EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.
Ear Infections
My husband was suffering from an ear infection. He was confined in the hospital for almost 2 weeks still nothing happened, so we decided to check out of the hospital. And then I remembered when we were still small, whenever we had throat problems or ear infections, my mom always told us to apply vinegar on it & gargle for the throat. So I told my husband why don't we try it, true enough just after 1 day of applying white vinegar in a water on it, his ear was dry and we continue to apply it twice a day until it was completely healed, but sad enough he lost part of his ear bone because of the that infection before we found this "VINEGAR WONDER", but we are thankful to GOD, now his ear is totally healed.
EC: Read many more testimonials and cures here.
Well, here we are today... MY little farming sweetheart is... Well over 50 and I can't keep up with him. And to boot he eats all the time, mostly at night... Drinks way too many coca colas and has energy coming out his ears. He has been to the doctor umteen times only to get the same outstanding results. HIs heart is perfect, no blockages, his blood presssure is on the dot. His lungs are as clear as a whistle on a quiet day and his libido even after 50 would put a teenage boy to shame.... ACV... Have you had yours today?
Well, Mrs Spiceitup in TN, Well I want to say something cute but just keep up with hubby and pray for your lonely, single sisters in Christ here in FL, and I must agree that ACV is good for you, and a lot can be said for that clean, farm living, and Gods Blessings.
Most of the US centenarians in this day and age grew up "poor on a farm"... There is nothing like organic farming and living a traditional agrarian lifestyle to boost people's health for a long and healthy life! Weston Price was right in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration- "Life in all it's fullness is Mother Nature Obeyed".
In Love and Health
(Hancock, Ny)
I read on Medical Blogs that drinking it straight could hurt your esophagus.
I just hope that the ACV continues to work its magic.
Hola, buenos días, Me estoy recuperando despacio con el vinagre, pero no acabo de encontrar una marca q me de energía, podría decirme la que le dio resultado? Muchas gracias.
Hello, good morning, I am recovering slowly with the vinegar, but I just can't find a brand that gives me energy, could you tell me the one that worked for you? Thank you.
(bloomfield hills, MI)
The brand most of us use is organic and raw, unfiltered, with 'the mother'. It is a family last name that starts with letter b. It has a picture on the label of the father and daughter. Hope that helps! (since we aren't allowed to say brand names)
More than 8oz of water is too much... Do not mix or dilute it to much or you will not see results in a timely manner.
Add 1 tblsp of ACV, 240 ml of water and 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda. Feeling fatigue is sign of body being ACidic. Good Health
(Arlington, TX)
I have been drinking 2 tablespoons with 16 oz of water 2x a day, using ___ organic ACV. I have not noticed any results so far, what so ever. Not with energy, skin, sleep, nothing. What could be going on, and why is it not working for me? Thanks!
(Zephyrhills, Florida)
Hi All! I'm soooo glad I found this site. Sarah, I'm sorry to hear Apple Cider Vinegar isn't working for you. Keep trying and maybe it will. Just a thought.:)
I bought and tried Apple Cider Vinegar for the first time 2 years ago. Well, I'm now starting my menopause and I have every symptom that goes with it including high blood pressure and heart palpitations and believe me, they are scary. Anywhoo, I just remembered today that I still have some Apple Cider Vinegar left and had a glass. Man and I'm glad I did!
I haven't had this much energy in months and it lowered my blood pressure! Whew! I'll just be 40 this year and I'll be drinking Apple Cider Vinegar for the rest of my life. Oh, I also had a bad cough I couldn't get rid of and now that's gone too along with the headaches. Hmmm, no wonder doctor's won't tell us about this because they would go out of business! LOL
Thanks so much Earth Clinic for a wonderful, informative and very much appreciated website!
(Oklahoma, US)
Your post made me crack up! Especially typed in all caps! I'm still laughing because I am feeling the same way and it happened over night! Through the roof energy! I'm giddy, silly and my mind is kind of freaking out! What a transformation for me! 2Tbs apple cider vinegar in water with honey and a dash of baking soda twice a day! I haven't felt this level of happy in I don't know how long! I'm 49! I'm excited and I just keep reading! Thank you God! :) OH! I'm also taking 400mg of Magnesium and 400IU of vitamin E before bed to help with hot flashes and it has helped tremendously. Over night seriously! What a shock! I was hoping I would sleep better and I do a little but I'm so happy during the day that I don't care! Ha!
European Conversions
or 1 tablespoon of sugar. I searched the internet and found out that 1 tbs is 15ml of liquid! A normal size tbs in Europe is 6ml maybe 8ml! So, I think most European people take more than the half of ACV in their home made cocktail. As I read often "it doesn't work". I know there is a lot of misunderstanding between the European and US and English sizes or amounts. Just have a look on this site http://www.curezone.com/conversions.asp
I hope that Earthclinic can make this clear on the site. So that it's clear for everyone on this planet. Regards KS, Holland Amsterdam
EC: Thank you so much, Keyser. Your advice has been posted to our Remedy Guidelines page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/guides.html
(Utrecht, Netherlands)
To Keyser Soze from Amsterdam, You can buy the american measuring cups and sets with teaspoon, tablespoon, 1/4, 1/2, 1/8 tablespoon at any Blokker here for only 2-3 euro per set. Might be easier than converting everything. Groet, Tina
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
If you live in Europe indeed most tbspoons are smaller but you can buy measuring spoons and those are exactly the same. They usually come in sets of all sizes and bread makers and so often come with a measuring spoon. I don't agree with you that we don't use spoons as measure, we do, for smaller quantities. I cook a lot and I never come across ml for such small quantities, always tbspoons or tspoons. I use French, English, Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese recipes.
Fat Reduction
I just came across an awesome discovery that I would like to share. The topical application of Apple cider vinegar (ACV) works great for breast size reduction and for fat reduction from almost any part of the body.
I have used apple cider vinegar (ACV) in a spray bottle, to spray and spread evenly on the breasts (re-apply immediately after it dries) for 30-40 min twice everyday for 3 weeks and got amazing results with size reduction from 38 to 36. Vinegar cuts fat like bleach cuts color, I also applied ACV to my belly and love handles and reduced my waist by 2 inches in three weeks. ACV has countless benefits for skin. If it doesn't suit to anyone, try using regular white vinegar.
EC: Read the BEST CURE FOR FEVER here.
(Omsk, Russia)
Whoa!Whoa! Whoa! FEVER is your FRIEND !!!! It is the indication that your body is FIGHTING the infection. Mess with it at your peril. Let your body do the work it was designed to do...heal itself. NO outside interference can do that.
To the Siberian Wolf on his "Whoa" on fever Hi Siberian Wolf, I agree with you onleaving the fever alone to let it do its job of fighting off infection. However, I noted that only one of those who wrote in said it failed to reduce the fever and that none of those who said it worked mentioned having to repeat the egg whites later. So I have come to the conclusion that the next time me or my loved ones have a fever, we'll give it a try and see if it works. Just think of the wear & tear on the body and the misery you could avoid if using egg whites one time removed the fever and it didn't return. I would have to say that obviously those egg whites delivered nuclear bomb to my soldiers fighting the infection and they wiped the enemy out!! Of course some of those who succeeded with egg whites could write in and let us know if the fever return and they had to repeat the egg whites. It would be helpful to all of us to know.
I agree with Mr. Whoa that Fevers are our Friends....
However, high fever (over 102) can be very damaging to our body tissues/probiotic bacteria/enzymes, especially in infants and children. Bringing down a high fever using ACV on a washcloth is a great remedy that people should tuck into their memory banks esp. when caring for children!
Only if the fever doesn't get too high. 102 is ok but 105 degrees is not.
EC: Click here to read more remedies to cure fibromyalgia.
Flus and Colds