Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Mold Exposure and Allergies

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Angela (Cheltenham, England) on 01/10/2010

My daughter is a student and the house she shares is damp and full of fungus on the walls. Her room is the worst. When I went to pick her up for the Christmas holidays I took a plastic spray bottle of Borax and water (just put enough Borax in so that no more will dissolve). I sprayed the walls with it when I arrived and then wiped all the fungus off. After helping her pack I sprayed the walls again and just left them to dry. This was a last ditch attempt to make things better because the landlord would not do anything.

When I took her back after Christmas I didn't know what we would find but imagine my delight when we walked into her room to find not a trace of mould.

Thanks to all on this website who have written about Borax and how it kills fungus.

I hope this helps others in the same situation.

By the way, I live in the UK and it is impossible to buy Borax in any shop (even Boots). They are now selling something called 'Borax substitute' and no-one will give me a straight answer as to why they won't sell Borax. One assistant in Boots said that it was because old people used to put it in their eyes. Anyway, I eventually ordered a tiny amount from Amazon and to be honest you don't need a huge amount. Though one chemical company said they would sell it to my by the ton at a very good price.

Replied by Bev
(Cheltenham, Glos. Uk)

Hi Angela - I spend a great deal of time trying to remember everything I read on this fab site. I too live in a building in Cheltenham (gound floor) which suffers from damp. I run a de-humidifier which soon soaks up 6-7 pints of water in about two or three days. I always suspect my clothes may pong of damp (although nobody else confirms it!). Another posting has suggested that inhaling the spores can cause all sorts of health problems, so Im really interested in your Borax suggestion.... so can you tell me where I can get some in the Cheltenham area. Thanks. Bev

Replied by Stef
Replied by Kathy

Check out the ingredients in eye wash.
Borax is in it.
Thank God for old people who know natural remedies.
They most likely don't sale borax because they would rather have you buy something far more expensive.

Check at Night With Flashlight

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Posted by Susan F. (El Dorado, Kansas) on 07/07/2016

Is anyone wondering what causes the 'ice pick' pain usually listed as a symptom of toxic mold exposure. It is mold injecting itself into your skin. If the scientist would take the lid off their specimen jars they'd learn that mold doesn't need a opening from a surgery or broken skin to enter thru. That stuff sliced thru skin and dives in.

It's true. One on my ice pick pains hurt so bad and I saw a black curly Q string sticking the spot of pain. I broke off when I tried to remove it. Two years later no doctor will help me and I can barely use my hand. I am having better luck with my fingertips on my other hand but I touched the wrong thing and The pain was worse than I can believe. I ran for a magnifying glass to see what was wrong and there were fine black short hairs stuck in my fingertips. They wisp away when I rub them but It felt like a million poisons needles in my skin.

That's only 2 stories from my past two years in the twilight zone. One more bit of info. is check your house after dark with a flashlight. I accidentally found my bedroom ceiling was thick with a cobweb like mold hanging 3 to 4 inches deep and covering the entire ceiling. I still can't believe what I saw when my flashlight lit it up in pastel colors fading into one another.

Two years massive migraines, vision loss and major loss of brain function and no idea I was sleeping under that massive colony. Honest I never saw even one hint there was anything on my ceiling. I'm afraid of lady bugs I sure wouldn't have ignored that.

Ck. your house at night with a flashlight. I just happened to walk into my bedroom one night with a lit flashlight and wow. Never knew it was there.

God help us all.


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Posted by Nicole (Chicago, IL) on 07/29/2008

Mold Toxicity and Chlorella: Once you no longer live or work in a moldy building, you will still have the neurotoxoins circulating in your body. The best way to remove them is to take a dose of chlorella (algae) 30 min before each meal, and the timing matters.

Replied by Yvonne
(Tempe, Az)

I've survived mold and done much research, I would disagree with chlorella and green juices in general, since these usually produce cooling and/or dampening conditions in the body which would only make the situation worsen. Avoid mushrooms too except chinese reishi mushroom.

Replied by Anne Dublin
(Dublin, Ireland)


According to Paul Pitchford's 'healing with whole foods' the energy of Chorella is warming and doesn't cause or contribute to damp energetically speaking.

I'm on the colder side and don't find it cooling at all. I'm an acupuncturist and I've also suggested my clients who are on the energetically 'cold' side use it too and they have all found it helpful and not at all cooling.

Replied by Eric
(Saratoga Springs, NY)

I found healing with whole foods by Paul Pitchford the most amazing book of all time. Although he rely's on cooked food. If you're fighting any disease you need more of a diet like hippocrates health institutes diet. I have cancer and massive candida and I am addicted to carbs. When I eat 3 salads a day and drink wheatgrass juice twice daily along with green juices I see the tumors go down to nothing. Also I use massive amounts of barley grass juice. Also taheebo tea!!!! Is the greatest anti bacterial, anti microbal, anti cancer herb out there. There are thousands of enzymes that go to work in barleygrass juice. they kill the fungus. The only problem with this approach is there is a massive die off reaction. You will be sick for a week or so. Use a good probiotic seperate from taheebo tea because taheebo tea will kill the good bacteria. Also they sell bee farm bee propolis extract 1000. Propolis is nothing short of amazing. Silver edge sells a great colloidal silver maker for cheap (truly a life saver).

Replied by Suzyq

All chlorella is not the same, some are way more effective and powerful so make sure you buying organic and pure. Some brands from China have metal and toxins, which is just more burden on the body. Do your homework, because you do not want to end up sicker.


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Posted by Shelly (Fayetteville, Tn, Usa) on 01/26/2011


Replied by Tom
(Regina, Sk)

Shelly: Unfortunately, with mold illness/toxicity/exposure, the medical treatment regimen is very individualized depending on gender, genetics, exposure time and levels and mold type, and you haven't said anything about these.

Here is a generic reply given a month ago here. Look for my 12/31/2010 post 1/4 down the page:

The key site you want to visit is Dr. Shoemaker's newest one at the root URL

The specific area you want is under the "TREATMENT" tab, at:

His FIRST STEP is the most important by far! You will have to leave your moldy workplace or domicile immediately and permanently, since he claims that once exposure time reaches a certain length (again, highly individually specific), the mold toxin damage may be irreversible, even with the best current medical science.

If the patient feels fine with simple removal from exposure, no more steps are needed. There are a few people who are fixed with this step alone.

He uses cholestyramine, a Rx "old school" cholesterol-lowering drug that comes in a gritty powder, as the base of his treatment. It binds and holds, in the gut, the mold toxins that flood down into the gut with the bile after a meal! But for those so badly damaged that even the blood test markers are skewed, he uses all manner of other science, like Epogen the Amgen RBC regenerating drug (hormone), plus now many others.

IF you can print out some pages there, & IF you show some of his work to your PCP who sees the match in symptoms with yours, then perhaps you can get an "off-label" Rx for the cholestyramine right there without consulting with Dr. Shoemaker in the interim to get started on pulling out those mold toxins. The longer they circulate when unable to breakdown & excrete them, the more damage they do.

Replied by Katherine
(Atlanta, Ga)


I have been treated per Dr. Shoemaker's protocol by a local integrative medicine physician. The mold is not in my current, house, I am relieved to say. I started cholestyramine and even a few doses eased my pain and fatigue. It is tough to take. I am now researching chlorella per my doc's instructions.

Coconut Water

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Posted by Faith (Pdx) on 08/05/2014

We moved out of our house and I had been taking the cholestyramine. For some reason my recovery seemed really slow. So I started taking more activated charcoal and chlorella. Then I accidently stumbled onto something that was miraculous. I began to notice I felt so much better! Then I realized about 10 days ago, I had started drinking 2 to 4 cans of coconut water daily that was made from fresh coconuts (NOT dried coconut since dried coconuts has mycotoxins in it and since mold creates mycotoxins dried coconut must be avoided) So I called the company to ask them about the coconut water and it was made from fresh coconuts. On the can is C20 this is 100% natural. Apparently, coconut is anti fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic, there is a long list of it's miraculous effects.

Colloidal Silver

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5 star (2) 

Posted by Dana (Florida) on 10/02/2016

Mold doesn't just clear up in two days! You have to get blood work to make sure the Mold Spores are not in your blood! If Mold isn't eradicated from the body it will continue to grow and feed off your organs officially shutting down your organs and killing you. Colloidal Silver is great to use to kill the Mold Spores! To clean out my lungs and the nasal cavity with Colloidal Silver and a nubulizer machine and mask! Pure Frankincense essential oil is great for eradicating mold and healing leaky gut and curing digestive problems, 2-3 drops under the tongue.

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Bcnu147 (Anacortes, Wa, U. S. A. ) on 01/14/2013

I had mold exposure a few years ago and a medical person recommended colloidal silver (10ppm). The problem cleared up in 2 days.

Replied by Gwen

Hi! Just wondering how much C. Silver you used, how many times per day? Did you take it in water? I suffer from asthma and think it was caused by mould exposure - do you mind me asking what your symptoms were? Thanks so much!

Replied by Dave
(Fountain Inn, Sc)

Hello Gwen from Canada,

I see you posted to "Bcnu" who posted a year ago, so may not see your question.

So I'll answer from my perspective in case Bcnu misses your post.

Bcnu said she/he took CS for two days and ended the mold infection. If me, I'd take three times daily two tablespoons per dose for a month (on empty stomach and away from mineral supplementation). But if symptoms are gone in two days...great. Stop after you are sure the infection is killed.

Replied by Larry
(Blue River, Oregon, Usa)

Yes, how did you take the Colloidal silver? In a mist in the lungs or spray in mouth or what ? I've been leaf blowing here in a very moldy fungus area of Oregon lots and lots of mold here and I disturb them up in the air and breathe them as I was using a backpack leaf blower and I believe my lungs have been infected with mold.

Replied by Bcnu147

I sprayed my throat 3 times per day. The mold caused an intermittent catch in my throat which made me cough.


8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Smartie (Portland) on 02/20/2018

Editor's Choice

First off, my MD attended a conference on mold illness. Detox, detox, detox is the key to healing from black mold . First, MUST move out of the mold environment if you want to get well. My MD has me on Cholestyramine and sure you can have the compounding pharmacy make it without sugar, but the price soars. My copay of $10. would suddenly be $200. I just took the one with sugar in it because of the cost . Since I was wheezing my doctor had me take a specialized test for my sinuses it was positive for mold so the compounding pharmacy made BEGS spray for my sinuses issue, so that took care of that . You can starve the mold in your body by cutting off their food source, so getting on a special diet helps, the anti-candida diet or look up mold warriors. If you have a rebounder jump on that for 10 minutes a day because it gets the lymph system moving helps detox.

As for Ozone it is oxygen with an extra 03 it does not kill mycotoxins, mold aspergillus etc. Ozone is great, but not effective against fungus/mold that is proven and it is simple science. My doctor has me taking different binders at different times of the day . Activated charcoal, Cholestraymine, Acz nanoparticle advanced cellular zeolite, Yerba Prima bentonite clay this is a super strong detoxifier this really grabs the mold and stops it from recirculating in your system . I seriously think it is way stronger than cholestraymine. Regular hot saunas ( not a fan of near infrared it does not cause the level of sweating that regular sauna does regular)if your too sick to stand or sit in sauna get a biomat and sleep on that . I got some extra cotton blanket and sweat out the toxins while I'm sleeping. I usually take the Yerba Prima bentonite clay to grab the toxins in my system while I'm sleeping and sweating. I always hydrate before going to use the sauna or biomat this way I never get a headache.

Also take a good mineral supplement/ electrolytes . I wash the bedding daily because sweating cause all the mold toxins and it's by products to be excreted onto blankets and sheets. I always wash in warm wash with ammonia . This is not something my doctor suggested I just did it I took a few ammonia baths a full bath and added clear ammonia in bath little less than 1/4 cup . I would wear eye goggles to be safe Washed all clothes in 2 c a clear ammonia (do not add detergent because it will alter the effectiveness of the ammonia) second wash with 1 c epsom salts. Do not cross contaminate your stuff and find a nice doctor that is educated in mold illness . Know there is light at the end of the tunnel.

Replied by Denise

What can be used in place of cholestramine? Thanks.

Replied by Smartie

I used three other things that were suggested to me by my doctor. I think they are better than Cholestyramine, for me anyway because it seemed to make me feel better faster.

I got the big bottle of Great Plains, Bentonite Detox and G.I. Detox Bio-botanical research. I also took organic activated coconut charcoal. The longer the exposure to black mold the longer it may take for people to get well. My doctor told me it could take up to five years, that seems unbelievable. Most of the symptoms went away within few months to a year. However, some did not and it took much longer. Mold illness is very complex and it is good to get with a mold literate doctor because mold can causes body systems/processes to be disrupted that needs to be fixed. It is complicated and working with an expert helps in the detox program and they are able to suggest supplements to help the body function better. Cholestyramine is not a scam, it was the best that they had at that time.


8 User Reviews
5 star (8) 

Posted by Faith (Ca) on 07/10/2015

I was exposed to hidden ( odorless, invisible) black mold for three years in newer house, Symptoms began with itchy skin, red dry eyes, progressed to dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, wheezing, heart palpitations , rash, brain fog, neurological problems, tremors, shortness of breath, weight loss totally disabled. Most . The a brilliant doctor, thought I had mycotoxin poisoning. He put me on Cholerstraymine four to five times a day, charged Zeo-lites, broken cell Chlorella, all of these were taken at different times of the day. Nutritional balancing, fungus free diet, and taking quality probiotics. Sauna daily and colonics help tremendously. Getting detox from black mold takes time so be patient. We finally discovered the mold and moved. I washed all clothing with ammonia in the washer ( I wore eye goggles and wore gloves when handling ammonia) I also rinsed clothes twice this kills mycotoxins in the clothes.

Apparently, Dr Shoemaker did write that many very effective methods were being used in other countries to treat black mold. If anyone knows of other methods please do write .

Replied by Faith

My doctor, an environmental illness and mold expert, is a great doctor! Mold allergy is serious can be fatal There are so many pathways in the body that are disrupted, and how the body reacts is shocking. A doctor of this caliber knew instantly how to deal with this mold/mycotoxins poisoning. For example I had a fired up parasympathetic nervous system caused heart palpitations, heart was beating so hard my body would shake, and I had tremors. I saw two cardiologist that gave me two different diagnosis. The underlying cause for my heart issue was mold poisoning.

It is best to move from mold house, and do not return even after remediation.( Believe me I know how hard it is to leave your home, but it so not worth it when you might die from mold exposure).Because your more likely will react, statistically that has been the case . Do not cross contaminate your new house with items from items from your old house.

Take several binding agents, because different binding agents bind to different types of mold! I took cholestyramine and few other binders. I did saunas, colonics, and several detoxifiers. I was also on specific kinds of IV's for releasing the mold toxins in the tissues, causing faster detoxification. Also injections into the ganglion centers was offered to reset the body and help the parasympathetic system.

The doctor explained to me once the house has mold you cannot get it out even after remediation. Imagine a grain of sand cut into 20 pieces how can you see that with the naked eye. If you breath one little piece in you will react.


8 User Reviews
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Posted by Liv (Usa) on 05/29/2015

For Mold Problems: It is imperative you get on a candida diet, accentuating alkaline foods (kills internal mold), and take high doses of magnesium oxide as well as soaking in Epsom Salts (another source of magnesium. Magnesium is essential to all body functions and mold crashes the immune system depleting the magnesium levels as the body fights the mold. Work toward excellent nutrition, supplementation, and detox. All are equally important. Leaving mold exposure is ideal, but not always an option. Fresh air as much as possible.

Posted by Candra (Ahwatukee, Az) on 10/13/2014

I tried Dr. Shoemaker's protocols with a Dr. trained by him. I got MUCH worse. I found that colonics, coffee enemas, getting a portable IR sauna and doing veggie smoothies has helped. Also, things that bind toxins in your stomach to help move them out, like bentonite clay. I tried the hi-pro, low carb diet and got MUCH worse. Both Dr.'s I'm seeing now said that's a bad idea. Proteins are harder on the body and slow down assimilation and detoxification. I'm better now, but still have MCS and can't eat a lot of things. Still, most days I can think!! I read that women are 4x more likely to get adverse reactions to toxins like mold than men because of lower testosterone. Hmmm. I got my testosterone tested because I'm in perimenopause. ZERO. No testosterone. So I'm going bio-identical. Hope tht helps. BTW, if you do a home sauna, cover it w/ towels and wash often as the mold will get in it.

Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/27/2011

My symptoms of mold exposure are too many to list, and I don't want to scare anyone, but seizures, hallucinations, mood swings, rashes, chronic fatigue, hair loss, weight gain, fungus on body, yeast, hearing loss right side, tumors, moles, etc. It's been really tough detoxifying my body while in the house. I got much better, and I thought leaving was the answer, but I'm not where I would like to be. I developed MCS as a result of the mold toxicity.

Good bacteria in the body is the key if you can get past the detox... That is all the fermented foods that you can stand on a daily basis... Do the enemas and baths to help with detox. Try painting iodine on the body during the morning to help with detox as well, and eating various kinds of kelp. I cook with help in all my bone broths and stews... But again detox is horrible. I would be interested to hear who is still in their home, I'm considering going back and trying to clean up my home because RENTING is worse... You CANNOT control mold in rental units... You will GET WORSE! Plus, if you take your THINGS with you, you are TAKING THE PROBLEM WITH YOU... It gets in your belongings!

Replied by Faith
(Forest Park, Ohio)

Regarding FRESH JUICES, I am referring to blending FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, those will feed the body the NUTRITION that the MOLD HAS ROBBED US OF... Yes, CANDIDA, mold is a fungus, but you need MINERALS and you have to get it from fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, you have to COLON CLEANSE and you have to TAKE A DIGESTIVE AID (the undigested proteins cause MCS). The digestive aid should be taken PRIOR to each meal. Try to find an ALL PLANT BASED digestive aid. The digestive aid will digest the mold and parasites that are feeding on the mold in the body... You may have to double your dosage of the digestive aid, I take two prior to each meal. My meals, again, consist of lots of plant based fruits and vegetables, especially GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES because they are full of calcium. Lots of fatty protein based broths, soups and stews. Lots of bacon and egggs, hormone free because the HORMONES WILL FEED THE FUNGUS, and lots of coconut oil and olive oil because they are both ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL and they help to rebuild the body...

Good luck, we CAN HEAL, I'm much much better than I was... Trust me when I tell you that I was dying.

Replied by Karen
(New York, Ny)

Faith thanks so much for your help!!! I have also suffered from many of these scary symptoms - and some have resolved itself but still dealing w the rashes, fatigue, brain fog, etc. How long did it take for you to feel a difference or any improvements though?? I moved out of my moldy house and am now currently somewhere which I believe is very clean, we were VERY careful with our belongings and for the most part didn't take ANY furniture (if we did we thoroughly cleaned it with thieves oils) and same goes for our clothes. It's been two months now and I'm not feeling much better, but hoping to start on a diet like you suggested and am hoping that will help out as well. I also just started on something called cholestepure (the alternative to CSM that Dr. Richie Shoemaker uses) to help w/ the mold toxins. I'm nervous about doing the ammonia baths like many others have suggested because I don't know how safe they are but people claim that they're super effective - appreciate everyone's help though, and hoping that this will eventually pass so I can feel like a normal person again :(

Replied by Faith
(Forest Park, Ohio)

Baths, detox with epsom salts, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide then alternate the baking soda with the acv. You also have to COLON CLEANSE the mold gets in the colon, do psyllium and bsm, one T. Psyllium and 1 tsp. Bsm. Do it regularly and sometimes substitue activated charcoal for the bsm. Also do GOOD BACTERIA, LOTS AND LOTS, bananas, homemade yogurt, homemade kefir, homemade kombucha, these helped me turn the corner... And prebiotics like oat bran, rice bran, HIGH FIBERS... AND LOTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF SEAWEED in your diet daily... It took a year before I was feeling well.... but all this is key to move the mold out of the body...

Replied by Shatsi
(Maskinonge, Quebec,canada)

Hello, all your reading and diets are interesting. I thought I was alone in the world. We had to abandon our home and ALL our belongings in 2010 due to the presence of serpula lacrymans, a very rare mold (mushroom) with toxic spores. But we had been living with it, unknown, for several months. Needless to say, I am extremely ill since fall 2009. The experts found 5different types of mold in my blood, at very high levels. I have gained a lot of weight, severe skin eruptions, etc......... Too much health problems to name. BUT, the one thing I have trouble with since day one is being able to eat...... Anything with proteins.... I get very ill and cannot keep it down. I still crave some stuff and eat anyways but pay the price. I'm down to white rice, toast, oranges and a fewother things.

Our home was demolished and along with all our stuff, was buried in a contamination dump site. So now we are in a new home that we built from scratch with no help but the health side is not improving. Please let me know what I can do..... I would like to find myself again..... And not be this ill for good. I must mention that before all this, I was already disabled and have a very weak immune system so........ now, all the preexisting conditions have worsen also. Please help......

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Shatsi, check the E. C. page for Mold & Fungus here and I posted some info on Grapefruitseed Extract here: "BHT SUBSTITUTE? UNAVAILABLE IN PAKISTAN"(sorry no hyperlink). As an opportunity to correct a big oversight, Oscar went into some detail on Grapefruitseed Extract and I hadn't read the entire post missing this until later as I spoke of GSE as if it hadn't been mentioned. But Oscar's theme was GSE as an anti-viral while mine was anti-fungal.

There are some great links on the Fungus & Mold page w/ one in particular a doctor using all natural products for the removal of the fungus from the body. I think her site is One nutrient in particular is Brown Seaweed Extract. Dr. Shoemaker prescribes Cholestramine® for removal. Both Dr's have websites and books in print that detail the problem of black mold.

Hope this helps and good luck. Please report results, update.

Replied by Louwrencel
(Rustenburg, North West South Africa)

Hi Shatsi, If all else fails try IV vit c & if that is too expensive try liposomal vit c which is much cheaper & you can make it at home, on the net you can get info on how to make it. What I also do know is that vit c about the only thing that can kill mold in your body, but it is a problem to take high doses of vit c as it causes an upset stomach but with IV vit c you can tolerate doses of 100- 200 gr & with liposomal vit c 5 gr is equivalent to 50 gr of IV vit c. So try it you have nothing to lose.

Replied by Airzone
(Hernando, Mississippi, Usa)

The best thing is Oxygen hydrogen Peroxide food grade it works. I also have been told the same thing- this is the reason I do not like Doctors and don't trust them if they give drugs it like they are throwing darts at the dart board at all the deferent drugs that the side effects are very harmful. hydrogen peroxide is natural it is in Honey the little bubbles you can see in the store shelves.

Replied by Christine

I juice cucumber and celery with a sweet red pepper. I can not have any fruit or the mold in my sinuses seems to grow.

Replied by Debra

i am still in my house. I just found and came to the realization that my rashes/bumps that won't heal, my cockatoos feather loss, and my dogs itching and breathing problems are due to mold. First step in confirming was I covered my ceiling vents with filters and in 2 nights I started healing on my face! My next step was get a mold test so I bought the 5 min kit and got a positive result. Now I need mold clean up and a new or clean evaporator coil. I am running a window unit and a portable unit at the moment and not running my central air until I get someone in to clean it up! Next step DETOX! Not just for me but my precious animals! I have 2 parrots 3 dogs and a cat. There is no way I could have found temp shelter for them and myself going through this because they need care and I am their person …… the one! I started cleaning my and the animals skin with sulfur soap and using essential oils (frankincense has anti fungal properties) also giving us all activated charcoal. I stopped the circulation of the mold and started cleaning the environment for some immediate relief. In some cases homeowners insurance will cover it minus the deductible. In my case I believe they will because the summer before last my AC unit was struck by lightning and covered on home owners insurance and because it was off for 2-3 weeks the coil had opportunity to grow mold as a result. So they are directly related, cause and affect. Let's hope my insurance people see it the same way as the AC guy! This has unknowingly been ongoing since then and my symptoms fall in line with this time frame. Hope my story so far helps and I will keep you posted.

Posted by Faith (Forest Park, Ohio) on 12/24/2011


I suffered from mold poisoning and the problem is that the mold settles in the body so you have to detoxify it. The best method that I found was The Gut and Psychology Diet while also including coconut oil on a regular basis. As far as antifungals coconut oil is a great one. I also used olive leaf and organic apple cider vinegar. The ACV should be taken before each meal, a few tablespoons in about an ounce of warm water. Cooking in all of the healthy fats helps you to detoxify the fungus... And making the fermented foods also helps to restore the good bacteria. There is HOPE, the body can repair itself.

In addition to this, it is best to flush the liver every few weeks. If your symptoms worsen, do a Apple Cider Vinegar enema to flush out the toxins, detox baths, or you can also take activated charcoal with plenty of water. Repeat the enema until you get clear fluids, take KELP and other SEAWEEDS to replenish minerals that you are missing AND drink plenty of homemade juices before and after a flush, or plenty of fresh JUICY fruits to replace minerals. Also take unsulphured black strap molasses to replenish minerals as well.

Diet should be based on Weston A. Price and GAP, these foods will heal you and plenty of bone broth will heal. I get my meat through a coop, best bones out there.... The broths alone did amazing things for us!

Diatomaceous Earth

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Jenny (Cary) on 01/19/2014

Research diatomaceous earth for mold poisoning.. I am on it and feeling great.

Doctors Who Treat Mold Exposure

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Helps (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/23/2014

Some of the known doctors who treat mold sickness in the U.S. are:

Dr. Michael Gray in Benson, AZ; Dr. Irene Grant in Tarrytown, NY; Dr. William Rea, an environmental doctor in Dallas, Texas; Dr. Janette Hope in Santa Barbara, CA; Dr. Mary Short-Ray, D.O. in Jacksonville, FL.

There is a website for Dr Mary Short-Ray called Toxic-Black-Mold-Syndrome. She also wrote a book called Surviving Toxic Black Mold Syndrome.

There is a website for Dr. Lisa Levine Nagy M.D. who recovered from a severe case of toxic mold syndrome called environmentalmedicineinfo.

Website for Dr. Irene Grant irenegrantmd.

Also a test we found to be helpful besides the Mycotoxin test from Realtime Labs was a Dark Field Microscopy test.

Replied by Tina I.
(Amherst, Ohio)

My family is sick from mold poisoning from a rented home we have lived in for over 5 years, the mold was hidden under the paneling and carpet in the basement. Long story, and not a good one.

We just went to NY to see Dr. Irene Grant, she is AMAZING and knows a lot. I would HIGHLY recommend her.

Replied by Anon

Raj Patel, M.D.

California-based mold physician specializes in treating CIRS, Lyme and other tick-borne diseases as well as Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). When possible, he uses a nutritional, rather than drug-based, approach to preventive medicine and treatment of illness.

(Laguna Woods, CA)

I went to Raj Patel in the early/mid 1990s after he bought my Doctor's holistic practice. At that time I was very very ill with massive chemical exposure, EBV, cytomegalovirus, HHV6, jaundice, hepatitis and list goes on. was on SSDI for over 6 years.

Maybe he's changed. He was of zero help to me. Minimized my symptoms. Was hardly what I would call wholistic at time. I lost my SSDI benefits because his letter did not correctly diagnose/describe my health issues.

I also went to Dr. Christine Greene before she switched from conventional medicine to becoming one of the most expensive functional medicine docs not accepting insurance.

I have the best functional medicine doc (Dr. Mary Raleigh) in Irvine, CA (S. CA). And one of the few who accepts original Medicare, knows how to navigate their system legitimately to get all sorts of wholistic solutions covered and cutting edge tests. Plus she is kind, compassionate, funny, and deeply cares about her patients.

Just my humble opinion from experience. Thx everyone great input!

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