Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

Turpentine and Breastfeeding
Posted by Jaime (Calgary, Ab) on 06/05/2015

Does anyone know if it is safe to take turpentine while breast feeding?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 05/16/2015 2063 posts

C: Looks like a strong possibility of dirty colon, as per your symptoms. In this event, all sorts of bad stuff penetrates the compromised colon walls and enters the bloodstream where many autoimmune disorders can manifest.

Here is the E.C. page for https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/colon-cleansing.html.

And yes, parasites can cause the colon disorder which causes the ... so multiple disease states can be present and also severe or debilitating. In this case do para cleansing one week then rotate to colon cleansing the next and so on until you make big progress.

Let us know how this works for you.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Timh (Ky) on 10/12/2015 2063 posts

S: From personal experience, Turpentine is not particularly effective against Mycoplasma but Borax definitely is.

May I make a few suggestions? First do some alkalizing remedies with either Baking Soda or B.S. plus ACV. Two of the most effective natural remedies for UTI/Bladder is Cranberry and D-Mannose. Dr Christopher's Kidney/Bladder herbal combination is effective.

Back to the Mycoplasma. The most active places for M. infection is lungs and joints, and in some severe cases the Liver.

Back to Borax. As an introduction, try taking footbaths a few times weekly before retiring by adding a few spoons of Borax & Epsom Salts to the footbath. There is absolutely no bad side effects from these and the benefits are numerous.

As for Turpentine, I have been using a quart can purchased from a local hardware & home store. Read the label carefully & fully for no additives whatsoever; it should say "pure gum turpentine". I currently take about 2-3 doses per wk for chronic infections with good results.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Keven (Cornwall) on 11/12/2016

Hi. Try baldwins.

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Steve (Beaverton, Oregon) on 04/06/2015

Hello there!

I'm going to be trying turpentine for breaking down the intractible bio-films inside of me. Where do I get this stuff?

And may I ask... would anyone know if this red pine oil would be OK? It contains turpentine, for sure... but also chlorophyll and rutin. (Does it have to be straight turpentine?)

Here's the LINK:


Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Giugi (Florida) on 12/19/2017

The right name of the pure gum turpentine you are referring to is not Diamond V but Diamond G (Georgia).

It's the best!

Red Pine Needle Oil
Posted by Bob Smith (Vancouver) on 03/16/2018

dry fasting cures everything, but it's tough to do. I'd fast and then after four days take some pine gum spirits for awhile. That and then smart diet choices.

Posted by Lisa (Michigan) on 03/11/2015

Hi Bill,

I was just wondering about the duration of the 1 tsp dosage before going to the preventative dose. Consecutively, how long (how many weeks) is it safe to take before reducing to the once or twice a week preventive dose? Thank you so much for all your info!! Lisa

Turpentine Carrier Oil
Posted by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 03/10/2015

Hi Bill,

Since I have a gallbladder problem and are unable to digest fats (any fatty foods cause instant diarrhea and terrible abdominal pain) I am a bit concerned about taking turpentine with castor oil. Is there any other carrier I can use? I am also wondering why do I have the gallbladder problem. Scan has shown that I have a small cyst in my gallbladder, but I am sure it is not a stone because I have a good low-fat diet. However, my gallbladder function is definitely compromised, it seems like it does not produce enough bile to digest fatty foods.

Turpentine Carrier Oil
Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 03/10/2015

Hi Marcin...If you are wary of the castor oil in the turpentine remedy then just take the turpentine with sugar or molasses. Take a teaspoon of sugar or molasses into your mouth first then add the turpentine and mix them together. Then swallow it and chase it down with some water.

Since you have a suspect gall bladder problem, I would also take Chanca piedra(CP) tea 3 or 4 times a day. CP will help to dissolve and remove any gallstone or kidney stone. CP also acts to reduce calcium in the blood. Cysts always contain calcium which is usually due to high calcium levels in the blood and body. CP will also help to reduce calcium levels in the blood. It will also reduce blood sugar, blood pressure and blood fats. I would also try and reduce dairy(excess calcium) in your diet which always tends to promote cysts and stones in the body. Taking magnesium citrate (250 mgs twice a day) should also help to regulate your body calcium back to healthier levels again. Lugol's Iodine(50 mgs per day) will also help to get rid of cysts and tumors but I think that you are already taking this one.

Posted by Ksw (India) on 07/03/2016

I've started taking turpentine oil for parasites. Initially, I took it with sugar cubes, but it intently made my symptoms (especially the itching over much of the body) unbearable. Now I'm using it with jaggery, which is somewhat better, but I would really like to eliminate all sugars for now.

Could I take it with coconut oil? Castor oil has been mentioned but I really don't think I could get it down. And how frequently can I take it. Some people say every day for a certain number of days; others say every five days. It's really confusing.

Posted by Jim (Frostburg) on 10/18/2016

Some saturate a sugar cube in turps; then break it up and down it like a pill/s. Or simply take a teaspoon of sugar and saturate it; and then swallow. I personally think the method of initially combing the turps with some preferred vegetable oil (half-and-half), as I recall was first mentioned on this site by "Bill from the Philippines", is an excellent approach. I'd put the mixture in a bottle and take a half-teaspoon, or a little sip.

Posted by Jim (Frostburg) on 10/21/2016

Typically, diarrhea happens 12 to 24-hours after the triggering cause. Me, I'd look for something I ingested within that time-period as the culprit.

Posted by Sharon (Yuma, Az) on 03/13/2018

What brand of 100% gum turpentine do you use? Do you need to do a warm enema everyday? Thanks for your help.

Posted by William (Jacksonville, Florida ) on 03/02/2015

Thanks Bill, for your quick response. I was actually thinking that I was feeling the effects of tge die-off. But, because Im new to these protocols I became worried when the chest pain and upper GI started giving me pains. Mostly after I eat or dinner and lay down. Feels acid reflux that runs all through the night until get up but only started after taking the turpentine. Just got worried thinking I over did it. However, I'm glad to hear of your success with the protocols and thanks for your help. Will

Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Marcin (Toronto) on 03/10/2015

Bill and Om, thanks. I have decided to order the Georgia product.

Adding Vitamin C
Posted by Jake (Texas) on 12/26/2014

Bill, do you think it would be helpful to take Vitamin C for any Herx or die-off reaction? I've seen this in detox protocols to protect the liver. Not sure if applies here. Thanks!

Posted by Deb (Battle Creek, Mi) on 09/03/2016 12 posts

Take 1 teaspoon on 3 sugar cubes, then 3 tablespoons castor oil. Rice for carbs. Probiotics for gut. Look on you tube. Also 2 tablespoons organic apple cider vinegar with warm water at night and in morning will relieve constipation.

Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 01/08/2015 185 posts

Hi Bill, Very good information. Quantity like two gallons may not be possible to procure, but at the same time reasonable quantity can be got from people who keep the cows in India for their daily needs of milk.

I have seen in my younger days that we used to get that milk (Colostrum) and while heating it, it used to get split. Then it used to be strained and that cheese type of thing was eaten after mixing it with honey or raw sugar. I don't know whether that was a right procedure to take it, so my question is if one gets it how to take it, should we heat/warm or take it in raw form. Many thanks


Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 01/09/2015

Hi Baldev...I think, without question, that fresh colostrum taken either straight from the human mother or cow is the best form of colostrum to take. You have to be very careful with buying powdered colostrum or you might be taking a weak or below par product. If the colostrum has been excessively heated or chemically processed in any way then its efficacy will be questionable.

For those people who cannot get the colostrum straight from the cow, I usually recommend Sovereign Labs brand(organic). This brand is not treated chemically or heated excessively and, what's more, they check each batch of colostrum for efficacy and proper composition both before and after the conversion to the powder form. What's more, the SL brand uniquely uses the liposomal form of colostum delivery so the colostrum keeps longer(less oxidation) and the colostrum will not be affected by stomach acid or be digested when supplemented in the liposomal form but, instead, will be quickly absorbed into the blood. I decided on this brand after researching many others like Surthrival, Nutricology etc. What also impressed me was the CEO of SL who has some revealing and personal stories to tell about colostrum in this video:

The Colostrum Story

Posted by Myway (Delaware) on 01/26/2015

Tim, have you gone online to requestatest.com to have any personal labs drawn? I have used them before and go to local Labcorps to have my blood drawn. They handled the paperwork. I used them to have my magnesium RBC's checked. It was a very easy process. My results came to my email. Maybe this will help.



Posted by Bill (San Fernando) on 01/27/2015

Hi Timh...Not knowing your homocysteine or glutathione levels might indeed be a problem. But I think you have gone a long way to remedying that anyway, if it is a problem, by taking the B6 & P5P, DMG, folic acid etc. Some more advice on this below.

The only problem for you is really how to determine whether your methylation condition is under- or over-methylated. I think I can help here too since doctor's methylation panels can cost an arm and a leg and then some.

Under-methylation is typically characterized by high or excessive histamine levels in the body. This is easily enough recognized or spotted especially if you are suffering constant or extreme pain due to inflammation in your tissues, joints or organs. Under-methylation can also help contribute towards food allergies and high gut permeability(leaky gut) as well.

Over-methylation(OM) symptoms typically involve anxiety problems, insomnia and adrenal insufficiency caused by a methylation blockade or aberrant gene problem in this area. Typically, someone suffering from over-methylation issues will have low histamine levels and will suffer more from mental problems -- such as Bi-polar or OCD disorders. Typically, OM problems can also involve chemical sensitivity issues but not food allergy problems.

Thus armed with the above symptom guidelines, you should be able to make up your own mind as to whether you consider your condition to be a typically under- or over-methylated condition. I've tried to keep it very simple, but much more information and detail here:

Methylation and MTHFR Defects (Dr Ben Lynch)

MTHFR.NET(Ben Lynch's website)

There is also a simple way to do a partial check on your body's nutrient status by getting a hair analysis -- quite cheap. This will not tell you your homocysteine levels but it should tell you your vitamin and mineral levels. For instance, if you are heavily lacking in Vitamin B6 then there will be little glutathione production happening in your body which means that your body has no master chelator and that you will be steadily be accumulating dangerous heavy metals in your body. Your heavy metal status will also show up on your hair analysis to confirm this.

High homocysteine levels can also be prevented by taking TMG(not DMG), B6 and Methylcobolamine(B12). It's also much better to take the L-MTHF forms of folate than taking the folic acid form(synthetic form). High homocysteine levels can also cause heart problems and hardening of the arteries.

Your beneficial experience one year ago nebulizing reduced glutathione would also seem to at least confirm your body's great need for glutathione. This would also suggest that your methylation cycle is out of balance and blocked in some way, with other problems such as high homocysteine and aberrant gene problems also being a distinct possibility. Unfortunately, if you do have aberrant gene problems then there is simply no other option but to confirm which gene are aberrant by doing the relevant aberrant gene DNA tests from your doctor.

LDN is a very good protocol for many autoimmune disorders because it seems to raise up, retrain and strengthen the immune system. The colloidal silver and MMS should also be effective against mycoplasma. The only difficulty with taking these as oral nutrients is to ask "How much of these nutrients are being used up or neutralized in the intestines and how much is actually successfully reaching the problem sites in the body?".

So it might be better to also use MMS or Colloidal Silver topically combined with DMSO. I've read that when Vitamin C is taken orally then only about 15% - 20% ever gets absorbed from the intestines into the blood. If you apply this thinking to CS and MMS then there might be a problem. I have also read that when DMSO carries any nutrient from the skin into the blood, it usually achieves 80% absorption of that nutrient into the blood. So if you combine DMSO + CS or combine DMSO + MMS and put it on the skin directly over the problem area itself then this should perhaps act in a stronger way(due to higher local dosage) than the oral form to get rid of the mycoplasma and associated pathogens causing problems there. In this way higher dosages of CS or MMS nutrients may be carried to these sites using DMSO, which should also have no trouble carrying these nutrient across any blood/bone barrier to attack the mycoplasma in the bone area. That's why I think using the DMSO route might be more efficient and effective for you than just using the oral route.

If you have mycoplasma in your lungs then I would simply try using Bill Munroe's HP Inhalation Method. And if it were me -- I would use a pharmacy-bought 0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide solution that contains stabilizers to first see if it actually helped against the mycoplasma. Bill Munroe used the ordinary stabilized form of HP for over 20 years without problems. And if this cheap form of HP definitely helped to get rid of the lung mycoplasma, then perhaps you could purchase the FG 35% HP at a later time.

Posted by Deb (New York, US) on 11/04/2014

I just started taking the turpentine with honey two days ago. I mixed it a 1:4 ratio. My first dose was 1 teaspoon and then today I took 1/2 teaspoon. Today my throat and tongue feel irritated and I feel as though I am coming down with the bug. I do wish people would post their experiences and side effects. It would certainly help. I am not sure that I will continue this regimen after today.

Where to Buy: New Zealand
Posted by Huaraz (Calgary) on 09/29/2021


Recochem's turpentine changed the labels/branding from Bio-Option to SOLVABLE as is now available at HomeDepot and Canadiantire. Earlier in the year I started with Recochem's turpentine for a few days but got cold feet and ordered 16 Oz of Diamond G. There are folks on this forum against using Recochem's.

I can tell you Recochem's turpentine is very fragrant, it smells like what you would expect from turpentine. My wife complains I stink up the kitchen but she has a sensitive nose. The turpentine burps and after-taste is way more noticeable. Diamond G is very pure and gentle in comparison, you can hardly smell it, just a minor after-taste. It was a surprise to me the big difference.

Diamond G is from slash pine trees from Georgia and is the traditional fire distilled turpentine

Recochem's is the by-product of the kraft pulping process, it is a sulfate turpentine.

Is this good or bad, I don't know. Would like to know.

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Bee (New York, US) on 09/01/2014

So you want to drink the turpentine.. Can someone please tell me the safety of this? I can't understand some of the natural remedies although I won't question them, but some days when I read them I cringe.. Like Borax , turpentine, are these things safe? does one drink them??

excuse my ignorance...

I do love EC though and thank you for the valuable info...

Where to Buy: Thailand
Posted by Nonny (Canada) on 08/29/2017

Have you tried an art store? I bought an 8-ounce bottle for about $10.00. It is from a Quebec company called Demco (pure spirits of gum turpentine). I've only used it topically on my husband's mysterious skin rash. It helped dry it out. Haven't tried taking it internally yet. The art store may be able to direct you to another source ... good luck!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Timh (KY) on 08/30/2014 2063 posts

Carol: Search the Ebay pages and you should find a product of god quality and shipping details are provided by seller. Here is the page:


Let us know of any progress.

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by David (France) on 01/24/2016

Hi Carol. I'm newbie on site, (joined today)

re your query on getting Diamond G pure Gum Turpentine sent to EU (& UK). I had the same problem some time back. But now Diamond G have come to an arrangement with the PTB to allow shipping to EU/UK. I jusdt oredered and paypalled 24 1oz bottles, the largest size they are permitted to ship (email copy below)

Jan 18 at 11:14 PM David,

Thanks for contacting us! We would be happy to ship our turpentine to you in France. Since the last time we corresponded, we have negotiated a shipping arrangement with FedEx. Allow me to explain.

Because turpentine is a flammable liquid, we must follow very strict guidelines when shipping it, especially internationally. We cannot ship our turpentine internationally in any container larger than a 1 oz. bottle without incurring a Dangerous Goods Surcharge by our carrier. For this reason, we have a developed an international package that maximizes the quantity we can ship for the international shipping rate charged by our carrier. The rate for shipping this international package to you is as follows:$59.99 ... 24 one-ounce bottles of 100% Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine$42.28 ... shipping via FedEx International Economy$102.27 ... TOTALAny duties, taxes, or fees imposed by your country's government are your responsibility as well.We can ship any of our other products (soap, salve, rosin, etc.) to you in any quantity at very reasonable rates. Only the turpentine is a flammable liquid.

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. If this price quote meets with your approval, simply contact us, and we will send you an electronic invoice that you can pay with either a Paypal account or a credit/debit card.Thanks again! Julie Griner

Diamond G Forest Products, LLC ***************** Shipping cost is very heavy, but the product is the best(IMO) regards david

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 02/21/2016

If your ordering from outside the EU, the tax and duties can end up being more than the actual cost of the product. Within the EU there are many suppliers. I got my last batch of Turpentine from Baldwins http://www.baldwins.co.uk/?gclid=CLmwia6ficsCFbYW0wodO_8E6w and found it to be of good quality. Also a superior certified Organic Turpentine can be bought from https://www.nhrorganicoils.com/products.php?id=12514

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tucker (Bradford, West Yorkshire) on 06/15/2016


Excellent quality can be bougt from the following:




Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Francois (Quebec) on 09/15/2021

Hi Dan,

Most people seem to swear by the efficacity of Diamond G Pure Gum Spirit.

I think there was 2 different "organic" version when I've ordered one from Amazon Canada + sugar cubes.

I will post my results back if I remember.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Ali. (Wales) on 02/19/2015

I actually think the main reason the lady's skin turned black was because she had not prepared properly beforehand with a good raw diet, but had not ensured her gut was clear so the toxins had a clear 'escape route'....

Posted by Carolinablueskies55 (Nc) on 08/09/2017

I am not a fan of eating sugar by itself. Can I take the Turpentine with BSM (blackstrap molasses) instead? If so, how many drops of turp for each tea or tablespoon full of BSM? Thank you!

Turpentine Usage
Posted by Roni (Il) on 07/03/2015

Hello Bill,

I have candida overgrowth, and have been having it for years. My symptoms are hair loss, tiredness, stomach pain, weight gain, sinus problems, bad breath, bloating, skin problems, white coated tongue etc.

Over the years I have tried everything with no result. I have tried HP which helped a little bit, coloidal silver, mastic gum, oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract, borax, iodine, graviola, pao d'arco tea, haritaki churna, baking soda, apple sider vinegar, turpentine... I was taking the HP for about 8 months and it helped a little bit with the tiredness, but my tongue didn't clear up. I also scrape and clean my tongue twice a day.

I went to see holistic doctors and regular primary care physicians -nothing, they didn't help. I have been on a diet for 2 years. I do not eat sugar, fruits, no coffee, no alcohol, keep low carb , no gluten, no bread, no processed food, I occasionally cheat with honey on gluten free crackers.

I've been taking turpentine ( 1 tsp turp with one sugar cube, once a day) for about three weeks now. It does not seem to work too.

I'm desperate and tired. I'm reading all these comments and articles and the turp and HP seem to work for most of the people. I have no idea what to do anymore. I appreciate any help and suggestions.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 04/04/2014

Hi Josh1875...

A burning sensation when peeing indicates acid blood. Turpentine also acts as a diuretic -- it clears excess water (and minerals) from the blood. I never have a burning sensation when peeing after I take Turpentine. So the answer to this problem is simply to alkalize the blood by taking either the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with water remedy or by taking the ACV, bicarbonate and water remedy as shown here on EC. This should help to reduce the burning.

Being unable to pee is also indicative of either an infection in the bladder or prostatitis so I would get your bladder checked to be safe. Nutrients that will help with bladder infections are cranberry juice and/or D-Mannose. Larger dose Lugol's iodine (at least 8 drops or 50 mgs a day in split doses) will help both against bladder infections and help against prostatitis.

Research evidence has shown that Iodine prevents and reduces cysts in fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroid, and prostate cyst formation (prostatitis). See this research.

Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 03/10/2014

Rishicash: There is just one word that describes the super hero who comes to everybody's rescue: enzymes. Enzymes are a mixture of nutrients that have more electrons than protons. They make high energy water. Activated barley has the most enzymes. Home grown sprouts and live ferments are second. Raw organic produce and raw grass fed animal products are third.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Redtulip (Nz) on 07/04/2014

It is VERY important to use only special tonics on a base of vegetable turpentine (not a turpentine itself). These tonics were invented by Russian doctor Zalmanov over 60 years ago and the method is very popular in Russia and Europe.

They are two types of tonics - white and yellow. The white one increases blood pressure and the yellow one decreases. And also you must follow the procedure and schemes.

Do search Google for turpentine bath procedure or turpentine bath tonic.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Collcarm (Usa) on 12/19/2015

In my experience...The dandruff flakes are generally from microscopic mites or fungus, or yeast (which is fungus too).. the turpentine is killing one (or both) and you are experiencing that.. Don't give up.. fungus flakes off when it dies, like ringworm does.. (it's a fungus too) Notice your feet clearing up too .. :))

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Plam (London) on 01/27/2016

You're not supposed to soak the head when you're taking turpentine bath.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Pri (Arizona ) on 02/11/2018

I believe the increase in flakes is the die off of your dandruff issue caused by fungus or other parasites. Keep up the baths and follow up with coconut or castor oil.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Buck (Atlanta, Georgia) on 12/29/2018

Dandruff is your body getting rid of excess toxins through the scalp and fungal growth. Avoid drinking tap water, washing with hot water, using shampoos. My remedy is sweat 20 minutes in sauna per day and wash with ACV water solution followed by castle soap.

Posted by Lacy (Richmond) on 10/17/2016

You "need" a test because your cure makes "Dr him/her" no MONEY! (Oh' and they never want you to trust your own eyes...pffft) JMHO.... Hang in there & ignore the programmed! Namaste Lacy B

Posted by Mardell (Laurens, Sc) on 01/29/2017

No, you are absolutely on the right track I experienced the same situation. Use it periodically and keep an eye on what comes out. Use for a couple weeks after just to make sure it kills everything, yeast, fungi, parasites and who knows whatever else. Good luck

Posted by Liz (Lincolnshire Uk) on 03/27/2018

I have previously done the MMS and have now been doing turps/sugar on and off for a few weeks with many helpful outcomes which reverse if I stop. I have wondered about somehow combining the Turps & MMS and would be extremely happy to hear more about how you have faired on the turps in a.m. and MMS in the p.m. protocol you have been using please... How are you?

Posted by Michael (Seward Ak ) on 01/19/2024

Hi Mary. I used 1/2 tsp turpentine on a tablespoon of org sugar for 3 days and passed a mass of worms the size of both my fists together. I haven't taken mms as enema . But I had an abscess, pretty sure caused from my cell phone, and took 10 drops of mms in 1/4c of water 3 hours on the hour for four days and my abscess went away, with no dmso. I'm going to try your advice for what you did. Not sure how many drops I should take. Will probably do 10 drops in 1 liter of distilled water. Thank you for your testimony here❣️

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Jere (Cabarete, Dominican Republic) on 02/11/2014

Greetings. I'm pleased to have found your site. I was introduced to using rectified turpentine many years ago by a homeopathic physician. I was told to only use Rectified turpentine as an impurer form can negatively affect the liver. His remedy was one drop (via an eyedropper) per 10 lbs of body weight. Repeat in 7 days to kill any eggs. I'm having difficulty finding turpentine in the rectified form here in the DR. Basically they have white & yellow. It sounds like you feel comfortable with most types of turpentine, rectified or not. Could those in-the-know expand on this? Especially concerning the liver. Thanks!

Best Type of Turpentine
Posted by Tina (Princeton New Jersey) on 02/14/2014

Hi Mama to Many, did you order the turpentine from Diamond G Forest company? I did too and I am very happy to know that you like the product. I have using it now for almost 2 weeks and am up to more than half a teaspoon per day, using Bill's suggestion - with coconut oil and raw honey. Haven't seen any major reactions yet, except a feeling of drowsiness on two occasions and a couple of days of all-over achiness. But that could have been due to shoveling all this snow too! There is however, a definite feeling of enhanced mental clarity and a lessening of mental fatigue. Do keep posting your reactions too, thanks!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Susan (La Crescenta, Ca) on 01/12/2014

Dear Denise, it sounds to me like the turpentine altered your brain chemistry and pulled out essential minerals like magnesium and potassium. Perhaps it even depleted your serotonin levels. I would take potassium and mag asap and also an electrolyte drink. If that doesn't help, try omega 3 oils. Of course, don't take any more turpentine. What as the brand you were taking? That might be helpful to know too. Hope you feel better soon!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Geraldine (Brisbane) on 01/16/2018

Hi IM Trying, I'm not yet on the turpentine but have lots of experience with dealing with die-off and toxicity. I imagine the depression was caused by die-off. I experience this also when I have die-off or other toxicity as I have liver problems and don't produce my own glutathione or antioxidants (because of genetic mutations). I use Glutathione Formula or Liposomal Glutathione, Resveratrol, Extract of Bitter Melon, (all strong antioxidants that help deal with toxins) St Mary's Thistle, Vit C, and I always feel a thousand times better both emotionally and physically/mentally after taking these. I have very longterm CFS and am looking forward to trying the turpentine.....tho also a bit scared as my kidneys are so easily affected by a lot of things......

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Kathy (Towson, Md. USA) on 03/12/2022

Thanks Bill for these references for historical medicinal use of turpentine.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Lola (Nz) on 06/17/2014

No, taking shower with a mixture of soap and few drops of gum turpentine is not the same as taking a turpentine bath.

The volume of water in a bath works as vacuum cleaner helping to clean the body through your skin. After having a turpentine bath you must have a rest about 1 hour in warm bed. This is a procedure protocol.

You must use only special tonics on a base of vegetable turpentine (not a turpentine itself). These tonics were invented by Russian doctor Zalmanov over 60 years ago and very popular in Russia and Europe.

They are two types of tonics - white and yellow. The white one increases blood pressure and the yellow one decreases. And also you must follow the procedure and schemes."

Posted by Carolyn (Tx) on 07/03/2020

This video is no longer available. The YouTube account was terminated.

Posted by Faeqa ( Amman, Jordan, Jordan) on 01/04/2014 66 posts

Hi Fiona from Tustin: which kind of Turpentine you mean? The kind distilled from pine tree resin or petroleum distillate? Thank you

Posted by Miquela (East Coast, Usa) on 02/04/2015

Dear Bill and Ted, I have been reading and appreciating all your info so much. What an incredible service! I am writing in regards to my 2 1/2 year old son. I would like to try some of these remedies for him: colostrum and turpentine/castor, also perhaps the iodine protocol and transdermal magnesium oil. He's struggled with digestion, candida related symptoms since birth, with weakened immunity, and most recently a case of lyme (we think) and re-occuring pinworms.

We have always chosen to treat naturally and gently, but I am concerned that he is not thriving and that I must find a way to treat the root issue. I had chronic yeast throughout the pregnancy and then antibiotics for Typhoid Fever one month before his birth. He's always struggled with constipation and currently is on probiotics, prunes, chia, etc. and is still only having a BM every other day. Any extra help in figuring this all out would be deeply appreciated. I am planning to do castor/turp and iodine protocol for my own candida issues, and hopefully get my husband to do it with me for depression. I will let you know how that goes. I don't seem to understand the length of time to continue all these protocols? Thanks again, all my best* ~Miquela

Posted by Beverly (Virginia) on 03/08/2015

Miquela from East Coast, Usa 02/04/2015

Writing about your 2 1/2 yr old son. My daughter had a huge problem with pin worms & nothing worked..not even the Dr. prescriptions. This was about 38 yrs ago! An elderly grandmother told us give her 100% pure Turpentine. She said that every fall & spring all the people used to use 10 drops of turpentine FOR ADULTS (on sugar..only for taste so do as you need on the sugar..maybe honey or just water).. For kids less depending on size. I gave my daughter 5 drops & you do this for 3 days on empty stomach. I was AMAZED. She was free of the pin worms right away. Since that experience I use it for parasites of different kinds. You can try it & see how the little one does with it..I wish the precious little one well.. God Bless..

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Lola (Nz) on 05/23/2014

It is really good to see that people are interested in turpentine bath. It is a really good remedy which you can use in many cases.

But you must use only special tonics on a base of vegetable turpentine (not a turpentine itself). These tonics were invented by Russian doctor Zalmanov over 60 years ago and very popular in Russia and Europe.

They are two types of tonics - white and yellow. The white one increases blood pressure and the yellow one decreases. And also you must follow the procedure and schemes.

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Lil (Nz) on 11/02/2016

Hi! I live in Nz and I' m keen to take the turpentine to get rid off the anoying candida, do anybody know which is the correct kind of turpentine and where can I get it in NZ? Thanks!

Posted by Rubarb (Jackson, Ms) on 04/26/2014

Do not use turpentine gum oil in the bath! It's a nerve existed and has batch non stop tingle on wet skin, much like tea tree oil but twice as so.

Muscle and Joint Pain
Posted by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 01/27/2013

Be careful turpentine sold at the supermarket isnt real turpentine, its slightly more volatile than kerosene made by the oil industry. Real turpentine comes from pine trees and is a bit of a mission to make.

Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 01/07/2013

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Well, I began my turpentine treatment this morning by injesting 1/2 tsp soaked in sugar cubes. Dr Daniels' protocol calls for 1 tsp, but I'm kinda chicken and will go slow. I do appreciate your earlier input and will let you know how this wild and strange adventure comes out. I opted to go this way because candida is one tough thing to get into control. A few hours later I took a pslyllium fiber shake containing bentonite clay, diatatamisious earth, cayenne and flax seed meal. Hopefully, as this passes through, it will drag out some of the affected yeast in my intestines. Wed. I will get a Hydrogen Peroxide I.V. to work on those in my blood stream.

Some posters have said they have done battle with these little critters for years. At 76, I need a PDQ treatment. ======RH========

General Feedback
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 01/01/2013

HI U GOOD PEOPLE DOIN, , , , , , ,

Spent several days on the computer searching for kerosene that can be ingested. Found the 100 % Gum Sperit Turpentine for my Candida treatment and while on that trek, I ran across lots of articles about kerosene to cure cancer. Can anyone shed any light on that kind of kerosene. I have keorsene lanterns, heaters and always have industrial kerosene on hand. Our early ancestors used both to stay healthy. I remember my Granddad used Coal Oil for a poisonous snake bite. He lived to be 88. Appreciate any input you may have on both oils. =======RH=========

General Feedback
Posted by Rsw (Uniontown, Oh) on 01/03/2013

Hi Robert Henry, I noticed a man from the LDN Yahoo Group who is taking kerosene along with Lufenuron (aka dimilin, apparently) to rid himself of candida. (which worked very well) He said he bought it at Lowe's home center, 1K grade, mostly free of sulfur for about $10/gal and takes it (1 T, I believe, but not 100% certain) three times a week. I have no knowledge about the safety of this. He also has cancer and has written interesting protocols he has developed for it, most recently using HCL and water. You might like to join this group and type in the search word kerosene and you will be able to talk to him directly and privately through his email if you hit reply. Best wishes!

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 01/12/2014

Robert Henry from Ten Mile ---it' me, Om

I actually agree with the oil/sulphur treatment in YOUR times. Henry, but now the oil is carcinogenic and destroys tissue, causing severe health problems.

I remember a post where a woman tried to heal her dog of mange by seeing the vet. As often, nothing brought on a cure. Then someone reported her when they saw the dog's condition which brought her to court and the result was she was forced to buy the useless vet treatments. It got up my heckles. As a rescue person I have had a few times to answer for ignorasmusses who would rather kill an animal than bring it back on the road to health. So, I think in your times this was a successful cure and I am glad.

I have purchased pure turpentine but cannot come up with where to buy sulphur powder. So meanwhile I will buy NEWSTOCK from feed store which guarantees freedom from mite.

I strongly go along with some old time remedies which are practised even now in Europe. As a next thing I want to mention re your treatment of "intruders" and what to do to them: The Lord gave us free will to do as we please, with ONE condition : face up to the consequences! The key word is KARMA. Namaste, Om And all the bet.

General Feedback
Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 01/12/2014

When I took milk thistle 20 years ago, it caused me to go into a very deep depression. I tried it on and off and had same reaction. Never knew why. Sometime in last 10 years, I have been able to take it without any problems. So these problems can happen with non turpenine stuff also.

General Feedback
Posted by Sami (Tx, Usa) on 01/13/2014

Just an FYI in ref. to your comment about finding sulphur powder. I have been using the MSM (crystals) from local farm/feed store. (can't name brands/stoes on this site) Same type can be ordered on line manyonline pet or feed type websites. I researched this in the last year and it is as close to organic sulphur as you can get with out paying high priced of regular organic sulphur. This product is the crystal type product that looks very similar to like Epsom salts. I usually dissolve in water and use as a topical or consume depending on what the illness/wound treatment. The brand I get is 99% with no other fillers. In the past I was buying drug store capsules and breaking/empty to dissolve in water but it can have many fillers and sulphur can be picky and may be less effective if mixed with some chemicals. I think I paid about $12 for 2lbs just to give you and idea. Other organic sulphurs on the net sold for human consumption can cost you $50 and up. Works great and there are several brands/mfg so just look at the labels to make sure you get purest with out all the fillers. I think the crystals could be hand ground if you need powder.

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 01/18/2014

See JIM HUMBLE website. Not Jim Hubble.

General Feedback
Posted by Pam E. (SouthWestern California) on 08/07/2022 137 posts

Although the link's title is mis-spelled, the URL imbedded within it is spelled correctly, & it does open Jim Humble's website.

General Feedback
Posted by Susan (New York) on 09/12/2012

Bill from San Fernando, as usual your postings always educational. Below is the link from UK on turpentine.


General Feedback
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 09/13/2012 185 posts

Hi Bill, I want to say you are simply "GREAT". I appreciate, the pains you take to find the information and put it on this site. It is a treat to read your and Ted's articles/reports. I have a suggestion, on this site there should be way by which one could get on to the page where one can read whatever Ted and you have so far written on this site. Because it is a pleasure to read, it gives lot of knowledge. I try to pass on and help people who are ignorent about what good alternate methods can do to their health. God Bless You. Baldev

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/09/2013

Hi Kevin... There are several ways to supplement turpentine. I either supplement a teaspoon of turpentine with a teaspoon of either molasses or raw honey, mix them in my mouth, then down it with some water. You can also take the turpentine with sugar. Or I just take the teaspoon of turpentine with just some water.

If you have candida or intestinal problems then perhaps it is better to take the turpentine with sugar, molasses or honey just before meals. Then less turpentine gets absorbed directly into the blood from the stomach and most of the turps gets carried by the food into the intestines where it is most needed to get rid of the candida.

Taking the turpentine or kerosene with water or milk on an empty stomach, where it is more directly absorbed into the blood, is mainly the way that people in eastern Europe take this remedy. This method -- which acts to purify the blood -- seems to be very effective against disease outside the intestines like many and varous cancers, tuberculosis, leukemia, diabetes, sepsis etc. See this link.

As to your question, I've been using pine oil(essential oil) derived from Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) for the last six months. I have not been able to find any respectable turpentine or kerosene in the Philippines yet. However, Walter Last recommends several types and brands of turpentine or kerosene that can be used here in this article.

General Feedback
Posted by Om (Hope Bc Canada) on 12/16/2013

Strange as it seems, suddenly I remember way back us kids in kindergarten in Europe. Whenever a child had cough or respiratory trouble, the nuns that ran the kindergarten gave us a sugar cube drenched with a black substance that did taste quite ok, perhaps with a faint resemblance to liquorice but not quite..

I remember the taste and was wondering what it might have been. Well, on reading Walter Last and other posts I know it was the good old stuff that did the trick. No wonder big pharma is trying to demonize it! Om

General Feedback
Posted by Cheryl (Vancouver, Bc) on 10/28/2014

@Tom Qld That turpentine wouldn't be good. It has a boiling point of 145-260. In this link http://totaltruth.ca/pdf/Kerosene it says the ones with higher boiling points aren't effective for purifying the blood but may clean the large intestine. The Recochem manufacturer provides a few turpentines and the one that is the best is the Pure Turpentine Bio Option one. It has a boiling point of 150-180C. This is the one most used. If you live in Canada you can get it at Canadian Tire.

Posted by Eric (TX USA) on 02/14/2024

I've been doing a bunch of research on this subject of turpentine cleansing and I can't seem to find anything regarding its use by a Type 2 diabetic, does anyone have any insight on this?

i plan on doing the method with the turp/sugar and castor oil that seems to be the best option for me with starting in small amounts and then working up as determined by the reaction…


Posted by Jodie (Australia ) on 03/24/2024

Dr Andrew Kaufman is doing a podcast on this in 1 week.

Turpentine Resin vs. Oil
Posted by Lisa (Florida) on 09/10/2023

I haven't tried this but was wondering what you were using this for? I haven't taken turpentine yet and thought I might try the capsules. Thanks.

Posted by mitzch (USA) on 06/14/2023

Has anyone use Castor oil, Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine and DMSO together for Candida/Esophageal Candida? I've dealt with Candida several times, and have recently in the past several months had blood tests that show 5 different kinds of Candida. It's caused massive inflammation and other issues.

I've seen different combinations but not all three.

Would like to hear if this has been beneficial for anyone.

Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 01/06/2022

Are you in North America? Aren't there horrible additives in kerosene. I know it used to be used but now? Glad it works for you!!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Prakash (CA) on 08/27/2022

For how many days did you dose? Want to get an idea of when we can expect to see results.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Renard (Cleveland, ohio) on 11/07/2022

How long do you need to take it and does it have any side effects

Laxatives to Help
Posted by dahlia (usa) on 09/10/2021

Liquid chlorophyll works for bowels.. Or enemas. Both of which I'm currently doing.

Liver Flukes (Parasites)
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho ) on 08/16/2021

Hi Glori,

Did you only need to take 1 dose of the turpentine and castor oil to completely get rid of the liver flukes?

Candida, Biofilm and Parasites
Posted by Michael (Gabriola, Bc) on 07/12/2021

Turpentine for Candida, biofilm, and parasites

I started with a hardware store brand of pure gum spirits of turpentine and it made me feel crappy. Couldn't function kind of crappy. The lady on the information line said it was not food grade. I'm guessing pulp industry by product with residual chemicals contaminating it. I took one teaspoon once or twice and said no more. I researched the stuff and looked for the absolute best I could find. I read reviews here claiming taking Diamond G brand was like a night and day experience compared to hardware stuff. I researched that. They shouldn't be marketing it as pure gum spirits. It may not have residual chemicals in it but it's made from slash and stumps left over from logging.

Real pine gum spirits come from tapped and/or wounded pine trees. There are different compounds at different ratios from tapping vs regular bark and wood. The trees' response to heal produces something special. I found a high-quality true pure gum spirits source. The trees are sacred and traditionally tapped. It has a faint pine smell and that's it. It didn't taste as bold or harsh if that makes sense and there was no chemical taste.

All that being said I still had roughly the same reaction to it. I took a teaspoon a day for 3-4 days before giving up on it. My head was very foggy, I had something akin to a headache, my body felt crappy (I don't know how else to explain it) and I could barely function.

The testimonies here and doctor Daniel's endorsement obviously gave me a ton of confidence but it didn't work for me. My delicate premature organs might have something to do with that. I may have better luck with much smaller doses if I ever get the confidence to try this again.

Candida, Biofilm and Parasites
Posted by Gregory (Chemainus B.C.) on 10/14/2021

I see you're on Gabriola island. Did you order Dr. G's from the Internet?

Multiple Cures
Posted by irene (TX) on 11/05/2023

Emma (VT) you have to use something to make you eliminate while taking turpentine until your bowels get regular. You can use Dr Jennifer Daniels Vitality capsuls or try Epsom salt if you are ok with taking it. If I were you I would stop taking it for a few days and use something to help you poo. Dr Daniels recommend that you are pooping 3 times a day or regularly if you are taking it .She is the pioneer of the turpentine trend I hope 💖 this help.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Michael (Seward, Ak ) on 01/19/2024

I know the last time I took turps, my left arm ached bad for a month or longer. What I understand it to be was that went to fast with too high a dose and my candida (most likely) ran for the hills but not out, and arms were fastest escape . How to remedy this I don't know . MMS in doses higher than protocol might help from my experience. I had an abscess, not a bad tooth, I think from my cell phone because mouth always hurt and throbbed when my phone was close, and I took 10 drops in 1/4c of distilled water 3 in a row on the hour for 3 days and it went away . Take it easy with the turps . MMS … overdue it . It won't cause same herx as turps .

Tooth Abscess
Posted by Drew (Toronto Canada) on 03/14/2023

I was wondering How did you take the turpentine in your mouth, what was the dosage, and did you find out later if the abscess had affected the tooth structure at all?

Lyme Disease
Posted by Katie (Dunbar, Pa) on 11/15/2021

Hi! I also have Lyme disease. What dosages did you find helpful? How are you recovering?

Turpentine Contraindications
Posted by Anna (Id) on 09/01/2020


My father in law has mesothelioma and is treating it naturally (without chemo). He recently had a bout with candida and did turpentine and it helped him immensely. Now he has a blood clot in his jugular and the Dr.put him on Xarelto. His candida has gotten worse since he had stopped it for a while and he wants to do the turpentine again. Does anyone know if that would hurt him? We can't find that answer anywhere.

Posted by Lisa (Penna) on 03/13/2018

I was wondering if you are still using turpentine or has the condition cleared up. What were the other side effects? Did you need to stay inside while you were actively using it in the beginning of treatment? Any snswers would be appreciated.

Posted by Sunnysky (Texas) on 04/05/2018

For the four days on, two days off regimen, what is your dosage of spirits of turpentine? (My apologies if I missed it! ) TIA!

Posted by Alexander (Mi) on 06/10/2018

My girlfriend is desperately battling with parasites she acquired in Guatemala, she's tried all kinds of things the past 2 months, and she's going to do a turpentine cleanse, but will this kill the eggs of the parasites as well?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by patrick (TX) on 01/20/2023 2 posts

Maybe you have sleep apnea and need bi-pap machine like me.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Ann (Phoenix, Az) on 09/24/2017

Excited to begin I have done my research and can't believe something so simple & available may be just what I need. I also need very badly need to get in touch with poster. HI SEA. This is important due to some comments observations she made in her post

Pine Oil Vs Turpentine
Posted by Will (Bris Australia) on 04/13/2017

Turpentine?? Is pine essential oil the same as turpentine?

They sell 100% pine oil at my local apothecary can this be used internally as well as externally?

Turpentine Bath
Posted by Wade (Tucson, Az) on 03/14/2018

To get rid of arthritis, try MMS.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Eva (Australia) on 10/17/2017

Hi David did your brother in Australia receive his turpentine?

Scalp Infection
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

My scalp breaks out less if I wash my hair every day. I have oily scalp, dandruf, and itchy bumps like acne. I have tried using Borax to wash it, baking soda, apple cidar vinegar, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, dandruf shampoos all in a variety of ways. I also get excema on my arms when I eat ice cream, and the two rashes are very similar - weepy, itchy, bumpy, scaley, flakey - so probably a yeast infection. The Dr.told me the rash on my arms was from lack of sunlight after an allergy test was negative. It occurs only on the part of my arms that actually touched the desktop when I sat at my desk at school, so I'm thinking it is a reaction to the cleaning solution used on the desk. That was many years ago and it still developes there, but only when I eat ice cream. Try avoiding dairy and sugar and the rash may go away.

Posted by Jon (Philippines) on 01/03/2017

What brand of turpentine are you using?

Posted by Adrian (Ne ) on 01/31/2017

Jon, Using D. G brand.

Posted by Mardell (Laurens, Sc) on 01/29/2017

When you take it you are supposed to mix it with something as far as castor oil, coconut oil or some mild laxative. So you can have at least 3 bowel movement a day. 1 full tsp at a time. Mostly effective with clean bowel on empty stomaches.

Posted by F (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 03/17/2017

Hello, I was wondering if turpentine can be good for me too? I have blasto and I have read numerous positive comments from people who were relieved after taking turpentine against their candida but NONE for blasto. I wonder if this will work for me too I already read the candida cleaner report from Dr.jennifer daniels and ive seen numerous videos from sun fruit dan about this subject and im think this is the only way for me to get rid of these parasites. but one of my biggest concerns is that I am constipated, and according to the protocol you need 3 BMs a day? cant I just use the turp and follow the protocol and maybe use the active charcoal if I get the die off symptoms even if I am constipated? I also heard the turp is a laxative on it self? please let me know your thought about this. Thanks.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Way to go! It takes a lot of courage to step out like you did. I hope the doctor learns the lesson.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Bruce (Riverstone Nsw) on 10/24/2016

Where do you buy diamond g forest products in Australia?

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Tim (Melbourne, Vic) on 02/13/2017

Hi, do you know where I can source 100% pure gum spirit turpentine? Thanks.

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Marie (Adelaide ) on 11/26/2017

Please where can I buy turpentine in Australia. Thanks

Where to Buy: Australia
Posted by Eliza (Hillcrest, Sa) on 12/11/2017

I noticed the Digger's brand also has resin in it and a eucalyptus fragrance.

Frances...have u used the Digger's one? How did that work for you? Did it do the job needed and safely, you think?

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kate (South Carolina) on 01/25/2023

Did you spend 5 days fasting before taking turpentine or did you start right in?

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/04/2017

Why not just rub it into your feet?

Posted by Ryan C. (Arizona) on 12/01/2017

Read that you ordered from diamond G did you have any issues at all? I tried emailing them asking if their bottles contain droppers at the top and asked how much shipping would be for an 8oz bottle but didn't get any response back from them. Did you consume the turpentine oil too? The bottle with droppers are very convenient as you don't have to worry about spilling any.

Posted by Kelly (TX) on 12/14/2021

Have you been able to get on a turp regimen and is it working for your feet? Thanks!

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 06/14/2016

HI U ROBERT,,,,,,,,,, where do you get all your knowledge? Myself, I 've followed Dr Daniels for several years and she is the one who brought this to the world's attention a few years ago. Your advice is slightly contrary to her's. Where did you get your protocol?

The FDA got after her and she is now practicing in Panama. You make sense because 6 doctors were killed last year while working on a simple cure for early cancer.

I am the one who told folks where to buy their turpentine on this site. Should I not have done this?

You are a new boy on the block and coming on strong. I'll keep an eye on you.


EC: Nope, not a new boy on the block. Robert has been contributing to EC for years, off and on!

Turpentine Medicinal Uses
Posted by Debbie (Australia) on 01/04/2018

Hi Robert, I am having trouble finding a pure turpentine in Australia.You mentioned a town here still producing. Is there anyway for you to post this info? Thanks in advance ..

Posted by Lauri (Roseville, Ca) on 10/28/2015

Hi Bill,

Can I take the turpentine remedy if my kidneys are still hurting even after my rounds of antibiotics?

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Tanya (New York) on 01/12/2018

I'm interested in knowing how often you affectively used the turpentine in the nostrils?

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by H (Englewood, Florida ) on 01/08/2022

Can you elaborate on the biofilm? We put a cotton ball soaked in turp my husband's ear and it caused severe pain in the right side of his brain.

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/08/2022

Turpentine Health Benefits (earthclinic.com)

In the ear it is mixed in a carrier oil like olive

a cup of baking soda in water as on box label for alkalyzing as a detox of this pain going on might work, read inside the earth clinic for more info on topic

as far as pain you might try oscillococcinum for headaches or flu symptoms, does not interfere with other things

Or a topical of castor oil or activated charcoal or a combo mix poultice and heat to drive it into head or ear topically, like a rice pack heated in microwave. fill a sock half full of rice and tie off end, heat in microwave.... He could take 3 activated charcoal tabs or caps and lots of water to slow down that die off symptom and flush it out of his system.. could be other things set off by turpentine. I have never used it except it is in vicks rub.

Ginger works well for nausea and baths can reduce pain signals in the body, the water level is important and drink water when in water as it takes water out of body and wrinkles fingers

Turpentine in the Nose
Posted by Heather (Englewood FL) on 01/11/2022

Thank you very much for your reply. He now has blood in his ear, and it feels clogged. Any suggestions for that or what might have happened to his ear? Thank you!

Posted by Kay (Hibbetts, Ohio) on 08/31/2018

I am not aware of any negative reaction when taking turpentine and over-the-counter pain relievers. Please tell me where I can find more information about this topic. Thank you to all who share their insights and experiences on Earth Clinic.

Posted by Jamie (CA) on 07/31/2023

I wondered about that...

Thanks for sharing BeverlyAnn!

Posted by Dave (Mn) on 02/21/2017

I want to begin the turpentine protocol but I've heard two somewhat different methods, turpentine and sugar, turpentine and castor oil. My question is can you do both? 1 teaspoon turpentine over 3 sugar cubes with 1 teaspoon castor oil.

Posted by Susan (NSW) on 12/20/2023

Hi Carl, how were you taking the tea tree oil please?

Eliminating Biofilm
Posted by Matthew (New York) on 11/27/2016

What is Bill's book? ty

Eliminating Biofilm
Posted by Love2ClearClouds (Orlando, Florida ) on 08/16/2021

Hi, can you tell me how much turps you're taking and do you take it daily? For how long?

Thank you!

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Emma (Andover, United Kingdom) on 05/12/2015

I am keen to find a UK source of 100% pure gum spirit of turpentine. I have bought the Mylands brand but am not sure it is really 100% pure. I then found a source of turpentine essential oil but am worried this is not the same thing and is not going to work or be safe to ingest? Any advice from anyone re: a UK safe source would be much appreciated. I have candida issues. Who hasn't!

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Tucker (Uk) on 07/08/2015

Hi Emma, I have researched Mylands turpentine and have found that it is good quality and suitable for internal use.

Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Sharon (London) on 10/11/2015 3 posts

Hi, I'm trying to find a cure for what I think is a mycoplasma infection infection bowel and bladder. I'm too scared to use the borax. Re kerosene vs turps...and making sure its pure can anyone point me in the direction of a uk supplier please? Seems a lot of you are in the States. Also it seems that most of you are taking turps not kerosene but a lot of the research I've found points to kerosene...which I think is paraffin in the UK...why?


Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 10/12/2015

Hi Emma...I've been using the essential pine oil (from pinus sylvestris) for the last 3 years on a regular basis and it seems to be fine. My essential pine oil is pure and triple distilled. It's all I can get shipped to the Philippines and I'm happy with it. Most brands of turps will not ship from amazon or ebay because it is inflammable.

Myland's pure gum turpentine should also be OK to supplement -- just make sure that no other synthetic oils have been added to it. Just check the back label of your brand to make sure its pure gum turpentine.

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