The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Meera (Toronto, On, Canada) on 07/06/2011
Could someone please provide a single, lucid description of how to dilute and consume Methylene Blue? The concentration of the stuff sold at pet stores is "1, 943mg per 100ml. " How should this standard, bought solution be diluted, according to metric and Imperial systems of measurement? Measurements using cubic centimetres and the like are not much good to those of us without chemistry labs. ) Thanks.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by David (Vicksburg, Ms, Usa) on 08/10/2011
1 cubic centimeter = 1 mL
1 mL = 1 g
The above are temperature dependent but work well for normal laboratory or home use. The concentration of your stock solution is 19,430 mg/L. MB solubility is approx. 1 g per 25 mL of water, 65 mL of alcohol.
At maximum solubility the concentration is 40,000 mg/L so your stock solution is a little less than 50% by volume.
Dilutions can be calculated by ratio and proportion using this formula
where M1 is the mass or concentration of stock solution. M2 is the mass or concentration of target solution. V1 is the volume of stock solution required to make target solution.
V2 is the volume you want of the target solution. for example to make 100 mL of a 0. 1% solution
50*V1 = 0.1* 100 so
V1 = 10/50
V1 = 0. 2 mL or 0. 2 grams of the stock solution
I hope this help you understand how dilutions work. I do not know what concentrations you should injest. My example is just to show you how do make the dilutions.
Methylene Blue Side Effects
Posted by Metou (Anywhere, Us) on 10/04/2013

I have been taking the recommended dose for about 3 or 4 days, and developed a heart arythmia. It does affect the heart, as also another person posted, saying they had some strong unnatural pulses. I would like to see if anyone knows how and why, if I am in any danger, and if I should continue. I am making an appt to see a cardiologist, because it has not gotten better and I have been off it 4 days or so now. This should be made known publicly: I am 29 yrs old and this has never happened before. I went on the m.b. for candida purposes.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Claudia (Calgary, Alberta , Canada) on 12/21/2010
I got my methylene blue from the pharmacy. The pharmacist had absolutely no idea how to provide a 0.1% solution, so what I have now is 50mg/ml. Does anyone have any idea how to convert this? TIA.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc) on 01/10/2012
I also should have added to my post about that I do know that MB can have MAOI properties but I do not know if it has those properties at the suggested drops of. 1% solution of anywhere between 3-8 drops on this site that is suggested. I think it would be wise if anyone could determine how many drops it would take at the. 1% solution to have MAOI effects.
Maybe Ted could weigh in on this. Reason being, if someone were to ridiculously experiment with many more drops and get in the range of it acting as an MAOI, then it is dangerous to do so if in particular that you are taking it along with an SSRI antidepressant.
To be on the safe side might as well include if taken with an NRI as well. Do your own web research to confirm this. I do take MB for added energy but I also take more drops than 8 with no adverse effects. I'm not recommending anyone else take more than 8. Everyone is different... Plus I also am not on any antidepressant. Just a word of caution here if anyone is unaware of the MAOI effects of MB and not to mix with AD's if in fact you are getting in range with the drops to have it act as an MAOI.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by J.park (Cerritos, Ca) on 02/19/2017
I'm new to this site, so I just saw your message very late & realized that, as I said above in my writing, there is quite a confusion in % of MB.
You can calculate the percentage stuff using the same formula: % = g/cc -> cc = g/%:
Since you know g=0.1(100mg), %=0.001,
cc = g/% = 0.1/0.001 = 100.
So you'd make 100cc(mL) of 0.1% solution of MB.
Warning: in above formula 'g' must be in grams and % must be in "fraction" as the calculation shows.
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Daniel (France) on 07/01/2024
Hi Ted, your posts are very much appreciated! I'm wondering about using methylene blue to control epileptic seizures in my dog. Do you think it could help given that it seems to be helpful with other neurological conditions, I.e. anxiety, Parkinson's. Thank you.
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Dano (North Carolina) on 07/04/2024
CBD oil has been used successfully by many people to control epileptic seizures in their dogs. There are several videos on YouTube that cover its use and dosages for this purpose.
Posted by Ripley L. (USA) on 12/13/2022
You don't have malaria. Even a light version would knock you out like a truck hit you and you would be in absolute agony. I have malaria vivax and it was considered a light version. I was misdiagnosed because all the docs in Kenya said I could never live through even a light version. 4 bouts of malaria later they finally tested and found I actually did have it. 10 years and still crippled by it.
Posted by Koi (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 03/31/2012
If it is 2.3% concentration and you wish to get 0.1%, then divide a glass in 10 pats very clearly by marks. Fill up the half of the first tenth part with the concentration (that is 2.3%) and fill the rest of the glass with distilled water.
Posted by Nik (Usa) on 06/29/2020
This is NOT correct, please do not follow this as it is the dilution instructions for getting .1% from a 1% methylene blue solution NOT 2.3%.
To get .1% of a 2.3% solution you add 1 part of the MB to 23 parts of the diluting liquid (distilled water is preferred, it seems). I saw a video where someone added 1ml of MB to 23mL of distilled water. I don't remember how many drops of that solution they said they take, that is what I am looking for here and it hasn't been answered in the first 50 comments =(
Tooth Abscess
Posted by Dano (Ontario) on 12/29/2024
Oil pulling (coconut oil would be a good choice; it's anti bacterial) and an activated charcoal or clay poultice should help prevent the infection from spreading and may actually draw the infection out where the other anti bacterial things you are using can more effectively deal with it.
Tooth Abscess
Posted by Dano (Ontario) on 12/29/2024
I forgot to mention that DMSO mixed with some Lugol's Iodine should also help because Iodine kills all bacteria. The antibiotics may not be effective right now because the bacteria causing the infection may be resistant. Resistance is often caused by the bacteria developing a lipid coating to protect itself, so something that breaks down this fatty protective membrane is a great help in fighting these types of bacteria. Monolaurin works well for such issues.
Tooth Abscess
Posted by Farmer (Glens Falls, Lake George, NY) on 12/29/2024
Thank you Dano!
We facilitate the iodine transport inside the mouth as I have been doing with the H2O2, Silver? Hope to try this evening. Yay!
Will learn about Monolaurin.
I've done “abbreviated” oil pulls (a little (1t? coconut and/or castor w/cayenne or oregano) “painted” on gum line…the cheek…at the site. Then swished with gathering saliva for 10-30 minutes before discarding. More oil?
Methylene Blue and Red Blood Cells
Posted by BigPicture (USA) on 11/02/2023
Methylene Blue and Red Blood Cells
Does anyone have any knowledge of the effect Methylene blue may have on red blood cell rouleaux? Simply put, the red blood cells stick to each other hampering blood flow and causing fibrosis - resulting in Scleroderma.
Methylene Blue Eye Drops
Posted by Gayle (Arkansas) on 07/26/2023
Hi. Has anyone used methylene blue as eye drops? I thought about using a very weak tincture with water. Thoughts?
Diluting Methylene Blue Tips
Posted by Dave (Arkansas) on 03/06/2025
I just got some MB and have started taking some. Longtime alternative and natural treatment user. I regularly take CoQ10 and I assume by 'Co10' that your are referring to CoQ10? I already took MB today and later took my usual CoQ10 before seeing your post. Can you or anyone else here let me know what is the reason to avoid CoQ10? Thanks!
Methylene Blue Urine Color
Posted by Lynde (Pretoria ) on 05/13/2023
Apparently using Bicarbonate of Soda removes the blue colour from urine. Not sure if that is your cause?
Where to Buy
Posted by ANNA (PHILADELPHIA, PA) on 04/29/2024
COULD you buy such capsules already with MB?
All I see is powder or solution and I want my husband to take it w/o staining teeth...
Posted by Mike (NW USA) on 01/11/2023
I came across discussions about MB in a ClO2 group. I'm trying to do something to help my 78 yr old mom who is starting to suffer cognitive decline, I bought this 1gm powder: but I'm a little lost as to what exactly I should do with the powder. I know I'm supposed to mix it with distilled water, and then the dosage is drops, but the dosages I read about are in milligrams, so I'm confused about how to proceed?
Posted by Laurie (Tampa) on 08/28/2024
I see your post from 2022 that you used methylene blue with some results for neuropathy in feet. How did it go? How are you now? My hubby has neuropathy and I'm looking for some relief for him. Thank you.
Depression, Anxiety
Posted by Karen (AR) on 02/15/2024
Wow, that's awesome. Have you heard of it helping to heal the Gut, or anyone who's tried it to rid the body Heavy Metals? (Or might it also HAVE Heavy Metals in it?)😜
(I have a lot of issues…so just started taking it).
Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by Lynn S. (Colorado Springs, CO) on 04/25/2022
Methylene Blue for Prevention of Chronic UTIs:
I bought MB from Botany Biosciences. Bottle states 10mg/ml. I weigh 130 pounds-any suggestions for dose? Do I need to take Vitamin C to prevent staining as others suggested? I am tired of taking antibiotics every 3 months-and has affected my gut health. Thank you!
Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by Beckie (California) on 10/26/2022
I know that probiotic and it also contains a very powerful cranberry concentrate along with the probiotics. It sure does get good reviews.
Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by Beckie (California) on 10/26/2022
Hi MHO - Do you use any ascorbic acid with your MB?
Where to Buy
Posted by G Smothers (Oregon) on 04/16/2023
You want USP Pharmaceutical grade, not pet/industrial grade. I get mine from Amazon.
Posted by Sherri (Texas) on 01/03/2023
Note the study was by NCBI. I thought a world renowned doctor for research and use of MB stated that vitamin C BUFFERED ENHANCES MB effects. Forgive me if I'm wrong, and congratulations if it's working for you as a safer and less invasive means to help your conditions.
Where to Buy: UK
Posted by Teri (Dallas Tx) on 09/03/2023
Do NOT use aquarium use methylene blue. This has metals and toxins. It isn't meant for human consumption and can make you sick. Only use pharmaceutical grade methylene blue. And only if it has a lab purity test with it. Find it on Amazon or other online seller.
Posted by jp (home) on 10/01/2024
You are using equal parts.
1 ml of 2.3% 1ml of water = 2 ml of 1.15%
1ml of 2.3% 10ml of water = 11 ml of .23%
You just move the decimal point to the left for each factor of 10 since the quantities we are using are metric. 10 100 1000 = .23 .023 .0023
23 divided by 23 = 1
so 2.3 divided by 23 = .1
and 2.3 divided by 46 = .05
1 ml of 2.3 + 23ml of water = 24 ml of .1% solution.
Don't make it harder than it is. :)
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Mizl (fl) on 06/20/2023 5 posts
Pouring half out seems like a waste if it is expensive. Where do you purchase and for how much? Thanks
Where to Buy: Austria
Posted by George (Vienna) on 05/25/2014
Can anyone recommend any places where I can buy pharmaceutical grade Methylene blue (not for aquariums)? Thx, George
Posted by Piro (India) on 03/10/2014
Was the cure PERMANANT?
Posted by Kate (Shropshire) on 08/13/2022
Helpful review, thank you.
I was just wondering how you know about candida expulsion?
Methylene Blue Baths
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 10/15/2013 2042 posts
@Fiona: Good to hear of your benefits w/ therapeutic baths. I suppose you are suffering from a fungal infection, you didn't elaborate on your illness enough.
Anyway, it would seem wise to also take baths in major & trace minerals occasionally as to prevent depletion or imbalance of minerals. I use the hot tub chlorine once wk and mineral plus borax occasionally. These definitely help w/ my fungal issue. I also add a squirt of povidone iodine which would help in several ways. I add several drops of liquid iodine to my jug of drinking water. I do occasionally add a few spoons of the MMS2 to the bath but can't report any major improvements.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Sandcastle (Mesa, Arizona, Usa) on 07/23/2013
I cannot find the dilution formula for the 2.3% 4 ounce bottle on this website. Wouldn't I get a. 1% dilution if I simply add 22 more 4 ounce bottles of water to the original in a larger container to give me . 1% dilution? Sorry I sent a previous email without mentioning that this is a 2.3% solution of methylene blue.
Methylene Blue in a Nebulizer
Posted by Lisa (California) on 06/07/2022
General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/21/2012
Methylene Blue: I just read it can help with clearing ca. Is this so? I have been using a couple of drops in a 600 ml of water. Is it effective without the vit c?
EC: Hi Robyn,
By ca, do you mean cancer? Medical abbreviation list for Ca also includes: carcinoma, cardiac arrest, chronologic age, and cytosine arabinoside.
General Feedback
Posted by Robyn (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/23/2012
sorry I mean calcium. Does it help clear excess calcium lying around in tissues, arteries, I assume causing at least part of this extreme pain ALL the time.
General Feedback
Posted by Mebeingme (Sarasota, Fl, Usa) on 07/28/2011
Does anyone know about treatment for this?? My sister has been taking IV methylene blue. She's had terrible reaction, but has been told this treatment or death
Thank you
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Flora (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/28/2012
hi Meera ; you can purchase MB at Script pharmacy in Calgary Alberta. I am sure you have compounding pharmacys in TO. Script made mine to the concentrarion I asked for! This should make it easier for you. Hope that helps. Flora
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Lawrence (toronto) on 04/18/2022
I have tried 2 compounding pharmacies in Toronto- they say need prescription. If anyone has a compounding pharmacy that will make the 1% solution, I can send you money to buy for me....thnx
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Randa (Ontario, Canada) on 05/07/2011
I have purchased methylene blue from a pet store, it says the concentration is 1,943mg per 100ml... What concentration would that equal to?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by V Kiong (Kuala Lumpur/kg Cham, Ft/kg Cham, Malaysia/cambodi) on 04/17/2011
I bought a bottle of Interpet Methylene Blue No. 10. However, nowhere was it stated the concentration. I ask the importer but they do not know. I have tried to call the company but so far have not been successful. Does anyone out there know its concentration? Thank you.
V Qiong, Kampong Cham, Cambodia
Methylene Blue Side Effects
Posted by Marie (California) on 06/18/2023
This is most likely due to Herxheimer reactions...
When you detox all these nasty viruses/bacteria/yeast/mold/parasites etc. your body will do all sorts of things...
You should research Herxheimer reactions and just pace yourself...
I've had horrendous hex reactions in the past but they always dissipated after awhile...
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Terri (Fort Myers, Florida) on 11/30/2010
I purchased a 2.303% methylene blue solution from local pet store. Instead of going through dilutions, can anyone tell me in simpler terms such as 1-2 drops in 16 oz. Water?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Self (Ny) on 11/30/2010
You could add one drop of 2.3% MB to 18 cups of water (which also equals one gallon and one pint of water) and take one cup of this twice a day. You do not want to take too much MB or it can make your mind too active. Don't forget to take 2,000 milligrams (or 2 grams) of vitamin C (sodium ascorbate) a day too.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc) on 01/09/2012
Does anyone know how many drops of the diluted. 1% of the MB one would have to take for it to have an MAOI effect?
Also, would anyone know what the conversion would equate to of X amount of drops of. 1% solution of MB to X amount of mcg's or mg's of MB?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by David (Nerja, Malaga/spain) on 10/25/2012
I have 100mg MB powder. Do anyone know how to much 0.1 solution this will make? Do I just mix 1ml with 1l water?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Richard (uk) on 04/03/2023
Thought I'd try it, sounds straightforward, except I've ordered from eBay £5 for 40grammes China with 98.5 % purity. Is this the right stuff? I did leave them a question about it. where to obtain ups, just run that gram dilution again, from above, then 10 drops in morning, seems contraindicated to take in the evening🤔
Posted by Kevin (Wilkesboro, Nc) on 08/11/2010
Dear Ted,
I'm very unsure of what to do right now. My dad probably has a week or so at best to live and he is not eating, drinking very little and sleeps most of the time. I want to help him get well but I don't want to try something and prolong his suffering if we can't get him completely recovered. If it was your loved one and he/she was in this shape what would you do with the knowledge you have?
If doing something what exactly would you do?
Thanks for your time and may God bless you,
Posted by Josecito (Miami, Florida) on 09/17/2010
Ted said, "They usually have methylene blue 1%, whereby we reduce them by adding 1 parts methylene blue with 9 parts water, should get a relatively safe concentration. Then we can add methylene blue drops such as 8 drops and slowly add more so if there is no side effects. "
What does 1 part exactly mean?
Where to Buy
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/08/2009
Heavy Metal Detox: There is a company that produces Methylene BLUE that also produces a product called Rid Metal for eliminating heavy metals in aquariums. I emailed to ask how toxic (if at all) their products are to people, and asked for ingredient lists. The 4 ounce bottle of Methylene BLUE says it is a 2.303 percent solution, and adds that it is zinc free, but it doesn't say what other chemicals are in it. The bottle cautions that it "is toxic to plants and is harmful to biological filtration, preventing nitrification and resulting in a rapid rise in ammonia and/or nitrite levels.
Where to Buy
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin) on 08/10/2009
The response to the inquiry is (truncated): "For use in aquarium and ornamental pond keeping the K----- products Methylene Blue and Rid-Metals are safe to use by humans who follow the printed instructions in the proper use of these products.
K----- Rid-Metals is a water conditioner that eliminates heavy metals in the water. It does not eliminate heavy metals in the fish. Therefore, as a water conditioner, Rid-Metals is meant as a preventative to eliminate heavy metals before they can become a problem to fish and aquatic invertebrates.
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Ab (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/02/2009
Can anyone tell me how to make a 0.1% solution from 2.303% (aquatic) solution methylene blue from a pet store?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Sarah (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/03/2009
wow- this gets sooo confusing. OK- so I have the littel bottle of Meth Blue from science lab website... I am trying to convert the measurements here: If I have 100 cc, that equals 3 and 1/2 ozs., and then to mix the 1:9 ratio, I mix that 3 and 1/2 ozs. with a liter (900 ccs of water?) thanks... am trying not to poison myself....
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Pankaj (India) on 08/04/2014
i bought MB from local aquarium shop but theres no info written on it about the %. also on the cover it says for aquarium use only not medical use... so I am m confused. should I use it or not. is it safe to take 1 drop with a glass of water?
Where to Buy: Canada
Posted by Flora (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 11/28/2012
Script Pharmacy Calgary Alberta and they make it to.01% if you ask.
Where to Buy
Posted by Daisy (NY, NY) on 01/15/2009
Where can I purchase methylene blue? Where did you find the information about this? I cannot find a previous post from Ted on this. I did find that you can buy this without a prescription. Thanks.
Where to Buy
Posted by Donna (South Carolina) on 05/17/2016
I was looking for a very pure MB solution - not one found at at aquatic store - which are supposedly loaded with arsenic and other impurities So I found a supplier today here in the USA and would like to include her email answers on the purity of their product. EC, hope this is OK.
Debbie replied
May 17,10:24pm
We always vet products with independent testing. Here's the test result for the current batch of methylene blue:
It's over 100% when it's more pure than the reference sample from Sigma Aldrich. The actual purity is probably between 99-100%.
Debbie Boykin
[email protected]
Donna C replied
May 17,10:11pm
Thank you, Debbie!
Yes, I do have one more question - can you tell me the percentage of purity of the powder you use to make it?
Debbie replied
May 17,10:04pm
Thanks for reaching out.
Our 10 mg/mL solution is 1% methylene blue.
Let me know if you have any other questions and I'll be happy to assist!
Donna C sent a message
May 16,5:08pm
Message Body:
I am interested in your meth. blue. Can you tell me what % your solution is....specifically, I am looking for a 1% solution.
Thank you!
Where to Buy
Posted by LAB (USA) on 07/12/2023
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Mary (Belfast, Northern Ireland) on 02/09/2009
Hi Jane, can you tell me how your father is getting on with the methylene blue? Is it proving helpful. A relative of mine has just been diagnosed with Parkinson's. As yet they only have tremors in the hands and I would love to get something that prevents it getting any worse, or at least slows down its progression. Any updates would be appreciated. Thanks, Mary.
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Yun (Portland, Or) on 02/18/2016
Hi! Jane,
How is your Dad doing now. Is methylene blue still working?
I have friend who have Parkinson and I am trying to find out what I can for her. I will appreciate your reply.
Parkinson's Disease
Posted by Edward (Brandon, Mo.) on 07/09/2016
How can something from a pet store for fish tanks help with parkinsons? What is this methylene blue? Is it safe to take? When I read the post that others have written, there's no reply or answer will I get an answer? How am I supposed to get my mom to take something from a pet store it sounds crazy. I hope someone has good answers for this post. Please help.
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/13/2008 392 posts
... You might never heard of methylene blue, but it was used during the Vietnam war to cure malaria. The reason for it's disuse is that taken in very high dose, it causes the urine to be blue. However, there's a cure for blue urine, it's called vitamin C sodium ascorbate! So the reason for disuse was that the doctors simply didn't give the GI's vitamin C sodium ascorbate when they injected methylene blue, or perhaps taken internally. Even so, it can easily be proven that methylene blue will become colorless. Just add drops of methylene blue in vitamin C, it will instantly become colorless. Interestingly, methylene blue works better with vitamin C, as both are related to negative hydrogen, as evidenced by the fact that if you did use ORP meter, the resultant measurement is likely to be -200 millivolts or up to -300 millivolts, which is a negative charge. Methylene blue is a negative hydrogen carrier, while vitamin C sodium ascorbate, preferably is a producer of that and is a reducing agent.
EC: The above email was excerpted from Ted's reply to a question on the MMS supplements page. Click here to read the reply in its entirety.
Posted by Louwrence (Rustenburg, North West, South Africa) on 07/04/2012
Hi Kylie, If I were you I would search the net for MMS & see if it will suit your needs because it has been proven as an effective remedy for malaria.
Tooth Abscess
Posted by Farmer (Glens Falls/Lake George, NY) on 12/30/2024
Thank you Chlorophyllus!
So, your son did not take the CDS internally…treating only with mouth rinses? Wow…what a happy ending for you and your son.
I will save this protocol in my notes!
While I rinsed with CDS a couple of times, early on…to sanitize mouth…before swelling started, I did not go full on, because I would have been inclined to drink the solution, (in addition to rinsing) and wasn't ready to endure the taste for the hourly, multiple day Humble or the Kalcker protocols. Did your son find the taste to be horrible?
Also…as it became clear that the antibiotic was worthless in reaching the site of infection, I decided to try Methylene Blue. My understanding is that one should not combine MB with CDS.
Diluting Methylene Blue Tips
Posted by Thomas (Germany) on 12/07/2023
Hi. What does mgs stand for? Never seen that weight unit before.
Diluting Methylene Blue Tips
Posted by Bobby (UK) on 03/06/2024 1 posts
Thank you for your detailed information. I have been taking it daily with one day off for the past month. For how long should I continue to take it?
Diluting Methylene Blue Tips
Posted by Juliw (VICTORIA) on 01/19/2025
Just to clarify Bill. If the solution I have is 1% strength, do I use the undiluted drops sublingually? Also, if I have some fungal skin issues I want to treat, do I use it full strength or dilute it?
Thanks for all your helpful information.
Where to Buy
Posted by Psychonurse (South Jordan, Utah) on 03/29/2023
Where can I find the pharmaceutical grade powder? Cheapest I saw online was over $400.00.
Where to Buy
Posted by Francine (Quebec) on 11/22/2024
Pour les gens du Québec, je l'achète à la boutique Vita Cru qualité USP.
For people from Quebec, I buy it at the Vita Cru USP quality store.
Where to Buy
Posted by Denise (Queensbury NY) on 11/13/2023
The literature says to take the MB with vitamin C. What form of vitamin C and how much?
Where to Buy
Posted by Joy (Hawaii) on 06/10/2024
Any soda water or is there a good brand you'd recommend? Also, how do you make the H2O2 water? I take MB with ascorbic acid dissolved in warm water; then the MB becomes clear : )
Thank you!
Posted by Luci (South Carolina) on 08/19/2023
I need help understanding how much I need. I am looking to purchase 99% purity 150 mg solution dropper bottle 5mg/1ml. I weigh around 110 lbs. I would like to put it in a empty capsule and follow it with water to avoid the blue staining. How many drops should I start with. Around 5? Or less. Thanks 🤔
Broad Benefits
Posted by L (Dallas, US) on 08/14/2023
Hi Terry, are you still taking MB? I am trying to find the right dose and a convenient way to take it. Could you give me some tips, possibly? Also before food or after? I was also wondering what effect MB may have on a gastro-intestinal flora?
Broad Benefits
Posted by Deborah (LA) on 01/08/2025
Can this help degenerative disc disease?
Chronic Bladder Infections
Posted by Wycliff (Little Rock, AR) on 06/13/2024
I was wondering why with UTI this person does not eat sugar, fruit or sugar substitute? Do these items make UTIs worse?
Diluting Methylene Blue
Posted by Lawrence (Ontario) on 04/17/2022
I am looking to find a source for MB in Toronto. Any suggestions? Many thnx