Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia | Holistic Pain Relief

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


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Posted by Magdaleen (Secunda, South Africa) on 07/17/2012 4 posts

Can somebody please assist me, I have started using the borax 1/8 on a liter water per day, my body is aching more and I feel feverish, I suffer with fibromyalgia and neck and back problerms. Is this a die off symptom or do I have to worry about it. I only used it for 2 days now. Regards

Replied by Ed
(Oakville, Canada)

Have you given a thought about Flouride poisioning could be the cause of Fibromyalgia. You can try the tamarind juice to safely remove flouride.

Here is a link for the recipe and other papers about tamarind

Replied by Deon
(Southbroom, Kzn South Africa)

Magdaleen, it is probably just die-off, so do not stop the borax. You may also want to take some MSM to help for the fibromyalgia. I have been taking borax for extended periods without any side effects. Sometimes the fibromyalgia may also be acid related, therefore (if not doing it already) take Ted's alkalizer as directed, as well as ACV. It has done wonders for my fibromyalgia and acid related pains. In good health, Deon

Posted by Denise (Biloxi, Mississippi) on 05/25/2009


A brief history. 7 years ago thyroid cancer, the next year adrenal fatigue then early menopause, the following year uterine prolapsed followed by hysterectomy- the following year fibromyalgia and neuropathy. Early Childhood was fluorinated water along with fluoride tablets. Fall of 2008 I was looking at total disability. I could barely walk and couldn't sleep because of the pain and was throwing up daily from the pain in my back. I was on many medications that gave me no relief and I have since found out that they had fluoride as a binding agent. I was sure that my life was over at 45, but thanks to Ted and Earthclinic I am almost at 100%. After reading about fluoride I came to understand where all of my problems originated. I had all the symptoms and reactions. It has been an uphill battle with my doctors and relatives, but you can't argue with a body that is almost pain free. I began the borax detox of 1/8 tsp in a liter of water and within 3 days my symptoms were almost gone. I watch everything I eat and can detect fluoride in vitamins, foods and drinks within 15 minutes of ingesting it. I still suffer from the neuropathy and some pain from the neuropathy but I am off all meds and I have my life. I only wish more people would try to understand the fluoride connections. My sister and mother both suffer with side effects of fluoride and I have only been able to influence my mother. I still borax 5 days on and two days off and give my body a break every month or so for about a week. Thank you :)

Posted by Kristy (Lansing, Michigan) on 11/22/2007

Two of my kids have 'tried' to come down with colds during the last two weeks. When my son's hit, he was coughing so hard he was nearly vomiting. My daughter woke up coughing, a very sore throat and her voice was almost gone. Usually I have them do the inhaling of peroxide a few times a day and give them at least 1/4 cup of organic vinegar with 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, a little cinnamon and water each day. This time I added Borax water (1/8 teaspoon to 1 liter of water) to the mix-and their colds were gone in less than 12 hours. No one was more stunned than I was that it worked so fast! But I shouldn't have been surprised. I have had painful joints from fibromyalgia for years, but sometimes the pain in my right shoulder is almost unbearable (I'm right-handed). The last flare had been going on about 2 months and I was getting very little sleep, which was what spurred my finally giving in and trying the Borax. Within three days the severe pain was gone and I was back to just the normal pain! Now I just need to make myself drink it EVERY day and maybe all the pain will go away.

But, back to the original subject, everyone says there is no cure for the common cold. After what we saw earlier this month, I have to disagree!

Replied by Thebatman

for one borax removes flouride from your body the same flouride that make your immune system weak

Replied by Tonia
(Collierville, Tn)
2 posts

How can I tell if borax is food grade? The one in all the stores, walmart, kroger, target... is 20 mule team Borax, is this the correct one?

Replied by Mama To Many

That is what we use!

Replied by Marcin
(Toronto, Canada)

I may be wrong but I think there is not a food grade borax. However, a product that contains only pure borax and no added chemicals should be fine. 20 Mule Team Borax is ok.

Replied by Tonia
(Collierville, Tn)
2 posts

Thank You!!! I have been diagnosed with Fibro, (which my md and myself believe is bs) chronic pain, and CFS. I believe I've tried every med possible and they all have a side effect of more "Fatigue" finally am down to adderrall and provigil, and it helps but I am still exhausted by mid afternoon. Ready to be off all meds!

Replied by Nicki Q.
(New Zealand)

Hi, what type of borax is it the powder you can buy at a chemist? I'm in NZ

Replied by Sidney
(Northland, New Zealand)

Hi Nick...Bunning has it called Glitz Green 1kg for $10.90:

Hope this helps..

Posted by Pamela (City Withheld, Washington) on 09/08/2007

I have suffered with Fibromyalgia/Rosacea and TMJ for over 10 years... My first symptoms appeared shortly after I began taking Paxil. After about 8 months when I found the Paxil side effects intolerable, my doctor switched me to Prozac. Well...within 2 years, I had gained 75 pound, couldn't get my temperature to a normal 98.6 (it wouldn't budge above 96.6), broke out with a fierce case of Rosacea (skin blistering & pealing in layers off my cheeks), was chronically fatigued and suffered from TMJ symptoms.

After reading the FLUORIDE information on EarthClinc and researching the chemical formulas of the many antidepressants that I had taken over the last 10 years, I had an epiphany...My problem was FLUORIDE!!! Incidentally, the' symptoms of FLUORIDE TOXICITY are the same as Fibromyalgia so it wasn't surprising to learn that FLUORIDE is the primary ingredient in MANY widely prescribed antidepressants, including PAXIL and PROZAC!!!

Without delay, I began adding 1/8 tsp of BORAX and 1/8 tsp of NATURAL (UN-bleached) SEA SALT to a liter of
DE-CLORINATED water. This regimine just happens to both neutralize the FLUORIDE and KILL the nasty mites that cause Rosacea.

I began drinking 1 liter per day for 5 days. On the 2 off days, I simply drank purified, bottled spring water.

The results were nothing short of MIRACULOUS, within two weeks my face cleared, the redness faded and best of all, my temperature normalized TO 98.6 and my energy level began to steadily increased. (Do expect the break out to get worse before it gets better as the mites die off.)

In just one month, without dieting or changing my daily routine (other than adding BORAX & SEA SALT to my drinking water), I dropped 4 pounds and I continue to drop weight at about a pound a week. I attribute this to my increased body temperature and elevated metabolism.

ALSO...when I eliminated the FLUORIDE in my toothpaste, my gums stopped swelling and bleeding and all PREVIOUS phantom tooth/jaw pain simply disappeared.

Thank you, EarthClinc and Ted...The information you shared has truely been a blessing in my life...I wholeheartedly encourage anyone that is suffering with FIBROMYALGIA, CHRONIC FATIGUE, TMJ or ROSACEA to try this simple remedy as I have had only POSITIVE results and absolutely NO SIDE EFFECTS!!!

Incidently, this BORAX & SEA SALT water is extremely ALKALINE with a pH between 8 - 9 pH.

EC: We must also express our extreme gratitude to Jason Uttley for the chronic fluoride poisoning link, detailed in his article, The Cause of Fibromyalgia.

Read more about Borax Cures here.

Replied by Joelle
(Morrice, Mi, Usa)

I have a question on the borax treatment of fibromyalgia. I understand the ingredients and the 5 days on 2 days off but, what I don't understand is for how long. Is this something you would do everyday for the rest of your life or just short periods of time? Thanks for any help in this.

Replied by Tinks
(Christchurch, New Zealand)

I dont think fluoride is the sole contributor to fibromyalgia as the city I live in doesnt have fluoridated water and I have had fibro for years.Would be good if the cause was discovered though.

(Essex, England)

I doubt it is fluoride in my case, I distill my own water and use very little fluoride.

And am worse now than before when I drank tap water all of the time, full of fluoride.

Replied by Blanca
(Galveston, Tx. Usa)

Floride is also in Air pollution. If you do some internet searches you can easily verify this. It is interesting to note that floride used to be used to treat hyperthyroidism. An estimated 90% of fibro patients are hypothyroid, so floride is an adverse insult to the system. A hypothyroid patient with exposures to floride is being dirven further into a thyroid hormone deficient state.

Replied by Joann
(Mobile, Al)

Hi, I have fibro & rosacea. I have Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. Is that ok to use with the Borax?

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

J: Use the Pink Himalayan Salt during cooking or over foods like usual, and use Borax therapeutically as suggested here on E.C.

Replied by Robert Lemmon
(Columbia Sc)

Bromine, Fluorine, Chlorine & Iodine are all in the class on the periodic table. Iodine is what our bodies need in every cell and it is especially important to the Endocrine system, Thyroid etc. The other 3 elements take the place of Iodine in numerous situations in our bodies and we suffer ... So your 21st century likely has Chlorine from water, bleach etc, Bromine from Bleached Flour, fire retardents etc, Fluorine from toothpaste mouthwash and so forth all of which will be pushed out when you take in Iodine so you have to do it slowly over time so the boidy can eleminate. Look at the link below

You can read the transcript or listen to it.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

Good post Robert, on a big item issue many folks are facing. Many thanks to E.C. contributor Bill for posting so much good info and advise on using Lugol's Iodine.

Some points to add. To reduce the Iodine competitors, it is very important to install a whole house filter, or drinking water filter, and shower-head filter. Floride in tap or utility water is quite toxic. I found regular carbon filter was not sufficient in removing the floride so I filter then Ozonate and can feel the difference. Public swimming pools and spas are also a big source of chlorine or bromine.

To detoxify these Iodine competitors, take a warm or hot bath with a spoon of Sodium Thiosulfate for 30+ minutes. Sodium Thiosulfate is good for removing that bad elements in the body or in drinking or bathing water, but also reduces the good Iodine, so I would advise any method of high-end water purification.

Kelp Tablets may be used on a daily basis and the higher potency Iodine supplements used periodically. Some concern on radioactive Iodine in sea veggies like Kelp so one may need to research that. Some areas have little and some lots of radioactivity from Fukushima fallout. Scottish Kelp is said to be a good source.

Replied by Ros

Yes, Himalayan pink salt is very good. I suffer with restless legs and boron helps he;ps. I take it together with magnesium. This combination helps to 'flush' calcium out of the cells. As we age the calcium slowly begins to build up in the cells where it causes calcification and aging. Once this process starts it is hard to get the muscles to relax. I sleep well and feel relaxed when boron is added to my magnesium. I take 1/8 tsp boron, 3tsp magnesium in a litre of water. I drink it throughout the late afternoon and evening.

Mama to Many

Dear Carmel,

You say that you are worse now that you are drinking distilled water than when you drank fluoridated tap water. I wonder if you are depleted in some minerals.

While distilled water is very pure, it has distilled out the minerals. Then as it goes through your body, it attracts minerals from your system and can deplete you.

A few years ago, I bought my son's collection of baby teeth. I put each one in a different liquid and then evaluated them. The tooth I soaked in distilled water for a month just crumbled into pieces. It was in way worse shape than the one I had soaked in coke.

I understand not wanting to drink fluoridated water, but it might be good to get your mineral levels tested and perhaps look for a water to drink that has minerals in it.

~Mama to Many~


Posted by Karen (Glasgow, Kentucky) on 09/07/2010

I have been reading your site and I'm excited about the hope that Boron may help my daughter's Fibromyalgia. I can't find how much she should take, please tell me how much. We have 3mg tablets. Thank you

Replied by Saba
(Mentor, Ohio)

To Karen from Glasgow, Kentucky - Please make sure that they are talking about BORAX not BORON. Be SAFE!

Replied by Ray
(Calgary, Alberta)

Boron is a chemical element that sits next to carbon in the periodic table of elements.

Borax is a form of sodium borate (2 sodiums, 4 borons, and 7 oxygen atoms) surrounded by 10 water molecules.

The boron you get at health stores is usually boron gylcinate, meaning the boron is chelated (bound to the small amino acid glycine, the smallest amino acid). The theory is that the body is "tricked" to treat the substance as if it has ingested a tiny protein (made of amino acids) and so should absorb the boron better than if it were just some inorganic (rock-like) chemicals. (Borax is mined from the ground). Once this is in the body the body cells are supposed to separate the boron out from the amino acid and use it. By contrast if "inorganic" boron were used it is "thought" that in the gut the sodium borate would react with other substances and form some substance that might never even make it out of the gut and into the body proper.

But there are really very little studies to show that the better absorption "theory" actually works. Or that the boron really ends up free from the amino acid. Sometimes chelated minerals are better absorbed, sometimes worse, sometimes the same and often only marginally better than salt forms of the minerals. So bottom line: the Boron tablets are probably just as good as cheap borax.

Plus we don't know here if the medicinal effect is in the gut or in the body spaces or cells. Perhaps the borax is just doing its work solely in the gut. Or maybe some of the sodium borate does get into the blood. More research is needed. But, inversely, there is no reason, at the moment, to say that boron from borax is better used by the body than boron from boron glycinate (health store tablets). But perhaps here, we should look at the medical as opposed to nutritive use of the substance. Maybe, we are looking at some effect, not of boron, but of the sodium borate.


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Posted by Ruralady (Illinois) on 05/08/2021 47 posts

I got COVID 19 and as a secondary complication of it, ended up with fibromyalgia. I take CBD oil for mine and it literally aborts an attack. Of course, you have to know what causes your attacks. With me it's alcohol, I can't handle hardly any b/f an attack starts to creep up on me and when it does it does with a BANG! I put about 1000 mgm under my tongue, wait about 15-20min and it's literally over...of course everyone is different, just thankful I found this out for myself... Good luck to anyone with this affliction, it's mean and nasty.

Coconut Oil

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Pamela (Leicester, N.c.) on 02/13/2011

Virgin Coconut oil -It cured my fibromyalgia.

Replied by Jamngrnma

How was coconut oil used? How much?

Replied by Joy
(Wausau, Wisc.)

How did u use it?

Colloidal Silver, L-Lysine

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Granny On The Go (Waco, Texas) on 01/15/2013

I have suffered most of the time since my freshman year in high school when I had the flu really bad. I have CFS and Fibromyalgia. I took a ton of supplements just to keep even, and had slowly been improving since taking a heart med that made me deathly ill. I finally decided to try Colloidal Silver (CS). I seemed to improve enough to notice but also relapsed after I ran out of CS. So, I decided to make my own, ordered some 9999 silver and made a crude CS maker for very little cost except for the battery. Then I found that the more I took, the better I felt. Up until I would get Jarish Herxheimer, then back off a little for several days. I decided that it was killing the virus that started when I was in school. Then I decided to try L Lysine, to see if the virus was a Herpes type. I started getting even better. And, it seems that lightening the viral load let all the other supplements I take start working. I actually can now tell if something actually helps me, where I never could be sure before. CS and L Lysine are both cheap, if you make your own CS. I had come to the conclusion that I would be stuck being too sick to ever work again, taking narcotic pain meds, getting shots in my spine the rest of my life. And frankly, if being sick and in excruciating pain is life.... If I believed in suicide I would have been gone a couple of years ago. But, hope springs eternal! And, I thank God for the good people that make Earth Clinic the best site to find out what really works, and how to use it. Needless to say, I have spent years and years in doctor's offices just fot the worst of the symptoms. Lol You can't tell them all that is wrong with you because they have been taught that if Big Pharma doesn't have a pill that will cure you, then you are a nut case! The medical establishment is great with surgery and broken bones, etc. I depend on them for E Coli, DVT, Appendicitis, etc. but, I've run into too many "God complexes" types. We in the chronically ill community have to be our own doctors, because "modern medicine" doesn't have a clue!

Replied by Chadi10

Can I just buy colloidal silver intead of making my own? What is a good brand?

D-Ribose, ACV and Baking Soda, Coocnut Oil, Supplements

1 User Review
4 star (1) 

Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa Usa) on 05/29/2010

Please do a web search on D-Ribose and Fibromyalgia if you have FMS.

I was dx with FMS over 20 years ago, and know what a beast it is.

I started taking D-Ribose about 2 months ago, and am totally sold on it. It is expensive, (MO) so I finally broke down and bought a big container in bulk from a web-site I found. It is the most economical way to go.

I take one teaspoon in water 3x a day. It is a natural sugar that somehow helps the mitochondria in your muscles to recover. Like I said, you need to do a web search and read about it yourself. I can't explain why it works scientifically. I just know it WORKS.

I also take: (for past 6 months or longer)

ACV (apple cider vinegar) 2tbsp with 1/2 tsp of baking soda every morning. It seems to give me energy on a daily basis. It also reduces heavy menstrual flow on the "bad days" - on these days I drink all throughout the day.

3tbsp Extra Virgin Coconut Oil per day.
(Start SLOW or you will have an upset stomach!)
This is the only oil I ingest - I also put it on my skin after a shower every morning. Buy the best you can afford, and it must be white - not gray colored. The white stuff is the good stuff!

Other things -

400mg Magnesium
2000iu Vitamin D3
2000mg Vitamin C
DIM (google that - good for estrogen metabolism!)
Progesta-care complete...Natural progesterone cream

I am a 49 year old woman with NO signs of menopause or peri-menopause. I am feeling pretty good, even with the FMS. Have not had a flare since I started the D-ribose.

Good luck to you if you have FMS - I know how horrible it is, and how much we all suffer - for the most part in silence due to most people not understanding.

FMS is one cr@ppy syndrome!


Replied by Michael

Gavage of D-Ribose induces Aβ-like deposits, Tau hyperphosphorylation as well as memory loss and anxiety-like behavior in mice.

Dark Chocolate

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4 star (1) 

Posted by Roger (New Smyrna Beach, Fla) on 03/04/2008

re: Fibromyalgia Brain Fogg. I had this after a heart problem. A friend said have you tried Dark Chocolate Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate. I said no what does it do for you ? Clears the Brain Fogg.

I got one bar at the Drug store. The next day half of the bar was gone and so was the Fogg. It did not come back. I still keep three large Bars in the ref. I tell everyone about this stuff.

Replied by Meadowsweet
(Halifax, England, Uk)

Dark chocolate is a good source of copper. Maybe you were short of copper?

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

One of the project leaders at my job kept a box of Hershey's dark chocolate bars in his drawer and ate one every day after lunch. I did the same thing. I still buy them today.

Replied by Lin

Hershey chocolate is GMO chocolate. All the ingredients are GMO... Find a better dark chocolate like Lindt and Trader Joes brand search online for others. Just stay away from GMO products...

GMO stands for genetically engineered organisms...for those that don't know. Soy and corn are top GMO's sugar, fructose, veggies, grain like wheat well you get the picture. you have to search for the list. Many GMO's make their own do feel about that? Not good I am sure.


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1 star (1) 

Posted by Anonymous (Seguin, Texas) on 11/10/2009

I had read on an MD's website that some people were having success with DHEA supplement. So I bought a bottle of DHEA, 25 mg each, and took one per day. Within 2 DAYS, my pain was gone, so was the brain fog, the exhaustion and the terrible anxiety that I used to feel surge up in me for no reason at all. I personally feel that Fibromyalgia is related to menopause, which even men experience to a lesser degree, but that is my theory. Instead, I now feel energetic, pain-free and almost euphoric, although nothing in my life has changed except for the reduction and elimination of the FM symptoms! I stopped taking it for three days, to evaluate its affect on me and WHAM, the terrible pain in the pressure points (particularly my back) returned with a vengeance. I am taking this stuff forever, if I have to. I now am cutting the tablet in half, as I noticed my breasts were swelling and slightly tender to the touch occasionally, as if I were starting my period and that eliminated that symptom. (I have been without a period now for about 4 years and I am 56). That was very little discomfort compared to Fibro symptoms, however. I haven't felt this good in years! DHEA is a precursor to progesterone, estrogen and testosterone (meaning it enables your body to make the above hormones again). I am not cured, but I feel SO much better, I wake up every day and THANK GOD!

Replied by Ellen
(Austin, Tx)


Be careful about taking DHEA without a proper saliva hormone test and/or guidance of a naturopathic doctor. I have fibromyalgia and my DHEA levels were actually HIGH. I could have done some serious damage by taking more.

Replied by Rex
(Engelwood, Fl)

What is high and what is low? I think the real answer to what is a high level of dhea may be a hidden. Just like the daily recommended value for magnesium which may be set super low considering some natural doctors are claiming 99.99% of us are all magnesium deficient. So maybe you should do your homework on what the natural world thinks regarding the mineral levels in your body and what the right amount of various minerals, vitamins, ect. is supposed to be. In the eyes of a natural approach friendly doctor rather than the enemy of our body, the Establishment.

Diatomaceous Earth

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1 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Kansas, USA) on 11/21/2008

Fluoride remedy? I'm wondering if anyone has tried diatomaceous earth for fibromyalgia? I stumbled upon some references to its ability to capture and bind fluoride and its use as a water filter. I consume food grade DE occassionally but I don't suffer from fibromyalgia. I'm not suggesting it but I'd like to know if anyone has tried it for this particular problem.

Replied by Pamela
(Houston, Texas)

I have suffered with fibromyalgia for years. And I have takens lots of Diatomaceous Earth. The DE works great for parasites but does nothing to relieve or get rid of fibromyalgia. I also know several others with fibromyalgia who used DE with no relieve. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and keep up the good the good work.

Replied by Laura
(Asheville, Nc)

I have fibromyalgia and have been taking Diatomaceouls Earth for almost 2 weeks. It is definitly doing something positive for me. First I noticed a huge change in my foot problem that has plagued me for 4 years. I have woke up stiff, but that is different too. I don't know how to describe it except that the stiffness is not to the bone and all encompasing as before. I am so hopeful that I may continue to improve. If it is possible different factors contribute to Fibro for different people, I guess different results could be experienced from individuals also. My experience would lead me to suggest, try it and see how your body responds if you suffer any joint or fibro pain. Good luck to you all!

Replied by Ali
(Atlanta, Ga)

I've heard this works well for a lot of other stuff too.

Replied by Xearkel
(Memphis, Tn)

I have shown huge improvements with Diatomaceous Earth and avoiding wheat/gluten. If I avoid Wheat and take my DE at least a couple of times per week I am actually pain free and full of energy! I would not have believed it but it is really like a miracle. I din't think that the pain would ever improve much less go away completely. Doctors were just giving me pain management options but no real options for a cure. I had to find my own.

Replied by Prioris

The biggest problem in addressing fibromyalgia is that FMS doesn't have any unique symptom. The diagnostic tests are very subjective and crude. We may be talking about more than one group under that umbrella name.

Here is what one site says about fms

"The painful tissues involved are not accompanied by tissue inflammation."

Now the contradiction is that ...

"Costochondritis (a type of chest pain) is common in people with fibromyalgia."

The fms label has tried to separate the two when costochondritis is really part of the disease. this never made any sense.

Also FMS is associated with many other health conditions

Other Conditions/Illnesses Often Associated with Fibromyalgia

  • Cancer
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetes or hypoglycemia
  • Gulf War syndrome
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Hidden food allergies
  • Hypothyroidism or (occasionally) Hyperthyroidism
  • Irritable bladder or Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lyme disease
  • Menstrual cramps and PMS
  • Mouth lesions/Canker sores
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Raynaudâ€TMs phenomenon
  • Seasonal affective disorderSystemic lupuS
  • Temperomandibular jaw pain (TMJ)
  • Yeast, parasites and/or other intestinal infections
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

So one person talking about fibromyalgia may not necesssarily be the same physical sensations and symptoms as someone else feels. This greatly complicates finding a cure.

I think fibromyalgia involves one or more infections. the DE and gluten free may have addressed that but what subgroup is unknown. They really need to break down the groups into sub groups but I don't see that happening for a long time. I think it makes a lot of studies on FMS invalid since multiple conditions are thrown under one label. it makes it harder for someone with fms to find a cure. I think anyone who has FMS must think of the disease in a bigger box in their mind.

Replied by Prioris

The biggest problem in addressing fibromyalgia is that FMS doesn't have any unique symptom. The diagnostic tests are very subjective and crude. We may be talking about more than one group under that umbrella name.

Here is what one site says about fms

"The painful tissues involved are not accompanied by tissue inflammation."

Now the contradiction is that ...

"Costochondritis (a type of chest pain) is common in people with fibromyalgia."

The fms label has tried to separate the two when costochondritis is really part of the disease. this never made any sense.

Also FMS is associated with many other health conditions

Other Conditions/Illnesses Often Associated with Fibromyalgia

  • Cancer
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • Diabetes or hypoglycemia
  • Gulf War syndrome
  • Heavy metal toxicity
  • Hidden food allergies
  • Hypothyroidism or (occasionally) Hyperthyroidism
  • Irritable bladder or Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Lyme disease
  • Menstrual cramps and PMS
  • Mouth lesions/Canker sores
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Raynaud's phenomenon
  • Seasonal affective disorderSystemic lupuS
  • Temperomandibular jaw pain (TMJ)
  • Yeast, parasites and/or other intestinal infections
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

So one person talking about fibromyalgia may not necesssarily be the same physical sensations and symptoms as someone else feels. This greatly complicates finding a cure.

I think fibromyalgia involves one or more infections. the DE and gluten free may have addressed that but what subgroup is unknown. They really need to break down the groups into sub groups but I don't see that happening for a long time. I think it makes a lot of studies on FMS invalid since multiple conditions are thrown under one label. it makes it harder for someone with fms to find a cure. I think anyone who has FMS must think of the disease in a bigger box in their mind.

Replied by Prioris

Just to clarify. I think the supposed pure form of Fibromyalgia where no inflammation is present may involve a non-infection so more likely to be easily addressed.

People who post cures or remedies need to say whether they have inflammation or not along with better description of their Fibromyalgia when posting cures. Also if pure form, describe the muscle pain.

This will maybe allow people to determine if remedy is relevant to them. Looking at fms questionaire results, that tells me most have the infectious variety.

There have been studies of prevalence among Amish regarding Fibromyalgia and it exists but I do not think it is the infectious variety. Inflammatory diseases in the amish community seem to be rare. They are generally healthy. They rarely have autism like 1 in 15000. There are a few amish who did stupidly get vaccines so some of them have a chance of develop these chronic diseases.

I think vaccines play a major role in the inflammatory kind of fms as as root cause.

Fluoride has been named as playing a role also by some. It's hard to separate the vaccines and fluoride. If Fluoride was the primary cause then the cure would seem to be easy - remove fluoride with borax etc from the body and see if it works. Fluoride could be an exacerbating factor.

Looking at the cure pages I observe that there is a low cure rate for fms. Oil pulling seem to be the most successful at 2. I think fms is a secondary condition for many people so if they address some of the primary cause they will get better. also I think many other cures were of the non inflammatory type of fms.

So people need to clarify their fms when posting cures

Dietary Changes

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4 star (2) 

Posted by Dr. Scripter (West Valley City, Utah) on 10/11/2011

I think that you should include questions relation to consumption of the nightshade plants (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers of all kinds, eggplant, tomatillos paprika and 'spices' which usually contain paprika. For forty years I have had periodic severe low back pain and stiffness relieved in the last 5 weeks by avoiding these foods. The neurotoxins contained in these affect people differently and I believe that they are a big cause of fibro, chronic fatigue and RA.

These foods have crept into every meal and daily menus with a subsequent increase in dosage.

Replied by Karina
(Grand Junction, Co)

I have avoided the night shade plants also, and have less fibro flair-ups. I've also noticed that I react badly to foods containing citric acid. I beleive soy may also be a problem. I also seem to react poorly to medicines containing Magneseum Stearate and Stearic acid. Plus avoiding tap water seems to help. Does any of this sound familiar?

Replied by Vicky
(Richland, Wa)

I discovered through reading the Eating for 4 Your Blood Type that type A blood types don't do well eating the night shades or oranges. The potatoes, tomatoes, make my body hurt and oranges and peppers burn my skin. I can't use cleansers with orange oil in them either as they burn me. The plug in perfumey things people use in their homes must be orange based too as they also burn my eyes and are a horrible attack to me. I wish they would ban them. I would be careful of using vinegar as it can cause stomach cancer in A blood types.

Replied by Carla
(Ft. Collins, Co)

Can you direct me to more information regarding vinager causing stomach cancer for A blood types please?

Replied by Ray
(Calgary, Alberta)

Apple Cider Vinegar is not the same as "vinegar" if you mean white vinegar sold in stores, which nobody in their right mind should ever put in their body. White "vinegar" is pure acetic acid without any of the buffers of natural ACV, without any of the minerals, and other compounds of nature. It is chemical lab junk.

Also, if you take ACV with baking soda then you no longer have any acid but a salt. So no worries.

But beware. These days big business has put their foot into the health food arena and come up with "mimic" health food. You have to pay attention and read labels even in health food stores. For example somme sell as ACV stuff that is filtered, purified and so on to take any goodness out of it (anything that might reduce shelf life and affect profits).... that is , there is a lot of ACV that is just brown acetic acid, rather than real ACV.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kelsie (Springville, Ut) on 12/29/2009


I was sure I had Fibromyalgia; my joints and muscles were always inflamed and by the end of the day I could hardly walk. It turns out I actually have Celiac disease which is also an autoimmune disorder, but by eliminating gluten from my diet, I felt 100% better in just one week. I have felt like crap for 7 years and can't believe I didn't try eliminating wheat sooner. If you have joint and muscle pain and other symptoms of Fibro, it's definitely worth a try and very easy.

Replied by So Happy To Be Gluten Free
(Lexington, Ky, Usa)

I've had a similar experience. I have suffered from Fibromyalgia(among other health issues) since July 2004, when my child was born. Since going off of Gluten in the last 5 months, my levels are way down, and for the most part stay down. I'm still tender, but the constant pain has gone down to almost nothing, which is a huge relief. I don't have CD, but a Gluten intolerance or sensitivity. Either which can cause multiple health issues in multiple systems of your body at the same time. There are over 300 conditions that are linked to Gluten issues. I highly recommend everyone to avoid gluten (products with wheat, wheat flour, barley, or rye). Your health is likely to improve in a short time. At the very least you'll lose weight easily and get healthier than you were. There are many other whole grains out there which are healthier for us and don't cause the mal-absorption issues that gluten does.

Replied by Grace

Gluten should be avoided. and beware that gluten and dairy cross react. It is wise to stop both, gluten, dairy. We stopped sugar, it is
Inflammatory, We use Xylitol, or just eat dates, feel much better. My medical doctors told me MD do not have time to do research and told me to see a naturopathic doctor if I wanted to know the causes, and since they have time to dig deeper, so if your were seeing an ND, will look at the cause.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Emilia (Atlanta, GA) on 03/06/2008

I've had CFS for about 6 years and in the past few months I've made a remarkable recovery. In my case underlying causes were food sensitivities (dairy and corn) and PBB poisoning as well as metal toxicity. In Michigan in the 70s a chemical company accidentally dumped PBB into cattle feed and it got into the food chain. Working with my kinesiologist I've done a lot of detoxing and now am up to about 75% of the energy I used to have. I got rid of my aluminum cookware. This year I'll have my metal (mercury) fillings replaced. The headaches and other conditions like IBS are gone. CFS and fibromyalgia seem to be related to the body being filled with toxins more than its able to handle. That explains why conventional medicine can't figure out what the cause it -- it's a different set of causes for every individual. Still, anything you can to do detox should help, and look for food intolerances as well.

Replied by Cindy
(Tallahassee, Florida, Usa)

BINGO! FMS/CFS suffer here... I can't take narcotic pain meds, so I've been doing a lot of research on natural ways to cope and improve the symptoms. Regarding dietary changes, I have been watching some documentaries regarding the effects of chemicals in our food chain. They support what I've been suspicious of for some time. I'm also learning from posts like yours about other toxic chemicals like aluminum, plastics, and fluoride. As a result of finding this site, I am on my 5th. Day of using ACV, eliminating all artificial sweeteners and most sugar out of my diet as well as MSG. I'm drinking distilled water and eating more healthfully. My question is... I have a filtered water pitcher and didn't know if this is a safe alternative to tap water, so I'm drinking distilled water until I find out for sure. While at the store yesterday, I read the box from a filter for my pitcher and it said it delivers a safe level of fluoride for health. I bought the filter, but won't use it until I find out if it's safe. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

Thank you! Cindy

Replied by Jay
(Toronto, Ont, Canada)

Cindy, I have been using only distilled water for drinking( with the only exceptions being occasional fruit or vegetable juices) over 15 years now. In my opinion there are way too many differemt substances that are in the ground water of our planet to ever think that filtering will remove them. Only the distillation process completely eliminates a vast number of them. Again, in my opinion filtering is a cosmetic treatment and is promoted mainly based on taste, appearance and a few pollutants only. There are some that suggest distilled water will leach out minerals from your body but again I feel that it is great if distilled water leaches out materials then it could also possibly leach out other sourced toxins from the body. For those that don't feel they already ingest enough good and necessary amounts of minerals they can add a small quantity of sea salt to the containers of distilled water to provide safe trace minerals. Regards

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

From the information I have read, no level of fluoride is safe for the health. As far as I know, fluoridation has been forbidden for many years here in Europe. Still, my daughters, born in Holland after that were prescribed fluoride tablets by their pediatrician for many years. Nowadays I avoid anything which contains fluoride, especially toothpaste but even the floss contains fluoride and salt at well. One has to read all the labels! Water here in France seems to be quite bad (and expensive too! ) so we have a Brita filter on the tap but when we buy our own house we want to have a well and maybe have a system to filtrate it and use only that water.

Replied by Lynn
(Somewhere, Nevada)

Fluoride is found naturally in the water in many places in the world. I know a family of 5 children who were all conceived and grew to adulthood in an area where there is a lot of fluoride in the water. They all had wonderful teeth and bones, no cavities. Three of them lived into their 90s, one over 100, and the fifth one to age 79 even tho having suffered rheumatic fever in her teens. People were having fibro, although not called that, long before fluoride was added to drinking water. I think we need to look elsewhere for our problems.

Replied by Ray
(Calgary, Alberta)

As far as I have heard no "filter" can take out Fluoride. Thus if somebody says their filter "delivers a safe level of fluoride" then they are probably just playing with words, meaning they just delivering, unfiltered, straight through to you, the fluoride that is in the water, which they consider to be safe, with "safe" as determined by government regulations and specifications (if there are any). (small comfort.)

The only way to get fluoride-free wate is distillation and reverse-osmosis. If you want to get fluoride out of your water then you should investigate a reverse-osmosis or distillation system, and leave filters to those who blindly accept pat vague phrases.

Even the health stores do this word play game. For example I recently went to get fish oil and found they all were flavored, apple, orange, etc. I read the ingredient list to find some mysterious ingredient called "natural flavor. " Now what is that? Why all the mystery? If it is apple flavor in apple fish oil then what not say "apple peel" or "apple juice" or so on. Why some vague words like "natural flavor?" Obviously to hide what is in it. MSG is "natural" and so is fluoride. So "natural" is a meaningless word. Why are health food companies playing such word games? Why are health food stores accepting products that play such word games. I refused to buy it, saying I don't want additives in my fish oil and the person at the health store even swore left and right that it was not an additive! As if fish come with apples stuck in their mouths. It looks to me like something was added, and that makes it an add-itive. Just because it is a health food store, or a water filter company, doesn't mean you should blindly trust them. It doesn't mean they care about your health. Ask for things in writing. And reject vague words and double-talk.

So don't be blindsided by water filter companies and their word games. Ask to see proof if they claim it takes out fluoride, or any other thing. Look for the word "removes" or "takes out" and not just vague words like "delivers a safe level."

Replied by Ray
(Calgary, Alberta)

It's always good to keep an open mind and "look elsewhere".... As long as you still look at Fluoride. Saying you know someone who lived to 90 and drank fluoride is not scientific. I know people who lived to 90 and smoked cigaretters all their lives. On that evidence would you care for a smoke? And my brother had one bad Ford and thinks "all" fords are rotten cars. That is not scientific.

One example proves nothing. Especially since we don't know why they might have overcome fluoride, resisted carcinogenic fumes or why a machine produced a lemon car. Statistically there will always be exceptions. But most people go with averages and general trends. Living by expecting you will always be one of the exceptions is a dangerous way to live.

Replied by Alice
(Mississippi, US)

I agree that FLORIDE is a problem with our health, and I do have fibromyalgia.

I drink spring water.

I have noticed that the only things people are talking about is drinking water, but you get much more fluoride in your body when you bathe than you do from drinking. Especially if you are like me and love a long hot soak to ease your painful muscles. Also, when you brush your teeth you need a bottle of water so you won't use the city water with fluoride. Same applies to cooking. I hope people are still following this thread.

Replied by Wayne

The problem with flouride is that the ratio too much / not enough is small. To paraphrase from J. D. Wallach's books Rare Earths and Let's Play Doctor, In 1972 Schwartz proved that flouride was an essential mineral. 1.5 mg/day is needed but the average dayly intake by Americans is 4.4 mg. Skeletal reserves in an addult man reach 2.6 grams.

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