatological symptoms that are often confused by the lay patient as parasitological infections. The cases of 24 randomly selected patients determined to be NCS cases at Parasitology Center, Inc. (PCI) by OMA are presented. Previously reported and additional toxic sealants are reported. The dermatological and neurological symptoms characteristic of NCS were common to all 24 cases. Incubation period varied between a few hours and 19 years. Inaccurate interpretation of NCS symptoms by health care professionals is discussed. Faulty diagnosis undermines the patients physical and mental health and further traumatizes their quality of life especially when they are diagnosed with mental disorders and forced to submit to psychological treatment against their will. Medical professionals need to become more aware of NCS symptoms to properly tend to their patients well being.

Homeopathic Remedies
Posted by D (Us, Usa) on 04/16/2012

Hello? So what's the cure?

Yeah, a dental disorder--parasites all over, inside and out, including in the mouth. One of my theories as to why the oil pulling improves health is that it's drowning/clearing/killing some of the parasites in the mouth. Cavities are likely caused by parasites.

After battling this stuff for a couple of years now, I feel pretty much all of our ills are due to parasites.

If you see parasites, you feel them, you swab the spot where you feel a bite or itch, and there's always a black speck/fiber on the swab--then ya' have parasites. Again, so what's the cure?

Colloidal Silver, MMS
Posted by Nmx (Iowa) on 11/29/2013

Vegetarians almost always have a B-12 deficiency... which is very dangerous and brings on neurological disease... so anyone not eating meat/eggs needs to supplement with B-12...(because that's the only way to get B-12) oral spray is best.

Posted by Jayne (London, Uk) on 10/19/2012

Any updates? Would like to know if this is worth trying. Thanks.

Vitamin C, B5, and Magnets
Posted by Jane (Ontario canada) on 05/04/2024

How did you cure yourself? Also how much B5? What type of magnets- pls provide details

Posted by Ashley (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 10/07/2015

did the orap work? Cause you do realize that's for psychosis right?

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Izzy3 (Vero Beach, Florida) on 12/28/2009

Can anyone out there tell me if it has been proven that the body does better combating morgellons with a more alkaline system, or is the jury still out on this ? Some people online say alkaline is better, others say acidic is better. Has scientific research been done on this ?

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Des (Chatsworth, Ca) on 04/27/2010

The controversy over alkaline vs acid is confusing isn't it?

Our bodies need alkaline to be healthy, but acid is needed for certain functions. This confusion increases by the little known fact that "slightly alkaline" and "slightly acid" is what bodies run best on.

It's easy to become confused over a pH reading for an internal body part, when another slice from that same internal part will show a different pH reading. Two pH readings for one functional mechanism? Why?

The whole picture of the need for one part with two different pH environments built into it, can be overlooked by well-intended researchers. Even scientist disagree with each other.

Conflicting research interpretations surrounding different pH requirements are the result of "tunnel vision", which can reinforce the position of the alleged experts on both sides of issues.

As well, this scientifically proven separation of pH measurements may be ignored when researching data by those who's loyalty to the special interest group is required for project funding.

Bottom line is, nutritional deficiencies sets us up for disease. But statistically, all disease exist in a high acidic environment. If anyone finds a disease that does not need this acidic atmosphere, let me know.

By the way, I have not suffered from a cold for over two decades because I take alkaline substances that immediately regulates my pH which corrects the imbalance. It never fails.

Ultimately, our immune system is the only thing which can heal our bodies. Both doctors and alternative supporters have the human trait of using embellishments to support their position of wanting you to believe what they believe. It's normal.

If anyone compares the often fragmented medical research with the hearsay that accompany sites with health issues, look for references. Then continue to see if that references is followed by an unreferenced personal opinion. It happens all the time.

That kind of sentence is a common lure for the reader to assume that the opinion is also from the same reference. Two reasons for this deception that I know of, are deliberate frauds or an unintentional misconceptions passed on by a personal rumor copied from another site. Both can be seen all over the web.

If you don't believe the obvious historical version that everything needed for a healthy body grows from the ground, that's your personal choice.

Here's more history: the discovery of vitamins and minerals by scientist happened when research confirmed that every disease is attached to a deficiency of one or more of these elements.

Decide for yourselves if that means anything or is it just a coincidence. If anyone responds to this, please do so with referenced facts only.

No one is a 100% correct about anything, though we all have tried at sometime to offer our opinions with out-of-context data and embellishments which support our beliefs.

Health backed by science is the only way to expose many of the misinformation sites presented by individuals who may only want to sell you their products or to discredit the opposition. Nothing wrong with marketing your passion for something, just look for those references. The honest ones always list their references. It's good for business.

Be well.

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by lana (london) on 03/04/2023

Hi Des, You mentioned that you take alkaline substances to balance your PH. Would you be kind enough to share what alkaline substances in what amounts do you take, how any times per day, at what times during the day and when in relation to meals(i.e. 30- 60 minutes before meals on empty stomach, or with meals or 2 hours after meals)? Thank you

Alkaline Vs Acidic pH
Posted by Tena (Champaign, Il) on 11/16/2010

You said you take alkaline substances to regulate your PH. What do you take?

Garlic, Grape Seed Oil
Posted by Eg (California) on 08/08/2016

HI DJ, thank you for the grape seed oil/ garlic treatment. could you share how did you rinsed or washed off the debris coming off the body after the grape seed oil use? I am using it and a lot of junk comes out of the skin but the minute I wet my skin to rinse it, it feels like it goes back into the skin again. One more question . What other protocols did you implement? Are you completely cured? Did you have granules coming out of the skin? It kind of feels like grains of sand all over the body.

Articles of Interest
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 11/04/2009 391 posts

that's the future of nanobots in our vaccines. lol. the swine flu is picnic. wait until they put this stuff in our vaccines for swine flu!

Borax and H2O2
Posted by Karen (Rochester, New York) on 09/09/2009

I believe I have had Morgellons Disease for 23 years....lucky me! Three weeks ago I started taking 1/8th teaspoon Borax (a natural mineral), 1/8th teaspoon 35% Hydrogen Peroxide and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda in a liter of water every day. I drink it slowly throughout the day and when finished switch to regular water. At first I was breaking out like crazy with itchy welts on my legs. That's completely cleared. My face continues to break out but the lesions are not near as bad when I first started. I also use essential oils soap, body balm and herbal bath. The fibers and black specs come out of the lesions with these products. I highly recommend them.

My question is: I know my cat has this disease. He has lost fur on his legs from licking so much. I fear that he is reinfecting me and I him. Is there anything I can do to help him?


PS: I see you have treatment for dogs and refer folks to the mange borax treatment but have heard that borax will kill cats. Is this true? Thanks again.

Borax and H2O2
Posted by Nmx (Wisconsin, US) on 12/26/2014

You can buy products cheaper online at places like Vitacost, Swanson Vitamins and for oils I recommend Piping Rock - you can get 4 oz bottle of tea tree oil for as little as $11.00 instead of $10 for 1 oz at Walgreens... Also recommend Alive Vitamins at Vitacost - they are half price and high quality w/everything in them you need...

Vinegar, Orange Oil
Posted by Abbie (Monrovia, Ca) on 08/25/2009

I think I have morgellons, I have sting biting and itching sensations, have tried many many different remedies. most works temporarily. Recently, I began to have creepy crawly sensations on the sole of my feet and on my face. I thought morgellon is caused by skin parasite, But now I think I found something that must be related to morgellons symptoms. this might be caused by a type of fungus. I found this by accident this morning: about 8 months ago I found some tiny black dots on my furniture, some clustered, and some scattered, and they cann't be removed with regular cleaning. So I thought this may be caused by constant spray and cleaning and the paint fade out. But this morning I tried to clean it with vinegar, to my surprise, they can be cleaned if you try hard. Then I began to check every furniture. I was scared! I found more clustered black dots on or around the door knob of every drawer. My home is well aired and dry. The black dots looks like fungus to me. But they stay on the area that I frequently touch. that may give the clue that I carry this on my hands. Because My furniture is white or light pink, so very easy to see these black dots. One more thing, I have been spraying a lot of vinegar, and orange oil on my furniture, especially the door knob where I frenquently touch. But they can survive!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sue (Indiana) on 05/11/2015

Where do you get pokeweed?

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Sol Robinowitz (Beverly Hills, CA) on 03/21/2009

I'd like to point everyone to the suyspected origin & quite possibly the cause of Morgellons.


Apparently & in my opinion, Morgellons is being delivered via the continuous ongoing Chemtrail spray operations that occur globally. Incidentally, I don't ever recall, giving my consent to be a test subject or ginea pig, did you?

Yes, I find Collodial Silver, Hot Peppers, & Garlic work to alleviate thes ymptoms, if not actually reduce the number of parasites. More to follow.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by K Campbell (Kansas City, KS) on 03/17/2009

Interesting Info on Morgellons or Cryptostrongelous Pulmoni:

Following article is apparently the real name of the Morgellons worm....guess Australia is way ahead of the CDC...hmmmm:

EC: Look at that photo - yikes!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janet (Dallas, Nc) on 02/05/2010

In response to your article on hydrochloric acid; what is it and what are the benefits?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Melabot (Oklahoma) on 11/14/2015

Lyme is a disease. Limestone is a rock. I fail to see the connection....Lyme is insect vector these limestone (rock) quarries have insects, and do they generate fibers? I am a bit confused, but interested to understand the connection with the quarries.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kellee (Abertawe) on 07/12/2016

Hi this is a request to Chris for more info about the Hydrochloric acid. I am a Morgellons sufferer and I know I have low Hydrochloric acid. Would you mind telling me how effective this protocol was for you in regards to clearing symptoms and for how long? I would also like to know how you purchased the product and how much you too,

Many thanks, Kellee

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bugsheretoo (Bc) on 08/30/2016

I would like to try it too but unsure of where to buy and dosage. If anyone has any info on this, please advise. In the meantime I am going to try MMS CDS which is chlorine dioxide. My original thought was just to use the MMS CDS for laundry but others are having success taking internally I believe - but there are definite risks so you have to be careful with it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bugsheretoo (Bc) on 08/31/2016

I found Betain HCL at the health food store yesterday and will add that to my ever growing list of supplements to combat this horrible affliction called Morgellons!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (North Carolina) on 07/09/2017

Is hydrocloric acid borax? Did u have any bad side effects and how did u take it? Thanks in advance for your response. Best Regard

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lea (Enterprise, Al) on 07/27/2009

diet is important--you must cut sugars and carbs out of your diet.including fruit. i only eat white rice and brown rice, eggs, meat, veggies and salads. it helps your condition. yes, this diet is important. please try this. you should see an improvement and it helps the immune system.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Julie (Psl, Florida) on 09/27/2009

Oh I also have a WOOD's lamp which is similar to black light. They are used in ER rooms or Estheticians use them to exam your skin in the dark and we can tell if you have too much sebum,if you are dehydrated and can also see sun damage. I checked out my sister and my neices one night. My sister had more than a hundred fibers and fuzz balls on her hair. I didn't even look under. Her clothing was litter with hundreds of pieces of debris including several NEON nano's. They were circlar and glowing neon blue, just like you would see in a neon light. the other fuzz balls ect were glowing but not neon. We also found a NEON multi thread silcone piece coming out of her arm under the light and a picece of moving hair. When i turned the light back on we looked at her arm and her clothes and you could see nothing. You need to have a black light or a high powered WOOD's lamp. You can get a cheap one off of Ebay for about 140. The professional ones used to run 400 but one of Ebay is just fine. You can also detect things on your walls, ect.

Infrared Therapy
Posted by Deb (Tulsa) on 05/28/2015

Concerning rubbing the tea tree oil then lotion to see morgellons coming out, I have got the same result rubbing on Organic Coconut oil followed by DE. I was shocked at what came out! White stuff comes out of every single pore. This is freaky stuff to say the least.

Lyderm Cream
Posted by Elizabeth (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) on 11/19/2008

I suspect I have Morgellon's Disease...I contracted many Black Fly bites while golfing up north 2 1/2 yrs. ago. These bites seemed to evolve into many more of which bled profusely, itched, stung and had many, many black dots which I suspect were the bugs/insects contracted from the fly bites. I have been to 4 GP's 2 Dermatologists. The last Dr. claimed it is a "bacterial infection". I have 3 creams - all from the cortisone family - "lyderm" (applies 2x per day) is most effective. The lesions are now beginning to clear up. When they start (a small pin prick of a lesion), I apply the Lyderm cream and it clears the lesions up more quickly. I was tested for Lyme Disease which proved negative. However, I firmly believe this problem evolved from the black fly bites. I might add - sea salt baths help in a big way as sea salt softens and soothes the skin. I also have experienced hair thinning/loss, which seems also to be a symptom as my hair begain to fall out shortly after the fly bites occurred. Stress seems to be a factor (so I have read) and frankly, I have had a great deal of stress in the past 3 years. Whether this is a factor, I'm not so sure. Black flies carry germs and parasites. I hope and pray someone finds a cure for this hideous disease. I also wish to add, since I started using the Lyderm cream, the itchy feeling in my eyes, ears, nose and scalp has disappeared and the black specks on the lesions seem to be somewhat diminished. Hope this helps.

Lyderm Cream
Posted by Bob (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/02/2008

There is a woman in Florida named Jan, ph352-861-4467, that possibly can help. She work's with a Chinese Dr., that formulates body wash, and herbal teas that have helped me greatly. I have something that sound's very similar to your condition.Good Luck!

Lyderm Cream
Posted by Sp (Wb, Nj, Usa) on 04/24/2013

Hi Elizabeth, topical steroids can cause you a new problem. Used for more than five days on any one location on your body, cumulatively over your lifetime, they can cause your skin to become "addicted". This creates a visious cycle that requires more and more. Then you have the horror of the long withdrawal process. Please do a search for topical steroid addiction and you can get more info. Good luck.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Bonnie (Oregon) on 06/29/2015

I have had Morgellons now for about twelve years. I did not know what I had until this year. I thought I was allergic to mites. I am now treating it with Jim Humbles MMS, food grade Diatomaceous earth and green Papaya leaf caps.Its like the harder I try the harder they fight me. My Dr. is a young woman who seems to believe me. I see her again in the morning and will have her test me for Lime disease. I hope she will be able to help.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by Dana (Oakland, Ca) on 10/10/2014

I am in agreement. Many links do not work. It says page not found. I also find I'm unable to join support groups. I thought it was just me...thank you for your comments.

Morgellons Commentary
Posted by A Mouse (Usa) on 12/13/2015

Fermented products like vinegar excite them. They love magnesium, potassium, and calcium in apple cider vinegar. Hold the bottle of any product and you will feel them react. I held doggie dip solution and they became completely still. It was expensive so I didn't buy it. I think over time the nerve damage becomes so bad that you don't feel them as much. People say they are cured after one year. I'm guessing they don't feel them because they take over the nervous system.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Dean (Illinois) on 01/08/2024

I have read a report by someone using sodium citrate in the AM and PM. He is taking 3gm each time and getting "material" coming out in his pee, lots of stuff. Fibers are there too. Sodium citrate can go thru the blood-brain barrier. I ordered some sodium citrate and am anxious to give it a try. BTW, he said that up to 20 gm per day is safe.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by jersey (lake worth fl) on 04/08/2024

are you saying ivermectin does not work? I took 9mg once and the next day my body was "silent" for the first time in years. I believe if I had taken enough they would have all died.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Nm (Usa) on 04/23/2016

There's a video on YouTube where a man claims Tulsi - Holy Basil will help morgellons sufferers.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Itsanepidemic (New York) on 01/17/2017

They are under a Gag order. If we knew the source of the contamination, we would discriminate against people entering our country. Just my opinion.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by M-lo (La) on 03/10/2017

what is this foot ointment?

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Deadly To Meteor Worms (Southwest) on 06/20/2017

Dont use hematite for a magnet. The iron activates this. Copper kills bacteria and fungus when worn on skin powerfully. I read it's caused by Shungite meteor stone. fullerenes from this 4th kind of carbon can be dissolved. Certain oils break the fullerenes down. Caraba's resturante's appetizer kills this crud. Wear bright clothing and meditate on white light, which this stuff hates. Try visualization of your body filled with white light throughout the day. It works powerfully. Do this for those around you. Anything with carbon in it doesn't seem to kill it for me. Sodium Bicarbonate didn't kill it.

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Deena (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/04/2017

Yes I have tot ally noticed that peroxide makes them grow!! I could feel it actually burrowing under my skin while I was putting the peroxide on and it burned burned burned. I saw no benefit from it sore just got larger around. it looks dried out right now but if I sat here putting my finger in a bowl of peroxide it would come to the surface and burn but they aren't don't die with peroxide so please don't soak in peroxide/salt baths. Im so grateful I read this before I had my 12 year old daughter do this bath soaking!!

Alcohol and Peroxide, Homeopathy
Posted by Linda (Maine) on 09/29/2017

I've had similar experience and just discovered the topic of Morgellon's. I'm flabergasted, but relieved to see I am not the only one. Feels like I am delusional whenever I find these creatures on my chin and feel them moving under my skin. I've had brain fog, and have been diagnosed and treated for Fibromyalgia for several years. When I went off all the pharmaceuticals, suffered two years of chronic IBS with diarrhea daily, lost 65 pounds, and had horrible break out (2 occasions) of intensely itchy skin rash on arms and abdomen. Now, for a very long time (years), I've had lesions on my chin with the fibers/filaments described for Morgellon's. I'm sure if I went to the VA, they would admit me for delusions. Also have very loud Tinnitus and difficulty following conversations. Hope those of us with Morgellon's can help each other and get rid of this nuisance!

Posted by Vinny (Atlanta, Georgia) on 06/05/2012

I had eggs for dinner during the early stages of my condition, and it didn't work for me whatsoever.

Be advised Eggs are acidic not an alkaline food so maybe I was somewhat alkalined and then I got acidic due to having eggs (as I had them for dinner and had lots thinking it was alkaline food.. I was wrong)

Essential Oils
Posted by Yorkville (Nyc, New York) on 04/25/2011

I'm aware of these products and have actually spoken to five or more people who use them and they swear they really work. There's a photo on the front page of the site of before and after of some horrible foot condition this guy has with lesions and scaling all over, really horrible.

Essential Oils
Posted by Yorkville Nyc (Nyc, Ny) on 09/20/2012

Heads up - They moved the picture to the About You testimonials page.

Support Forum
Posted by Linda (Linnysue) (Park City, Utah) on 01/30/2008

I wanted to send a link to a supportive discussion forum for Morgellons sufferers. The forum is called Morgellons Sanctum and the URL link is: Morgellons Sanctum provides educational articles, healing treatments, hope, and support from members who care. I was wondering if you would like the add the link to your website. We could also add your link as well. Thank you.

Use Borax or Washing Soda Instead of Regular Laundry Detergent
Posted by Bo' (Pland, Or Usa) on 01/14/2012

I might suggest caution with salt in that fluoridated is best avoided- all my skin symptoms are strongly aggravated by Fluoride from any source.

Use Borax or Washing Soda Instead of Regular Laundry Detergent
Posted by Patricia (Vero Beach, FL) on 09/15/2022

Will also remove worms from skin

Lemon Juice in Suave Shampoo
Posted by Jerusalem (Lexington Park, Maryland) on 02/22/2015

I used 70% alcohol on my hair when I finally found out what I had. I did not know there was no cure. It killed everything in my hair; but they came back. I think the red and blue silky bright threads have something to do with keeping the tribe together. The blue for silver nano's and the red for gold nano's. I think the nano's were made by using gold and silver micro particals with a gram + bacteria to manufacture a contrast medium for imaging. The DNA recombined to form the tubual rod that became a strand, that became magnetized. I am trying to locate the red and blue bright ionic like threads to see if they die without them. I have them in my whole house. Not just on me. They are inside of me too. I know they have gone to my heart. I am scared. I have tried oil of oregano and licorice root. I put the oil of oregano on my face and almost got 1st degree burn. It did not work. The licorice has worked to keep down the colony size. They always come back. Keep searching.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Paula (Joshua Tree, Calif.) on 10/18/2007

It may have to do with the strength of the silver solution, my friend had a severe case of morgellons and she drank a lot of it every day,she figured she had nothing to lose, she also sent me an e-mail about some researcher who used silver with some great success. my friend is on vacation now, when she gets back I will see if she can send me that e-mail again. I am not a doctor but I know what I saw. I will also pass on to her your info about the baking soda but she is well now. Thank you so much

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Lisa (Spokane, Wa) on 05/16/2010

I had (have) morgellons, all the symptoms including wierd black fiber growing out of red bump.

I tried topically: H2O2, which burned it black & helped but it returned.

I tried the borax, AVC, NaCO2, with some marginal help.

What really worked was animal wormers, Ivomectin 3gms topical type, increased to 12 mg daily for a week at the full moon. (bought it in aminal health section of feed store for cattle) Some symptoms did come back much milder - (all symptoms eventually returned except the skin fibers), and required repeated treatments, also tried alternating with other animal wormers to help decrease resistance over time.

Natural cures that seem to also help keep it in check are essential oils, oregano oil, thyme oil, eucaplytus oil, in a thyme tincture, sipped 2 X a day, about a tsp at a time. also taking some borax or bksoda for acidity (parasites generate lots of acidic wastes of their own that need to be eliminated).

I also take a bit of H2O2 at least once a day in some water, and Pot. Iodine a few drops a day, but these only gave minimal relief to control.

Additionally there seems to be a chlamydal or mycoplasm component that responds to n-Acetyl Cystene 6 pills 3 times a day, and sulfur pills - MSM or other sulfur suppliment - & wormwood powder (I grow some & dry the leaves to make a powder for me) 1 TBS 3 X day. and walnut hull tincture - 1 tsp 3Xday.

but I still need to continue treatments, I will try asprin cure - as I had shingles many years ago & it still seems to pop up occasionally - hence viral component to my immune disfunction, and lysine (2000mg)& vit C (few grams) helps to send it into remission but it returns whenever it can. (20 yrs now). Also need B12 in massive amts (due to chlamydl inhibiting this) and Iron phoryphroin toxicity, so I treat those also, and noticed some help. One thing I did notice when I first took some CoQ10 - I could really notice an improvemnt which eventually wore off... also a symptom of mitrchondra depression of energy - another Ch. symptom.

I have been vaccinated up to age 35, no jabs for the last 20 years. Also very poor teeth - heaps of mercury fillings, been working to detox both these problems (cilantro, & herbs, and all the suppliments to help with this problem)

hoemopathics seem to help - Silcia most effective, I take it as a suppliment, drops or pills, horsetail tea - (internal & external as baths), 3X , then 6X, then 12X, then 30 X, then back down to 12X, then 6X, then 3X,... various patterns and occasionally stronger dosage. over time it is helping to pull out infections & toxins.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Deby (Tulsa) on 01/19/2015

I bought Collodial silver from the health food store recently and am going to try to treat Morgellons which I'm suffering terribly from. I've heard different stories about the silver so I'll see. Praying for a miracle!

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Frédérique (Quebec) on 06/20/2020

Hi! I don't suffer from Morgellons....but I did get the shingle 4 years ago leaving me with terrible nerve pain..Now, you are absolutely right with Vitamin C and Lysine... I take these 2 savers 3 times a day...Wish you best health for the coming future. And God bless.

Oak Gallnuts
Posted by Postal Canary (Washington) on 08/04/2017

I think that some type of parasitic wasp is involved. Some people have found this teeny tiny little wasp in the stuff that come out of the lesions.

The reason I think this, is I was watching a video about tiny tiny parasitic wasp that attack ant. They actually lay eggs anywhere on the wasp. The egg hatches and then its in larval stage for awhile. Goes thru a few stages. Then eventually becomes an adult.

Also there is a mite that comes from PIN OAKS.

There were thousands of outbreaks from these mites. People got them from sitting under the trees and in there homes. These mites can fit thru window screens.

The county vectors offices say they bite, but sores only last a few weeks. But what if the mite carries bacteria like sporo schenkii? Read about that on wiki.

Most doctors wouldn't know about that tho. Sporotrichosis can be mild, or get into the lymph system.

U can get sporo from working in the garden too. Its found worldwide. Trees moss dirt mulch bushes ur pets can bring it into the house. Pets also can get sporo. It used to be commonly treated when people still raised their own meats and had live stock. Vets knew to look for it.

But now they don't, not the young docs anyway.

Sporo causes skin lesions that don't heal like they should. It causes achey joints fatigue. Sporo is a fungus. U get it when sporo fungal spores gets in the skin. Through cuts, or even bites from ticks.

Bird mites it seems to me could carry this too.

If u have breathed in the spores in can damage your lungs and make u very sick.

Weak immune system maybe involved too.

Sporo can also grow in ur house if you have a small leak somewhere. The wood begins to break down and fungus can grow.

They used to use potassium iodide to treat people and their animals.

They still use it, but now have added antifungal. Google some pics of sporo, and read about it.

I've also been following a guy on YouTube

That was able to get rid of this.

He's been making videos for a while now.

He's one of the few, I think is for real. There is another guy call unknown cat.

BUT, MAKE SURE, u include the word THE




Watch his videos from the start. Before he started getting well.

I got this in the 1980s. There was no internet back then. A bunch of us got it after a roof and ceiling repair was done.

When they ripped open the ceiling all this weird dust floated thru the air. It was also discovered that rats and birds had been living I. The attic space. This was at a major department store in Sacramento. We only had each other to talk to.

Even back then, no real help from the medical people we sought out.

Tho I'm finally free of it, I can't tell u what exact thing worked. But after several MISERABLE LONLY YEARS OF THIS, IT WENT AWAY!!

TOWARDS the end, I was using black walnut salve by natures way. Also I would put ice cubes on the lesions that stung and felt like something was biting me, right in the middle of the sores. Itcwas slow work. The ice cubes took that feeling away and allowed me to sleep.

I also quit my job, because were moving.

I think more than anything there is a fungus that attacks bugs to us. The bugs lay eggs on us or our clothing or bedding.......

Oh sh**! I don't know WHAT I THINK IT IS! LOL. I've never forgotten the suffering those years tho, and I'm STILL looking for answers.

Maybe my long verbal rambel has some good info for someone.

I now have a dear friend who has it, for about 2 years now. Hers kind of comes and goes. Mine didn't do that. But I've read about that for other people too.

Good luck. I appreciate all the post old and new

Molly's Remedies
Posted by A (Arizona) on 06/09/2016

Catsclaw does NOT work for this. You'll find it when you hold the catsclaw leaf that stuff goes crazy. It was making me a cripple and fast. Same with copper. No more biting, stinging sensations but those nanobugs were devouring my jaw like no tomorrow. Products that feed it reduce the symptoms, you won't have them flying out of your skin. If they don't like your diet they fly out of your skin. They like baking soda and yogurt, but it keeps them inside so you don't spread it to everyone else and contained you can kill it internally with salt. Most people do absolutely nothing to stop the spreading. Some purposely spread it. Put the cures in your environment to prevent this from spreading. It's in windshield washer fluid. I tested it. Eat sage, slowly and build up intake. Add to soups, coffee, tea, anything. Give to dogs, cats in their food.Also repels evil per lore. Non-conductive rocks seem to help. Put them in your water glass, and believe me they help. No quartz, gold, titanium. I like the Beryls.

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Lori W (Michigan) on 01/14/2017

Could you explain more of what you mean? I started taking silver sol and oregano oil and they went into my jaw, teeth, facial nerves up to my ear, made it pop. I couldn't eat and it felt like my tooth was going to fall out. (dentist said no infection, just a misaligned filling, yeah right) Why do you say they feed on baking soda and yogurt? IN your opinion, how is one to go about treatment? I used diet and a big herbal protocol that worked 90%. Then, I was feeling so great, I tried to kill off the ones hiding and now am in this mess. It is in that nerve that makes people kill themselves...

Molly's Remedies
Posted by Jessica (Jersey) on 02/24/2022

What big herbal proticol?

Posted by Charles (Jacksonville, FL) on 07/28/2009

well im tellin u that who ever says to use alfalfa is crazy because if you read from numerous sources about the herb and understand what your reading you will understand that all of your alliments will become ten times worse. Hypotheticly speaking anyway> I urge anyone with this horrible disease to research any medication herb or supplement before tryin it .im not saying not to use is all im saying is to use use judgement based on what you understand and know to be true. hope all is well otherwise.

Posted by Phil (Augusta, Ga) on 09/09/2009

I tried this remedy tonight and it is to early to tell anything as of yet. I do however believe that the black specks people are seeing in the water is from the alfafa it self. Because black specks were already in the water before I submerged myself.

I really DO NOT know if I even have morgellons. Thank God, I do not have the big gaping sores that most people here and around the world are reporting. I do have pimple like bumps that have white stuff come out when mashed, only to return later. I will from time to time get the stinging feeling and have gotten out black hair looking things, that seem to just come out when they are dead.

Yesterday, my arm was itching like crazy and had kind of a swollen spot on it. I thought at first it may have been a mosquito bite. With the itching not going away and driven me crazy, I decieded to put some CLOVE OIL directly on the real itchy spot. So with a Q-Tip I applied it and left it on. A few hours later I went for a walk a was sweating a bit and the spot began to burn slightly.Once returning home from the walk, I washed the area off with some lemon joy. As I went to dry my arms with a paper towel, I noticed a black hair looking thing, that had come up out of my skin. And I could tell that it definately tell it did come out of the skin. I wiped it away with the paper towel and looked at it under a magnifying glass.It just looked like a black ant would look if you were to smash it with your finger.

I then decided to wash with Tecnu, this is a outdoor skin cleanser for like poision oak and what not. I just followed the directions and rubbed the area with my finger tips vigerously for about two minutes and then washed away with cool water. This did seem to really take away some of the angry look of the skin. I should say I also been taking a little baking soda 1/4 Teaspoon in lemon juice about twice a day on an empty stomach.

Well I really hope Charles is wrong about the alfafa, making things worse. I am a daily reader here though and will post any changes good or bad. My arms look really GOOD now, but they looked pretty good before the bath tonight. Only thing bad now is I feel a little dizzy, but can not say for sure what that is from. But as of right now I do not have any more ITCHING!!! THe itching actually stopped last night after the hair looking thing came out.

Posted by Colette (Phoenix, Az) on 11/20/2011

Hi my name is Colette and this morgellons is slowly killing me. I don't even mention my bugs black dots that have flown out of my face or the crawling worms under my skin to my friends or family. My doctor who I believe started or activated this horrible nightmare slicing open my face to remove a large pimple cyst accused me of being a drug addict and refused to see me once I figured out what I had- morgellons disease.

Posted by Minnieg (The Woodlands, 77384) on 05/11/2017

What kind of a lab does that kind of work. I just found out to have stage 4 lung cancer, but since I did a cleanse, every color, every type, etc. has come out. Now I've got gaping hole on forearm and just don't have that much energy to learn all of this. Hospice doesn't come around because they are so afraid of

Red Wine Vinegar and Garlic Tablets
Posted by Anita (Old FORT, N.C.) on 03/17/2007

Morgellons Disease, MRSA: red wine vinegar, 1 tablespoon a day, for 3 or 4 weeks. Also garlic softgels,1000mg, 1 day a week, take five. The garlic might also be used for MRSA. This is what I use for all of my family, we do not go to doctors.

Red Wine Vinegar and Garlic Tablets
Posted by Dana (Oakland Ca) on 10/19/2014

Thumbs way up! Way to Keep it real and hold it down! I'm on 3,000 mg garlic 3 times daily. the little buggers are hanging on. I'll get the red wine vinegar but I don't like the taste :/ but he'll, I don't like morgellons either! Thanks for the tip.
