Basal Cell Carcinoma
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Basal Cell Carcinoma: Safe & Effective Options

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Eggplant, Apple Cider Vinegar

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Tessa (Il) on 02/08/2021

I had a couple of spots on the back of my left hand for more than a couple of months. Not melanoma - but the ones that are red, smooth, and can itch, sometimes bleeding if I scratched them. The larger one was about 4 mm. I had prepared an eggplant solution the year before for a couple of spots on my arm, which did go away, but I was never sure if it was the eggplant or if they healed on their own. I brought it out from the back of the refrigerator and filled a little roller ball bottle, the kind that some roll-on perfumes come in - you can buy empty ones at some vitamin stores. I kept the bottle on my desk and whenever I thought of it, rolled the solution on the two spots.

Within a few days they went from red to pink and were no longer smooth but matched the texture of the rest of my skin. Now three to four weeks later they are faded pink, almost completely gone.

I made the solution by cutting an eggplant into 1" pieces, stuffing them into a jar, and adding apple cider vinegar to cover, then let it sit for a while (at least a week, probably longer), shaking the jar whenever it occurred to me.

Eggplant, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (North Carolina) on 07/13/2018

I have had a place on my neck for years, I have tried just about everything....Coconut oil....Castor oil making a paste using baking soda.....Nothing worked, I came across eggplant and apple cider vinegar, made me a batch, waited four days....Two days ago I started using it, after one day part of the middle came off....Day two the center has come off, the core I guess, looks bad....It bled some when I took the bandage off this morning, and part of the growth came off.....I reapplied this morning, I think it is working, it looks a lot smaller....I hope....The $144 cream is probably a scam, it may work, but is way overpriced....They should be ashamed of themselves for trying to take advantage of people, but...That's how this world works....I will keep on trying....

Eggplant, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 01/23/2014

HI U GOD FEARING FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Have not been on the site since EC threw my harsh response out, and I wrote them back and told them that was the right thing to do. We all need to look after one another and not get upset when some folks try to get under your skin. As my mother always told me, "consider the source." I am a type "A" person, so that is hard.

Anyways, I don't have a great revelation to reveal but have just started an interesting experiment. As an old foggie who has spent their entire life in the sun in the sweat South, my hands and arms are pitiful. The sun has done its damage, and as all know, this turns into cancer eventually. Well, I wrote about that experience where I bought the eggplant ointment from Great Britain several years ago and cured my skin cancer. Now I am going to try and remove these brown spots before they get to that point.

None of this is original with me. I read it and will repeat what I've read. Today I cut up an eggplant and mixed Apple Cider Vinegar with it in a blender and will leave it in the refrigerator for a few days and then apply it to my hands first. I will do this at night and cover my hands with rubber gloves. I am thinking how DMSO could help in this endeavor but decided not to complicate the trial. May do that later.

Suspect this is a long time thing and will only report back when there are results. I am a love me or hate me kind of guy. I know this and try to do good, so bear with me a little bit.

======OLE ROBERT HENRY==========

Replied by Kelly
(Cambridge, Ma)

I, for one, love reading your contributions of wit and wisdom, Robert Henry. Keep 'em coming! We'll look forward to your eggplant/ACV findings. (We'll smell like Baba Ghanoush, but hey...if it works! ) :)

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Ole Robert Henry,

I find you to be a helpful, kind and interesting man who takes the time to share remedies that have worked for you, for the benefit of others who may be suffering. An intelligent man who has cured himself of cancer and other ailments! We look forward to your posts and the original way you make your points. What's not to like? Keep posting - we all enjoy reading what you have to say. We learn a lot, too!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Old Robert;

I really do look forward to reading your comments. Your insights are absolutely rock solid and when your personality comes out is just a big addition. After all, this is a "folk" remedy site.

Keep up your great are helping thousands.


Replied by Mike62

Robert Henry: You are the best. You are a funny genius. Your wisdom enlightens me and the jokes crack me up. Were everybody like you this world would be a better place to live.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

There is a lack of clarification on the subject of age spots. I have two small age spots. I can put citric acid on it a couple times and just rub them off in a short term where the melatonin. I can claim that is a cure but it is not. They will eventually come back. A true cure is when they don't come back and the skin underneath heals.

They say the sun causes them but I just don't buy into that. It doesn't explain the condition under the age spot. Why that spot and not other clear spots. When the true cause gets known then someone will figure out a cure. I think a condition occurs at that spot on the skin and it causes the accumulation of melatonin to collect. I think the sun is just a secondary effect.

I have had a few posts swallowed up by EC but no big deal. I understand.

p.s. Mike62 from Denver ... can you email me ... prioris at - thanks

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile ,tn)

HI U MIKE 62 DENVER, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Fellow, you don't listen. I've told this story a jullion times. I worked for 8 major paper companies in my career and all sent me to charm school of which I flunked. I's smart , jus not delightful. Messin with you.

The best thing that has come on EC in awhile is the lady who revealed how she got her mother through Alzheimer's . That's a biggie. The U of Calif, Erving did a study on rats with Alzheimers some 5 years ago and the Niacianamide cured them all . Their next move was to test on humans. That never happened and never will. It's a money thing. I have been taking niacianamide since that study but have not done the other stuff the Asheville lady recommended. Now I will.

My ole boss is close to being educated, but he insists that every thing go through a double blind test. When these tests end then everyone will be dead. He poo poos the recent EDTA Chelation test. I am the only person he has talked to who has done 60 + EDTA Chelations. Everyone else has not done one, and he listens to them. I have talked to hundreds of people in my Chelation sessions. They all are just glad to be alive after by-passes, stints , statins etc. None would ever go back to a cardiologist. That is a death sentence if you do what they say.

EC is blazing a trail. Yep, there are folks who need to be listening instead of talking and yep some of the guru's don't know stuff they talk about. Myself, I love Russ Limbaugh, but Russ knows nothing about nutrition, exercise, the medical field, but he does know politics. When he gets out of his expertise then I want to slap him up side his head. That is the way I feel about some EC folks. But overall, this site is doing a service to mankind.

Excuse my rant ========OLE ROBERT HENRY===========

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn.)

HI U GOOD FOLKS DOIN, , , , , , , , , ,

First day with my arms coated with the egg plant potion. Arm still as ugly as when I first started. To be continued.

=========OLE ROBERT HENRY===========

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile , Tn)

HI U OLE PATOOTS DOIN, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Told ya'll that this would be a long and drawn out experiment and it certainly is. I changed it up today and mixed Bentonite Clay with the egg plant and ACV. That seemed to help. I also came up with the idea of wrapping my arms in press and seal plastic wrap. That keeps the potion wet and sealed on my arms. If this works on my arms then the next project is my face. When I way young, I looked like Tom Cruise. Now I look like Charles Bronson or Jack Palance. Both are so ugly that they are handsome some 300 yards off, and so am I, if you squint.

Hey, you can still do all this good health stuff and not get too serious.

Yo Buddy , , , , , , ====OLE ROBERT HENRY============

Replied by Ivan

Hi all,

BCC cancer is not a joke since it can inundate cartilage tissue and progress into the bone where it becomes very difficult to deal with often resulting in death. My first experience with it was to treat it with macky gooey Amazon topical skin creme a nasty skin burning acidic flesh eating concoction that resulted with an area of 1" size been eaten away to the living muscle tissue. healing was done in about one week leaving permanent white mark on my right chick an inch away from my ear. Additional visit to oncologist resulted in core samples been taken from around treated area, showing presence of BCC. Surgery was performed on jore line of my left chick because of lesion appearing there. I'm scheduled to have same procedure on my right chick near area I treated with Amasone topical skin creme. Here was beginning of my search to see what else can be done instead of surgery. Eggplant product made in Australia over two decades ago come to my attention called CURADERM topical creme or BEC5 which I have used for last two weeks. Burning and scaring was the result but when treatment was done and healing process finished there was nothing bud healthy tissue to be left behind this painful experience. Makers of this product suggest treatment to last between 7 and 70 days depending on you condition. Area of treatment is not to exceed 5 cm at a time. The creme contains ; Solasodin, Glycosides ( Bec) Salycilic acid and Urea.This stuff can be ordered at: and here in Australia it cost AU$ 124.00 for 20 ml (which goes a long way). I also bought Hulda Regehr Clark zap machine that supposed to kill defective skin cells by radio frequency. So far no conclusive evidence that it works. Yesterday 06/03/2014 I received her book called "The Cure For All Cancers" via distributing house called Book Depository. You can tray I'm also takin organically grown apricot kernels, 3 per day since it has B17 vitamin and tincture preparation named ESSIAC purchased from phone : 1-888-820-2126. My order of DERMACURE skin restoration creme has arrived today and this creme should deal with skin discoloration, dark marks, spots, scars etc. Email to order : [email protected] or phone in USA : 607-936-4617. This web side has information about alternative cancer clinics around the world : . As all of you folks can see every one paddles his own snake oils which deal with the surface problem but not dealing with the core of it. We all have some form of genetic predisposition which leads to our cells turning on and then failing to die at the end of the life cycles which is root of the problem in the first place. Research is been done in this field all around the world and probably one that is showing to be the most promising is that done in the field of cannabidiol, which is done by California Medical Centre and points towards CBD component of cannabis which actually turns off defective genes. This goope is very expensive and can be bought in San Diego from distributor : RSHO, LLC phone: 866-781-3083 or , . It would pay to see articles on youtube reffering to Simpson oil. Other methods of treatments are available around the world and one of them is so called BrachyTherapy developed in Italy and involving use of epidermal radioisotope therapy by rhenium-188. There is also bloke by name Richard Vensal D.D.S that claimed to have cured cancer with use of asparagus and list goes on and on all the way to cook for 4 minutes mixture made from bicarbonate soda and pure Canadian maple syrup. Well that's it people decision is yours. This information is not the advice for you to use any of these things and if you choose to go on the path of self healing is strictly you own decision. Best of luck on your journey and God bless you, Ivan.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Ivan, you can add topical iodine and French green clay to your list.

Replied by Mmsg

Ol' Robert Henry, or anyone else that knows: I was at the surgeon today, thinking they would cut out the BCC on the spot, but no, I have to wait for them to give me an appointment for that, so I still have a lil' bit of time to keep trying natural stuff, as I've been doing this past year, only to see the area grow....

My question: I just bought a "stressed" eggplant, blended it and soaked it in white vinegar. As per instructions that I read, I'm supposed to leave it for 3 days to ferment, then start applying it. Do you or does anyone know how soon might I see results? If I see positive results before my appointment, I might postpone the surgery...

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn.)

HI U Mmsg, , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Don't look at me. I explained my experience with eggplant. The only experience with an eggplant concoction that I made and used was to remove the age spots on my arms. I just half-assed it, but my arms looked much better.

When I had a sho nuff skin cancer, then I bought the Curaderm from the internet. It worked in just a few weeks. This was after my doctor removed it and the pathologist said he got it all. BS, BS, BS. It came back PDQ and raging....big and black.

I am not going to tell you what to do. But if I have another skin cancer then I will use Curaderm made my a microbiologist and not something I did in my wife's kitchen.

I thank you for calling me out, but don't put me in the league with the really bright folks on this site. I am just a smart ass educated Redneck that reads a lot and tells a pretty good story.


Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Mmsg, I have never used this but here is an interview with Dr Cham who is the inventer of the original curraderm cream

Also there is a version made with oil. It is made with "devils apple" which is what Dr Cham started with before he used the eggplant so I believe it could also be made with eggplant.

We have had complete success with 3% H2O2 cream applied 3-5 times a day. It scabbed up & then errupted. this happened twice the 3rd scab then healed leaving a minute scar that you have to look for to find. All the ones removed by specialist dr have visable scars, to be fair he did suggest a plastic surgeon for one. You can make your own using something like non mineral oil sorbulene 10 parts & 35% hydrogen peroxide 1 part. This was pathology diagnosed that was supposed to be removed over 10 yrs ago. needless to say we now treat any spot ourselves with this or iodine. oh and thanks for the sage (herb) suggestion a couple of yrs ago. All the best, God bless

(Duxbury, MA)

What is non mineral sorbulene oil?

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn)

HI U MARIA, , , , , , , , , , , , , don't confuse me with the truly bright folks on this site. What I am is an educated Redneck that reads a lot. I'v told this story several times , but I will repeat it and expand it to my wife and her body moles. I have only had two skin cancers affirmed and both I had them addressed traditionally. One did not work on my hand and I took care of that with Curaderm after I had read Dr. Cham's book. All MDs do not hurt for ego and my friend and integrative doctor would not accept that he had failed . Yep , he did. The next cancer was on my forehead and I decided to let a competent Dermatologist handle that one and he did. He cut and test and cut some more until he had a clean site. I can't believe that the cancer breast surgeons are just now doing this.

My wife of 54 years has a number or raised red moles on her back and it does not bother her, but it is bothering me. I have put Curaderm on several but to no avail. Chum says if they are not cancerous then nothing will happen. That was what we experienced. She now has one that is under her bra and it stays irritated and red. I told her today that we will address that with ACV and see if we can remove it.

I know hydrogen peroxide, but I did not know the cream. I did the google thing jus now and yep it's there. I have an Medical Ozone Generator and wonder if Ozonated Olive Oil would not be more powerful. Have no clue.

In short, Maria, I think you can send me to school on this subject, but I appreciate you thinking of me. All us old folks want to be loved, especially by someone as nice as you.


Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Thanks Maria and ORH for all the info. Since I already mentalized myself that it will be cut out, I'm game to try anything around the house until they do that. I've made up the eggplant/vinegar mix and apply it many times daily. Will it help? I don't know yet, but it's transparent and the smell goes away after a few moments, so I don't care to put it on.

Morning and evening, just for good measure, I put on wet baking powder for a few minutes, wash it off and put green clay for a few minutes, wash it off and put some iodine. One layer of iodine doesn't stain the skin too much.

I don't WANT the surgery, but I've already tried SO many things for over a year and all I got for it is a spreading of the affected area, that I don't see what else to do. So I'll be left with a scar, big deal, I'm old enough not to care (much...)!

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Ole Robert Henry, your kind words were just so timely the day I read them. Thank you. It's interesting that you have mold issues as this has been a player in contributing to my ill health. Regarding your wife's new moles, could the mold be a contributing factor? I have long wondered about moles as they are often on the body in places that receive very little sunshine. The skin cancer specialist told me to check my husband that night for moles between his toes and his genitals (he was saving himself time! And we were at a clinic specially for hubby to be checked) as they were common places for moles to occur. We paint ours with lugals iodine - so far so good. Have had one that got a little darker and then a black spot in it, so it was treated with the iodine and the black spot is gone and it is lighter. All the best with your journey, God bless.

Replied by Bacca

Hi. my dermatology consultant wants to do a biopsy on a mark on the side of my nose - thinks it may be skin cancer. I have a history of melanoma so he's keen to do the biopsy - which will involve stitches and scar. I think it's more likely an age spot, so have refused the biopsy for now and am trying the apple cider vinegar & aubergine first. What I'd like to know, is if I don't have the diagnosis of skin cancer, and use the solution, and there are no changes as yet, does that mean I don't have skin cancer? Also could I be damaging the skin on my nose using the preparation several times a day?

Eyelid BCC Remedies

1 User Review
3 star (1) 

Posted by G (UK) on 05/12/2022

I was diagnosed last year with BCC on the right lower eyelid, it is across the waterline so touches my eyeball. The Hospital wanted to remove it, alas after questioning (because you should question everything) it appeared I was not afforded the full details of what they proposed. They lost my trust and faith rapidly and then with the scare tactics and silliness my decision was confirmed to follow my gut and remain true to my beliefs that one can heal anything naturally with the right mediums/environment and tools.

So basically this began approx 5 years ago (Dr told me initially to use baby shampoo clean my make-up correctly nothing to worry about) I know right disgraceful. In the past year, I have used, 7% of Lugol's iodine mixed with a tiny drop of castor oil - stings like hell - it managed to rid 1 nodule but the other remains, alas I did stop using the iodine because my eye was getting so sore.

Since I use daily MSM & colloidal silver mix, every eve at bathtime I smother it with bentonite clay mixed with frankincense water. I was using fullers earth. I have also been applying in the day a thick paste of aluminum free baking soda mixed with the MSM & silver solution - again stings like hell and does hurt my eye creating it to water and then all goes haywire.

I am juicing daily and having 50ml of max strength aloe vera juice. Every morning I drink a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of filtered water. every evening I drink a tablespoon of diatomaceous earth dissolved in filtered water. I supplement with B3 (Nicotinamide), B12, D3, digestive enzymes, probiotics and NAC. I also mix in my fresh-made green veg juices with my homegrown wheatgrass - moringa, neem, spirulina and chlorella powder - (OMG it's bloody vile but I guzzle it down)

I spray transdermal magnesium on my feet every night at bedtime and I use MCT oil to moisturise my face and neck.

I was trying to take vit c - I have the powder and kept taking it to try and find my max threshold well I can get to around 15-16g per day and still have no toilet issues but my tummy keeps bloating. I am finding that I am suffering stupidly with god awful wind even I wish I could run away from myself it's that bad. I eat salads minimal meat - grass-fed steak once a weak, oily fish 3-4 times a week other than that it's vegetable juices and salad. No wheat, gluten, dairy, soy or potato. I drink plenty of filtered water and homemade herbal teas, mistletoe, cbd shake, dandelion or matcha green tea.

I am very spiritual, I am doing all I can from that aspect too.

Yet still, this ghastly thing won't be on its way. Does anyone have any ideas or has had any success with a BCC so close to the eyeball. I am so tired of trying could use a little inspiration if anyone has any, please.

Many thanks

Replied by mmsg
(somewhere, europe)

G, if it didn't grow any, that's a good sign. Personally, healing clay packs at night would be my choice.

Connie B.
(Cumming, GA)

I have the same issue. BCC in lash line. Can you please give instructions for the nighttime clay pack? What type of clay, what type of pad/gauze if needed, what to mix with, and how to keep it on eyes. Please also include additional information that may be helpful.

Replied by Charity
(faithville, Us)

I've been reading for years on end looking for solutions

I remember this maybe it will help

How to Make Activated Charcoal Drops for Pterygium (

Flush Niacin

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 05/01/2022

Flush Niacin for skin cancers

I went to a dermatologist to have a weird fatty thing removed. Of course they tested it and it was benign. But, reason for this post, they always give you a going over, checking for other spots and he was amazed that I had none at my age and he mentioned sun screen. Told him I've never used it and I never burn or even get pink. Why? Because I've been taking the flush niacin for over 20 years. He said that this is a little known fact, that niacin protects from skin cancers but most people refuse to bear the flush. He also said that they are researching now about using niacin in people with aggressive skin cancers and are finding all good results. He then said that good diets are so very helpful, but most people can't be bothered. Niacin that causes flushing is a natural vitamin that we all need.

At only 500 mg/day, taken just before sleep, I hardly feel the flush anymore. Seems like a no-brainer to me.

Replied by Betty

Very interesting!

Niacin is so good for the body.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by D Talon (Az) on 02/04/2018

I have had basal cells, dark black spots as large as a dime in my hairline around my face. Last week I started taping sliced, fresh garlic over them overnight and sometimes for 24 hours.

Tonight I used tweezers (My fingernails too short) and removed the most prominent ones.

Was using essential oils before the garlic and was slowly fading them.

General Feedback

Posted by Michael (Spokane, Washington) on 02/27/2017

Your lies about BCC need to come down. You're misleading people. You should be sued. The only truth listed is that ACV is rich in nutrients. You cannot under any circumstances treat BCC with the listed suggestions. Your claim of raising ph is ludicrous. Do yourself a favor, google alkaline diet myth, read the scientific journals and evidence. As someone who has fought BCC for ten years I can tell you there are about twenty other bad suggestions out there. Might want to stop being one of the outlets that propagates this lie.

Replied by Serene
(The Coast)


It is not sound logic to say if it didn't work for you that you don't believe in it that it won't work for anyone.
Unfortunately one of the worst things for your health is negativity.
Countless people on this forum have indeed had healing from a multitude of health issues by improving their pH.
I don't recommend that you read about them though and make your blood pressure rise.
I hope you find relief from your afflictions soon.

General Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Sacramento, California) on 03/11/2013

I have a basal cell carcinoma on my lower lip. You can hardly see it becuase I think it's under skin. I wonder how to treat this on a lip?

Replied by Jholl
(Louisville, Kentucky)
27 posts

I would suggest castor oil for your lip. It works well for the skin. I have used it to soften my heels. It comes in a roll on formula now at a major retail store. It does work as a laxative. But in such a small quantity as a lip salve, I doubt that would be an issue.

I have not tried this personally. But, I would try it if I had that problem.

Another thought would be coconut oil. Both of these are anti fungal and there are researchers out there who believe cancers have a fungal basis.

Best of luck!

Replied by Ann
(Michigan, US)
1 posts

Cathy, Melbourne, FL 2012

please tell us where you got this cream for basal cell carcinoma for $34.95 in New Jersey. the only price I have seen is $144 on up! thanx Ann in MI

Replied by Desiree
(South Africa)

Has anyone found out what is causing these things. My husband has a Keratoacanthoma on the scalp. If someone had to study them and find out what they are made up of then they could definitely be neutralized. Like acid is neutralized by alkaline.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Desiree, I don't know much about it, but in my case, sunlight was aggravating it and nullifying at any alternative treatment I tried. (Only found that out after having it removed.)

General Feedback
Posted by Sfm (San Francisco, Ca) on 12/25/2010

The 70 year old gentleman with the large facial basal cell carcinoma should have it treated by a radiation oncologist (NOT a medical oncologist. ) Large facial basal cells can become infiltrative and burrow deep into the skin. In a few weeks of facial radiation treatments (about 2 minutes a day), he can eradicate that cell. I've saved my ear from Mohs surgery by having radiation. I've just had a large infiltrative lesion from my waistline treated with radiation as well. I'm going to try the Iodine treatment, but only on small lesions on my scalp. There is a huge difference between small lesions which can be treated topically and large cells that can spread to vital organs.

H2O2, Oil of Oregano, Clotrimazole

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by ChurpyBurd (Malaga, Spain) on 10/05/2022

Well it's been an excruciating and disfiguring but ultimately victorious four months for me.

It started with an itchy red bump at the left side of my nose - it would clear scab over but wouldn't heal. I remembered my parents had BCC and used an ointment to treat it, and so here I arrived at my go-to site looking for a symptom set and natural remedy.

I treated the bump with H2O2 quite successfully within 2 weeks, but noticed there were other itchy bumps and inflamed spots and so I dug those up with H2O2. They were bigger and deeper. And took longer to heal. My face was on fire. Sometimes the lesions would close over but I could tell from the remaining surrounding inflammation and the tenderness or sharp pain that they were not fully "excavated". I would dig in a little bit with the H2O2 and yup - still there.

After about eight weeks I had cleared areas on about 60% of my face, but the last 40% was just agony. I felt like I was chasing this thing all over my face - no sooner had I cleared a pocket than one just a centimeter away would start to inflame and itch, and a light rub with H2O2 would show a large area of abnormality.

The scabbing and peeling was, I gotta say, monstrous. I haven't had this kind of skin since my acne-infested teens.

I felt like I was missing something.

I read up on oil of oregano to see if it was effective against BCC. Yes, it is. Also coconut oil. Yup that too. I began to treat the most stubborn open lesions with oregano oil and within a week, saw improvement.

I began to reflect on what I know about H2O2, oil of oregano and coconut oil.

First of all - H2O2. If you watch any science youtube content, it talks about how it "explodes" mico-organisms. These are living things that are super-oxygenated and just go "poof" and create the foam. And I was thinking, wait a minute. The BCC cell is abnormal - but WHY is it abnormal? Sure it has sun damage. There's something wrong with its functioning. But H2O2 doesn't make a healthy cell foam. So is there something inside the BCC cell that explodes?

Then I thought about oil of oregano. It is effective against three things: viruses, bacteria and fungi. Why would it be effective against a malfunctioning skin cell? It is neither a bacteria, nor a virus nor a fungus. UNLESS one of those things is living rent free inside the cell. THEN maybe there's a reason why it might kill the cell, or the thing inside it. if it exists.

Then I looked at coconut oil. Is it a fungicide? Why yes it is. It's used as part of treatment against a candida overgrowth. Also I looked at various remedies - the ketogenic diet for instance inhibits the proliferation of candida albicans.

Then I looked at the BEHAVIOUR of this thing, and it was behaving like a plant. You know when you cut off a small outgrowth of a plant, suddenly it responds with a burst of energy and branches out in all directions from the injured part?

I started with a tiny speck on one cheek and within eight weeks my face was covered in weeping lesions, as new spots grew out next to the healed ones.

So I put 2 and 2 together and thought - OK. What if this is a kind of fungus? Some kinds of fungus only grow on bread. Others only grow on toenails. What if there's a KIND of fungus that only grows in sun-damaged skin cells? Mybe we don't know what t is, but why are antifungal treatments so effective against BCC?

So. I started to treat the remaining open lesions with over-the-counter clotrimazole. Within a week, lesions that had been open for six weeks were closed, healed over, and non-inflamed.

I began to treat the small bumps that were arising next to the healed lesions directly with clotrimazole, without opening them up with H2O2. I opened one or two just to be certain, though. Within a week, they had disappeared, but the skin that was sloughing off showed circular pit-shaped "holes" where a fungus had once existed.

So now I'm moving on to some itchy bumps under some of my sun spots on my arms and torso.

Today I had an experience where I was swimming in the sea and there are small fish that will come and nip at your skin. It's ticklish and hilarious. But one was attacking some part of my foot, really giving it a kind of "tearing" effort. I was like "Whoah little dude. What the heck do you see here?" I put my finger to the spot and it was a tiny, almost imperceptible bump. Later I sterilized the area and gave it a good rub with H2O2 and what do you know? It foamed like a champ. Made me wonder what kind of spectrum these little fish actually see. I mean, it was invisible to the eye, barely perceptible to the touch, but that little fish saw "DINNER".

ANyway, that's my story. I hope it helps someone.

Replied by Daniel

Great story! I believe you were on right track about fungus, it can grow anywhere. If you wish to learn more about it see

Replied by Bev

Are you familiar with Curaderm? It is an eggplant based skin cancer (not melanoma) cream that is applied to the skin lesion. It enters the skin and starts eating the cancer cells. It continues to eat the skin cancer until there is no more and than it helps heal the skin back to normal. You do not dig out anything. You let the cream do its job. I believe it may be sold in the store on this site. But if not, it is very good. My husband had skin cancer on his bald head. He let the doctor take off some lesions and it left scars on his head. That is never a cure and sure enough, it returned. I bought the Curaderm online and dressed his lesions. It was a ugly looking wound for a few weeks but was kept covered. Slowly, we noticed it was closing up. The skin became normal with no scarring and no cancer ever returned.

(Malaga, Spain)

Can't get it here in Europe, AFAIK. I looked for it online. If someone here in Europe has a source I would appreciate knowing.

(Malaga, Spain)

Look up eggplant peel effective antifungal. IMO it works because it is an antifungal, not "anti-carcinoma".

Just saying. I don't think that what they call BCC is cancer. I think it's a fungal infection.

(Malaga, Spain)

Just for giggles, I went down the list of the remedies listed here, with the search term "antifungal", and almost all of them came up as antifungal agents.

I have added blue light in the 415nm visible spectrum to the list of effective agents, on account of its ability to target gram negative bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus that hitches a ride in the fungal biofilms. A staph bacillus will inhibit the healing activity and blue light accelerates the healing process by interrupting the cell-replication signalling of the bacillus DNA.

415-460nm blue light is also effective treatment against certain strains of fungus such as the dreaded and very difficult to eradcate C. albicans.

Jeanne G

I heard that FDA recently quietly approved 2 regular antifungal meds as cancer treatments. And also I have info that samples sent to normal lab coming positive for cancer get also sent to one of the 2 USA labs that test for fungus, those same cancer samples come back as fungus. So yes, your hunch seems right.

Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Bill (Freiburg Germany) on 03/29/2023 2 posts

I have a few small areas of skin cancer on my forehead and ear, which were removed because they were cancerous. I removed one using blood-root, but it was painful and unsightly because of the color of bloodroot, but it never came back. The ones the doctor 'dug out' are coming back. The one on my ear is crusty and itchy. I've started to put 1 drop of 12% food grade H2O2 on each spot 1-2x a day. It burns + hurts about 20 minutes and then it's okay. Does anyone have other suggestions?

Replied by Sharilyn
(Palm Bay FL)

Has anyone tried ivermectin cream Panacure for basal ell ca.?

Lost in the Cosmos

I'm wondering the same thing!


Sharilyn, While I personally have no experience of using Ivermectin for basal cell, but there is quite a bit of information available connecting cancers with parasites. As Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic, you may want look into it more.

Replied by Sunshine
(On a cloudy day)

Have not. Someone posted about crushed cranberries being effective.


When I get a spot that itches, bleeds, scabs over, repeats and won't heal, I use chaparral by herb pharm. It works every time for me. I use paper tape and put a small amount of cotton in the middle of the tape, put some chaparral on the cotton, and tape it over the spot. I reapply chaparral a few times a day and do this for a few days. Spot is dead and does not come back. If yours does, just repeat. Getting down through all the skin layers can be challenging.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by JM (San Diego CA) on 05/24/2021


Weird growths inevitably appear on all of us as we age. Cancerous or not, these growths are probably unhealthy and can be removed with HP. Soak any suspicious spot with HP a couple of times a day for about a week and moisturize with coconut oil.

Continue this process until no visible signs of the spot are apparent above or below the skin. Atypical growths with lingering roots usually reappear again later, so repeat this cycle.

Occam's razor: The simplest solution is more likely to be the case when compared to a complex one.

Replied by jeniffer m.

Thank you for your comment. I wish you well with your treatment. I had a birthmark on my calf muscle and 5 years ago it changed to be an aggressive stage 3-4 cancerous growth. It was removed and I was told 5 years to live, if I do not have my lymphatic system removed. I refused. One month ago a lump 2 inches from the removal could be felt, one inch below my skin. I applied 3% Peroxide now for 2 weeks. I dampened flat cotton, which is used for cosmetics and then used a large plaster to cover the area. The lump is at the surface on my skin now. The area is red with pimple like spots. There is a sensation, like after surgery. It does hurt but I can cope with this. I use Aloe Vera from the garden when my skin is too red. Your comment has given me some comfort to know it will take a little more time for a Nickle size growth to end. There are so many people suffering and not being informed of such remedies, that 'could' help them. Bless you all.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mica (Wisconsin, US) on 03/15/2015

About six or seven years ago I had a sore on my right elbow about the size of a quarter that would almost heal only to split open and start bleeding and oozing pulse again. I went to the doctor a couple of time, and each time he gave me some cream; I don't remember what but it did nothing. For two years I lived with this darn sore almost healing only to crack open and start the process all over again. One day out of frustration I put straight food grade peroxide on the sore, and it totally healed, and has never bothered me since. I don't know what that sore was but I joke with my daughter that I burned the darn thing off.

Replied by Stephanie
(Naples, Florida)

I would like to ask if any hydrogen peroxide will do? I have used my hydrogen peroxide on several spots that I suspect to be skin cancer or almost skin cancer. They all are gone. I have a spot on the side of my nose and I have been procrastinating in completely treating it with HP which means I would have it bandaged and the spot might look gnarly for a week or two or so before it basically disappears. The spot on my nose is probably pre cancerous or in the earlier stages. I'm a big holistic health advocate but let's say I don't always eat like one. So, anyway, here I am trying to learn more about spraying hydrogen peroxide in my mouth and maybe the MOST discreet spot-on treatment for the side of my nose...Thank you so much in advance. Peace and Love!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Ron (Independence, Missouri) on 11/28/2009

i find at least 1/2 of the posts are phony. pushing stuff like apple cider vinegar and iodine, etc. i had a cluster of basil cell carcinoma (bcc) on my upper lip about 1/2 in diameter. i tried a soaking of hydrogen peroxide 3%, once a day. it would turn the scabbing white and when pulled off leave a open bloody wound. it would not make it smaller. all it did was start scabbing again.

i had surgery 8-4-09 for removal. it still seems to be healing. i am at this site to learn if something does work. most of your post on bcc are older posts. i am 70 y/o. if this returns i can try something different.

thanks, ron

Replied by Mike
(Portland, Or)


I read your post on bcc. I think I have one on the forehead, I love the sun, 58yo very fit. I started the 35% and it does burn full strength. How long did you have to use it, how often a day and what finally happened? Mine seems to kind of crust up, it washes off in the shower. I own a business so do not want a big white spot at work. I use it during the evening 2-3 times and before bed. It bubbles and stings then the pain is gone. I would appreciate your feedback. Thanks, Mike.

Replied by Joellen
(Nampa, Id; Usa)

In response to 7-1-10 Mike, I am a true believer of the hydrogen peroxide (h202). I had a nodule on my chest for about 2 months that looked like it was a zit. A white head never formed and I was concerned, because for about 2 years I noticed a 1/2 inch freckle (for a lack of better word) that had appeared on the same spot, and then this nodule showed up in the same spot. So I looked up skin cancers and it looked identical to the Basil cell carcinoma. I tried popping it and nothing happened, so I decided to use the h202. This nodule reacted by becoming about a silver dollar size hard spot, that raised a 1/4 of an inch, this soon turned into a scab. The first day of using the H202 I used it every half hour, the next day maybe 4 x a day for about a week. Then I stopped using it and allowed it to heal, by putting neosprin on it. The scab is gone, and the skin looks almost totally healed. It has a slight dry patch. I'm going to continue the neosporin, until the dry patch is gone, and then I think I'm going to see if the h2o2 reacts again in that area.

During the use of the h202, I did notice some slight stinging, off and on, and that it itched. I also read that a vitamin c soln was good for BCC. All I had was a vitamin c tablet, that I let dissolve, and I did use that paste some. (not sure if that helped any, but I did use it a couple days before I started the h202. ) I do believe in prayer and I prayed a lot. I also believe the scripture that says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge. " and I feel God allowed me to find these websites, and He gave me this wisdom. Thank you, Jesus!

Replied by Jake
(Chicago, Il.)

I have used hydrogen peroxide for skin cancers - mostly basil cells I believe, but perhaps for the more serious types, Squamous cell or even melanoma, as well. I really don't know for sure. Without question though some of the growths on my chest and on my face and on the side of my jaw bone went very deep and took many days of deep digging and bleeding to finally remove. Whenever the new skin following the scabbing turned white with reapplication of 3% h2o2, I knew the job was not finished and I had to go after the cancer again. But each time the area to be attacked was smaller and that told me not to give up, that I should persevere. Many times I thought I'd finally come upon a situation that would be my match, finally calling for medical intervention, but in each case, the cancer finally succumbed.

My latest success is on my nose. The latest scab falling off shows pink new skin with no trace of aberrant skin, and with no white skin forming with the application of h2o2. On my nose of course I was nervous and of course everyone had a comment over the month or so that it took to finally get rid of it. I did not dig deep as I did before, but just had patience, applying the h202 day and night. When a scab formed, each time I applied iodine several times to help the new skin beneath to form.


What do you mean by digging deep? Thanks

Replied by Donna
(Drexel Hill, Pa)

Hi Jake, I was very interested in how you are getting rid of the skin cancers you have. I have been dealing with a large growth on my upper stomach about the size of a nickel for a while now. I have used hydrogen peroxide on it but not as often as you. Lately I have been applying 2% iodine tincture to it about once a day. Occasionally it will crust up and a layer of skin will flake off, but I haven't had any bleeding or reduction in size. I was wondering if you might be a little more specific about how you apply the hydrogen peroxide (do you dab it on or soak a cotton ball and tape it to your skin). I would really appreciate any additional information because I am really tired of dealing with this thing. Thank you for your time.

Replied by Jake
(Chicago, Il)

Donna, You need to be aggressive with the H2O2. I rub vigorously with a q-tip turning the bad skin white and/or eventually breaking the skin and getting it to bleed. I do not let it recover and stay with it, attacking it 2 or 3 times a day. When I'm eventually satisfied that I have perhaps finished it off, I let the scab form, stop with the h2O2, and put some iodine on it once or twice or three times over the next days, to soak down beneath the scab to help the new skin form.

Sometimes I have to go back at it again, if the skin does not look completely normal, as the skin surrounding it. I am not afraid to make it bleed, because that is part of the attack and the eventual cure, I believe. Sometimes it does not want to bleed but if I'm convinced I do not have it all, I keep digging until it does. Sometimes I'm not sure after the scab has come off, but the test is more h2o2 to see if any of the skin still turns white. If so, then I go back on the attack. I had to learn to not be afraid to dig in, and sometimes over and over, 2 or 3 or even 4 times, but each time I knew I was getting closer. I don't let those around me persuade me to stop when I have it on the run. The process can take weeks and even months.

Replied by Jake
(Chicago, Il)

update - h2o2 for skin cancer - Melatonin/coconut oil paste.

Turns out back in December 2010, I was premature declaring victory over the cancer on my nose. It did in fact come back once again a few weeks afterwards. I continued to fight it then, but I was unable to totally eradicate it. The problem was that the cancer had several roots and even though I'm pretty sure I got one of the roots out - the biggest one - the constant bleeding that is part of the normal attacking of the site with the h2o2 obscures the rest of the area, so that it was not easy to see where to strike these other roots residing in the same area.

After several months of this, I was becoming quite frustrated, and of course, the constant comments from family and friends everytime the new h2o2 attacks reopened the nose area leaving new scabs and worse that looked pretty horrendous, it was disheartening. Could they in fact be right - was this was finally beyond me, and did I need medical attention?

One physician treating my 94 year old mother looked at me, scanned closely, and volunteered more than once - and again as we left - that, yes, my nose needed to be looked at by a dermatologist.

Searching everywhere for new ideas, I came across Mike's (from Durham, NC) amazing report for his success Under Melanoma cures, against what may or may not have have been a Melanoma, with Melatonin mixed into coconut oil. This report by the way should be generally available on more than the melanoma site, as it applies to all skin cancers and skin issues. Mike reported success grinding melanoma pills into a powder and then a paste with coconut oil and rubbing it in.

I already had melatonin in powder in my capsules and I mixed it in coconut oil and tried it on the three sites on my nose. They succumbed within a week to ten days. It was amazing. Almost no bleeding and the white areas of unhealthy skin rubbed off each day, then every other day, eventually simply healed up with almost no fuss. I could hardly believe it after the months of constant battling and bleeding with the h2o2.

A small red spot appeared a few weeks ago and I treated it again quite easily. I at this point am declaring it finished. I still have a slight indentation - but nothing compared to the hole I had dug with the h2o2, and at least as good as the slight indentation left on the side of my forehead by the Moes surgery done by the Derm at Northwestern Med Center several years back. There's a slight color difference - slightly less pink, a little whitish in spots if you look closely - putting my face way up to the mirror, but generally it looks as normal as other slightly sun-damaged skin. You can't even tell there is an indentation actually unless you run your finger over the area, so I think I did a better job than the doctor, since that forehead indentation is visible if carefully viewed.

Thanks so much to Mike and of course for this wonderful, wonderful site which has helped so many of us help ourselves.

Replied by Janet
(Asheville, Nc)

Thank you so much for your post on melatonin and coconut oil. I've had a spot on the side of my nose I tried Vit C and peroxide but not long enough probably. Finally I tried Effudex twice a day for 3 weeks. I assumed it was cured but the area didn't heal well and it was really a nasty process. Two months later it started to bleed again after accidentally scrubbing the area! I couldn't get an appt with a dermatologist for a month so I tried the melatonin I am on day 10 of powdered melatonin and coconut oil paste and it really seems like it is working, the area looks better and better and is finally not so tender. The best part is you don't have a nasty wound while using the paste and can go out as normal. I never had a biopsy but I think the effudex would have been effective on an ak. Anyway if I continue to have success I'll repost.

Replied by Janet
(Asheville, Nc)

COCONUT OIL, MELATONIN FOR AK, BCC. O.K. It must be about day 30 after treating 24/7 for 10 days and then at least at night. There is no root visible and my skin is not tender. I have a pea sized area of pinker skin which is a scar from the effudex but it's not very visible and I don't need makeup. I've been messing with this spot for 2 yrs! Just wish I had a biopsy before to know if it was bcc or just ak. Highly recommend this!

Replied by Rebecca
(Raleigh, Nc)

I read about Mike's (from Durham) treatment of Melatonin and Coconut oil and then your post. I have had multiple BCC and SCC in my lifetime due to sun exposure. Most have been surgically removed or treated with Aldara. I have had a severe reaction to the Aldara with extreme dizziness, fatique, and depression, so that is no longer an option. I am fasinated with the option of Melatonin and Coconut oil and wanted to know how much melatonin vs coconut oil is used... Basically how do you make it? Thanks for your help, Rebecca of Raleigh

Replied by Treasaj

I am a 40 yo female w/recent positive biopsy for BCC on the bridge of my nose.........after reading all these comments I am terrified to schedule MOHS, that I am bring referred for. How does anyone know these remedies are working into the tissue??? I would much rather use any of the cures discussed on this forum if they indeed do work. I have insurance & am not terribly concerned with the cost, what is the reason for everyone opting out on surgery????

Jeanne G

Treasaj, surgeries often leave scars. Scars are not seemly, and they also block free flow of lymph, that keeps body/skin healthy. When body heals the problem spots with these natural tools it seems to create a better, smoother inside and outside tissues. It may take a bit longer, than surgeon cutting it out, but it seems to come back much less often, since the body healed it. That is what I know about why so many prefer not to have their nose cut splayed open, and dug through in layers of tissues.

Replied by Sheila D

Hi Jake,

I have a bcc between my upper lip and nose and I have a rim around it. I would like to know if your bcc had that rim around it before you used the melatonin mixture and if so did it fall off also. Thanks for any info I've been dealing with this for two years.

Replied by Marcelle

How long altogether did it take you, and was there any stubornn ones as is usually is, and how many times dayly did u apply HP, and for how long.

Where do you find food grade HP is this the one in chemist 3%? does. It stink and does it come as an ugly wound, then scar, how long is one single process last? I know, many qs, but have tried so many things.. Some types are deeper than artificial ones which seem be easier.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Will I am (Seaside, OR) on 06/25/2009

I have had a basil cell carcenoma on my back for about a year.

It got a little bigger and I decided to get rid of it.

I have been using food grade h2o2 Hydrogen Peroxide (25-35%)

It burns but works great. Just use a cue tip dip it into the h2o2 and it burns the top layers of over a few weeks. It's better than the doctor and cost's about $1.00 worth of the food grade peroxide.

I will tolerate a little pain, no pain no gain.

Replied by Linda
(Astoria, Or)

I live in Astoria Oregon. Where did you find it in Seasdie?

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