General Feedback
Both diseases are chronic infections that are notably hard to cure, requiring 6 weeks to up to 2 years of strong antibiotics, because these pathogens replicate in cells where the antibiotics can't reach, ensuring fresh crops of pathogens about every two weeks. Also, patients may have initially bad symptoms when first taking the antibiotics because as the pathogen dies, it releases toxins.
When taking MB, or any other medicine, for infection, PLEASE take it long enough and at a high enough dose to completely eradicate the pathogen. Otherwise you may be simply creating another Superbug that neither MB nor antibiotics can cure.
General Feedback
EC: Hi Robyn,
By ca, do you mean cancer? Medical abbreviation list for Ca also includes: carcinoma, cardiac arrest, chronologic age, and cytosine arabinoside.
(Melbourne, Australia)
sorry I mean calcium. Does it help clear excess calcium lying around in tissues, arteries, I assume causing at least part of this extreme pain ALL the time.
Robyn, the amino acid Taurine helps the body use minerals, and Vit-K helps the body use Calcium in particular.
(Melbourne, Australia)
Yes, use both taurine and K2 I've read calcium in the tissues causes pain, ca blocking the arteries causes stiffness but maybe thats not the reason for UNBELIEVABLE pain. Reading all the fibro case studies does nothing to ease my mind.
Please if anyone has got better from fibro tell us about it. If anyone has got better from chemical sensitivity tell us about it. I've now got myself too sick to get away from pollution and other chemicals. And very lonely when you can't go near people. EC it would be good if there was a way to contact people who have posted up their case study. I got some more helpers for my liver; NAC, grapefruit seed extract, milk thistle - had a huge reaction, unbelievable pain, couldn't move for a week. Stopped them and the pain is now down to I can't stand it. So if I'm taking taurine and K2 I don't know if I'm making myself worse or not.... overactive immune system?? or a crapped out liver that reacts to what's sposed to help it.
(Cumberland Gap, Tn)
I was treated for fibromyalgia for about six years. I would pray that I would not wake up if I had to live like this the rest of my life. To make a long story short I had mercury poisoning. Had to have 14 teeth pulled due to caps and so many fillings. Went back to check book and pain began shortly after having caps put on teeth. I felt better than I had in years even though I had 14 teeth pulled the previous day. No pain since Sept 14, 2008. Hopes this helps you.
Robyn, have you tried the "Chemical Injury Information Network", Member supported group of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity? I have suffered many yrs disability with environmental illness, but I somehow do no suffer the severity of symptoms of this group or fibro, so there is a big curve of individuality.
Have you done parasite cleansing? There are both chemical and natural methods but I can't imagine you haven't addressed this already but I suggest it because these buggers cannot be "detoxified" w/ the list of naturals you provided. You may have very little in the way of elimination. Have you done gallbladder and colon cleanses? Don't rule out some type of viral Hepatitis even though you haven't had that diagnosis (like myself). I have responded favorably to the St John'sWort, Lysine, Colloidal Silver only in combination. BHT seems to be helping remarkably but it's only been about 5 days now so I cannot conclude. Detox Foot Pads are quite effective for all kinds of toxins, have you tried them? You can purchase them at wholesale prices on Ebay. Hot Baths with minerals must bring you some relief. I use Baking Soda, Epsom Salt, and micronised agriculture grade multiminerals ---1/4 cup of each and ALWAYS come out the better. And to treat fungal issues add some Borax or Povidone Iodine.
Please update as you appear to need some help from these debilitating "invisible" disease conditions.
(Southern Az)
For my mind this is a toxin illness, in that you have toxins you can't get rid of. Someone mentioned wonderful results with pulling teeth (assuming they were amalgams.) Also many people with MCS have ongoing or former fungal exposure (water damaged buildings) which their doctors know nothing about (there is a lot on the web) and some have ongoing fungal infections. I had one friend who got over her MCS (and she also had CIRS, the inflammatory response to the pathogens in water damaged buildlings) after treatment with ampohtericin B for a fungal infection, after she had gotten out of environmental exposure. These "syndrome" things can take a very long time to track down, but take a look at what poisons you might be retaining and how to get rid of them. Many of us have had to live outside for a number of years, to get mold toxins out of our systems. There are now a few doctors who specialize in the people who have the genetic haplotype that cannot get rid of mold toxins. (Illness now called CIRS.)
General Feedback
Thank you
General Feedback
Keep up the good work!
EC: Thank you for the great suggestion, Alain - done!
Heart Palpitations, Anxiety, Panic
Hepatitis B
Methylene blue was used in WWII in high doses to treat infection. Also look for information on the Blue People of Kentucky. Those people were taking several hundred mg a day for years without harm.
(Athens, Greece)
EC: The above email was excerpted from Ted's reply to a question on the MMS supplements page. Click here to read the reply in its entirety.
(Reno, Nv, Usa)
I'm amazed at the many positive results of using Metheylene Blue. My question is about malaria. I may have contracted the mild form (Plasmodium Malariae) when I visited Thailand a year and a half ago, (lucky you, Ted, for living there) and the symptoms are only recently showing up (3 to 4 months now) as pain in my spleen that is not going away. No classic symptoms of fevers/chills, and also no blood test as yet since it's an expensive test and I have doubts about the tech recognizing it in the states where malaria is virtually unknown. My doctor prescribed an upper abdominal sonagram (sp?) which showed nothing, but he confirmed a swelling in my spleen area during the physical exam. Does anyone know how much MB was given to GI's in Vietnam to cure malaria? A few drops of the very diluted. 1% solution sounds like a very light dose against blood parasites. Any info would be appreciated. Thank you.
(Reno, Usa)
Methylene Blue. The bottle arrived (4 oz., 2.303% pre-mixed solution.). The question I posted a couple of months ago hasn't been answered though. How many drops should I take per day and for how long to eliminate malaria? As a mitochondria stimulant, would the 2.3% solution be too much?
Estimates okay, I realize this isn't a medical advice site. About Canada, every site I looked at won't ship to Canada. Perhaps there's a ban on MB in your country?
Thank you very much, Blue
You don't have malaria. Even a light version would knock you out like a truck hit you and you would be in absolute agony. I have malaria vivax and it was considered a light version. I was misdiagnosed because all the docs in Kenya said I could never live through even a light version. 4 bouts of malaria later they finally tested and found I actually did have it. 10 years and still crippled by it.
(Toronto, On, Canada)
(Sofia, Bulgaria)
If it is 2.3% concentration and you wish to get 0.1%, then divide a glass in 10 pats very clearly by marks. Fill up the half of the first tenth part with the concentration (that is 2.3%) and fill the rest of the glass with distilled water.
This is NOT correct, please do not follow this as it is the dilution instructions for getting .1% from a 1% methylene blue solution NOT 2.3%.
To get .1% of a 2.3% solution you add 1 part of the MB to 23 parts of the diluting liquid (distilled water is preferred, it seems). I saw a video where someone added 1ml of MB to 23mL of distilled water. I don't remember how many drops of that solution they said they take, that is what I am looking for here and it hasn't been answered in the first 50 comments =(
(Whitianga, New Zealand)
I would do half a glass with 4 drops 2 times a day. This works better then anything on the market and very few know about it.
(Whitianga, New Zealand)
Thanks - I checked out MMS on the web as well as here on earthclinic. Seems great if you've already contracted malaria, but I'm looking for a preventative. I don't fancy being in the middle of nowhere with the terrible cramping and diarrhea MMS seems to bring on, whereas the methylene blue "avatar" side effects seem easier to deal with. Just seeing if someone knows of a dose that will effectively kill the malaria Protozoa should they manage to get in in the first place. I'll be sure to eat pawpaw seeds etc too, plus I'm taking H2O2 & vit c powder with me as well.
(Rustenburg, North West, South Africa)
Hi Kylie, If I were you I would search the net for MMS & see if it will suit your needs because it has been proven as an effective remedy for malaria.
(Buenos Aires)
Hola deseo saber más sobre el azul de metileno si es posible dosis y protocolo preventivo para malaria así como otros protocolos ( cáncer y saver sobre que tipos actúa con mayores eficiencia) Gracias
Hello, I would like to know more about methylene blue, if possible, dosage and preventive protocol for malaria as well as other protocols (cancer and to know which types it acts on most efficiently). Thank you.
Methylene Blue and Red Blood Cells
Does anyone have any knowledge of the effect Methylene blue may have on red blood cell rouleaux? Simply put, the red blood cells stick to each other hampering blood flow and causing fibrosis - resulting in Scleroderma.
Methylene Blue Baths
I think using MB for bath almost gives no side effects. Very safe. I am planning to use it as long as I live.
If you had some bad reaction on using MB such as depression I would recommend using on the biggest organ that human has. Which is skin.. If you start detoxing skin, the overall toxic load on the body decreased. I really think a bath with methylene blue gives so many healing properties.
On top of methylene blue, I am using MMS2 which is pool shock (calcium hypochlorite) I believe orally you take this and see yourself what is coming out of your body. Extremely powerful yet cheap.
After suffering 35 years, and researching I found out the healing power is not according to the price or wellknown drug. I believe you heal quicker than the disease spread, then you are on the right track.
MMS2 is very powerful it cures AIDS or Lyme etc.. you can read about mms on Jim Humble's website. When you detox, the body uses up so much iodine. Make sure you take enough of iodine.
@Fiona: Good to hear of your benefits w/ therapeutic baths. I suppose you are suffering from a fungal infection, you didn't elaborate on your illness enough.
Anyway, it would seem wise to also take baths in major & trace minerals occasionally as to prevent depletion or imbalance of minerals. I use the hot tub chlorine once wk and mineral plus borax occasionally. These definitely help w/ my fungal issue. I also add a squirt of povidone iodine which would help in several ways. I add several drops of liquid iodine to my jug of drinking water. I do occasionally add a few spoons of the MMS2 to the bath but can't report any major improvements.
Could you check if you used Methylene Blue as this stuff stains everything (it's main use is as a stain) a deep blue, yourself and the tub. I spilled a couple of drops in the bath it took quite a lot of scrubbing to get rid of the blue.
(Portland, Or)
(New Zealand)
Methylene Blue Eye Drops
Methylene Blue in a Nebulizer
Warning--you must hold your breath while nebulizing--do not inhale the mb--will hurt your lungs--I put a straw in the mouthpiece and block off the unit so all the mist is coming out the straw--you can only do this with the old style neb that works off air pressure. Hope is everything!!!
Allgood, what do you mean by "you must hold your breath while nebulizing--do not inhale the mb--will hurt your lungs." The whole idea of nebulizing is to breathe the atomized liquid into the lungs. So what's the point of nebulizing methylene blue, if you "must hold your breath" and "do not inhale"? I don't understand.
"you must hold your breath while nebulizing--do not inhale the mb" - this is NOT correct. Read this doctor's report
MB doesn't hurt lungs. It has been used for lung diseases. Https://
(global citizen)
What an odd article. How does one nebulize while holding their breath?
Methylene Blue in a Nebulizer
(Clearwater, Florida)
Regarding using Methyene Blue in a Nebulizer: I briefly had this thought, too, but then I remembered how messy it was, and how much it stained when I just spilled a single drop of the diluted methylene blue (and undiluted it would be even worse). In a nebulizer if some of the vapor got loose it could get all over you and you'd end up looking like the "cookie monster".
Methylene Blue Side Effects
(Anywhere, Us)
I have been taking the recommended dose for about 3 or 4 days, and developed a heart arythmia. It does affect the heart, as also another person posted, saying they had some strong unnatural pulses. I would like to see if anyone knows how and why, if I am in any danger, and if I should continue. I am making an appt to see a cardiologist, because it has not gotten better and I have been off it 4 days or so now. This should be made known publicly: I am 29 yrs old and this has never happened before. I went on the m.b. for candida purposes.
It could be part of a Herxheimer reaction where te fungus/parasites are dying off and releasing their toxins into the blood.
You really should read up everything you can before taking anything, inform yourself first so YOU know what YOU are doing.
Have you checked your iodine levels? Low iodine can occur while detoxing and should be added…low iodine can cause heart arrhythmias.
This is most likely due to Herxheimer reactions...
When you detox all these nasty viruses/bacteria/yeast/mold/parasites etc. your body will do all sorts of things...
You should research Herxheimer reactions and just pace yourself...
I've had horrendous hex reactions in the past but they always dissipated after awhile...
Methylene Blue Solution Dosage
If the concentration of the solution is different: from 0.1% to 2%, adjust accordingly. The manufacturer usually says how many mg in 1 drop of each solution they sell.
I came across discussions about MB in a ClO2 group. I'm trying to do something to help my 78 yr old mom who is starting to suffer cognitive decline, I bought this 1gm powder: but I'm a little lost as to what exactly I should do with the powder. I know I'm supposed to mix it with distilled water, and then the dosage is drops, but the dosages I read about are in milligrams, so I'm confused about how to proceed?
Just in case you don't get the specific reply you are seeking, this might be another possibility for her:
Hi Mike,
To make a 1% solution of Methylene Blue, add your 1 gram of MB powder to 100 ml of distilled water. This will give you 100ml of 1% Methylene Blue solution.
To make a 0.1% solution of Methylene Blue, add your 1 gram of MB powder to 1000 ml of distilled water. This gives you 1 liter of 0.1% Methylene Blue solution.
So you bought MB powder vials, each containing 1g MB. There is a video on YT showing how to mix :Jane's Tip - Why Supplement with Methylene Blue and How to Mix It.
I started MB in already liquid form (different brand, each drop containing 0.25mg of MB.
Make sure you got a G6PD deficiency test done (Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD), Quantitative, Blood and Red Blood Cell Count) You can pat online and go to the lab of your convenience. The always offer discounts. For example: type Privatemdlab discounts and it will take you to the discount page.
(South Carolina)
I need help understanding how much I need. I am looking to purchase 99% purity 150 mg solution dropper bottle 5mg/1ml. I weigh around 110 lbs. I would like to put it in a empty capsule and follow it with water to avoid the blue staining. How many drops should I start with. Around 5? Or less. Thanks 🤔
I buy mine from Amazon, brand CZTL which is USP pharmaceutical grade. Comes in 1mg vials. For 1% MB solution dissolve 1g powder in 100mls filtered water. I'm not sure how to work out the dose from your source. CZTL provide instructions, a low starting dose is 1-2mg (2-4 drops). I take 20 drops which is approx 3/4 tspn./10mg. An empty capsule holds about 1/3 tspn. I see where people take 0.5mg per kg. In your 50kg case that's 25mg. I think that's too much personally, just going by how I can feel the mind alertness and physical energy with just 10mg, I'm 75kg.
Anyway start off low a few drops and take it from there. Never take more that 1mg per kg body weight. Also an easier way than capsules (MB melts them) is to just get Vitamin C powder, ascorbic acid. You won't get blue mouth. Just 1/2 tspn in water with MB drops. They have synergy, creating a clear liquid called leukoMethylene Blue with increased antioxidant power. Also if you spill any which you will haha, put Vit C powder straight on the stain it immediately disappears.
Methylene Blue Tips