Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil
Extra tip: drink lots of water, don't eat too much meat and no red meat while healing (even after you're healed keep your red meat intake to once a month if possible), also use a stool softner (generic) which I still use but I lower my dosage on the stool softner from 3 to just 1 a day now, but everyone is different so it's up to you.
I hope this helps someone because reading reviews and doing a lot of research I was able to get my life back, this is a horrible thing to go through and I hope you all recover soon!
God Bless!
I used the coconut oil and added a high strength Colloidial Silver (500 pm). I think you could try using a lower strength. I mixed about 1//2 tsp with about 2 to 3 tsps of coconut oil. I then used this mixture twice a day by cleaning that area well and then getting it up inside to where the pain and burn was. I could not believe how quickly it healed after having tryed a number of other solutions.
Cod Liver Oil, Vitamin B6
Dietary Changes
Once pain subsides and healing begins (after a few days of eating better) you can go deeper with the olive oil. Apples and olive oil are the way to go, simple and uncomplicated but extremely effective.
This is an addendum to my original post... Olive oil and apples were great to ease symptoms and give the impression that a fissure has gone, but I only really managed to eradicate my chronic fissure with borax.
When the majority of fissure symptoms subside, if you have a skin tag, slight tenderness, and pain when pressed, it's probably a chronic fissure that hasn't fully healed. It's a highly understood area but I believe Candida is what's preventing your fissure from healing fully and a low sugar diet with borax should finally work, as it did for me. I take one-eighth of a teaspoon with any hot drink on weekdays only. Your body needs a break from it so leave it out at the weekend.
Dietary Changes
I knew my diet was very grain heavy as I was eating mostly rice, beans, potatoes, peanut butter and other thick dry heavy things almost every day when this all started. I would make a batch to have prepared meals ready to go. Vegetables were also in there but while my goal was to have a heavy carb diet, it ended up being a heavy grain diet. My first adjustment was to start using more oil in my mixed rice as I was also experimenting at the time with limiting fat which was creating a perfect storm of "dryness". While the re-addition of fat helped I was still suffering. I began limiting rice to 3x per week max and having pasta/spaghetti, soups, salads and other "moist" foods the other days which only reduced the frequency of pain.
Then after eating a giant plate of leftover spaghetti on an "off grain day" I had trouble starting my B.M. again the next day. I started paying closer and closer attention to the conditions in my environment causing the fissure and ended up focusing more on what is preventing the healing instead. This change in mind helped me realize that it wasn't specifically the exercise intensity since I stopped that activity and have not eaten spicy items yet still suffered which means at one point or another I strained harder than I thought. (Spicy food and exercise will worsen symptoms but are not the cause).
Eventually I realized that my full dependence on my toaster oven was drying all my meals out! This is important for all those that realize the dangers of and abandon microwaves. Now I reheat things on the stove and have mastered the art of re-hydrating leftovers. All my life my mother did this to our food and I had no idea!
After fearing all kinds of other ailments it finally hit me that I'm simply suffering from perpetual constipation and the fissure is merely the symptom. I wasn't listening to my body and wanted to feed it what was convenient and available. So after a year of short painful bouts and a mild sense of not fully evacuating I started eating bananas, drinking water and moving around every morning whereas before I would just go immediately after waking before my body was awake. I rehydrate my meals and try to eat the veggies raw instead of cooked in rice cooker with the rice. Heat was my enemy! I now know why Afghans use so much oil in their rice as constipation is a common problem in the middle east and asia!
The point is none of the treatments on this page will help you in the long run if you don't cure the cause. The solution is to change your diet to be at least 50% moist. This chart I attached is the secret to avoiding fissures forever and will be your daily test on the effectiveness of your diet. Type 4 is your goal.
If you're suffering right now then buy a bag of prunes and a few bundles of bananas. Eat 1 to 3 ounces of prunes (they might say dried but they should be moist/juicy) before breakfast and with your dinner and try to eat 3 bananas a day. It's funny because Type 4 is shaped like a banana too!
Pro Tip:
Switch your dinner to lunch and eat lunch at dinner. By eating your biggest meal in the middle of the day when your digestion is at its peak your body will have a much easier time with evacuation. Eating at its core is about digestion and evacuation. The faster you evacuate the healthier you will be. I suspect a large portion of people suffering this have a similar extreme diet!
Dietary Changes
For 2 weeks, eat only fruit, veg and bran, 6-8 glasses of water a day, absolutely no junk food, cakes, biscuits, no meat , fish lamb, no protein as this constipates.
After each BM, soak in chamomile tea bags, 3 tea bags per 2litres of boiled water thats then cooled.
Apply aloe vera gel and wheat germ oil, alternating between the 2 throughout the day.
This helped me so much.
Dietary Changes
I had an anal fissure that kept bleeding everytime I did #2. I figured out that this was due to constipation. So I looked for remedies to fix constipations. I found out that constipation can be helped if you add fiber to your diet. So I started eating lots of things with fiber (high fiber cereal), vegetables, beans, etc. I also found out that my constipation might be related to a yeast infection that I had. Yeast infections are caused by candida, which feed on sugar. (You can easily find many anti-candida diets on the internet). So I started to eliminate sugar from my diet. I had the anal fissure for about 3.5 months. After 1 month on the anti-candida/high fiber diet, I am happy to see that my stools are a lot softer and I am not getting anal fissures any more. I am not sure if this is due to the high fiber are the lack of sugar in my diet. Either way, I am happy with my results. I am not sure how long I'll stay on the anti-candida diet. I am thinking at least 3 months total, and I'll introduce a few sweets back slowly. Hopefully my fissures won't return then. I hope my story helps someone.
(Washington DC, DC)
(San Diego, Ca)
Follow this and you should be happpy again within the first week you stop the meat eating...
1) drink mineral oil to help against hard stools at the very beginning or if possible before your new eating habits plan(eating fruits, vegies)
2) eat veggies and friuts, be creative or you will get bored.! Try oatmeal you can toss differnt berries differnt days use water not milk milk is allso tough on the stomach.
3) buy baby wipes, can you say comftrable.
4)buy preperation h with pain relief just in case you get sensitive. If you get inflamation stop use. Or if you pass a succesfull bowel movement without pain do not use.
5)seriously this is very important you need to relax when you B.M. But only when you feel the pain from a previos B.M. Is not as bad as now that you have made the proper dietary changes.
6) take a nice long hot shower or bath. Try wash your butt thoroghly when showering to keep it clean and prevent infection.
7) when you feel like your fissure is healing stay on your diet for as long as you can so your butt can completely heal... You can introduce meats to your diets within a month but make sure to take plenty of fiber or you will end up where you started. I think within one month of being heal you should be able to eat meat again, but for the next 6 months watch how much meat you eat.
Things to consider... Most of todays foods are junk foods. EX. Soda, burgers, cheetohs, twinkies(my favorite) most lemonaids ect all the things that taste great tend to be reasons why america is overweight. If you can manage to stop eating these junk foods you will most likely lose some excess weight so do yourself a favor and eat proper foods. Try to think healthy and you will change your life. Ps if this helps you spread the word there are people out there with the same problem, all you have to do is copy and paste.
(Cairns, Queensland)
I have to strongly disagree about drinking MINERAL OIL, (it should not be used on the skin either). Mineral oil is petroleum-based. Petroleum-based products are known carcinogenics. In other words, cancer causing. Yes, plain old baby oil is unsafe for babies and children and adults.
(Portland, Oregon)
I second that!! There are too many other pure choices to even consider oil by-product.
(Perth, Western Australia)
(Ontario, Canada)
Just try flaxseed oil (cold pressed)
Epsom Salt Sitz Bath
Essential Oils
Exercise, Sleep, Fiber
Doctors asked me to get operated.
Here is what I did to heal it.. it may not be applicable to all cases..but you can try.
1-walk/run for 30 min daily.
2-have a set routine, sleep properly on time.
3-include fibers, plus followed with light & early dinner.
4-also at the time of passing stool, support ur skin around ur anal it will not stretch much. If you feel the stool coming hard.. you can press to break it from outside skin of your anal. This sounds gross, , , but worked for me, , , I can't guarantee this trick. Please use with your decision.
Calcium fluoride 30X as the anus is weakened from lack of elasticity thus it protrudes. Silica 12X from strength and tone. Both work well together.
Horse Chestnut, MSM
(Newcastle Upon Tyne, Uk.)
Not sure if I am speaking too soon, but after trying absolutely everything recommended on the site for anal fissures and hemmoroids (inside and out), and nothing at all worked for me. I was at the end of my tether with the pain and discomfort. Even strong anti-inflammatories only sometimes took the edge off it. Pain seemed to 'ignite' some time after a BM but could also just come on anytime.. My days were spent waiting for the next onset of excruciating pain, which totally took over every day.
Yesterday I started on homeopathic Aesculus Hippocastanum 30c (horse chestnut) and Sulphur 30c. Using a homeopathic cream to deal with the external pain of the hemmoroids.
Today feels like a brand new me! Will continue (obviously) with this treatment for as long as it takes, but in over four months or possibly more I have never had the relief that I have now, and believe me I have tried everything from Vit B, Zinc, ACV to castor oil, to drinking Cayenne Pepper tea for 11 days and everything else you can think of.
Will update this in a couple of weeks. Do hope it helps anyone else that had tried everything on the site without success.
You've got to drink water, it's the most important thing for your body. 50 ounces is not enough for an adult. The colon saves water as if you were in survival mode in a desert. It extracts every drop of water possible from the feces. Is there any wonder why anal fissure occurs with hard brick like feces?
Most people do not know this but 50% of the fecal mass is not food waste, it is bacteria. When your intestinal bacteria diminish constipation becomes a problem. When good intestinal bacteria is low bad organisms flourish, wastes products accumulate and your intestines become far more toxic. It is conditions like this that give rise to colon cancer
Reverse the trend towards disease by drinking lots of water, frequently replenishing the good bacteria and eating raw organic foods with living enzymes and lots of fiber then your body will be much cleaner and less likely to develop cancer.
Not simply Water in these toxic times, one must drink purified water. Looking back in the days before using a carbon filter for tap water, I say "I can't believe I drank that tap water". For many yrs I have used the carbon filter and only recently figured out that it was not sufficient in removing Fluoride as my metabolism was very bad ... until I started ozonating the filtered water, and both me and my Kitty have more energy and feel better. I use a 500mg per hr Food & Water Ozone Generator with a diffuser ball and only takes about 30 secs for 1 gal jug.
Manuka Honey
Hello community,
just want to give some back as this site has saved me many times from myriad aches and pain. Caught Covid, got real sick quick as I've underlying co-morbidities. By 2nd day could hardly breathe so began paxlovid. Felt much better breathing by day 3 but suddenly anal fissures presented and I believe I was getting PTSD just from the idea of thinking about going to the bathroom. The pain during and after BMs has few equals in my 51 years. Olive oil helped via a q-tip. But then I also read about manuka honey as the olive oil required 4 Tylenol to help ease the out. After 5 days I began to put Manuka Honey UMF +19 on rectum with Q-tip best I could and in two days all the pain was gone even without Tylenol. By day 3 it is like a bad dream and all back to normal. The Manuka Honey caused some burn but well worth the quick recovery.
UMF +15 and above is medical grade - but do your reading and homework first. Regular manuka honey below UMF +15 may not have the same restorative powers but do your homework. A little extra money for the higher more powerful manuka may save you a world of hurt.
Re: buying only the best / highest grade Manuka honey would be best. Let's face it, not many of us can afford it.
I sustained an incredibly bad scrape on my right knee, with no skin left on it. The only Manuka I could afford that day was a Manuka/blend available at superstore in canada (it was a pc product) available for 5.99 at the time. That honey was runnier than high grade Manuka and did not have the same medicinal smell either, but it still had Manuka in it. That scrape healed beautifully, with no debriding or infection; there is and never was a scar. It was a mammoth healing project of 6 weeks, 2 bottles of that manuka/blend and 25+ boxes of the largest bandaids you can buy, as I needed two just to cover the wound. The cheap stuff did this.
So yeah, high grade us best, but buy what you can afford, or just a really a small jar, but the stuff is worth having. I hear a certain warehouse-store sells big plastic jugs of the lowest grade Manuka available, and it would be a worthy investment. I have cured toothaches, burns, sores, boils, rashes, etc, with the power of Manuka, even in its weakest (cheapest) form.
Happy healing, everyone. Manuka will be a powerful ally for you. The cheap stuff did not let me down, and I believe it can help you, too.
One caution with manuka or other honeys: They can thin the blood. Anything -- food or medicines -- that thin the blood may make it more difficult to heal a fissure.