Weight Gain
Natural Remedies

Ten Diet Tweaks to Lose Weight for Life!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Jackson) on 01/18/2016

I have been trying to take this apple cider vinegar to lose weight mixed with water and cayenne pepper and lemon juice... But when I do I get a headache.....does it have anything to do with my medicine that I take....bp med latansan, nexium and crestor alliegen med?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gale (NY) on 01/02/2023

An overweight body = Toxic body

It's perfectly normal as we're losing weight to develop headaches & other symptoms...as the body is losing fat... the toxins stored within the fat are being released into the bloodstream for exit out of the body...symptoms are initiated by the body to remove excess toxicity.

Posted by Mrs A (London, Uk) on 05/22/2015

The secret of losing weight is to buy a juicer and a liquidiser and to eat as much as possible of your food RAW. I bought my first juicer about 40 years ago, and took to drinking two or three glasses of vegetable juice a day (carrot, celery, cucumber etc: the softer vegetables are better liquidised). The weight simply fell off - which I wasn't even expecting - and has stayed off. I could almost say you don't have to make ANY other alterations to your diet - I mean there's no need to cut out your favourite treats entirely, though it would be wise to cut DOWN on them - and don't let yourself get hungry. Avocados, bananas, etc are fine: rawness is all.

For non-salad-lovers like me juicing and liquidising have been perfect, since one can get all the good stuff down in just a few gulps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jill (Chicago) on 06/02/2014

Be careful with the amount of ACV you put in your water. I started out doing 2 tps in water 3 times a day and it gave me a yeast infection. Honestly I have never felt any health benefits from ACV. When I have stopped drinking it for a few months I feel no different.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michele (Nc) on 06/16/2014

ACV cures yeast/ fungus, sugar and flour cause yeast, please check your diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Diet, Exercise
Posted by Nursejane (Texas) on 06/02/2010

I've been taking 2 tablespoons of raw organic apple cider vinegar diluted in 8oz of water and sweetened with 1 tablespoon of raw organic honey at night before bed. I'll be honest, I was extremely skeptical when I started this one week ago along with exercise and healthy eating. I've lost 8lbs and 2 inches from my waist in only 1 week!! I am amazed at the results. I've NEVER lost weight this quickly using diet and exercise alone. I'm now a believer in ACV. My skin is glowing and my energy levels are thru the roof! No more bloating and I just have an overall sense of well-being. Try it! It works!!

Master Cleanses
Posted by Fabat50 (Sb, Usa) on 10/17/2010

Its been 8 months, for a total of 60 lbs lost. I'm coming off another 21 day master cleanse. Lost 20 lbs. I feel GREAT!

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Longtail4711 (Seattle, WA) on 05/22/2009

Honey for Weight Loss and Stress:

I'm a big fan of honey for helping lose and maintain weight loss. My biggest problem with dieting is not that I don't enjoy daily exercise and vegetables, but I could not get rid of my sugar cravings in order to stop binging on cookies and chocolate! Especially in the afternoon and evening. It was stressing me out so bad I'd end up quitting and just yo-yoing my weight again. So read about honey, and thought it was worth a try. I started eating 1 TBS organic blackberry honey along with sprinkling of cinnamon on half a slice of toasted whole wheat pita bread. Perks me right up and gives me energy, and it gets rid of my sugar cravings! It's easy now to ignore high-fat fare, and I get a nutritious snack in the process that I don't have to feel guilty about. I've lost 64 pounds so far in the last year!

Honey and Cinnamon
Posted by Chu (Edmond, Oklahoma ) on 04/04/2009

i have been drinking honey and cinnamon tea for about a month and have lost 10lbs i don't really change anything about my diet, however i noticed somedays i do eat less and do not have the munchies, but somedays i will pigout and not gain any weight,,,i drink it mainly at nite, and sometimes in the morning if i have time,,,i do add a ginger/honey flavored tea to it to mask the taste of the cinnamon and honey

recipe, i put in two shakes of cinnamon
one spoon of honey to taste, if it doesn't taste good you're not going to drink it, so adjust accordingly and use a tea that is to your taste,,,

it is important to use ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum) not cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cassia) because ceylon cinnamon only has .004% Coumarin and cassia has 5% Coumarin. Relatively small amounts of coumarin can damage the liver of particularly sensitive individuals.

i also found if i used pure raw unprocessed unfiltered honey the results were much faster,,,raw unprocessed honey is not runny and is in a solid state much like butter.

for those who like to follow recipes exactly
i use Owl brand Ginger Honey tea
Wee Bee Honey Naturally Raw
cinnamon from http://www.a1spiceworld.com/cinnamon_ground.html because most cinnamon found in stores are cassia or they are not even labeled, so it was easier to be sure i had the correct kind when i bought online, this was the cheapest place i could find it,,, i bought the 8oz size which comes in a convient shaker, this is lasting me a long time i've barely made a slight dent in the bottle.

hope this helps some of you guys with your weight loss goals!

Grilled Chicken and Cabbage Weight Loss Recipe
Posted by Nicole (Phoenix, AZ) on 08/30/2007

I was given this recipe (see below) from my mother to lose baby weight, I noticed I lost weight, had better bowel movements, hemmoroids went away, and my baby blues were gone. I stoped because I was craving other foods. I noticed how bad i felt when I stopped taking it.

cabbage -diced
grill chicken - (optional)

green onion - diced
cilantro - diced
slice almonds


2/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup apple cider vinegar or more to taste
1 tsp sea salt(optional)
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp soysauce(optional)
1 tsp hot mustard or
cayenne pepper (my choice)
2 tsp organic maple syrup Grade B
mix and pour over salad

You can do variations of this, I added raisins, or dried cherries. It worked for me losing weight, depression, hormonal acne, joint pain, and I recovered faster from my c-section.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bingo deanne (Fullertonj, ca) on 06/04/2007

wow! lost all the baby fat. thinner now than before i was pregnant. it really works. i take 2tsp-at least 3* daily. straight-no water. i am lean. not to mention detoxing more a la potty time. i get a comment on the weight loss on a daily basis from those who haven't seen me in a while. stick to it..at least 3* daily..before or after meals-especially before bed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jess (Bg Ky) on 01/23/2014

I would not mix ACV in Airborne--or take Airborne at all. It contains an artificial sweetener, which is not only poison, but also makes you FAT!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Danielle (Eastpointe, MI) on 02/08/2007

ACV is amazing! I've been reading this website and decided to try 'The Cleanse' recipe for losing weight. On 2/5/07 I began taking 1/2 cup of _______s Unfiltered ACV, 1/4 cup fresh squeezed lemons, cayenne pepper, and 2 tablespoons of honey in a quart of spring water and only 4 days later, I've lost 5 lbs.! I'm so excited about ACV; I didn't think it would work so fast. My goal is to lose 20-25 lbs. I will continue this regimen until I reach my goal. Thank you for this wonderful website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Raven (BC, Canada) on 12/11/2006

I've been drinking 1.5 l of water with 3 tbsp of acv everyday and noticed that it wasn't really doing anything. My acne (really, really mild) stayed the same and so did my weight; actually it increased but that's just due to how me and my sorority eat. 4 days ago I was reading the more drastic cures for weight problems and sort of made my own concoction:

1/2 cup acv,
1/2 water,
2tsp honey.

I like to get unpleasant stuff over and done with and this cure is made to do just that. It has the same weight loss benefits as the classic 1/2 cup acv, 1l water and 2tbsp honey only you take it in one shot and you don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. I use a straw; it makes it easier to gulp down and seems to be slightly less harmful for my teeth. I then slowly eat a couple of cubes of cream cheese (to neutralize the remaining acid in my mouth) and brush my teeth. The results? I have lost 4lbs in 4 days and 4 cms off my waist. I am not a heavy person, so this just shows that even people who want to lose a little weight just before swimsuit season can quickly (and relatively safely) do so. There is one con to it: after you drink it you feel a little queasy for about 15 minutes and I personally can't bring myself to eat breakfast for half an hour afterwards. As a side note: to give a better idea of the other things that contribute to my weight gain/loss, here is what I do every day: I speedwalk/ jog for at least one hour almost every day (minimum 6 days a week) but on the other hand I also LOVE pasta and milk products and haven't yet started moderating my caloric intake. I hope this helps; I just wanted to contribute seeing as I'm eternally grateful to those who have posted their recipes because I have never been able to lose weight this fast and still eat the stuff I love in the quantities I want. Good luck to everyone!

Avoid Spun Honey
Posted by Sharon (Boston) on 03/31/2006

I got a huge pot of organic spun honey from the farmer's market last month. It was delicious, but after a couple of weeks, I noticed a huge buildup of dead cells on my tongue towards the back. It was pretty gross. I also felt my metabolism slowing down and I gained a couple of pounds even though I was eating very healthily. I bought regular honey at Whole Foods last weekend and after 3 days my tongue is back to normal and I am starting to lose those 2 pounds! Interesting, eh?!

2-3 Eggs Per Day
Posted by KS (IL) on 11/17/2021

What is the machine you use that measures cholesterol? You seem to have done your research. I've also read about sugar causing cholesterol, and that eggs don't create a "bad" cholesterol. My biggest problem is bread though.

Plant-Based Diet
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 11/21/2021

Hi Mama to Many -

Thanks for the update with your husband's weight loss.

Although, if he loses any more of his “insulation” and keeps feeling the cold, you may have to invest in some heavy-duty thermal long johns for his Christmas present!

I think you're right – one of the keys to success is having the odd non-diet meal. Everything in moderation (well, except for Thanksgiving and Christmas, heh, heh).

Speaking of which, have a very Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday!



Posted by MTucker (Long Beach, Cali) on 07/18/2019

I started Resveratrol 3 months ago for weight loss in conjunction with a new diet (plant-based) and exercise. I take 200 mg capsules, three times a day. Lost a few pounds, but more remarkable to me is that my blood pressure is down, having good sleep, and super high energy during the day. I am extremely focused and getting a lot done because of it. Highly recommend.

Posted by Shirley (Ontario) on 05/25/2016

Ginger in it's raw form is the best, not heated. Heating it destroys the best part of it. Candied ginger is just a bunch of unneeded sugar. It doesn't even have a texture similar to ginger. I don't get it. Fresh ginger juice is out of this world!!! RAW RAW RAW!!

Neem Tea
Posted by Hisjewel ([email protected]) on 05/02/2016


I noticed that the mention of the moody feeling I get when drinking the Neem tea was rated as Better but with side effects. So I thought perhaps someone may want to know if there were any other side effects.

After the first day of taking the Neem, I began to feel stings as if I were about to break out in a rash. it was similar to the feeling that I got when I took the borax for a month, so I concluded that it was die off because of my experience with the borax.

Mind you I drink a lot of water while taking Neem tea. After 12 days of taking the Neem I took a break from it. The stinging stopped, I never got a rash, perhaps because I cut down to a third cup of the Tea. Also when I started back taking the Neem no more stinging. The stings did not return.

The other side effect was a very light headache.

The many benefits I got from drinking the Neem tea out weight the side effects so I just take breaks from drinking the tea. Some suggest weeks. but I only drink a little bit, so I just skip a few days. and start again.

Not only have I lost weight (2 sizes Down), I don't have to depend solely on the baking soda any more to kill a UTI infection. The Neem has helped to regulate my blood sugar.

When you read up on Neem, you are advised to check with your doctor if you have diabetes, because Neem may lower your blood sugar.

I know Neem helped with my blood sugar, because usually when I eat sweets I have to run for the baking soda and Molasses.

I will have a confirmation soon, I do have a doctor's visit scheduled.

"Yes Neem tea tastes terrible! " But it works great!

Neem Tea
Posted by Hisjewel (America, New York) on 05/09/2016

Good Morning Everyone, As I awoke this morning I remembered what I am sure is an important detail in the first 21 days of losing weight.

Most mornings I only had hot water for breakfast. Some morning's I had tea or coffee. That's it just the hot drink.

My first meal was lunch, I don't think I noted it, but with dinner, I had plenty of cooked greens. For evening settling a fruit snack or hot drink was the best I could do.

I expected to lose water weight, but did not really know I lost weight till my clothes got loose. I did not weight my self. I got weighted at the doctors office. That's why originally said two sizes down.

All these weight notes to you are because I usually gain my weight right back. But even though I have added a limited amount of the other foods back, one or two of the prior mentioned supplements or teas has been working to keep the weight off.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gale (NY) on 01/02/2023

The body creates symptoms for a reason...symptom suppressing drugs cause more harm...your body has high blood pressure for a reason...you need to get to the root cause as to why your body is raising its blood pressure...

Posted by Smokymtnlady (Tennessee) on 08/20/2015

I am here to give a resounding NAY for cinnamon for weight loss. I had already lost 15 pounds by tracking my caloric intake with a free app on my phone. I thought adding cinnamon might help shed the last few pounds. Well *pay attention* if you decide to take cinnamon. I added only a tiny pinch to my morning coffee each day. It was delicious! But after 6 weeks of this I was so constipated that my abdomen was having sharp cramps through the day. That is when I learned that cinnamon is also used as an anti-diarrhea supplement. Results may vary, of course. My husband can take turmeric every day and still have regular bm's but my system is way more sensitive apparently because both cinnamon and turmeric stop me up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/10/2013

Hi, thank you for your post, I lost weight last year and actually among other things I was taking ACV. Just interested what blood group are you?

Also I wonder if the reason ACV helps us loose weight is the vitamin k is good for our liver and gall bladder and helps with fat metabolism?! Just wondering.. Thanks for reminding me. I'll start taking it again but might add some bicarb of soda. Keep us posted of your continued weight loss, thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mari (Miami Fla) on 08/21/2013

Do u take the Apple Cider Vinegar before you eat or after to lose weight?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deonet (Washington) on 05/10/2016

Hi. Yes, ACV can be great for you but just like all good things, too much can be bad. A proper amount of ACV can help balance the body's ph levels, especially in the bladder, and help the body metabolize certain things. Just like in the pet section for incontinence and thyroid issues though, too much ACV for people can throw the balance too far to the alkaline and cause infection too. Wisdom and caution, prudence and proportion with all things. Blessings to all.

Traditional Chinese Medicine
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/18/2012

Hi Sara, You are so welcome, I love sharing what I know if it can help others. As for Chinese herbs for weight loss, well, that's what makes Traditional Chinese medicine so special. Each individual is just that- individual. This is why going to a Chinese herbalist or acupuncturist would be able to find your reason for the extra weight. Of course, if you go into a Chinese medicine store such as the type in Chinatowns you will find many weight loss teas at your disposal. You can look into those but read the labels carefully because some have herbs just to clean you out or act as a diuretic.

The Chinese herbs for weight loss work in different ways. The first type are for "transforming phlegm" which in this case, the one which is very effective is Citrus aurentium. They help burn the brown fatty tissue which is the hardest to burn off.

The second type is to increase qi and yang energy which in this case would be astragalus, ginseng, ginger, cinnamon, epimideum and eucommia bark. All of these increase the body's energy and speed up the metabolism.

And third, the detoxifying herbs which are bitter herbs. They reduce inflammatory, acidic conditions. Ganoderma is one of these herbs as well as coptis, Chinese rhubarb and scute. An indication for these would be people who crave oily, spicy and sweet foods.

One final note is there is also the emotional side of eating which can be addressed with bupleurem root, zizyphus and biota seeds and longan fruit.

So as you can see, there are different avenues to explore. You could call Dragon Herbs and have a free phone consultation and hear their recommendations. There is no obligation to buy anything and if the herbs don't work for you they'll refund or exchange.

Anyway, I hope this information was of value to you. You can of course, always do some exploring on the internet to find formulas based in this info I just gave you. Best to you, Lisa

Posted by Tea (NZ ) on 10/31/2020

Lol your comment to stop talking soy.... I thought the same thing. Read ages ago ted from Bangkok said to use soy capsules I think it was several times a day for weight loss and after fatty foods.

havent tried it but the apple cider vinegar three times a day and fresh ginger root all day sounds the go!

if nothing else apparently is anti aging for your face😁

Cinnamon and Honey
Posted by Dan (Tempe, Az) on 06/09/2012

I decided to the cinnamon and honey tea to my daily routine a week ago and I am already seeing effects!

My process: I put 1 tsp organic ceylon cinnamon into 8 oz of boiling water and let it seep for 30 minutes. Then I add 2 tsp organic raw honey. I drink half of the tea before bed and the other half in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast.

Results/effects so far: I have already been on a weight loss journey and adding the tea gave me an extra edge. In one week my measurements shifted down. I have read that this tea will make you lose inches before lbs.

I will definitely continue to use this on a daily basis, I'm sure I will continue to see other benefits!

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Blue (La, Calif) on 06/01/2012

Just some friendly advice but I think the max is 1 tablespoon 3x's per day, someone please help me if I'm wrong! I have used this to slim down in the past so I can at least say that it is a helpful dose and it is possible that too much can be hard on the stomach. If you aren't already, take 30 minutes before each meal for best results with slimming.

Seasalt in water is great for retaining some water and providing minerals if you are having to drink so much. There is much info online about this.

Flaxseed and psyllium husks are also good for flushing things out of the system, but without needing to overconsume water to do it. Milk Thistle and Dandelion are helpful too.

Matcha Green Tea is excellent for metabolism and stress, plus filled with antioxidants (it's the ideal form of green tea for such). These are all things I've used and loved at different times... And thought they might help as well.

Another way to slim down is to avoid grains, rice, wheat, etc and eat these more sparingly when needed. Don't go overboard or do anything unhealthy of course! Either that or check your blood and metabolic type (lots of 'free' tests for this online) and see what it advises. (This is more to be taken for the long term as only time will tell, and the advice offered isn't usually weight, but health oriented... Tho they can go hand in hand). In other words, don't avoid grains if this is just what your type needs... And above all, always listen to your body.

ACV and Baking Soda
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/02/2012 2063 posts

Lately I have been getting good results w/ DMG (Dimethyglycine) as it boost energy as well as immune system. Also Magnesium Malate and/or Calcium Pyruvate are good natural energy boosters which would encourage weight loss. Any source of caffeine if not taken in large amounts illicits a thermogenic effect. Some Ginger/Cayenne caps would also be a winner.

Chia Seeds
Posted by ROSINA LOCK (east end of London UK) on 09/05/2022

I found Xiang's message about Chia seeds quite interesting, however whilst it sounded good, I cringed at their message for the following reason:

WARNING!! Xiang explained that Chia seeds expand 9 times their own weight in water and that is why they keep you full. and 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds makes 9 tablespoons of hunger fighting gel. PLEASE READ: I READ A STORY ABOUT A YEAR AGO WHEREBY A GUY KEPT POPPING CHIA SEEDS IN HIS MOUTH. THEY EXPANDED AND WAS RUSHED TO HOSPITAL, BUT HE DIED BECAUSE THE CHIA SEEDS SWELLED UP IN HIS WINDPIPE AND CHOKED HIM TO DEATH! Please be very careful because everytime I hear the mention of Chia Seeds I cringe! I won't even attempt to use them. You need to drink a lot of water with Chia Seeds, and there are a few other seeds that can swell up like this, not sure but I think Pumpkin seeds might be one as well. Just take a small amount of Chia seeds with plenty of water, due to reading about the guy dying because they all swelled up in his windpipe, I only buy any seeds in POWDER FORM! So whilst Chia seeds might be very good, be careful! I don't understand why some of these products don't explain any type of danger like this! It should be on the packets by law! Rosina from UK

Posted by Xiang (Cleveland, Ohio) on 04/26/2012

Effects: According to a study published by "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, " cinnamon has been linked to weight loss because the spice stimulates, or increases, the metabolism of glucose. Glucose, or blood sugar, is a main source of energy and affects how hungry or energetic you feel.

Benefits: A benefit of cinnamon is its ability to delay food from progressing through the digestive system. Food is delayed in the stomach and, as a result, leaves you feeling full for a longer period of time. This results in a reduction of hunger and causes you to eat less. In addition to satiation, the active compound in cinnamon is methyl hydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP) and works to increase glucose metabolism, according to the USDA. Your blood sugar level determines whether you burn fat or store it. Increasing your glucose metabolism through the use of cinnamon tablets burns excess glucose, which is stored as fat in your body. In short, feeling less hungry and burning excess glucose more effectively equates to eating less and losing weight.

ACV and Coconut Oil
Posted by Julie (Tarboro, Nc) on 08/21/2011

I have taken 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil for almost a month now, and I have gained no weight. As a matter of fact between the coconut oil and the Apple Cider Vinegar I have lost 30 lbs.

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