Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
EC: Many grocery stores are now selling organic apple cider vinegar. We've seen it stocked at Publix and Kroger in their "healthy eating" section.
(Dubois, Pa)
Grocery store ACV (acetic acid) starts out as "glacial" acetic acid...that is, water-free acetic acid, which has a pH of 2.4. They then take that glacial acetic acid and water it down to a pH of 5 to get a standardized solution of acetic acid that they label "vinegar" other words they "reduce" the acidity to 5 percent. That is what they mean by "reduced to 5 percent". I don't' know if what they call organic vinegar is also just diluted glacial acetic acid, so I'll find out by reading the label the next time I go to the store. Personally, organic vinegar is so much more expensive than regular vinegar that it is not worth the price. Plus, it is very easy to make your own organic vinegar at home. Buy a gallon of organic apple cider. Remove the lid, and cover the top with several thicknesses of cheesecloth, secured with a rubber band (to keep the fruit flys out). Stir the cider around to introduce air into it and in a few weeks, it will naturally turn to vinegar. Put the cap on and shake the cider every day to make sure that air is getting into it (acetobacteria are an aerobic species and need oxygen to do their work). You can also innoculate your cider with a small amount of vinegar (organic or regular) to get the fermentation going. Given time and oxygen, cider or wine will turn to vinegar.
p.s. and in case you haven't noticed, regular old grocery store vinegar will also develop a mother culture over time, so there is nothing special about organic vinegar except the price.
(Hailey, Id)
Thank you for this recipe! I have always wondered how to do this!
(Dubois, Pa)
Oh, no problem, Tanya. But be aware that the fermentation will draw fruit flys. And btw, the vinegar is ready when the cider smells and tastes like vinegar...let your nose and tastebuds be your guide. Also, homemade vinegar can vary in acidity and sometimes have a pH of above (meaning more alkaline than) 5, which is why it shouldn't be used for water-bath canning of pickles, relishes, etc. In other words, home made vinegar may not be acidic enough to deter botulism in water-bath processed home-canned goods.
What IS special about expensive "organic" ACV is its lack of pesticides. Apples are one of the most heavily pesticides crops. If "regular" store vinegar were "organic" it would be declared boldly on the label because "organic" is a selling point that allows them to demand a higher price for it. "Regular" vinegar is neither "organic" nor equal to organic ACV.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
(Salyersville, Ky, USA)
I was having a terrible time trying to take ACV and then I followed a post that ted responded to and he said o mix 1 teaspoon ACV and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a cup and then wait for it to stop fizzing and then add 1/2 a cup of water. I was so excited because you could not taste or smell the ACV. I am 39, female, with lupus and fibromyalgia.
(Lethbridge, Alberta)
Mixing with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) would neutralize all the acids (acetic, malic, ascorbic, etc.) that are in apple cider vinegar defeating the purpose of taking it!
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
To Eric:
Are you certain about the neutralizing effect of Baking Soda? I've read about that a few years ago and the effect was to change the nature of the acid to a different form of acid but the effect was not to completely defeat the acid. Ted, I believe, has written on this very issue.
Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
(Toronto, Canada)
I would suggest rinsing the mouth with water and not brushing for 2 hours so the tooth enamel can harden again.
Apple Cider Vinegar With the Mother
(Houston, Tx)
Best kind of organic Apple Cider Vinegar is B______(there is a book available for it with the zillion of reasons why you should drink acv) and So____. Don't bother with Heinz - you want the organic acv. You want it slightly cloudy and with some residue at the bottom. I am currently looking for research regarding Apple Cider Vinegar and cancer. I would presume that taking Apple Cider Vinegar would be a good choice because it would neutralize the effects of sugar on the body.
Apple Cider Vinegar With the Mother
EC: Hi Karen,
Your question about "the mother" has been asked on the site several times over the years. Here's one answer from Ted that we just found via our search box:
Application Tips
I used a long handled “ baby bottle brush”…the wire kind with the stiff bristles at the end. I wrapped a cotton pad around the bristles and you can just dip the cotton pad into the bottle of ACV and apply! So easy!
Hoping it works!
(Hartford, Ct)
Did anyone ever receive the recipe? I would really like to try this. I too suffer every morning getting out of bed. Its my lower spine. Its horrible.
(Vienna, Mo, Usa)
Take an empty milk jug and put in one pint of ACV and then fill the rest of the gallon jug with equal parts grape juice and apple juice.
To this day I had not taken any pills from the doctor for arthritis. It has now been 16 years. If you read the instructions how to clean a drip coffee machine, it says to use vinegar. Vinegar dissolved calcium build in the machine and I've found it dissolved the build up in my body. I am back taking acv, this time not plan on stopping this time. This really is a miracle for me and do advise people to try it, it really does work, besides what have you got to lose other than pain, and you can't beat the cost. It won't hurt and anything as far as I'm concerned is better than taking pills from doctors who treat symptoms...not cure.
EC: Read many more arthritis remedies here.
EC: Read many more cures for Asthma here.
Bacterial Vaginosis
I had recurrent B.V for almost 1 year now. Went to the doctor twice, got 2 courses of metrodinazole. THat worked for a while but B.V kept coming back until just this past Saturday, I was lurking right here on Earthclinic and decided to buy some at the healthfood store. I swear the B.V cleared up that SAME DAY. It's been 2 days now, and nary an itch!
(Oklahoma City, Ok)
I have used regular vinegar for years now to clear up any problems in the region. I just buy the disposable douche bottles in the box with solution already in them, pour the solution out and replace with 1 part vinegar and 2 parts water. Do this twice a day for 2 days and then Im fine. It does sting a little at first, but nothing unbearable. The vinegar odor does not last long at all (maybe an hour or two). ACV is alot more powerful than regular vinegar so I would imagine it works better.
Bad Breath
I just stumbble on the write up about ACV for bad breath and I have been using it for the last 3weeks now, I have noticed some improvement with my breath as many people do not behave very badly when I speak. I can only think that it working, I will continue using it. Thank you all.
Baking soda and Hydrogen peroxide do not agree with me, my breath smell very bad when I used those two but ACV agrees with me.