Diluting Methylene Blue Tips
First, because there seems to be so much dosage confusion about MB percentage strength and number of drops used, I'm going to use a completely different quantitative method that determines how many milligrams or how many drops to supplement MB with water. There has been much of confusion over this.
But first some information that I have found to be extremely useful in helping to more fully understand the effective dosage amounts of MB needed for particular ailments :
1 drop of 1% Methylene Blue contains 0.5 mgs of MB.
1 drop of 0.1% Methylene Blue contains 0.05 mgs of MB
1 drop pf 2.33% Methylene Blue(Aquarium version ) contains 1 mg(approx.)
A half teaspoon of MB is 40 drops.
A full teaspoon of MB is 80 drops.
So armed with the above helpful definitions, I will now only describe MB dosages in milligram amounts only. Doing it this way eliminates all the confusion(and myths) of how you should use 0.1% or 1% or 2.33% MB. After all, it's the dose of MB powder in water that you supplement that is all-important -- not the percentage of MB in your dropper bottle. Right?
Ted from Bangkok has also maintained in his MB posts that supplementing the cheaper aquarium version of Methylene Blue is certainly good enough and pure enough for supplementing in humans. But if that last statement makes some readers balk in fear of "heavy metal impurites" then it's perhaps also useful to appreciate that fish live and breath in water and humans breath air. But water is a much more dense medium than air. And that means that fish are much more sensitive to poisons, heavy metals etc in their water than humans are. So if the aquarium version of MB is good enough for the more sensitive fish then it should certainly follow that aquarium MB is pure enough for us humans as well. And that's also why I've been using the aquarium version of MB, without any problems whatsoever, for over 10 years now.
Other things to remember about MB is that low MB dosages will be good enough to help give you energy and to help MB act as both an antioxidant and antimicrobial for the brain, thus helping to increase and maintain mental cognition as well as helping to prevent dementia(Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease etc). However, much larger doses of MB will be required to kill viruses or bacteria, cure malaria, kill fungus, kill parasites, treat Methemoglobinemia, help remove blood clots etc.
But what do I mean when I say take a low dose of MB in water? -- And here is where all the confusion happens. I've read that for some people 2 drops of 1% MB(which is equivalent to 1 mg MB powder on water) is enough to fully energize them. I've also read where other people need to take as much as 16 mgs or even 100 mgs of MB(which is still a low dose for MB) to get energized. The point that I'm making here is that you will normally always have to find your own MB dose that works for you personally.
My own dose, which suits me for getting more energy and obtaining the cognitive benefits from using MB, is based on Dr Golwalkar's method that he has been using over the years to treat and cure both tuberculosis and COVID-19. He uses a teaspoon of 0.1% Methylene Blue for nebulizing(which is equivalent to 4 mgs MB powder in water) and he also recommends taking a half teaspoon of 0.1% MB orally as a sub-lingual dose(which is equivalent to taking 2 mgs MB powder in water).
My own everyday MB dose is slightly different to Dr Golwalkar's sub-lingual dose. I just add half a tablespoon of water to a small empty glass and then add 4 drops of 2.33% Methylene blue(which is equivalent to taking approximately 4 mgs of MB powder) and supplement that twice a day. But I have also taken the equivalent of more that 25 mg MB powder per day without a problem. I would also recommend using Dr Golwalker's recommendation of using 5 mls or 1 teaspoon of 0.1% MB(which is equivalent to 4 mgs MB powder in water) in a nebulizer two or three times a day when infected with COVID-19.
Some more MB facts for you. When you supplement Methylene Blue then between 75% and 80% of the MB taken orally is directly and quickly absorbed into the blood. Methylene Blue has a half-life in the human body of about 6 hours. That means that half the amount of MB that you supplemented will still be in your body after 6 hours. It's for reason of this persistence of MB in the body that I would at least advise that for low dose MB you should at least take one day off a week to reset your system and get rid of all the MB in your body.
I've also found an easy way of converting Methylene Blue from its blue oxidant form to its colorless reduced form. I will, for instance, add my 4 drops of Methylene Blue to a little water in a glass for sublingual supplementation. Then I would add a very small amount -- a tiny amount!! -- of Ascorbic Acid to the MB and walk outside and let the sunlight quickly convert the blue oxidant form of MB to it's colorless reduced form and just take it like that without giving me a blue mouth. I've also used the reduced or colorless MB form on skin problems without any blue coloring occurring. It works well and MB is also rapidly and easily absorbed into the skin.
Hi Bobby,
Methylene Blue(MB) has been used as a blue dye and as a standard treatment for malaria for over 120 years. During the Vietnam war MB powder was used by the spoonful over extended periods to help cure soldiers with malaria. For these reasons I regard MB as being quite safe to use over long periods of time.
But if you are concerned about continual use of MB, you could perhaps just use MB for 5 days a week with two days off. Or you could just take a week off after using it every month.
It's also important to ask why you are taking MB. I take MB for preventative reasons -- to aid my immune system against any unwanted, invading viruses and I also take it to help supply more oxygen to my brain to help protect my cognitive abilities.
For myself, I tend to just alternate using low dose MB with using BHT or Butylated Hydroxytoluene which also kills viruses and which is a useful anti-oxidant that acts to quench damaging free radical activity in the brain.
I'm currently considering using an MB + DMSO mix transdermally. Such a mixture could perhaps be used as an ant-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant for anti-aging and as an anti-cancer treatment as well. More on that later.
Great ideas Bill. I wonder if DMSO and MB topically would remove moles from the skin. Please do post again any results from topical application.
Just came across your post as I am about to start using MB for general health reasons. You mentioned moles to remove on skin I have heard that castor oil on its own or some people mix cayenne pepper with it could do the job on moles. Perhaps worth looking into out if you haven't done so already?
(Columbus, Mississippi)
Put Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball and hold for 15 minutes per day for 7 days. The mole will turn black a fall off. Works on any issues on your scalp.
I have done my research on MB. I found 2 methods. I just started taking the liquid Methylene Blue with the Ascorbic Acid in Water. I doing the 6 days on and 7th day off method.
2 Methods
How do I mix the methylene blue solution.
The methylene Blue solution I received from Valboren Labs in Florida is in a concentrated liquid form. This should be mixed with distilled or deionized water using the recommended dosing. Dosages between 0.5 milligram per kilogram of bodyweight to 4 mg per kg. As mentioned, methylene blue is a hormetic, so low dosages have the opposite effect of high dosages. Adding 1/16th teaspoon of Ascorbic Acid to the prepared solution will facilitate better absorption and reduce the blue staining potential. After the Ascorbic Acid is added to the solution let it sit for a minimum of 3 hours before taking. With methylene blue less is more. Higher doses are not as effective a low doses (hormetic response). Dosage recommendation varies; Dr. John Lieurance suggests 0.5-1mg/kg of body weigh, t 2 to 4 days a week, with 20 to 60mg daily being therapeutic for many. Do it slowly 2 or 3 drops to start 3 times a week, and work you way up .
Method #2
1-2 drops am in distilled water with 1/16 tsp. of Ascordic acid first 2 days.
Increase dose on third day by 2 drops for 2 days, Continue increasing
dosage by 1 drop every 2 days, until you reach 22 drop or more. Take 6 days
in a row and 7th day off. Note: Do not take Co10 with it.
I prefer to take Methylene Blue(MB) according to the recommendations of Dr Deepak Golwalkar, a well known pulmonologist(lung specialist) in India. He has successfully used MB to help cure many people with tuberculosis, pneumonia and COVID-19. Dr Golwalker uses two simple protocols for COVID-19. See below.
Since I prefer talking in milligram amounts rather than drops and percentages of MB please bear the following in mind because it will, hopefully, greatly simplify your own understanding of drop dosages wrt conversions in % strengths.
0.1% Methylene Blue solution contains 0.05mg MB powder per drop.
1% Methylene Blue solution contains 0.5mg MB powder per drop.
2% Methylene Blue solution contains 1.0mg MB powder per drop.
I currently regularly use Dr Golwalkar's sub-lingual MB protocol which consists of taking approximately 5 drops of 1% MB which is approximately equal to 2.5mgs MB. This is held under the tongue for at least 30 seconds and then swallowed with a little more water so that it can be directly absorbed into the blood from the stomach. And this will give you a blue tongue.
You can also use Dr Golwalkers nebulizer protocol which consists of adding 10 drops of 1%(or one teaspoon of 0.1% MB) to the water in the liquid reservoir in the nebulizer. Dr Golwalker also states that all he took in the morning before going to the hospital was MB under the tongue as described. He would always walk around the COVID-19 wards of his hospital tending his many patients without a mask. He never caught COVID-19 and the hospital he worked in never lost a patient to COVID-19 and all his patients made a FULL recovery with no LONG COVID symptoms.
I am currently using the simple sub-lingual protocol once a day(in the morning) at the moment. I find using the sub-lingual protocol on its own is a great energizer and protector at the same time. And there's really no need to use Dr Golwalker's nebulizer protocol until I'm infected with COVID-19, pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Click this link to see a previous EC post I wrote fully describing the many benefits of using MB.
I just got some MB and have started taking some. Longtime alternative and natural treatment user. I regularly take CoQ10 and I assume by 'Co10' that your are referring to CoQ10? I already took MB today and later took my usual CoQ10 before seeing your post. Can you or anyone else here let me know what is the reason to avoid CoQ10? Thanks!
Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Intestinal Cysts
It has no effect on chronic fatigue - doesn't give me any energy; also doesn't keep me up at night if I take it right before bed.
There are two areas where it seems to have worked magic: Cysts and Anxiety; as well as other benefits for insomnia and problem solving.
It did clear up my long term liver/kidney/diaphram/intestinal cysts, and for that, I am very grateful. I stopped taking it for about a week, and the pain radiating from what used to be the most painful cyst began to return, so I am sure this is what fixed them, although I have no idea why it came back and whether to continue taking MB indefinitely.
Anxiety: There's something about MB that fixes my generalized anxiety. It's fairly miraculous in that regard. I did not take it for anxiety, but I notice an improvement (almost total resolution) when I take it. As a result, don't need xanax. Again not sure whether it is safe to take indefinitely for anxiety.
Along with the reduced anxiety, it helps me to focus more on problem solving. Not a complete resolution but a definite improvement. I have chronic fatigue related brain fog, and it definitely gives a boost in that department so I can see why it is being used successfully in Alzheimer's patients.
I think I am sleeping better -- deeper sleep, not getting up so much in the middle of the night, because of the MB, which is huge because I've lived through 25 years of insomnia. Used to take RX sleeping pills of various kinds (4-5 days per week) but not taking them anymore.
When I first started the MB in Feb 2013, I experienced significant tingling in my head (felt like brain buzzing). I was taking several milligrams of melatonin per night, and drinking coffee during the day. Both of those were a problem while taking MB but now, after a few months, I am able to drink a regular cup of coffee now and then with no adverse reactions. I also take a much lower dose (1. 5 mg) melatonin with no side effects. For some reason, tea creates no problems.
MB had no effect on yeast/candida, herpes related virus, or fungal infections.
Other than occassional "brain buzzing", I think MB may have a negative effect on vision (blurrier, esp at higher doses). It MAY have a positive effect on acne but I've been taking a skin/nail/hair formula as well and think it is because of that that my acne has improved.
I am taking 3-5 drops of 0.1% per day.
Perhaps E.C cross post this to Anxiety/panic attacks; and intestinal cysts.
EC: Bennie's latest update has been cross posted from her thread in the Q&A section on the Methylene Blue page here: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/methylene-blue_questions.html#Question_4567.
(Battleground, Wash)
So glad this is helping relieve some of your suffering. Curious about what intestinal cysts are. Did you get a medical picture of them? Love, JOY
(Wilmington, Nc)
I had tried methylene blue for my brain fog, lack of energy and achy joints, etc. I've been told I have Fibromyalga or Chronic fatigue. I didn't get any great results.
After further study I feel I have Lyme's and overgrowth of those little critters: Borealis bacteria. I urge you to read (google) all you can about Dr. Lee Cowden's protocol. He is doing medical studies using certain herbs and detoxifiers to kill off these bacterial invaders. This is probably the root cause of your problems. This info has changed my life, hope this helps anyone suffering from strange symptoms the medical doctors can't figure out.
(Southeast Georgia, US)
RE: "Lyme" disease & the bacteria that cause it, it was recently discovered that stevia tea (whole leaf only) will eradicate it. Saw it on Dr. Berg's Youtube channel earlier this year.
Best wishes,
(New York)
5 drops? ...I am taking 40 drops of Methylene Blue and do not see much of an improvement, but I am taking it only for 3 weeks so far.
I just read somewhere that too much of MB has the opposite effect. I have also cut and pasted from a nootropics page what happens with co q 10 ...
"Methylene Blue donates electrons in the electron transport chain in your mitochondria. So experienced neurohackers suggest avoiding CoQ-10 or idebenone when using MB because it seems to make Methylene Blue much less effective."
(Sw Usa)
I also thought I had Lyme disease. It turned out that I had an ongoing toxic mold exposure, that nearly killed me before I found out what it was (and not from a doctor) and got out of my house that had a hidden water leak. Lyme and CIRS (toxic mold illness) have extremely similar symptoms, and common mis-diagnoses are CFS, Fibromyalgia, and any other "syndrome" disease.
Anyone whose doctor says "it must be a virus" yet it never goes away, should go read survivingmold site. Water damaged buildings are common but the vast majority of physicians are not cognizant that 24% of the population has a genetic haplotype that is susceptible to the toxins. So only 1/4 of the people in a water damaged building will be extremely ill, and the other 3/4 either not ill or only with niggling minor illnesses. Well worth a look for the CFS/Fibro people. If I hadn't found out it was mold, I'd be dead.
Lufenuron clears up morgellons, because it kills candida and fungus infections. It also eliminates fleas in dogs and cats, because it breaks down the chitin which occurs in both insect and fungus as their protective shells!
(SF Bay Area)
Benign Skin Lesions
Broad Benefits
Do you take this in the mornings or night? Daily? Every day of the year? Take breaks from it?
MANY Health Problems are caused by consuming SEED OILS. Seed oils are called "vegetable oils". All seed oils have a devastating effect on the cells in your body because all your cells need Fat. The best fats are animal-sourced, and include beef tallow, pork lard, and butter. If you decide to stop using vegetable oils, which I strongly recommend, it will take approximately 680 days for them to be cleared out of your cells. Seed oils are very hard to avoid. They are in commercial foods, restaurant foods, packaged foods and drinks, and take years off of your life while causing misery with your health. Sugar is usually painted as the Bad Guy for health, but Sugar is by comparison a non-problem. The Seed Oils always seem to get a pass, but they are THE main source of poor health and disease. Use animal fats and stay healthy.
Avoid these oils at all costs:
- Canola oil (Rapeseed oil)
- Corn oil
- Cottonseed oil
- Grapeseed oil
- Rice bran oil
- Safflower oil
- Soybean oil
- Sunflower oil
- additionally, the following oils are untrustworthy because of adulteration:
- Olive oil (because most are adulterated with cheap vegetable oils and you can't tell)
- Avocado oil (because they are adulterated)
(Cancun, Mexico)
Good info about the evils of seed oils! I just wanted to say that after being off seed oils for at least 6 months, a body could be out in the sun and never get sunburned!! Isn't that fascinating?! After I moved to Mexico I was stunned to see that I never ever got sunburn, even after being in the sun for a long periods. I could not figure out why and then Dr mercola said on a podcast that this was why. Dump the seed oils, people. I also have to say that a couple of times a month I eat from vendors that probably do use seed oils, but still no sunburns. Ya don't have to be too strict about it; it's hard to avoid them, but I use mainly coconut oil, pork lard and butter in my own kitchen. Anyway, I just wanted to let people know that no seed oils equals no sunburns and no dangerous sunscreen use either.
(Dallas, US)
This is the best lifetime advice for all people. Avoiding seed oils is easy if you're eating a carnivore diet. There are thousands of us in the carnivore community who are turning their health around with a Proper Human Diet.
Hi Deborah,
In case you do not get the desired response or methylene blue doesn't work out, I have had very good responses for people with degenerative disc disease (DDD) using this simple two part remedy :
Broad Benefits
I've been suffering with depression and numerous physical problems for several years, to the point of being nearly bedridden at times, and being unable to function productively more days than not. I've tried dozens and dozens of natural remedies, with only limited effect.
When I began taking the methylene blue, I had a couple of days of discomfort in the area of one kidney. But within a couple of days, this had subsided, and I currently have the strongest physical and mental health I've had in years! My mood is joyful, and I have much improved focus when reading. The pains in my spleen area have virtually disappeared, I can breath comfortably at rest (my breathing was laboured before), and I have gone from needing 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night to needing only 6 or 7 to get by comfortably.
MB isn't a cure-all -- I still have back problems, and skin issues, and some other symptoms from congenital/genetic issues. But, based on my own experience, I recommend trying it if you have had problems with candida or parasites, anything spleen-related, depression without obvious cause, persistent breathing problems, or thyroid/glandular disfunction.
I dilute one drop of the pet-store MB into four litres of water (two full 2-litre pop-bottles), and take between a half-cup and a full cup, with extra water added to further dilute the dose, once or twice daily. Since MB is used to disinfect standing water, it shouldn't need to be refrigerated, either.
(Edmonton, Ab, Canada)
I thought I would report back after a couple of months of pretty regular use (at least 4 or 5 doses per week). Unfortunately, the euphoria and enhanced concentration didn't persist past the first few weeks, and my depressive symptoms have returned to their previous level. However, as of this time, the pains in my left side (spleen region) that were my constant companion for a long time have still not returned, so I consider it a success by this measure alone. I also believe that it's having a positive effect on my sinus pain/pressure (a problem which I attribute to systemic candida -- a longstanding problem for me -- and/or a mold infection acquired from an unhealthy living environment).
(San Diego, Ca)
Thank you for posting this. I'd been looking into Methylene Blue (MB) for antifungal/antibiotic/antiviral uses, and noted that it seemed to clear up brain fog and was being used in clinical trials for a variety of brain-related issues (which I have to some degree). I also had multiple painful cysts (one each on an ovary, liver, kidney, in diaphram area and a breast.) The breast one seemed to go away on it's own but the others persisted for 9 months, sometimes doubling me over in agony. Usually though, they only hurt if I or my doctor pressed on them.
After a week on MB, I noticed the abdominal area cysts hadn't been bothering me, so I began pressing on all the parts that hurt, and no pain. I'm assuming they are now cleared up. Note that two weeks prior to MB, I finally took a course of antibiotics, which may have helped, but the pain was still there, and they still hurt when I pressed on them even a week after discontinuing the antibiotics.
Other supplements I take are Lugols 5% (average 1 drop per day); daily, a half dose of a good quality, high b vitamin multi, vitamin D 1500-2000 per day, N-A-C, Milk Thistle, Lysine, 3-4 grams Vitamin C and melatonin; Zinc, selenium lithium aspartate (5 mg) are taken 3-4 x per week. Also, I've been faithfully making Ted's alkalzing formula 1/4 tsp baking soda with an acid (ACV, lemon juice, or for now, just the vitamin C crystals to take with the Methylene Blue). Additional baking soda taken on its own before bed.
Take a few low dose (usually 1/3 of lowest dose) Xanax and Trazadone for sleep or panic attacks as needed. (Once in past week.) Taking the MB in 2-5 drops, 2-3 x per day in the 0.1% solution recommended by this site (Ted). I've settled for now upon 2 drops but experimented a bit.
I've experienced reduced brain fog, increased ability to focus, recall of memories and vocabulary that were lost to the brain fog, deeper sleep, and less anxiety but not ruling out placebo effect (or the addition of Lysine) yet as I haven't been on it for months. I can only say that the cysts are not a placebo effect, as they were painful and I wasn't taking MB for them per se, although I did hope for improved general health due to possible viral/fungal/bacterial infection. I have traveled to jungles, etc. , in past and thought perhaps I picked up something US docs don't screen for.
Side effects I may be experiencing from Methylene Blue are headaches (mild, infrequent), dehydration - drinking lots more water, buzzing in brain - specifically the right side over temple, and sometimes on top of hear, stiffness in neck/ upper back. Except for the buzzing, the others may not be related at all. The brain buzzing is particulalry amplified by coffee and/or N-A-C. I've also been experiencing a buzzing in my lower legs (outside of calf) for a few days.
There's research on Methylene Blue that says it is an inhibitor of Tau protein aggregation. (From wiki: Tau proteins are proteins that stabilize microtubules. They are abundant in neurons of the central nervous system and are less common elsewhere, but are also expressed at very low levels in CNS astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.[1] When tau proteins are defective, and no longer stabilize microtubules properly, they can result in dementias such as Alzheimer's disease. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tau_protein)
Melatonin also reduces tau hyperphosphorylation, at least in rat brain studies, so I'm going to taper off of melatonin (I've taken 9 grams for a year) for a while. It might somehow be related to the buzz effect too.
That's my report. I fully expect that the mental benefits from my lose dose Methylene Blue experience will be a fail/placebo, but I'm going to keep it up for two or three more months, just in case.
(Los Angeles, Ca)
Was wondering where you were able to get 5% iodine. I can get it online but hoped you found a store you can walk into and buy. I am aware of the law changes in 2007 that only one ounce of 5% can be sold at one time.
I have looked almost everywhere for it, in healthfood stores. No one has it. Whole Foods and Earwhone doesn't even have iodine other than the one help derived iodine and does not provide any percentages on the lable and the fluid is clear.
(San Diego, Ca)
I can only find Lugol's online. Usually, I get the 2% and double the number of drops because 5% is harder to come by.
Just realized that I wrote I was taking 9 grams of melatonin. LOL! That would be an overdose for sure. I was taking 9 mgs, and have tapered down to 3 mg. Will continue tapering to 1.5 mg.
At this point, the brain buzzing has become barely noticeable on top of my head. That buzzing sensation in the legs and right side have stopped as well (those are areas that flared up with buzzing and pain once when I took doxycycline -so it's interesting to note) and it appears the other possible side effects - back pain, headaches, weren't related. I do suspect the interaction of melatonin with methylene blue (MB) was part of the buzzing issue. Regular coffee is definitely also an isssue in the buzzing, so my advice is avoid or drink decaf.
MB has not increased my energy levels but I still think it has increased my ability to focus and has perhaps reduced depression and anxiety as well.
I don't know how many miccrograms I'm getting of the MB with each drop at 0.1%. I think it could be 60 mcg. If anyone has a guesstimate, I'd really appreciate an approximation to assist with my research on scientific studies with MB.
You will want to get the USP grade, not use the pet store one. USP is more pure, free from heavy metal contamination. ✌
(Garden Grove, Ca Usa)
Dear Kevin, I am so sorry about this situation, my heart go out to you family. You can search this site on lymphoma, cancer, methylene blue etc.. And try to find the what and how by yourself but your time is more precious. Your best chance is to contact Ted directly. He is using methylene blue in his remedies plus a few other components to help with cancer he is extraordinarly knowledgeable and generous with his knowledge and patience. He can give you a protocol to follow right away and that will save you a lot of time. Any way you can get methylene blue in an aquarium shop. That is where I got it and diluted it by Ted specifications. May your faith and the force of the univers guide you to good result!
Dear Kevin:
Methylene blue does effect cancer growth by turning the cancer tumors into aerobic, which stops their growth that way as cancer in general are aerobic. Methylene blue is acquired from stores that sell aquarium fishes. They usually have methylene blue 1%, whereby we reduce them by adding 1 parts methylene blue with 9 parts water, should get a relatively safe concentration. Then we can add methylene blue drops such as 8 drops and slowly add more so if there is no side effects. In Vietnam war they actually used far more methylene blue to treat malaria, such as methylene powder in milligram to gram doses. The methylene blue is synergistic with large dose vitamin C. What I do know for stage IV cancer, which is cachexia cancer, is B50 vitamin B complex, or B6 200 mg for example can reduce some of this cancer cachexia. The other is the use of Hydrochloric acid concentrated, at 8 drops per 250 cc of water and to that I will add between 4 to 8 drops of methylene blue and take this for an entire day until the cancer cachexia goes away. Another observation to restore the appetite and stopped cancer cachexia that I have found is B5 panthenol, or a possible replacement, pantothenic acid to be helpful. What I do not like about pantothenic acid is the calcium form since the get cancer worse. If it was possible for the methylene blue 0.1% is injected a 1 cc, into the tumor cells that could have done it's job also in staving off tumor, but that's just a theory, by interfering with cancer fermentation. In any case, there are other ways to resolving cancer cachexia such as megestrol which is progesterone hormone, if taken at fairly large dose such as 250 mg for example, or applied to the skin as safer means might actually stop the cachexia by neutralizing what they call TNF, which is a cachectin hormone that causes your inability to eat. The liver's inability to function from lactic acid is another problem that can lead to the condition also. A methylene blue is obtainable from a local chemist, a chemical company , a local aquarium shop, or a scientific supply store, or perhaps a school supply store where they do the slides to stain the samples using a 1% methylene blue solution.
(Wilkesboro, Nc)
Dear Ted,
I'm very unsure of what to do right now. My dad probably has a week or so at best to live and he is not eating, drinking very little and sleeps most of the time. I want to help him get well but I don't want to try something and prolong his suffering if we can't get him completely recovered. If it was your loved one and he/she was in this shape what would you do with the knowledge you have?
If doing something what exactly would you do?
Thanks for your time and may God bless you,
I would basically reduce his suffering by restoring energy and nausea. As mentioned I used clove oil and methylene blue. To restore appetite I used b50 and HCl and at least the case I was involved with simply did not want to die. While that case was given a few days to live she is doing fine after 3 years. Yet in another case just last week in similar circumstances she simply don`t want to live so nothing was done because she refused any treatment even though the natural treatment for cancer was a success and hence nothing was done so she died in few days just last week. It was the patient that really have their say and if not conscious it just depend on the family's decision.
(Lake Martin, Alabama)
I would try ozone therapy with methylene blue via IV at least once a week maybe twice a week.
Also would do castor oil compress everyday for at least 4-6 hours.
Rid your body of sugar and pump your body full of oxygen, hyperbaric chambers.
(Miami, Florida)
Ted said, "They usually have methylene blue 1%, whereby we reduce them by adding 1 parts methylene blue with 9 parts water, should get a relatively safe concentration. Then we can add methylene blue drops such as 8 drops and slowly add more so if there is no side effects. "
What does 1 part exactly mean?
(North York, On, , Canada)
Hi Josecito, Ted spoke about how to dilute 1% MB into 0. 1% MB. One part of MB in 9 parts of water will dilute 1% MB and make it 0. 1%. So if you want to make 1L of MB 0. 1%, you have to take 100 ml of MB 1% ( one part ) and pour it into 900 ml ( 9 part) distilled water. Another example, if you want to make 500 ml MB 0, 1%, you take 50ml MB 0. 1% and pour into 450 ml of distilled water. There is a lot of ways how to make the volume you want, you have just to follow the right dilution ( 1:9). I hope that can help you.
Fish store is the best place.
(St. Louis, MO)
Ted's advice on many areas of health have been of great assistance to me. I became interested in trying Methylene Blue for attacking my systemic Candida, and did some additional research. I came across a study that indicates that taking Vitamin C with MB may decrease the effectiveness of its impact on Candida. The research is found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4780517/
The relevant quote is halfway through the abstract: "... sensitivity of Candida cells to MB could be rescued upon the supplementation of ascorbic acid, an antioxidant." In the context of the abstract, this "rescue" seemed to be contrary to the intent of killing Candida cells.
Therefore, I began to take MB 1 drop twice a day (along with BHT), but taking ascorbic acid at least two hours later. My reasoning was taking such a small dose had no risk of side effects (coloring eye, etc.), but that any potential impact on Candida would not be lessened by the ascorbic acid.
I understand that Ted is not currently up to responding, but am hopeful that this information may help others, if you or someone may take a look at it and comment on how to take MB and Vitamin C (perhaps 2 hours between the two?).
Hoping this may assist others in recovery from Candidiasis;
Sincerely, Susanna
Note the study was by NCBI. I thought a world renowned doctor for research and use of MB stated that vitamin C BUFFERED ENHANCES MB effects. Forgive me if I'm wrong, and congratulations if it's working for you as a safer and less invasive means to help your conditions.
I take MB with ascorbic acid (vit. c), 1% or 2.33% MB and a approx 1/8 tsp vit c powder in h2o. my MB dose is not always the same, as it depends on which dilution I use. if using 1%, then I take approx 20 drops 2x/day (so, 40 drops/day) from the supplied dropper to = 10mg 2x/day (20mg/day) for tinnitus, which it has helped. As an aside, my memory has improved. I was actually taking more MB but it gave me really loose stool so I backed off to this dose, which is fine. We'll see how it goes. I also take a day off from MB every so often.
P.S when I take it in strong doses your urine turns blue for about a day, but when you stop taking it it turns back to normal & I take vit C 500-1000 mill and have had no problems with my eye coloring, which I also heard is reversible if you should happen to have that happen to you.
Was the cure PERMANANT?
(Liverpool, Uk)
Please tell me what concentration of methylene blue you were using in your drops. I'm taking 1 drop 2. 4% but getting nowhere. Ted told me 5 to ten drops 1%, similar size to mine. Likely you are taking more than me.
Methylene Blue - how much should be taken for the optimal results. I am using Kordon brand. Thank you!
I bought kordon. methylane.blue and wondering how to dilute this down seeing that it is 2.33 %. I am not good with percent as a lot of people may be.
Here is how we do it. We use that brand. The bottle should have powder in it. I fill the bottle to below the rim with spring or distilled water cap it and shake. Do this on a paper or glass plate it stains. Citrus cleaner or lemon removes stains. In a two oz. Dropper bottle I add 4 stoppers of the concentrate then I add water to that carefully it loves to overflow leave room to put dropper back in. It makes .01 % solution. Then you can use whatever your remedy calls for. Do not forget to add c with it when you take it. Janet
I still don't understand your instructions, you say bottle what size bottle? and its a powder how much? I don't get percents either
Helpful review, thank you.
I was just wondering how you know about candida expulsion?
(Hayward CA)
I take Tro blue/ just blue: cut it in quarter and place it between my gum and cheek. Turn your urine blue., nootropic to prevent Alzheimer's.
EC: https://troscriptions.com/products/justblue:
16 mg of Pharmaceutical Grade (USP) Methylene Blue
Other Ingredients: Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), stevia extract, lou han extract, peppermint, silica, Bitter-BlocTM
https://troscriptions.com/products/bluecannatine - warning: has nicotine
5 mg pharmaceutical grade (USP) Methylene Blue
1 mg of USP (non-tobacco derived) Nicotine
50 mg of USP Caffeine
5 mg of Hemp Extract
Other Ingredients: Polyethylene Glycol (PEG), stevia extract, lou han extract, peppermint, silica, Bitter-BlocTM
Polyethylene Glycol is dangerous.
Chronic Bladder Infections
I just finished reading an article by Dr Mercola who interviewed a Methylene Blue (MB) researcher. The researcher said there used to be pills of 60 mg MB that were used for UTIs. He put his mother on a dose of 1mg per kg body weight a day. He generally recommends 0.5mg/kg up to 1mg/kg (pharmaceutical grade as any others have heavy metal contamination) taken with 1000 mg of Vit C in the ascorbic acid form as it reduces the MB to be bioactive.
I just started taking 3drops in about 6oz of water per day, working up to a dose that I can feel better with. My rough calculation is that with 10mg/ml of MB, my weight of 118 in pounds becomes 53.5kg, divided by 2 for the .5mg/kg (or you can multiply by .5, your choice, same answer) becomes a good dose of 26.75mg MB which is then 2.675ml, which then is slightly over 1/2 teaspoon (conversion charts are amazing). It will take a lot of drops to get to that dose! But if a lower dose works, I'm happy.
Chronic Bladder Infections
Having said this, I am also very careful about what I eat: no sugar or fruit of any kind. I don't use any artificial sweeteners. I avoid wheat and other grains. I eat canned beans, eggs, fish, chicken, vegetables, and brown rice. I have to avoid nuts.
(Colorado Springs, CO)
Methylene Blue for Prevention of Chronic UTIs:
I bought MB from Botany Biosciences. Bottle states 10mg/ml. I weigh 130 pounds-any suggestions for dose? Do I need to take Vitamin C to prevent staining as others suggested? I am tired of taking antibiotics every 3 months-and has affected my gut health. Thank you!
Hi Lynn,
My neighbor and some of her relatives had trouble with recurring UTIs, and she found a probiotic that is sold on Amazon to stop this in everyone who has tried it. We also had a friend who had the same problem and was very ill, so we gave her several packages that my neighbor had on hand, and she is now completely well, as long as she takes the probiotics. She thinks it is worth the cost to stop getting the UTIs. It might be worth a try.
Best wishes!
I know that probiotic and it also contains a very powerful cranberry concentrate along with the probiotics. It sure does get good reviews.
Would that be D-mannose? That stuff works wonders for UTI's.
Yes, it is great... BUT... if you do get a UTI in spite of using D-Mannose... I used chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) to cure a nasty UTI in just 2-3 days... nothing else.
Just an FYI! Dr. Kalcker is the expert, if you want to do any research... amazing stuff!
Hi MHO - Do you use any ascorbic acid with your MB?
(Little Rock, AR)
I've been reading about recurring infections as I've been looking for a reference I lost track of...apparently, infection can "hide" in areas of heavy metal deposits and regenerate from there. Apparently, heavy metals tend to accumulate in areas that are already compromised, providing unfriendly microbes with shelter from the immune system.
In cases of chronic dehydration - which it is thought that most people are chronically dehydrated to some degree - the body is in a sustained "emergency mode" of water rationing during which some systems are slowly and steadily sacrificed to dehydration to assist the body in getting as much hydration to critical systems as possible.
This would explain why a rehydration scheme has such favorable effects on such a huge variety of different issues and systems. And I reckon a system that is slowly being sacrificed would be a safe place for heavy metals to accumulate. Otherwise, they'd simply be identified and flushed out as "foreign material".
Chronic Fatigue
Hi, please can I ask about the dose you take? My son suffered hypoxia during a general anaesthetic and the mitochondrial coating of nerves was stripped. He was paralysed for some time until the mitochondrial coating regrew/regenerated. Since then he has had severe anxiety, OCD and fatigue. Many thanks
Contaminated Methylene Blue

I suffered greatly from severe arsenic poisoning. I wish there was a way to be sure the source was pure, because aside from the arsenic, methylene blue was great stuff.
(San Jose, Ca)
What was the brand that caused arsenic poisoning?
"Although the exact mechanism of this drug interaction is unknown, methylene blue inhibits the action of monoamine oxidase A—an enzyme responsible for breaking down serotonin in the brain. It is believed that when methylene blue is given to patients taking serotonergic psychiatric medications, high levels of serotonin can build up in the brain, causing toxicity. This is referred to as Serotonin Syndrome. " (food and drug administration webpage)
I have been on effexor for 10 years, and although I plan to go off this slowly in the summer, it looks like I will not be able to use the methylene blue as planned.
Was this on your website and I missed it? If not, you might want to add this information. I'm glad I caught it, but very disappointed I cannot benefit from taking the methylene blue. Any other suggestions?
Thank you, Pat
(Myrtle Beach, Sc)
hi Pat, Very good point you made. I know I had mentioned this in one of my previous posts. While we are on this topic... Someone also has to be careful taking Resveratrol and/or Curcumin along with any antidepressant because Resv and Curcumin also have some MAOI properties. Just a heads up.
more likely mis-information and half truths from FDA and Big Pharma research studies... In any event once your clean of their poisons you should have no further excuses NO! So use it then.
Effexor is not an MAOI and it does not have a direct effect on serotonin levels. it is the MAOIs that are considered contraindicated with methylene blue.. maois are some of the oldest or first discovered used to treat depression. They call it "dirty" because back then it was kind of a hit and miss and what they got was drugs that happened to affect certain chemicals. Since then they came out with prozac, at least 25 years ago, it is an SSRI or a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor which are considered clean because they only affect one chemical or two and it's controlled. I doubt there are very many people left on maois treatment.
Cytokine Storms
Using Methylene Blue is not just a hypothesis.Regarding using methylene blue(MB) against COVID-19 ARDS, there is an Indian doctor, Dr Deepak Golwalkar, who, as a pulmonologist and lung specialist, has been using his nebulized/sublingual MB treatment for quite a while and with great success for his pneumonia patients and for his COVID-19 patients with ARDS. Here is his website, which details his treatment:
Interestingly, Dr Golwalkar also uses exactly the same concentration of MB for nebulizing -- 0.1% methylene blue -- which is the same concentration that Ted from Bangkok recommends.
from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27031833/
DMSO Represses Inflammatory Cytokine Production from Human Blood Cells and Reduces Autoimmune Arthritis
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is currently used as an alternative treatment for various inflammatory conditions as well as for cancer. Despite its widespread use, there is a paucity of data regarding its safety and efficacy as well as its mechanism of action in human cells. Herein, we demonstrate that DMSO has ex-vivo anti-inflammatory activity using Escherichia coli- (E. coli) and herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)-stimulated whole human blood. Specifically, we found that between 0.5%-2%, DMSO significantly suppressed the expression of many pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokines and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). However, a significant reduction in monocyte viability was also observed at 2% DMSO, suggesting a narrow window of efficacy. Anti-inflammatory concentrations of DMSO suppressed E. coli-induced ERK1/2, p38, JNK and Akt phosphorylation, suggesting DMSO acts on these signaling pathways to suppress inflammatory cytokine/chemokine production. Although DMSO induces the differentiation of B16/F10 melanoma cells in vitro, topical administration of DMSO to mice subcutaneously implanted with B16 melanoma cells was ineffective at reducing tumor growth, DMSO was also found to block mouse macrophages from polarizing to either an M1- or an M2-phenotype, which may contribute to its inability to slow tumor growth. Topical administration of DMSO, however, significantly mitigated K/BxN serum-induced arthritis in mice, and this was associated with reduced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the joints and white blood cell levels in the blood. Thus, while we cannot confirm the efficacy of DMSO as an anti-cancer agent, the use of DMSO in arthritis warrants further investigation to ascertain its therapeutic potential.
Depression, Anxiety
(Northland NZ)
Hi Lisa, Hope you won't mind my seeking your advice. I bought 20gms MB Powder and have a set of scales (manual) that weigh in 50mgs So was able to get to 1mg which I put in 1 litre brown bottle and topped up with water. Dr Deepak Golwalker told me this so now I have a 1% solution. How many drops to take or start with? I weigh 70kgs and am 82yrs old with Isolated Systolic BP and Bowel cancer which I manage myself having refused surgery. If you could advise would be extremely grateful.
a 1% solution is 1 gram in 100 mls of water, or 10gm per liter.
This is Pam, my sincere apologies for getting this wrong. 1gm MB in 1 litre water which Dr Deepak told me could even be tap water (preferably filtered) as MB will deal with anything in it. This will give you .01%, think that is correct now. Whatever this was what Dr Deepak wrote to me when he so kindly answered my letter asking for help. I measure 1gm into water and add to a 1 litre brown glass bottle. I bought some small wide neck 5 gm bottle to put 1gm powder in for this purpose makes things easier but do cover worktop well its amazing for infiltrating everywhere it shouldn't! I take 10 drops in the morning and 11 drops late afternoon, excellent stuff.
My daughter got rid of all her painful, aching bones (Lyme) disease using this 10 drops 2x daily and swears by it. now. I use her method of putting the drops into a shot glass and have a mugful of water with 1gm Vit C some before and rest straight after taking the shot. Yes, lemon juice squeezed onto any spillage dilutes it immediately, then mop up with anything you can throw away.
Hello Pam, have you read the book "miracle in the hills"? Dr. Mary Sloop. A woman had cancer in her intestines and the doctor operated and closed her up saying it was inoperable, so the country doctor gave her MB and she lived at least 40 years. It is on page 43 chapter 9.
(New Zealand)
Thanks for that, Barry, I still take it every day and bought enough powder to last me decades and considering I am 83 now shows optimism if nothing else, ha ha. Just started my 3rd year living with bowel cancer, diagnosed in December 2020. I refused surgery. Have Rife machine and take onboard anything that checks out positive against cancer. Eat organic or spray free etc.etc.!
Hi Pam, where do you get your powder??
(Auckland, New Zealand)
Anticancer activity of methylene blue via inhibition of heat shock protein 70
Conclusion MB demonstrated potent anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo via inhibition of Hsp70 in benzo[a]pyrene induced lung carcinogenesis in mice.
Great job, Pam!! Are you new to MB? I guess the Rife machine is responsible for most of your success?
You might look into chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) as another tool in the toolbox... Dr. Kalcker is the expert... here is a good start:
(Colorado USA)
MB has been thoroughly studied and tested for 150 years. MMS/chorine dioxide has NOT been tested in any credible way, in fact it has been banned from many countries with explicit warnings against its use. It is a very strong oxidizer like chlorine is, even though it is partially neutralized by the citric acid. It is not tested scientifically on humans nor animals; I defy anyone to find credible studies. Dr K is the main pusher of this toxin, funny how not even one researcher in a million gives MMS any credibility. It is not proven safe whatsoever. Unless and until someone actually runs a credible trial of at least hundreds if not thousands of people, MMS is a dangerous gamble. I tried it as I have H2O2-08 and it made me sick as hell. Please inform us how it discriminates killing only the "baddies"? Ive now read of many people harmed, possibly even some deaths. It does not have "humble" origins. It is also heavily conflated with specific religious beliefs, never a good sign when you conflate science and facts with religion; caveat emptor...
That's not true. Credible studies have been done in Russia with positive results. It has been used to clean water in other countries for decades. I was born in Spain and my mother said they used it to clean the water there 60 yrs. ago. I'm sorry but there are thousands, if not more, testimonies of people who have used MMS with great success. I don't wish to debate with you, just saying you should do more research.
NO ONE is making any of those claims there. You sound like a shill against it. WATCH THE RED CROSS DOCUMENTARY they did on CDS. Why don't you post that on the Dr K CHANNEL THEN and ask her for that instead of ranting nonsense here? HAH
Buy already diluted from compass labs, for example.
Pam, to make a 1% liquid Methylene Blue, add (1 gram) MB powder to 100 mL of distilled water. Most measuring cups have a 100 ML line for reference for the water. To mix it together, I use an empty, clear plastic soda bottle with a screw-on cap. Pour in the water first, then pour in the MB powder. Shake it 200 to 300 times to ensure the powder is all broken apart and mixed well. Then, carefully fill your 50 mL empty MB eye-dropper bottles you've saved when you bought the liquid form. If the liquid level is hard to see while pouring MB in, shine a flashlight beam through the bottle towards your eyes, so you can see the level in the dark bottle. Go slowly for best results. Good Luck.
Hallo Kr8peace,
MMs ist schon lange überholt. Chlordioxid ist neue formel. www.comusav.com ein lesen. Ein glas wasser ist gut zehn glas wasser kann dich Töten... Paracelsius hat gesagt dosis mach das gift... Ich nehme selber 10 jahren Chlordioxid und besten gesundheit. Informiere richtig nicht ein seitig bitte...
Hello Kr8peace,
MMs is long outdated. Chlorine dioxide is new formula. Read www.comusav.com. A glass of water is good, ten glasses of water can kill you... Paracelsius said dose make the poison... I've been taking chlorine dioxide myself for 10 years and I'm in the best of health. Inform properly not one-sided please...
Wow, that's awesome. Have you heard of it helping to heal the Gut, or anyone who's tried it to rid the body Heavy Metals? (Or might it also HAVE Heavy Metals in it?)😜
(I have a lot of issues…so just started taking it).