Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment for Mange in Cats

| Modified on Aug 31, 2024
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1 User Review

Posted by David (Raleigh, Nc) on 05/19/2014

I have a feral cat that comes by my place to eat now & then and am noticing that he has mange on his front legs & shoulders. I have been reading about putting Apple Cider Vinegar in his water or food and will give that a try, but bathing him is out of the question. He does not like to be approched or touched so I will not be able to bathe him or brush him. If anyone has any further ideas on how to help this kitty get better, I would appreciate it. Thank you and what a great site with so much input!!!

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey David!

Have you contacted Hobbes House for rescue assistance? cats.php

Perhaps they can assist with trapping this kitty, ensuring he is neutered, and given any medical treatment that he needs prior to being released.

The first thing that came to mind when I read your post was to dose the kitty with Ivomec - a bottle of 1% inject able labeled for cattle runs under $40.00 at the farm supply store and when diluted out gives you a lifetime supply; I have used it in the past and donated what I did not use to rescue. You would have to dilute it and put it into wet food to hide the bad taste.

Replied by Shelley
(Sun Valley, Nevada)
10 posts

I have a solution to assist the Feral Cat in becoming domesticated. Use raw hamburger balls to notice the cat inside. He will hide, and can take up to 3 weeks or so to to domesticate, term used loosely. You can add Echinacea and golden Seal tincture to his water once daily. 1 tsp daily for ten days, then off for 3 days. Repeat as many times as necessary. Mange is caused usually by a mite which depletes immunity. ACV or DE food grade will clear up the mite infestation, ACV will kill fungal, and bacterial infections.