Anal Fissures
Natural Remedies

Natural Relief and Prevention: Effective Remedies for Anal Fissures

| Modified on Dec 25, 2024
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Anal fissures, while not life-threatening, can cause significant discomfort and pain. These small tears in the lining of the lower rectum affect people of all ages and can be effectively managed using natural remedies.

This article explores the benefits of olive oil, aloe vera, and comfrey as healing and soothing agents for anal fissures. Adopting these remedies and making simple lifestyle changes can help alleviate symptoms and promote faster recovery.

What Is an Anal Fissure?

An anal fissure refers to a tear in the lower rectum's lining. Acute fissures are short-term, lasting from a few days to a few weeks. If a fissure persists for 8 to 12 weeks without healing, it is considered chronic and may require additional treatment.

Causes of Anal Fissures?

Rectal tearing affects individuals of all ages, including young and otherwise healthy people. The primary cause is injury or trauma to the anal canal, which can result from passing a large or hard stool, experiencing diarrhea, giving birth, or suffering from Crohn's disease.

Natural Remedies for Anal Fissures: Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, and Comfrey

Though specific treatment is not always necessary, most people seek relief from the discomfort associated with anal fissures. Olive oil, aloe vera, and comfrey are three effective natural remedies:

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a versatile and effective remedy for anal fissures. Rich in healthy fats, it offers the following benefits:

  1. Lubrication: Olive oil lubricates the bowel system, making it easier for stools to pass and reducing the risk of further injury. To use olive oil for this purpose, incorporate it into your daily diet, replacing other cooking oils or using it as a salad dressing.

  2. Inflammation reduction: Olive oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which can alleviate pain and discomfort associated with fissures. To apply topically, gently massage a small amount of extra virgin olive oil around the anal area twice daily, preferably after a warm bath and before bedtime.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural remedy known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, making it an excellent choice for treating anal fissures:

  1. Topical application: Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the affected area several times a day, especially after bowel movements. This helps to moisturize the anal canal, reduce inflammation, and prevent infection.

  2. Internal supplement: Drinking aloe vera juice or taking aloe vera supplements can promote overall digestive health and support healing. C


Comfrey, a medicinal herb, promotes healing and pain relief for anal fissures due to its key nutrients that encourage rapid cell growth:

  1. Comfrey ointment: Apply a comfrey-based ointment or cream to the fissure area after cleaning it gently, up to three times a day. This accelerates the healing process and reduces discomfort.

  2. Comfrey poultice: Make a comfrey poultice by mixing dried comfrey leaves with warm water to form a paste. Apply the poultice directly to the fissure, cover it with a clean cloth, and leave it in place for 15-20 minutes before rinsing gently. Repeat this process twice daily for optimal results.

Note: Comfrey should only be used externally and for a limited duration due to potential liver toxicity. Always consult your healthcare provider before using comfrey, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have liver problems.

Prevention Tips for Anal Fissures

Adopting healthy habits and making lifestyle changes can help prevent anal fissures. Consider the following tips:

  • Maintain a high-fiber diet: Consuming fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can soften stools and promote regular bowel movements.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help soften stools and prevent constipation.
  • Practice proper bathroom hygiene: Gently clean the anal area with water or mild soap after bowel movements and avoid using harsh toilet paper or wipes.
  • Avoid straining during bowel movements: Take your time and don't force the process, as this can cause unnecessary pressure and potentially lead to fissures.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity can improve digestion and overall bowel health.

When to Seek Medical Help

Consult a healthcare professional if you experience any of the following situations:

  • Persistent fissure: If the anal fissure does not improve or heal after trying home remedies for several weeks.
  • Intolerable pain: If the pain becomes unbearable and affects your daily life.
  • Excessive bleeding: If you notice significant bleeding during or after bowel movements.
  • Signs of infection: If you develop symptoms such as fever, pus discharge, or increased redness and swelling in the anal area.

Over-the-Counter and Prescription Treatments

If natural remedies are not effective, there are over-the-counter and prescription treatment options available:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Non-prescription pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help alleviate discomfort associated with anal fissures.
  • Topical creams and ointments: Over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or prescription creams containing calcium channel blockers or nitroglycerin can help reduce pain and promote healing.
  • Stool softeners: Over-the-counter stool softeners can help prevent constipation and make bowel movements easier.
  • Prescription medications: In some cases, doctors may prescribe medications to relax the anal sphincter muscles or treat underlying conditions contributing to anal fissures.
  • Surgical intervention: If conservative treatments fail, surgery may be considered as a last resort to repair the fissure and relieve symptoms.


In conclusion, anal fissures can be an uncomfortable and painful condition, but various treatment options are available. Natural remedies like olive oil, aloe vera, and comfrey may provide relief and promote healing. In addition to these remedies, adopting healthy habits and making lifestyle changes can help prevent the occurrence of anal fissures. If your condition does not improve after trying home remedies or if you experience severe symptoms, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional. Over-the-counter and prescription treatments can also be considered when natural remedies do not provide adequate relief. By understanding your options and taking proactive steps to maintain your overall digestive health, you can effectively manage and prevent anal fissures.

Continue reading below to learn which natural remedies worked the best for our readers, and let us know what helped you!

Related Links:

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained
Natural Remedies for Anal Fistulas: Relief and Healing

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Aloe Vera Gel

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Marsh (Denver, Co) on 02/20/2013

I experienced a terrible interior and exterior fissures after a 3-1/2 week of menopausal bleeding. My naturalpath recommended 'rectal rockets'. If you search on the net and read a funny account, don't believe it, they do work and not anything like the over exaggerated account, but after the 1st one, I noticed my ankles had slightly swollen; the 2nd suppository, my ankles were huge. Edema isn't one of the side effects but decided to not use the 3rd. Instead, I used an oral syringe with a tip that is about 3", filled it with aloe vera gel and slightly inserted into the rectal canal. It worked magic. Hate to admit it but the generic of neosporin healed the outside overnight. Definitely clean after each bm, preferably without toilet paper which seems to be one of the culprits. An expensive temporary handheld showerhead is worth its weight in gold for a quick clean without irritation.

Replied by Farai
(South Africa)

Where can I find the aloe vera gel? I'm in pain.

Replied by Mild
(Honolulu, Hi)

Why not get an Aloe Vera plant. Cut off a piece and cur one side off. Split it down the middle. pull ithe leaf apart, and pat on area.

Anal Fissure Remedies

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Srishti (Delhi, India) on 07/29/2013

Hi, my father who is 52 years old, has been suffering from an Anal Ulcer immediately on being operated for Piles. His surgery for piles was conducted 6 years back and the anal ulcer has been treated by Ayurvedic and Homeopathic medicines but to no avail, as he was not interested in getting another surgery for the anal ulcer. After going for a motion in the morning everyday, his anus comes out and doesn't go back in before 4 hours during which he has lot of difficulty in sitting and walking properly. When the anus goes inside, and when he again goes for a motion, the same is repeated and he has been constantly sitting in a tub with warm water and few granules of pottassium permanganate, without any relief. Sometimes in the evening while taking a walk in the park, he suffers lot of itching.

Please provide some remedy that might put a permanent end to his ordeal. Also if anybody could suggest the best hospital and surgeon for the above, in Delhi, India.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, Usa)

Dear Shrishti, A couple of things come to mind... If he is having any constipation at all, this is going to increase his pain and cause more trouble. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, prunes, blackstrap molasses (1 T. twice a day) is important. Dairy products can be constipating and ought to be avoided.

A comfrey salve might heal the fissure. It promotes rapid cell growth and healing. If you had access to comfrey leaves, you could crush the fresh leaves and place one over the fissure for 20 minutes a couple of hours a day.

Manuka honey or raw local honey is also something that is used to heal wounds very successfully.

Honey and comfrey could both be used safely together. If you could get comfrey root powder, you could mix it with the honey and use it like a salve. (Would be messy... but worth it.)

Charcoal poultices have also been used very successfully to heal wounds. Mix 1 part activated charcoal powder, 1 part ground flax seed (optional, but very helpful) in a bowl and add water and slowly stir until it is a gel-like consistency. Place a spoonful into a quarter of a paper towel. (You can make up many at once. ) Fold paper towel over the charcoal. Now the charcoal is surrounded by paper towel. Place the poultice over the fissure. (One layer of towel between fissure and charcoal. Store extra poultices in a baggie in the fridge. They stay good for a couple of weeks. ) Use this for 30 minutes 2-3 times a day or more if you like. It can be used overnight. If the poultice dries out, the charcoal isn't active any more. This may also help the pain. This can be used with the above safely, also. I might even try the charcoal first.

Plantain tea sitz baths, 30 minutes twice a day, is another option.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil is good for the skin and for constipation. 1 T. twice a day, internally, is a good idea.

You could try any or all of the above. So sorry he is suffering like this. Let us know what helps him.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Ed2010

Hello Shristi, Comfrey is good, but it is tough to get in Delhi.

If you could get noni juice it will be very helpful. In fact, noni grows in southern india too but the fruits are smaller size than Hawaiian noni. Take 30ml of noni juice daily. Noni juice is a detoxer and it softens the stools and eases the bowel movement. It will also strengthen the anal blood vessels. This will slowly heal the anal fissure.

I also recommend to use Indian Style Squat Toilet not the american sitting toilet. Indian style squat toilet aligns your body for natural bowel movement thereby reducing the pressure in the anal region. Preventing Piles or anal fissures.

Also for the ulcer, apply wheat grass juice which is a potent healer.

Good Health

Replied by Timh
(Ky, Usa)
2043 posts

Some Vit-A and E internally will help. Cod Liver Oil applied topically on affected area will help.

Replied by KT

There is a vitamin ointment (I don't think I can give a name here) that contains lanolin and is sold at drug stores. I purchase the generic brand and it works well for us. I would also recommend using witch hazel to finish cleaning first.

Replied by Vikas

Which noni juice you are talking about. Kindly share the exact name

Anal Fissure Tips

5 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Mchuco (London) on 07/09/2012

Hi all, I've been suffering from anal fissure since September 2011, getting really bad in the last couple of months. Gone to doctor several time the last time to surgeon. Gave me nytroglycerine cream to put but didn't help. I've tried several other things like aloevera gel, olive oil and honey, st johns wort oil, etc.

Im getting much better now with little pain/spasms after BM.

What really helped me: healthier diet, with lots of liquids, wash after BM. At home I use a plastic bowl that fits in the toilet pan and use it to wash and bath with warm water for 15-20 minutes to help with the spasms. Do it as many times as you need as it relaxes the muscles and you feel less pain. At work I use a plastic bottle, filled with warm water and wash after each BM. Very important always wash.

After wash, dry with toilet paper and apply CAVILON Cream. Got much much better after first time.

Every individual is different, but if you are in agony it is worth trying.

Good luck!!! This is really a pain in the butt....

Replied by Divyam

Hi there, I was googling and got earth clinic and read so many tips bout anal fissure.. Im having it since last 2 months, sometime it bleed on tissue paper, people say that it will take a longer time to heal, I never had constipation in my life, im very active, but I remember that while passing tools once I felt like brick inside but than to forcefully defecated.. And got immence pain after.. Since than im suffering.. Went to specialist and he said it will take time, used creams like pilex, Smuth, fisofine, oil, castor oil, ghee but every morning it cuts.. Doctor said I have ano fissure inside its like 12o clock.. Sitz bathr r good.. Im really fed up and sometimes I cry too.. Got so many tips already here... Thank you so much.. But please tell me if something more to get rid of this.. I will be a good girl now.. No force in defecating.. Waiting for a day when ill do smuth potty without feeling fissure horror feel.. oh god save me ....

Replied by Trudyg

Don't know if it will help or not, but have you tried 'squat' toileting? It is said that, if you squat while defecating, there is less or no pressure on the anal tissues. That less pressure may allow your fissure to heal.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, South Africa)

Hi Divjam, Cutting out all starches is a starting point, & if that does not help have a look at your thyroid. Starches cause a lot of problems & seeing that you are Indian that is your staple food.

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Whatworks (Woodbridge, Va) on 10/24/2011

Hey everyone,

I've been plauged by a chronic fissure for the past couple of months and I feel that I have to share my remedy of getting better with the world.

Honestly, everyone is different but half of the stuff I've tried out there that people swear by does not work.

I visited a top Washington DC doc and had two other opinions on follow ups by different docs. Surgery seemed to be the answer. I didn't want to take the risk cause I am only 29. I'm in good health and I just randomly got a fissure one day. I have been plauged by hemmorroids during the course of my life so that may have contributed to it.

Okay, NITRO-BID ointment (by prescription), applied 3 times a day 6 hours apart in the amount of a pea sized drop, around the anus caused the sphincter muscle to stop spasm. This helped me a great deal to keep pressure off of the fissure to enable it to heal.

Dubicaine (lidocaine) for hemmorroids applied directly on the fissure before a BM helped take the pain away as did taking ADVIL. TYLENOL does not work. ADVIL is a blood thinner so my thought is that it keeps the blood from building up causing inflammation.

I would take MIRALAX everyday. It's not habit forming and works wonders to soften the stool. GO TO THE BATHROOM! Don't wait cause it hurts, it's gonna hurt and you are gonna have to suck it up a little. But the sooner you realize this the better and on the road to healing. Keeping the body free of waste will enable your BM to start consistently becoming soft and easy to pass. The longer you hold it the more rock hard it will be, tearing you everytime.

Lot's of soluable and insoluable fiber. 30 grams a day. Avoid solid foods such as wheat and pasta. Eat lots of fruit and salad until the pain goes away then gently introduce items that are more solid. Soft foods help!

Drink lots of water. The old adage of 8 glasses a day is BS! I looked up the new guidelines and you need to find out your body weight, then divide that by 2. That is how many ounces of water a day you should consume. For example: I'm 280 pounds, divided by 2 is 140. 140 ounces of water is ideal for my body weight, and more if I am exercising.

Finally, use this stuff called Dr. WHEATGRASS cream. It's made in Australia, but sold here by a couple of retailers. You can find it on from a couple of different sources. I apply it directly and it works wonders to help the healing process. I don't understand why doctors think all of this natural stuff is bs... guess they want to just make money on surgery.

Finally, take a multivitamin. I also take B12, B6 for bleeding associated with it, and a good quality Vitamin E capsule.

I swear if you do these things it will help. It helped a lot for me and I had terrible terrible pain for 2 weeks until I finally started figuring my body out and what I needed to do to fix it.

Also, in the future if you get constipated. Don't try to pass it and risk a tear. Here is what you do, and it's nasty but it saves you the pain.

As you strain to push the poop from your body your anus is stretched at that point and the poop is barely sticking out, often rock hard. At that point take a finger and stick it into the poop and push your finger as far as you can while pushing the poop out. This breaks the poop up into a smaller, more easy piece to pass thus not tearing your anus. It's disgusting cause you will have stuff over your fingers but it works. Keep doing it until you have passed everything. As the poop starts to exit the colon it should become more soft as it is freshly exiting the large intestine.


Replied by Netphax
(Pacific Northwest, Washington)

To start with for any and all my thoughts go to you! I will begin with a WARNING: miralax is made with very toxic compounds polyethylene glycol and ethylene glycol. To word it in more understandable terms this is dehydrated BRAKE FLUID and RADIATOR FLUID which are used for vehicle lubricants and vehicle engine health. These should not be consumed and are very toxic and can be deadly if consumed in their normal forms.

There has been a lot of criticism and serious concerns raised from parents of children who have gotten sick. A lot of complaints over 20 years but no surprise that the FDA and other companies are failing the general public because a product is VERY profitable. That said I highly recommend NATURAL remedies and healthy ways to help ease constipation. I am someone who has lived with severe gi issues for the majority of my life. With the last 20 having had every diagnostic study numerous times, many diet changes, and even adhesions removal surgery. Little did I know that endometriosis is a huge factor of women suffering from GI issues and adhesions are undetected without literally having laparoscopic diagnoses. Meaning minimal invasive surgery to stick a camera into the abnormal cavity and look around. My issues were discovered initially by accident when I was having surgery for something else. My initial surgery was changed to 3 hours of having unseen adhesions removed and my gi track getting untwisted which was caused by adhesions. Once again this problem can not be diagnosed using ultrasounds, colonoscopies, endoscopy, mri, ct, and xray. It is invisible to any other means of detecting. Unfortunately it was another 10 years before bringing us to present day before I learned of endometriosis, it's sisters and all the problems it can cause. The great news is there are some healthy options that can be done to ease the agony of chronic GI issues. 1: Fresh popped popcorn using coconut oil I use less than a pinch of salt and only 2 tablespoons of butter per 3/4 unpopped kernels. Added into a tall rectangular airtight storage container and shaken. The size used for 10 lbs of flour. I found creating a smoothie of fruit strawberries, peaches, blueberries, and cherries adding a tsp of cloves and 1-2 tbsp of cinnamon depending on preference and size of drink. Combined with hemp milk. I purchase my fruit in season then frozen or canned for later use during the year. I eat plant based protein bars Aloha brand is my favourite but there are others out there. Make sure to stay hydrated. Drinking 1 ounce of non caffeinated fluid for every 2 lbs of weight. Meaning a person who weights 180 pounds needs 90 fluid ounces but someone who is 300 would need 150. The key to larger amounts is using a SMALL GLASS 8-12 ounces max and a schedule. Just keep in mind for every ounce of caffeine intake it strips 2 ounces of fluids because it is a diuretic. If you are a woman suffering from gi issues, cycle issues extreme pain, unknown fatigue and or a mysterious illness you are not alone. Keep your chin up and keep on keeping on. I recommend seeking an endometriosis specialist and see if they can help you find out if any of your chronic struggles can be helped by them. Mine were. I will always live with my rare form of fully systematic lupus and the unique to me issues it brings. But that is why the lupus slogan is help us solve the mystery. No two cases are alike. Blessed be to all and take care

Anal Fissure Tips
Posted by Gentle (Erie, Pa, Usa) on 03/03/2010

I've been plagued with an anal fissure for over 10 years. I've tried many things, and have finally found a few things that are working for me that I'd like to share.

First of all, I quit drinking coffee. I noticed that I would frequently have bowel movements after drinking it, so decided to try to quit it and see what would happen. I substituted green tea, and was able to avoid any withdrawal headache. I would suggest watching carefully what you intake and how it affects your bowel movements, especially if you have an easily irritable stomach and bowels. With anal fissures, I believe it's important to have regular and healthy bowel movements, that don't require a lot of wiping which will only irritate the fissure more and suppress healing. So watch what irritates it and stop those things or reduce them.

Secondly, when I do have a bowel movement, instead of wiping a lot, I'll only wipe once with toilet paper, then watch thoroughly with soapy water using your hand. I know it's gross, but you need to irritate this area as little as possible. Also, think of it as a cut that needs to heal. What do you do to cuts? You wash them and keep them clean to prevent infection. I think the same applies with fissures. If you can stomach it, use you finger to wash inside, and then to rinse, and gently wipe dry with a paper towel.

Third, I've been applying a solution of pure olive oil (from whole foods) and crushed up MSM tablet, which promotes the healing. You can crush it by putting it in a plastic baggy and pounding with a mallet. You want it in powder form. If it's to chunky it will scratch and only hurt the situation. Mix it thoroughly with the olive oil and apply to the fissure and inside the anus after every bowel movement, when you get up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night.

Finally, itching. An anal fissure can itch terribly, but scratching it will only make it worse. When it itches what keeps me from scratching is to think that when a wound is healing, sometimes it itches, therefore if the fissure is itching it is healing, which is a sign of progress. This thought keeps me from scratching and therefore setting healing back.

I would say that mostly it is about finding out what causes your particular body to have unhealthy bowel movements(really watery or really hard) and substituting something that doesn't have that affect. Coffee, alcohol, greasy and junky foods, etc.

This has been working for me, I hope it helps others as this is a really draining and painful illness to have.

Replied by Srinivasa
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi, I suffered from chronic anal fissure for 5 months and tried everything but nothing worked, which may be acv, aloevera, stool softener anything and everything. My problem was after bowel movement the pain use to hang around continuously for the whole day and I lost around 10kg weight. After all this I decided to go for surgery, this june 8th I got operated and very next day got discharged. The same day I had bowel and amazingly it was pain less, I was under medication for 3-4 days. There use to be little discomfort for 6-7 days. Now I'm all right sharing my wonderful experience with people who are really undergoing severe pain, I suggest you if you have the same problem pls pls pls get operated. the cost of my operation in Bangalore in a reputed hospital costed only Rs.15,000/- that's around 400$ to 500$. Wish you all the best and speedy recovery.

Replied by Hossein
(Tehran, Iran)

Srinivasa, would you tell me what kind of operation did you have? it was a laser surgery for vaporization of the fissure or it was a sphincterotomy?

Replied by Srinivasa
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Hossein,

I had Anal Fissure sphincterotomy, they put me in anastesia, not conscious while operation. it took them 10 to 15 minutes, beleive me now I started preparing for Marathon for 10 km though I'm 45 years old with hypertension taking regular medicine for BP, I'm completely alright and enjoying my time, I can eat anything now, no more pain actuall speaking now enjoy the relief of bowel moments as it use to be earlier:).

All the best to you Hossein.

Replied by Babitha
(Bangalore, Karnataka)

Hi Srinivasa,

Congratulations on the success of your surgery. My husband is going through the same problem and gone through sphincterotomy, but is still in a lot of pain. Can you please tell me which hospital were you treated in and who is the doctor. This information will be very useful to me. Kindly help.

Replied by Letmein
(Fort Mill, South Carolina)

The bowel movement that caused my fissure just caught me off guard-it was fast. my doctor told me years ago to put my right thumb in my vagina to push the poop out. you can also kind of reduce the size this way also. also, what helps more than anything is deep breathing-enhale thru the nose-out thru the mouth. you can feel the poop moving down to the rectum as you breathe out.

hope this helps. at least you don't have the poop on your finger.... just be sure your thumb is clean.

Replied by T

That's the worst, for a female try this, push up using both hands finger tips, push along the outer wall side on both side of the anal hole, around where stool is sitting, especially if you have a dropped bowl, the pressure will help muscle push out stool. Not sure for male not sure as scrotum in the way. I found this online forgot what it's called.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Heather (Palmdale, CA) on 04/23/2009

I have had very bad bleeding every time I had a bowel movement. I tried the vitamin B-6 and within a few days, no more blood. I will still have a colonoscopy to make sure everything is fine but I am glad that there is no more bright red blood in the toilet. I think I had an internal hemmoroid or a fissure - either way it is better. Try it, it works!

Posted by Ally (Kalamazoo, Michigan) on 02/12/2008

I too have had hemorrhoids and fissures for 9 years, tried everything on the market including' ACV, cocconut oil was about to go for surgery and read about vitamin B6. I took 50 mg of B6 after meals. It took 3 weeks for this to work, but I noticed a big difference in 3 days. I am now free of this very painful mess and it has been 6 months. If you have a relapse just go to the B6 bottle. I just want to thank Michele who wrote in about B6, on this site.

Replied by Afsaana
(Dallas, Tx)


Hi, Do you continue to take vitamin B6? I was having the same condition and I found great relief once I took B6. If I stop taking, the pain comes again. Also I hear that long term use may be toxic and could have irreversible nerve damage. Kindly let me know.


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Ammazurin (London, UK) on 04/13/2022

Editor's Choice

This is an update to my previous post. My fissure improved with a better diet and lubrication with oils but it didn't heal fully. Whenever I was constipated it would return.
My long-term cure that has lasted over a year so far with no recurrence was the addition of borax.

Just a daily pinch in a glass of warm water or food is enough. It will kill the Candida that may be keeping an infected abscess under the skin from healing. It's usually this abscess that ruptures when constipated. You can tell you have one by the mild pain you will feel if you press on the anal area. Keep up your protocols but add borax and you'll be amazed. I've even hard quite severe constipation recently and had no sign of my decade-long fissure.

I've also figured out that dehydration and too much fibre in my diet was causing the constipation. Everyone is wrong about fibre in your diet. You don't need it.

The Japanese and Eskimos have very little fibre in their diet but paradoxically have the lowest incidence of bowel ailments in the world.


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Posted by Ev (Australia) on 05/07/2015

Botox injections cured my fissures after 20 years of pain.

Botox, Multiple Remedies

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Natalie (Las Vegas, Nv) on 02/18/2012

I've been suffering from an anal fissure for the past two years or so. I had no clue what it was at first, tried everything from pinworm medicines to hemorrhoid creams and finally this past November went to a GI doctor, had a stigmoidoscopy and they told me it was a fissure. Although the stigmoidoscopy was helpful, I also felt that it led to more bacteria and infection because, frankly, I'd never had anything stuck up my bottom like that!

I'm only 25 so the doctor said this wasn't very normal for someone my age to have. He gave me nitro glycerine which didn't work. The only cream that helped me was calmaseptine. It is similar to a calamine lotion and stops itching and has menthol so it relieves with a cooling effect. However, I was sick of using creams and just wanted this cured. I went to a surgeon and on Jan. 26 had botox injected. He also sewed up my fissure.

I completely changed my diet to high fiber and cut out sugar and drank tons of water. I also began taking a few stool softeners a day and Metamucil pills. Because of just those changes I always have soft stools and never have a problem with BM. The only times I do is if I drink a lot of alcohol which leads to watery diarrhea (which is just as bad as having hard stools) or if I eat junk food. So those had to be cut.

The Botox injection completely stopped the spasms. However, I still had itching at night to the point I was waking up at 3 am having to take baths, then waking up late for work and it completely ruining my day. After much research I found that these solutions have worked for others:

1-2 tbsp of olive oil before bed (softens stool amongs many other health benefits)

aloe vera applied to the fissure or drinking aloe juice

wheat grass, gotu kola and wheat germ oil

vitamin B6 and zinc

As I am fed up with the fissure taking over my life especially after my Botox treatment I've decided to try completely natural remedies. As of yesterday I began taking B6 and zinc, taking one epsom salt bath at night (the salt is so healing), drinking one cup of aloe vera juice, taking one tbsp of olive oil before bed, and taking a full dose of wheat grass (check our Dr. Wheatgrass, the results are incredible) and taking a wheat germ oil supplement. At night I am opening up two wheat germ oil pills and putting them onto a Johnson & Johnson gauze and applying to the fissure and sleeping with them in. I did it for the first time last night and my inflammation had drastically reduced.

The main reason for itching is moisture in the anal area and openings. Thing of if you had a cut with moist skin rubbing against it, there's your reason for irritation. The best remedy is to use gauze or Johnson&Johnson cotton and place it to keep the area dry. Don't use toilet paper or kleenex as the roughness could irritate the area more.

Hopefully some of these remedies will help you too!

Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mike (Idaho) on 11/01/2019

I suffered from an anal fissure for a year and a half. The fix that I found was under hemorrhoids on EC. A ball of cotton soaked with castor oil and inserted onto the fissure at night time just before bed. I was healed in 5 days. Good Luck


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5 star (1) 

Posted by Gavin (Northland, New Zealand) on 07/30/2013

The thing about anal fissures are that they were a boil that started around the anus, and then bored a hole into the anal canal. If you take a teaspoon of cayenne, sprinkled on your food, and then wait for a BM. Take note if their is mild burning during and after the BM. If there is then the amount is correct (if not up the dose a bit until it burns), and the active cayenne is cleaning out the infection, on the outside use the Virgin coconut oil, as it seems to be more active in that area, and keep the Staph and fungus in check.

Replied by Lynda
(Central Us)

Anal fissures are not boils that bore holes in the anal tissue. That's a Fistula. Big difference. An anal fissure is a tear in the anal tissue. Another reason to get them, besides the list at the top of the page, is "bracing". If you have pelvic floor tightness your muscles will "brace" and tighten up the opening and then it's like a trying to squeeze a zucchini through a keyhole....which does't work and then we tear. If you have pelvic floor tightness (dysfunction as well), you may also get anal spasms from time to time. My body is so used to being "braced", as soon as the urge hits, the involuntary muscles tighten up on me. I try to go before the urge hits. Squatty Potty position really helps (you can turn a trash can on it's side or a stepping stool ..look up squatty potty). I have had surgery before to cut the sphincter but that doesn't stop the body from bracing so I still get fissures. I can go for a long time and then something will cause my muscles to tighten again and I get another fissure. Currently, it's due to a chest cold and constant hard coughing. I have even been to a physical therapist who helped a LOT but it never lasts and I end up with another fissure. She suggested I do my own internal work (a really thin dialator that is thinner than a finger) but I just can't bring myself to do that. The anus was tight that she could barely get her fingertip in and when she showed me her finger after, the end of her pinky was bright red from being squeezed! I could swear she was putting a baseball bat up inside but it was just her pinky! UGH..... Anyway...that's some TMI. It took about a month of 2x weekly visits to finally be able to not bind up as soon as she started her work. I then did one more month of 1x weekly. I also hear there is valium suppositories to help relax the area as well now. Don't know much about them. I just wanted to let others know that pelvic floor tightness is a big reason to get continuing and chronic anal fissures as well. While I still get fissures after surgery and PT, I don't get them as often and they don't last as long as they used to.


Squatting will only stretch the skin further and potentially cause more fissures. I would do what EC recommends. Soothe the area with olive oil, so that the stool passes more easily. Also more fiber like psyllium or even metamucil should help.

And avoid blood thinners if possible. Many foods like garlic and onions -- and even honey -- can thin the blood and cause more bleeding. You want the bleeding to stop, so the fissure can heal.


I have controlled my anal fissure for 30 years. I make sure I have a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in my drink with every meal. Fiber fiber fiber keeps things flowing. Also magnesium citrate, chia seeds and prunes.

Changing Leg Position

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Rafa (New York, New York, Usa) on 03/28/2010

Anal fissure cured by changing leg position during bowel movement

Had an anal fissure for over a month, with no apparent cause, other than typical bowel movements. It was very painful and led to a great deal of bleeding. I saw that one suggestion was to change the position of the back while having a bowel movement. This only helped slightly; HOWEVER, during this process of changing positions during a BM, I realized that the toilet I have been using was too low to the ground for me, causing my knees to be very bent and legs upright during a BM. It must have been putting strain on the anus. By extending my legs out in front of me during BMs, the pain and bleeding stopped within one day. Leg positioning seems to have been the simple cause of these anal fissures. It was such a simple solution and I wanted to share this with people with the hope of it helping them cure a very painful and annoying condition.

Replied by Kal
(London, England)

I just wanted to say to you a big thank you. I've been in horrendous pain for 4 weeks now and I tried the above change of position. For the first time in 4 weeks I didn't have any pain after a BM. Thank you so much for your advice. I'm now off to buy some vitamin B6 to see if that helps.

Replied by Randy
(Jc, Nj)

Not sure about this one. If it works for you, that's great. However, the natural position for deficating is squatting. I would have thought the lower toilet seat would have been a good thing. Keeping your legs straight sounds very counterintuitive to me, but again, if it works, it works!

Replied by Jini
(Vancouver, Bc, Canada)

If you go watch my "Constipation Pooping Positions" video on YouTube, you will see why extending the legs helps in situations where you need to relieve the downward pressure on the rectal canal or anus. Other times this is also helpful is with anal stenosis or stricture - go see the vid, I explain it all there.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mardi (Australia) on 04/04/2014

Hope my experiences will help someone. I had chronic anal fissures which my doctor suggested to look at surgery and also a extremely bad heamorriod episode . It took awhile to get them healed and had to have antibiotics to help the heamorriods issue. I used Chlorophyll 30mls daily after this episode. Its now been 2 years and I have continued to take Chlorophyll with good success. My Fissues have settled and have had no real problems since. Ive noticed someone said to also use Coconut Oil. That's great too as it is a great product for any viral bacterial or fungus problems and a good healer to use internally and externally. Love the product but make sure it's the organic kind. So good for the skin and this comes from personal experience. Good luck to you. hope you will be ok.

Clove, Coconut Oil and Eucalyptus

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by George (Cape Town, South Africa) on 04/25/2014

I have been suffering for 5 months with anal fissures. Very painful during stool movements, also followed by bright red blood when wiping and itchy burny pain afterwards for hours. I tried rash ointment, cortisone creams and vaseline... Nothing worked. Then it became almost impossible to pass a stool it felt as if I was pooping razor blades everytime.

I started applying some clove oil straight on my anus and it was very burny, but brought immediate relief after a few seconds. I then made an easily concocted ointment with a teaspoon of clove mixed in with a table spoon of coconut oil (melted) and a table spoon of eucalyptus ointment (zambuck or cuticura). Once it set as an ointment, I applied it everytime I used the toilet, and made sure I got some inside where the fissures are with my (clean washed) finger.

It is now a week since I started using it and the fissures are almost completely healed. I had a movement just now and only had mild discomfort, with no pain or bleeding. I alternated the ointment and the raw clove oil on the days I had more than one visit to the loo. The morning I would apply my magic ointment and in the afternoon or evening I would apply the clove oil straight out the little bottle, dabbed on my finger and applied directly on and inside where the fissures are.

This remedy cost me very little and it has made me feel really positive about the future. I thought I would share this with people that might have tried EVERYTHING else. This might also work for you, it is all natural and non toxic remedies, so you have nothing to lose by trying. good luck, I hope it works for you too!! Regards, George

Replied by Chris
(Atlanta, GA)

You should always dilute essential oils in a carrier oil like olive oil. Pure essential oil may kill pain quickly but could harm the tissues as it is very potent
