Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Eczema Treatments for Soothing Relief

| Modified on Feb 02, 2024
Magnesium Spray
Posted by Sammy68 (Cincinnati, Oh) on 03/06/2017

I have found the perfect cure for eczema. I have been suffering a nasty bout of eczema on my back for the past few months. Pretty decent sized patch, approximately the size of my palm. Extremely itchy. In fact it was so itchy that I couldn't refrain from scratching it, especially at night, which of course caused it to spread. I tried everything...calamine lotion, tea tree oil, lavender oil, coconut oil, shea nut butter, calendula and chamomile ointment, and finally cortizone cream. Nothing worked.

So, I read somewhere to mix a small travel sized spray bottle with hot water, add a big pinch of both Himalayan salt and Epsom salts, shake the bottle real good, and spray that rash down liberally. Less than 1 week later the eczema rash is completely gone. Unbelievable. It cost pennies. It's worth a try for all you eczema sufferers.

Posted by HM (Tennessee) on 01/06/2014

I've thrown everything at my eczema (flax seed and flax oil, ACV pills and ACV liquid, baking soda, Vaseline, frankincense, olive oil). I've probably left something off like banana, or onions which did not work. There are probably others, but none worked like IODINE!!! I have atopic dermatitis eczema. Every time I scratch, it spreads.... really unbearable. Also, for those who say you can't catch it they are wrong. I used (by accident) an old razor of someone who had it, and the two spots where the razor hit became inflamed, itchy and spread. Later (not knowing what I had) I scratched it and then my head where it is now. From razor to foot to head all by a scratch.

But I digress... I cleared up the one on my foot using everything including iodine, but did not connect iodine as the main thing because I only did it once and it burned so bad I didn't do it again. But when it spread to my head, neck, and ear I've had more time to experiment. I've had the head eczema for about a 1.5 month, and got relief as soon as I started using iodine. By the 2nd day it is gone. Nothing hurts, my skin is still tough and thick but even that is better and fading.

Mix 1/3 Lugol's iodine with about 2/3 water, using a Q-tip or toilet paper dapped it on affected area. Be careful it stings like a mother (that is why it is mixed with water). I like it to sting a little, then I know it is working. If it stings too much add more water. The first thing that happens is, it stops the itching, second thing is, it dries it up. I used Vaseline to keep it moist and it helps with pain. Also, I did drink a little.... Dipped a q-tip in the lugols solution and then dipped the q-tip in a small amount of water (oz or so) and drank. I drank less than a drop each day of Lugols.

For those who always ask ... it was just plain lugols iodine the only other thing on the bottle is Aqueous Solution.

May God Bless you and end your suffering.

Ted's Eczema Advice
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/10/2008 391 posts


Most eczema, not all, are often a result of a fungus or mycobacterium that exists along the skin or some minute amounts leading to eczema. The condition is often metabolic acidosis which initiates the eczema, but at the same time the ACV have certain properties which may raise the immune system through its malic acid and mineral content found in the ACV. For example the malic acid is converted into malates which is used by the Krebs cycle giving more energy to the cells. If the energy to the cells is increased, the immunity is increased in the long term. The problem about ACV is it's acid content which does kill the fungus and mycobacterium by the actions of malates or organic components that leads to longer term alkalization. But since the body has insufficient bicarbonates to neutralize the acidity, the mycobacterium may cause greater growth when the body is temporarily acid in the short term, and hence the eczema. This eczema is the result of temporary metabolic acidosis.

There is a way to prevent side effects from ACV use by what chemist use to buffer the acidity to make it more alkaline in many consumer products and medicine we used. One of the simplest buffer is the baking soda, which raises the pH of the Apple Cider vinegar to a close 7 or 7.5 pH, which is closer to biologically active pH that doesn't support short term mycobacterium growth. Mycobacterium, fungus, and other usually flourishes in a more acidic pH. Therefore, this remedy was resolved mostly by taking 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar plus at least 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 or preferably 1 glass of water. Taken usually three times a day. However, if the conditions of eczema is present, usually I will raise the baking soda remedy from 1/4 teaspoon to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda plus 2 tablespoons of ACV in 1 full glass of water taken at least twice a day instead.

However, I am not dealing with the fundamentals here. I have a bad history of eczema myself. In an attempt to understand the basic cause of eczema just for me I decided to take an experiment with a carbicarb remedy. The carbicarb remedy used by me is 1/4 teaspoon of sodium carbonate (washing soda...a precursor of baking soda) plus 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in one full glass of water taken twice or three times a day will stop the eczema within a matter of an hour at most. For me it stopped within a couple of minutes. Mycobacterium, fungs and bacterium won't generally grow whenever the body's pH is raised to an alkaline level. It is this reason why the Ocean's water is so sterile: salinity and alkalinity. The alkalinity of Ocean's water is 8.

As to where ACV comes in is that the malic acid raises the energy level of cells raising the immunity of the cells at the same time - the cells simply have more energy to fend off invading organisms. There may be other elements found in ACV, such as acetate, which has limited antifungal.

The problem about temporary eczema may go away with ACV use, but in some cases eczema may be persistent too. The issue appears that some people may have limited ability to neutralize the acidity from the ACV using the body's available bicarbonates to neutralized them and hence why baking soda was added to put less pressure on the body to come up with the bicarbonate currency to make it biologically compatible with the body's pH of 7.35. So some cases eczema may persists and some may get better, but if baking soda was added immediately before use, eczema wouldn't flare up, generally speaking.

Am I missing any other factors on eczema besides alkalization and immunity issues? One other additional fact is most people's diet, with industrialized farming practices, has caused humans, cats, dogs, cows, chickens, and pigs to have low level of omega 3. Low level of omega 3 didn't happen in humans first. It happened in farm animals. Chickens source of food were originally high in omega 3, if raise in the wild, but with modern methods, the omega 6 to omega 3 has risen lowering greatly omega 3. This happens in cows in U.S. as farming practices changed from grass fed to grain fed to economize. When we do that omega 3 goes precipitously down.

Omega 3 is responsible for immune conditions and anti-inflammatory properties and reduction in eczema. So much of the problems in the benefits of raw food of Pottinger Cats, and the eating of animal fats from Weston A. Price is useless since the animals we eat today (unlike Weaton A. Price's time) is that the omega 3 has droped precipitiously. So what we have now in U.S. is an Omega 6 to Omega 3 of 20: 1 instead of an ideal 4:1 or 1: 1 omega 3 to omega 6 ratios. Currently the country that has the highest known omega 3 is Japan at 4: 1 or Omega 6 to Omega 3. Fish oil is the supplements I would very likely take for my eczema besides just the baking soda be added to the apple cider vinegar.

However in a more severe cases of eczema I used a stronger alkalization method, which is commonly called the carbicarb remedy as mentioned already, which causes the eczema to go away in a matter of hours. As a hint to further reduction the use of dechlorinator of sodium thiosulfate added to drinking water may further help (chlorines and fluorine are pro-inflammatory) while sodium thiosulfate will at least neutralize the chlorine. A simpler way to remove chlorine is to add a couple of drops of 3% H2O2 per glass of water, such as 2-3 drops, which will neutralize the chlorine.

If there is anything i forget about the other cause of eczema, its that certain foods, such as wheat products, cheese tomatoes, aspartame, potatoes, peanuts, sugar, fruit juices (contains fructose), yeast product, peppermint in toothpastes, and other fermented products are some of the common causes of eczema due to the mycotoxin and fungus content found in these products. Interestingly the reason why antibiotics causes eczema is it is acid forming, raises free heavy metals, and has mycotoxins and fungus. Antibiotics is usually made from fungus, and hence it's no surprise that it causes eczema too. Meats now cause eczema because it raises the body's omega 6 as omega 3 is now reducing. So

I greatly doubt if unethical industrialized farming practices using GMO cows, pigs, chickens raised on grains, cannibalism and steroids injection is going to have much positive impact on practitioners of raw food diet, paleolithic diet, Atkins diet, eat right for your blood type diet, or any other similar diets fads if the foods we are now eating are toxic. The issue that pervades any dietary practice is to avoid bad industrialized farming practices (U.S. may be the worse), which is a lot simpler theory I proposed than the other guru diet fads. Much of my eczema comes from bad farming practices by corporate world. Now we have babies, dogs and cats to worry about because they eat from the same source of food which comes from processed foods and using the same bad farming practices. Perhaps this is where some of the eczema is coming from.


Posted by Ejclarke (Dc) on 11/28/2016

TURMERIC! Please try if you have eczema.

I developed a horrible (probably stress related) breakout of eczema all over my body about 2 weeks ago, the skin on my arms literally looked purple and my face was swollen with eczema all over my forehead and under my right eye. This is the first major breakout I have had in a bout 10 years, my brother even asked me if I got punched in the eye because it looked so bad.

I got steroid pills and creams form the doctor and it cleared up my face after a few days (again I haven't used steroids in over ten years, eczema previously disappeared mostly from juicing and striving to maintain a great diet)

Sad part is as soon as I stopped using the steroid cream, my face looked nearly as bad as it did before I used it. I was determined not to keep using steroids on my face so I searched the internet for a solution. I saw turmeric on this site and a few other sites as well as Apple cider vinegar.

I started the following regimen that COMPLETELY cleared my face of eczema

Apple cider vinegar three times a day in warm water (about two teaspoons in 8 ounces)

About 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric and a sprinkle of black pepper in 8 ounces water as soon as I wake up before consuming anything else.

The most integral part of my regimen was turmeric masks which consisted of plain greek yogurt (Chobani) and organic ground turmeric (got from Whole Foods) I put just these two in a bowl and mixed it (not sure of the turmeric measurement but I put enough to make it mustard yellow color) and then I rubbed this all over my face with a double portion on trouble areas. Leave it on for 20 minutes until dried and then washed it with warm water then a light facial cleanser. I did this twice a day for 3 days and on the 3rd day I woke up with 95% of eczema gone on my face. I am going to try this on arms and legs soon but I am almost certain it will clear up anywhere that eczema is evident.

I did a turmeric mask in the morning then I would mix half and half ACV and water and use a cotton ball to wipe my face and let it dry out on my face. I would do this about 2 or three times during the day and then I would do another turmeric mask at night.

Lastly, I totally changed my diet, meaning I stopped eating meat (I was eating all organic meat prior but I think it was causing digestive issues) most of my meal consists of vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and kale, steamed. And I eat brown rice. I eat fish most days and the occasional lentil soup. I also eat a lot of oatmeal with almond milk and the only real fruit I consume is bananas and the occasional apple or mango in green juices. I eat no sugar, dairy, eggs, etc. Taking about 2 probiotic pills a day and one fish oil tablet daily. I have been on this diet for about 2 weeks now.

I also exercise at least 4 times a week, exercise makes things itchy BUT as soon as I got off the treadmill I would go and put apple cider vinegar on my face and let it dry.

Hope this helps someone! Prayer and Turmeric and a little faith gave a great ending to a horrifying experience.

P.S. Even if you have a skin condition other than eczema I would recommend you try turmeric masks and ingesting it(less then a teaspoon a day)! It actually tastes great with a bit of warm almond milk

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 10/26/2018

Hello everyone,

I wanted to give an update on my eczema issue. As mentioned in my last post, the eczema on my foot completely went away. However, one day about 3 weeks ago, I devoured a rather large-ish bag of gummy bears at the movies. Smart.

The ingredients in the gummy bears - Corn Syrup, Sugar, Gelatin, Dextrose, Citric Acid, Starch, Artificial and Natural Flavors, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Carnauba Wax, Beeswax Coating, Artificial Colors - Fd&c Yellow No. 5, Red No. 40, Blue No. 1.

The next day, oh ho no surprise, the eczema on my foot reappeared EVERYWHERE it had previously been and itched like #&%*#%*%*! I immediately took 3 Pine Bark Extract supplements, which helped the itch, but makes me so alert I can't fall asleep at night! Art suggested I instead add 3 capsules of PBE to 2 ounces of witch hazel and spray that on my foot twice a day and I have been doing that. It definitely helps.

Janet, I was taking Vit D3, up to 10,000 units a day per one of your suggestions and it didn't help. Don't think I have a deficiency there but I am still taking it here and there. I also applied your wonderful soothing foot salve before the gummy bear "incident" and it was very helpful. But once the eczema was re-triggered, it didn't really help much.

I then turned to Bill's famous turpentine protocol for the first time, which I must admit, have been hesitant to try even though it's been on Earth Clinic since the very early days.

I started with just 3 drops of turpentine on organic cane sugar. Felt fine, just a little buzzy in the head. I can confirm that you should make sure to drink a lot of purified water when on the turpentine protocol to help with the detoxing process! Wow... Powerful stuff!!

After a few days, I increased to 4 drops, then took a weekend break. I resumed the protocol with 1/4 teaspoon of turpentine, which was too too much so I cut back to16 drops, a little more than 1/8 teaspoon.

The standard protocol - 1 US teaspoon of turpentine - is approximately 96 drops! Not sure I am ever going to be able to take that much in a day. Holy moly.

So now I am on week 2 of turp and taking anywhere from 4-16 drops a day depending on how I'm feeling. It seems to be enough turp at this point for me.

I am also taking 1 to 3 drops of 5% lugol's iodine, though not every day. I get an intense, all-day sinus pressure reaction from lugol's at 3 drops in 8 ounces of water. So then I back off for a few days.

Basically it took about 10 days doing the above for the eczema to clear up... I am staying consistent about applying the PBE in witch hazel. I have one particular resistant and itchy spot on the side of my foot and I apply turpentine to it directly twice a day. Immediately takes away the itch whereas the PBE does not.

I plan to stay on the turpentine protocol for at least a year as Bill suggests in his posts.

Oh, I am also applying a thick coating of coconut oil to my feet at least twice a day. It no longer makes my skin itchy. I must need it because a few minutes after applying it, my skin has totally absorbed it! It's been fantastic. I think all the barefoot karate training I have done for the past 20 years has taken a bit of toll on my body (virus, bacteria, fungus exposure, etc) and I need to really up my remedy game. Thanks to all the absolutely amazing and caring friends on EC, I know I am in good hands and extremely grateful.

Have a blessed weekend!

Posted by Caroline (Montréal) on 07/01/2016

I am 27 and have had eczema on my legs since I was 7. I have tried countless remedies without success. Kefir was my miracle solution! Taken internally, it didn't do anything for me. BUT, applied to my legs after showering in the morning and before going to bed at night did wonders very quickly. It is now completely gone! I told my mother about it since she had very itchy eczema in her ears and it did the same for her! Try it! I don't rince the kefir after applying it (organic and plain - I sometimes make it/buy it at the store). Once it dries, it doesn't show nor smell anything. I also started applying it on my face for acne and it is helping already :-) The good bacterias in kefir help rebalance the skin and fight bad bacterias.

Do Nothing
Posted by Been There... (Ct) on 03/06/2016

What you are stating is, in fact, supported by hard science;

The skin care producers know that at least one-in-thirty moisture cream users will have a severe reaction to a key "antibacterial/preservative" present in an ever-growing number of products, namely a compound known as MIT, a shortened version of methylisothiazolinone, which, like MSG, goes by many labeled names, and which has several chemical cousins.

First, it is a well documented neural toxin, and was never meant to remain on human skin. It was only approved in surgical antibiotic soaps, which were intended to be immediately rinsed with copious amounts of water away from the body to literally sterilize all pathogens from the exterior of a human. Even then, they knew a large percentage of humans would develop raw, burning skin, replete with oozing blisters and secondary bacterial infections.

Great product, right?

So then it was approved for mass-market, antibacterial hand washes. Now it is in nearly all of your liquid laundry detergents and, worse, most of the commercial moisturizers and make-up products.

It was NEVER intended for prolonged contact with human skin...ever...just as a flush-wash to kill pathogens.

Again, not only does it cause blistering contact dermatitis, it also causes permanent neurological damage, including blurred vision, peripheral neuropathiEs and palsies, and the like.

I wish that I was making this up, but the same people making these skin care products are also selling the "cures", like prednisone, benedryl, and even Claritin.

I know this because the the pharm company that made the "all-natural" moisturizer that gave me a blistery, acid-burned, scarring rash and bacteria-infected skin (sleep scratching) is the same parent company that made the $846/tube "cure" my doctor prescribed to get rid of said chemical burn.

The first irony is that she also prescribed a different moisturizer, Eucerin, which also contains MIT, to help combat this "skin disorder/allergy" I had supposedly contracted, "out of the blue".

Kind of genius, in a Dr. Evil sort of way.

Oh, and if you buy veggie wash soaps, it is the main ingredient, so you might not want to eat that...even if you don't blister internally, you might not appreciate the premature dementia.

Then again, you won't have the mind to care by that point.

Thank God for my informed allergist, is all I can say.

Lecithin and Tryptophan
Posted by Diane (MA) on 12/06/2020

A biochemist recommended lecithin and tryptophan for my out of control eczema over 40 years ago. She actually stopped me in a grocery store and introduced herself and told me she could help. Cleared me up in no time.

I took three capsules of lecithin twice a day and two caps of tryptophan twice a day (don't remember the amt of mgs) until the bottles were gone. I have only recently started using lecithin again, two caps a day, to keep my arteries clean (I'm now 67).

I can't say enough good things about lecithin!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rita (Virginia) on 09/11/2019

I would like to share my successful journey fighting a battle with eczema.

Eight months ago I began a low-carbohydrate diet (The Atkins diet) because I was overweight and this was causing my blood pressure to be high. My doctor wanted me to go on blood pressure medicine, but I told her I would lose that weight and see if that would take care of the problem. I had gained the weight over a period of five or more years when I was eating junk food instead of following a healthy diet. It took me only a few months of strictly following the low-carb diet to lose 30 pounds and get my blood pressure to normal.

Thankfully, I was able to avoid taking any blood pressure medication! Apparently the diet was working so well and so quickly that my body became overwhelmed trying to rid me of all those toxins I had accumulated during the years of eating an unhealthy diet. About four months after beginning my weight loss diet, I developed red, itchy and scaly spots - one on the back of my hand and a larger spot on my forehead and similar spots on my eyelids. I also had red blotches on my inner thighs, but these did not itch or become scaly. I believe all these various red inflamed spots to be eczema brought about by the toxins my body was trying to expel. In addition to the eczema, I experienced sore gums, tongue and lips. I believe these were all the result of toxins being released through my skin and mouth.

This was my first experience with eczema, so I immediately began researching natural ways of healing it. I soon learned from the experiences of other sufferers that the medical community might not be of much help, but that there are many natural ways to bring healing from eczema. I learned that eczema must be approached as a condition that is healed from the inside of our bodies rather than thinking that the condition only requires treating the skin. I gathered a lot of very good information, put it to use and have had good success. It took a few months to see a difference in my skin, but now all the redness and dry skin patches are gone ... only some slight redness on my inner thighs remains. The spot on my hand, forehead and eyelids have disappeared and the redness on my inner thighs is greatly diminished.

I've approached this problem in several ways and I wanted to share my experiences in hopes that it might benefit others. I treated the sore gums by rinsing my mouth with hydrogen peroxide diluted in water (3 to 1 ratio) and using only baking soda for brushing my teeth.

I rinsed several times a day and after about a month or so the soreness and sensitivity of my teeth and gums went away. My tongue still occasionally is tender but my lips are completely back to normal. Taking a zinc supplement seems to be taking care of the remaining sore tongue issue. From medical tests I had taken before beginning my weight-loss diet, I knew that my liver and kidney functions were not the best. When this eczema showed up, I realized that my liver function must be improved so that the liver can do it's job of eliminating toxins more efficiently. I began eating dark leafy greens each day and taking supplements such as milk thistle, B Vitamins, Vitamin E and C, and magnesium as well as taking a daily multi-vitamin. After a few more weeks of research into liver health, I added the following supplements which have really made a big difference. They are N-Acetyl Cysteine, L-Glutamine and Selenium. I highly recommend these three supplements.

To improve my kidney function, I began drinking more water each day. After a couple of months of this regimen, my doctor again checked my liver function and kidney function and they were normal. I was very encouraged and thankful! To improve my digestive system, I began adding lots of probiotics to my diet. I began making my own milk Kefir and fermented vegetables and consuming these daily. A healthy digestive system also greatly aids in removing toxins from the body.

My digestive system is now healthier than it's ever been! I plan on continuing the Kefir and fermented vegetables indefinitely. A note of caution when first adding probiotics to your diet .... begin very slowly; otherwise you may experience gas or bloating until your system adjusts to the healthy bacteria you are adding to your system. Begin by adding just one tablespoon of Kefir or the liquid from fermented vegetables each day and work up very slowly to where you can consume a cup or more each day. I believe warm mineral baths have also helped ... I add Epsom Salts, borax or baking soda to my bath water and soak for about 10 minutes before rinsing in the shower. I also find it helpful to apply a paste of baking soda and water directly to the splotches on my inner thigh and letting the baking soda stay on my skin for a few minutes before rinsing. When I had an especially irritated eczema splotch on my skin, I used zinc oxide cream and that was very helpful. In addition, I feel that taking baking soda internally is probably helpful to reduce the acid in my body, so when I remember, I take a half teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water once a day, SUMMATION: I took immediate steps to improve my liver and kidney functions as well as my digestive health. This enabled my body to more easily deal with the toxins.

Perhaps that is why I only had a few eczema spots show up and no re-occurrences. My research has revealed that many eczema sufferers have skin breakouts over a much larger portion of their bodies than I did. I faithfully took supplements that aided my recovery ... particularly useful were the last three supplements I listed above.. I took major steps to improve my digestive health by consuming probiotics through my homemade milk Kefir and fermented vegetables. I bathed often in Epsom Salts, borax or baking soda. I used zinc oxide cream on eczema spots that were particularly irritated.

I've learned so much from other people about combating eczema and am so very grateful that my body responded this quickly. I also thank the Lord for guiding me and answering my prayers for healing.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Deirdre (LA) on 09/09/2018

Hi Art, Bill, Janet, Cathy, and Teena,

Thank you all for your amazing responses and remedy suggestions. Very interesting! I will try them one by one if need be, but I wanted to tell you with great excitement that the Pine Bark Extract (aka PBE), mentioned as one of the main remedies in Art's psoriasis protocol, started to work on the 4th day.

It's now been 7 full days of Pine Bark Extract supplementation and I have no more itchy skin and all the bumps on the top of my foot have almost completely healed, leaving behind a smooth foot for the first time in 2 years! The healing process started to speed up when I upped my dose from one Pine Bark Extract capsule a day to one capsule in the morning and another capsule at night. Each capsule has 240 mg. Thank you, Art!

I stopped all my other supplements over the weekend so I would make sure this was the winning supplement curing eczema on my foot. Indeed, seems to be.

Here is Art's psoriasis protocol in case some are not familiar with it:

I am very grateful for everyone's input and encouragement. I have no doubt all of your positive thoughts also sped this healing along.

Thank you so much! Will give another update in a week or two.

Art's Remedies
Posted by Art (California ) on 12/28/2017 2148 posts

Previously I mentioned making a topical lotion along with two supplements that completely cleared my psoriasis without having to do any diet changes or eliminations at all. Here is a link to that protocol and how to make the lotion:

More recently, a friend of mine who saw how fantastic my results were, decided to try the topical ointment on his eczema. He applied it for the first time, two days ago. I talked to him today and he told me that he can already see an improvement in the eczema that he applied it to. I told him to just apply it to one area of his eczema so he could see if it helped or if he was just having spontaneous remission. Since only the area where he applied the lotion showed improvement, this is likely not a case of spontaneous remission and the lotion does seem to be working for his eczema. He has had eczema for over 10 years now so he is quite happy about this lotion and its effects. I'll have to check back with him in a couple of weeks to see how his eczema is doing.

This would tend to add further confirmation to the studies that have suggested that such an ointment may be helpful for psoriasis and eczema.

In the link above that takes you to the psoriasis protocol I used successfully to clear my severe psoriasis are directions for three different ways that I made the lotion and what I thought of each version. As I mentioned before, given the studies for the three supplement protocol that I used, those same supplements seem likely to offer potential benefit for much more than just psoriasis and this would be the first confirmation of that idea!


10% Sulfur Soap and Sulfur Cream
Posted by Mari (La Libertad, El Salvador) on 04/11/2016

I've had atopic dermatitis all my life; inner elbows, inner knees and neck. Little red blisters that would itch and if scratched would take a wider area each time. Regular cream helps but take long. However, in 2008 I started having nipple eczema. It started by producing some flakes in the area, followed by some reddish blisters that ooze. They sticked to my bra. I started using tissue. They'd come and go. They usually were not many.

I went to the dermatologist in 2012 and prescribed hydrocortisone (among with some oral corticosteroids). It helped at the beginning and then I would apply every one or two weeks when blisters would show and burst. It would "heal" but then flares got more often and worst each time (the skin was getting thinner; I did not know) when I started medicating. I spent up to last year (2015) doing so up until I lost my tube and everything went unstoppable!!! Oozing, sticky, bleeding nipples and tissue was not enough. I got scared and went to a new dermatologist. He would prescribe the same things and I had temporarily cured. And then I started with the same old story: applying cortisone everytime it was itchy or blisters would show.

I decided I needed to stop and started browsing for natural cures. Found your site and decided to give ACV a try 1.5 months ago. First days it did not help much but stopped the itching and reduced the blisters. I started using it orally as well, twice a day. I apply an ACV-soaked compress to both my nipples for 5 minutes once or twice a day. Then I apply some drops on each one of them and let them dry.

A month ago, I also decided to give colloidal sulfur a shot. I remembered there was a local ointment that worked for acne pimples, read its instructions and IT SAID IT WORKED FOR ECZEMA!!!

I have been using it for a month now and it has improved amazingly!!! New blisters try to show but they dry within minutes or a day. I also apply organic coconut oil every now and then to moisture the area. My nipples are starting to get back their texture, form and color!!!

Thank you Earth Clinic for this forum!!

Posted by B (Attica, IN) on 12/10/2006

After being diagnosed with IBS and perioral dermatitis I knew I had to make a change. I did my research and talked to a few people at the health food stores and then added probiotic acidophilus to my diet. The first week I took 2 times the recommended amount, the second week I cut it down the recommended amount and then have stayed on that amount rather well the past 10 years. It has fixed all the problems with my skin as well as my digestinal tract. All the diseases of the body start in the stomach and colon, the acidophilus either in capsule form or yogurt help correct this imbalance. By fixing the imbalance, everything else falls in line. My skin is beautiful now. I would recommend this to any one suffering from any skin lesions and digestive problems.

Coconut Oil and Raw Sugar
Posted by Phoebe (Mendocino) on 02/10/2022

Every now and again I get this terrible itch in my forearms which turn into these red raised bumps which become itchier and itchier and no matter how hard I try, I eventually start to scratch them. I'm a RN in a clinic so I have had doctors prescribe me everything and anything but nothing worked. Until one day a woman told me her brother had terrible eczema and he cured himself by mixing organic virgin coconut oil with raw sugar; then using it as a skin scrub every time he bathed. So I tried it even though I was super doubtful, but omg it is glorious. First off all you finally get to scratch this terrible itch without breaking the skin, second the lovely coconut oil leaves your skin exfoliated yet soothed. And after about a week of this, the rash is gone. I don't know try it because believe me I tried every steroid, every antifungal, every antibacterial, every essential oil, apple cider vinager even baking soda :::oh yeah calamine and oat baths….but nothing worked like simple coconut oil with sugar. Hope that helps. ❤️

Dead Sea Salt and Rose Hip Oil
Posted by Maggie Smith (Philadelphia, Pa) on 06/27/2020

I had sun-induced eczema on my neck that made it look like sandpaper - I have gotten it every summer for the last 10 years and it typically lasts several months. This year, I used two things that got rid of it in 2 days - a spray I made from dead sea salt and distilled water, followed by rose hip oil.

Try it - it worked like a charm.

Lemon Juice, Magnesium Oil
Posted by Tommo (Scotland) on 10/16/2017

I have finally cured the big patch of eczema which covered my upper right arm, after four years of trying many of the cures recommended on this site. Products which helped included ACV, iodine and clay. This was probably due to them removing the dead skin because, in my case, all moisturisers made the eczema itchy. I think the moisturisers were feeding the dead skin and not allowing the healthy skin to breathe.

My cure is probably a combination of lemon juice, transdermal magnesuim chloride oil and possibly overnight fasting of 16 hours e.g. stop eating at 7pm and breaking my fast at 11 am with a decent breakfast.

The lemon juice was a sheer fluke. My arm was so very itchy so I grabbed 1/2 a lemon which had been sitting in the fridge for a few days. The rind was hard and so rubbing the arm with the lemon rind was sheer bliss. Hours later the redness had disappeared and the skin was still calm, not itchy. I continued to rub my arm with lemon juice only washing it off before the next application. The lemon juice exfoliated all the dead skin which may be the reason that the itch and redness disappeared but the skin was still thick (lichen simplex chronicus) but not scaly so I decided to drench it regularly with transdermal magnesium chloride oil which I massaged into the skin.

When all the rough skin disappeared except for two extra thick "spots", I removed the top layers of dead skin painlessly from these lumps with a sterilised needle. It was about this time that I changed my regime only eating during an eight hour window during the day which means that all the food in my stomach will be digested before I tuck into breakfast the following morning.

Epilogue: I broke my upper arm four weeks ago and since then it has been envelopped in a sling so my arm has not been exposed to much fresh air recently but I have continued to spray my lovely smooth skin on my arm with the magnesium chloride and to date the eczema has not returned. Hurrah!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tommo (Bonnie, Scotland) on 05/08/2017

Finally eczema is disappearing fast after three years of trying most of the natural remedies recommended here. I realise that it is slightly premature to post my good news but there has been such a remarkable change for the better in the appearance of my skin that I wanted to tell other eczema suffers about my success. Even if it does not cure the eczema 100% (which I hope it does) the condition seems to be fading fast. Recently I started to eat lots of sauerkraut with my main meal of the day and have been spraying the eczema patches with transdermal magnesium twice a day. The improvement is outstanding and although the condition has not completely disappeared I have only been on the sauerkraut regime for just over two weeks now but hallelujah the itch has gone and most of the dead skin and inflammation too!

Concerning ACV in my case it calmed the itch because it sloughed off the dead skin. Moisturising the eczema helped create the itch because the dead skin was soaking up the creams and oils and they probably discouraged my skin from producing its own moisture while I plastered it with lotions and potions. I have had a modicum of success with Lugol's oil too as it obliterated the dead skin and tamed the itch.

The first and only other bout of eczema that I have experience was 17 years ago and I managed to clear that up immediately thanks to four treatments of colonics but that did not work for me this time round. There was no marked improvement after three sessions whereas the previous time, the eczema cleared up overnight after the first session but I had been recommended to have a minimum of four sessions so I completed the treatment.

Let food be thy medicine! Good luck!

Posted by Karen (Melbourne, Australia) on 08/08/2015

I struggled with eczema for 20 years. And then discovered liquid aloe vera. Drinking about 45ml on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and 6 months later it is gone! You need to continue with it as our comes back of you stop, but I have been rash and itch free for 15 years now.

I don't even have a little bit any more. Hope this helps.
