Nausea, Seasickness, and Hangovers
Nummular Eczema
Overall Health
(Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa)
How can you tell you've passed them?
Heather from Napa, California: Do you dilute the apple cider vinegar, or take it straight?
Pass love forward - Sunny
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
Answer to Jessica from San Diego about pH balancing and vitamins. You just observed by yourself that vitamins are acid forming. Vitamin C is Ascorbic Acid. Probiotics are also acid forming. I don't know about garlic. Possibly alkalizing if of good quality. Just take more alkalizing food, spices and minerals. Alain
(North Carolina)
Hi Jessica-hope you are well. Do not take Apple cider vinegar and colloidal silver together. The colloidal silver will kill all the good stuff in your Apple cider vinegar
Pimples (Impending)
EC: Click here for hundreds more acne remedies.
EC: Click here for many more PMS remedies.
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)
Hi Henny, Yes, it is safe to take apple cider vinegar during pregnancy. It can help gently detox and it will keep you alkalized which is a healthy thing for you and the baby. Another problem that can arise during pregnancy is constipation so it can help keep you regular and promote digestion. Another issue during pregnancy is heartburn as the pregnancy proceeds and you get bigger. ACV can help with that as well. You mention your allergies but nothing about actually being pregnant. ACV would be a healthier, safer and natural alternative over medications, that's for sure! Of course, whoever attends to your pregnancy, you can run this by them. Hope this info helps, Lisa
If you don't like the smell or the taste try it this way. It works for him. Josie
(Seattle, Wa - USA)
Hi to Anonymous from Grovetown, Ga - You're recipe sounds great, all except the microwave part. Microwave energy will kill anything beneficial in the food you "nuke". Please web search it. They kill all enzymes in foods. Better to use the stove....
I used to use juices and things to mask the taste of the ACV.... But now I just pour my ACV in a glass (1oz) add BS (1/2 teaspoon) and when the foaming is done, add 10oz water and chug (use a straw for teeth protection). It still tastes kind of bad, but works great. Totally worth it.
Please get rid of the microwave for things like ACV and VCO (my opinion) and you will find they work much better. I believe that others have posted on this in the past as well, so maybe search EC for more info.
Carly :-)
(Brockton, Ma Usa)
Sunday, 3/25/12. This is my first day on this web site. I was looking for something for my horrible swollen ankles and lower legs. Not sure if my ankles are gout or just the effects of this salt-a-holic eating too much corned beef for St. Patty's Day (and leftovers). I am amazed at all the things ALC can cure or alleviate. I just tried the apple cider recipe with ACV (an old bottle I had), honey, cinnamon and nutmeg. Delicious. I actually like the taste. I was tempted to drink another glass right away, but decided to spread it out three times a day, morning, noon and night (unless I find another recipe I like then I will alternate).
Thirty minutes after drinking the apple cider, I started feeling more awake and alert. It was affecting something in my brain. Time will tell with some of my other ailments. I have not noticed any bad after effects. The air also feels cooler when I breath, maybe its also affecting my sinuses. In any event, I will continue drinking it and reading some of the other remedies listed on this web site. Who knows, maybe it will change my life for the better and I can shed some of my unwanted pounds. Thank you for your recipe. I have to go to the store and buy a new bottle of ACV, the one I have is pretty old, and some more honey. Great web site.
Having read your comment regarding microwave, I reread the post above, realized she microwaves the water... not the ACV... problem solved?
1 tbsp ACV
1 tsp Manuka honey
half lemon squeeze
1 teabag of peppermint
1 teabag of rosehip
I drink it this and have done for abut 5 yrs... even my husband likes it this way and drinks it all winter to avoid getting sick...
I call it my magic long life potion :-)