Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats: A Holistic Approach to Feline Health

| Modified on Aug 31, 2024
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats.

Apple cider vinegar is a must-have natural remedy if you own cats! This versatile home remedy is effective for many health conditions in pets, including cats. Whether used internally or externally, apple cider vinegar can help address many common issues your cat may encounter, such as fleas, urinary tract disorders, and ear infections.

What Kind of Apple Cider Vinegar Should I Use for My Cat?

For health purposes, raw and organic apple cider vinegar is essential. This type of vinegar is widely available online, at health food stores, and in larger grocery stores.

How Do I Use Apple Cider Vinegar Externally for My Cat?

Always dilute apple cider vinegar when using it externally for your cat. A typical dilution is 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar mixed with 1/2 cup pure water (spring or distilled). To apply it topically, place the solution in a jar or spray bottle. Be careful to avoid contact with your cat's eyes.

Your cat might not appreciate the smell or taste of apple cider vinegar, but it's a safer alternative to many medications for various conditions. If your cat licks off the vinegar during grooming, don't worry—it’s safe for internal use as well.

This vinegar solution is particularly effective when sprayed onto your cat's fur to repel fleas. If your cat finds being sprayed stressful, you can apply the solution with a paper towel or use a cotton ball to apply it to the back of the neck, which can also help repel fleas or treat infections.

To treat infections on broken skin, ringworm, or pinkeye, mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of distilled or spring water. Apply this solution to the scruff of the neck twice a day.

For ear infections, mix 1/2 tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar with 1/2 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol. Use a few drops in each ear twice a day, or apply the solution with a cotton ball to clean the visible part of the ear if it's "gunky."

Learn How to Apply Apple Cider Vinegar to Your Cat

Watch Earth Clinic's video tutorial on how to apply a topical solution to your cat or dog gently. Your pet will appreciate the gentle approach!

How Do I Use Apple Cider Vinegar Internally for My Cat?

Apple cider vinegar can be mixed into your cat's wet food twice daily for internal use.

Dosage for Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats

Cat's Weight       Dosage of Apple Cider Vinegar

15-20 pounds         1/2 teaspoon
7-14 pounds           1/4 teaspoon
4-6 pounds             1/8 teaspoon
Under 4 pounds      5 drops

Alternatively, add apple cider vinegar to your cat's drinking water. Mix 1/2 - 1 teaspoon into a cup of water. If your cat doesn't like the taste, try adding a pinch of baking soda to neutralize the acidity.

Apple cider vinegar effectively treats bladder problems, urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, allergies, and asthma in cats. Internal use may also help repel fleas and other parasites.

Have you tried apple cider vinegar for your cat? We'd love to hear about your experience! Read on to see how others have successfully used apple cider vinegar for their cats!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Patricia C. (Ireland) on 07/05/2019

I have used ACV on my cat with asthma for a few years now and it helps shift the phlegm for her..also another cat with bad flu...a few drops in water in a dropper bottle and they let me drop it into their mouths..One of them actually loves it..However I have read that not everyday as cats need acid in their bodies to break down food and the odd mouse they may catch and ACV is alkaline so not everyday but certainly if they are having a bad asthma never fails to get them over this.

Broad Benefits

3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by CJ (Ormond Beach, FL) on 10/17/2021

ACV saved my feral / catio kitties from flea issues and to this day keeps the fleas off them. In addition to that, the AVC has helped one of the kitties with allergy issues. These kitties have AVC every day mixed into their wet food (a cap full to a plate of food they all share). This is a great preventative. Think of all the wonderful things ACV does for us humans. Cats have such similarities to our insides: same deal for the kitties. It works wonders.

I have indoor cats that are starting on this same method and have been eating the ACV in their food now for a week. I have cut way back on the dry food. I hope to have them eat more wet other than just once a day. It's expensive though with 13 cats to care for. But, in the long run, it would be saving lives and the ACV helps to keep these fur babes healthy. I also use organic, non gmo food for my kitties.

I am really leery about the "Hills urinary food" for my indoor cat that has a small stone (found out a week ago). This food has some much junk in it. I do not have time to cook food for my kitties. But if I did please give suggestions on nutrients to add and so forth for cooked cat meals. I use Organix currently for wet and some dry food.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Sammy (Wisconsin) on 10/23/2018

Editor's Choice First time poster, but reading everything I can, for taking care of ourselves and our pets, naturally. We heard cries one day on our property in July and followed the cries to find a little frightened kitten with a severe limp and very swollen in two areas of her leg. She was also sick with green discharge from her nose and eyes and very thin.

Took her to the vet to see about the leg. Two possible fractures, knee and femur. The vet was throwing out numbers, two x-rays at $150.00 each, a specialist, possible cast, or, surgery to remove the leg etc. etc. All at about $600.00 - $800.00 dollars to start. Or, you can just put her down.

I found out she was a girl, and only 8 weeks old, give or take. I had just met her three days prior. I wasn't sure what to do, but I was already attached, and the thought of putting her down, was not an option.

I had asked for pain meds, for now. When the Doctor left, I was in tears, and I had asked the nurse if there was any other way. She said the following; Put her in a large dog pen, with a pet taxi, bedding, a litter box, food and water, for 6 to 9 weeks. In other words, (I realized) limit her mobility.

My mind was made up, I was going to care for her, now named Smokie. She is gray with adorable white paws. Since she was going to be in lockdown, if you will, I decided to have her spayed and all the shots, distemper, rabies, leukemia and a chip placed in her.

In the meantime waiting for her appointment, I gave her ACV w/mother in her food (with homemade chicken broth) and the back of her neck, with a cotton ball soaked, twice a day. She also had stools with blood. She was a mess. After one day, her eyes were already better and in one week she was cured.

Eyes bright, no more discharge from her nose, or blood in her stool. I took her in for her appointment. Brought her home the next day, and she had kennel cough. I was angry, after all of this. No, I didn't call the vet. What for? they would have given me more useless meds and another bill. Got out the ACV and walla, she was in good shape again. She is now out of her small pen, and we have built her a 10 x 6 x 10 outdoor chainlink pen attached to our shop and cut out a little door for her to go in and out of. There are two walnut trees (they were already next to the shop), we cut down to fit perfectly within the pen, so she can climb up and down them. And put up shelves for her, for a destination, once she went up the trees.

We purchased a wood stove to heat it and she has an indoor shop that is 15' x 23' with all kinds of room, to play. She has, what I call, the "bad dog boogies" or, the "crazies", all the time.

Yes, her leg is completely healed, you would never know, this was the same kitten, just 3 1/2 months ago. And she has gained weight and her coat is really nice. We have a bond, she knows, I was there for her. Every day I took her carefully out of her little pen, to let her know, she was not abandoned and hold her, until her leg was healed. She wants this everyday still. She knows...

ACV, in my opinion is good for kittens at any age, this is far better than what the vet is going to give you, that probably wouldn't work anyway. I mention this, because other posters have shown concern. This is a natural product, good for all animals and beings. I still give it to her for maintenance. Just a 1/4 teaspoon in her food.

Thank you, Earth Clinic, for all you do for us and Smokie.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Luckyjoann (Hartford, Al) on 05/24/2011

I was feeding my cats tuna. I thought I was doing something loving. I stopped that.

I read about the vinegar put on the back of the neck and paws. My older cat, Lucky was very sick, Kindey failure. It cleared his right eye almost overnight. I finally had to put him to sleep last Thursday. That was so sad. I wish I had known about all of this a long time ago.

I started adding the vinegar to their wet food. Lucky started eating again. He had quit for awhile. Oreo, has been eating more than I've seen her eat in all the years I've had her. If she leaves some, I add a little more water and she eats the rest. Her coat is glossy. Fleas are almost gone. And she has gained weight, at least 2lbs. You could feel her ribs and spine. No more.

Thank y'all so much for the info about the vinegar. I never realize the need for the liquids. Use to, she would nibble at her food and walk away. It would sit there and dry up. Lucky ate all of his all this time. But he did drink an awful lot of water.

Replied by Emilybh
(South Carolina)

I think what may explain why your cats are responding favorably to the ACV is because it facilitates the digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

For humans, taking ACV with the mother and a little honey and water before meals helps digestion and assimilation of nutrients greatly - especially after age 40 when we don't manufacture as much hydrochloric acid as we do when younger. ACV and water stops acid reflux in its tracks too.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Linda (Wa) on 06/29/2017

I have been using OACV in vegetable juice in the morning (don't like honey so can't take it in water because of the taste) for general health benefis. I truthfully have not had the results others claim with weight loss, though.

This morning, I was looking for a cough remedy for my 14 year-old diabetic cat and was thrilled to find OACV diluted with water on a cottonball dabbed on the scruff of the neck, shoulder blades, paws and paw pads, even inside ears. My cat started a slight cough yesterday and this morning I noticed it a little more frequently, also breathing noises that indicated possible stuffiness.

I gave him breakfast and as soon as he finished administered the OACV/water mixture as directed and within about ten minutes he was sleeping contentedly on the bed with no cough or harsh breathing sounds. I will use it again once or twice today and continue if necessary tomorrow. Is OACV a miracle, or what?

Replied by deanna

What is the O in OACV?

EC: OACV = Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Itchy Nose

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by John (Melbourne, Victoria) on 02/04/2018

My Cat was always seemed to rubbing her nose.Told the vet about it, He wasnt concerned, he seemed to think it may be just a habit.? Five months later, after watching her, And noticing cuts on her nose, it was driving her crazy and driving me crazy watching her .Took her to another vet.Told the vet she is on a well known flea treatment once a month behind the neck.

Vet wasn't sure what it was.She took a skin sample said in a vague way, I can see Black dots on sample under the microscope?not sure what it is?

She then proceeded to out line the course we were going to take."What I plan to do is stop something for the itch, and give her antibiotics.We will get to the bottom of it.She stressed that I Make sure you make another appointment." I felt glad something was happening to sort the issue.

After the end of the course of antibiotics, the itching resumed.So that was $150.00 of nothing.

I don't have an open cheque book, If there was a slight indication I felt confident in the vet I would have continued $$$$. Just To make my Cat comfortable.

On the friday night I was looking at the net, and came across this sight and others, Talking about ACV. Went down to the supermarket, got the Good Stuff, 1/2 and 1/2 applied to the side of her nose with a cotton bud. That was a week ago.

ACV Has Cleared whatever irritation there was, up, and her nose is returning to normal appearance. No more itching. That`s a week ago.I will continue to monitor her condition.I would recommend going to the vet initially just to get advice, but when you get a gut feeling its going to $$$$$$$$$. and the Vet doesent know, Then ......

I don't know what it is about Vets these days but, the way they charge, definitely are in it for the money.And they seem to take it for granted that I have an open wallet. Thank you

Preventing Illness

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mark (Florida ) on 06/12/2020

Can ACV be given to cats even if there are no issues just as precaution? If yes, what is the best way and amount for a totally healthy cat to have ? Thanks

Replied by Birdie
(Saginaw Michigan)

Absolutely! Every Monday I take my spray bottle of ACV (I don't add water) and spray on a brush or combing glove and just groom my cats, avoiding the face. Sometimes I am able to squirt right on their fur then brush. At this point, they all look forward to this. They all go into their licking after. Seems to benefit them very much.