Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats - Editor's Choice

Over the years, Earth Clinic readers have sent us many reports about their treatments for Apple Cider Vinegar for Cats. The editors at Earth Clinic consider the below posts to be some of the most helpful and informative and have named them 'Editor's Choice'. We hope that you will find this useful.
The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

Posted by Sammy (Wisconsin) on 10/23/2018

Editor's Choice

First time poster, but reading everything I can, for taking care of ourselves and our pets, naturally. We heard cries one day on our property in July and followed the cries to find a little frightened kitten with a severe limp and very swollen in two areas of her leg. She was also sick with green discharge from her nose and eyes and very thin.

Took her to the vet to see about the leg. Two possible fractures, knee and femur. The vet was throwing out numbers, two x-rays at $150.00 each, a specialist, possible cast, or, surgery to remove the leg etc. etc. All at about $600.00 - $800.00 dollars to start. Or, you can just put her down.

I found out she was a girl, and only 8 weeks old, give or take. I had just met her three days prior. I wasn't sure what to do, but I was already attached, and the thought of putting her down, was not an option.

I had asked for pain meds, for now. When the Doctor left, I was in tears, and I had asked the nurse if there was any other way. She said the following; Put her in a large dog pen, with a pet taxi, bedding, a litter box, food and water, for 6 to 9 weeks. In other words, (I realized) limit her mobility.

My mind was made up, I was going to care for her, now named Smokie. She is gray with adorable white paws. Since she was going to be in lockdown, if you will, I decided to have her spayed and all the shots, distemper, rabies, leukemia and a chip placed in her.

In the meantime waiting for her appointment, I gave her ACV w/mother in her food (with homemade chicken broth) and the back of her neck, with a cotton ball soaked, twice a day. She also had stools with blood. She was a mess. After one day, her eyes were already better and in one week she was cured.

Eyes bright, no more discharge from her nose, or blood in her stool. I took her in for her appointment. Brought her home the next day, and she had kennel cough. I was angry, after all of this. No, I didn't call the vet. What for? they would have given me more useless meds and another bill. Got out the ACV and walla, she was in good shape again. She is now out of her small pen, and we have built her a 10 x 6 x 10 outdoor chainlink pen attached to our shop and cut out a little door for her to go in and out of. There are two walnut trees (they were already next to the shop), we cut down to fit perfectly within the pen, so she can climb up and down them. And put up shelves for her, for a destination, once she went up the trees.

We purchased a wood stove to heat it and she has an indoor shop that is 15' x 23' with all kinds of room, to play. She has, what I call, the "bad dog boogies" or, the "crazies", all the time.

Yes, her leg is completely healed, you would never know, this was the same kitten, just 3 1/2 months ago. And she has gained weight and her coat is really nice. We have a bond, she knows, I was there for her. Every day I took her carefully out of her little pen, to let her know, she was not abandoned and hold her, until her leg was healed. She wants this everyday still. She knows...

ACV, in my opinion is good for kittens at any age, this is far better than what the vet is going to give you, that probably wouldn't work anyway. I mention this, because other posters have shown concern. This is a natural product, good for all animals and beings. I still give it to her for maintenance. Just a 1/4 teaspoon in her food.

Thank you, Earth Clinic, for all you do for us and Smokie.

Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)

Posted by Ashley (Texas, US) on 02/05/2015

Editor's Choice

I used a 50/50 mix of organic Apple Cider Vinegar and water. I just put a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup, added a couple drops of water, to where its barley got any color, and dropped in a cotton ball. Then I dabbed the soaked cotton ball between his shoulders and a little on his paws, it's okay to let them lick it off. My Harley's pink eye was nearly cured by the following morning. I kept doing the Apple Cider Vinegar treatments for a couple more days to make sure the virus was gone. I would do treatments while he was eating wet food. It's the only way I could do it without him running away or being pissed at me. Lol. Good luck!

Poor Health

Posted by Jennifer (Lodi, Ca) on 11/08/2010

Editor's Choice

I found a 5 week old kitten about a month ago. She was starved, dehydrated & had all sorts of problems. Alot of which I was going to the vet for. However she had a horrible case of diarrhea that lasted for a month. She also was losing fur around her eyes, & was using the litterbox excessively. She was eating enough but barely was gaining weight. And she had a horrible case of fleas. After 3 visits to the vet, a clear stool sample & 3 things of medication, I was ready to take her to a different vet. I hated to tho, she kept getting things shoved up her rear, getting poked & handled. It wasn't easy for a kitten.

I looked up this website a week ago & started putting about 5-8 drops of Apple Cider Vinegar in her drinking water. The next day, she was springing with energy. Within 2-3 days, her runny nose & eyes stopped. The redness cleared from her eyes. She was able to breathe through her nose clearly. 4-5 days, I notice the litterbox wasn't being used as much & her stool wasn't as runny. Now its been about 7 days... She loooks more healthy (in weight). She hasn't gain a TON of weight. But it appears that she's more 'filled-in'. Her bones don't stick out as much. I believe that the ACV really helped with her digestion system, maybe even through in intestines. I notice that even her anus was very red & tender at first. Now, you can't even tell if there was skin inflammation... Just cleared up. The fleas are dying off. (I also use Dawn dishwashing soap in her bath- its another remedy for fleas. ) But the fur around her eyes are growing back in as well. I've noticed that her whole fur coat is looking more healthy. I know its only been a week. But all around, she's just looking so much better.

My other cats, I had to put in like 4-5 drops because they wouldn't touch the water. I even added a few drops to their wet food. Seeing how its working so well with my kitten, I should pass the remedy on to my other cats. Only because I've been worried about their safe-keeping. And one of them has a VERY sensitive stomach. Anyways... I'll def kept anymore thoughts posted. But I'm very glad I ran into this site. I always use ACV as my own remedy for multiple reasons.... But I never knew you could for animals too.

Poor Health
Posted by Susan (Livingston Manor, NY) on 10/29/2008

Editor's Choice

I swear by ACV for heartburn and indigestion, IBD, and pesky urinary tract infections. It never occurred to me it might help one of my cats. My sweet little pumpkin pie, Rusty, is almost 17 and suffered many traumatic injuries as an abused kitten. Five years ago he had a kidney removed, has always suffered from bouts of colitis and upper resp problems, and now is suffering from liver failure. Oh yeah, and fleas and his severe allergy to them. Because of the liver problems, he cannot have topical flea meds. All of these issues, my vet tells me, could be handled by surgery and meds if I had a spare $50,000 and Rusty was 10 years younger. Well, I don't, and he isn't.

I was unable to get Rusty to drink anything with acv in it except tomato juice (don't believe everything you read about tomatoes and cats). So, about 1/4 tsp in a little 'mater juice or hidden in some beef broth or tuna juice and liberally applying it to the back of the neck, base of tail and around his privates were my options.

I started this regimen four weeks ago. Within a couple of days his breathing had improved, his watery-wheezing had diminished, and he was a little more active and social. Within a week, flea activity dropped dramatically, and he is no longer chewing on himself 24/7 (poor baby was so exhausted.) And, this morning, for the first time in almost two years, Rusty walked into the litter box and had a stool (poop) that looked almost normal, and not the fetid, muddy gray slop I had been cleaning off carpets several times a day.

More importantly, he has gained almost 1/2 pound of weight. His liver and colitis problems have made him very anemic (he had progressively lost five pounds in just over two years), and this weight gain is a blessing because it means he is actually absorbing some of the calories and nutrients in his food.

At Rusty's age and with his medical background, I am quite impressed -- and every so thankful -- with what acv has achieved for him.

If you are wondering if your pet might benefit in some way from an acv treatment, all I can say is you have absolutely nothing to lose by trying. Sadly, nothing is going to cure Rusty except some God-given miracle, but if his symptoms are eased so he can enjoy the rest of his life, that works for me.

How to Administer ACV in Food or Water

Posted by Pat (St. Louis, Missouri) on 03/23/2008

Editor's Choice

ACV remedy: My two cats, 9 months and 2 years, wouldn't drink the ACV in their water. So I took a gallon jug of water and added 1 drop of ACV. They drank it.

When the jug is 3/4 empty, I refill it with water and add another drop of vinegar and have kept repeating this, slowly increasing the amount of ACV by 1 drop. I have been doing this for about two weeks and they are tolerating it well.

Soft stool has been corrected, and fur is glossy and smooth. Still have some trouble with flatulance in 2 year cat.

Thanks so much!