Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
With home treatments apple cider vinegar or baking soda in coconut oil how to treat and when to stop are imprecise. Will the lesion heal while being treated? Do you treat until there is no or little reaction from the tissues? Is the opening up and bleeding a normal part of the process?
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Have used the described protocol several times now on small BCCs, for 7 days of treatment. It's worked each time.
To reduce the pain, try earthing:
- Attach an earthing pad to the skin near the treatment area. or put the treated body part on an earthing pad.
For earthing equipment and how to earth:
- Make sure that the contact of your skin with the earthing pad is firm.
E.g. when treating your left shin, lie on your left side with the left leg on the earthing pad and put your right leg onto your left leg for extra weight (the weight of the left leg on the earthing pad by itself wasn't enough for me to take the pain away).
I discovered this by chance. It's cut down half an hour of intense sting from ACV to just 5 minutes, and helped me with the baking soda and H2O2 treatments, too.
(Oregon, USA)
Has anyone applied Apple Cider vinegar in the ear? I have cells in ear and lobe. I have been treating and seems to be festering. Painful stage now but continuing on. Have done this before in a different part of the ear. Has not come back at the place before but now in a different spot. Seems to be in the ear canal and applying vinegar on cotton. Just wondering if anyone else has done this?
@Patches; I remember reading an article from a retired 70 year old dermatologist that said to use the following:
8oz pure water
1 tablespoon sea salt
3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Use this solution as a compress on the skin for cancerous lesions at niight before bed. Do it for 10-22 days.
Thank you. I have been saturating cotton ball and soaking in apple cider vinegar. Turns very dark and scabs over and comes off but there seems to be more. Seemed to open and was a lot more than what I thought. So repeating….Less lesion, but still there. Repeating the process. I did about 14 days and then let it dry. I am repeating at present. I will try the recommendation. Thanks again. I wonder if I will will know if the root is gone like the person below asked. Time will tell as I keep at it.
(Duxbury, MA)
Did you apply this for a specified length of time before bed or did you tape it on the bcc and leave on overnight? many thanks - dealing with many of these spots!
Yes, the question is does it get to the root of it and make it go away. I have 3 places, two on my left leg and 1 small one on my right leg. One on my left leg was just biopsy and it is BCC. So I have been dabbing on ACV several times a day. It seemed at first make a difference and started to turn white and look like it was going away but now is red and irritated. I will keep up maybe adding the hydrogen peroxide and continuing the application. I have a bump on my right shoulder where my bra and purse irritate it. It went away but now is back. These different things are scary.
(Mesa, AZ)
My concern is how do you know if it killed off the roots too?
Vitamin C for basal cell cancer
Thanks! I continued on with the ACV and it cleared up and looked great. Now I am a year plus later and it has returned. Same location and once again doing the AVC. I went to doc after the last one and she looked at my ear and would not believe the pictures I showed her and that I just burnt my ear and that there were easier options than ACV. She said ear looked fine and no need to do anything. Well I made an appointment today but they said a month from now so I decided to do ACV again and thinking it will be looking better in a month…May or may not keep the appt. But wondering why it returns. Continuing on AVC and once again starting day 2 and the pain is beginning but I know now what will be expected. I did it a very long time last time and really burnt it out but now again?
Did the BCC go away? Are you 100% cured? It is on my left leg in two locations. And on my right leg in a small place. I am doing the salt and ACV. Is it best to de each of these treatments separately and not combine any of them? I Would love to have a response. I am feeling like adrift on a desert island.. Sharon
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
The first time I removed my bcc, I used ACV soaked in a cotton ball and taped it to my BCC every night. After a few days it turned red and after about a month I was BCC free.
The second time I removed my bcc, it was close to my eyes, so I used baking soda with coconut oil 1 tbsp each mixed and made a paste and applied it to the area. After about 2 weeks I was bcc free. I had to deal with scabbing and redness but after that I'm bcc free.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Peroxide
To be frank, I maintained this for 30+ days (though the entire experience was 2-3 months worth) and I think it was all worth it as an alternative to having surgery and a big scar on my head. I took ongoing pictures of the area and created a simple video to show the progress. Yes, it seems like a long time in hindsight, but eventually the area began to fully heal and no more questionable areas were to be seen. The doctor (to his great surprise :) rechecked the area and told me no more sign of BCC. Now I only have a small spot where all this went on, but it healed over with natural skin tones and the scar isn't significant (considering all the little dents and dings we have on our heads by the time you're my age)!
So, to me, the ACV is what I think is the strongest factor, and the ACV, Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda mixture is the most powerful paste imho. I also use a Hydrogen peroxide & baking soda-only mixture if I want to apply a less aggressive mix to anything that looks vaguely suspicious. And I drink an occasional teaspoon of ACV in water, since I've read that can help too.
(My disclaimer: this worked for me, ymmv, and definitely check with your doctor. If it had been anywhere else on my body I might have accepted the suggested Mohs surgery and been done with it instantly...but I still keep the above paste/mixtures handy.)
Thank you, James, for posting your bcc experience. Did you make the paste fresh every time you applied it so that the hydrogen peroxide was fresh or did you mix up several tablespoons and use it over a period of days? many thanks, judith
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Peroxide
I started August 4th using organic apple cider vinegar, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide as a paste, alternating with fresh cut aloe vera (using the inside of the leaf) at night...securing either solution with a band aide. My nose looks horrible, due to the fact of more bcc there than what I'd hoped for. The area is puffy, red and just really looks bad. I believe I had read where it will get worse before it gets better. I'd love to post pictures of this process for two reasons, informative and feedback. Thank you for allowing me to join this discussion.
I am treating my husband's bcc. It was cut out and came back. This is our third week of baking soda covered with a moist bandage. It is doing it's thing. It is quite large. And, very painful for him. The outer skin is hardened but turning a clear color. I think this might take a long time to clear up. Wanted to join the conversation as someone who understands as he is suffering quite a bit due to the treatment which made me a little concerned if we need to see a doctor.
However, to kill it completely I think personally this is the way to go. We haven't tried hydrogen peroxide because he was dead against it. So, I have only used baking soda. Praying we come through this as it is kind of gross. He has two areas on his back that look like bullet or arrow wounds. I am not kidding. I feel for him and have see his bright personality go into the depths of humility really fast as the roots of this cancer is being extracted and destroyed. What a journey! Thanks for letting me sob!! :)
Cancer feeds on sugar. Maybe you should thing about eliminating processed sugar to help speed up the healing process!
(Somewhere, Europe)
Eva, try the baking soda with a bit of coconut oil.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Vitamin C
I got another one above my lip and along my hairline. I treated them the same and again my husband made me biopsy. All clear! I told him I healed 3 so I will not biopsy any more because it is 2 cuts, 1 to diagnose and 1 to prove to him it is clear. He is very cautious because he had one on his back that required mohrs surgery so he couldn't believe I was able to cure my own. He then got another one on his back and gave me the opportunity to "Witch doctor" on him. It took about 2 months to cure his simply because he would vascilate between whether he believed it would work or not but I convinced him to at least let me try before his appointment and now it is all clear. 😊
IF you use the treatment faithful 2 times a day, it should honestly not take more than 2-3 weeks to clear up but I know depending on location, you can't walk around with a white paste.
(New York)
I was recently dx with BCC above my upper lip and nose. I have no problem walking around with white paste on my face and no one even seems to notice. So don't let vanity get in the way of healing. Your health is more important.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Eggplant, Peroxide
I would like to make a correction to my post. Please use sweet almond oil and not the bitter because of high cyanide content in the bitter almond. It has a possible anticancer effect on the area but is considered toxic even if ingested through the skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Now this is what I know ....from my experience
This is what I am doing
I started with the apple cider viniger, slept with a cotton ball loaded with viniger on my forehead.
Dabbed peroxide on it thu the day many times and alternate with the vinegar.
Not only do I put it on the crater itself, but around the area about two inches.
I have been doing this since July 16, 2015
The large crater itself turned white, also bits keep coming out, another bcc appeared above the first one, this second one surfaced and is dying, around these bcc several small ones appeared, they are the roots. It looked like small dots at first..then came to the surface showing itself. The peroxide kills it because it dries it out, it cannot live, the apple cider viniger also kills it and soothes the skin.
I found that using the combo as much as possible works ...I sit and watch tv with a plastic cup and Qtip dabbing the peroxide on. I fan it to dry and add some more peroxide , 9 bcc have appeard and are dying off, just think how big of a scar I would have had if I did go for the MOHS
Depending on how long and deep the bcc is you may have a small scar, but better than a big one or having your eyes look weird because of the pull of the skin to repair your face.
I have basal carcinoma on my top lip close to nose hole, I have been swabbing with Peroxide & Apple Cider Vinegar after which I applied coconut oil mixed with Baking Soda, the carcinoma is very sore but my main concern is that in only a week it appears to have grown rather than decreased.
What should I do?
(Hotspot, Texas)
Hi Denise, often the lesion will look bigger because it will get inflamed and swell. If this is the case, it should get smaller with time. It's my belief that the cancer cells get the signal to die when they are treated and then the body has to work to get rid of all the dead cells. so the lesion swells up with lymph and white blood cells, etc. It is normal for it to look worse before it gets better.
Thank you for your encouraging words, I am persevering, I have been applying the peroxide every day along with ACV at various times, at night I apply vit C powder mixed with Coconut Oil or Vitamin E Oil, in the morning there is a often a bloody looking discharge I clean that up with Peroxide which stings for a few minutes. When should I stop the treatment?
(Leichhardt Nsw Australia)
What grade of H202 should I buy? And one of my BCC's is very close to my eye. No problems with the Apple Cider Or Bi Carb, but is there any concerns using the H202 around my eye?
I'm seeing this so late as I search for help with my BCC on my nose and here is what I found with Hydrogen Peroxide. Use Essential Oxygen brand 3% Food Grade HP ONLY!! The cheap brown plastic bottles found everywhere are from China and have been found to contain very high levels of toxic metals. If you don't have a very good small organic market near you, iHerb and Vitacost used to sell it with iHerb being the least costly. You can also purchase direct from manufacturers website. It is much more expensive $10+ for a bottle but if you restrict it only for medicinal use it pays for itself. I use the cheap stuff only to clean my toilet etc.
Thank you so much for that information, I had no idea and did not know that there was a difference in hydrogen peroxide!!
Hi. Thanks for sharing your story. How is your bcc now? Did it completely go away? I have a small one on my eyelid and did try Apple Cider Vinegar but it kept pussing and no healing. I'm now using CBD oil and it seems to be drying out and has 2 raised bumps around the area of the 3 mm biopsy. I'm hoping this will work because the idea of having my eyelid cut out is very scary!
(New London, Ct)
Question.... treating a spot on my nose with a combo of both ACV and hydrogen peroxide. Spot turns white after soaking with a Cotton ball and then skin around is red. Is this part of the normal process? Thanks for help.
It might not be a bad thing to see it grow larger when you start using the topical treatments [peroxide, apple cider vinegar, iodine, and I would add TEA TREE OIL as an option] - these irritate the cancer cells, which is what we want. The ointments might also be irritating the healthy tissues, but they are not being killed like the cancer is.
But yes, it could be cause for concern. Mine got a bit painful, but that is okay in this case. Use your intuition, talk to your skin, ask and await an answer [this is difficult to teach].
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Decided on hydrogen peroxide (standard 3%) applied 2x daily with strong scrub using a peroxide-soaked q-tip for one month, starting Nov. 2013. It stung but I would not say 'painful'. Small bump area was irritated (YES, peroxide is doing its thing). Eventually saw significant reduction in size of remaining bump but also no more signs of irritation.
Then I moved on to organic Apple Cider Vinegar Treatment using same 2x/day application with q-tip. this did not have same sting but caused a more general red rash area across my forehead but I did this for almost a month as well.
In both Treatment modes I left the area open (no bandages). In Jan. 2014 I returned to peroxide Treatment but there didn't seem to be any reaction thus stopped.
Today Feb. 4, 2014 I visited a NEW Dermo DR asking for a full skin scan (I'm 50 YO female, fair-haired, fair-skinned caucasian with lots of hours outdoors). NEW DR gave me full exam and declared that there were no concerns with my skin (any of it). I then told NEW DR of BCC Dx in August.... he rubbed my forehead with alcohol-soaked gauze and examined thru his 10x polar-light magnifier and declared 'yes, he could see a small pink bump (MINISCULE) in the scar tissue. and then he 'lawyered' up and agreed that the 'STANDARD of CARE' is Moh's surgery for this.
After he left, his assistant (who was there for the whole thing) said that I could wait until I got medicare insurance to cover the cost of surgery. So, I will NOT be getting Moh's surgery, I will be monitoring my skin for pearly bumps and other strange things. For pearly bumps I will invoke the peroxide Treatment (seemed more effective and makes sense when I think of my mom putting it on cuts and scrapes when I was a kid-'get rid of the bad stuff'); for other things I will go back to NEW DR for exam and Diagnosis.
I have had MOHS twice on my face. I can absoluately say I will not have MOHS again unless I have insurance and the skin cancer is NOT on my face. My cancer was basal cell. One spot (pearly) on my line of my upper lip and one on my nose on the side. I now have a misshappen nose and awful scar on lip with numbness on my lip even after 6 years. I have also heard that MOHS can stir up the cancer cells and then they sprout up in new places. I now have a slightly raised bump on tip of my nose and no way will I have MOHS again. The face is too vulnerable a place and too much scarring with MOHS. My friend had MOHS on her lip and the cancer came back within five years. Those MOHS surgeon run you in and out of their offices like cattle making bookoo bucks at your expense. I am going to try the eggplant cream -120 bucks a tube but better than $5,000 MOHS.
(Ten Mile , Tn)
HI U ELISE, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Recommend you research the Egg Plant Ointment that is for sale on the internet from Great Britain. It worked for me . Just Google Egg Plant Cancer treatment and you will get there.
======= OLE ROBERT HENRY============
(Western Australia)
(Wisconsin, US)
It has been a year since my original post and thought I'd give an update on my status. The original bump on my forehead remains NOTHING but the scar from the biopsy - the remaining 'half-bump' has been gone since before I went to 2nd dermo DR. In March 2014 I realized that a 'bump' on my right cheek was not just a pimple. I applied the peroxide Tx for a month but it didn't seem to do much, then I applied the ACV (apple cider vinegar) Tx sporadically for a month and it didn't really do anything either. I got busy with summer fun and forgot about it. Since late winter to now I've been doing a mix between peroxide and ACV Tx and today I feel I've finally gotten somewhere because the area opened and bled without my coaxing (no real squeezing or scratching). Now I'm applying ACV Tx frequently to really get at the thing (same 'scrubbing wet q-tip' thing). In summary - I think I've learned that WHERE you get the BCC impacts how easy it is to cure. My forehead is thin skin and things progressed in a reasonable timeframe; this new 'bump' on my cheek is in the fleshy/puffy area and I think that is what is making it harder to cure - but I think I've had a literal 'break through' today.
for sure: no MOHs for me!
Veronica: this is late - but I use either peroxide OR apple cider vinegar.
all: I'm not sure that MOHs or peroxide or ACV Tx will cause further episodes. I believe that once we get it - we are prone to get it again. lucky thing is - it is slow growing.... Regarding eggplant cream and questionable websites - I think you're dealing with snake oil sales-sites - I prefer to stick to the basics. EC does not like 'naming names' but the ACV that I use starts with 'b' and is headquartered in California.
How often should I apply peroxide & ACV to my Basal Cell Carcinoma? Do I apply on alternate days?
And at what stage should I apply the Vit C & coconut oil paste? The cell looks enlarged and the crater bigger, it gets very sore after applying Vit C paste and stings & has a discharge. Please advise me.
(Toledo Oh)
I am a 63 year old male, this is my 1st post here. I have had a small scab slightly above and at the end of my right eyebrow for about 3 or 4 months. The scab had some raised tissue surrounding the scab. My 1st thought was BCC, so I started to look for alternative treatment since even my doctor said nothing about it while I was having a general checkup a few months back. I came across this web site and decided to try the H2O2 and ACV treatments.
On the 21st of august I started to apply 3% H2O2 to the area with a Q-tip. I was very careful to only apply H2O2 to the scab and raised tissue area. I would apply H2O2 every hour and the H2O2 created a small depressed area in the skin about 3/8in in diameter all the scab was removed as well as the raised tissue that surrounded the scab.
I then applied a paste of baking soda and allowed it to dry. I covered the soda with a small band-aid. The area was very pink and the applications did sting a little. for the next 2 days I would apply H2O2 3 or 4 times a day, covering the area with baking soda and a band-aid.
On the 4 day I decided to intoduce ACV to the white scab that was about 3/8in diameter. The ACV turned the area black and apeared to dissolve part of the blackened area. I continued to apply ACV every cpl of hours on days 4 thru 6. After the dark scab was completely removed, I then kept applying baking soda paste on days 4,5,6,7,8
The baking soda seemed to assist with generating pink normal skin cells. On days 9 and 10 I left the area open to promote healing with the addition of a small amount of ointment to assist the healing process.
It is now day 11 and the 3/8in area is still slightly depressed but no scab exists or any raised tissue that formally surrounded the scab area. I do keep the 3/8in area covered with a very small band-aid and a tiny bit of ointment to keep the area soft. I am very encouraged by these results in only 11 days. There is still a slight depression of the 3/8in area but I am optimistic that this will slowly return to normal appearance in time.
I will continue to report any changes to the area that has been treated.
(Somewhere, Europe)
(Missouri City Tx)
I use three things. Baking Soda with coconut oil, Peroxide, and raw Apple Cider Vinegar. I then put Vit. E on the area. First Peroxide to kill the cancer, ACV to help reverse the cells from bad to good, then Baking Soda and Coconut oil to sooth the skin. I sleep with Vit. E on it at night for the scaring. Peroxide once a day at night and ACV twice a day, morning and night, the baking soda becomes a paste and I leave it on at night after the first two applications (proxy./ACV). And I PRAY!
How does one know when to stop or what to look for to stop the ACV and peroxide treatments?
When the wound is completely healed, you should be clear of it. If it comes back then do it again and remember not to let it dry out so that your body can expel all the bad cells. Best of luck.
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
(Ten Mile, TN)
HI LODI L.,,, being from Australia, I would assume you are aware of Curaderm. If not research.
Thanks ORH, and yes I have done my research on Curaderm and decided against it because the affected area is so large and I need to be ever so careful around my eyes. Will first see how this works, I doubt that I can get all of it in only one treatment series, maybe for spot treatment later on I will reconsider again. Thanks for your reply.
Hi I used Curaderm for a BCC near my eye, which had previously been excised 3 times yet still returned over a 6 year period. A surgeon offered mohs treatment once the third excision had failed to remove it completely. This involved two invasive operations, the first the mohs procedure followed the following day by facial reconstruction. The whole procedure sounded horrific and I decided to go down the alternative route. Curaderm was very painful yet effective for a while. However it reappeared again within 2 years. This was when I found this forum and have and I am still treating it with a combination of Diluted ACV, Hydrogen Peroxide, Vitamin E Oil and just now the baking soda an vco. As this site in the corner of my eye is already scar tissued after 3 exisions, it is taking a while to heal and look red and angry and bleeds occasionally. I am not giving up, but I am realistic that as I have had this BCC reoccuring on and off for 12 years it may take a while of treating with these combinations before a real effective sign of complete healing appear.
Hi Avril, Im just wondering how you got on with your treatment? I have BCC recently diagnosed (but has been growing for years! ) on my lower eyelid, right next to/on my eye. I'm on the waiting list for Moh's surgery, but would like to try and heal it myself. However as it's directly onto my eyeball, I'm unsure if I can use any of the treatments mentioned in this article. I'd be really interested to hear about your experience. Many thanks
Hello Susi,
I'm in a similar situation, with an eyelid BCC diagnosed a few months back (although I've been having it for several years before its proper diagnosis). I suggest that you look into DMSO and also CBD oil as potential treatments (or aids in the overall scheme, which may include diet, detox, sports etc.). It seems we should aim at healing from within and not only target topical applications.
(USA East Coast)
Update on my post of 2/2/2019 re basal cell carcinoma.
It is now 21 month post above treatment and my forehead is mostly free of spots until I get to my hairline, both top and side of temples where I was not able to apply ACV part of this routine. My thinking is that the treatment was effective, but just out of interest and 2 spots possibly still there, I'm planning to repeat it next week to see if my skin reacts differently. If there is still evidence of BCC I would not do this treatment again but would try Curaderm.
To summarise:
I applied VCO/BS (Virgin Coconut Oil/Baking Soda) combination 2x daily all over my forehead up to my hairline and for the first few days treatment was very painful. Immediately after first application skin looked terribly red and inflamed. Washed it off before retiring and applied 1/2 strength ACV dressing for 1-2 hours (stings considerably for a while) before sleep and repeated this first thing in the morning before applying again VCO/BS.
Continued this treatment for about 3 (maybe 4) weeks. Occasionally applied fresh aloe vera to support healing. Pain subsided at end of first week and slowly over time redness and inflammatory-look disappeared too. The one spot on bridge of my nose was not treated with ACV but has also disappeared. A friend (84) who was diagnosed with BCC treated it with colloidal silver, that she makes herself, and that was also successful.
Thanks to all of you who are sharing experiences and blessings of good health to all.
What ratio do you use with coconut oil bicarb?
I do this, making a thick paste so it does not melt all over, I do not have pain or stinging.. I add a bandage to secure it.
How long do you suggest it takes to have an effect so that I know something is at work?
What does ACV mean and the other abbreviations you are using?
Have you tried anything else, how long did you have these before you acted upon it?
Thank you for sharing ure experience.
EC: ACV - Apple Cider Vinegar
VCO - Virgin Coconut Oil
BS - Baking Soda
Reply to Terrie (re:BCC 07/15/2019).
Just sent an update on my treatment.
To answer your question, I left OCV/BS on for most of the day. Made a paste of about half each initially and spread it over my forehead after ACV dressing came off. When face gets hot and oil begins to melt somewhat I used tissues to blot my face. Need to find balance to have just enough VCO to be able to spread BS without starting to drip. Midday I would with great delight wash it all off, applied some aloe vera gel or echinacea cream to give my skin some rest and then applied VCO/BS again and left it on till bedtime. Hope this helps.
Blessings of good health to you.
Reply to Marcelle (BCC 10/30/2020) I just updated Earthclinic re my experience and that answered some of your questions. I am unable to answer your question how long to persist with this treatment approach. I continued for 3, possibly 4 weeks just to make sure I gave it the best shot. Blessings of good health to you.
(Gold Coast QLD.)

Bi Carb and Coconut Oil for skin cancers
I have started using this mixture on a skin cancer that has been on my face for a few years and have had a huge reaction, it is actually hurting quite a big area of the left side of my face, I would like to know when you stop the treatment or how you know you have got all of the cancer!
Thank you
(somewhere, europe)
Kally, having had the same reaction as you, I caved in and had it surgically removed, which left me with an impressive "pirate" scar.
In your place I would continue, but less applications and less amount each time, just so it will be tolerable till it does the job.
I've had growths on the edge of my lower eyelid a few times in the last 5-years. I describe them as skin tags. They grow and the ends break off. One was surgically removed and analyzed. It was described as skin keratosis. Another formed on the opposite eye. I ended up pincering it off with my fingernails. There is another one beginning to grow a few mm's from the last. It was visible at the time when I excised that second one. I'm assuming it is also keratosis, so not BCC. I post this to show not all growths are cancerous.
I had a BCC removed from my left Helix and of course they wanted to do Mohs (for the money) and I decided to treat this at home.
They sent me a nasty registered letter trying to scare me into the MOHs surgery.
I am using a mixture consisting of 33% DMSO and 66% Aloe Vera Gel daily with no issues for my Helix. Time will tell if the BCC reappears.
If I had a BCC around my eyes I would use a 40% mixture of Pharma grade DMSO and distilled water as I have used these type of drops in my eyes for the treatment of macular degeneration. It will sting for a few seconds.
There is an Emerging role of misfolded proteins in human cancer. DMSO is remarkably effective at stabilizing and refolding proteins.
Seems like the active element in the URLs listed below is Dimethyl Sulfoxide, everyone has to make up their own mind on using DMSO. The FDA is against DMSO because it is not patentable and big Pharma controls the FDA.
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
After a week, it got a bit irritated with some small amounts of blood expressed. At that point, I cut away the hair in the area and started applying a Band-Aid to keep it from my pillow when I slept. In the shower every day I washed my hair normally and then applied pHisohex anti-bacterial face wash as an antiseptic and then rinsed that as well.
After eight weeks the bleeding stopped and signs of the BCC were disappearing. I kept applying the mix for four more weeks just in case. Now the hair is growing back well although it's a little lighter and the only way I can tell where it was it is a slight dent in my scalp. I stopped six weeks ago. In a follow-up visit to my doctor I had to show him twice where the BCC used to be.
FYI, I consulted three more surgeons who all said it needed to be cut out and one even said I'd need a skin graft (where no hair would grow) to cover the wound. At that point the (free) surgery wouldn't actually be available for another three months as I am a public patient with a low time-priority issue. None of them would discuss my self-treatment for legal reasons.
In retrospect, I'd try the Black Salve as a quicker treatment and possibly more certain cure. Thank you EARTHCLINIC!
(NSW, Australia)
As a follow up, I think the punch biopsy took a core out of the BCC which helped the VCO/BS do its work more quickly. It was also easier to apply as it could easily remain on the top my head. Photo record available. Still no recurrence after 3 years. Thank you EC and all your contributors!
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil

(Somewhere, Europe)
Vessna, the mixture might be pulling hidden ones to the surface. Which is a good thing in my book.
(Hotspot, Tx)
Vessna, that is perfectly normal. The lesion will probably get inflamed and may pus up or bleed slightly. Then over time it will heal normally. Just keep applying the paste.
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
Hi! I was just recently diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma as well and I saw your post and I have been using the baking soda and coconut oil. What happened when you used it? Mine has a scab on it that's hollow and it has a ring around that looks like it's trying to heal. It's flaky after putting the paste on. Is this normal?
(Somewhere, Europe)
Taylor, that's exactly what mine looked like during my treatment of it with 101 different tryouts of things.
If the area isn't getting bigger, keep at it and pls report back.
I have just been diagnosed with a BCC on my nose, after being told last year it was just a scratch by a GP and had it zapped with the dry ice thing :( After the skin cancer doctor doing 3 biopsies and freaking me out, he says it's around $5000 up front, which I don't have, even if I wanted the surgery straight away. I'm glad I've seen this page and that people seem to have success with the ACV, baking soda and coconut oil. They are all things I already have, so I will start today and see what happens... It's good to see so many people here who have been through it before. I've not really been around anyone with this problem before, and the doctor scared the heck out of me :)
(Vannes, France)
(Goldcoast QLD)
Claire from London:
If you can't treat it from outside, try the inside. Reduce intake of sugars to NIL (incl honey, syrups and alternative sweeteners).
Take Vitamin C powder mixed with water, baking soda and lemon juice. (Vitamin C powder Must be L-ascorbic acid as it is the best closest to natural. (2-3 teaspoons VitC, 1/2 teas soda and juice half lemon daily). You may need to start small and build up tolerance to Vit C (can trigger diarrhea). Can also drink Apple Cider vinegar (again start small). Or use it as a dressing for salads with lemon juice. What you are doing is changing gut bacteria through your digestive system and there's Internet info on Healing your Gut.
I'm progressing from this treatment to the treatments outlined here. So thank you folks!
Best wishes for speedy recoveries.
Baking Soda and Coconut Oil
(New York)
CherryJoy, Of course it will help any stage of BCC. Use organic raw apple cider vinegar and after generously wiping with a Cotton ball & allowing to dry apply baking soda & coconut oil. You should see results after 3 to 4 weeks. Stay away from chemical sunscreens and wear a large brimmed hat.