Anal Fissures
Natural Remedies

Natural Relief and Prevention: Effective Remedies for Anal Fissures

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Manuka Honey, Turmeric, Goldenseal

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Atticus (Los Angeles) on 08/15/2013

Anal Fissures: Man, these are painful! I had no idea. It was extremely uncomfortable to sit or walk for a week or two. I tried lots of things. MSM, B6, horse chestnut and sitz baths are some I would definitely recommend. But what really sped up the healing process for me was making a paste consisting of manuka honey, turmeric and golden seal (I bought these in capsules and emptied them out). There isn't an exact ratio to the mixture, just make it thick enough to stay put. I applied this twice a day or as often as needed (after showers, bathroom etc... ) It really worked. Also, eating mostly raw foods and drinking lots of water are essential to healing. Keep that ph up. Hope this helps.

Mineral Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Doris (Santa Ana, CA) on 10/12/2008

Take mineral oil. Cure constipation, encopresis, impacted stools, etc. When worst few times of constipation or encopresis are finished, change to cod liver oil or olive oil for continued feeding and healing of intestines, sphyncter, rectum, and stomach.

Ailment: Laxatives force stool expulsion by irritating the bowels. If stools are hard, impacted, if rectal fissures exist internally, at rectal opening, hemmorhoids, etc. - pain and possible damage occurs from laxatives forcing stools out with no regard to existing damage. Our child's bowels became impacted due to prior medical issues. Doctor prescribed pediatric enemas and laxatives. All caused horrific pain, fissures, even hemmoroids, etc. We stopped them immediately when pharmacist told us laxatives were causing worsening conditions. Doctor then referred us to psychologists who diagnosed either "stubborn-child behavior" and prescribed spanking (imagine child's bottom that is withholding 2 1/2 weeks already!), or put child through "colostomy surgery for everyone's convenience", and even putting our child on "a schedule of 5 anti-psychotic drugs to cure stress". We ignored them all, searched online holistic cures, found ailment-related mineral oil cure info. Doctor did NOT want to prescribe mineral oil or cod liver oil - gave no reason.

Cure: Mineral oil is tasteless, odorless, colorless. Regularly available without rx at drug store and at grocery store. It softens stools, lubricates bowel walls for smooth passing, NOT pain at all. Oil helps heal internal fissures or external hemmorhoids. Take as is, or stirred into porridge, or mixed in blender 40 seconds with favorite beverage (smooth like a milkshake). Drink a tablespoonful of mineral oil after food (a meal), or take it with a few crackers, wash it down with a beverage. Being odorless, colorless and tasteless mixes in food easy (cod liver or olive oil have hard-to-swallow strong flavors; cod liver oil is available in cherry flavor now). Works especially well where artificial sweetener's breakdown into methanol/fermaldehyde have ruined your intestinal wall's filli, or for those needing acidopholus milk. Coats insides, helps protect and heal. Distended (stretched) intestines or colon will regain elasticity and normal size quicker.

Dose: Normal daily dose is 1 tablespoonful 8 hours before anticipated bathroom use. Lubricates bowels to pass stools softened - NO discomfort, NO diahhrea. Extreme impacted, constipated, weak bowels, use 1 teaspoon per 20 pounds of adult body weight (3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon). Children dose 1 tablespoon (not teaspoon) per 10 pounds body weight. Then stay close to home - have bathroom, change of clothes ready just in case - anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. Stools will be very softened, passing through very lubricated intestines (oil calms sphyncter and rectum also). Since there's NO diahhrea-style rush or nausea, pre-prepare your bathroom in case you don't "feel" your body's need to BM- it might be sudden.

After, drink water or a mild beverage to relax any emptiness feelings after releasing constipation blockage.

Doctor later said mineral oil cure was fastest, healthiest, emotionally safest cure she'd seen.

100% cured!

Multiple Remedies

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Cassandra (Detroit, Mi) on 05/16/2016

I had what I thought was hemorrhoids for about 2 weeks now. Come to find out, I also have anal fissures. I was treating my hemorrhoids with a remedy I found from this site - Apple Cider Vinegar- which did wonders for them (applied externally for 45 min a few times a day). Now, all that I have a problem with are fissures and the apple cider vinegar made them worse. I have 2 fissures one on the side and one at the bottom. It is the worst pain I have ever experienced. I would cry from the pain, would go days without sleep it was unbearable. I found this cream called Calmoseptine and it had a cooling effect which worked to ease the itching. I tried coconut oil as well but the moisture just made the itching worse. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see what they can prescribe to help the healing process. What I found that works...

1. Stool softeners- I take 3 Colace in the morning but make sure you eat a little something because they make me somewhat nauseas.

2. Fiber- I ate healthy before so it is easy for me to stick to this diet.. Vegetables like carrots broccoli sweet potatoes and green beans. Also I take 4 fiber gummies a day.

3. Water- If you take or eat a lot of fiber and don't drink enough water, you will just be bloated and gassy and will constipate you even more. I never drink water so this was a hard one for me try to drink at least 50 ounces a day.

4. Flax seed- I mix some flaxseed in some water and put it in a container in the fridge and in the morning I take about a tablespoon of it. Within 20 min I am going to the bathroom. Even though its painful, being regular is important to heal..Constipation is harder on the fissures.

5. Coconut oil- Every time I feel the need to go, I hurry and put coconut oil on the anus (quite a bit) because it is not as painful when it comes out.

6. Warm bath- Before I go to the bathroom, I start filling up the tub (mainly so my family can't hear my painful screams). I use wet wipes after I go to the bathroom, not hemorrhoidal ones as these burn the fissures) and hop into the tub right after. I get immediate relief from the pain I endured. I sometimes take a bath 3 times a day for 30 min. It relieves the itching, burning, and pain.

7. Lastly, there is a cream called Calmoseptine. This helped temporarily for the itchy (my itching was crazy.) Caffeine, sugars, and spicy foods contributed to the itching so try to avoid those foods as well as binding ones like white rice.

8. Benadryl (pill form)- I had many sleepless nights because of my hemorrhoid/fissure duo and lately I started taking Benadryl to sleep. It makes me drowsy enough that I can forget about to constant itching and pain.

I hope these remedies help all of you who are suffering as well because I know exactly what you're going through and nobody should have to live this way. I am a very active person and haven't been able to work out for almost a month now. I hope the doctor tomorrow will prescribe me something to further help the healing process!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Lilli (Kenmore, Wa) on 02/06/2013

I have acid reflux for which I had been over using OTC anti-acids. I believe that this caused a disruption of the ph in my intestinal track. The result was one or two days of hard stool BMs followed by burning diarrhea and rectal soreness and possibly a tear.

I quickly consulted EC and found the following combination worked for me:

1. Increase your fiber content and water intake to keep stools naturally softer. I ate a high fiber bread, crackers, fruits, vegetables, ground flax seed in yogurt, and EVCO.

2. I made my own EVCO suppositories with a drop of tea tree oil. I used the tin foil "shells" of commercial suppositories, filled them with the coconut and tea tree oil, closed them and placed them in the fridge. I used these after every bowel movement and before bedtime (use a panty liner to prevent staining.)

3. I also bought cotton gauze pads and circles (the kind you use for makeup removal). Make sure it is 100% cotton. Limit your use of paper because the anal tissues are already irritated. I sprinkled the gauze with alcohol-free witch hazel with aloe (I like Wagners) to cleanse the area after every BM. Then I placed more witch hazel on a cotton circle, folded it in half and used it as a "tuck" and left it in for at least a 1/2 hour. After you remove it use more EVCO as a moisturizer.

4. I took sitz baths at least three times a day for twenty minutes each at first. Keep replacing the water with warm water. Then at least once a day until the trobbing stopped.

5. I bought a good quality "donut" pillow. I alternated sitting and walking/standing.

6. At night I slept on my side with a slim pillow between my knees.

It took about three weeks until I felt "healed. " The main thing to remember is to balance your system in terms of ph and fiber so that you don't continually re-injure yourself. Use a homemade suppository before BMs.

I have also stopped taking antiacids and switched to a mixture of 2 tbs. ACV (the one with the "mother") and fresh lemon juice in a tall glass of water for my acid reflux.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sita (Boston, Ma) on 09/13/2011

After suffering from fissures for almost 6 months, I was desperate for a cure. I was seriously considering surgery but was able to avoid that with the help of multiple things. I will list them here:

1. If you have the urge to go, don't stop it - just GO

2. Sitz baths really helped in pain relief. Atleast twice a day is a must (more if possible)

3. Keep the rectum area well lubricated all the time. I tried multiple things but what helped me most was Ghee(Rarified butter). This is a very common product in Indian cuisine. I ate one tablespoon of ghee (sometimes more) everyday and also applied it externally two-three times a day. Also make sure to apply it before a bowel motion. Trust me, it works like a miracle on the pain.

4. Incorporated more fiber in the diet. I like Fiber One original cereal (1 serving has 57% of daily fiber requirement). Some foods I swear by are: cabbage, brocolli, sweet potato, apples, pears, papaya and mango.

5. I took botox injections in the rectal area. This is not very known in the US but is apparantly quite common in Australia. They help relax the rectal muscles and restore blood flow to the region which helps in healing of fissures. Ask your doctor about it. It took me about 2 weeks before I started noticing a reduction in pain.

6. I also take vitamin D supplements. Avoid acidic foods. Eat well and enough so that it is easier to have a bowel motion. Sleep is a great healer.

All the Best! Have faith - this is not a severe condition but yes, the pain is severe. It does get better, it does heal!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 09/01/2011

- Vitamin E Oil Supplements - the most helpful remedy I've found for anal fissures. You can find these at Whole Foods or other health food stores. I can't name the particular brand, but there is one brand that contains high quality vitamin E oil and coconut oil that can be used for either rectal or vaginal use - let me just say that these have been a miracle to speed the healing, and helped heal my fissure within 2 days!

- Witch Hazel - after every bowel movement, make sure to clean the anal area with witch hazel. You can do it inside too like other readers mentioned, just buy a pair of rubber exam gloves to protect your hands and to keep bacteria out of that area. It's really important to keep the area clean to help decrease inflammation and to speed healing. You can buy (can't mention the brand, but it's a hemmorhoid brand) witch hazel wipes in the store, or you can just make some yourself with some witch hazel (try not to buy witch hazel that contains alcohol, ouch! ) and a cotton pad.

- Coconut Oil - see my method for creating coconut oil supplements on the hemmorhoid remedies page. Helps lubricate the area and speed healing.

- Soften bowel movements - if your anal fissues were due to constipation, it is important that you soften your future bowel movements to prevent any further tearing to the tissue during the healing process. You can use an over-the-counter stool softener (NOT laxative) to do this. Also increase your water intake and increase your vegetable/fruit intake.

- Change your position - like other readers have mentioned, changing your position in the bathroom can help relieve some of the strain on the anus. I prop my feet up on a stool to elevate them to bring my body more into a "squatting" position. You can experiment to see which position works better for you. This helps to strain less in the bathroom which means less pain and less damage to the injured area.

- Sitz baths - I take them every hour or so or after bowel movements to decrease pain. You can find epsom salts pretty cheap at the store. I also go in the ocean for the same reason, maybe it's psychological, but I think the salt water helps.

Hope this helps!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maggie (Overland Park, Ks) on 05/01/2010

Soothe your anal fissure or soreness internally by eating okra cooked in a little water. Eat a half cup per meal. In a very short time you have these lubricated pellets inside you which help your movements slip out easily.It seems to heal your system on the inside.

I also put aloe gel (from any drugstore) onto a q-tip and gently apply it on the external area and internally a bit too. In the event of itchiness, dab some dilute vinegar in the area, or apply 'a and d' ointment with a q-tip. Very relieving.

Olive Oil

11 User Reviews
5 star (11) 

Posted by Sally (England) on 03/13/2018

Editor's Choice

Hi! May I share with you an alternative to a olive oil dropper method for anal fissures.

I have been making my own olive oil supposutories using a rounded ice cube tray .. the smallest ones in the middle.

  • Fill each one with olive oil and freeze for several hours until solidified.
  • Removing them is easiest if it's a bendy tray .. push them out onto a plate and keep in a freezer bag.

I pop one in every night and sometimes after a bowel movement. My fissure has healed and I no longer need stool softeners...the oil does it all!

I find this method easiest and the cool feeling when inserted is wonderful.

Obviously be quick to insert before they melt .. but they go up so easily.. bliss!

Olive Oil
Posted by Harry Oo (Florida ) on 05/26/2016

Why haven't I ever heard of olive oil to help with this darn suffering that I've had for the last few years. I'm 40 years old and suffer from chronic back and neck pain and I truly wanted to shoot myself with this added discomfort. I shot the olive oil up with an enema pump and if feels better already. Please make this be the end of this fissure pain this is so brutal I could only imagine how bad things get when I reach 70.

Olive Oil
Posted by Mary (California) on 11/21/2014

Editor's Choice

I had fissure & hemorrhoid for about 4 weeks. As one of the contributor on this site said, it felt like I was pooping blades. Horrible pain. By the end of the 4th week I was at the fag end of my hopes for cure. This could have easily been a emergency or surgery situation by prevailing practices. But I firmly believe in natural cures. So I was surfing the web and bumped into this site.

I first thought it was hemorrhoid only. I tried out quite a few treatments mentioned on this site and some other. Didn't work. But from my symptoms, when my doctor friend told me over the phone that I had fissure as well, I searched for fissure treatment on this site. I came across extra virgin organic Olive oil treatment.

Boy it worked wonders for me. I started with oral intake that didn't do much for me. But as I started generously putting it deep inside the rear end with a dropper 3-4 time a day, it gave me immediate relief. The pain started subsiding rapidly. It took about 3 days to cure 80%. And about 7 days to fully recover. I still kept putting it at least once before the bedtime for a few more days so that it didn't recur. In the mean time I had ordered fully ozonated Olive oil. But by the time it arrived from amazon, I was almost cured.

From other mentions here, my guess is any healing oil like, castor or vitamin E should also work. But make sure you keep the anal passage(from deep inside) oiled all the time until it heals.

I am so grateful to the site owner and everyone contributing on this site. I had to share my experience as well for others to benefit. Please keep it up.

Olive Oil
Posted by Gerald (Los Angeles) on 01/20/2014

My girlfriend felt I should throw in my two cents, relating how we treated my elderly mother for what could be called "anal fissures."

She had been in the hospital for two weeks and after eating their food, came back with all sorts of complications. They had given her a salve for treating sores around her rectal area. It simply didn't work!

Our diet, including hers, normally includes organic, extra virgin olive oil, as part of the dressing used on large salads we consume, daily. Her returning to that diet, I'm going to assume addressed the initial cause of the rectal inflamation.

However, the sores were horrendous in their behavior! Fearing infection, by the end of the second day of using their prescribed "ointment, " we fell back on old remedy we've know of, for decades: Fully Ozonated Olive Oil. We keep some in our First Aid Kit and use it quite regularly for conditions ranging from fungal infections, burns, to acne.

Once we applied it, things were calmed in a day. Healing started taking place on the second day of application and the third saw all of the lesions closed. There was no more bleeding by the end of the second day. It was applied every time she took a bowel movement, once in the morning and before sleep.

An older person's immune system is not what it used to be and one must be careful in addressing wounds quickly.

In this case, I assume it was the organic olive oil in her diet and the application of the organic, ozonated extra virgin olive oil that stopped the cause of the wounds and allowed them to heal, by killing off infection.

In talking to the owner of the bodega from where we buy it, he emphasizes the oil from which it is made should be organic, to be free of insecticides, extra virgin, to assure maximum penetration (fine oils) and the ozone used, free of any Nitrogen Oxides, which make Nitric Acid when coming in contact with any water in the oil being treated.

So care should be taken in your choice of ozonated olive oil. What we have been buying is imported. However, my Sister has lately been buying from a little firm advertizing on Craigslist, in Los Angeles and claims it looks and works identically to the imported stuff.

Be sure it's the fully ozonated (fully saturated with ozone). If you like a milder form, then dilute it in olive oil, to your liking. That's the way we do it.

I hope this helps any who can use it. Its effects on my mother impressed my girlfriend to the point, she's asked me to relate this. From where I stand, that's a decent endorsement!

Replied by Andy

@Gerald from Los Angeles: Where do you buy extra virgin olive oil and Fully Ozonated Olive Oil?

My wife is in deep pain because of the Anal Fissures. We wish to try all sorts of natural remedies before opting for a surgery. We are against surgery but the problem is progressing each day. Can you please help me and tell me what should we do? What to buy and where to buy? Would really appreciate your help. I'm worried for my wife's health, she is just 37 years old and having problem with anal fissures and bleeding each time bowel movement occurs in the morning.

Thank you for any help! Regards.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Sorry to hear about your wives' painful experience.

Use pure sesame oil or pure olive oil, if you can find it and use it liberally. After each bowel movement take a cold sitz bath. There are more cures on hemorrhoids here on EC. External intervention is often not satisfactory. Please research well before making that decision. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Gerald
(Los Angeles)

@ Andy, from India:

We buy ours directly from of the company's engineers; I pick it up at his systems engineering lab in L.A.

Because of the ozone on their manufacturing premises, insurance considerations don't allow me go to the plant, in Commerce, despite our having known them for years.

Your best bet is to go to their Craigslist, Los Angeles page and order it there:

That will plug you right into their email.

I wish you the best of luck.

For this application, it certainly worked very well for us!

Olive Oil
Posted by Nobleef (Phoenix, Arizona) on 07/17/2012

I tried everything on the remedy page here (and then some) during more than 10 years of recurring anal fissure bleeding and pain. Some remedies worked partially and temporarily and some not at all. Probably the best of those already listed here was botox, but that only worked 90% or so for about a year.

The first thing that has worked perfectly in the long run is fully ozonated olive oil applied to the affected area and further inside. I've been six months without any bleeding or pain even after the occasional constipation/hard stool. The ozonated oil (which is a thick white paste) feels good as it's working, and the fissure site healed up completely within a couple of days and stayed that way. In addition the muscle has relaxed and become much looser. I tried making my own oil with an ozonator, but that took over a week and nearly burned out the motor. I found it easier to buy premade fully ozonated olive oil online. I hope others will find the same total relief I have found.

Replied by Bryan

This advice for olive oil as well as the changing leg position during BM saved me from a terrible situation. I had tried many things for anal fissure. The olive oil, amazing healing gift from nature.

Olive Oil
Posted by Miri (Tirana, Albania) on 11/05/2011

Olive oil has really worked for me also...

I injected about 3-4mm of pure olive oil inside anus before bowel movements. It lubricates the anus and makes stool pass easily. Although inject olive oil after bowel movements and before sleeping helps the skin to heal very. very fast....

I hope it helps others.

Olive Oil
Posted by Dee (Nyc, Ny) on 03/27/2011

My mother discovered that drinking a shot of olive oil cured her constipation and fissures that she had suffered with for years.

Olive Oil
Posted by Michael (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/04/2009

Editor's Choice

Olive Oil Worked for Anal Fissure. Really worked for me! Much better than those steroid cream I used before.

I heard some Muslim bloggers recommend extra virgin olive oil for anal fissures because supposedly in the Muslim Holy Koran book (nope I'm not Muslim), the prophet Mohamed recommended something from the "olive tree" to cure anal fissure. (subject to interpretation, but these bloggers say he meant olive oil).

So anyway:

1) I took 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil before bedtime.
2) Made sure that I chewed food well (especially if meat) instead of just "wolfing" down my food as usual; which I read also causes constipation.

Cured BOTH my constipation and anal fissure! Not only am I cured, but I'm now "regular" in the bathroom every morning with ease!

I've since reduced to 1 tablespoon a day (primarily because of the expense of extra virgin olive oil) and still have no problem in the bathroom...

But for immediate effects if you have a problem now, I'd probably start with a lot (3 to 4 tablespoons at bedtime) since olive oil is probably completely safe anyway (since its a common food and not 'medicine').

Replied by Sweets
(Fairfax, Va)

Thanks for this remedy. Olive oil cured both my chronic constipation and chronic fissures. 13 years of suffering gone in 2 days. I followed your advice excatly and I am perfectly fine and pain free, bleeding free. Thanks a bunch. God bless you. :)

Replied by Psr
(Texas, US)

I currently fissure, had H for over 30 yrs with no real issues, about 6 months ago pain started, thought it was my H, after colon test now at 58 have a fissure. I have prescription for antibiotics and anal cream now taken 5 days, after completion of antibiotics, pain back not as bad , but still cannot sit , drive etc. normally hurts only after BM, hurt all day finally went to sleep after sitz bath and apply cream, within 2 hours woke up in severe pain, found this site.

1. Drink 3 tablespoon of olive oil,

2. (Did not have Manuka honey; used organic honey use enema bottle and mixed 1/2 tablespoon of Manuka Honey (100% pure) with about a 1/2 teaspoon of Virgin Coconut Oil and a splash of Aloe Vera juice. Once it was well mixed I took as much of it as I could get into the syringe (which I had first coated the outside end of the syringe with coconut oil). Had a BM immediately, then 3 more, to be honest pain is gone, I thought the mix was suppose to stay, so I mixed a second batch, imnediately 2 BM, little to no pain.

3. Clean area with witch hazel in baby wipe, then applied organic coconut oil to rectum, resting comfortable at this time.

what I learned:

1. I will take1-2 tablespoon organic olive oil at bedtime

2. Clean area with baby wipes soak in witch hazel and then apply organic coconut oil.

3. Will use honey mixture as enema as needed

I update


Replied by Patricia
(Texas, US)

sorry about previous post typos and post poorly stated. I can report, pain free day, all day! Remember I had multiple BM earlier today, normally pain would last from AM thru PM.

What I learned:

1. Keep rectum clean throught out the day, use baby wipes soaked in witch hazel and apply organic coconut oil, I sit on heating pad for blood flow.

2. 1-2 Tablespoon organic olive oil at bedtime.

3. 1/2 tblsp manuka honey, 1/2 tsp coconut oil, 1/2 tsp organic aloe Vera juice, mix well, insert with a syringe at bedtime

4. Bath increase from 1-2x, to 3x daily, sitz bath when time allows.

5. exercise - walking helps.

6. Sit in over size firm pillow, at home and work; in car.

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