Anal Fissures
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Anal Fissures: Soothing & Effective Relief

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1 User Review
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Posted by Kimmy (Calgary, Ab) on 12/19/2011

Editor's Choice

I have suffered from anal fissures for 6 years, ever since the birth of my son. I had assumed that the fissures had to due with childbirth but I did not consider that it was caused by a vitamin defficiency during pregnancy. Everything I read about anal fissures, assumed that the person had hard stools to pass but this had never been the case for me. I have always been regular and have not dealt with constipation or hard stools.

Three months ago I saw a naturopath, who said that anal fissures are usually caused by a deficiency in vitamin A or zinc. He asked if I have dry skin or poor night vision (indicating low vit A), to which I reponded "no". Then he had me swish a solution of some sort in my mouth for 30 seconds.... It had no taste to me and he said that if I had proper zinc levels in my body I would have tasted it right away.

So I supplemented with zinc for a month and for the first time in 6 years, I have been fissure free for several months. I am so elated about this and wanted so badly to share my cure. In pregnancy it is common to become deficient in various vitamins and minerals, as the baby uses so much for its growth.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

Zinc is one of the miracle minerals. Z is mandatory for healing to occur in the body. Z makes a strong immunity. 25-50 mg daily 75-100 in disease states; and be sure to add 3mg copper and 10,000 - 50,000 iu's vit-A. Also people who have too much sun exposure are often deficient in Zinc/A, and women have lower pregnancy rates.

In a life threatening state I have used several hundred mg Z in one dose on a daily basis. Zinc is toxic at high levels like several hundred mg, but is kinda like vit-C in that your body will throw off the excess when necessary; not very pleasant but I have endured this a few times (had I then known to add vit-A & copper I woulda been MUCH better to heal and probably less la purga). During a hospital stay I was without Z and in very bad pain taking morphine both by pump & mouth. My mother agreed to let me have a minimal 25mg dose 1's daily.

In as little as a few days my body began to heal, like miraculously, and I got the living chance back as well as reducing the pain meds. Zinc/Copper is also the base mineral for the antioxidant enzyme Superoxide Dismutase, Manganese being another. Zinc was once used as a standard treatment for burn victims, but has been mostly replaced by profit-driven pharmaceuticals. From what I've read, Zinc greatly speeds burn-wound healing time as well as increasing survival rates.

Perhaps the best Zinc on the market today is a coenzymated Krebs Zinc. I can feel the difference compared to the gluconate or citrate form.

For natural zinc source in diet - Pumpkin Seeds are a favorite.

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