Unveiling Bilberry: Unlocking a Superfood's Health Benefits

on Jun 16, 2023| Modified on Jun 19, 2023
Macular Degeneration
Posted by Jerry (Durham, Nc) on 08/07/2011

Bilberry for Macular Degeneration

In their book, "People's Pharmacy: Home Remedies" by Joe and Terry Graden, one person wrote in saying that his 78 year old wife was cured of Macular Degeneration from taking bilberry fruit capsules. She was cured within a few years of taking the pills. I did not see bilberry fruit capsules mentioned in this thread, so I thought I'd share that.

Posted by Tom (Regina, Sk) on 10/31/2010


Have you tried bilberry extract?

It is also known as the European blueberry, and does have successful medical trials going back at least 2 decades officially, as well as folk medicine hundreds of years.

Interestingly, it was not in England, but in Italy that most studies on bilberry extract and vision were performed, mostly in the late 1980s. One study achieved an unprecedented 97% success in halting cataract progression using bilberry extract and vitamin E. In another exciting study, bilberryextract improved vision in 75% of nearsighted subjects. A German study using a combination of vitamin E and anthocyanins found either a stabilization of myopia or an actual improvement in visual acuity in the majority of patients, whereas the control group showed further deterioration. The progressive nature of myopia is one of axioms of traditional ophthalmology: once you become near-sighted, the older you get, the more near-sighted you get, requiring a stronger prescription every couple of years. Hence, it is truly revolutionary to note that a group of naturally occurring flavonoids has been shown to either arrest or even reverse the progression of myopia.

To see a sample of the variety of bottles of bilberry capsules out there, just google bilberry. Hopefully it's not a prescription product over there.

Posted by Mojo74 (Alberta, Canada) on 11/27/2013

I have had 2 flare ups with iritis in the last 4 years, the third one came the other day… I searched the internet again… my last flare up was earlier this year, and did NOT want to go through it again as you all know how painful this is. I went and bought Bilberry after reading this recommendation, and I've only been taking it for 1 day, but I have little pain, and no sensitivity to light. In this one day of taking Bilberry I am confident that this will work! Thank you so much, you have saved me from going through the painful episode of iritis! My eye is red and a little sore, but I'm sure that as long as I keep taking this every day that it will keep the iritis away. Thanks again! XXX

Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 04/16/2012

Re: Iritis:

I've done "eye baths" with watered down bilberry extract with great success.