First, because there seems to be so much dosage confusion about MB percentage strength and number of drops used, I'm going to use a completely different quantitative method that determines how many milligrams or how many drops to supplement MB with water. There has been much of confusion over this.
But first some information that I have found to be extremely useful in helping to more fully understand the effective dosage amounts of MB needed for particular ailments :
1 drop of 1% Methylene Blue contains 0.5 mgs of MB.
1 drop of 0.1% Methylene Blue contains 0.05 mgs of MB
1 drop pf 2.33% Methylene Blue(Aquarium version ) contains 1 mg(approx.)
A half teaspoon of MB is 40 drops.
A full teaspoon of MB is 80 drops.
So armed with the above helpful definitions, I will now only describe MB dosages in milligram amounts only. Doing it this way eliminates all the confusion(and myths) of how you should use 0.1% or 1% or 2.33% MB. After all, it's the dose of MB powder in water that you supplement that is all-important -- not the percentage of MB in your dropper bottle. Right?
Ted from Bangkok has also maintained in his MB posts that supplementing the cheaper aquarium version of Methylene Blue is certainly good enough and pure enough for supplementing in humans. But if that last statement makes some readers balk in fear of "heavy metal impurites" then it's perhaps also useful to appreciate that fish live and breath in water and humans breath air. But water is a much more dense medium than air. And that means that fish are much more sensitive to poisons, heavy metals etc in their water than humans are. So if the aquarium version of MB is good enough for the more sensitive fish then it should certainly follow that aquarium MB is pure enough for us humans as well. And that's also why I've been using the aquarium version of MB, without any problems whatsoever, for over 10 years now.
Other things to remember about MB is that low MB dosages will be good enough to help give you energy and to help MB act as both an antioxidant and antimicrobial for the brain, thus helping to increase and maintain mental cognition as well as helping to prevent dementia(Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease etc). However, much larger doses of MB will be required to kill viruses or bacteria, cure malaria, kill fungus, kill parasites, treat Methemoglobinemia, help remove blood clots etc.
But what do I mean when I say take a low dose of MB in water? -- And here is where all the confusion happens. I've read that for some people 2 drops of 1% MB(which is equivalent to 1 mg MB powder on water) is enough to fully energize them. I've also read where other people need to take as much as 16 mgs or even 100 mgs of MB(which is still a low dose for MB) to get energized. The point that I'm making here is that you will normally always have to find your own MB dose that works for you personally.
My own dose, which suits me for getting more energy and obtaining the cognitive benefits from using MB, is based on Dr Golwalkar's method that he has been using over the years to treat and cure both tuberculosis and COVID-19. He uses a teaspoon of 0.1% Methylene Blue for nebulizing(which is equivalent to 4 mgs MB powder in water) and he also recommends taking a half teaspoon of 0.1% MB orally as a sub-lingual dose(which is equivalent to taking 2 mgs MB powder in water).
My own everyday MB dose is slightly different to Dr Golwalkar's sub-lingual dose. I just add half a tablespoon of water to a small empty glass and then add 4 drops of 2.33% Methylene blue(which is equivalent to taking approximately 4 mgs of MB powder) and supplement that twice a day. But I have also taken the equivalent of more that 25 mg MB powder per day without a problem. I would also recommend using Dr Golwalker's recommendation of using 5 mls or 1 teaspoon of 0.1% MB(which is equivalent to 4 mgs MB powder in water) in a nebulizer two or three times a day when infected with COVID-19.
Some more MB facts for you. When you supplement Methylene Blue then between 75% and 80% of the MB taken orally is directly and quickly absorbed into the blood. Methylene Blue has a half-life in the human body of about 6 hours. That means that half the amount of MB that you supplemented will still be in your body after 6 hours. It's for reason of this persistence of MB in the body that I would at least advise that for low dose MB you should at least take one day off a week to reset your system and get rid of all the MB in your body.
I've also found an easy way of converting Methylene Blue from its blue oxidant form to its colorless reduced form. I will, for instance, add my 4 drops of Methylene Blue to a little water in a glass for sublingual supplementation. Then I would add a very small amount -- a tiny amount!! -- of Ascorbic Acid to the MB and walk outside and let the sunlight quickly convert the blue oxidant form of MB to it's colorless reduced form and just take it like that without giving me a blue mouth. I've also used the reduced or colorless MB form on skin problems without any blue coloring occurring. It works well and MB is also rapidly and easily absorbed into the skin.
Broad Benefits
I am on 40 drops now, ramped up since 9/10/2022.... neuropathy feet waking up, color is great on both feet..... the one foot that was not neuropathic is going a bit faster cleaning the color and regaining feeling.
Chronic Bladder Infections
Having said this, I am also very careful about what I eat: no sugar or fruit of any kind. I don't use any artificial sweeteners. I avoid wheat and other grains. I eat canned beans, eggs, fish, chicken, vegetables, and brown rice. I have to avoid nuts.
Avoid these oils at all costs:
- Canola oil (Rapeseed oil)
- Corn oil
- Cottonseed oil
- Grapeseed oil
- Rice bran oil
- Safflower oil
- Soybean oil
- Sunflower oil
- additionally, the following oils are untrustworthy because of adulteration:
- Olive oil (because most are adulterated with cheap vegetable oils and you can't tell)
- Avocado oil (because they are adulterated)
You should always take MB with at least 1000 mgs of vitamin C in water in order to avoid its side effects -- Taken just on its own, MB turns your urine green and the whites of your eyes blue because it stains carbohydrates blue. Other than that there are no side effects. I've taken MB with Vit C for 8 years and what you will also find is that it will give you an energy boost and wake you up due to its positive methylation effects on the body.
You should never take MB in the evening otherwise you might have difficulty getting to sleep because it is so energizing. Other than that, I've found MB easy to use and very useful against pathogens.
The dosage that is advised here is relatively small and very safe. In the 1960s they used to give the US troops in Vietnam MB by the spoonful to help recover them from malaria.
Broad Benefits
I've been suffering with depression and numerous physical problems for several years, to the point of being nearly bedridden at times, and being unable to function productively more days than not. I've tried dozens and dozens of natural remedies, with only limited effect.
When I began taking the methylene blue, I had a couple of days of discomfort in the area of one kidney. But within a couple of days, this had subsided, and I currently have the strongest physical and mental health I've had in years! My mood is joyful, and I have much improved focus when reading. The pains in my spleen area have virtually disappeared, I can breath comfortably at rest (my breathing was laboured before), and I have gone from needing 9 or 10 hours of sleep a night to needing only 6 or 7 to get by comfortably.
MB isn't a cure-all -- I still have back problems, and skin issues, and some other symptoms from congenital/genetic issues. But, based on my own experience, I recommend trying it if you have had problems with candida or parasites, anything spleen-related, depression without obvious cause, persistent breathing problems, or thyroid/glandular disfunction.
I dilute one drop of the pet-store MB into four litres of water (two full 2-litre pop-bottles), and take between a half-cup and a full cup, with extra water added to further dilute the dose, once or twice daily. Since MB is used to disinfect standing water, it shouldn't need to be refrigerated, either.
I think using MB for bath almost gives no side effects. Very safe. I am planning to use it as long as I live.
If you had some bad reaction on using MB such as depression I would recommend using on the biggest organ that human has. Which is skin.. If you start detoxing skin, the overall toxic load on the body decreased. I really think a bath with methylene blue gives so many healing properties.
On top of methylene blue, I am using MMS2 which is pool shock (calcium hypochlorite) I believe orally you take this and see yourself what is coming out of your body. Extremely powerful yet cheap.
After suffering 35 years, and researching I found out the healing power is not according to the price or wellknown drug. I believe you heal quicker than the disease spread, then you are on the right track.
MMS2 is very powerful it cures AIDS or Lyme etc.. you can read about mms on Jim Humble's website. When you detox, the body uses up so much iodine. Make sure you take enough of iodine.
I really need methylene blue since I have a genetic disorder(Methemoglobinemia)
But I cant seem to find a way to purchase it because it is not available to buy in my country.
Is there any way you can help me with that. Thanks
Ted's advice on many areas of health have been of great assistance to me. I became interested in trying Methylene Blue for attacking my systemic Candida, and did some additional research. I came across a study that indicates that taking Vitamin C with MB may decrease the effectiveness of its impact on Candida. The research is found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4780517/
The relevant quote is halfway through the abstract: "... sensitivity of Candida cells to MB could be rescued upon the supplementation of ascorbic acid, an antioxidant." In the context of the abstract, this "rescue" seemed to be contrary to the intent of killing Candida cells.
Therefore, I began to take MB 1 drop twice a day (along with BHT), but taking ascorbic acid at least two hours later. My reasoning was taking such a small dose had no risk of side effects (coloring eye, etc.), but that any potential impact on Candida would not be lessened by the ascorbic acid.
I understand that Ted is not currently up to responding, but am hopeful that this information may help others, if you or someone may take a look at it and comment on how to take MB and Vitamin C (perhaps 2 hours between the two?).
Hoping this may assist others in recovery from Candidiasis;
Sincerely, Susanna
The protocol I follow is as follows:
Add half a teaspoon of Ascorbic acid powder to the glass, then add water and mix into solution. Then, if you can, add the Baking Soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate (Arm and Hammer is fine) to this solution until the fizzing stops, to make the solution alkaline(in order to preserve the bicarbonates in your own body). Now, just add the drops of 0. 1% Methylene Blue(usually 3 - 8 drops as required). This mixture is taken outside mealtimes. Take this mixture first thing in the morning and again (if required) before 3 pm. If you take the mix after 3 pm, your mind may be too energised by the MB and you wont be able to sleep later in the evening.
Fungal Infections
It must be noted still that I have noted two kinds of cancer, the fast cancer and the slow cancer. The faster cancer are the metastatic cancer, which are viral in character while the slower cancer are the fungal type cancer which tends to cause bone pain and leads to osteoporosis. Still I haven't even cover how you can eliminate the tumors and this is dealt most effectively with a bloodroot tincture.
I hope this explains just a small portion of my approach to dealing with cancer.
Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Panic
Depression, Anxiety
Using Methylene Blue
Methylene Blue(MB) does alot of beneficial things for the body:
1. In it's pro-oxidant or "blue" form, MB can supply increased oxygen to your cells, thus giving you more energy. Also, supplying oxygen more efficiently to all your cells helps to prevent cancer.
2. MB is an efficient wide-spectrum pathogen killer -- it kills viruses, bacteria and fungi on your body.
3. MB is used in medicine to cure Methemoglobinemia.
4. According to Dr Deepak Golwalkar who is a renowned pulmonary specialist in India -- you can use low dose 0.1% MB to both stop the deadly cytokine storms so heavily involved in COVID-19 to actually help to cure COVID-19 problems.
5. Dr Golwalkar also regularly uses a low oral dose 0.1% Methylene Blue + daily nebulized MB to cure and save his patients with serious pneumonia and tuberculosis infections.
6. MB is used as an antidote to cyanide poisoning.
7. MB has been used for over 100 years -- by the spoonful(i.e. large doses) -- against malaria.
8. MB in it's anti-oxidant form -- which is it's colorless form also known as Leucomethylene Blue -- has many cognitive benefits. There is also much research that shows that regularly supplementing low dose MB improves learning, memory, increases energy, is neuroprotective and protects the brain. This therefore makes MB extremely useful against degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other diseases like Huntington's.
9. It's also worth remembering that Methylene Blue is useful in the body both in it's pro-oxidant or "blue" state as well as in it's colorless or reduced state as LeucoMethylene Blue.
10. Methylene Blue has a half-life in your body of abour 6 hours. So this also means that even a small or low dose of MB -- either in it's pro-oxidant or anti-oxidant form -- will protect your body for an extended and useful amount of time.
11. To be absolutely clear, it does not really matter which form of MB that you take -- the pro-oxidant form or the anti-oxidant form(with added Ascorbic Acid) -- because the MB in your body will undergo many conversions to and from it's pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant forms until it is eventually removed by the liver.
Now here's some simple maths for the sake of MB dosage clarity. I don't like using MB expressed as a % and drops as the dose of MB because it seems to always confuse people. That's why I much prefer expressing the MB dosage in milligrams per drop. See below for a useful reference:
1 drop of 0.1% MB solution contains 0.05 mgs MB powder.
1 drop of 1% MB solution contains 0.5 mgs MB powder.
1 drop of 2% MB solution contains 1 mg MB powder.
From now on, I will express all MB amounts in milligrams and you should now be able to easily work out the exact number of drops you must take -- at whateverv % concentration -- from the above conversions.
Dr Golwalkars Own Daily MB Protocol
In his many articles Dr Golwalkar has said that the only protocol or precaution he took for himself during the COVID-19 pandemic in his hospital was just to follow one MB protocol. He said that he took half a teaspoon of 0.1% MB, which is equivalent to approximately 50 drops of 0.1% MB. So from the above -- that converts to:
50 drops x 0.05 = 2.5mgs MB powder.
Dr Golwalkar would then hold the MB in his mouth for 30 seconds for fast sublingual absorption into his bloodstream and then swallow it with a little extra water. Dr Golwalkar has also said that he has had very few COVID-19 deaths at his hospital despite treating many thousands of people. He has also said that he never used a mask in his hospital when doing the rounds and visiting his patients. And he never succumbed to COVID-19 during the whole period of the pandemic. As a consequence, Dr Golwalkar is regarded as a hero in India for saving so many of his people but he still remains unknown in the West because of the FDA's efficient control over the CDC, the WHO and the ever-obedient Western media.
I currently use Dr Golwalkar's low sublingual MB protocol every day -- which helps to protect me against any COVID-19 infections and, since I'm an old guy, also helps to maintain my cognitive and neurological health as well.
Parkinson's Disease
I am amazed that after one and a half days of taking methylene blue with vitamin c my 85 year old dad, who has Parkinson's, initiated transfer to his wheelchair and needed much less assistance than yesterday. Yesterday he was not weight bearing much. This morning I did not pick him up to get in his chair, just guided him. I broke out into laughter of happiness!
Thank you a million for the information you provide on earthclinic. I love seeing the results!
All of the questions you asked can be answered by doing some online research. I've been an EC devotee for many, many years, but I never stop doing my 'homework'. I read, read, read *everywhere* online.
With natural remedies, quite often, there isn't a real answer to 'why' something works--it just does.