Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Posted by Conner (United Kingdom) on 09/12/2014

Hi, recently, well today, I've came across Turpentine for Candida. Would this be safe for an 18 year old to consume and if so how much should I take? Here is what I have, which may or may not help:

  • white tongue
  • psoriasis on scalp/forehead
  • brain fog
  • strained eyes / losing vision!
  • on my left leg, by the shin, I get muscle spasms
  • irregular BM
  • very tired

Thank you so much.

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/12/2014

Hi Conner...Canada Turpentine or Canada Balsam(Terebinthina Canadensis) is well known in old western medical pharmacopia and is derived from the fir tree. See this description. I prefer to use the pure gum spirit of turpentine from the pine tree.

It seems, from all your symptoms, that you probably do have candida problems. The muscle spasms you are having are probably due to a lack of magnesium and/or a lack of potassium in your diet. To confirm whether you have candida for yourself(since doctors are so hopeless at accurately diagnosing candida problems), you should take this free questionnaire online(which is based on Dr William Crook's questionnaire for diagnosing andconfirming candida):

Candida Questionnaire

You also stand a good chance of having low thyroid or hypothyroid condition due to the effects of candida waste toxins in the blood. So your immune system will also probably be impaired.

Since you live in UK, I would simply use the Myland's brand of pure gum turpentine which is made in UK. Just do a google search on "Myland's Turpentine" to find UK vendors.

You can also use Kerosene to help get rd of candida:

Kerosene: The Universal Healer

If you do have systemic candida, I've posted my full protocol here on EC. See this link. I've also written a book which is sold on EC and amazon.com that goes into much more detail about candida as a pathogen and also provides and describes a more focused multi-protocol to get rid of this disease. The point I'm making here is that systemic candida can be extremely hard to defeat. So taking just one thing against serious candida issues usually will not cure this problem -- the candida either never goes away completely or it just keeps comes back. That's why you really need to follow a more focused multi-nutrient protocol to get rid of this disease. You will need to use other candida killers such as lugol's iodine, borax, alkalizing etc as well as following a special diet with lifestyle changes for a successful outcome.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Ali (Ny) on 08/03/2017

hi there

I learned about turpentine from my father who said he was given it as a child in a spoon. He also said he was given a teaspoon of kerosene with a sugar cube in it whenever there was any runny noses afoot. He said this wiped out the cold. Mind you he also said he took the sap directly from the pine tree in a pail we're they later distilled it and then ingested. He's in his 80's. These days were given lots of things to ingest like fluoride which is considered a halogen which has some not so nice effects and we don't Bat an eye.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Steve (Brampton, Ontario - Canada) on 05/13/2018


This is product of Australia's company here in Canada, and the product name is "Bio-Option, Pure Turpentine and can be found in any Home-Depot store. Price is around $11.00 Canadian dollars. Excellent quality - pure 100%. I try myself with excellent results.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 09/01/2014

Dear Bee,

I hear what you are saying! I often pretty hesitant to try something new with health and will have to read about it many, many times before I jump in to it, especially when it is labelled as something that is not to be ingested! I, too, have thought, “Turpentine? Are you crazy?” “Borax? Isn't that poisonous?” etc.

But often the more I look in to it, the more sense it makes. The turpentine that Om mentions, the organic stuff made in GA, is distilled from pine rosin. It is a completely natural product. It reminds me of how my sons made maple syrup in the spring by tapping our maple trees and boiling off the water. They took a part from the tree and processed it and made a great and nutritious food! So, I bought some of the organic turpentine from Ga. It smells quite amazing. Very “piney.” But, true to my nature, it sat for months without me even trying it. I had no specific need for it, but just wanted it on hand to try when I got brave enough. I have used it topically a couple of times for joint pain. I am currently using it to worm my goats since nothing else natural or otherwise has worked. So far, so good.

Regarding Borax…it is a natural product mined from the earth, like salt.

Here is a quote I love:

“Poison is in everything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.” ~ Paracelsus

Taking a ton of borax would be a bad idea, and so would taking a ton of salt. Likewise, lobelia is an amazing herb. But if too much is taken, it causes vomiting.

I believe that people are taking borax and turpentine in very small quantities, measured by drops or ¼ teaspoons. Drinking them in any large quantity would not seem wise.

Borax is sodium tetraborate decahydrate – or Na2B4O7 • 10H2O. Sounds rather scary, except, that when you break it down you get, Sodium, Boron, and H2O.

I am just beginning to use these two things myself, so I have no remedies or successes to share yet, but hope to at some point.

The hydrogen peroxide inhalation therapy sounded rather scary to me for a while. But then I realize you are dealing with hydrogen and oxygen. Things we already breathe. I have used it in a nebulizer recently with shocking success.

Anyway, some skepticism is wise, I think. It makes sense to read and study and ask questions. Thanks for asking valid and good questions. I will look forward to hearing some other thoughts on the matter!

~Mama to Many~

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/17/2016

Hi Steven...You should be able to obtain essential pine oil off internet sites like ebay or amazon without much trouble. That's how I obtained my own turps or pine oil supply that I have been using regularly for the last 3 years. This essential pine oil form is always pure and is usually triple distilled. I live in the Philippines and it was the only form of turps that I could get because, generally, in some countries like the US inflammable liquids like kerosene or turpentine are banned from shipment abroad. Or it will cost you an arm or a leg due to shipping safety requirement costs. I've been using the essential pine oil form for three years now and I'm quite happy with it -- it's very effective. You might even be able to purchase essential pine oil from a health shop in Chiang Mai.

Kerosene is virtually the same as gum turpentine and just as effective as turpentine regarding its medicinal qualities and components but is harder to get. In the old days they used just the lamp oil form of kerosene but now there are so many different types of kerosene it can be quite bewildering and confusing. The rule that I would always go by would be to only use kerosene that is a pure distillate that has no additives and which fals within thedistillate range of 100 C to 200 C. My own personal preference would perhaps be to use kerosene in the distillate range of 100 C and 150 C -- the same lighter kerosene form that Paula Ganner used as an all-round cure-all so successfully in Europe.

Avoid using Paraffin USP oil unless you want a laxative -- this a British standard and is a much thicker oil with a much higher distillate temperature thus containing different components and properties to either kerosene or turpentine and so it is not the same. Also I would definitely avoid using the blue or pink paraffin forms.

More info for you on turpentine and kerosene here.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Marston (Grass Valley, California) on 02/16/2016

Hi Bill, I am in the middle of Dr Daniels Candida Cleanse protocol. I was disappointed that she would not answer any questions without paying her a monthly fee. She is no doubt a brilliant lady but not as generous with her time as you are. 
I was wondering if you would comment on her protocol. For example she says only use sugar with the turpentine and NOT honey. She also says no oils, even in a salad dressing. No nuts, no seeds, yet she says to drink 1/4 cup of soaked flax seeds What do you think, Bill? Your response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.

P.S. I have your book.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Carol (Manchester, England) on 08/29/2014

Hi. I've read everything I can find on turpentine, and really think it will help me. Thank you to everyone who has written of their experiences - it is so helpful.

I contacted Diamond G Forest Products, as they seem to provide the best turpentine. I was told that they don't ship to England. I have managed to obtain an alternative, but am not sure about the quality.

Is there anybody in the USA who would be interested in buying a can for me, and posting it out to me? I will of course pay for this.


Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 07/03/2015

Greetings Andreea, I have researched Mylands turpentine and have found that it is good quality and suitable for internal use.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 01/29/2016

Pure Gum Turpentine can be bought at Baldwins in the UK. http://www.baldwins.co.uk/baldwins-turpentine-bp-gum-turpentine

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Richard (Bellingham, Wa) on 07/26/2016

You can find pure balsam turpentine and a great medicinal quality pine tar sourced from

Sweden at auson.se



Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 03/01/2015

Hi William...Your upper GI pain might simply be due to symptoms caused by candida die-off or Herx reactions. And if you are, at the same time, detoxing heavy metals with other protocols then this can give very similar symptoms as well as, in some cases, strange skin problems. Initially, when you start the turpentine protocol, these die-off and detox symptoms should be expected, since you will initially be killing huge amounts of candida and other pathogens with the turpentine and other protocols and the same goes for the heavy metal detox.

Further on down the timeline, when you eventually get the candida and detox numbers down significantly, your immune system will then start to become healthy again and act dominate your body as it should and eventually you health should be much improved.

What I'm saying here, as an ex-systemic candida sufferer myself, is that when you start any successful protocol against candida then you will always feel worse before you begin to feel better and heal. Indeed, if this were not initially the case, then I would seriously question whether the anti-candida protocol you are using is working properly or not.

I also use turpentine in my own anti-candida protocols, which is a bigger protocol that is shown here in some detail. This protocol has also been quite successful for other candida sufferers who have used it.

Posted by Kevin (Santa Barbara) on 11/15/2015

Every time I see "irregular heartbeat", I think of my severe Right Side Bundle Branch Block, google it. It's a heart problem that's similar, roughly, to your mom. I cured it in 8 months by slowing my breathing down. My former heart problem totally went away.

It's not easy. Especially sleeping. Wearing a construction mask helps the O2 CO2 exchange. When away, breathe through nose exclusively, and if possible, have her close one nostril, I used an earplug up one nostril .

I was shocked it worked. An old doctor friend told me about it. The young doctor I went to had absolutely no clue.

Good luck! Please try it.

Turpentine Usage
Posted by Emma (Wa, Usa) on 01/05/2015

Hello Bill,

You seem to be the expert in this group, so I will address this email to you.

I have candida and parasite (and lyme w/ co-infections) and I would like to use turpentine to address these. I have read Dr. Daniels' protocol but I don't like the idea to ingesting all that sugar. I have hyperinsulinemia and Diabetes type 2 from the lyme, so a lot of sugar consumption is not good.

I started my first dose of turpentine this AM -source from Georgia- and only took 1/4 tsp with 1 tsp coconut syrup (lower glycemic index) and 1 tsp avocado oil, chased it down with some liquid. I did not eat any food. I immediately became dizzy.

According to Dr. Daniels, becoming dizzy means that the turpentine went into the system too quickly and that not enough stayed in the gut. This defeats the very purpose that I'm trying to accomplish, namely keeping it in the gut to kill candida/parasites. I bought your book the other day so I can't use it as a resource for the moment. What am I doing wrong and what would you recommend?

Thank you.

Turpentine Usage
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 01/06/2015

Hi Emma...The reason you become drunk or dizzy when you took the turpentine is not directly because of the turpentine itself but because of its rapid-kill effect on large numbers of parasites, candida, viruses and bacteria in your body. And when killed in such large numbers, candida releases aldehydes and alcohol poisons into the blood that will mentally and physically affect you.

I've been working with autistic children who are also taking turpentine and this has more extreme behavioural effects on a child's mind and body like stimming, aggression, repetitive behaviours, not speaking, wild behaviour etc. This is due to the effects of these alcohols and aldehydes on their developing brains. By the way, these children get exactly the same mental symptoms if they take MMS -- so these mental effects are actually caused by the pathogen die-off(Herx effect). This Herx or die-off effect is fairly prominent and should always be expected when you are initially killing such a wide range of pathogens as occurs in Lyme disease.

The effect of supplementing turpentine(or MMS) is necessarily different in an adult because adult brains are fully developed whereas a young child's brain is still developing. So, in an adult, the symptoms will manifest as feeling dizzy or drunk because of the aldehydes and alcohols released by the dead candida. Mood(depression) may also be affected.

If you wish to keep most of the turps to act in the gut then take the turps with castor oil. All the reasons for this are given in detail here.

The Turpentine Protocol is shown here. Take turpentine/CO three times a week(on a day on, day off basis) -- take it twice at the maintainance dose(1 tspn turps + 1 tablespoon CO) and once at the full laxative dose(1 tspn turps + 3 to 4 tablespoons CO) every week.

CO is a laxative and helps to disperse the turps rapidly throughout the whole intestines. The CO also inhibits the turpentine being absorbed into the blood -- so the turps mainly acts throughout the intestines.

So perhaps you should try taking the turpentine/CO protocol as advised above.

Posted by Rishicash (Long Beach, Ca) on 03/09/2014

I've read through all of the posts here for candida/turpentine therapy but didn't come across anything about a protocol diet. This blog is Best Type of Turpentine, but I couldn't find anything else regarding it.

The reason I bring this up is that I've had severe, chronic candida/parasites/intestinal bacteria for 30+ years and spent thousand of dollars and suffered through numerous programs with absolutely no benefit until I tried Turp with which I started to feel better the next day.

Back to the diet. I followed Dr. Daniels protocol to the letter for six weeks. Dr. D says that 3-4 eliminations daily are required along with super hydrating...and no meat or dairy. Her recommended diet is very carb based with grains in particular. After six weeks I decided to come off of it to see how I would feel and the first thing that happened is that I got very constipated immediately and has remained that way for two months now which has freaked me out a bit since I wasn't pre-protocol. My symptoms also started to return soon afterwards.

I tried to get some advice about the constipation from Dr. D, but she kept trying to sell me her book and sessions which I can't afford. I got ahold of Tony Pantalleresco as I had nowhere else to turn for advice and although he is quite a character, he was very generous with his time and advice...as in free. I explained to him what was going on and even sent him Dr. D's protocol. Tony was emphatic that the constipation problem was due to all of the grains and that they were terrible for candida. He didn't say anything about 3-4 eliminations a day or super hydrating, etc.

So although the turpentine part is the same, they are two very different protocols. Dr. D says the treatment won't be effective or can even be harmful if not followed precisely and Tony says otherwise. True, Dr. D has an MD, but she also has a business degree from Wharton.

I've been afraid to resume turpentine therapy since I was afraid that I might have damaged my system resulting in constipation, but Tony has assured my that isn't the case. I'm staring again with Tony's recommendation tomorrow. I'd like to hear what anyone else has to offer on this. There aren't many people who are familiar with Turp therapy and this is the only Turp forum I've found.

Posted by Olivia (Nc) on 11/11/2017

Irma, you can order the right turpentine @ this website


Posted by Kamil (Toronto ) on 02/03/2018

Does anyone know the protocol used for the mms and turpentine please?

Posted by Kimberly (Milwaukee WI) on 06/02/2022

Hello all thank God I found you!!!! I am having a horrible time dealing with this and none of these Wisconsin Dr.'s care. Telling me I'm delusional smh.. I feel so lost because I know what I'm going through and how my life has been interrupted because I'm dealing with these parasites daily. I used Turpentine because the assistant at the drugstore told me about it. I emptied out a lot and was disgusted. I am going to do 4 days on /off and hopefully it get the electrical feeling parasites out. Any suggestions for me please share. Thanks to u all and these DR's suck.

Posted by Mary (USA) on 09/14/2023

I have been taking 1 teaspoon a day with sugar and chase it with water. I am prone to constipation so I take things to make sure I can move my bowels. I have been staying near home because I want to drink a lot of water throughout the day. If you are working right now, you could try it on a weekend. I take mine first thing in the morning. However, a person can take a dose anytime of the day. You do whatever works for you. Therefore, a person wanting to try it on the weekend could start late Friday afternoon or Friday before dinner.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (San Fenando, Philippines) on 02/16/2014

Hi Madhu...I really see very little difference between aged and normal turpentine. Both the oxidized and reduced forms of beneficial iso-pinenes in turpentine are good for the body. See this link. So whether the turpentine is aged (oxidized) or not would seem to make little difference as to its effectiveness for the body.

Turpentine Usage
Posted by Suzy (Eugene, Or) on 01/31/2014

I bought the turpentine labeled Pure Gum Spirits... I saw the one that said 100% tree resin also. I decided that I would try a little bit in my bath water before I tried to ingest it. WHEEW~ the smell was pretty strong and it somehow did not strike me as a "natural smell" I changed my mind to even bathe in a little bit. I emptied the tub and noticed that my 100 year old cast iron porcelain clawfoot tub with some pretty awful mineral build up seemed to be looking a little better where I had splashed the turpentine.I grabbed some plain steel wool and went to work. I had tried all the stuff advertised for rust and stains and soap scum etc... etc.. and a whole bunch of home cleaners...including our friend vinegar.....but nothing worked like that straight up turpentine! ( Had to rinse it pretty good) BUT -- My tub looks fabulous!

It is a solvent so that makes sense! Thank you for helping me stumble onto this use for the turpentine. I still am going to wait for awhile before imbibing on it, and maybe I will order that organic brand from Georgia!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 01/27/2014

This would be the ideal product from them: 16oz 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine

Yes, it is just a required statutory warning.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/28/2014

Hi Timh...Liposomal turpentine certainly sounds interesting, but creating a liposomal nano-capsule relies on using lecithin oil to completely surround a droplet of the turpentine. Unfortunately, turpentine is very soluble in such oils so I don't think it would allow the oil to surround and encapsulate it -- but instead would just dissolve in it, thus preventing true liposomal delivery. That's only my opinion, mind you, so might be worth a try.

I also looked into DMSO as possible mechanism for turps delivery into the blood quickly in order to avoid the intestinal route but, unfortunately again, I found out that turpentine was completely insoluble in DMSO. So there are some drawbacks with turpentine, mainly due to its lipophillic nature.

I'm also trying an experiment right now with the turps. I mentioned in another post that I was going to try taking a small amount of alcohol distillate and turpentine mixed with water for faster direct absorption from the stomach into the blood -- for blood born diseases. I've had an annoying head cold and tickle in the throat for the last couple of days, so I thought I would try turps against this virus. I found an old bottle of whisky so I used that. Two teaspoons of jock whisky mixed with one teaspoon turpentine was the dose, then I added a third of a glass of water and drank it down (without ice...lol). Didn't taste that bad, to tell the truth.

That was over 2 hours ago. And yes, there were a few rumbles in the jungle from way down below, as well as some minor bloating effects but nothing too awkward, radical or painful. No nausea or anything like that. I have to admit that right now my head is not so fuzzy, blocked nose is gone, my vision is a lot clearer with apparently less coughing. It's evening now and early days yet, so will be able to judge the result more honestly tomorrow or in the next few days I think.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/28/2014

Hi Tina...Turpentine is mainly an anti-oxidant therapy but Hydrogen Peroxide is a pro-oxidant therapy. So if you take them at the same time they will react with each other to cancel out and neutralize each other's beneficial effects.

Luckily, hydrogen peroxide only lasts for about an hour in the body before it is used up. So just make sure that you take the turpentine dose at least an hour or two after you have taken the hydrogen peroxide.

It's not so bad for the turpentine because the reduced form(anti-oxidant) and the oxidized form of turpentine both have beneficial properties for the body. See this link. However, whenever HP is neutralized by an anti-oxidant it is usually just converted to oxygen and water and all its pathogen-killing and detox properties are lost as a consequence.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Salt Lake City) on 01/11/2014

I just started pure gum turpentine. This is my second day. Today I took just 4 drops and several hours later I am very very depressed..Don't understand why...Maybe the turpentine...Anybody know? Thanks...

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Denise (Seattle) on 01/12/2014

Hello Bill from the Phillipines, You said in a reply that it was likely my hep-c that caused my peripheral neuropathy...I've been treating my peripheral neuropathy with everything on this site and more with no results...So the safe assumption is I'm going at it all wrong...I should be attacking the source which is the hep-c...Are we in agreement with this...Thank you much..

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/12/2014

Hi Denise...Generally, nueropathy problems are fairly commonplace with Hepatitis C patients. This is called Cryoglobulinemia and results from the immune system cryoglubulins "globbing" in the blood vessels and causing inflammation affecting the nerves.

Regarding your more recent post, it is unfortunate that you have had such a reaction to the turpentine from taking such small drop dosages. Turpentine also has mild diuretic action, which means that it expels water and minerals from the body. Normally this does not cause problems(from my own experience), but if your main electrolytes(calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium) are out of balance then cramping in the body will occur. Lack of magnesium and/or potassium in the body are favourites for causing cramp.

Turpentine is also a wide-action pathogen killer. When pathogens are killed in high numbers then poisons will be released from the destroyed pathogens that can also give added or increased symptoms which can be severe. This is called the Herx effect. Furthermore, if your liver is weak or insufficient and has difficulty clearing these poisons then this may also give other added symptoms.

I must also add that turpentine acts to expel xenobiotics -- it will remove any synthetic drug or poison which the body does not recognize. This would also put a strain on the liver. I have no idea whether you are taking synthetic ribovarin or interferon, but turpentine may well act to also expel them from the body. So, if you are also taking these drugs, then you should not be taking the turpentine.

Perhaps you should investigate Oscar's BHT Remedy or Ted's Lysine, Threonine and Vitamin C remedies for Hepatitis C. These options should not generally give you such severe problems.

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/13/2014

Hi Tony...Turpentine/Kerosene both act as a diuretic and they expel xenobiotics. They generally function to cleanse the intestines and purify the blood.

Contra-indications between natural nutrients and drugs are always a problem. But whereas natural remedies tend to treat the core reasons for disease, drugs for chronic diseases are generally always palliative -- they only ever treat the symptoms.

What I'm saying here is that although these medical drugs might make you feel better, they do not treat the core reasons for your problems -- especially for heart disease and depression. So, if you continue to use these drugs, then further down the timeline these conditions are bound to get worse(because drugs do not treat the core reason -- they do not cure) and you will have to buy more and more drugs that fit the business profit model of the drugs companies perfectly.

In terms of drugs for serious chronic diseases, since a cure is generally out of the picture, we are not really patients -- we are just consumers.

Turpentine Tips
Posted by Yad (Sunny Somewhere) on 11/26/2022 15 posts


Diamond G Forest brand "pure gum spirit of Turpentine." Never use a brand of Turpentine you buy from a home improvement store, wood working shop or art supply shop. Please see link below for dosage and use protocols. Personally, I have never taken more than 5 drops at one time dropped into a coffee pack or two of brown sugar. Always start with only one drop to test your reaction and to see how you feel. I've read that taking castor oil along with the Turpentine can minimize some of the unpleasantness however I have never tried the Caster oil myself.



Turpentine Bath
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/06/2014

I can't have a bath where I live because everyone prefers showers in hot tropical countries like the Philippines. So I don't have a bath in my house.

So how I do it is to have a shower and just mix some drops of turps in with the soap in my hands and then wash my body down like that. The turps becomes emulsified by the soap into tiny droplets when you do this and it mixes in more thoroughly with the water and soap so it spreads better over the skin.

But just pouring a shot glass into a bath is also not really recommended. Better to add ordinary pine oil bubble bath into the bath first -- or add some soap to the bath water -- that will emulsify the turps into tiny droplets that will actually help to spread the turps around in the bathwater more thoroughly.

If you don't use the soap, the turps just tends to sit and tends to concentrate on the top of the water anyway because it is so insoluble in water. So it doesn't really spread down into the bath water where you want it to be.

In older times, the doctors regularly advised turpentine/water enemas. But they would always advise that you mix the turps and water with a little bit of soap because it helps to emulsify and spread the turps into the water as tiny droplets, making the enema much more effective. Same principle for taking a turps bath.

Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/01/2014

I want to share a video that I found from a Google search on the usage of turpentine. It's pretty detailed & will benefit the ones wanting to know more on how to use turpentine as well as the health conditions treated by it. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WtzHyl1GRA

Posted by Tony (Tn, Usa) on 01/04/2014

Hi Faeqa. What you need to look for in turpentine is "100% gum turpentine" or "pure gum turpentine" on the label. Check out Walter Last's site with more information about turpentine/kerosene: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/kero.htm. God Bless!

Inhaling Turpentine Vapors
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/09/2017

Post for us what the labels read, please! :)

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Marsha (Denver) on 03/02/2016

I love your question/comment about God, brilliant!

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Silvina (Texas) on 05/12/2023

I use Creekwood Naturals. You can get it on Amazon Diamond G brand is another.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 01/26/2014

HI U SPARROW, , , , , , , , , , ,

Not speaking as an authority, but when I started turpentine a year or so ago I researched awhile and bought my gum spirits from a professional Art Supplier on the internet. Artist use the highest quality Gum Spirits Turpentine there is. I would mention the name, but don't think that's allowed. It's not dirt cheap, but I had rather pay a little more than get tainted stuff.

Have not taken it in a while, but took it on on sugar cubes and it stayed with me for the rest of the day. Followed the directions of Dr Jennifer Daniels on the internet. She's one smart lady and was trying to help poor people until Big Pharma ran her off to Panama. I won't get into my Dante's Inferno routine.

========OLE ROBERT HENRY===========

EC: Robert Henry ... folks like yourself who have been posting on EC for a while can mention brand names.

Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/26/2014

Hi Sparrow from New York -- from Om

We used to get it in kindergarden in Europe. A few drops on sugar cube or molasses. Start with one drop and increase to, say, four. Up to one quarter tsp. or a little more. I found mine at a hardware store and phoned the company to make sure it was pure. It was pure. it is great stuff once you get used to it. Google "Experiences with Kerosene and Turpentine". Or read Walter Last on these. Namaste, Om

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 03/10/2014

Om, how often did you receive the turpentine when you were in kindergarten? Thanks

Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/26/2014

Hi Om...I'm in the same situation as you -- no-one takes baths in the Philippines, its always showers. Some more suggestions for you.

If you regard your mite problem as just topical and not internal, then you can try the following remedies:

* Use the topical remedy that Ted uses for Lyme/Morgellon's Disease shown here on EC. His remedy is also geared to kill a wide range of pathogens including insects, worms, fungus, bacteria, viruses, parasites etc. I would simply use this hydrogen peroxide/borax remedy topically after showering, applying it to all your mite infected areas(including hair and scalp) and leave it to dry and soak in properly without washing it off. Later, after an hour or two, you can wash it off. It might also be advised to hydrate the skin afterwards using aloe vera oil or coconut oil.

Ted has also used a stronger modified form of this remedy in the past to get rid of his more serious Morgellon's problem(also a tick problem) when he was working in America -- using 2% - 3% DMSO(Dimethylsulfoxide), 5% borax in a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution as a topical remedy. He also suggested using neem. See this link. This creates sodium perborate in solution which is carried into the sub-epidermal regions by DMSO to more effectively kill all the mites and pathogens lurking deep inside the skin. This remedy is very efficient and doesn't just act on top of the skin but works its magic deeper in the sub-epidermal layers to kill the mites and larva there as well.

My own favourite all-round topical remedy, which might also help you, is to simply apply DMSO mixed with a few drops of lugols iodine to the offending areas. Works on the same principals as Ted's Morgellon's remedy(iodine is carried deep into the skin by the DMSO). I now use a 50-50 mix of DMSO with lugols iodine but I would not advise other people to try this because some people might get a reaction in the thyroid caused by lack of certain anti-oxidants in their diet. For more on this aspect see here and here.

* For your nasal problems which are most likely a fungal/bacterial problem, I would recommend the product shown here. I know this product works well because my daughter-in-law uses it for her rhinitis, allergy and blocked nose problems and it works like magic. It is an all herbal nasal product made in an organic way without the use of chemicals, steroids, anti-histamines etc. Another option is just to regularly rinse your nose using a neti pot, water and sea salt. Or you can use a dilute solution of lugols iodine with a dropper which will also help to kill pathogens and clear the nose.

If none of the above remedies work for you or you get some improvement but you cannot fully cure your own mite problem with topical remedies alone then, logically, there must be an internal problem in association with the mite problem.

* Take Ted's borax water remedy as shown on EC. Borax acts to dry up and kill the mites from the inside. Add 1/8 tspn borax to a liter of water and drink a liter a day using this remedy on a five days on, two days off cycle like that.

* One of the better remedies against Lyme(and mites) is Dr Lee Cowden's internal all-herbal remedy which is fully described here with all nutrients, dosages and sourcing of ingredients used in his protocol:

Dr Cowden's Lyme Cure

Also remember that you will have to disinfect bedding, furniture and clothes to be absolutely sure of mite riddance. Wash all you clothes with borax. Spray a mite disinfectant on bedding and furniture or you can simply sprinkle and use diatomacious earth just as well to kill them in the house.

Posted by Marsh57 (Denver, Co) on 12/28/2017

I get mine from Diamond G Forrest Products directly. The owners are terrific. I contracted a worm from sushi that caused a host of ailments. Naturopath ordered an in-depth blood test that found a type of trichonomis spiriruls. She ordered a different blood test to verify if it was dead or alive. By this time I had been taking turpentine for 3 months and knew it was dead (was feeling alive again). So yes, it kills it! Natoropath had never heard of turpentine for deworming but was impressed after reading about it. Start slow and use amount for your weight.

General Feedback
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 01/02/2013 2063 posts

Robert Henry: Took my first dose (2 sugar cubes saturated) of 100% Turpentine Dec 29. Got a little heavy aftertaste in the gut fallowing, so I air-popped some corn w/ added sunflower oil & sea salt, fallowed by lemon water (increase the bile flow) and woke up latter in the night feeling unusually light. What improvement I noticed that night has seemed to carry on until now. After only one dose I have been telling myself, albeit w/ some reserve, "I've found a new and powerful ally. "

I am planning another dose tomorrow. Maybe to early to draw any conclusions but compared to the effect of other natural anti-pathogens like Grapefruitseed, Olive Leaf, Neem, Oregano, the Turpentine appears waaay more powerful. I guess it all comes down to potency and Turpentine is a highly distilled pure grade. I experienced no herx or die-off to speak of, although I do use lots of fiber and take peroxide cleansing enemas daily. I also found the taste not at all unpleasant, as-a-matter-of-fact, one might add a dropper to a citrus drink enjoyable.

General Feedback
Posted by Redtulip (Nz) on 05/23/2014

Kerosine for internal use must be purified. In Russia people use Todicamp (kerosine with green hull walnut) but you have to be very careful when choosing manufacturer. The best one comes from the inventor's son Andrey Todica.

Posted by Reader (Summerville) on 02/16/2024

The castor oil may interfere with your meds if you take them too close together. Castor oil is a laxative. The turpentine probably won't interfere or it would be well-known by now.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by %u201CG%u201D (PA) on 02/21/2023

The first time I took the distilled pure gum spirits of Turpentine, I had a reaction in my heart. My heart started pounding hard and continued for the next day and a half. I also had palpitations, felt drunk and whoosh, I was walking very slow and mental fog was great. I only took 1/4 tsp. I think I forgot to take it with something sweet and did not take it with food. Does anyone have any info on how it can affect the heart? I have Lyme and many other vector born infections. They have caused me to have an aneurysm and high LDL.

I waited quite a while before trying turpentine again. I took it with Maple syrup the second time and it wasn't quite so hard on my heart. The first time I felt pain for a second in the area of the aneurysm so I thought maybe it was getting rid of plaque in the area and felt it was a good thing. But the last time I took the Turpentine (only 4 drops) I have had a pounding heart and having a hard time with activity. But I also have started other herbs so I can't be sure it's the turpentine but it must be because the very first time I took it it scared me with the pounding and palpitations and pain for a second.

Turpentine Risks
Posted by Dr. H (Charleston, SC) on 04/22/2022

The internal use of turpentine is extremely dangerous, as indicated by the sole source associated with the article promoting its use. That source is a published study regarding an infant who was killed by the parents internal administration of turpentine. As evidenced in this source, turpentine is only safe when applied externally (though it may still cause irritation). Internal use has been linked to kidney damage and a multitude of other health problems and has resulted in death in multiple instances. This article is putting lives at risk by encouraging the internal use of a known poison that has substantial evidence regarding its risks.

Acid Reflux
Posted by KS (Vienna) on 05/09/2024

I took it on and off for 4-6 months.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Emma (VT) on 07/06/2021


I have had a good overall experience with turpentine over the last couple of weeks. I took it because I've been dealing with slow bowels for years. Also fatigue. Tried many things before and nothing has really helped.

I am taking 6 drops of turp on sugar. I have been taking it three nights on, two nights off. I find I sleep much better and awake without the grogginess and lethargy I have been so used to for years. That is the biggest positive effect I have noticed and I love it. It has not helped my elimination time, although when I used an enema with it I think it really helps to clean out junk that I don't normally get out.

The one concern I have is that over the last week I have noticed my feet are especially sore and achey. Today my hands, wrists and forearms are very sore too, and I notice I have a ganglion cyst on one of my wrists, which I have never had before! I do not have a history of arthritis or damage.

Does anyone know anything about this possible side effect and if this is a normal temporary thing, or if I need to support my detox more somehow, or if I should stop turpentine?

Thank you for any advice.

Multiple Cures
Posted by NeeNee (Knoxville, TN) on 06/14/2022

Sauerkraut juice. Get a good sauerkraut like Bubby's, and slam all the juice in one go. It'll break up the ganglion cyst.

Posted by Nas (Miami, FL ) on 04/13/2022

Have you thought of starting a blog?

Posted by Laura (45) on 10/13/2021

How long should you do this protocol for?

Posted by Hayes (Ga) on 07/02/2018

There are many youtube videos talking about how to use turpentine for parasites out there.

Posted by Linda farrell (St Charles, MO) on 01/12/2022

Does turpentine destroy parasites.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Dave (Canada) on 03/12/2018

What happened to the worms? If you had one worm you have hundreds.

Where to Buy: Brazil
Posted by Thomas H. (Brazil) on 08/23/2017

I have just moved to Recife Brazil from the US. I have used Turpentine for several years for Candida, with amazing results. Does anyone know where I can find 100% Gum Spirits (Turpentine) in Recife Brazil, or anywhere in Brazil for that matter?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Curtis (Texas) on 09/07/2017

Add a little everclear or vodka as the addition of the spirits will allow emulsifection of your slurry ..

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 08/02/2017


So I swabbed straight up turpentine, the fancy organic one in the little bottle, into my ears because they get itchy. They hurt soooo bad for about an hour. Like pressure like your ears are going to pop from a change in air pressure. Now a week or so later they are still itchy but it hurt so bad the first time I am afraid to do it again. It did clear my sinuses magnificently, though. It was almost worth it.

Turpentine in the Ears
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/03/2017

Anon, how about diluting it?

Poor Circulation
Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/10/2017

I've been using turpentine for the past few weeks for systemic whipples disease I can't really tell if it's doing anything or not. I also take baths with turpentine in it. This infection is throughout my whole entire body. I know t. whipplei acts like a fungus making it very hard to kill. This bacteria makes my skin itch so bad all the time especially on my legs it's drives me crazy.

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Salim (Beirut ) on 04/24/2021

Are you sure about turpentine not affecting good bacteria? If that's the case, then why do they all recommend maintenance dose for life? If the good bacteria is alive and well, it will keep candida in check and there would be no need for maintenance.

Turpentine and Gut Flora
Posted by Graham (East Sussex) on 03/16/2022

It's because they need to keep selling the product :)

Breast Cancer
Posted by Gb (Alaska) on 02/13/2017

I have been taking the turpentine and sugar cube remedy with little results. I feel a little better but not a lot. I was thinking of upping the dosage as I now take a tsp. with 3 sugar cubes. What is the safest upper limit? My wife said one lady had breast cancer and took 1 tsp. turp but no results but she upped it to 1/4 cup in one dose and got rid of cancer. Is taking turp with castor oil better? Does it work even better with sugar and castor oil or separately? Thanks.

Scalp Infection
Posted by Janie (Michigan) on 12/31/2016


I tried the turpentine protocol for parasites and had no reaction at all; no diarrhea, lousy feeling, nothing. So, I'm thinking no parasites. So I thought I'd try the turpentine on the bumps on my head (scabby bumps that start out as a swelling, then scab over. get bigger and spreading over time). I apply once a day with a q-tip, leave on overnight and then shampoo. Seems to help some, but still have these bumps coming up. Maybe not the right thing to try? I also take turmeric daily, about 1/2tsp of the powder.

My questions:

1. will applying turpentine to my skin cause problems?
2. what else can I try for my scalp bumps? Thanx

Posted by Adrian (Ne ) on 01/31/2017

Mardell, I'm taking the turps with honey. I still take the vitality caps to stay regular, though I've cut back from 3-4 cap/day to 2/day. I am now alternating turp doses with diatomaceous earth. The worst side effects have began to settle and regularly seeing symptoms of die off.

Posted by Adrian (Ne) on 04/03/2017

Thank you Ludi. I am still working on my detox. I have made drastic changes in my diet (raw vegetarian) and feeling clarity now that the candida is dying. I will continue the turps protocol for parasites. I have switched my carrier from honey and now using blackstrap molasses. Much more potent and needing to use less. I still use the DE and supplementing flushing liver/kidneys with borax and Epsom salts protocols. I will also begin taking coconut butter. Thank you for the support.

Posted by Ryan (California) on 08/03/2017

It sounds like you took the wrong kind of turp, you should have had 100 percent pine gum spirits...hopefully your alive now as this was a year ago

Posted by Timh (Ky) on 11/14/2016 2063 posts

John: Congrats on the cleanse. Backing up a bit, all those doses of Ascaris meds apparently not doing any good, admits that it was likely fluke or tapeworm you're dealing with. So when you go to Dr., don't go radical with your can of Turpentine as this product is warned by the federal authorities as a "dangerous, hazardous chemical" and is warned against human consumption.

Don't consider yourself out of the woods just yet, your visible samples are likely only a myriad of stages or juveniles and the adult is still alive. The worst case would be an adult tapeworm. I am not certain a colon endoscopy would revel an adult T.W. as they usually lodge in the upper intestine, but something you need to consider.

Let us know of your progress.

Posted by Eve (Nv) on 12/28/2016 22 posts


I have been using Oregano Oil for intestinal worms, pretty sure one is the Rope worm with fair results. I have Turpentine from the Diamond Co and feel safe there but my big problem is that my Sigmoid colon is blocked. It takes days for the Oregano Oil plus prescribed laxative to make its way pass the stricture. I'm concerned about Turp staying that long in the upper intestines and possibly getting in my lungs. Also, with this blockage what dosage would Bill recommend and any other advise. Thank God I have a surgeon who is working a little with me in case I perforate but knows zero about worms/parasites. My PC, I fired him, so don't a doctor so its all up to me and the expertise from someone like Bill or someone who has had the similar problem and I hope with good results. I'm open for any help. It takes so long for anything to pass through my intestines and I'm always very weak/fatigued and sick and think it might be the "die-off" and the toxins staying too long in the upper intestines. I have expelled a few worms but feel that possibly due to the length of time it takes for them to pass through many of them have died and disintegrated causing my weakness and feeling bad all the time.

I also have the beasts in my sinus and the Oregano Oil has seemed to help there and wonder if the Turp would kill them also? I don't intend to take both of the Oil and Turp together so need dosage what Bill would recommend for each. Thank You

I am 89, White female, prior to my parasite problems I weighed 139, my oncologist took note in a annual exam that I had lost 20 lbs and before things settled, had heart attack and stint within 2 wks when he saw my weight loss; have lost down to 92 lbs but have been able to keep 104lbs for the past 6 months but still have all the parasite problems with intestines and sinus.


Posted by Dave (Lacrosse, Wi) on 02/20/2017

Can you take turpentine, castor oil and sugar for a parasite cleanse? Sugar as bait, turpentine to kill them, and castor oil to promote an easy exit for the parasites.

Posted by Ryan (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

Hi Eve, I have the same issues as you and I have whipple's disease. I was a respiratory therapist for 10yrs. I too have lost a ton of weight, strength, and muscle mass because of this infection. I've been taking black seed oil and just started the turpentine a few days ago. I'm hoping this can kill the t. whipplei bacteria that's causing all of my issues.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 06/11/2020

I realize the above post is 4 yrs old, but after losing almost 40 lbs in the past year, I'm thinking I have a tapeworm. Hubby is the same. Have done a couple of cleanses, but still losing. I got the turps, but seeing your post about adult tapeworm infection makes me wonder how to go about it. Dr, of course, wants to test for cancer, etc. before looking at parasites. Is there a different protocol for adult tapeworm?

Posted by Christiana (Seattle ) on 07/12/2021

Viruses ARE parasites.

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 06/19/2020

I have been grinding what I would guess to be 2 or 3 Tbs pumpkin seeds and adding it to juice with clarkia. It measures 1/4 cup. Also take 1 cap mimosa pudica. Will add drop of turpentine tonight and up the pumpkin seed and see what happens.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Nadia (Nsw) on 10/15/2016

HI my name is Nadia where I can find clean turpentine in Australia?

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah, Qld.) on 11/28/2017

I bought Diggers pure gum turpentine I believe at Bunnings but have seen it elsewhere, even IGA.

Kerosene Tips
Posted by Simone (Netherlands) on 10/02/2016

I am a user of petroleum (ordinary one). It contains benzene, which causes a cold feeling after the chest (like feeling intense cold after eating a hot Candy f.e fisherman's friend) A very unpleasant feeling. To take this feeling away is to drink 1 cup of chichorei coffee a week. Chichorei is the penne (root) of chichory.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Lisa (Queensland) on 12/15/2021


What a wonderful account.

I'm on day 4 of my turpentine cure hopefully that my 10 year Candida sickness is leaving. Feeling good today not having those feelings that U experienced but can certainly say have experienced them in the past.

Kidney Pain
Posted by Mim (New York, New York) on 02/17/2016

Raw fresh green onion tops for pounding kidney pain. Eat a bit.

Posted by K (California) on 10/30/2015

Bill, my daughter suffers from fibro and chronic fatigue. Her metal tests go off the page.

Is it possible the turpentine protocol could assist in removing these metals?

I understand the caution required as a high load of metals pulled out at all at once can cause Mercury to travel to the brain where it does irreparable damage.

Your mention of turpentine as a blood cleanser caught my attention.

Thank you for all you do here.

Posted by AngPowerGirl (Kalamazoo, MI) on 05/23/2021

I would like to start using Turpentine to kill the fungus that has created cancer. I already used chemo drug Taxotere which contains a-pinene which appears to be derived from the pine tree. It worked but it was stopped short (8 months ago) so I would rather use the natural form in Turpentine instead of the chemical version of chemo.

Is the protocol the same as the candida protocol or is it different? Also, are there pharmaceuticals to avoid when taking Turp? I want to avoid any interactions. Thank you.

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/11/2022

Blood is not always a bad thing when you used the turpentine you may have a detox effect of some blood . I would use some hydrogen peroxide on a q tip and then let it fizz and repeat, Then use some castor oil on a q tip and let the tip set there and the oil go around the area without excess but just from the q tip . Then I would go from inside the mouth to detox some more of this . I would do a 1/2 tsp of castor oil swish in mouth and swallow. Don't rinse out. Spit will form and spit that in toilet . Then I would do capsule opened of some charcoal in the mouth to draw out any toxins and spit that after letting it set for half hour, follow with more castor oil. The teeth roots on top affect sinus and sinus affects ear . This will drain some stuff off. Don't panic . Castor oil is safe, I use it daily in ears mouth on scalp and feet. A foot soak would also detox this stuff out ...Like Epsom salt or vinegar or foot detox pads like activated charcoal and castor oil on large bandage overnight, cover with a sock. He could take 2-3 activated charcoal capsules with lots of water at bedtime, sleep like a baby and detox at the same time.

It is also possible he had a large wax blob in his ear that got set off by the turpentine and I wouldn't do any extreme measures until the bleeding calms down then read more on ear wax ~~ castor oil and hydrogen peroxide for ear was removal.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tiffany (TN - Tennessee) on 07/01/2023

What brand do people recommend? Thx

Posted by Guy (Uk) on 07/02/2015

Hi Bill Thompson- thank you for this fascinating site, and for the protocol information below for autism. My son has autism. After being diagnosed at age 2 at the severe end of the spectrum, he is now actually doing very well (aged 6) since we took him out of the national health care system and carefully selected a few treatments that felt right. His main difficulties are with understanding social interactions.

We don't have any particular reason to think that parasites or bacteria are the cause - unless that is always the cause of such conditions.

According to your responses so far, it seems that the protocol is different depending on the age of the child. What would it be for a 6-year old, and how long would it need to go on for (or is it ongoing)? Is there anything else we can do for him to support the process?

(would this also be a suitable protocol for an adult for general health and to possibly resolve un-diagnosed health niggles?)

Thank you again.

Best Wishes,

Posted by Rose (Australia) on 03/16/2016

Hi Marika,

Please keep us posted on the turps/sugar approach. I'm keen to start after reading all the feedback. Is anyone taking the vitality caps as recommended by Dr Daniels? Or any other type of laxative? Any info greatly appreciated.

Posted by Rich (Texas) on 02/23/2017

Yes you can do that. You can read in the previous comments here where Bill talks about his personal method of taking turp, honey, and castor oil together.

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